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alr1ghtstart said:
airbots <3

I almost feel guilty using them...almost. They're so ridiculously overpowered that you need to be an engineer so you can set a turret down to take them down.

In the last map we played it was especially fucked up because the air bot could hide in spots were they couldn't be shot down. Especially right in front of your base on search and destroy. They were just sitting back.

Edit: Once again I apologize to anyone on my team who sat there and let me bitch for half an hour :( I just fucking hate this game at times. BTW Ice we almost won that game when it was 6 on 2 :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
S&R on Suljeva is so easy to defend. The whole level is straight, plus you have to run up 2 flights of stairs to deliver. Makes it impossible to deliver.


10dollas said:
Is it a sad state of affairs when through the TV the only person I can hear is lyulf and his shenanigans? Everyone else is largely inaudible and just static background noise to lyulf's flood of words.

So lyoops, these games were entertaining but disappointing. You shot at your teammates. You practiced ahkbinazad's ways of suicidal grenading, check. You verbally spanked every single player in the game room, check. But, you failed to wave your willy and twins in the face of your downed opponents. What has changed ??? :( Was disappointed to not see one teabag.

Yeah u needz a mic.


alr1ghtstart said:
S&R on Suljeva is so easy to defend. The whole level is straight, plus you have to run up 2 flights of stairs to deliver. Makes it impossible to deliver.

I almost made it up there but I ran out of time.


alr1ghtstart said:
S&R on Suljeva is so easy to defend. The whole level is straight, plus you have to run up 2 flights of stairs to deliver. Makes it impossible to deliver.

Nah we almost did it but time ran out. There is this spot where I saw your airbot just annihilate our team. It is hard to explain, but it was "hiding" behind the structures behind the search and destroy points by the ISA base. It would just weave left and right as the missiles came by and every time it would hit one of those structures. Eventually my bot would get destroyed and your air bot would just take down our team from that spot. In the last game I fucked up though I forgot to put bots down which fucked my team over. So it was mostly my fault that we lost.


alr1ghtstart said:
airbots <3

I almost feel guilty using them...almost. They're so ridiculously overpowered that you need to be an engineer so you can set a turret down to take them down.

...or take them out with a rocket launcher. :D


10dollas said:
yeah iz did. Mic was temporarly lost at the time of the first few games.

So when did airbots start tearing shit up instead of being just +1 score boosters?

More attack powah but the health is still low, they're actually good for something now, so teams need to make sure they haz enough engineerz setting up turrets, turrets still destroy bots easily tho.


Kittonwy said:
More attack powah but the health is still low, they're actually good for something now, so teams need to make sure they haz enough engineerz setting up turrets, turrets still destroy bots easily tho.

ah great as if people didn't need another reason to bum around more as the shotgun whore slut class.


Are some of the maps too small for airbots? I was playing Suljeva Cliffside last night and the airbots in the middle of the map kept making a gawdawful sound like they were stuck in the map or something. I could never see them or anything. It was crazy. Maybe just a glitch or something?


Ah great the gaf killzone 2 thread is filled with talentless sacks whom prostitute themselves out to the engineer class. In all actuallity, sniper is the class that holds a monopoly over awesomeness.:D


10dollas said:
Ah great the gaf killzone 2 thread is filled with talentless sacks whom prostitute themselves out to the engineer class. In all actuallity, sniper is the class that holds a monopoly over awesomeness.:D

Except that a sniper is worthless if you want to actually win the game.


mr_nothin said:
How's the lag now?
Is it significantly less? Or is it subtle.
The few times I've played since the last patch there was a lot less "two-way kills". Not that I've ever minded them though, it seems like a plausible outcome from a stand off between two guys with assault rifles blasting away at each other, simultaneously.


Got the bundle, the 6 maps are good. Glad i waited for a bundle. I haven't played KZ2 since April, I'm disappointed that GG never gave us options/settings for skirmish mode. Would it have been that difficult to do so? At least allow me to set a playlist.


Still Alive
YoungHav said:
Got the bundle, the 6 maps are good. Glad i waited for a bundle. I haven't played KZ2 since April, I'm disappointed that GG never gave us options/settings for skirmish mode. Would it have been that difficult to do so? At least allow me to set a playlist.
Agreed, if I ever want to play with just bots I usually go into the warzone and create a closed game, but the whole point of skirmish is to be able to play offline, so that alternative might not work out for everyone.


12 v 12 game with a few GAF . Need more GAF and less randoms

EDIT: Was a fun game. Beating of the ass was commenced and Ass was beaten. Requests were made in the form of "get off my nuts" and more.

And in an effort to spread an amazing word: Fucknugget/douche nugget/ or for that matter : fill in the blank-nugget courtesy of CJ


Holy shit that swg dude is STUPID, there were four of us and those spawns were KILLING us. I know people like to fuck around but come on.


Kittonwy said:
My head hurts.
I know, his logic was brilliant. It was the offensive search and destroy mission, and his rationale for throwing down shitty spawn points was so that the match would end faster.


