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Hey guys remember when KZ2 was a lot of fun, I sure do. It was so much fun, then the mediocrity that came with Guerilla Games hit hard and they said to themselves, "how did we make a good game, we don't make good games, KZ2 shouldn't be good, LETS FUCK THIS GAME UP ITS ASSS SO HARD IT BLEEDS IN BOTH ENDS.

I raged a bit and threw my controller in the air, came back and hit me in the knee, now I am going to blame Guerilla and feel better about it.

And BTW, it wasn't me that was throwing spawns kitton, but I did change to the sniper for a couple seconds just to piss you off though.


Kittonwy said:
I don't know who kept fucking putting that spawn in the S&D ISA target room but he was screwing up my spawn rotation the whole time, like 4 games in a row, and then a couple of non-gaf motherfuckers kept giving up the kills.
I did , so we could kick their asses if they spawn-camped ... Why the hell you kept putting spawn points at the end of that corridor ?


Rapping Granny said:
Hey guys remember when KZ2 was a lot of fun, I sure do ;(

I raged a bit and threw my controller in the air, came back and hit me in the knee, now I am going to blame Guerilla and feel better about it.

That last game was horrible.


JardeL said:
I did , so we could kick their asses if they spawn-camped ... Why the hell you kept putting spawn points at the end of that corridor ?

We kept getting spawn-camped in that S&D target room, even if you have the spawn facing the base entrance, there's no way to tell if they're coming from behind through the stairs from the ground floor. I like the end of the corridor because we can spawn there and get access to the middle stairs and can quickly get to and camp the stairs at the base, and one doesn't spawn with his back exposed, we can basically base-camp both exits as long as we don't let them flank us from the right (which we did but we weren't doing a good enough job keeping them in the base).


I think if shotguns,rockets,and grenades didn't exist this game would be pretty sweet. Also, when you spawn they need to do the invulnerability for 3-5 seconds or if you shoot you become vulnerable.


all the new maps are awesome.

a question though for all you st-14(?) users... the "pew, pew" rifle

is there a reason why sometimes when crouched, the crosshair is pinpoint (+) and other times i crouch and it doesnt come together as tight, but after a bit it goes back to (+) when crouched.

it doesn't have to do with health, maybe fatigue. ill test more and try and find out, but just wondering if you guys have noticed it.
jared said:
all the new maps are awesome.

a question though for all you st-14(?) users... the "pew, pew" rifle

is there a reason why sometimes when crouched, the crosshair is pinpoint (+) and other times i crouch and it doesnt come together as tight, but after a bit it goes back to (+) when crouched.

it doesn't have to do with health, maybe fatigue. ill test more and try and find out, but just wondering if you guys have noticed it.
Yeah actually, I had this last week and thought it was a bug or something. I'll test it when I get my PS3 back up and running though :|
Snipes424 said:
I think if shotguns,rockets,and grenades didn't exist this game would be pretty sweet. Also, when you spawn they need to do the invulnerability for 3-5 seconds or if you shoot you become vulnerable.

That doesn't work. When you shoot at my head and I die how does that help me?
I only have 4 hours played online so far and I was pleasantly surprised to see a name from here that I recognized in my last match, Bob_The_Fork. I was unpleasantly surprised though to find that Double XP was no longer happening after my last game which ended at about 20 minutes ago.


I got into the 1% for last week! that was the first time I played enough to get any of the valor ribbons, so I got all four valor trophies at once. :D I'll never play that much in one week again though. Time for a looong KZ2 break.
...for a day or two.


I might have to break down and buy the map pack bundle. I've been watching footage on youtube of the new maps and they look stunning. Does everyone seem happy with them?


Bearillusion said:
That doesn't work. When you shoot at my head and I die how does that help me?
Then they should make it for those 2-3 seconds the one that spawns cannot hurt you either. Enough to get our damn bearings before being slaughtered like cattle.

605 score at 2am this morning wasteland map

timkunedo said:
I might have to break down and buy the map pack bundle. I've been watching footage on youtube of the new maps and they look stunning. Does everyone seem happy with them?
I am but, make sure your playing with people who know how to fucking play.


