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fallagin said:
Yeah Kz1 campaign was pretty epic. If they completely redo the game with kz2 and fix the problems from the first time it would be amazing.
I spent over 30 hours on KZ1 campaign. I have no idea how because everybody I talked to said it was a 12 hour game. And I only beat it once. But I played the city levels a shit ton.


ismaboof said:
I spent over 30 hours on KZ1 campaign. I have no idea how because everybody I talked to said it was a 12 hour game. And I only beat it once. But I played the city levels a shit ton.

It took me about the same amount of time on normal. It was a pretty difficult game, although I was kind of inexperienced with shooters at the time.


I've been playing KZ2 SP again to get all the symbols and intel, but shit now I'm nostalgic for the PS2 KZ. I played it a couple years ago again, and it didn't particularly age well. Oh well, maybe an hour of SP later


I'd rather see KZ3 than a remake of the first game. We need to move forwards with the storyline, not backwards!

The ending for KZ2 was epic. Would love to see the game continue onwards from there. I think we have seen enough of Helghan. Hopefully the battle will continue on Vetka.

The variety in envinroments of the first game was excellent. KZ3 needs to be similar in terms of variety. KZ2 was pretty poor in this regards to be honest, but then again, them showing 99% of the game's footage before release could be a big reason behind me saying this! I hope they don't show as much media this time around.

Naughty Dog have done well with Uncharted 2. Showed some media while not spoiling every location in the game - we've had a small taste of the game. With KZ2, it was like watching the whole game before it was released!


I'd be in the dick
-viper- said:
I'd rather see KZ3 than a remake of the first game. We need to move forwards with the storyline, not backwards!

The ending for KZ2 was epic. Would love to see the game continue onwards from there. I think we have seen enough of Helghan. Hopefully the battle will continue on Vetka.

The variety in envinroments of the first game was excellent. KZ3 needs to be similar in terms of variety. KZ2 was pretty poor in this regards to be honest, but then again, them showing 99% of the game's footage before release could be a big reason behind me saying this! I hope they don't show as much media this time around.

Naughty Dog have done well with Uncharted 2. Showed some media while not spoiling every location in the game - we've had a small taste of the game. With KZ2, it was like watching the whole game before it was released!
I totally agree. The Cruiser and the final level were the only things I hadn't seen before playing the game. I'm definitely going to be avoiding media a lot more for the next one.


The only hints we have about KZ3 are this post:


(Tho that is in no way confirmation of anything.)

And an interview with the art director saying he would love to see what the Helghan ice caps would look like.

So KZ3 set on Helghan but with a lot more environmental variety like the polar ice caps and such. So like KZ1 in terms of variety. Which would go along along with what LALILULELO said.

Nothing of a remake was said, just people jumping to a conclusion. If anything the comment given merely shows they realize that the campaign should be more like KZ1 than it was in KZ2 for the next game.
FFObsessed said:
The only hints we have about KZ3 are this post:


(Tho that is in no way confirmation of anything.)

And an interview with the art director saying he would love to see what the Helghan ice caps would look like.

So KZ3 set on Helghan but with a lot more environmental variety like the polar ice caps and such. So like KZ1 in terms of variety. Which would go along along with what LALILULELO said.


How come you didn't ask for dedicated servers, online/offline co-op, party system, matchmaking, and offline/online split screen competitive with multiple logins? :p


AranhaHunter said:
How come you didn't ask for dedicated servers, online/offline co-op, party system, matchmaking, and offline/online split screen competitive with multiple logins? :p

'cause we're taking for granted all of that, 2010 is almost here, no more excuses.


AranhaHunter said:
How come you didn't ask for dedicated servers, online/offline co-op, party system, matchmaking, and offline/online split screen competitive with multiple logins? :p

Because I was just posting about what I thought KZ3 single player was going to be, wasn't asking for anything. :p I'd stated what KZ3 online needed in other posts.

