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Facism said:
you wouldn't. if gg set the rules, all games would be 100% assault boosters and 32 players. Their official tournament (which we won) was exactly that. spamfest clusterfuck. thank god for players who provide 8v8 max with assault off, whilst others provide whatever clusterfuck arse others enjoy.

Honestly, if that's the game they want to make then fine. I'd rather not play it then go through the hell that is finding a good game in KZ2.

All I want is this:


There. The people who want 2 hours long games with radars always showing everything can go fucking play a PC game.


H_Prestige said:
Yeah, been playing a lot of body count on Radec with 32 players lately :/

Lots of base camping.

Whenever I'm helghast and my team gets shut inside the base, we always lose. The ISA team puts a spawn inside our base and somehow they have the advantage? If only my teammates didn't constantly try to keep running out like rambos with guns blazing just to get mowed down in three seconds, we might actually win those.

I hate that which is why I mix tactician with the boost pill, to give some breathing space, but it sums up your team when A) They throw spawn nades IN THEIR OWN BASE how pointless and B) so few use that faraway spawn nade it becomes a wasted effort.

Also Search and Destroy promotes base camping.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The lack of the screenshot feature is bacause the deferred rendering?
Or because KZ2 visuals use lots of post processing FX?

That being said... KZ2 has the best visual quality on consoles.
And Uncharted 2 of course!


Fersis said:
The lack of the screenshot feature is bacause the deferred rendering?
Or because KZ2 visuals use lots of post processing FX?

That being said... KZ2 has the best visual quality on consoles.
And Uncharted 2 of course!
Killzone 2 needs a screenshot feature so bad!

If Killzone 2 had a way to record singleplayer and multiplayer experiences then take screenshots of them...my god it would be so beautiful. They NEED this. I really loved how Naughty Dog included their playback/screenshot tool but was disappointed it was multiplayer only.

Killzone 3 needs this... and the ability to set up a camera path and then export movies, too!
Ballistictiger said:
Matching making with dedicated servers like BFBC2 beta should work. It works pretty well.

Ugh, no. I can't see my ping with their system. I would like to know that before going into a game, as it's very important.

There's only one gametype and map in the beta , so that's literally the one thing they could fuck up and they did.


jett said:
Guerrilla, listen, and listen well:


Plz stick to your guns at least in this. :|

Most appropriate use of bold caps in the history of gaf (well, not really, probably, but it's still appropriate). Matchmaking is a bastard of a thing. I can find my own games, thank you.

Ditto "sticking to your guns comments". Despite lag and class balancing issues (which ain't too bad really) I love kz2 and I worry terribly that kz3 will be some horrible cod-ified R2 style piece of generic multiplayer bullshit. I love the fact that people criticise the shit out of kz2 for having supposedly generic visual design (ok, it was generic - but god damn was it well realised) but cant stomach the fact that it doesn't play like fucking cod.

EDIT: that wasn't meant to be a troll on cod, just saying that not every game needs to play like that.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
trk_rkd said:
Most appropriate use of bold caps in the history of gaf (well, not really, probably, but it's still appropriate). Matchmaking is a bastard of a thing. I can find my own games, thank you.

Ditto "sticking to your guns comments". Despite lag and class balancing issues (which ain't too bad really) I love kz2 and I worry terribly that kz3 will be some horrible cod-ified R2 style piece of generic multiplayer bullshit. I love the fact that people criticise the shit out of kz2 for having supposedly generic visual design (ok, it was generic - but god damn was it well realised) but cant stomach the fact that it doesn't play like fucking cod.

EDIT: that wasn't meant to be a troll on cod, just saying that not every game needs to play like that.

whats wrong with having both?(match and rooms)


~Devil Trigger~ said:
whats wrong with having both?(match and rooms)

I'm not saying that's a bad thing but there *is* a bit of a negative in that it can split the community a little: you saw that with MGO, where the use of both systems had a kinda of diluting effect on the community (it always seemed like there were far fewer games than there really were because of that setup)
Yeah, the industrys downward spiral into Matchmaking only is disgusting. For this reason alone K2 seemed heads above the competition.

