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So I finally finished the game and I think from a game play and technical perspective, it was well done. My next step is to play with some bots before I get my ass kicked by real people in MP, but my unopened copy of UC2 is calling my name.

My only real complaint with the game are the characters and dialog are utterly forgettable. I'm not asking for a masterpiece here, since I liked the characters in MW/MW2 and Gears. But I didn't feel invested at all in any of the characters. I don't care if the story is shit, but at least give me a reason to care about if the ISA people live or die.

Other than that, very good game and I'm glad I finally had the time to get to it. I liked the aiming and shooting, so please don't change that in Killzone 3. Just get a better writer and better voice actors and I'll be happy.


Dibbz said:
Can someone tell me why the filtering options in KZ2 are so retarded?

I want to search for Helghan Industries so.
Killzone only lists 1 game which has only that map and that map alone.
Change map filter back to any and at least 5 servers I see have it in their rotation.

GG wtf is the point of the retarded filtering when it works so stupidly? Why not let me filter by game length or current map playing or something useful?

Matchmaking would get rid of most of the problems I have with the servers or better yet take control over how people play the damn game and enforce you're own rules. :|

In fact don't let people customize the games at all since everyone is so retarded and like clusterfucks which last 10 hours.

You used to be able to search for games with a certain map in the rotation. But an early patch to fix a server list bug got rid of it. No explanation why, and no mention of it since. With that option the DLC wouldn't have been completely useless.

I've complained about it a few times but no response from any of the developers. I used to use it all the time to find servers with Saluman Market but alas can't do that anymore...

Having said that please don't act like Match making would magically solve problems such as this. MW2 and U2 have match making and it's god awful. You can't even chose which maps to play. Yesterday I had a frustrating night of MW2 with it's broken party system and shit matchmaking. I've just had a frustrating few hours of trying to play U2 online but shitty match making pairing us up with US players so it's a lag fest or kicking people from the party as the game is about to start with no way of getting back into the server etc etc it's a fucking disgrace how bad these systems are in other game. And Infinity Ward have had a lot more experience than Guerrilla Games when it comes to this sort of thing. I dread the day we find out KZ3 has matchmaking because it's guaranteed to be complete shit.


mm04 said:
My only real complaint with the game are the characters and dialog are utterly forgettable.
Believe me , you're not gonna forget Visari & Visari Speech.

" My people. Sons and daughters of Helghan ..."


ahh yes I almost forgot. As an Ambassador of KZ2 online I do declare 2moro to be Ribbon boosting day!

I have agreed to help Beamber and Dezimator get some pesky ribbons, any one else need some assistance?

Ambassador Lince may also be present to lend his expert assistance.


I'll be there of course, and we can play some random games afterwards... even though I just swore no more P2P competitive online gaming for a while :lol


Lince said:
I'll be there of course, and we can play some random games afterwards... even though I just swore no more P2P competitive online gaming for a while :lol

Shortest boycott ever. Typical of us :lol


You guys still playing tonight? I'll try and get on if I can. FF managed to get me a slot in the clan yet so I can join games?


There's tons of servers today despite there being on 80k people playing a week. Played some fun cluster fucks on map pack 2 and 3. Fun not knowing where anything is. The nuke level is just ridiculous especially for S&D.

Dibbz said:
You guys still playing tonight? I'll try and get on if I can. FF managed to get me a slot in the clan yet so I can join games?

Sorry Dibbz. No one has left as far as I can see. I asked Live to txt Raist (clan leader who hasn't been online in 2 months) but havn't heard back. I'll ask Live later.

I helped Dez get his melee ribbons and therefore his platinum trophy, anyone else need some ribbon assistance?


Ambassador FFO


Not sure if you want to start a seperate KZ3 wish list thread or keep everything here, but before I forget, I wanted to say please separate the S&D objectives for KZ3 instead of clustering them together in the same room. Would be even better if you had many different spots on each map and it would randomly pick 2 (not close together) for every game. After a while, people learned to start rushing the plant spot before every game type change (lame and boring).

As a general design philosophy, please get rid of the 'clusterfuck is good' mentality (as much as you think it makes things intense, it doesn't).

