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don't ask me for codes
Pallaris said:
can someone explain why sometimes there's a spawn countdown timer and other times not... I know it's trivial but still.

When you "die", you can be revived. But you can get a fatal shot while waiting for revival. If someone keeps shooting, this will often happen. Explosions will tend to do this as well, although I'm not sure what the conditions are. Or if you get killed by a shotgun blast to the head - can't be revived when you're missing a head.

Sometimes it's a good idea to just keep waiting for revival instead of respawning the moment the timer is down to 0. Also, when you're the assassination target and you get downed - never ever respawn when the timer goes to 0. Just wait and hope a medic revives you before an enemy shoots you down. I've won assassinations even though the enemy "killed" me.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
tiddles said:
I don't think there's anything like that planned at the moment, but you never know...

No biggie.


Tempy said:
When you "die", you can be revived. But you can get a fatal shot while waiting for revival. If someone keeps shooting, this will often happen. Explosions will tend to do this as well, although I'm not sure what the conditions are. Or if you get killed by a shotgun blast to the head - can't be revived when you're missing a head.

Sometimes it's a good idea to just keep waiting for revival instead of respawning the moment the timer is down to 0. Also, when you're the assassination target and you get downed - never ever respawn when the timer goes to 0. Just wait and hope a medic revives you before an enemy shoots you down. I've won assassinations even though the enemy "killed" me.

ahh right. thanks for clearing that up.

Rolf NB

Lince said:
1.27 official change list

lots of bolding = well done Guerrilla, too bad about server info... next patch hopefully!
and still no fix for the bodycount exploit... ???
Yeah, I'd have hoped for a forced respawn after 30~45 seconds to prevent all kinds of nonsense clans were doing.


TTP said:
Will join as full tactician. Yep, air drones are useful now. :)


Edit: btw, getting back to KZ2 after almost a month is... OMG did it always look this good? So nice.

Awesome to have you back but uh-oh on the tactician front - we're going to lose the game due to having too many stubborn tacticians who wont play as anything else :lol.

Still no BC/S&R exploit fixes infuriates me but I'll be surprised if they ever get fixed so I wasn't expecting them.

Rolf NB

Tempy said:
When you "die", you can be revived. But you can get a fatal shot while waiting for revival. If someone keeps shooting, this will often happen. Explosions will tend to do this as well, although I'm not sure what the conditions are. Or if you get killed by a shotgun blast to the head - can't be revived when you're missing a head.

Sometimes it's a good idea to just keep waiting for revival instead of respawning the moment the timer is down to 0. Also, when you're the assassination target and you get downed - never ever respawn when the timer goes to 0. Just wait and hope a medic revives you before an enemy shoots you down. I've won assassinations even though the enemy "killed" me.
Headshots kill. Damage after being fatally wounded kills. Some direct damage may be strong enough to kill immediately, even without a headshot (C4 bundles, rockets).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GAFe guys are gonna play tonight?
Just testing my new avatar here.... :D


ok I just played a couple of games with GAFe king Cagen and...

OMG @ the amount of players rage quitting after "tasting" no invincibility when spawning !!!!! :lol
if tacticians don't adapt soon to the new battlefield conditions I foresee a huge increase in bodycount-only games or just more people quitting KZ2 for good, I personally love it since I played with Cagen and he knows where to place spawns even with the new settings.

btw airbots are GODLY know, I placed a couple in the main plaza on VS during C&H and get 7 kills !! just during that mission ! :lol
also has recoil been toned down for Helghast rifle?

amazing game, too bad about the server info and our dear friend the lag (after playing the smooth U2 Beta....) but KZ2 is slowly getting there.
New controls are much improved, yes, but after messing around online for a couple minutes before work I still don't think they're tight enough to make me keep the game.

It's less GG's fault and more Sony's and my own acceptance level. The Dual Shock is such a shitty controller it's incredible. WHY ARE YOUR ANALOG STICKS LOOSER THAN A 2 DOLLAR WHORE?


Lince said:
ok I just played a couple of games with GAFe king Cagen and...

