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polyh3dron said:
Welp, I'm glad I got my Air Support badge already. But I thought the Air bots were perfect they way they were after that last patch.
No, I think airbots were a little too powerful. After 1.27 they could deal out as much damage as sentrybots, which is fine. And they could absorb as much damage as sentrybots, which is fine. But they had the added advantage of mobility, which made them far more of a hassle to deal with.

But my solution wouldn't have been to reduce the damage they do. It would've been to eliminate the ability of all bots to get headshots. I have no problem taking a death from defenses the other team has set up, that's as it should be. But distant instakills from fire-and-forget weapons is a little cheesy, in my opinion.
TTP said:
I wonder if those detailed game info will be mirrored as filters options as well.
On the screenshot posted, "Game Size" is listed twice. That's either bad UI design, or else one is a result and the other is a filter. That might mean the other items are also filters.
Killzone is fucked.

Guerrilla should have stuck with their guns and did what they felt was right for this game and taking into consideration user complaints and suggestions for Killzone 3. These constant changes to game play mechanics in particular are making me think that they themselves are not even sure what they want for KZ2 and are just trying to appease everyone by patching the game to hell and back.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actually getting ticked off about these changes to game play mechanics.

Choose a path and stick with it Guerrilla. Going back and forth on your own comments makes it very hard for the user base to have faith in your decisions if they can be swayed so easily. I and many others knew from day 1 that these new airbots/damage would be a problem and one would think Guerrilla play tested the thing. The amount of damage they were dealing out was excessive with 3 shots killing you and head shots...Now they want to go back to the way it was before. The controls were what they wanted and they slapped high precision on...

Come on people...The core gameplay mechanics cannot be changing like this so often without some uneasiness coming up. I still love the game and wish I could be playing right now although life is in the way. But I'm disappointed that Guerrilla did not stick with their original vision and do these changes for Killzone 3.

Right now, it's a clusterfuck.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
CrushDance said:
Killzone is fucked.

Guerrilla should have stuck with their guns and did what they felt was right for this game and taking into consideration user complaints and suggestions for Killzone 3. These constant changes to game play mechanics in particular are making me think that they themselves are not even sure what they want for KZ2 and are just trying to appease everyone by patching the game to hell and back.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actually getting ticked off about these changes to game play mechanics.

Choose a path and stick with it Guerrilla. Going back and forth on your own comments makes it very hard for the user base to have faith in your decisions if they can be swayed so easily. I and many others knew from day 1 that these new airbots/damage would be a problem and one would think Guerrilla play tested the thing. The amount of damage they were dealing out was excessive with 3 shots killing you and head shots...Now they want to go back to the way it was before. The controls were what they wanted and they slapped high precision on...

Come on people...The core gameplay mechanics cannot be changing like this so often without some uneasiness coming up. I still love the game and wish I could be playing right now although life is in the way. But I'm disappointed that Guerrilla did not stick with their original vision and do these changes for Killzone 3.

Right now, it's a clusterfuck.

I don't see any significant core gameplay mechanics change to be honest.

The game is better now due to all the patches. The same thing occurred with MGO. It also occurred with that most precious of cows Halo 3 MP.

Sometimes beta testers and QA just aren't good enough to pick up on problems the hardcore online gaming community will twig 2 months after retail release.


I haven't played in ages, but I'm happy they decided to tone the airbots back down.
It's cool that GG listens to the community. I just wished they would've acted quicker, while the community was still growing.

They also need to bundle the map packs together.

EDIT: Also WTF they're gonna bring in the lightning gun and bolt gun to MP?! Do not want
That's just asking for more balance issues.
TTP said:
I don't see any significant core gameplay mechanics change to be honest.

Well not significant but pain in the ass. They're "flip-flopping" a lot and we all know what people think about flip-floppers :p Sure one can say that the high precision mode is not necessary for those of us who have been fine with the controls since day one, we can also say the damage changes, targeting aren't that jarring.