Fix this shit GG! :)


Does anyone know what happend to "Dimme1" or something like that? He/she was at 2nd place or something in the Killzone 2 leaderboards, but i noticed some weeks ago that he/she wasnt listed in the leaderboards anymore.

Maybe this has been answered earlier in this thread, but i havnt checked this thread in a while, so i havnt seen if it has been answered or not :\


FFObsessed said:
Uncharted 2 - 4
inFAMOUS - 1

Lead multiplayer designer Eric Boltjes kicked off the FFO GOTY Award celebrations with his announcement on the Official PlayStation Blog. His post was met with congratulatory responses from fans all over the world, some of whom - much to our delight - went so far as to send real-life congratulations cards. Check out what the Dutch/Belgian MBG Clan sent us


The announcement of the FFO GOTY Award was marked with a party at the Guerrilla studio, complete with champagne, Killzone-themed cakes, and playable Killzone 1 demo pods. While most of us had already played (or indeed, worked on) the original game, some employees experienced their first real taste of Killzone 1 on the demo pods that night, in honour of the great Ambassador of all things Killzone, FFObsessed.


For Guerrilla veterans Eric Boltjes and producer Seb 'MotherH' Downie, playing against the legend FFO again was a trip down nostalgia lane. We set them up with a case of beer and asked them to record their comments as they played against their favorite Killzone 2 player. The transcripts provide a candid insight into the admiration of the best Killzone 2 player, FFObsessed. Check out part 1, part 2 and part 3 of the commentary.


"Wow that FFO is amazing"


"I wish I was this good... maybe we should hire him"


"Yo dawg, did you just see that shit?"

Thanks to everyone who helped make the FFO GOTY Award celebrations a success. The results of the Twitter giveaway contest will be announced here soon, so keep an eye on Killzone.com!

careful said:
Not sure if you want to start a seperate KZ3 wish list thread or keep everything here, but before I forget, I wanted to say please separate the S&D objectives for KZ3 instead of clustering them together in the same room. Would be even better if you had many different spots on each map and it would randomly pick 2 (not close together) for every game. After a while, people learned to start rushing the plant spot before every game type change (lame and boring).

As a general design philosophy, please get rid of the 'clusterfuck is good' mentality (as much as you think it makes things intense, it doesn't).

Fix this shit GG! :)

Not only that, but S&D should never be the last mode in a game, nor should S&D defend ever follow Assassination Defend.


lol thats quite something right there FF. Shame they didn't get you into the game. There's always next time though :p

I agree that S&D needs to be looked at again. In theory it works. You have the defenders holding one location and attackers trying to get in. Attackers can use rockets, grenades etc to stop defenders camping on top of the spots and defenders can use turrets to keep attackers away.

Though we all know it plays nothing like that. Every S&D is tactician throws spawn grenade and so does the other team. Both teams spawn and die over and over with blood and bullets everywhere. Since assault is so overpowered it's always disabled and turrets become overpowered because all 4 can be stacked in one room. Grenades fly and everyone cries.

Suggestion to GG, make rockets lock onto electronic devices only to stop people from going nuts with them.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I wish they had done a SP expansion to this game... Are the Fallout 3 expansions profitable? I hope they are because I want more SP expansions for great games like this one. Wonder how the Borderlands expansion is doing...


Are there many servers who have the DLC maps in their map rotation? I'm thinking about picking them up later but I'm going to be bummed if nobody is playing them.
Rubezh said:
Are there many servers who have the DLC maps in their map rotation? I'm thinking about picking them up later but I'm going to be bummed if nobody is playing them.
Lately, there has been at least 3 different servers. Always at least one.


FFO :lol

by the way awesome game yesterday, so good to put GAFe on top and dominating again, and the game before you joined me went very well too, a shame you couldn't play that one.


tiddles said:
Killzone 2's FOV is actually pretty close to COD's (console versions, not PC ones where you have the option to set it wider).

Do people complain about the FOV in CoD (consoles)?


Lince said:
FFO :lol

by the way awesome game yesterday, so good to put GAFe on top and dominating again, and the game before you joined me went very well too, a shame you couldn't play that one.
playing KZ2 makes me wonder why I even bothered with MW2.