OMG @ the amount of players rage quitting after "tasting" no invincibility when spawning !!!!! :lol if tacticians don't adapt soon to the new battlefield conditions I foresee a huge increase in bodycount-only games or just more people quitting KZ2 for good, I personally love it since I played with Cagen and he knows where to place spawns even with the new settings.

btw airbots are GODLY know, I placed a couple in the main plaza on VS during C&H and get 7 kills !! just during that mission ! :lol
also has recoil been toned down for Helghast rifle?

amazing game, too bad about the server info and our dear friend the lag (after playing the smooth U2 Beta....) but KZ2 is slowly getting there.



The Interrobanger said:
New controls are much improved, yes, but after messing around online for a couple minutes before work I still don't think they're tight enough to make me keep the game.

It's less GG's fault and more Sony's and my own acceptance level. The Dual Shock is such a shitty controller it's incredible. WHY ARE YOUR ANALOG STICKS LOOSER THAN A 2 DOLLAR WHORE?

take some screw out off your 360 pad and stick your micropenis in it, why do you have to post such bullshit in this thread?


what???!?!??!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!? update???????? got to play now....

btw, you fucks better quit uncharted 2 and come back to KZ2 now!!!!! i feel so left out since i didn't get a code for uncharted2....*goes to corner and cries... :'(


Lince said:
ok I just played a couple of games with GAFe king Cagen and...

OMG @ the amount of players rage quitting after "tasting" no invincibility when spawning !!!!! :lol
if tacticians don't adapt soon to the new battlefield conditions I foresee a huge increase in bodycount-only games or just more people quitting KZ2 for good, I personally love it since I played with Cagen and he knows where to place spawns even with the new settings.

btw airbots are GODLY know, I placed a couple in the main plaza on VS during C&H and get 7 kills !! just during that mission ! :lol
also has recoil been toned down for Helghast rifle?

amazing game, too bad about the server info and our dear friend the lag (after playing the smooth U2 Beta....) but KZ2 is slowly getting there.

To be honest there aren't good places to deploy spawn points any more, there are just better places then others. All you have to do is search out the enemies spawn, station a couple of people to camp it and it becomes null and void. Lince and I camped one of the enemies spawn points on our S&D defend which was placed a fair way away from the objective and easily racked up 25 kills, likely more as I wasn't counting.

It does put a stop to deploying a spawn point right on top of the S&D objective and abusing your invulnerability though, which is a good thing. Squad leaders are going to become more important to keep alive and hidden to act as a mobile spawn point that can't be camped.


Cagen said:
Squad leaders are going to become more important to keep alive and hidden to act as a mobile spawn point that can't be camped.


we practiced this shit a lot when playing "harcore" GAFe KZ2 sessions, now it's time to perfect and abuse it to win our clan games... too bad we only have one clan game left before we say goodbye to KZ2 :lol we should keep playing, it's a lot more tactical and fun now


The Interrobanger said:
Because it directly relates to my enjoyment of the game we're discussing?

The Interrobanger said:
The Dual Shock is such a shitty controller it's incredible. WHY ARE YOUR ANALOG STICKS LOOSER THAN A 2 DOLLAR WHORE?

bullshit and lies, get a new DS3, yours is obviously broken.

Fersis said:

EDGE best heel wrestler on the WWE. :mad:

OMG Fersis :lol :lol :lol


Not pure anymore!
The Interrobanger said:
New controls are much improved, yes, but after messing around online for a couple minutes before work I still don't think they're tight enough to make me keep the game.

It's less GG's fault and more Sony's and my own acceptance level. The Dual Shock is such a shitty controller it's incredible. WHY ARE YOUR ANALOG STICKS LOOSER THAN A 2 DOLLAR WHORE?
Wow... Yeah, what Lince said!!


bish gets all the credit :)
I think I'm going to hate the air-bots. They really shouldn't be powerful at all. If anything, they should have toned down the stationary bots.


KZ2 seems to be more fun post-patch.