However it still makes Guerrilla seem like they don't have a clear road map of where they're going with the franchise in relation to game play. Do they want to make it more like other shooters or do their own thing?

The things they have added behind the scenes and upfront, such as the party system and upcoming game descriptions among others since release are great. But the changing of damage, health, armor, targeting are ridiculous and should have been one of the very first things to lock down before shipping.(I'm not saying changes should not be made to games after release as it's not always possible to see what problems may lay ahead in a beta test. What I'm talking about is Guerrillas philosophy about doing the controls they wanted to do).

We all got air bot kills and turret kills before the patch perfectly fine, it's about strategy! People complained and they cranked up the damage and now want to turn it back down...before release and even shortly thereafter they said the controls were what they wanted and would stick with. How did we end up with high precision? They said all classes were balanced, we ended up with a weaker assault...

I'd rather they stick with what they believe is right for Killzone 2 instead of jumping around trying to appease everyone. I'd respect them a hell of a lot more if they did their own thing.

These control changes and such aren't going to help the game get more sales or anything, it's already passed that point. They have a sizable user base that have stuck with the game since release and should cater to that group with plans of changes for the next game.

All these changes do is bewilder current players who are more than likely to bail out for MW2, MAG, etc instead of sticking around with KZ2. The ship has sailed for getting more users into KZ2, they did great for a series that was slammed for it's predecessor and have created one of the best games on the PS3. They should focus on keeping us regular players from leaving with things like the upcoming new maps/weapons instead of kneeling to the critics and those who have already moved on!

They're not coming back. I'm FOR these changes, what I'm against though is the backtracking and lack of "This is what we're doing and this is how we're going to do it" approach.
Kittonwy said:
It's not a problem during long games, especially when you're playing with a good team against randoms, it's like shooting fishes in a barrel with a pew pew rifle.

Well considering I play with a good team in 1 out of every 5 games I join, my odds are not too good :lol


CrushDance said:
Well not significant but pain in the ass. They're "flip-flopping" a lot and we all know what people think about flip-floppers :p Sure one can say that the high precision mode is not necessary for those of us who have been fine with the controls since day one, we can also say the damage changes, targeting aren't that jarring.

However it still makes Guerrilla seem like they don't have a clear road map of where they're going with the franchise in relation to game play. Do they want to make it more like other shooters or do their own thing?

The things they have added behind the scenes and upfront, such as the party system and upcoming game descriptions among others since release are great. But the changing of damage, health, armor, targeting are ridiculous and should have been one of the very first things to lock down before shipping.

We all got air bot kills and turret kills before the patch perfectly fine, it's about strategy! People complained and they cranked up the damage and now want to turn it back down...before release and even shortly thereafter they said the controls were what they wanted and would stick with. How did we end up with high precision? They said all classes were balanced, we ended up with a weaker assault...

I'd rather they stick with what they believe is right for Killzone 2 instead of jumping around trying to appease everyone. I'd respect them a hell of a lot more if they did their own thing.

These control changes and such aren't going to help the game get more sales or anything, it's already passed that point. They have a sizable user base that have stuck with the game since release and should cater to that group with plans of changes for the next game.

All these changes do is bewilder current players who are more than likely to bail out for MW2, MAG, etc instead of sticking around with KZ2.

The game is more than fine the way it is right now, it plays great when people on your team know what they're doing.

I thought people kind of drift to whatever new anyway, last month people moved to the Uncharted 2 beta, last night people went to play Battlefield. It just seems like people can't stick with one game for more than a couple of weeks, I've seen a few people on my friends list playing pretty shitty games basically because they just came out recently.

After the merger we got requests for clan invites but half the people who got invited don't even play, the whole point of disbanding GAFA and joining GAFe is I wanted people to be able to get together to play, and be fair to GAFe since they've already accumulated points and they've been playing together longer, but most of them don't even play much now, people just whine and whine and whine and whine, I'm not seeing the point to all this.

