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damaster129 said:
Before i go on, can someone tell me how to quote someone , thanks.
The thing with killzone 2 is, it probably wasnt a monster hit as sony intended. This is what happened. Many people go out and buy killzone 2 the day it comes out due to word of mouth, internet hype, etc. Most of these people that buy it are cod fans. They play the first level, say, ew these controls suck! Dont even play mulitplayer for more than a game. Im serious, i have a about 5 friends like this. I actually met a kid who told me this "Yeah dude that game sucks, i bought it the first day, couldnt even finish the first level because of the crappy controls and brought it back to gamestop that first day".

And after guerilla put in high precision, it was too late and everyone had already went back to cod. Im not calling cod fans noobs as most gamers do own cod4 and w@w, but seriously, to not adjust to different more realistic movement really pisses me off and shows how nooby so many gamers are, and how spoiled they are by the easiness of cods gameplay.

Just to let you know, the home page of killzone.com is accurate, and i checked one day to see how many people were logged on, only slightly over 2,000. And socom always has around 8,000-11,000, and cod always has anywhere from 20,000-90,000 on psn at any given time. once MW2 comes, killzone 2, resistance, cod4, and W@w are going to be ghost towns, where as modern warfare 2 servers are going to crash on both xbl and psn due to extreme trahpic and record breaking amounts of people logging on simulaneously.

KZ2 is one the most intense fps I've ever played through, so I was too immersed in the game to worry about the controls. I never thought "wow these controls suck" when I was playing. GG was going for realism and I got that and I adjusted. Yes they were a little too sluggish when you were trying to turn your character, and I played with the sensitivity maxed out. But I don't need to play target practice all the time like COD4.

Playing the game at 3 in the morning with headphones on, I felt like I was in the middle of a war. The realism was off the charts. If people played for one level then quit because of the controls, then they missed one of the best fps ever made. Their loss.
I agree. I love the game, best FPS so far this gen. I really feel sorry for all those people who were too god damn lazy to adjust. This is their mentality( how they feel but wont admit it): Damn yo this killzone 2 game is too hard i cant own in it like i do in cod im not playing this shit.

Im serious. Go ask anyone on PSN on cod4 or cod w@w how they feel about killzone2. Most people ive asked say it sucks.


Easily the second best shooter I've played this gen, and really the only one that ever got me into the online multiplayer craze.

I may have enjoyed CoD4's campaign more, but KZ2's multi was better, IMO of course.

Mister D

As much as I like the game, I still feel the controls suck compared to other shooters. I could consistently hit people in COD4 for the most part and I'm a beast with the rifle in Battlefield 1943. In addition to how many bullets it takes to kill someone, lag, the tiny field of vision, and the controls not feeling as smooth as other shooters out there I don't play the game as much as I used to. I can see what GG was going for and I appreciate that they tried something different, but for me, the controls weren't ideal.

Yes I adapted and became a pretty decent player at the game but it's shocking to me how I can play COD4 and BF1943 and just feel so much better controlling my character and making the shots I want to when I want to. Not to mention the fact that the shotgun is so overpowered and whored out by most people in the game it becomes really annoying getting the drop on someone with the ISA rifle, unloading for a full second before them and then having them blow you away with one shot from the shotgun after you've dumped 15 bullets in them.

I'll keep playing the game but honestly, BF1943 is getting more play now and with all the great shooters coming out later this year I only see my playing time either getting a lot lower or stopping altogether. It was fun while it lasted though since I did put a lot of hours into the game and I wouldn't have done that if it was complete shit.


Mister D said:
As much as I like the game, I still feel the controls suck compared to other shooters. I could consistently hit people in COD4 for the most part and I'm a beast with the rifle in Battlefield 1943. In addition to how many bullets it takes to kill someone, lag, the tiny field of vision, and the controls not feeling as smooth as other shooters out there I don't play the game as much as I used to. I can see what GG was going for and I appreciate that they tried something different, but for me, the controls weren't ideal.

