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Steroyd said:
I apologise for my uselessness, I'm trying too hard to get the turret badge, and because of that I'm stuck with the shotty, I hate the shotty.

Would have got the ribbon that game, if i didn't disconnect halfway through. :(

No problem, you were fine. How many ribbons do you need? I can probably help you out with them sometime.


DigiMish said:
It's like KZ2 got a second life at GAF. I guess many people just bought a PS3 over Black Friday and want to see what all the fuss is about.

My 360 is broken so I'm turning back to KZ2 for my shooter fix. I think I'm still in the GAF East clan though I might be the only one left lol. I haven't played since the high sensitivity patch so I'm expecting a decent bit of atrophy in my skills.


FFObsessed said:
I personally think KZ2 is too laggy for proper clan play but I cannot resist it's call. I'm liking the idea of GAFe Part Deux.

Will send a couple of invites if there's space. Beamer and Dubbed. We may have enough people for some clan games.

Beamer (just realised your name is Beamber omg mind blown!)

Not a bad little team.

edit: clan invites sent.
I'd be up for it too. Played a lot of Killzone2 MP lately.


jayb said:
KZ2 doesn't have dedicated servers? I've always read that they do. Someone, link me to the truth.

Correct. KZ2 doesn't use dedicated servers. Proof? The 3 games I just joined and quickly left due to unbelievable lag.


FFObsessed said:
Good game Steroyd, good game Rick... til you disappeared :p

And fun games earlier with Lyulf :lol He killed like 6 guys with a suicide grenade :lol

Sorry mate thought I'd be able to get a sneaky hour in while the other half was out but had to run when she came back laden with shopping + little one in torrential rain.

FFObsessed said:
Will send a couple of invites if there's space. Beamer and Dubbed. We may have enough people for some clan games.

Beamer (just realised your name is Beamber omg mind blown!)

Yeah I'm up fo.....rescans list........ Wait wat, FU!! left out as always </3
FFObsessed said:
I personally think KZ2 is too laggy for proper clan play but I cannot resist it's call. I'm liking the idea of GAFe Part Deux.

Will send a couple of invites if there's space. Beamer and Dubbed. We may have enough people for some clan games.

Beamer (just realised your name is Beamber omg mind blown!)

Not a bad little team.

edit: clan invites sent.

I'd like to join as well if there is room left.

I have 135 hours in the multiplayer (+20 in the beta), 1.30 KDR, 85 hours per hour and have led a very good clan for a few months.
I'm quite good as a medic or a tactician.

So, if there's any space....


FFObsessed said:
Correct. KZ2 doesn't use dedicated servers. Proof? The 3 games I just joined and quickly left due to unbelievable lag.

strange, I hardly ever experience lag in KZ2. Does location make a difference? I usually only play on my region's servers.


dazed808 said:
Sorry mate thought I'd be able to get a sneaky hour in while the other half was out but had to run when she came back laden with shopping + little one in torrential rain.

Yeah I'm up fo.....rescans list........ Wait wat, FU!! left out as always </3

Missed you out on purpose! ;P

No worries. Though as soon as you stopped playing the whole team became dribbling retards. You are the linchpin that holds the team together. I couldn't play/live without you!


Lagspike_exe said:
I'd like to join as well if there is room left.

I have 135 hours in the multiplayer (+20 in the beta), 1.30 KDR, 85 hours per hour and have led a very good clan for a few months.
I'm quite good as a medic or a tactician.

So, if there's any space....

Sure, more the merrier.


I hope we can have some games scheduled for this weekend, I'll need to play for a bit beforehand since I'm playing too much MW2 these days (damn you Dezimator, aj2Good and lyulf) so I'm completely lost when I go back to KZ2, I want to live up to the legend I was back in the day >:O


Lagspike_exe said:
Thanks a lot. :D

When do you guys usually play (I'm GMT+1)?

Err well we havn't signed up to any clan tournaments yet. But in terms of general play. Anywhere between 5pm-12pm UK time. Random really.


i tried to get back to it last night with lywulf. OMG that was bad. the controls felt so heavy. it's almost like i was playing it drunk. my aiming is all over the place. a little over half of a game i started to feel really sick and had to quit... :( MW2 has completely ruined my games... I think i will have to get back to it little by little...


Lince said:
I hope we can have some games scheduled for this weekend, I'll need to play for a bit beforehand since I'm playing too much MW2 these days (damn you Dezimator, aj2Good and lyulf) so I'm completely lost when I go back to KZ2, I want to live up to the legend I was back in the day >:O

I just surpassed you in total kills and headshots ;D

oh and I reached a total of 600 hours including Beta and a couple of other accounts.

alr1ghtstart said:
aren't all of those people in gafe anyways? seems like a waste. just kick anyone who is not active.

eh? I'm not forming a new clan. Only clan leader can kick people, which is Raist, and he's disappeared.