It's not like there hasn't been new content available to keep things fresh, people here complain about not enough people playing the new maps but they themselves don't buy the new maps and they tell other people here not to buy the new maps, even if they bundle the maps for cheap or make some of them free I'm not sure people here are going to be happy with the game, or any game for that matter.
Kittonwy said:
The game is more than fine the way it is right now, it plays great when people on your team know what they're doing.

I thought people kind of drift to whatever new anyway, after the merger we got requests for clan invites but half the people who got invited don't even play, the whole point of disbanding GAFA and joining GAFe is I wanted people to be able to get together to play, and be fair to GAFe since they've already accumulated points and they've been playing together longer, but most of them don't even play much now, people just whine and whine and whine and whine, I'm not seeing the point to all this.
I agree with that, the game has improved due to the patches and I'm eagerly anticipating the next one. But at this point I'm wondering who Guerrilla is trying to appease now with these other changes.
CrushDance said:
I agree with that, the game has improved due to the patches and I'm eagerly anticipating the next one. But at this point I'm wondering who Guerrilla is trying to appease now with these other changes.

The people that play the game every night and are the most likely to buy the new map packs, dude. This smacks a bit too much about PS3 Firmware whinging. Game is better for the recent patches (especially this one), end of.
SecretBonusPoint said:
The people that play the game every night and are the most likely to buy the new map packs, dude. This smacks a bit too much about PS3 Firmware whinging. Game is better for the recent patches (especially this one), end of.
What? Firmware whining? I've always defended the constant patches to the PS3 firmware. I remember when we used to get them almost monthly till people started complaining. That's not what this is about at all Secret. Guerrilla can patch the game all they want and add new features, I'm for that! I love updates to my hardware and software as it always improves things for me.

That's not what I'm complaining about. I'm talking about the game from a design point of view and Guerrilla's original statements. The thing that got me really riled up about this is the airbot damage debacle, it was never necessary to increase their damage and changing it back just several weeks after the fact is a big WTF.
Well you've mellowed on your point now but "Killzone is fucked." and "Right now its a clusterfuck" were definitely over-exaggerations on your part I'm sure you can admit ;)

The Airbot was just a test really, to see which of the community was going to be the noisiest. Those with a thirst for automated aerial death bringing or the tactical ground addicts. Can't wait for the detailed server list views though. That was definitely a snafu on their part.

My only wish for Killzone 3 is someone has the balls to say "no splash damage weapons". Grenades are fine, but rocket launchers just break the game. Obviously thats something they couldnt ever patch out of K2 due to the uproar and negative backlash from rocket whores. At least we'll be able to see what games are Blood Gracht Rocket Fuck-Parade Body Count hell-holes now before blundering in!!
Developer response on the PSblog.

I’m waiting for a bundle collections so I can buy all the Killzone 2 DLCs.

David Bull replied on July 10, 2009 at 1:44 pm
Now wouldn’t that be cool? ;)

Looks like we're getting a bundle. And...

I have a question, are the Bolt gun and Flamethrower only available with the new DLC? and if so, can you only use those weapons on those maps?

David Bull replied on July 10, 2009 at 1:58 pm
Yes, the two new weapons are only available with the new DLC.

Disappointed. They should integrate both guns into all the maps. Maybe it'll happen down the road.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Developer response on the PSblog.

Looks like we're getting a bundle. And...

Disappointed. They should integrated both guns into all the maps. Maybe it'll happen down the road.

I can't imagine the balancing nightmare if they just dump two additional weapons into the old maps, it would be kind of cool though. Flamethrower through the chokepoint at the search and destroy target is going to be insane in terms of complaints.


Rated-Rsuperstar Disappointed. They should integrate both guns into all the maps. Maybe it'll happen down the road.[/QUOTE said:
Serious? :|

Blood gracht + flamethrower on Search and Destory = biggest clusterfuck seen to date. New maps will be designed for the weapons so leave them as the only maps with them in.


CrushDance said:
Killzone is fucked.