Yes I adapted and became a pretty decent player at the game but it's shocking to me how I can play COD4 and BF1943 and just feel so much better controlling my character and making the shots I want to when I want to. Not to mention the fact that the shotgun is so overpowered and whored out by most people in the game it becomes really annoying getting the drop on someone with the ISA rifle, unloading for a full second before them and then having them blow you away with one shot from the shotgun after you've dumped 15 bullets in them.

I'll keep playing the game but honestly, BF1943 is getting more play now and with all the great shooters coming out later this year I only see my playing time either getting a lot lower or stopping altogether. It was fun while it lasted though since I did put a lot of hours into the game and I wouldn't have done that if it was complete shit.

The reason you can kill people so much easier in those other games is auto-aim.


KZ2 and MW have great MP I enjoy them both as they offer completely different experiences, as for the story mode they are both unremarkable to me and I only played them once.
Killzone's sales were hampered by it's day 1 controls.

Although the reviews and the fan community got the game they wanted, the CoD crowd (which was the target) couldn't play the game like CoD4, and although it's superior in many ways to CoD, they simply were unable to put up with the controls.

The lack of matchmaking/party made some damage as well. Although many of these things have been improved (after 1.28 game was hugely, hugely improved when compared to launch build), people who bought the game day 1 and hated it back then will hardly rebuy the game unless someone else points them to the made improvements.

First impression is everything, and Killzone 2 with it's sloppy controls, lack of basic multiplayer infrastructure (although the clan system implementation is perfect, aside from the lack of clan matchmaking) and some gameplay balancing (uber imba rocket launchers, 2 seconds of invincibility, useless flying drones, tactics who aren't doing their job well because they don't know how etc.) made a very, very ugly impression to many people.

But, then again, Killzone has garnered a very strong hard core audience and this will reflect to the sales of future sequels and may just as well highly influence it's sales through the word of mouth. Remember, Call of Duty took 4 games to get to the sales AB/IW are now enjoying. All is not lost for the Killzone series, and with some improvements, Killzone 3 (or whatever it gets called) could get even better reviews, and much stronger sales.

I hope that GG reads the Killzone 3 whishlist thread. Many posters there really understand this game and some of their suggestion could really improve the experience a lot.


Lagpsike_exe said:
Killzone's sales were hampered by it's day 1 controls.

First impression is everything, and Killzone 2 with it's sloppy controls,

I liked them better on day one. Pisses me off that Guerrilla went out of their way to cater to the whiners with no skill.


I tend to agree when i read that killzone 2 did not sell as expected because of the controls. It's a pity because kz2 controls are not wrong, just different from what people were expecting.

Guerrilla tried a new approach and while for me and some others is a good thing to have a shooter that feels really differrent, for the majority out there it's a problem if in the first ten minutes of play they don't feel "at home".

And imo this is a bad lesson for killzone3, i'm quite sure that that game will control just the same as COD.


KillJade said:
I liked them better on day one. Pisses me off that Guerrilla went out of their way to cater to the whiners with no skill.
Agreed. Not every game needs to be a COD clone. Let KZ2 be its own game.

Mister D

KillJade said:
The reason you can kill people so much easier in those other games is auto-aim.

All 3 of them have auto-aim and it's not as severe in the other games as proponents of KZ2's control system like to make it out to be. I'm talking about basic movement too. As an example that I've seen on numerous occasions: Two dudes run at each other shooting and both miss. Now they are in close quarters and due to the floaty controls, tiny FOV where they can't see each other two feet to the right of each other, they both run around in a circle for about 10 seconds until one of them gets lucky and melees the other one.

It shouldn't take that long for that situation to be resolved. I was playing BF1943 last night and some dude tried to crash his plane into me and missed. He parachuted out and landed a little bit off to the left of me. Now before he could attack, I spun around and lit his ass up. This would not have been possible in KZ2, at least not as smoothly. I don't know if it's the animations, the camera wobble, the floaty controls, or a combination of them all, but combat just doesn't feel as smooth and effortless as it does in other shooters I've played or are currently playing which is why my playtime with KZ is constantly getting lower as I get more options.

I think the reason I put so much time into it was because I was burned out on playing COD4 for God knows how many hours and wanted something different badly enough to look past all of the game's flaws and seek out the enjoyment that I did have with it.