But I don't want them to stick to their 'guns' literally. Rocket launchers just do not work in K2's Multiplayer balancing. The clusterfuck of nonsense it creates in any map that isn't Phyrus Rise completely breaks any game I play where theyre not locked off. I absolutely love everything else but that. If they absolutely must have them in the game, there should be one on each map like the Bolt Gun and Flamethrower in the DLC, and they should be harshly ammo limited. Rocket spam is just stupid UNLESS they introduce a Shield/Defence class-type.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
trk_rkd said:
I'm not saying that's a bad thing but there *is* a bit of a negative in that it can split the community a little: you saw that with MGO, where the use of both systems had a kinda of diluting effect on the community (it always seemed like there were far fewer games than there really were because of that setup)

i dont think having another way to play online has a negative effect. MGO had other issues to why the community did'nt grow.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i dont think having another way to play online has a negative effect. MGO had other issues to why the community did'nt grow.

MGO certainly had other issues but the simultaneous use of matchmaking and drop in/drop out was definitely a problem in splitting the community.

SecretBonusPoint said:
But I don't want them to stick to their 'guns' literally. Rocket launchers just do not work in K2's Multiplayer balancing. The clusterfuck of nonsense it creates in any map that isn't Phyrus Rise completely breaks any game I play where theyre not locked off. I absolutely love everything else but that. If they absolutely must have them in the game, there should be one on each map like the Bolt Gun and Flamethrower in the DLC, and they should be harshly ammo limited. Rocket spam is just stupid UNLESS they introduce a Shield/Defence class-type.

Oh, the humanity... i left the door open for that pun. Unbelievably I agree with you though. If rocket launchers are to be allowed in kz3 they should either be seriously nerfed, left as a special pick up like you suggested or, at the very least, restricted to soldier class. My personal pet peeve is boost, which is still overpowered, and really combines with the lag to create some messy gameplay (probably the game at its worse since they fixed the ridiculous spawn invulnerability)

EDIT: I suppose that's not really a pun. You know what I mean though.
Yes mad props for KZ2 having server browsing. The regression to matchmaking on consoles has been driving me nuts. Cause who wants to be able to choose what map, gametype, player count or lag you have right? Choice isn't next gen or something I guess.


trk_rkd said:
Most appropriate use of bold caps in the history of gaf (well, not really, probably, but it's still appropriate). Matchmaking is a bastard of a thing. I can find my own games, thank you.

Ditto "sticking to your guns comments". Despite lag and class balancing issues (which ain't too bad really) I love kz2 and I worry terribly that kz3 will be some horrible cod-ified R2 style piece of generic multiplayer bullshit. I love the fact that people criticise the shit out of kz2 for having supposedly generic visual design (ok, it was generic - but god damn was it well realised) but cant stomach the fact that it doesn't play like fucking cod.

EDIT: that wasn't meant to be a troll on cod, just saying that not every game needs to play like that.
KZ2 is anything 'but another generic FPS'. Anyone who claims it is clearly hasn't played the game, or has played an entirely different game.

It's funny how everyone cries how the market is flooded with COD clones yet cry at KZ2 for not being like COD.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
i dont think having another way to play online has a negative effect. MGO had other issues to why the community did'nt grow.
I'd love to believe this, but all the matchmaking systems I've seen have forced matchmaking as the only way to find public games. I think the reasoning here is that unless every game goes through matchmaking, the actual matchmaking pool is too diluted and becomes useless.

And I'll add my voice to the choir that would like to see Killzone stay Killzone. Its not for everyone. The controls are tougher to get a handle on, and the overall pace of movement and combat is slower, but these are the things I've grown to actually like about it.

The only thing I'd change is to allow boosting and unlocks with bots, even if those unlocks aren't available in ranked games. I'd just like to skirmish, with friends against bots as a nice option, but most of my buddies haven't unlocked most of the class options.


M3Freak said:
I don't like servers. Match making FTW.

WTF is this matchmaking bullshit talk in KZ?????

FUCK MATCHMAKING! I hate the fact I can't fucking select the map I want to play on or type of game or change game options in UC2 and MW2 ranked games. Fuck that random games shit matchmaking. Let me fucking decide what I want to play in ranked games like it is in KZ2.

First it was make it control and play like MW/Halo etc, and now it is bullshit matchmaking.
Leave my KZ alone damn it!!!!!!
Why don't KZ3 do it like Warhawk. Have a Quick match option which is Pseudo-Matchmaking, yet the main way of finding a game is server browsing. Please everyone.
TacticalFox88 said:
Why don't KZ3 do it like Warhawk. Have a Quick match option which is Pseudo-Matchmaking, yet the main way of finding a game is server browsing. Please everyone.

