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Why would anyone want spawn invulnerability back? It just lead to a spawn grenade from each team beside the objective and a horrible grind until one team got lucky.

I'm fairly happy for the game to stay as is tbh.

One cool idea though. When S&D starts, you get one life. Another possibility could be you can keep spawning until your SL dies. (though that'd probably be exploitable) S&D is the one game mode which I feel is slightly crap. Takin spawn invulnerability out helped, but it's still fairly messy, and in public games with blind tacticians...complete shite.


Wow, the graphics on these new maps are MIND BLOWING. OM NOM NOM NOM...

And I think TTP is finally off his rocker. The matches we played were mostly standard KZ2 MP fare.


TTP said:
Believe me, no team coordination can magically transform KZ2 clusterfucks into something even remotely understandable.

There will always be some clusterfuck with the way KZ2 is designed.

TTP said:
Remember I'm only talking situations when number of players > number of players actually supported by the map.

That I can agree with but then why play those games?

I think the game is pretty good now after the latest patch except for server info. Most likely it will stay the same. GG can't please every one and they have done a lot to please the KZ2 players than most devs would do.


one thing GG could do to fix every complaint in KZ2:

keep things the same as now but force RANKED SERVERS to be 8v8 (2 squads each team). UNRANKED SERVERS can have any combination of players they want :p
TTP said:
Believe me, no team coordination can magically transform KZ2 clusterfucks into something even remotely understandable. Seriously, it's just spawn and die praying some of your bullets hit something in the process.
Dying a lot doesn't mean the game is "unplayable". I play large games with randoms all the time, and the experience varies. With dummies who only know Assault spam on your side, things get just as crazy as you say. But with smart, focused teammates you stay alive for long periods, even on Tharsis with 32 players. Team play really does help immensely.

Just because you prefer the slower, more tactical experience provided by lower player counts doesn't make all other styles shit. Frankly, I prefer it too...but I'm not driven crazy by the occasional intense death experience.
Saw the video for the 2 new maps. I still can't believe how good this game looks :lol

Uncharted 2 is going to have a hard time beating KZ2 as most beautiful game out there.


Maybe getting stuck with Tharsis like 3/4 matches with high player counts just pissed me off a bit much. Tharsis is soo terrible with high player counts post 1.27. But after being on the verge of swearing off the game I decided to play some more with my friend and actually found 30 player Objectives Blood Gratch/Corinth Crossing to be surprisingly... more tactical... I then went and played a very fun objectives 8v8 (that became 4v4) on Tharsis.So maybe I had a meltdown the other day, the play experience depends on the map/players/ and what's on/disabled (luckily most servers now remove rockets!). I'll be getting the new maps, and a lot of people seem to be playing Steel/Titainum out of nowhere. Maybe the DLC maps will get more play now that there are 4 in total.
icechai said:
one thing GG could do to fix every complaint in KZ2:

keep things the same as now but force RANKED SERVERS to be 8v8 (2 squads each team). UNRANKED SERVERS can have any combination of players they want :p

That would be awesome. That and server info is all the game needs.
The new maps are amazing. Beach Head is small (about Tharsis size without all the blind corners) but is absolutely stunning. It seems to favour the front line brawls but there are a lot of little areas for the snipers to have their fun.

Southernhills is a bit bigger than Salamun and seems to be based on similar gaming principles. The environmental hazard and the after effects are breathtaking and will definitely change the way the game is played.

If you have any love for KZ2, please get these maps.

Thank you again GG for all your support.


Hmmm... just got a connection error.

The graphics on Beachhead are quite simply the best graphics I have ever seen in my life. Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Kittonwy said:
It's getting pretty tiring when GG actually goes about fixing things people complained about and some people seem to be never satisfied.

People complained about spawns being dropped right on objectives and not being able to disable them once they were. Fixed? No.


Goldrusher said:

"Now, like a trailer park girl on prom night, we need to dress our nuclear explosion up a bit. Let's start by adding some bloom effects and particles."


Narville is afw, he should be the main character for the next game.


Only played a couple matches of Beachhead, but it's the worst of the two. Couldn't they have elongated it or something? It's one of the smallest maps in the game, feels cluttered even with 18 players.