Mister D said:
All 3 of them have auto-aim and it's not as severe in the other games as proponents of KZ2's control system like to make it out to be. I'm talking about basic movement too. As an example that I've seen on numerous occasions: Two dudes run at each other shooting and both miss. Now they are in close quarters and due to the floaty controls, tiny FOV where they can't see each other two feet to the right of each other, they both run around in a circle for about 10 seconds until one of them gets lucky and melees the other one.

It shouldn't take that long for that situation to be resolved. I was playing BF1943 last night and some dude tried to crash his plane into me and missed. He parachuted out and landed a little bit off to the left of me. Now before he could attack, I spun around and lit his ass up. This would not have been possible in KZ2, at least not as smoothly. I don't know if it's the animations, the camera wobble, the floaty controls, or a combination of them all, but combat just doesn't feel as smooth and effortless as it does in other shooters I've played or are currently playing which is why my playtime with KZ is constantly getting lower as I get more options.

I think the reason I put so much time into it was because I was burned out on playing COD4 for God knows how many hours and wanted something different badly enough to look past all of the games flaws and seek out the enjoyment that I did have with it.
KZ2 was never meant to be a twitch shooter.

They even added the High Precision controls for the COD fans who needed it. The controls issue is overblown.

You're supposed to gently move the sticks as opposed to ramming them hard. Thats why you keep on missing.
KillJade said:
I liked them better on day one. Pisses me off that Guerrilla went out of their way to cater to the whiners with no skill.
agreed. but honestly, when they did cater to the noobs, all the noobs already left. i dont even know many people who use high precision.


Mister D said:
All 3 of them have auto-aim and it's not as severe in the other games as proponents of KZ2's control system like to make it out to be. I'm talking about basic movement too. As an example that I've seen on numerous occasions: Two dudes run at each other shooting and both miss. Now they are in close quarters and due to the floaty controls, tiny FOV where they can't see each other two feet to the right of each other, they both run around in a circle for about 10 seconds until one of them gets lucky and melees the other one. ...

Christ the FOV is horrible, it really is like a blind spot when someone gets up close to you.
I used to hate when people used the assault to just rush into you and melee you to death.

Mister D

-viper- said:
KZ2 was never meant to be a twitch shooter.

They even added the High Precision controls for the COD fans who needed it. The controls issue is overblown.

You're supposed to gently move the sticks as opposed to ramming them hard. Thats why you keep on missing.

See I would believe this tactical shooter BS if there wasn't so much twitch shooter BS in the game that calls for precision controls on the level of COD. Friggin speed-boosting, extra health having Assault class, flying droids, sentry guns that can headshot you if you're not paying attention, Saboteur class that looks just like your teammate only to light you up before you realize they are the enemy due to the reticule not changing to red fast enough due to lag, Rocket launchers, 32 players on tiny maps like Radec Academy, etc... This isn't Socom no matter what the devs might say their intentions were. The execution and elements in the game call for a more precise control system especially on larger games which is why I usually stick with 16 player games and on some occasions 24 players.
Lagpsike_exe said:
Killzone's sales were hampered by it's day 1 controls.

Although the reviews and the fan community got the game they wanted, the CoD crowd (which was the target) couldn't play the game like CoD4, and although it's superior in many ways to CoD, they simply were unable to put up with the controls.

The lack of matchmaking/party made some damage as well. Although many of these things have been improved (after 1.28 game was hugely, hugely improved when compared to launch build), people who bought the game day 1 and hated it back then will hardly rebuy the game unless someone else points them to the made improvements.

First impression is everything, and Killzone 2 with it's sloppy controls, lack of basic multiplayer infrastructure (although the clan system implementation is perfect, aside from the lack of clan matchmaking) and some gameplay balancing (uber imba rocket launchers, 2 seconds of invincibility, useless flying drones, tactics who aren't doing their job well because they don't know how etc.) made a very, very ugly impression to many people.

But, then again, Killzone has garnered a very strong hard core audience and this will reflect to the sales of future sequels and may just as well highly influence it's sales through the word of mouth. Remember, Call of Duty took 4 games to get to the sales AB/IW are now enjoying. All is not lost for the Killzone series, and with some improvements, Killzone 3 (or whatever it gets called) could get even better reviews, and much stronger sales.

