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FFObsessed said:
But seeing as they increased the M4's auto-aim with the last patch I doubt we'll see that, but it's also not that big a deal.

Nothing actually changed with the M4 in the last patch... same deal with turrets, a few people seem to think they got stronger but there were no changes (excluding the possibility of some bug that's crept in and no-one has noticed it yet... :D ).

Every change that's made is listed in the list of fixes that gets put out with each patch. There aren't any "stealth changes" - there's usually a section of "various minor tweaks and fixes", but they are exactly that, minor - anything which affects game balance would definitely be detailed in the patch list.


oh man, im back in the groove man
KZ2 skills are back...awesomeness.

Just got 146 Kills...47 deaths...1 suicide (as always lol) and 48 points. I'm a tactician so im low on points. Wish we got assists.


tiddles said:
Nothing actually changed with the M4 in the last patch... same deal with turrets, a few people seem to think they got stronger but there were no changes (excluding the possibility of some bug that's crept in and no-one has noticed it yet... :D ).

Every change that's made is listed in the list of fixes that gets put out with each patch. There aren't any "stealth changes" - there's usually a section of "various minor tweaks and fixes", but they are exactly that, minor - anything which affects game balance would definitely be detailed in the patch list.

So...I would like to play the game in english. But I can't because there is no option to change the language EXCEPT when you start it the very first time. So I would need to delete my savegame which is not an option.

Why did you do it that way, do you plan to change it and if you don't plan to change it, why not?


Thrakier said:
So...I would like to play the game in english. But I can't because there is no option to change the language EXCEPT when you start it the very first time. So I would need to delete my savegame which is not an option.

Why did you do it that way, do you plan to change it and if you don't plan to change it, why not?

I think you would only need to delete the game file not the save file...


the game file is only 50mb...it's worth a try...I know when I re-install games I have to re-do all the initial set up stuff...


Thrakier said:
BTW, I have the UK version of KZ2, can I buy the maps from the german store?

yes, UK and Germany are within the same region for this game, but you won't be able for Infamous' future DLC since Sony decided to split regions within European PAL territories.


F#A#Oo said:
the game file is only 50mb...it's worth a try...I know when I re-install games I have to re-do all the initial set up stuff...

obviously you didn't buy any maps, game file includes latest patch + DLC maps, just saying.


Lince said:
yes, UK and Germany are within the same region for this game, but you won't be able for Infamous' future DLC since Sony decided to split regions within European PAL territories.

Hm hm...I would buy the maps without hesitation if I would knew that I will play them regulary...always that shit with premium priced map packs, I hate it. I almost never played the warhawk add ons just because no one was playing them.


FFObsessed said:
Went 2-0 up then we all had to switch to the losing side coz everyone quit and we had an epic comeback!

yeah we basically won twice during that game :lol

and thanks for taking on the Tactician duties, we're winning every game ! I just want to remind our GAFe fellows that during S&D defend or attack a medic or saboteur isn't as valuable as an engineer, please switch when FFO asks you to... I don't like the class myself and get twice the kills with the ISA rifle but I know when and where turrets should be placed, it really does help the team.
I've had this game since launch but I played this game online for the first time now that I finally finished college. I only played for a few minutes but ended with 18-10, beginners luck I guess? I'll probably be playing a lot since it might be a while until I find a new job.


Lince said:
obviously you didn't buy any maps, game file includes latest patch + DLC maps, just saying.

Indeed I haven't.

Most games actually make a seperate file altogether for the DLC stuff. MotorStorm 1+2, LBP, Dead Space, Street Fighter 4 etc etc have no link to the game file.

So effectively all you lose is latest patch+installation. Which can be a bitch for GT-Prologue or Devil May Cry but KZ2 not so much...