Not sold on the precision controls though. It just seems like they have higher sensitivity, making it harder to aim from long range. Default controls have better accuracy imo.


Junior Butler
alr1ghtstart said:
I think I'm going to hate the air-bots. They really shouldn't be powerful at all. If anything, they should have toned down the stationary bots.

Yeah, I don't know about that. It's not like their difficult to take out. They need to be able to serve a purpose.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I don't get it. What does this mean? Can anyone explain in stupid how GG fixed the spawn grenades?

As soon as you spawn you can be damaged, previously there was a 2-3 second invulnerability given to the player.

If you come out of a spawn now with enemies by it, you will die before you even realise where you are.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I don't get it. What does this mean? Can anyone explain in stupid how GG fixed the spawn grenades?

well basically it means you can get killed the very instant you spawn in any place but your base, prior to the patch people would place spawns close to the objectives thus taking advantage of the invincibility time to plant / defuse / place turrets / run away to a vantage point / kill a couple enemies.... now you got to be careful where you place the spawns, Tacticians are game-deciders now.

stealth edit: double-beaten


It's a good patch imo. The new controls are way better. Feels a lot more fluid controlling the aiming now which is great. No spawn invicibility is way better to but people are still throwing spawns in the objective rooms. Some people are just retards I guess.

Also airbots can actually get kills now. It takes a long time to take an airbot out now which is good. Finally able to get my tactitian badge hopefully.

Sqauds are persistant now and don't break up even when there is a map change. Have yet to join a friend but good to see that I will be able to join there side and squad automatically.
Okay, thanks. I'm glad about airbots being more powerful. Can't wait to try it out. I'll still continue to throw the spawn grenades and airbots near enemy base. :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I don't get it. What does this mean? Can anyone explain in stupid how GG fixed the spawn grenades?

Fixed? IDK

Basically I can just randomly chuck grenades into a spawn point now and hope to get some free kills when someone respawns.


shadowsdarknes said:
Fixed? IDK

Basically I can just randomly chuck grenades into a spawn point now and hope to get some free kills when someone respawns.

Just put c4 next to the spawn grenade, instantly kills people after they spawn.


Just tried it out, Skirmish first then online. I was struggling with the precision aim at first during skirmish. The combination of high responsiveness for small movements and low turning speed was difficult to handle. You have to increase the sensitivity for the turning speed, but then the small movements were over sensitive.

Played an online match tho and did fine, so I think I'm used to it now. It won't be a problem. I do prefer the old controls tho it had the perfect balance, but as everyone will use these new ones I'll just stick with it. After few games you can tell there's a difference but you don't really notice it if you know what I mean. I was fine with them after the first game.

The no spawn invincibility is a breath of fresh air, but getting shotgunned in the back of the head as soon as you spawn is not. :lol People now need to learn to protect their spawns, check them for campers, set up turrets near them, (This is mostly during bodycount when it's all about the kills), my team obviously wasn't doing that, and to make it worse I was the only tactician on the team of course *rolls eyes* and I was placing spawns like I used to do out of habbit, which just wont cut it anymore. I was getting a lot of people killed. It wasn't always my fault, as I said I was the only tactician on the team and people were too chicken shit to actually pick up the speaker or do anything really so I had to try and do most things myself, it's difficult trying to deliver the speaker and keep 2 spawns up in the correct place at all times. Luckily Lince was there, so we were a two man team as always. :p

Squad leaders become a lot more important, they need to head towards the objective as soon as it starts and not run around trying to kill people, so tacticians can spawn and place spawn grenades in the right places as fast as possible. More teamwork is needed, and less "throw a random spawn down and spam the objective with invincibility until victory!"

One complaint tho, as Spawn Placements are much more important now, throwing of the spawn needs to be more precise. During C&H I wanted to place a spawn in the corner but it bounced and went to the side allowing someone to to stand behind it in the corner and shotgun people in the head as they spawn. It's hard to measure a throw of a spawn when there's people around and you have to place one before you die. Especially when there's only 1 tactician on the team.