Guerrilla should have stuck with their guns and did what they felt was right for this game and taking into consideration user complaints and suggestions for Killzone 3. These constant changes to game play mechanics in particular are making me think that they themselves are not even sure what they want for KZ2 and are just trying to appease everyone by patching the game to hell and back.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actually getting ticked off about these changes to game play mechanics.

Choose a path and stick with it Guerrilla. Going back and forth on your own comments makes it very hard for the user base to have faith in your decisions if they can be swayed so easily. I and many others knew from day 1 that these new airbots/damage would be a problem and one would think Guerrilla play tested the thing. The amount of damage they were dealing out was excessive with 3 shots killing you and head shots...Now they want to go back to the way it was before. The controls were what they wanted and they slapped high precision on...

Come on people...The core gameplay mechanics cannot be changing like this so often without some uneasiness coming up. I still love the game and wish I could be playing right now although life is in the way. But I'm disappointed that Guerrilla did not stick with their original vision and do these changes for Killzone 3.

Right now, it's a clusterfuck.


Like others have said it varies greatly on the quality of the team.

Is [GAFw] still active? I never see anyone from the clan on.
Dibbz said:
Serious? :|

Blood gracht + flamethrower on Search and Destory = biggest clusterfuck seen to date. New maps will be designed for the weapons so leave them as the only maps with them in.

It at least should be an option you can turn on and off.


Has it been said which classes will get to use the new weapons, or will they be pick-ups?

I'd like to try all the new maps, but price is stopping me. I got Battlefield 1943 for the cost of two map packs; they just don't seem like good value. Hopefully, a bundle will come with a discount; three for the price of two would be ok.


bish gets all the credit :)
So...when they say Gameplay – Damage from Sentry bots tweaked back on request of the community. Is that implying airbots or turrets or both? Only the airbots have been tweaked so they would be the ones that could be tweaked back.
Sign me up for that bundle. I'm there as long as its not crazily priced. I assume it'll come with the last 2 maps?

alr1ghtstart said:
So...when they say Gameplay – Damage from Sentry bots tweaked back on request of the community. Is that implying airbots or turrets or both? Only the airbots have been tweaked so they would be the ones that could be tweaked back.

Incorrect. Turret health was definitely tweaked. I could always run at a turret filling it with bullets and expect it to explode just as my clip would empty, but these days it takes a hell of a lot more to make that motherfucker spit fire.


Kittonwy said:
After the merger we got requests for clan invites but half the people who got invited don't even play, the whole point of disbanding GAFA and joining GAFe is I wanted people to be able to get together to play, and be fair to GAFe since they've already accumulated points and they've been playing together longer, but most of them don't even play much now, people just whine and whine and whine and whine, I'm not seeing the point to all this.

Buy me new PS3 I wantz to pway! >_<
TTP said:
I wonder if those detailed game info will be mirrored as filters options as well. It's cool to be able to check what a given game is all about, but having to do so for every single game that pops up on the list until you find the one that pleases you might end up being too much of a hassle.

Am I being anal enough? :p

Dude, if you're going to give me shit about starting a new KZ topic instead of putting it in this thread, the least you could do is answer my question that I've asked a dozen times here since.



Kittonwy and I come together to create the greatest alliance the world has ever seen and this is how I'm repaid??

When I get a new PS3, I'm going to ride kittonwy into battle! Yeehaaw!


FFObsessed said:

Kittonwy and I come together to create the greatest alliance the world has ever seen and this is how I'm repaid??

When I get a new PS3, I'm going to ride kittonwy into battle! Yeehaaw!

Who are you again?


yeah seriously, what is this FFO guy blubbering about? for starters, no one even cares...

Kittonwy said:
After the merger we got requests for clan invites but half the people who got invited don't even play, the whole point of disbanding GAFA and joining GAFe is I wanted people to be able to get together to play, and be fair to GAFe since they've already accumulated points and they've been playing together longer, but most of them don't even play much now, people just whine and whine and whine and whine, I'm not seeing the point to all this.
I don't really see anyone playing KZ2 anymore from Europe. So I've kinda stopped playing. Don't really find it fun when playing with randoms. I'd play with you guys, but you lot play between 3 to 5AM in the morning! The DLC is something that'll hopefully get others back in the game for a short while >_>


TheFatOne said:
Who are you again?