Zen said:
Do people complain about the FOV in CoD (consoles)?
I do. In CoD the FOV is at the forehead. So when an enemy is behind a fence/wall and just has his forehead out above the fence he has a clear advantage because if you see him first you only have one small forehead to shoot while most times you're exposed. If it was done right (Like killzone) then I would be able to see everything from his gun (shoulder height) and upward.

Killzone FOV > CoD FOV because the only downside is that you feel like a midget but you also get used to it.

-viper- said:
playing KZ2 makes me wonder why I even bothered with MW2.
I am starting to feel the same way.


Dibbz said:
lol thats quite something right there FF. Shame they didn't get you into the game. There's always next time though :p

I was thinking for KZ3 they could call the Friendly Fire option "Friendly Fire Obsessed" Get it? Get it? Whatcha think, whatcha think? :p

Thrakier said:
You are insane. Sorry. I still love you though.

The way I figure it, there's no point being anything but. <3

Lince said:
FFO :lol

by the way awesome game yesterday, so good to put GAFe on top and dominating again, and the game before you joined me went very well too, a shame you couldn't play that one.

Yeah great stuff. You had me laughing none stop through the whole game I think :lol

Zen said:

Crap, now I want to go play Beachhead. :lol

Gorgeous map. A pretty bland design, but gorgeous. People who say KZ2 has bad textures are either blind or ignorant. Tho I did spot some re-used Saluman Market floor textures :p (not that it matters)

-viper- said:
playing KZ2 makes me wonder why I even bothered with MW2.

I bothered with it because I really liked CoD4 (both SP and MP) and wanted the next evolution of that game. Unfortunately IW decided to make a cheap, unbalanced mess with a broken party system and crappy match making instead; rounded off beautifully with a bunch of maps which can only be described as average at best.

Full Recovery said:
I am starting to feel the same way.

You have heard the call... come back to us... <3

beast786 said:
Gamespot Best Multiplayer of 2009

Killzone 2

YESSSS!!!!1 Congratz Guerrilla. Completely deserved. Respect for Gamespot +1.

I look forward to the inevitable KILLZONE 2 - FFO GOTY Edition with the 3 map packs on disc. Get a few more sales and breath more life into the map packs. Although I think the sale did just that, as yesterday there was a bunch of servers with the new maps and I had some fun games on the 2nd and 3rd map packs.

Good job GG.


And the winner is…
Killzone 2

* Publisher: SCEA
* Developer: Guerrilla

GameSpot's Best Games of 2009 Editors' Choice Winner

When you first dive into Killzone 2's competitive warzone, you don't have much in the way of options. Limited weapons, ammo, and grenades make you feel like a new recruit, and the battlefield can be a deadly place. Gloomy lighting, thick smoke, and harsh industrial environments create an oppressive atmosphere, and the sound of battle often grows to a cacophony that few other shooters can match. This intensity is further heightened by Killzone 2's innovative match structure. You don't choose Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, or Assault and Defend before going to war (though you can, if you want). Instead, each match seamlessly transitions between game types, creating an ever-shifting battlefield that demands awareness, adaptability, and aggressiveness.

Embrace these virtues, and you are rewarded. As you kill enemies and complete objectives, you advance in rank and unlock new weapons and new badges. These badges function like classes, giving you strategically powerful skills, such as the ability to revive teammates, to place turrets, or to disguise yourself as an enemy. You can also earn ribbons and medals for commendable battlefield actions. This feat-based stream of rewards bestows valuable bonuses, the most powerful of which actually improve the potency of your badges by granting you another ability. You can then earn the power to mix and match these abilities and create custom classes that will make you more unpredictable and more deadly. The two reward systems make you feel like you are constantly achieving something on the battlefield, and together, they offer a uniquely engaging array of powerful combinations.

With these strategic abilities constantly in play, there is a lot more happening on the battlefield than just soldiers shooting each other. Skirmishes can play out in virtually any part of Killzone's superbly designed multiplayer maps, each of which can accommodate up to 32 players at a time. The sheer scope of these conflicts, the strategic clash of different abilities, the dynamic shifting of battlefield objectives, and the flat-out satisfying movement and shooting mechanics make Killzone 2 the best competitive multiplayer game of 2009.