Not pure anymore!
FFObsessed said:
KZ2 have the most sexiest snipers ever.

PS: Not calling YOU sexy. :p Talking about the Sniper character design.


The turret badge... I did it!!!

Going to be wierd going back to machine guns, but the pain of it all was worth it :')

ooo ooo I'd like some of that clan action if there's space.
About Me
Weekly stats: KD~1.7-1.9. M82 Accuracy=35%. I don't play Bodycount only games, so you might think you're better than me because your KD is higher. Come face me in a warzone game, and I'll educate you. *Clan VGE0 is still unbeaten, send us a challenge if you think you can end it.

Awesome :lol :lol


erotic butter maelstrom
If you could send a clan invite to Snuggler86, it would be very pleased. I'm probably not worthy but I'm getting back into the game and it's not easy to find good matches anymore. I've played a little over 100 hours, I'm decent at the game. If anything I can be your meat shield in assassination games.


Internet Celebrity said:
So I herd u gaiz iz playin clan matchiz agen? :D

Keep your eyes on that challenge list, I might be able to work something up for you guys.

oh I see how it is. Play us while we're weak and re-building with some new players. Avoid us while in our magnificent prime!

Official Guerrilla Games Tournament Champions! NEVER FORGET!

Meh...back then I wasted way a LOT of time arguing with youtube uploaders that only played low-rank BC servers, and thought that their >1.9 K/D means that they were the best around. Elitist nonces. >:[


Internet Celebrity said:
Meh...back then I wasted way a LOT of time arguing with youtube uploaders that only played low-rank BC servers, and thought that their >1.9 K/D means that they were the best around. Elitist nonces. >:[

My kill death ration is only 1.03, but everyone in GAFe fears my special move. FFO knows what I'm talking about. Kill death only means something in COD because its mostly deathmatch.


FFObsessed said:
I just surpassed you in total kills and headshots ;D

whawhawhat bubu I was never going to be surpassed ! OMG RAGE! :p

now aim for Killionaire my friend, steal the #1 spot that rightfully belongs to you, glory awaits for the true legend !


Any space left in the clan?

PSN: Dibbz

I've got over 100 hours in KZ2 not including the beta. I just want to play with people who know what they are doing :|


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Anyone have any tips for improving ones game? A friend and I played this last night (same room, two displays, two PS3s) and some of the matches were just beyond brutal. It's so difficult to stay alive in this game.

We were stuck playing games without rank limitations (as we were different levels) and playing against high rank players was nearly impossible in some instances.

There is something compelling about this game that drew me in, however.


Dibbz said:
Any space left in the clan?

PSN: Dibbz

I've got over 100 hours in KZ2 not including the beta. I just want to play with people who know what they are doing :|

What happened, Dibbz? You got kicked out of your previous clan?


Lagspike_exe said:
Waiting for the invite, FFO. :p

Just tried to send you and Dibb an invite but the clan is full so I can't send anymore. Only the clan leader can kick people, and seeing as Raist hasn't been online in 40 days...

So I'll have to ask if there are people in the clan who aren't intending on playing with us in clan games... plz leave :p Thank you for your service.

And Beamber you havn't accepted your invite yet.


Lince said:
whawhawhat bubu I was never going to be surpassed ! OMG RAGE! :p

now aim for Killionaire my friend, steal the #1 spot that rightfully belongs to you, glory awaits for the true legend !

That would kill me :lol


WTF is this shit!?

Here I'm thinking my shotty woes were over, only to find out the sniper is gimped unless I get 10 kills with it 8 times. T_T


Steroyd said:
WTF is this shit!?

Here I'm thinking my shotty woes were over, only to find out the sniper is gimped unless I get 10 kills with it 8 times. T_T

That's not so bad. Just means you have to be a bit more aggressive with it rather than camping right from the start ;) S&D or C&H modes are perfect for it. Saluman Market especially. Shouldn't have any trouble getting 10 kills a game with only the 2x scope.

Just wait til you get Spot & Mark. Ad the 5x scope. You'll feel like a god!


Dave1988 said:
What happened, Dibbz? You got kicked out of your previous clan?
lol nope my previous clan was never any good at getting clan matches sorted and they all stopped playing after a while. They're a good bunch of lads but no one liked to organize anything.

FF I'll accept whenever you can send me an invite.


Not pure anymore!
FFObsessed said:
Just tried to send you and Dibb an invite but the clan is full so I can't send anymore. Only the clan leader can kick people, and seeing as Raist hasn't been online in 40 days...

So I'll have to ask if there are people in the clan who aren't intending on playing with us in clan games... plz leave :p Thank you for your service.

And Beamber you havn't accepted your invite yet.
Do you people want me to leave so you could have someone who is more active, and someone who would help with clan games and stuff?
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