Lince said:
is it solid 8v8? I don't care if the framerate is a mess in 32p games since it's always been that way

So far I only tried it with 15 bots (so 8v8), and it's noticeably worse than on other maps (which are often solid with so many players).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
ok thx, Guerrilla QA is pure crap.
Lag or Framerate issues has nothing to do with QA department at GG quality


I just had a go. I like the new maps a LOT. They should have been the first DLC. The nuke is such awesome way to mix things up mid mission.


Fersis said:
Lag or Framerate issues has nothing to do with QA department at GG quality

of course not, but they should keep sending negative feedback to the coders... same with all the issues before patch 1.27, a lot of bugs and exploits that QA never experienced or, worst scenario, Guerrilla never felt a fix was needed.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
of course not, but they should keep sending negative feedback to the coders... same with all the issues before patch 1.27, a lot of bugs and exploits that QA never experienced or, worst scenario, Guerrilla never felt a fix was needed.
And directors and producers i assume.
Some times happen that you cant fix stuff without making a huge change to the render pipeline or something big like that.
Tough i agree with you that some of the exploits were almost obvious and werent addressed during the 3 or 4 years of development.


tiddles said:
Nothing actually changed with the M4 in the last patch... same deal with turrets, a few people seem to think they got stronger but there were no changes (excluding the possibility of some bug that's crept in and no-one has noticed it yet... :D ).

Every change that's made is listed in the list of fixes that gets put out with each patch. There aren't any "stealth changes" - there's usually a section of "various minor tweaks and fixes", but they are exactly that, minor - anything which affects game balance would definitely be detailed in the patch list.

I was 100% sure auto aim has increased for the M4. I'm not normally one to imagine things, I remember when people were going on about how the controls were different during a "controls tweak" and how GG had ruined it, I didn't notice any difference whatsoever. I've missed with the M4 and the red X still appears away from the character and it counts as a hit, I've never seen that before. I practically shot round a doorway with it the other game and got a kill when I couldn't even see him. The guy actually said: "how the fuck did he shoot me from there?" :lol I replied: "I dunno!"

Also you used to have to wait until most of the recoil and the cross-hair to return before you can hit a guy again at medium range. The other day I just hammered R1 and killed 3 guys in a row :lol That shouldn't have worked or at least it wouldn't have before at that distance.

But, I'll believe you! I guess some of it could be caused by lag? Weird anyway. Well, if you havn't increased it, then there's nothing to stop you from decreasing it now right? :D It's great getting tons of easy kills with it, but it feels cheap to me. Too easy. I think it needs to have the auto-aim reduced so I can no longer snipe snipers with it from miles away :lol

Maybe keep the auto-aim at short distance but remove it completely for long range shots? Is that possible to do?


I didn't really notice any problems with the frame rate but then again I'm not really looking for it. If you focus on these types of things then you will always find stuff to complain about.


I noticed some insane lag in the map with the nuke but I'm pretty sure it was the room itself.. since I tried a different game and it ran fine. It was really strange because normally I can't tell the difference if I'm playing in US, EU, or AUS room.


FFObsessed said:
I was 100% sure auto aim has increased for the M4.

playing last night it didn't seem like it increased at all, the main difference is the high precision aiming coupled with the current auto aim makes it seem like you can knock people off more. But when a good straffer was playing me it was still just as hard to hit him as before, except I can react faster.


icechai said:
playing last night it didn't seem like it increased at all, the main difference is the high precision aiming coupled with the current auto aim makes it seem like you can knock people off more. But when a good straffer was playing me it was still just as hard to hit him as before, except I can react faster.

Really? Weird. I've been having the red X appear when it's not even on the character. Recoil seems to not matter as much.

Maybe the high precision aiming is causing a slight issue with the auto aim, and some laggy Euros make it worse...


Thrakier said:
What exactly does high precision do? I'm still not sure if I like it or not.

slightly aim faster from what i can tell. less weight (catering to all the complainers again, on one hand its quite nice they respond to community so quickly, on another its sad that they don't stand up for their original gameplay designs, as I thought the aiming was great before in the beta, same with the spawn points which they fixed now :p).