I hope that GG reads the Killzone 3 whishlist thread. Many posters there really understand this game and some of their suggestion could really improve the experience a lot.

Wasn't Killzone 2 the fastest selling 1st party PS3 game, at least in the US?
The controls IMO were NOT what caused Killzone 2 to fall on it's face, it was the retarded infrastructure for MP. I'm looking at screenshots before patch 1.28, which is when i got the game, and I'm like "What the fuck?" Just the name of the game and what gametypes? What the hell is this shit? How did you guys put up with that.
TacticalFox88 said:
The controls IMO were NOT what caused Killzone 2 to fall on it's face, it was the retarded infrastructure for MP. I'm looking at screenshots before patch 1.28, which is when i got the game, and I'm like "What the fuck?" Just the name of the game and what gametypes? What the hell is this shit? How did you guys put up with that.

That wasn't the main problem, lack of party system and dedicated servers were my main issues with multiplayer, followed closely by lack of split screen. I think I've listed most of the issues I had with the game on the Killzone 3 wishlist thread.
AranhaHunter said:
Wasn't Killzone 2 the fastest selling 1st party PS3 game, at least in the US?

Fastest selling 1st party game doesn't say much when Sony is yet to release it's 2 biggest franchises. Yes, Killzone 2 did ok numbers, but I think it could have easily broken 2 million by now which it is yet to complete.
Lagpsike_exe said:
Fastest selling 1st party game doesn't say much when Sony is yet to release it's 2 biggest franchises. Yes, Killzone 2 did ok numbers, but I think it could have easily broken 2 million by now which it is yet to complete.

I agree it should've sold more, but I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be, I think Uncharted did like 150k first month NPD and we all know that's at 2.6 mil right now
AranhaHunter said:
I agree it should've sold more, but I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be, I think Uncharted did like 150k first month NPD and we all know that's at 2.6 mil right now

Sony should do like they did with the first Resistance and what Rockstar did with GTA4. Play commercials for KZ during the holiday season to recapture interest for all the new console owners.


I see that some of you are still bitter that COD remains KING.:lol

I still get a good laugh at people pretending KHZ is realistic. Get the fuck out!:lol Enjoy your game guys.
Fëanor said:
I see that some of you are still bitter that COD remains KING.:lol

I still get a good laugh at people pretending KHZ is realistic. Get the fuck out!:lol Enjoy your game guys.

Not bitter. It's just really freaking annoying when someone thinks that if a game doesn't control like Cod then the game must have bad controls.


Fëanor said:
I see that some of you are still bitter that COD remains KING.:lol

I still get a good laugh at people pretending KHZ is realistic. Get the fuck out!:lol Enjoy your game guys.

Are you taking a break from Cod4 thanks to all the cheaters just to post in this thread?


Neo Member
I bought KZ2 day one. The game didn't really latch onto me until the refinery level, the second half of the campaign really kicked ass. It kept ramping up in intensity until the kinda shitty last boss fight. Sad that many gamers didn't stick with it and allow the game to pick up steam.
Fëanor said:
I see that some of you are still bitter that COD remains KING.:lol

I still get a good laugh at people pretending KHZ is realistic. Get the fuck out!:lol Enjoy your game guys.
The reason for that is because its so easy.it appeals to the noob crowd. a novice can kill a pro by just lodging 3 mp5 bullets into his back. Thing with killzone 2 is, if you suck, your not going to beat the better people.


damaster129 said:
The reason for that is because its so easy.it appeals to the noob crowd. a novice can kill a pro by just lodging 3 mp5 bullets into his back. Thing with killzone 2 is, if you suck, your not going to beat the better people.
He's trolling. He'll never post back. I've seen this several times in this thread. Some people would suddenly come here to post a ":lol @ KZ2" without any elaboration or support to it.
agaru said:
He's trolling. He'll never post back. I've seen this several times in this thread. Some people would suddenly come here to post a ":lol @ KZ2" without any elaboration or support to it.
Your probably right. This game got more hate than any other game.


agaru said:
He's trolling. He'll never post back. I've seen this several times in this thread. Some people would suddenly come here to post a ":lol @ KZ2" without any elaboration or support to it.