With all the complaints of Dedicated servers and party systems, if they're not included in KZ3 they can prepare for the biggest backlash they could possibly imagine! And callings for Eric Boltjes to lose his job! (from me!) :lol Plus with what ND have done with U2 Guerrilla gotta come out with something special. Cinema mode is a must. Killzone is the prefect game for a cinema mode. It's incredible looking and there are so many epic moments in the online.
FFObsessed said:
Because I was just posting about what I thought KZ3 single player was going to be, wasn't asking for anything. :p I'd stated what KZ3 online needed in other posts.

With all the complaints of Dedicated servers and party systems, if they're not included in KZ3 they can prepare for the biggest backlash they could possibly imagine! And callings for Eric Boltjes to lose his job! (from me!) :lol Plus with what ND have done with U2 Guerrilla gotta come out with something special. Cinema mode is a must. Killzone is the prefect game for a cinema mode. It's incredible looking and there are so many epic moments in the online.
But then again, there's so much in KZ2 that's left largely unappreciated; i.e. what make it the hugely addictive multiplayer game that Uncharted 2 will most likely not be (don't get me wrong, it's great fun to play with friends). For example: love it or hate it, the clan system is clearly very well thought out and doubtless took a huge amount of development time to implement. That feature of the game was definitely not a requirement or even a prerequisite of the genre; COD4's clan support is nothing short of a joke.

GG did a fantastic job on the multiplayer in this game, and it really shows; the guys that I play with (vgevo.com) typically migrate from game to game as soon as they release. However, we still get at least 7 people playing on Killzone Fridays, and there's even some members that still want to join the clan!


Man when are we going to get some KZ3 news and teasers...I am dying to see what GG has up their sleeves next for KZ3. Hopefully something in early 2010?

Best FPS this gen for me so far.
A.R.K said:
Man when are we going to get some KZ3 news and teasers...I am dying to see what GG has up their sleeves next for KZ3. Hopefully something in early 2010?

Best FPS this gen for me so far.

I think they'll release at least something until or at E3 2010.


Lagspike_exe said:
I think they'll release at least something until or at E3 2010.

yeah, 5 years later it'd be great to see something (preferably in game but hey, i trust GG w/ spec CG now so whatever they do i'll be pumped about) :p

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I definitely would prefer to see KZ3 over a remake.

For me, KZ2's campaign problem is rooted in a syndrome I seem to notice in a lot of games - the first third of the campaign expends all of the really great ideas, then there's a bunch of corridor shooter filler, etc. KZ2 fell apart for me when the squad began screwing around in the desert away from the real action. It stopped feeling like the epic invasion story it was promoted as, and was then like a generic sci-fi shooter from 1998.

The sudden swerve back into the real story at the end was too little too late and lacked memorable set pieces. Just boring all the way to the end.

I'm not so sure I would want to see KZ2 set on Helga. I kinda took the ending to suggest that the Helghast have gone insane and were on their way to make somebody pay. A crazy, suicidal Helghast fleet throwing itself against Vekta with the goal of causing mass carnage (and not worrying if they survive) could make for a fairly epic and even fresh scenario. All kinds of crazy stuff like Helghast ships ramming ISA ships, using themselves to wipe out cities on the surface (hit the planet at asteroid speed).


I thought the desert part was a nice change of pace because all the parts before it felt the same - shootouts in dark, dreary slums.

The desert level was like a breath of fresh air, and that's when it got really awesome with the train and refinery. If anything, the pace of the game was off because the first 3rd was the same thing, followed by lots of different levels. They should have put the desert in between level 2 and 3 or something similar. Would have made the game flow better in my opinion.

Anyways, I just finished the game on elite, and OMG - that last part - so much rape. Up there with MW on the hardest difficulty :lol Got it in the end though, and I feel very satisfied.
Well the engine is all done and working, they can spit out the sequels much quicker I assume. I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of announcement around spring 2010.


