Zen said:Tharsis Depot is basically unplayable since they decided to introduce a host of new cheap exploits by removing spawn invincibility. At least with spawn invincibility the game had a bit more consideration from moment to moment, now it's just more of a poorly designed shit show with a lot more 'spawn/die' even outside of objectives that ultimately makes the entire experience worse and a lot less paced than before. At least with the crappy S&D gameplay you use to have a few moments to do something before you died. I hasn't altered how people use spawns in any effective way, sure they jump around a bit more, but so what. They're all camped within an instant, no matter how good the tactician.
S&D still sucks, in fact it's clearly worse than before for most players. Good or bad tacticians means little for the fact that the fundamental problem of S&D went untouched. The problem is still one of relative distance between both teams being unbalanced on default (which would be fine were there but a limit on this next part) and equal at worst (0M from objective).
I look forward to watching the player base continue to drop, as it should.
I'm done with this game as anything other than a trophy generator.
Kittonwy said:People asked for spawn invincibility to be removed, players adapt, now we have people like yourself now complaining about the invincibility being removed.
The game now rewards team-work even more, you have to guard the spawn point now, so it's best to play with a clan.
shagg_187 said:People really wanted spawn invincibility to be removed?
Kittonwy said:I'll probably buy the new maps, not sure how they're pricing it though, they should release them cheap enough so lots of people have it and include the first map pack with this one at a reasonable price.
What kind of gameplay can we expect on these maps?
MP-11 Beach Head is very much a tug-of-war, with two factions constantly trying to advance the front line in the other direction. MP-12 Southern Hills has a classic Capture The Flag-style layout with large open areas and mirrored bases, but the nuclear blast adds an element of unpredictability. In terms of player numbers, both maps are ideally suited for 8-24 players. This isn't a hard limit, though - they can still be played with 32 participants for some frantic fun.
Bearillusion said:8-24 because that's how many people will be using them online. Am I right? Is this thing on?
MP-12 Southern Hills has a classic Capture The Flag-style layout with large open areas and mirrored bases, but the nuclear blast adds an element of unpredictability. In terms of player numbers, both maps are ideally suited for 8-24 players.
Lince said:this map sounds nice, like Salamun Market but with nukes falling from the sky :lol :lol
oh Guerrilla... why? just, why?
TTP said:Hey I love that.
Lince said:the nuke blast in the middle of the game? who are you and what have you done to TTP?
Bearillusion said:Hands on reports say that it caused the framerate to drop to sub 20 for 30 seconds. Sometimes longer. Which would be annoying if it weren't for the fact that I just made that up.
TTP said:Yeah, what's the problem with that? It's not like you die all of a sudden without warning. There is a siren going off before the blast. Seriously, what's wrong with that?
Lince said:and yeah, yesterday I played some games with GAFe and Tacticians keep placing spawns stupidly wrong, what the? do people never learn?
Thrakier said:There is a private KZ2 board. I told all players to place stupid spawn points, just to annoy you. Yeah, that's right. Sorry.
careful said:Just got the last map pack recently and only played the map a few times on the first day. I've since dropped them from rotation since a lot of people still don't have them and can't join. Good chances I'm skipping this pack unless I know people will play it (aka make it free Sony).
Kuroyume said:That's because Radec and Tharsis are the best maps.
Also, shoutout to Visari Hammer. Love that map.Lince said:for bodycount maybe, but the best maps for tactical approach to the objectives in warzone are HI & SM
FFObsessed said:I actually found a game with next to no lag last night as well, must have been a UK host, and I went 108-12 :lol So much fun.
needlesmcgirk said:Last night I was whipping some more ass and I got disconnected. Anyone know what happens to the stats you rack up in a round you are disconnected from? I'm pretty sure I was going to get at least 2 ribbons as well but don't think I obtained them seeing as I was disconnected.
Lince said:Brits haz no skills
FFObsessed said::lol True! Good job I'm only half brittish!
FFObsessed said:Yep! Viva Espana!
FFObsessed said:Teens in a swimming pool? I'm coming over!
Lince said:I need to find my Tactician clothes and place a spawn near the pool so you can respawn here, don't forget your ISA swimsuit since we have some airbot pets and turrets in the garden.
Thrakier said:You guys really have something special going on there. Really...special. I feel used now, FFO. FU.
Firewire said:So is Flash & Thunder confirmed for today?
mr_nothin said:Yessir. It sure is. You buying?
Dibbz said:Just bought Flash and Thunder. Downloading now. £4 something seemed like a good price.
FFObsessed and Lince man love is now legendary as GAFe triumph on the GG tournament.Thrakier said:You guys really have something special going on there. Really...special. I feel used now, FFO. FU.