Neo Member
Snipes424 said:
Easy, Once you spawn your first shot doesn't do any damage but it makes you vulnerable.

This wouldn't work because of lag.
When the opponent sees that you started firing, you've probably already put 10 bullets into his head.


LordNerevar said:
This wouldn't work because of lag.
When the opponent sees that you started firing, you've probably already put 10 bullets into his head.

Then make it where the spawning person can't fire his weapon while he is invulnerable for 3-5 seconds. The current system is 100% fucked and needs to be changed.

It takes absolute zero skill to sit there with a shotgun and shoot people while they spawn and the game needs to revolve around skill at all times, not just 1/2 the time.


Snipes424 said:
Then make it where the spawning person can't fire his weapon while he is invulnerable for 3-5 seconds. The current system is 100% fucked and needs to be changed.

It takes absolute zero skill to sit there with a shotgun and shoot people while they spawn and the game needs to revolve around skill at all times, not just 1/2 the time.
What is underlined and the rest of this post. Something has to be done. I look at the preview live feed before I spawn and mofokers have set up tents and started supper at those spawn points. They just sit around waiting with guns on the smoke.


Snipes424 said:
Then make it where the spawning person can't fire his weapon while he is invulnerable for 3-5 seconds. The current system is 100% fucked and needs to be changed.

It takes absolute zero skill to sit there with a shotgun and shoot people while they spawn and the game needs to revolve around skill at all times, not just 1/2 the time.

I disagree completely with this. Whichever team has the better smarter tactician will win. I like how it is now because it forces people to think before throwing a spawn down. Shitty spawns are going to get camped because they are shit. If you don't have someone patrolling the spawn point you will get camped, and if you don't communicate when people are camping the your fucked. It's easy put turrets down next to a spawn point, and defend it. Not that hard to do.

Edit: Most of the Gafer who have played with me know that I am going to be protecting spawns, and camping the other teams spawns. I also let everyone know when I see spawn points, tell them which direction they are spawning from, etc... The key to not getting camped is communicating. BTW it also takes some skill to mow people down with the shotgun.


bish gets all the credit :)
RavenFox said:
What is underlined and the rest of this post. Something has to be done. I look at the preview live feed before I spawn and mofokers have set up tents and started supper at those spawn points. They just sit around waiting with guns on the smoke.

Which proves the entire point of the spawn preview camera. If it's a shitty spawn, don't spawn there.


Snipes424 said:
Then make it where the spawning person can't fire his weapon while he is invulnerable for 3-5 seconds. The current system is 100% fucked and needs to be changed.

It takes absolute zero skill to sit there with a shotgun and shoot people while they spawn and the game needs to revolve around skill at all times, not just 1/2 the time.

disagree with this as well. Think it takes zero skill to throw a spawn point in the middle of a firefight and have your team load on it invincible to clean up the area. THAT was lame, and its great that GG came to their senses and reverted back to vulnerable mobile-spawn points.

Now you actually have 1 or 2 smart people protecting spawn points, or people warning teammates not to spawn there, and a few people come around the corner to clean up on the spawn campers.

Of course when the other team is stupid about spawns, spawn camping will happen, but that's because their tactician and teammates do not have the skill required to turn the tide.
Question regarding "Engineer".

I got pretty good at Soldier. I could finish top 3 easily.

I was excited to progress to get the Engineer badge over the weekend, but, for some reason, I just could not get used to the shotgun... turrets, no prob, but my lack of facility with the shotgun put me in the bottom third.

So, do I just need practice with the shotgun? Or is Engineer gimped in some way that I don't know about?


icechai said:
disagree with this as well. Think it takes zero skill to throw a spawn point in the middle of a firefight and have your team load on it invincible to clean up the area. THAT was lame, and its great that GG came to their senses and reverted back to vulnerable mobile-spawn points.