Insane Metal said:
Saw the video for the 2 new maps. I still can't believe how good this game looks :lol

Uncharted 2 is going to have a hard time beating KZ2 as most beautiful game out there.

KZ2 has it beat in MP judging the beta imho.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just loaded it up again for the first time since the patch. The new aiming tweaks are wonderful! The game feels so much more fun. While I never had a serious issue in single player, the multiplayer was nearly unplayable for me previously. The high precision option really made it much more fun and I spent more than an hour online. Had an absolute blast and finally felt in control.

Single player felt even better as well.

It's a shame they didn't ship the game with this tweak as it really makes for a more responsive game.

I still can't get over the visuals. Killzone 2 remains the most impressive looking game I've ever seen in motion. So many incredible details. The visuals actually improve the game experience for me. Even old school game modes like death match become enjoyable when the world you're playing in looks so impressive. The atmosphere is off the charts.


Kittonwy said:
It's getting pretty tiring when GG actually goes about fixing things people complained about and some people seem to be never satisfied.
It's damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.

dark10x said:
Just loaded it up again for the first time since the patch. The new aiming tweaks are wonderful! The game feels so much more fun. While I never had a serious issue in single player, the multiplayer was nearly unplayable for me previously. The high precision option really made it much more fun and I spent more than an hour online. Had an absolute blast and finally felt in control.

Single player felt even better as well.

It's a shame they didn't ship the game with this tweak as it really makes for a more responsive game.

I still can't get over the visuals. Killzone 2 remains the most impressive looking game I've ever seen in motion. So many incredible details. The visuals actually improve the game experience for me. Even old school game modes like death match become enjoyable when the world you're playing in looks so impressive. The atmosphere is off the charts.
Yeah, I like the high precision mode. I imagine had this mode been there from the get-go, more people would probably be into the game. But at least GG has been listening to player feedback and trying to oblige people.

But yeah, I've hopped back online for some matches and it's been fun. I really should hop into Warzone more often. I play Bodycount all the time. I like it. :D


Still can't buy the map pack from the PSN store due to that stupid "error" message, so we played some regular maps and the games in general were really good. Apart from people quitting when they were losing, but you can't really do anything about that. Went 2-0 up then we all had to switch to the losing side coz everyone quit and we had an epic comeback!

S&D is much better now. No longer do you have a tactician just suicide running a spawn next to the objective then let the rest of team spawn & spawn with invincibility until there's an opening to plant. They're now placed further away and you have to move forward as a team. Sure it can be frustrating if the teams are unbalanced either in number or in ability because you simply can't make it through the other teams defenses, but that's how it should be. It just works now, how it should do. At least in 16 player games which are the best imo.


they need dedicated servers.. why arent they doing dedicated servers? i mean Resistance had dedicated servers day one and so does other sony first parties.. why can't GG have them? The MP is shit lag for people outside of US or EU


Kittonwy said:
It's getting pretty tiring when GG actually goes about fixing things people complained about and some people seem to be never satisfied.

KZ2 is very complicated with a lot of different elements melded together. GG are never going to be able to satisfy everyone. But I don't think I've seen anyone complain about something, then when it's fixed complained again and asked for it to be changed back, like is being implied.

The game is much improved after the latest patch. With spawn invincibility gone the game plays a lot better, automatically joining friends when entering a game and automatically being put in the same squad, which is persistent, is excellent. Makes it better to join auto balanced games now so you start off with equal numbers and can play with friends on your team.

I don't like that they increased the air bots damage so much, you step out and half your health disappears sometimes. I thought they needed their A.I. tweaked so they no longer flew into each other and into walls, maybe their health increased a little as well but not damage, and certainly not by so much. It's not that big a deal tho.

High precision controls, I notice a difference but it doesn't appear to have had any affect on my killing ability so that's fine. I'd still like to have as much auto-aim as possible removed, especially when it comes to headshots with all weapons and the general auto-aim of the M4. But seeing as they increased the M4's auto-aim with the last patch I doubt we'll see that, but it's also not that big a deal.

All the game really needs, that Guerrilla Games are able to provide at this point, is more search options/filters. I've been asking for that since launch and don't understand why they actually removed one search option instead of adding a lot more.