Yes. Warhawk does it best. The good thing is that KZ2 already uses a warhawk type of system, just not as smooth and customizable.

Also, for KZ3, they just need to not allow rocket launchers or grenade launchers in multiplayer. Just drop that crap altogether, there's no way to make it work. That would also mean getting rid of the assault class and replacing it with something else.

AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET RID OF THE BOOST ABILITY. That crap is so stupid. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if it were limited to assault as a primary ability, but as a secondary ability ANYONE can use it. Boosting engineer with a shotgun? GTFO.


Yes and server browsing makes it a nightmare to actually get into a game with a standardized rule set. Ranked games should not be held exclusively by the whims of the server creators. There needs to be some level of standardization for player rankings to have some kind of meaning.

Server lists have brought us a.) Pistol only games, b.) 32 player clusterfucks on Blood Gracht and c.) little to no options to play DLC.

Sure you could create a DLC server, but who the fuck wants to wait around all day for people to join your room? The game is in dire need of matchmaking if it wants to stay relevant in today's crowded market.


JB1981 said:
Yes and server browsing makes it a nightmare to actually get into a game with a standardized rule set. Ranked games should not be held exclusively by the whims of the server creators. There needs to be some level of standardization for player rankings to have some kind of meaning.

Server lists have brought us a.) Pistol only games, b.) 32 player clusterfucks on Blood Gracht and c.) little to no options to play DLC.

Sure you could create a DLC server, but who the fuck wants to wait around all day for people to join your room? The game is in dire need of matchmaking if it wants to stay relevant in today's crowded market.
Yeah there should also be a party option as well as allowing non-DLC users play on a server if it features normal maps in addition to the DLC maps, except they get kicked out when the DLC map comes into play. Better than completely preventing them from entering the server for lacking DLC maps, even though the map in play might be something like Salmon Market or Radec Academy.
H_Prestige said:
Yes. Warhawk does it best. The good thing is that KZ2 already uses a warhawk type of system, just not as smooth and customizable.

Also, for KZ3, they just need to not allow rocket launchers or grenade launchers in multiplayer. Just drop that crap altogether, there's no way to make it work. That would also mean getting rid of the assault class and replacing it with something else.

AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET RID OF THE BOOST ABILITY. That crap is so stupid. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if it were limited to assault as a primary ability, but as a secondary ability ANYONE can use it. Boosting engineer with a shotgun? GTFO.

I agree with about the RL - worst weapon in MP FPS games. If GG can't bring themselves to remove it completely then at least make it a power weapon like the bolt gun or flame thrower and give it a long respawn time. Boost as a primary is a good call perhaps with the armor boost being a secondary like the cloak - or just take the class in a new direction. Boost is a great ability for getting back to the front lines or leading a charge, but unfortunately it is too useful in modes like assassination and search and retrieve. I still think assault should load out with the LMGs and perhaps the grenade launcher.

As for grenades, perhaps make them so that they can kill teammates even if Friendly fire is off (like in U2). I hate being in a one-on-one fire fight and dying because someone else on the other team tossed in a grenade that kills me but leaves their teammate alive. Unfortunately hardly any servers are set up with FF-on, and the general maturity level seems to be so low that even when FF is on people team kill with impunity.

-viper- said:
Maybe they should allow character and weapon customisation in KZ3. Release free maps but charge for skins etc.

I don't see why first party map-packs aren't sponsored by some product or such. I have purchased most dlc for the games I like, but I would be willing to look at an ad or something during loading if it meant everyone could get the maps for free (perhaps a donation would allow the ads to be removed). I am sure that Sony could set something up for their main titles.


Rocket launchers work fine sometimes, in fact they're essential against a team with good engineers. The problem is when you put 32p in a small map, all in the same area (search & destroy for instance) and with no friendly fire.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
A.R.K said:
WTF is this matchmaking bullshit talk in KZ?????

FUCK MATCHMAKING! I hate the fact I can't fucking select the map I want to play on or type of game or change game options in UC2 and MW2 ranked games. Fuck that random games shit matchmaking. Let me fucking decide what I want to play in ranked games like it is in KZ2.