KZ3 is going to blow us away imo. I love that the first parties at Sony are pushing things so far, as I'm sure Guerilla will take notes from ND, Santa Monica etc and hopefully implement certain elements in to KZ3. Dynamic set pieces, playable cut scenes, more cinematic camera angles and segments etc. Along with some of the more calm, narrative developing or just mellowed out areas, that require no shooting, but instead build the story or characters. Check some of these things in and KZ3 could be something even more special.

KZ is based in such a riveting world, with tonnes of back story and politics. I really hope KZ3 puts a lot more emphasis on this. As KZ2 seemed to omit paying much attention to anything besides what the Alpha Team were focused on.
BattleMonkey said:
Well the engine is all done and working, they can spit out the sequels much quicker I assume. I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of announcement around spring 2010.

Eh..if that's the case I really hope they don't go "Activision" all over the franchise.
Square Triangle said:
Eh..if that's the case I really hope they don't go "Activision" all over the franchise.

Well it's not a yearly franchise, and I don't think a 2010 date would be for certain. It could be early 2011 for all we know.

The engine making is one of the biggest hurdles for developers so having it done really makes developing following installments much easier and faster.


Considering the ending, i espect KZ3 at least to start on Helgan no ? I can't imagine how they could start the third chapter on vektra. For me it should start 10 seconds after the end of KZ2, with you as Sev standing up and starting a fighting withdrawal from Visari Palace with your squad and the renmants of the final assault of KZ2 .

If they're not doing it that way, at least they have to create something to connect the end of Kz2 with the start of Kz3.

A second PSP killzone could be an idea....

I hope however than guerrilla's biggest effort will be in the multiplayer area. In my opinion they already had a beatuful multiplayer experience with Kz2. They succeded in creating an original online experience, and that is really something in today's market. I'd like them to go with bigger maps for a start.

Salamun Market was by far the best map of the game, i'd like them to stay in that ballpark.
I don't really care the solo mode in KZ3. I'll judge the game on its online value: I want a hardcore mode (no respawn+bigger damages) and a fully costumizable game. Please no more clusterfucks: I can't bear them.

I also want a fully costumizable pad configuration, and the ability to lie on the ground (aka COD).

I don't give a shit about cinema mode and replay mode (call me crazy but I want the game to be better when played than when replayed)

I want a full description of the online games (not having to start a game to realize it's 25 minutes long per round...)

I want a single deathmatch mode (can you believe there is none in KZ2?! How lazy is that?!)

They have to correct all these issues and start listening to their consumers.


TTP said:
uh? Ah, not team-based? Hm, ok. I don't like that anyway.
yeah deathmatch sucks.

They should just put a dynamic spawn system TDM game instead to cater for those who just prefer to shoot instead of playing the objective based games. Otherwise, you get spawn camping idiots playing against you.
FINALLY! Beat this fucking game on normal:lol :lol

Can't believe the knife technique was the key.

Thanks the ignoramus for that strategy (not sure if he views this thread). But fuck me, that was frustrating. I'm playing through again on easy, hopefully I'll enjoy the game a lot more.

Not even going to bother on Veteran or Elite. Would be impossible for me.

Gonna try get all the other SP trophies now.

EDIT: Scratch that, I actually did it on VETERAN! No wonder I struggled so bad. Fuck me.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
*laughs* Glad that mystery has been cleared up, Turkish.

I'm kinda interested to see where they go with Killzone 3. They cleared away a lot of the momentum with Killzone 2, killed off a lot of the goals and characters from the previous games and left something of a blank slate as to where the franchise could move next.

When I left there really hadn't been a decision made (or at least confirmed in the studio) as to what the next installment would be, so I'm as much in the dark as anyone. Exciting!


Welcome back!


An blind dancing ho
Iain Howe said:
*laughs* Glad that mystery has been cleared up, Turkish.