Lince said:
yeah we basically won twice during that game :lol

and thanks for taking on the Tactician duties, we're winning every game ! I just want to remind our GAFe fellows that during S&D defend or attack a medic or saboteur isn't as valuable as an engineer, please switch when FFO asks you to... I don't like the class myself and get twice the kills with the ISA rifle but I know when and where turrets should be placed, it really does help the team.

No worries Lince!

When I start to get into playing Tactician I actually really enjoy it. I also love being able to use the ISA rifle instead of the awful shotgun. The only thing that annoys me is that when I'm running about making sure there's two spawns down at all times in the best positions, other people don't seem to bother going for the objective! S&R especially! On that Visari Hammer game they put two spawns near where they had to deliver, so I had to put a spawn down on the opposite side but no one was going across to clear them out and just let them score twice, so I had to kill a few and place a spawn behind them and keeping spawning, killing, dying and trying to clear them out until others followed. Then I had to pick up the speaker and deliver twice when at the same time keeping the spawns up while someone was just camping on an MG *dies of exhaustion* I couldn't play without you! :lol

Tho the last delivery with you, Rick, Gon (I think) and me charging forward together was awesome. Good game that one. Despite the other team quitting so we had to switch and then the other side quit, then we were outnumbered for a bit. Fun games tho.

Also I don't know why I was being ignored when I'd tell someone to switch to Engineer for some turret support or "gtfo that MG and do something!" :lol It was very late so I guess they could have had their volume down... or just chose to ignore me :lol


icechai said:
slightly aim faster from what i can tell. less weight (catering to all the complainers again, on one hand its quite nice they respond to community so quickly, on another its sad that they don't stand up for their original gameplay designs, as I thought the aiming was great before in the beta, same with the spawn points which they fixed now :p).
Well not really...
It doesnt aim faster.

And it isnt less weight.
It completely gets rid of the deadzone and the delayed movement all together. ANY kind of small tap/movement is detected. It's alot more touchy and responsive. There's like absolutely no deadzone at all.

The trade off though, is a higher sensitivity when making smaller movements and less sensitivity when doing larger movements (such as turning). The turn:aim ratio is different. You turn alot slower but when you're aiming at someone...the sensitivity seems higher.

There also seems to be less auto-aim when you're firing from the hip (in comparison to the regular sensitivity mode).

Also, something that I noticed...(and this could be only because my friend's dualshock 3 is going out) the sixaxis feels alot better on high precision mode than the ds3. HP mode pissed me off with the dual shock 3. It's weird to try to explain so I wont...but just know that I couldnt get kills for crap with the ds3.


Thrakier said:
What exactly does high precision do? I'm still not sure if I like it or not.

The graphs on this page are a relatively accurate picture of what changes in HP mode:


(although the parts the poster has labelled Aim Overshoot refers to the reduction of input lag in an earlier patch, which was not changed by 1.27).

Also, there is still a deadzone in HP, just a smaller one than in the default.


FFObsessed said:
I was 100% sure auto aim has increased for the M4. I'm not normally one to imagine things, I remember when people were going on about how the controls were different during a "controls tweak" and how GG had ruined it, I didn't notice any difference whatsoever. I've missed with the M4 and the red X still appears away from the character and it counts as a hit, I've never seen that before. I practically shot round a doorway with it the other game and got a kill when I couldn't even see him. The guy actually said: "how the fuck did he shoot me from there?" :lol I replied: "I dunno!"

Definitely sounds like lag - basically the game is making a guess about what's happening (because not enough information is being transferred), and in this case has guessed badly :D


Thrakier said:
I don't think that I turn any slower.
It definately turns slower if you leave it at the same sensitivity settings.
Or maybe, it's just that the smaller movements are so touchy that I have to lower my sensitivity settings to the point where the smaller movements are manageable but the turn speed becomes slower. There's still a turn speed difference that i've noticed at the samme sensitivity though.


tiddles said:
Definitely sounds like lag - basically the game is making a guess about what's happening (because not enough information is being transferred), and in this case has guessed badly :D

Well, better me getting a kill out of it than him! :p


Well the new maps are incredibly awesome.