First it was make it control and play like MW/Halo etc, and now it is bullshit matchmaking.
Leave my KZ alone damn it!!!!!!
this shit goes both ways. You get one one day and every fuckin room is playing 2 maps, or every game type that i hate..ect. Again, i dont see how matchmaking or what Warhawk had would be a negative. To be clear i dont think its the #1 thing that needs to be on GG's KZ3 list, i dont think the lack of Quick match is the reason KZ2 multi is not "hte greatest Eva". But putting another way to get in online games will not make the game suddenly not fun.

Far example, SF4 got like 4 different ways to play online, that in no way killed the community. It just gave gamers different ways to play others. If GG can make it work, why not.

It does'nt matter how you get in games(as long as it works), at the end its the gameplay/design that will determine whether i'll play the game online for a long time. I kinda stopped playing KZ2 cuz of few issues alot of you have posted already, Payed DLC maps(WHICH SPLITS COMMUNITIES MORE THAN ANYTHING)and other games/time...blah blah.


Massa said:
Rocket launchers work fine sometimes, in fact they're essential against a team with good engineers. The problem is when you put 32p in a small map, all in the same area (search & destroy for instance) and with no friendly fire.
Kill off the Assault class. Leave the rocket launcher for the default rifleman.

Solution: Technician class.
Primary Badge: EMP Blast. Disables turrets and airbots
Secondary Badge: uh.. I'm sure Guerilla can think of something.


Was there an upgrade that changed them from their 'Extra DMG but original health levels'? They seemed perfect last time I played (again unless a recent patch has come out).
Zen said:
Was there an upgrade that changed them from their 'Extra DMG but original health levels'? They seemed perfect last time I played (again unless a recent patch has come out).

I think they may still have too much health. At this point they seem to take more shots than a turret plus they move around which means it also takes longer to take them down. I don't have actual health stats but I know that it takes about 5 shots from the StA 14 to take down a turret but it takes about 8 to take down an air bot. This of course means that you have to reload while trying to take it out, plus it is doing substantial damage. On maps like Corinth air bots seem far too powerful.

Honestly though, the only thing that really bothers me about bots is that they are capable of getting head shots. I don't know how you could go about removing this but (to me) it just seems really cheap that there is no quick way for me to take down a bot (without using a rocket or grenade) but it can take me out in one shot right after I come around a corner and from a decent range as well.

Mikey Jr.

JustHadToJoin said:
So guys is this game still hot online? T-1 week until I pick up a ps3 and I want a few online games that are fun and will last

Hot? Probably not. But you definitely find a game you like.

One thing I wanted to mention.

GG has one of the best post-release support I have ever seen. They really listen to the community (maybe to a fault).


It's still very active online, probably not 'hot' but you never notice a lack of games. At least from my experience.
Not sure if this has been posted, but Guerrilla posted side by side comparisons of Killzone 1 and Killzone 2 to showcase the evolution of the series. Click the pic to go to source.



Did they ever fix that issue where the player seems to feel really short compared to every other character in the game?


Matchmaking is necessary if you want to play with a larger group of friends (let's say 4 or more).
With the current server browsing system, most games are full or have space for 1 or 2 more people. If we create our own game, we have to wait forever for people to join, and even then most people quit out when they realize they are alone on the opposite team. I won't even talk about the non-existent team balancing bullshit for friends play.
KZ2 was a pain in the ass to play with larger groups of friends.
With Matchmaking, you create your big party and hit find game. Done.

I would like to see KZ3 become a much bigger mainstream success than KZ2, so I don't mind at all if they COD-ify KZ3 a bit to appeal to more people.


Okay, so I finally have gotten around to playing KZ2. Buying a house a few months ago took precedence over buying games and when Gamefly had it on sale for $18 used, I had to bite. Let me preface my opinions by saying I'm not finished yet and I'm about 5 or 6 hours in.

My first comment is that I had just finished MW2 (and I really liked it) prior to firing up KZ2. I was a little nervous after reading about people not liking the aiming/shooting. I was one of those people who came from PC FPS roots and had a hard time adjusting to dual analog sticks in the past. That being said, I had zero issues with KZ2's shooting controls at all. I honestly don't know what all the fuss was about. I'm playing the default difficulty level, so maybe if I were playing it on a higher difficulty instead, I'd have an issue with it. I do hope that KZ3 keeps the same controls. It didn't take me but a few minutes to get comfortable with it.