Dementia said:
I know, his logic was brilliant. It was the offensive search and destroy mission, and his rationale for throwing down shitty spawn points was so that the match would end faster.

I was pretty close to *really* letting out the expletives.
Bought the bundle and played the DLC maps for the first time. Here are a couple quick thoughts:

Wasteland Bullet - I really like the idea: a series of rooms/platforms very closely placed, with connections across them. It's quite an unusual layout. Unfortunately, the environmental hazards are irritating (seems like you can't press jump too soon, or you'll just fall off without jumping). And the grey blur of the level is ugly as hell (and hard to parse) through a Scout cloak, even if you manage not to get smacked in the noggin.
Vekta Cruiser - Pretty good stuff, with the elevated walkways mixing things up. I also really like the middle area where you can see your enemies but not shoot them. However, it seems like the two side C&H objectives are too close together,
Beach Head - Awesome looking, with the rain and the water-logged craters and so on. It's a bit simple--pretty much just one big area--but the up-and-down contours of trenches and ridges and scaffolds keeps you scanning vertically. This reminded me a lot of the singleplayer, actually.
Southern Hills - Probably the best of the maps, since it has enough size and variation to let all classes be effective. And the nuke isn't so often as to be irritating. My only qualm is that it seems like the fort has too many machine guns, but that wasn't an issue yet.
Suljeva Cliffside - Like the twisty connections and walkways, dig the atmosphere, and the flamethrower is awesome to see in action. But I played a 32-player game and it was total chaos and the worst framerate I've seen online. Would be much better with far smaller games, I think.
Arctower Landing - I love how confusing the up-and-down staircases are, makes it much harder to predict the enemy. But all those stairs and doorways might make it too easy for C4 users to get kills. The objective placements seemed a little uninspired as well. It was hard to tell, though, because I was on a 2v1 game with a Japanese player, and at times we both had boltguns. It was mostly just really tight spawn bottling. :(


Hey guys,

I am probably getting a PS3 soon, and I was wondering how this game compares to Resistance 2? Mostly multilayer wise (If it helps I am a Halo fanboi :D )



ZZMitch said:
Hey guys,

I am probably getting a PS3 soon, and I was wondering how this game compares to Resistance 2? Mostly multilayer wise (If it helps I am a Halo fanboi :D )


I'll try to summarise common thoughts (been a long time since I've played this game online):

It's GREAT if you get into games with low player counts (like 16, tops), since clusterfucking occurs more rarely. Also, dumb-ass tacticians might suck out a bit of fun since the last patch introduced spawn-killing (if you don't base-spawn that is). 17+ player games might piss you off badly if you don't find the clusterfucking hilarious(ly fun).

I mostly played R2 in co-op, and in my humble opinion the co-op is serious fun and worth the price of admission alone (KZ2 trumps it in SP though). The multiplayer in R2 just works without any hitches whatsoever (I dare say that game has the best netcode I've experienced in a console game). The competitive is also decent fun, but on that end I'd say KZ2 is better.
It's much, much different game than Resistance 2.

IMO, it's better to a certain extant, mostly because of some flaws in Resistance's gameplay structure (random spawns, gameplay mode changes aren't linked properly etc.). Killzone had some problems on launch, but that's all been fixed by now. Clan system is simply unmatched.

Resistance 2 is awesome as well and worth buying just because of the incredible co-op. Buy them both. :D


ZZMitch said:
Hey guys,

I am probably getting a PS3 soon, and I was wondering how this game compares to Resistance 2? Mostly multilayer wise (If it helps I am a Halo fanboi :D )


Killzone 2 is a far superior game and is the best shooter (MP and SP) on the PS3.


BeeDog said:
I'll try to summarise common thoughts (been a long time since I've played this game online):

It's GREAT if you get into games with low player counts (like 16, tops), since clusterfucking occurs more rarely. Also, dumb-ass tacticians might suck out a bit of fun since the last patch introduced spawn-killing (if you don't base-spawn that is). 17+ player games might piss you off badly if you don't find the clusterfucking hilarious(ly fun).

I mostly played R2 in co-op, and in my humble opinion the co-op is serious fun and worth the price of admission alone (KZ2 trumps it in SP though). The multiplayer in R2 just works without any hitches whatsoever (I dare say that game has the best netcode I've experienced in a console game). The competitive is also decent fun, but on that end I'd say KZ2 is better.

Don't play with dumbass tacticians.


I love and hate Killzone 2 more. If you're in a good game with the right people it's a blast, but it's also too easy to get aggravated playing public matches.

Resistance 2 is also great and you should get it for the online co-op at least. The co-op is one of the best online experiences on the PS3.


Kittonwy said:
Don't play with dumbass tacticians.
Yeah. If your team has a seriously retarded tactician (one who places spawns backwards and/or in unprotected areas and/or far away from the objective), you're better of just leaving the game. The frustration isn't worth it.

But when you get into a game with competent teammates (ie, gaffers), it's an absolute blast.


Thanks for the great responses!I will probably get Killzone because I want to see what this PS3 is capable of :lol

I will probably get R2 later though
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