And of course there's my usual complaint of shooting some Italian player in the FACE and not have it register as a headshot but hey, what can you do?
Dedicated servers that's what :p

The automatically being placed on the same team as your friends in a auto balanced game and joining the same squad automatically and staying in that squad through multiple games is awesome. Still need more search options but it was very convenient. Good stuff.


FFObsessed said:
Just tried it out, Skirmish first then online. I was struggling with the precision aim at first during skirmish. The combination of high responsiveness for small movements and low turning speed was difficult to handle. You have to increase the sensitivity for the turning speed, but then the small movements were over sensitive.

Played an online match tho and did fine, so I think I'm used to it now. It won't be a problem. I do prefer the old controls tho it had the perfect balance, but as everyone will use these new ones I'll just stick with it. After few games you can tell there's a difference but you don't really notice it if you know what I mean. I was fine with them after the first game.

The no spawn invincibility is a breath of fresh air, but getting shotgunned in the back of the head as soon as you spawn is not. :lol People now need to learn to protect their spawns, check them for campers, set up turrets near them, (This is mostly during bodycount when it's all about the kills), my team obviously wasn't doing that, and to make it worse I was the only tactician on the team of course *rolls eyes* and I was placing spawns like I used to do out of habbit, which just wont cut it anymore. I was getting a lot of people killed. It wasn't always my fault, as I said I was the only tactician on the team and people were too chicken shit to actually pick up the speaker or do anything really so I had to try and do most things myself, it's difficult trying to deliver the speaker and keep 2 spawns up in the correct place at all times. Luckily Lince was there, so we were a two man team as always. :p

Squad leaders become a lot more important, they need to head towards the objective as soon as it starts and not run around trying to kill people, so tacticians can spawn and place spawn grenades in the right places as fast as possible. More teamwork is needed, and less "throw a random spawn down and spam the objective with invincibility until victory!"

One complaint tho, as Spawn Placements are much more important now, throwing of the spawn needs to be more precise. During C&H I wanted to place a spawn in the corner but it bounced and went to the side allowing someone to to stand behind it in the corner and shotgun people in the head as they spawn. It's hard to measure a throw of a spawn when there's people around and you have to place one before you die. Especially when there's only 1 tactician on the team.

And of course there's my usual complaint of shooting some Italian player in the FACE and not have it register as a headshot but hey, what can you do?
Dedicated servers that's what :p

The automatically being placed on the same team as your friends in a auto balanced game and joining the same squad automatically and staying in that squad through multiple games is awesome. Still need more search options but it was very convenient. Good stuff.

I was destroying the other team with an engineer :lol Yea no spawn invincibility is fun. I was protecting my spawns with turrets. I kept getting people who tried to spawn camp. It was a lot of fun.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I think Tacticians should deploy spawn points AND air drones on top of them for defensive purpose (if possible of course).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Firewire said:
Can't wait to download the patch tonight!

@ Ferris: Didn't that Edge (wrestler) guy die not to long ago?
Maybe you mean 'Test' ?
EDGE is too awesome to die.:D


Fersis said:
Maybe you mean 'Test' ?
EDGE is too awesome to die.:D

Famous last words :lol

TheFatOne said:
I was destroying the other team with an engineer :lol Yea no spawn invincibility is fun. I was protecting my spawns with turrets. I kept getting people who tried to spawn camp. It was a lot of fun.

Yeah people are attracted to spawns like flies on shit. :lol It's great placing a counter spawn then coming up behind those camping assholes.


Cagen said:
Just put c4 next to the spawn grenade, instantly kills people after they spawn.

yeah I was afraid of this kind of shit when they announced this new feature where K/D whores will camp near respawns and just keep killing the poor respawn bastards...just watch GG switch it back to invincible respawn after all the crying again :lol :lol

can't wait to try the new controls after work, may be I can finally finish SP with the new controls .. fucking last level!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaarrrrggghhh


FFObsessed said:
Yeah people are attracted to spawns like flies on shit. :lol It's great placing a counter spawn then coming up behind those camping assholes.

and what if camping assholes place a counter to your counter????? :lol :lol :lol
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