I'm kinda interested to see where they go with Killzone 3. They cleared away a lot of the momentum with Killzone 2, killed off a lot of the goals and characters from the previous games and left something of a blank slate as to where the franchise could move next.

When I left there really hadn't been a decision made (or at least confirmed in the studio) as to what the next installment would be, so I'm as much in the dark as anyone. Exciting!

it was a good move imho , no one cared much about Killzone 1 characters and I believe few of Killzone 2 players actually played Killzone 1 or Killzone: Liberation so keeping stuff that the new fans don't care about is a waste of time.

now they can move for better stuff , they still have the entire backstory and the universe , KZ2 cast was already better KZ1's ( Sev , Natko , Narville ) , and can replace Visari with one of the imperial family if they want to not cut the root of the helgans.

I just hope they care more about the story inside the game next time , hell thank to you sir Killzone universe can be a rich source material for big WRPG , they should take advantage of that , but I understand that they want to want to please typical FPS fans who can get Confused by anything more than go there kill that.


Still Alive
Iain Howe said:
When I left there really hadn't been a decision made (or at least confirmed in the studio) as to what the next installment would be, so I'm as much in the dark as anyone. Exciting!
Now you know how it feels. :D Welcome back, you better not go anywhere because we'll need your input in the future when rumors in info starts to slowly trickle out about KZ3. Be there!

Damn I can't wait.. and hopefully Resistance 3 doesn't come out at the same time, ugh that would suck for both games.


Modern Warfare 2 has 16 maps out the box. Cut us some slack Guerilla Games, you have the engine down already... make Killzone 3 bigger (more content). Don't just focus on graphics.

Is there anything gameplay related in KZ1 that was good and left out of KZ2?


An blind dancing ho
YoungHav said:
Is there anything gameplay related in KZ1 that was good and left out of KZ2?

well ,the Stealth missions ( if you pick Shadow Marshal Luger ) with night vision and sniper rifle , was neat idea to change the pacing of the game , then again you play as Sev onlyr in KZ2 and that better imoh.

maybe they can pull Uncharted 2's optional Ninja mode in some levels with KZ3 :p
I just want a huge jungle/snow level to play around in, in KZ3. Imagine in a snow MP map where the environmental hazard is an avalanche. That'd be fuck awesome. Or in a jungle MP map traps like the VC used during Vietnam. And that's just off the top of my head. :lol


Totobeni said:
our beloved Iain Howe , was missing in action since last august.

...but yeah , using Kitton's trademark smiley was lame :(

Kittonwy's spirit will live on whether you like it or not! Kitton hater! >_<

I have to rant: I continued to play the game and finally I am in the Visari Palace. Even before I entered there it becomes clear to me that Killzone 2 really is THE most unfair and overhyped game this gen. I said it some pages before in this thread, e.g. the constant freezing of the game while entering a new section is annoying. But fighting against enemies, who pop up behind your back and only need a couple of shots to kill you, while you have to empty full clips on some of those bulletsponges, is just enough.

The battle in the Visaric Palace must be one of the worst scenarios I've played in a FPS. It's the same stuff I mentioned before and it becomes to a real cluster of everything what's wrong with the game. You have to deal with half a dozen enemies, who all concentrate your fire on you, probably just because your fucktard of a team mate does nothing besides dying and crying for help. If you don't come to help it just seems as if the rest of the enemies concentrate on you, too. And btw. why do I have to heal my comrades, but after I got shot, they can't help me?
And Radec..they really build him to make the player angry and frustrated. He takes bullets like candy, when he shoots you just a little you die and of course he pops up beyhind your back and your comrade still does nothing..

There's more, but I just wanted to tell you these few things.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Kittonwy's spirit will live on whether you like it or not! Kitton hater! >_<

Is he perma banned ?
Ooh and also, I remember running into one of the GAFe players yesterday.: MrBigJohnson. I've never seen that name around here before though? He was pretty good, but he left because my team (and of course me personally) were kicking his side's collective arse. :D
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