The graphics are fantastic. The game does look great, but playing it gives me a slight headache. Very similar to Resistance 1. Not nearly as bad as The Orange Box on 360, which made me want to kill myself. MW2 gave me zero motion sickness at all. My minor gripe with the visuals is feeling like a midget when in the presence of Rico/Garza etc. That POV feels strange to me.

The characters...Rico is annoying as shit. I've never played KZ1, but I thought he was kinda funny in Liberation, which I finished. I wish I could say I care about any of these characters other than Sev, but I couldn't care less what happens to them. It's a shame because I really liked the characters in MW and MW2. I was disappointed when some of them bit the dust. And as corny as the guys in Gears/Gears 2 are, they are memorable and IMO, likable. I'm finding that I like the Helghast much more than the Vectans. If in KZ3 I get to play as the Helghast and I get to slaughter Vectans, I'm all for it.

Anyway, that's my take so far. I'm digging the game from a fun and technical perspective. If there is some better characterization in KZ3 and less usage of the word "fuck" (I do cuss, myself...but it's ridiculous in the game), I'll be a happy camper. Luckily, I have Uncharted 2 waiting for me and I was a big fan of Nathan Drake and company.


:lol looks like my predictions were wrong. IW fucked up MW2 w/all the glitches, that game is going through some of the rocket n00b troubles this game had/has. The difference is at least in KZ2 you can turn off some weapons or classes. GG should definitely keep this freedom in for KZ3. As much as I criticize the game, I'm looking forward to KZ3. Until then, at some point if sales have slowed down to a trickle, I want GG to release the map packs for dirt cheap or free. Last time I booted this up couldn't find anyone playing on one of the new maps I wanted to play on.

GG also better keep Skirmish mode in KZ3. I loved the offline bots in KZ1 and glad they put it in this game. Sometimes you don't want to deal w/the bullshit that comes with playing online but still want to play multiplayer modes.


ZeroRay said:
Camera is on your hip not your head like other FPS's.
I think this is a choice that was not successful at all. Being unique for the sake of being unique is not always a good thing. I would personally rather not feel so short that I have trouble looking over railings in KZ3.


I was wondering, for those of us who use LCDs, what sort of levels do you guys have for the game? I use a Samsung 46Inch and am constantly unhappy with the visuals. :lol My TV has a decent amount of settings so I'm sort of stuck with an embarrassment of riches as far as tweaking goes.

One thing I've noticed is that the 'ajust gamma' setting for KZ2 in game doesn't seem to really do much to the Helghast symbol on screen (but can do tons to the image as a whole) that you're suppose to make barely visible. It seems like the in game gamma correct has a very barrow range for effecting whites.

mm04 said:
Okay, so I finally have gotten around to playing KZ2. Buying a house a few months ago took precedence over buying games and when Gamefly had it on sale for $18 used, I had to bite. Let me preface my opinions by saying I'm not finished yet and I'm about 5 or 6 hours in.

My first comment is that I had just finished MW2 (and I really liked it) prior to firing up KZ2. I was a little nervous after reading about people not liking the aiming/shooting. I was one of those people who came from PC FPS roots and had a hard time adjusting to dual analog sticks in the past. That being said, I had zero issues with KZ2's shooting controls at all. I honestly don't know what all the fuss was about. I'm playing the default difficulty level, so maybe if I were playing it on a higher difficulty instead, I'd have an issue with it. I do hope that KZ3 keeps the same controls. It didn't take me but a few minutes to get comfortable with it.

The graphics are fantastic. The game does look great, but playing it gives me a slight headache. Very similar to Resistance 1. Not nearly as bad as The Orange Box on 360, which made me want to kill myself. MW2 gave me zero motion sickness at all. My minor gripe with the visuals is feeling like a midget when in the presence of Rico/Garza etc. That POV feels strange to me.

The characters...Rico is annoying as shit. I've never played KZ1, but I thought he was kinda funny in Liberation, which I finished. I wish I could say I care about any of these characters other than Sev, but I couldn't care less what happens to them. It's a shame because I really liked the characters in MW and MW2. I was disappointed when some of them bit the dust. And as corny as the guys in Gears/Gears 2 are, they are memorable and IMO, likable. I'm finding that I like the Helghast much more than the Vectans. If in KZ3 I get to play as the Helghast and I get to slaughter Vectans, I'm all for it.