Do people get banned for trolling anymore??


Fëanor said:
I see that some of you are still bitter that COD remains KING.:lol

I still get a good laugh at people pretending KHZ is realistic. Get the fuck out!:lol Enjoy your game guys.


B1gg_Randall said:
I dont see why the hate towards Killzone 2..I mean the default controls sucks but the alternate 2 controls is close to perfect.

Those are the controls I use. Though with the shotgun you get a flash light when you press L1!:lol
KZ2 was the first fps I played since perfect dark and goldeneye, so the controls never bothered me. I actually like them, especially now with the high precision mode. And I play on default, too. You may not be able to turn around lightning fast, but neither can anyone else so it's not a problem.

Funny thing is I just tried COD WAW recently and I thought controls sucked in that game. Boring art, boring guns, horrible graphics, and small online player count. I'll try out MW2, but so far I'm not sure what people see in these games. I'll take 32 player matches in KZ2 or even Warhawk any day. At least it feels like there's a real battle going on.
Finished Killzone 2's campaign today (started last night). I have to say it is easily the best looking game around, and the campaign was definitely good. The battles were intense and varied, and it was all around a great campaign, even if a little short. Again, I really disliked the controls, but I hate the PS3 controller anyway so that's nothing new. The story and characters were also a little one-dimensional but for the most part not bad. Overall, I'm definitely glad I played it.


Anyone knows if Guerrilla is going to reduce the range/damage of the shotgun? it gets so ridiculous on smaller maps..

And i still think the turrets and airbots are too damn accurate i keep getting headshots from SO far away


H_Prestige said:
KZ2 was the first fps I played since perfect dark and goldeneye, so the controls never bothered me. I actually like them, especially now with the high precision mode. And I play on default, too. You may not be able to turn around lightning fast, but neither can anyone else so it's not a problem.

Funny thing is I just tried COD WAW recently and I thought controls sucked in that game. Boring art, boring guns, horrible graphics, and small online player count. I'll try out MW2, but so far I'm not sure what people see in these games. I'll take 32 player matches in KZ2 or even Warhawk any day. At least it feels like there's a real battle going on.

Do not want
TheFatOne said:
Do not want

It doesn't have to be 32, but I noticed that 16 players or less and I can't get into a match. It just feels like a barren wasteland and that everyone is kind of doing their own thing. With the larger matches I feel like there is a real war going on between two factions, and even in public games I get the sense that there is a lot of teamwork going on. I don't even mind rockets nowadays, because air bots and turrets have become really annoying after the last couple of patches.


Melfice7 said:
Anyone knows if Guerrilla is going to reduce the range/damage of the shotgun? it gets so ridiculous on smaller maps..

And i still think the turrets and airbots are too damn accurate i keep getting headshots from SO far away

think the reason so many ppl complain about shotgun is that most people can't kill with the assault rifle.

Good Shotgunners know if they miss that first shot, they're usually dead (right Lyulf? :lol ). The thing is, the assault gun even at close quarters IS NOT BAD IF YOU CAN AIM/BURST FIRE. It does not take unloading a clip into someone to kill them in this game, once you get decent you should be able to kill 3-4 people with 1 clip (each segment is enough to kill someone non headshot).

The thing with smaller maps is you need to be more careful rounding corners, as that's when you're most vulnerable against shotgunners. However if they come around and you're at the end of the hall, they're dead.

The only thing that I really wish they didn't add was Boost. Boost+Assault = pub game breaking (even if the better people will headshot them, they'll still take out like half your team in a pub game).
Given that the game is going into the Platinum range in the EU on September 1st, and the Slim and the price cut are coming in time for Xmas, we should have more players online. This game really deserves more people picking it up and playing it.


icechai said:
think the reason so many ppl complain about shotgun is that most people can't kill with the assault rifle.

dude.. i get shotgun'd from 5 meters away with 1 shot.. not even on head thats just overpower
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