tiddles said:
To those who don't like the new spawning, do you mostly play Bodycount Only, or Warzone with all the objectives?
I play both, and it has very much made the game a terrible experience in Warzone, and it's not as big of a deal in Warzone.
Please change spawn invincibility back but in a slightly reduced timespan after respawn. Make it less than it was, I'd say, but the game needs it. Don't listen to these clan guys whom are all about playing in their insular well managed goups, removing spawn invinsibility has made the game a worse experience for the
majority in public games because of all the cheap exploits. Just put it back in as much as is needed to stop the blatant cheese (like not even being able to move before you die because of C4/Rocket/someone going up to the spawn and just hitting the melee button) and please consider.
Putting in proximity restrictions for dynamic spawns for certain objects like S&D. Removing Spawn invincibility hasn't helped that mode one bit, in fact it's just made it the same old cluster fuck of people throwing down a spawn directly at the objective and spawn/kill/die within one second. That's not fun gameplay!
What would be fun is if you restricted how close each side could have a dynamic spawn to the actual S&D objectives. That way the tactics of holding and taking the areas would be much more important, as well as staying alive within the area if you're a squad leader, ad staying alive period to keep the infastructure of the defense going or making a proper beachhead into the defenders territory. It makes your individual actions and lifespan within the mode much more important, and it's just not in the current setup where your only value is pretty much zerging the enemy in a way of which side can get lucky enough (choose the most assault classes) to eventually push the enemy back or which team forgets to renew their spawn.
Not to mention that by putting spawn invincibility back in you effectively resolve the rampant rocket/C4/melee exploits. the Invincibility period was a little too long before, but without it are even more ways for teams to just create unfun experiences for players. Even increasing the radius of where the players spawn won't do too much good when the giant plum of smoke leads to that spot being camped by 2 turrents, air sentries, and someone just saying off to the side with their weapon in Iron Sights. Players need a chance to even orient themselves in the slightest before being 1 hit killed!
Please also consider:
Removing or restricting rockets Frankly, I don';t know how GG devs feel about rockets in MP, and I understand their intended use (for punching through fortified defense/turrets/airbots) but the weapon in practice has just led to rampant abuse. Basically once a decent contingent of players choose to be assault (and as the most powerful class this tends to happen) they'll just start 'spawning, firing a rocket for kills, dying, rince repeat. And this whole problem is made even worse now that there's no spawn invincibility to at least give the players a chance to do something before the rocket hits (all too often you'll spawn, and before your screen has even switched over to first person view you'll die). There's a reason that about half, if not more, of the servers I've seen either remove rockets or ban the assault class, or both, and this is still going on post patch because rockets just break the game for many people.
This patch was great for
- Automating squads for friends
- The team balancing changes
- The new shooting mode
- Making classes a bit more important (due to the Engineer tweaks and general balancing)
Thanks for listening.