Now you actually have 1 or 2 smart people protecting spawn points, or people warning teammates not to spawn there, and a few people come around the corner to clean up on the spawn campers.

Of course when the other team is stupid about spawns, spawn camping will happen, but that's because their tactician and teammates do not have the skill required to turn the tide.

That may be true, but most of the games people play are pugs, not an organized group.

You also need to ask yourself one important question, why is that people are leaving multiplayer in droves? Killzone 2 is one of the highest quality games I've played this gen, it could be the Halo of the PS3 in the sense that it is THE multiplayer game for the system, but it's not because of stupid spawn camping bullshit, grenade spam bullshit, and rocket spam bullshit. If they got rid/fixed the bullshit, the game would be perfect.

You could say I'm wrong about all this stuff and that's fine, but people ARE leaving and Modern Warfare 2 isn't even out yet....


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Damn I've downloaded the new maps but I haven't been able to play them even once, I have relatives from Euro land staying with me and I can't get a minute alone. I even had to watch that new Ice Age movie in 3D last night. :(

And I missed the double XP weekend for fucks sake. :(


How are the new maps?


Micromegas said:
Question regarding "Engineer".

I got pretty good at Soldier. I could finish top 3 easily.

I was excited to progress to get the Engineer badge over the weekend, but, for some reason, I just could not get used to the shotgun... turrets, no prob, but my lack of facility with the shotgun put me in the bottom third.

So, do I just need practice with the shotgun? Or is Engineer gimped in some way that I don't know about?
The shotgun and engineer are far from being gimped, if anything they are overpowered, you just need to get used to it.


Micromegas said:
Question regarding "Engineer".

I got pretty good at Soldier. I could finish top 3 easily.

I was excited to progress to get the Engineer badge over the weekend, but, for some reason, I just could not get used to the shotgun... turrets, no prob, but my lack of facility with the shotgun put me in the bottom third.

So, do I just need practice with the shotgun? Or is Engineer gimped in some way that I don't know about?

just practice. the shotgun can be extremely effective. Also, having the M4 pistol unlocked helps if you need to make a long range kill.


alr1ghtstart said:
Which proves the entire point of the spawn preview camera. If it's a shitty spawn, don't spawn there.
Oh I don't. I'm very aware of how I play. Especially when some bitch from the other team switch factions to put a spawn grenade on the other side of the map away from the mission objectives.


I'm playing on normal difficulty and am on the last chapter (last boss fight or whatever, actually). Comment + question:

Was that section where I died a metric shit-ton running to the doors: were those respawning enemies?!

Also - I'm at the last fight and maybe it's because I never really used the cover aspect in the game, but when I'm in cover I still get shot. Any tips for this section?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
depward said:
I'm playing on normal difficulty and am on the last chapter (last boss fight or whatever, actually). Comment + question:

Was that section where I died a metric shit-ton running to the doors: were those respawning enemies?!

Also - I'm at the last fight and maybe it's because I never really used the cover aspect in the game, but when I'm in cover I still get shot. Any tips for this section?

1 - Yes
2 - You are probably getting shot from the back? Unless u expect to be safe while peaking from behind cover. That's not how it works.
Snipes424 said:
It takes absolute zero skill to sit there with a shotgun and shoot people while they spawn and the game needs to revolve around skill at all times, not just 1/2 the time.
If you want the game to be about skill, then don't spawn in the middle of a bunch of enemies. Skill isn't just aiming, it's also choosing the correct tactics. Admittedly, if you play random games you can't much help if the Tacticians on your team have no skill at placing spawns. That really does suck, and is the reason I play Tactician almost always.

Rapping Granny said:
Put this in for the first time in a month, first match was awesome, it was the desert level, all classes disabled thus no spawn points except for main base, I was like holy shit I been missing out, this is great.

Then the second match I went to play in a Redec Academy game, I got spawned, got killed, got spawned got killed in 5 seconds, spawned again this time I see 8 people hanging out in our spawn room. I faceplam at Guerilla and put the game back in the case.
You're not using basecamp spawning to full advantage, then. You're invincible for a couple seconds, you should be killing at least one and probably two enemies before dying. Without spawnpoints, you'll eventually clear them out since they have to start again from their base.