Fucking nailed it!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Reading this thread I don't feel bad for not having played a single MW2 online game.

Worst money spent on an "AAA" game ever. Single player was a snore fest.


And the winner is…
Killzone 2

* Publisher: SCEA
* Developer: Guerrilla

GameSpot's Best Games of 2009 Editors' Choice Winner

Choosing a winner for best sound design is usually pretty tricky, since there are many factors that can contribute to a great audio experience in a game and since, sadly, there are games that have fantastic sound design in some areas but flaws in others that drag down the entire package.

That wasn't the case this year, since each of our finalists offered an excellent audio presentation all around. But the most impressive of the bunch was Killzone 2, whose excellent audio design makes the game's battles come alive. The game tells the tale of a war on the distant planet of Helghan against a teeming horde of red-eyed Helghast soldiers. The battles take place on the stormy planet against backdrops of cacophonous gunfire, the rumble of thunder and crack of lightning, and the screams of dying soldiers. In fact, the audio in Killzone 2, particularly in multiplayer, makes for a truly intense experience--one whose firefights are much more immediate and meaningful because of the vivid sound effects that bring the battles to life.



Have a fun! Enjoy!
KZ2 also won best sequel award. Not sure if it's a compliment to the game or a reminder of how bad KZ1 was tho.


TTP said:
:lol @ readers vote.

Goddammit! :lol

KZ2 also got "Most Improved Sequel Award" which I guess is also fair.

And the winner is…
Killzone 2

* Publisher: SCEA
* Developer: Guerrilla

GameSpot's Best Games of 2009 Editors' Choice Winner

If the core of a first-person shooter comes down to how fun it is to shoot, then Killzone 2 was already a shoo-in for this category. While the original Killzone's weapons were limp and unsatisfying, Killzone 2's are weighty, effective, and an absolute blast to shoot. Yet the improvements go far beyond the enhanced arsenal. Killzone's artificial intelligence was remarkably inept, but Killzone 2 exhibits some of the year's finest AI, another reason the action is so much more satisfying. And while its predecessor suffered from a variety of technical issues that marred its otherwise strong presentation, Killzone 2 is a technical marvel, stunning to both look at and listen to.

Most importantly, while Killzone didn't compare favorably to its contemporaries, Killzone 2 is a fantastic shooter that compares favorably with any other shooter this year. It owes much of this success to its outstanding multiplayer component, which issues you a steady stream of rewards without ever withholding important features. But the setting also deserves credit. The original game's earthbound areas gave way to Killzone 2's otherworldly landscapes that impart an atmosphere of doom and oppression. The original game all too often felt like a traditional wartime shooter, but the sequel is science fiction through and through. Killzone 2 is, by far, 2009's most improved sequel.

edit: oh ho you're always one step ahead of me sneaky Italian!


FFObsessed said:
Gorgeous map. A pretty bland design, but gorgeous. People who say KZ2 has bad textures are either blind or ignorant. Tho I did spot some re-used Saluman Market floor textures :p (not that it matters)

I've been playing through the SP campaign again, and reading a few impressions here, basically the odd 'textures' comment, has got me being very thorough in checking out the texture usage in the game.

The issue that leads people to say things like Killzone 2 has bad texturing is oftentimes Guerilla would only really make the max detail version of the texture viewable in a subtle way based upon angle of sight, or, if you were right up close to it because of the nature of the high detail coloring specifically not being made to look like melting walls.

It wasn't a technical limitation, as often times the high detail version would kick in from a decent distance, but you'd only really see that extra detail up close because of the coloring of filter or whatnot. There would be things that would just look low res, but would have a fairly detailed second layer applied up close, but most people probably wouldn't stop to look.

There is the odd, 'low res' texture here and there, but they're honestly less so than most FPS games on consoles. The worst level I've seen so far, in terms of actual 'low res' texture usage is Suljeva Village. It has a lot of 'low' detailed textures. Who knows how much of that was because of the environment sizes or the sand blasted nature of the environment, or production time.

I feel like taking some pictures to show what I'm talking about as my explanation is somewhat lacking.

Killzone 2 actually has very high texture detail though, no argument there.
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