TheFatOne said:I felt bad for Ark and Lemm. They just kept running into my shotgun. In the game I played I should have been in first. Also Ice I killed you on the first delivery, but you lagged your way to victory >.<. I had to quit guys have to work early tomorrow. PLaying with you guys is a ton of fun. JardeL :lol so many team kills against me :lol
That happens to me a lot. I always seem to get disconnected from the game (which also causes my PSN to sign out). KZ2 is the only game that does it.dazed808 said:Sorry Joe I couldn't get more than one full round in before my connection imploded on me. The last few nights has been a nightmare for disconnections and pretty sure it's PSN/KZ2 rather than at my end. Hopefully the next patch stabilises it.
Facism said:KZ2 is the best online console FPS this gen so far, despite changes and shitty DLC.
Thought i'd let you guys know. I'll be on later tonight.
I can't believe he said it's the best console FPS he has played as well. Didn't expect that from himDave1988 said:Who are you and what have you done with Feed?
Facism said:KZ2 is the best online console FPS this gen so far, despite changes and shitty DLC.
Thought i'd let you guys know. I'll be on later tonight.
fixed.TheFatOne said:Who cares it's not like your any good :lol
Edit: Just so everyone knows I am the GAFe peasant
A.R.K said:lol happened like 4-5 times in a row .. lucky bastard! :lol
man I wanted to strangle that asshole on our team doing the team kills!!!![]()
When you encounter them and if you're able to, keep backing up keeping your sights on them and filling there bodies with all your anger and disgust. Remember it's their range you have to use against them. Or just quickly aim for the skull.Moobabe said:Ergh, this game is still a nightmare in public games. Shotgun spam ftl![]()
Is that score boosted from team win or...Jason's Ultimatum said:I scored my best game yesterday: 342 points.
I'm t3h best gaf time to die
TheFatOne said:PLaying with you guys is a ton of fun. JardeL :lol so many team kills against me :lol
That's ok , I love being teamkilled :lol ... I do it sometimes for funFirewire said:Apologies to Jardel, I team killed him a few last night by accident.
TheFatOne said:Who cares it's not like your any good :lol
Edit: Just so everyone knows I am the GAFe KING
TheOddOne said:I played with a group yesterday, pretty long match but was fun. Gonna be online tonight.
Also whats this about the DLC being shitty?
Kittonwy said:The DLCs so far have been very good, I think a lot of people have them but for some reason not as many actually play the new maps. Souther Hills is actually a very good map, Beachhead can be a bit of a clusterfuck though, it takes a lot of concentrated firepower to control an area, which exposes this deficiency in a lot of teams, smart and disciplined teams pretty much dominate the more chaotic maps.
TTP said:That reason being it takes ages for games with new maps in the rotation to populate.
:lolFacism said:KZ2 is the best online console FPS this gen so far
Kittonwy said:Also part of the reason might be because although some of us do have the maps, we pick the "safe" map rotations with only the old maps just so everybody can play, I reckon other clans and groups are likely doing the same.
Kydd BlaZe said:Picking up a PS3 this Friday. Finally gona give Killzone 2 a shot.
Anything I should know about the muliplayer? I see various gripes and concerns here and there about it.
Mikey Jr. said:Theres a KZ2 bundle coming out. 12 bucks for ALL 6 maps. Yes, even the new ones.
Any KZ2 vets here? Havent bought any of the maps yet. Stopped playing KZ2 before the maps came out but definitely wanna get back in. Worth buying the map pack? My worst fear is buying it, and finding out no one is playing it. It would be Resistance 2 DLC all over again.....
Kydd BlaZe said:Picking up a PS3 this Friday. Finally gona give Killzone 2 a shot.
Anything I should know about the muliplayer? I see various gripes and concerns here and there about it.
clusterfucks are awesomeLagpsike_exe said:As the posters above already said, stick to matches with a maximum of 16 players if you don't like clusterfucks.
They can be awesome unless you're playing bodycount @ Radec Academy.Magemasher13 said:clusterfucks are awesome
Rapping Granny said:When is the patch going up?
Hi all,
Some of you may have experienced issues with the Visari Palace mission from the Killzone 2 campaign mode after installing patch 1.28. Weve received reports of crashes, graphical glitches and general progression issues - particularly when playing from a save game created before patch 1.28. The problem will be fixed with patch 1.29, which is due for release on Thursday , July 23 at 9:00 AM GMT.
The full list of fixes for this patch is as follows:
1. Visari Palace - Autarchs Sanctum - Continue button can cause progression issues on save game created before patch 1.28
2. Crash - Crash fix for DLC3 "Napalm & Cordite"
We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience in this matter.
Victor Zuylen
Editor, Killzone Community
Join Friend ...Magemasher13 said:You guys still haven't posted how to get into games with fellow gaffers.
If you don't want anybody else playing in your "special club" then say it.
I'd suggest going even lower than 16 player matches. 6v6 or 4v4 are usually tons and tons of fun on most maps.Kydd BlaZe said:Picking up a PS3 this Friday. Finally gona give Killzone 2 a shot.
Anything I should know about the muliplayer? I see various gripes and concerns here and there about it.
Magemasher13 said:You guys still haven't posted how to get into games with fellow gaffers.
If you don't want anybody else playing in your "special club" then say it.
Firewire said:Have one of them on your friends list and join the game. I believe Kittonwy said the actual clan is full, but if you ask him nicely he may bump one of the more inactive players to make a spot for you.
Also you have to send a naked pic of yourself to FFO, you have to be rated on the man love scale before entry into the clan. You think I'm joking don't you!
Magemasher13 said:You guys still haven't posted how to get into games with fellow gaffers.
If you don't want anybody else playing in your "special club" then say it.
icechai said:Who's Firewire in the clan? Your psn isn't in your profile yet i think you play in a lot of the same games I do![]()
Mikey Jr. said:Theres a KZ2 bundle coming out. 12 bucks for ALL 6 maps. Yes, even the new ones.
Magemasher13 said:I just sent a request to icechai and Firewire, Kittonwy's friend list is full (whats the max anyway)?
RbBrdMan said:I haven't bought any of the map packs yet. I've got an EU copy of the game I'm in the US. If I download this bundle from the US PSN will they work?
The fear of the map packs not working is the reason I haven't downloaded them yet.