And if you switched to a game where spawnpoints were active, I don't see how that's Guerrilla's fault. You can see if spawnpoints are disabled before you even join, now. Why wouldn't you do that, if that's what you like? I understand your frustration at bad settings, but the tools are there now to seek out only the version of their game you enjoy.


When can I get into a couple matches with you guys, is there anyone who frequently plays with the clan that has space on their friends list?


TheFatOne said:
I disagree completely with this. Whichever team has the better smarter tactician will win. I like how it is now because it forces people to think before throwing a spawn down. Shitty spawns are going to get camped because they are shit. If you don't have someone patrolling the spawn point you will get camped, and if you don't communicate when people are camping the your fucked. It's easy put turrets down next to a spawn point, and defend it. Not that hard to do.

Edit: Most of the Gafer who have played with me know that I am going to be protecting spawns, and camping the other teams spawns. I also let everyone know when I see spawn points, tell them which direction they are spawning from, etc... The key to not getting camped is communicating. BTW it also takes some skill to mow people down with the shotgun.

That is true.


Violater said:
When can I get into a couple matches with you guys, is there anyone who frequently plays with the clan that has space on their friends list?

If you're in Euro land you can add me (PSN in profile)though I'm not usually on till 11pm+. Us Euros are in desperate need of more players as most of the regulars have lost interest, had there PS3's die on them or gone on a beer fuelled tour of Europe.
Raist, Lince, U fired

Edit: Should of checked your profile, see you're NA. I'm on quite a bit with the NA lads so may still be worth adding me.


Snipes424 said:
You could say I'm wrong about all this stuff and that's fine, but people ARE leaving and Modern Warfare 2 isn't even out yet....

they lost half a million players due to the fact that their controls weren't COD like enough. Rocket Spammers also account for a lot of it I think. But the player base has been pretty stable since (around 100k) and people aren't leaving in droves like you make it out to be (since the 2nd control patch).


dazed808 said:
If you're in Euro land you can add me (PSN in profile)though I'm not usually on till 11pm+. Us Euros are in desperate need of more players as most of the regulars have lost interest, had there PS3's die on them or gone on a beer fuelled tour of Europe.
Raist, Lince, U fired

Edit: Should of checked your profile, see you're NA. I'm on quite a bit with the NA lads so may still be worth adding me.

Will do,
I have FF on my psn but his system has (hope I am using this right) Taken the piss :lol


dazed808 said:
If you're in Euro land you can add me (PSN in profile)though I'm not usually on till 11pm+. Us Euros are in desperate need of more players as most of the regulars have lost interest, had there PS3's die on them or gone on a beer fuelled tour of Europe.
Raist, Lince, U fired

Edit: Should of checked your profile, see you're NA. I'm on quite a bit with the NA lads so may still be worth adding me.

Dazed you get the new maps? They any good?

Also, sorry Dave, got caught up today and couldn't get to the PS3 to help you out with the Saint's Row 2 coop thing you need to do :/ Not particularly proud of myself.


There is one thing I will never ever understand in this game (and other online FPS as well) is why and the fuck when I'm shooting someone would you run in front of me and block my shots, you are helping the other fucking team.

It's so beyond stupid that I can't really put it into words.
Snipes424 said:
There is one thing I will never ever understand in this game (and other online FPS as well) is why and the fuck when I'm shooting someone would you run in front of me and block my shots, you are helping the other fucking team.

It's so beyond stupid that I can't really put it into words.

Totally agree.

It seems way more prevalent here than in CoD 4, et al.


So uh I'm getting this game for my birthday in about a month and a half. What's the best class for newbies (besides the one you're forced to start with)? My playstyle is more of a deathmatch Unreal Tournament/Halo style. Should I just stick with Rifleman in that case?