Anyway, that's my take so far. I'm digging the game from a fun and technical perspective. If there is some better characterization in KZ3 and less usage of the word "fuck" (I do cuss, myself...but it's ridiculous in the game), I'll be a happy camper. Luckily, I have Uncharted 2 waiting for me and I was a big fan of Nathan Drake and company.

I look forward to your full impressions. What is it about Rico that you find annoying? Is it his voice?


^^ are you kidding?

Voice, language (fucking curses every fucking third fucking word), demeanor, everything. Worst character in recent memory.

and this is before the ending. The ending was the icing on the cake for the Rico hate.


Yeah I just finished the sixth level and I do not like Rico and especially Natko. I'm hoping Natko dies by the end of the game. Garza's probably the only character I like. The controls were patched apparently so that's why you're probably fine with them. I don't have an issue with them aside from mixing up buttons since I just came out of Uncharted 2.

The FOV is awful. It's obvious why, but I can't help but wish they took the other option. It's purposefully set to a really narrow field of view so that they could make the visuals on screen as good as they are. It's really disorienting for me at times and I find myself lost quite often and having to figure out where neutral ground is again. It's the most frustrating part of the game for me.

It's a decent shooter I find so far. No where close to as good as Uncharted 2 and not in my GOTY list at all, but not a bad $20 - $30 purchase.


Firestorm said:
Yeah I just finished the sixth level and I do not like Rico and especially Natko. I'm hoping Natko dies by the end of the game. Garza's probably the only character I like. The controls were patched apparently so that's why you're probably fine with them. I don't have an issue with them aside from mixing up buttons since I just came out of Uncharted 2.

The FOV is awful. It's obvious why, but I can't help but wish they took the other option. It's purposefully set to a really narrow field of view so that they could make the visuals on screen as good as they are. It's really disorienting for me at times and I find myself lost quite often and having to figure out where neutral ground is again. It's the most frustrating part of the game for me.

It's a decent shooter I find so far. No where close to as good as Uncharted 2 and not in my GOTY list at all, but not a bad $20 - $30 purchase.

Awe man I disagree so much... incredible game. Just went back to replay the singeplayer again. Its just so fun to play for me, i think its a combo between the AI/graphics/animation that makes each encounter feel fresh. Love it.


Firestorm said:
The FOV is awful. It's obvious why, but I can't help but wish they took the other option. It's purposefully set to a really narrow field of view so that they could make the visuals on screen as good as they are. It's really disorienting for me at times and I find myself lost quite often and having to figure out where neutral ground is again. It's the most frustrating part of the game for me.

If you're ever lost, pressing up on the DPAD will show you where you need to go.

Though I never found the FOV to be an issue, and I've been playing a decent amount of CoD. It would be interesting to see a realtime FOV adjustment. The game does a good job of focusing your attention, so it wasn't a problem for me. Is it the horizontal or vertical FOV that's an issue for you?


Firestorm said:
Yeah I just finished the sixth level and I do not like Rico and especially Natko. I'm hoping Natko dies by the end of the game. Garza's probably the only character I like. The controls were patched apparently so that's why you're probably fine with them. I don't have an issue with them aside from mixing up buttons since I just came out of Uncharted 2.

The FOV is awful. It's obvious why, but I can't help but wish they took the other option. It's purposefully set to a really narrow field of view so that they could make the visuals on screen as good as they are. It's really disorienting for me at times and I find myself lost quite often and having to figure out where neutral ground is again. It's the most frustrating part of the game for me.

It's a decent shooter I find so far. No where close to as good as Uncharted 2 and not in my GOTY list at all, but not a bad $20 - $30 purchase.

I can understand why you mightn't like the FOV but I doubt it was done for technical reasons. I don't think narrowing the FOV would greatly facilitate the amount of geometry/effects you can represent at any one time in a given FOV (and would make zero difference for post processing, which is were most of kz2 technical prowess comes from). Games generally don't do pov lod - gta does but it's very easily detectable, i've never noticed that in kz3. spinning around quickly can lower the frame rate a little but it doesn't cause pop in/texture load in, which is what you'd expect if they were running pov lod. if you've ever played around with fov console commands in unreal tournament or quake you'll know that fov makes no difference to the frame rate. like the lower perspective & weighty controls i think kz2's narrower fov was done to make things feel more claustrophobic and intimate... all three of those things have had their detractors, of course.
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