Only changes that I want in a new patch is a new server list and 16 player maximum for ranked games. Show me which maps are in rotation and how long is left.

It's so much BS when you join a game that has all the rules completly fucked and 20+ players running around like retards.

Managed to get all the trophies for the 2 new maps yesterday and managed to snag my assaination defend badge. Only one more badge to go and thats the melee one.

Oh also the StA 52 is rubbish. Accuracy is fucked up the ass. I can't hit shit at long range with it but the M82 shots is like a fucking sniper rifles.
So, precision aiming seems to increase the likelihood of getting headshots from the hip at long range. I used to suck with the ISA AR, I haven't played since the last map pack and yet I was coming in 1 or 2 as a medic or tactician . . . Is this what people want from the game? It seems to be a lot easier to get kills now.

Also, it kind of sucks that Air bots are now priority targets and yet so hard to take down. I think that on more open maps they may be one of the most powerful weapons available as it is so difficult to keep track of them during fire fights.

The shotgun and HGH AR still suck for very different reasons. I was on Beachhead, at one end of the tunnel on the HGH side (the one that splits in three directions) and had my head exploded in one shot from the shotgun by someone on the other side of the middle open area (about 15-20 feet).

I really like the new maps and hope that a lot of people buy them.


My screen freezes for like 2 seconds on these new maps whenever a trophy pops up, anyone else get this? Shouldn't be a problem when I get them all but it's a little worrying :S

edit: yay 100% of trophies again!


I just wish GG would fix the audio issues. the DTS mix is odd and i often get sound drop offs and missing effects. the game sounds so much better in pcm 2.0 matrixed via pro logic, granted I only get simulated surround sound, but it sounds better to me.

edit: and why do the guns sound better in multi player but sound weak in campaign?


the_prime_mover said:
So, precision aiming seems to increase the likelihood of getting headshots from the hip at long range. I used to suck with the ISA AR, I haven't played since the last map pack and yet I was coming in 1 or 2 as a medic or tactician . . . Is this what people want from the game? It seems to be a lot easier to get kills now.

Also, it kind of sucks that Air bots are now priority targets and yet so hard to take down. I think that on more open maps they may be one of the most powerful weapons available as it is so difficult to keep track of them during fire fights.

The shotgun and HGH AR still suck for very different reasons. I was on Beachhead, at one end of the tunnel on the HGH side (the one that splits in three directions) and had my head exploded in one shot from the shotgun by someone on the other side of the middle open area (about 15-20 feet).

I really like the new maps and hope that a lot of people buy them.
I find it fun as hell to take out the airbots and the turrets. They're easy to take down for me. They dont have THAT much HP. They were scary at 1st but they're not all that powerful. They're only hard to take down at longer ranges but who needs to worry about them if they're that far off?


JB1981 said:
I think they're awful and nearly game-breaking.
Airbots? Oh man, you cant be serious. Just go off in a corner or something and take them out. Hell, I take them out while in the middle of fightin ppl and I still get kills. They're easy to get rid of.


the_prime_mover said:
So, precision aiming seems to increase the likelihood of getting headshots from the hip at long range. I used to suck with the ISA AR, I haven't played since the last map pack and yet I was coming in 1 or 2 as a medic or tactician . . . Is this what people want from the game? It seems to be a lot easier to get kills now.

you just answered yourself, remember all the CoD players complaining how they couldn't get kills before when they should be pwning? Now they can finally get kills.


I freaking love the new HP controls... feels way more natural and like other FPS games. Finally easy to aim precisely where you want to without struggling.
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