JSnake said:
So uh I'm getting this game for my birthday in about a month and a half. What's the best class for newbies (besides the one you're forced to start with)? My playstyle is more of a deathmatch Unreal Tournament/Halo style. Should I just stick with Rifleman in that case?

First thing you have to do is play pistols only matches. You need to get the M4 as fast as possible. In order to get it you have to get 10 pistol kills in one round, but you have to do that 10 times. The M4 is just sick when you learn how to use it. Two shots and you go down. Most of the time it will be one shot because the person is already injured. The class that will fit you the best is probably the saboteur class. Best weapons out of any class, and the smg is a head shot magnet. My advice would be to learn how to use all the classes especially the engineer and tactician class. You can never have enough good engineers or tacticians. Also if you want to get points fast just stick with medic. You get plus one every time you revive someone, and you can heal yourself which is helpful if you are a beginner.

Edit: There is a trade off though. It's is easier to shoot people at long distance with the regular ISA rifle, but the Sab SMG is soo fucking good at close range, and medium range. Also if you unlocked the M4 by this time you would have all you bases covered long range(M4) medium range (SMG) close (SMG). Just figure out what works best for you. The shotgun is a beast so you should consider the engineer class. I prefer the engineer class now. Especially since air bots actually get kills. I would go with engineer + air bots or c4. You could be a close range monster and a long range monster if you are good enough. The last tip is short bursts are much better than just holding down the trigger button. Remember guns recoil so short burst will mean better accuracy. After you get the basics down play with some gafers.


Neo Member
Question: When playing as Helghast on the Radec Academy map, I've seen the ISA set up spawn points outside or just inside the Helghan base and just bombard the Helghast over and over again until the match is over. Is there any way to counter this strategy? I've tried using the stairs reach the upstairs level, but often these areas are similarly congested and may or may not be populated by turrets/air support.
Prothero said:
Question: When playing as Helghast on the Radec Academy map, I've seen the ISA set up spawn points outside or just inside the Helghan base and just bombard the Helghast over and over again until the match is over. Is there any way to counter this strategy? I've tried using the stairs reach the upstairs level, but often these areas are similarly congested and may or may not be populated by turrets/air support.

Play as a tactician and put down spawns so your squad doesn't end up in that position.


Prothero said:
Question: When playing as Helghast on the Radec Academy map, I've seen the ISA set up spawn points outside or just inside the Helghan base and just bombard the Helghast over and over again until the match is over. Is there any way to counter this strategy? I've tried using the stairs reach the upstairs level, but often these areas are similarly congested and may or may not be populated by turrets/air support.

You're getting base camped. That is far too common on the smaller maps. Best way to counter is to quickly set up a spawn somewhere else before you get overwhelmed.


Prothero said:
Question: When playing as Helghast on the Radec Academy map, I've seen the ISA set up spawn points outside or just inside the Helghan base and just bombard the Helghast over and over again until the match is over. Is there any way to counter this strategy? I've tried using the stairs reach the upstairs level, but often these areas are similarly congested and may or may not be populated by turrets/air support.

Sure use C4 and bots to your advantage. Stay away from the openings and the main entrance. You have to run and set up another spawn point so they have to focus on two different spots. Remember inside your base you have infinite bots, set up more so they don't rush in. The stairs would be your best bet. You have to be careful of C4 and snipers, but the beauty of the stairs is that it's narrow. Grenades and the shotgun could get you out easily, and if you die you could get 2 or 3 kills before they get you once. Also you could go underneath to get to the middle. This one is trickier, and requires more patience. I would run down and set up a bot on the corner where it could shoot at the guys climbing down. Then I would wait underneath the stairs and throw C4 up. That way if a person come close he dies. If you can make it up take it slow and flank the enemy. Be careful of the snipers though.

This is assuming boost isn't on. If boost is on you can just rush out with boost and set up a spawn point. Personally I would put another spawn point in the library under the stairs, or in the middle "courtyard" building.

Wowbagger said:
Try the underground passage to the center. Map is imbalanced in favour of ISA, though. :(

Unfortunately GG are geniuses and made most maps favor the ISA side
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