Killzone 2 online has been improved greatly by GGs patches and the game is awesome.


hteng said:
they need dedicated servers.. why arent they doing dedicated servers? i mean Resistance had dedicated servers day one and so does other sony first parties.. why can't GG have them? The MP is shit lag for people outside of US or EU

I'd guess that it was SCEE's fault. The best thing Guerrilla Games could do for the franchise is make sure that KZ3 has dedicated servers.


The new maps are incredible.

They're Salamun Market quality.

The graphics continue to fucking impress, too. As dark10x said, this game is just a marvel in artistic design/tech.


Kittonwy said:
It's getting pretty tiring when GG actually goes about fixing things people complained about and some people seem to be never satisfied.
If your fixes result "spawn camping" then people will complain...

Imagine you play a public game with other nine people , it's 5vs5 thanks to GG's auto-balance fix... When you're playing , your 4 friends decide to join the game and guess what ; it's 9 vs 5 now , what a fix ...


JardeL said:
If your fixes result "spawn camping" then people will complain...

Imagine you play a public game with other nine people , it's 5vs5 thanks to GG's auto-balance fix... When you're playing , your 4 friends decide to join the game and guess what ; it's 9 vs 5 now , what a fix ...

Spawn camping is the result of shitty spawns and shitty team mates that don't defend spawn points.


JardeL said:
If your fixes result "spawn camping" then people will complain...

Imagine you play a public game with other nine people , it's 5vs5 thanks to GG's auto-balance fix... When you're playing , your 4 friends decide to join the game and guess what ; it's 9 vs 5 now , what a fix ...

People complained there was no party system, they fixed it so that people can play together, just because 4 friends want to join it doesn't prevent a bunch of randoms from filling the rest of the slots mid-game. It's never going to be fair when you have a bunch of friends who are accustomed to playing together as a team versus a bunch of fucking randoms, in fact it should NOT be fair because a bunch of friends who are accustomed to playing on the same team should ALWAYS beat the living crap out of a bunch of fucking retarded randoms.


JardeL said:
If your fixes result "spawn camping" then people will complain...

Imagine you play a public game with other nine people , it's 5vs5 thanks to GG's auto-balance fix... When you're playing , your 4 friends decide to join the game and guess what ; it's 9 vs 5 now , what a fix ...

yeah, one thing that they should add is auto team switch to balance teams (but keep squads together). Then no one can complain about the squad/party system.


icechai said:
yeah, one thing that they should add is auto team switch to balance teams (but keep squads together). Then no one can complain about the squad/party system.

We've been playing auto-balanced games for the longest time, it's TERRIBLE for learning to play together as a team (not just individual squads).


Kittonwy said:
People complained there was no party system, they fixed it so that people can play together, just because 4 friends want to join it doesn't prevent a bunch of randoms from filling the rest of the slots mid-game. It's never going to be fair when you have a bunch of friends who are accustomed to playing together as a team versus a bunch of fucking randoms, in fact it should NOT be fair because a bunch of friends who are accustomed to playing on the same team should ALWAYS beat the living crap out of a bunch of fucking retarded randoms.

Sure buddy just like when you joe, and lun tried to beat me and a bunch of randoms :lol


TheFatOne said:
Sure buddy just like when you joe, and lun tried to beat me and a bunch of randoms :lol

I blame it on that chato dude who FUCKED UP ALL THE SPAWNS, if there were no randoms on our team you would have gotten destroyed.


gg guys, i like new maps, although its too easy to dominate beach head with a organized push.

new controls take a game of getting used to but once we did it was back to the awesomeness that is kz2. New spawn stuff definitely added a whole different dynamic, sure you get killed there sometimes but you learn to go somewhere else.



And if you are using an sdtv, I recommend that you to not buy this pack. TOO MUCH JIZZ PARTICLE EFFECTS GUERILLA!
wow, these maps are insane! I was playing terrible at first, but then it clicked and I started coming in first every game. It took about 4 games to get the one month rust off of the KZ2 controls. Plus trying out the HP didn't help matters any. I will say once the new controls clicked I liked them quite a lot!

GG tonight guys. I am loving the new patch and new maps so far!


Neo Member
Love the new beachhead map. It looks stunningly good and had lots of fun last night playing it. Hopefully I'll have a chance to check out the other map tonight.
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