The guy who would finish ahead of you in every game. I don't blame you for blocking out those painful memories. I could only be bested by the LEGEND that is... CrushDance!



FFObsessed said:
The guy who would finish ahead of you in every game. I don't blame you for blocking out those painful memories. I could only be bested by the LEGEND that is... Mr_Nothin!

I think you're forgetting somebody so I fixed it for you
It's not your fault...i've been gone for a min. Been laying low :/


Have a fun! Enjoy!
shattyboombatty said:
Dude, if you're going to give me shit about starting a new KZ topic instead of putting it in this thread, the least you could do is answer my question that I've asked a dozen times here since.

Perhaps I don't know the answer?


-viper- said:
yeah seriously, what is this FFO guy blubbering about? for starters, no one even cares...

I don't really see anyone playing KZ2 anymore from Europe. So I've kinda stopped playing. Don't really find it fun when playing with randoms. I'd play with you guys, but you lot play between 3 to 5AM in the morning! The DLC is something that'll hopefully get others back in the game for a short while >_>

When the beta was going on, there were so many GAFers, praising KZ2 and claiming it to be the next best thing since whatever. And now those same guys are no where to be found. Except for kittonwy and few others I hardly see any of the ones who were singing the song of KZ2 in the beta thread. And biggest cullprit of all is Wollan!!! His name is in the game for God's sake! And I have never seen him playing KZ2 ever!! or even checking-in in this thread any more :lol. Why??? What happened to you guys???

I love this game despite its few problems but its not a disaster as many of you claim now.


A.R.K said:
When the beta was going on, there were so many GAFers, praising KZ2 and claiming it to be the next best thing since whatever. And now those same guys are no where to be found. Except for kittonwy and few others I hardly see any of the ones who were singing the song of KZ2 in the beta thread. And biggest cullprit of all is Wollan!!! His name is in the game for God's sake! And I have never seen him playing KZ2 ever!! or even checking-in in this thread any more :lol. Why??? What happened to you guys???

I love this game despite its few problems but its not a disaster as many of you claim now.

Your room is full, I'm gonna to watch a bit.


A.R.K said:
When the beta was going on, there were so many GAFers, praising KZ2 and claiming it to be the next best thing since whatever. And now those same guys are no where to be found. Except for kittonwy and few others I hardly see any of the ones who were singing the song of KZ2 in the beta thread. And biggest cullprit of all is Wollan!!! His name is in the game for God's sake! And I have never seen him playing KZ2 ever!! or even checking-in in this thread any more :lol. Why??? What happened to you guys???

I love this game despite its few problems but its not a disaster as many of you claim now.
When I get my PS3 back, i'll be playing KZ2 religiously again.
I'm still singing the KZ2 song...Im always lurking in this thread. Soaking up the KZ2 goodness.
FFObsessed said:
The guy who would finish ahead of you in every game. I don't blame you for blocking out those painful memories. I could only be bested by the LEGEND that is... CrushDance!

:lol :lol Take that Lyulf!


GG tonight, everybody showed up and played well. So much more freedom now that I can play tactician without having to use the airbots.


For the first time, I finally see you guys playing but the world was full when I tried to join. Could only spectate for a few minutes T_T


Kittonwy said:
GG tonight, everybody showed up and played well. So much more freedom now that I can play tactician without having to use the airbots.

But the games were fucking too long!!!! Each objective should not be 20 mins long :/


Tempy said:
The assult class IMO was countered by the bots right? What's gonna counter them now that the bot are back to they were pre-1.27? That is unless i've misunderstood patch details. What do you mean by damage? Damage dealt or health of the bots? Were you referring to both types of bots?
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