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FFObsessed said:
Hopefully they'll release a GOTY Edition with the maps on disc and eventually make them free for everyone.

Dammit, I'm still playing with my press copy, I really hope they'll make a GotY edition so I can get one. :lol


An epic game just occured, and Viper and Michael_Bluth both left the game early on... smh


Finished the game 255-50 with almost 700 points. I did have 100-8 near the beginning (and two of those deaths were goddamn turrets blowing up right next to me) but S&D happened. :p

There was this poor guy called Biddy550, I must have headshotted him at least 20 times :(



Just had a 420 point game where the next guy on my team got 129... won 5-2... one man army.

I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me
FFObsessed said:
Just had a 420 point game where the next guy on my team got 129... won 5-2... one man army.

I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

"Now take your weapons of mass destruction and get the fuck out of here!" :D

Awesome movie!!!! :lol


FFObsessed said:
An epic game just occured, and Viper and Michael_Bluth both left the game early on... smh


Finished the game 255-50 with almost 700 points. I did have 100-8 near the beginning (and two of those deaths were goddamn turrets blowing up right next to me) but S&D happened. :p

There was this poor guy called Biddy550, I must have headshotted him at least 20 times :(

don't worry, i'll be playing more often once I get MW2 spec ops out of my way :p


Just had a 200-50 game. Today's been one of those days where all I've have to do is look at someone and they die...

*looks at Viper*


FFObsessed said:
Good game Chryz, had a mix of poor games and good games today.
I switched to another server after our game, was lucky with a decent squad and played for 2-3 hours. We were on a roll and won every game. It was beautiful.
I had a lull in my gaming where all the games im currently playing just got dull to me for whatever reason. Popped in KZ2 and ... well ... feels good man.


FFObsessed said:
Need Rick to teach me his skills. What a stallion.

My level of ineptitude in decision making and complete lack of awareness of what's going on around me can't be taught - only observed with wide-eyed disbelief!

I will be back this evening to ease your loneliness, though I fear only Lince can truly satisfy that need:lol


FFObsessed said:
Just had a 420 point game where the next guy on my team got 129... won 5-2... one man army.

I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

Theres nobody I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It's kind of sirry
But not so rearry
Because it's firring my body with rage
I'm the smartest, most crever, Most physicarry fit

But nobody else seems to rearise it
When I change the world
Maybe they'll notice me
And until then

I'll just be ronery

Yeah poor rittle meeeeeee
FFObsessed said:
I don't think so. It seems to be quite common when people discuss most shooters. The talk about the controls, by that they mean how easy it is to aim and shoot someone rather than the enjoyment that comes from actually shooting someone. I hear a lot of "are the guns fun to shoot?" when what's really important is "is it fun to shoot something?" It's not the firing of the guns which is the most important, it's the actual shooting OF something. It's when your bullets make contact with an enemy or something in the environment. That's the point at which you're interacting with the game world in a shooter, that's when you get the most feedback, that's what all shooters need to focus on when it comes to their gunplay, and so many "AAA" shooters fail in this regard.

Other shooters of course have been very successful in the past with their gunplay, Max Payne, F.E.A.R. being two of my favorites but they are very out dated when compared to KZ2. Max Payne was of course quite a few years ago (tho way ahead of it's time) and a TPS, so lets focus on F.E.A.R. They did a great job when it comes to the shooting, the impact of every shot, tho exaggerated, was satisfying. But, killing an enemy, still felt like you were killing a toy or a mannequin due to the rag dolls. With KZ2 they blended rag dolls with top quality motion capture animations so you can still affect the Helghast soldiers with each shot but they react with much more realistic animation. Killing enemies in KZ2 for the first time ever for me, felt like I was killing an actual person, rather than a toy or simply a video game character like in other games. I truly believe it's a step forward for the genre and playing other shooters now just feels wholly unsatisfying in that regard. And it's not just the animation quality or the system they implemented. So much care and polish was put into everything about the shooting. From the ultra-detailed gun models and ejected casings to the amazing reload animations. The unique feel of the every gun, the weight of the controls. The way they exaggerate every bullet impact with a heat signature or with the realistic dust/smoke that lingers in the air after each bullet hits a wall. Especially great in the online when you've just had a really intense fire fight in a room, which is then completely filled with smoke and dust afterwards which lingers realistically in the air. Even though the environments aren't destructible you still see the effects of every shot fired, you can track every shot that leaves your gun. You have to control the recoil and spread of your bullets, you can't just hold down the R1 button and the autoaim will do it all for you. You have to control your shots, it takes a lot of skill, especially in the online when things can get really hectic and that's what makes it so satisfying. Gamespot (surprising enough) nailed it in their Killzone 2 Shooter of the Year Award write up when they said:

Although they didn't go into great detail, it was nice to see the game get recognised for what it did do well by a big website. And I do think the game did a great job of showing off this system with the level/game design, there were a lot of close combat situations throughout the game, and with the cover system you could survive the aggressive and intelligent A.I. and still get up close and personal and pump bullets into the enemies from close range which was just so enjoyable. And the level design in general did a good job of allowing the enemies to really show off their A.I. I remember and amazing incident in the warehouse battle of the first level (demo level) where I'd cleared out the whole room except for one guy. I searched the warehouse, all over, every spot where he could be hiding but couldn't find him. So I thought, "ahh must have got him", I turned round and he popped out behind cover, said: "pretty dumb!" and shot me! I killed him tho! :p But still, I don't think I'd ever seen an enemy hide from me until he saw a great opportunity to get the jump on me, then insult me as he shoots me! :lol Crazy. I've actually tried to manufacture that moment again but never been able to get it to happen. It's just one of those amazing moments that can occur 1 time in a million in some games. Love it. The game is really best played on Hard, that's when you get the most intense encounters.

I also like how they don't hold you hand and guide you through certain scenarios. The ATAC battle you mentioned, I played the game on Hard the first time through, which I normally never do, (because I suck at most games :p) but I managed to beat it first time, How? Pure luck :p, when getting an ammo refill from the re-spawning rocket launcher, I just happen to notice the stair case which leads down to the corridor downstairs which made the boss fight so much easier. I really like that, they don't lead you down there, you can just discover it by yourself spontaneously. The downside of that approach is of course, what if you don't discover it? You're left frustrated and annoyed. But I like that method, but can understand how other would not. Another good example is the very last level, the fight with Radec, playing through the game on Hard, that was the only section that had me almost pulling my hair out. They just dump you in a room with waves after waves of Helghast and basically just tell you to "deal with it" :lol And you have to figure out you're own strategy. Which is very frustrating, but much more satisfying when you beat it out by figuring out the best strategy. My first playthrough on Hard, the satisfaction of beating it didn't make up for the hour of frustration that preceded it. But when I played through the game straight after on Elite, I enjoyed the last battle, I knew what to do, I figured out a strategy that worked best for me and I had the extra challenge of the harder difficulty/no cross hair and I thought it was great. But it certainly is a design philosophy that can go either way for a lot of people.

I see KZ2 mainly as an excellent foundation to build on. Mentioning HL2 reminded me that game is now 5 years old, and still heralded as possibly the best FPS ever. In five years time KZ2 may be remembered as a game that really refined and pushed forward the shooting mechanics of the genre, but it's certainly not going to be remembered as a truly great FPS SP. It's just not original or memorable enough to approach anyway near HL2's level. So what they need to do is take the great work they did with KZ2 and use that as a foundation to build on in future games. That's an incredibly obvious thing to say I realise, but the main issue with the first Killzone was that (apart from a lack of polish technically) the shooting mechanics were quite poor, they nailed that with KZ2, so now hopefully they can focus on creating truly memorable, original and fun scenarios to make the game stand out a lot more than KZ2 did. Work in a lot more story and more info about the culture of the Helghast, the politics, the people. Create more interesting characters on both the ISA and Helghast side and they could create something truly great. Personally, I'm not too optimistic :p and the multiplayer will be the biggest draw for me in terms of KZ3, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they do in their future work. :)
shit son. epic write up.


theignoramus said:
shit son. epic write up.

the important part was "I see KZ2 mainly as an excellent foundation to build on". that's exactly how i feel about it too... although the mp, warts and all, is goddamn addictive in the meantime. had to tear myself away tonight, a really cool game with just phyrus, helghan industries salm market and (slightly out of place) tharsis depot in rotation. i know gaf hates phyrus but i like all those first three maps because they allow me to snipe to my heart's contect and still contribute effectively to the performance of the team. i was absolutely slaughtering them on helghan industries, chirp chirp chirp motherfuckers...


KZ3 needs variety.

Look at Uncharted 2. So much variety in the levels. No two levels are the same. KZ2 on the other hand, there are only 4 different settings and thats it. Doesn't help the fact that they showed us every single level before the game was released either.


dazed808 said:
My level of ineptitude in decision making and complete lack of awareness of what's going on around me can't be taught - only observed with wide-eyed disbelief!

I will be back this evening to ease your loneliness, though I fear only Lince can truly satisfy that need:lol

Tis a thirst that can't be quenched! Arrr!


Facism said:
FFO sticks to Killzone 2 cos it's the only MP he's where he's above average :'(

Better to be above average, than below it...


theignoramus said:
shit son. epic write up.

Thank you. I hope we get a KZ3 teaser at E3 next year. :)


TacticalFox88 said:
Just pray to God, KZ3 doesn't have Akimbo. God dual magnums? :lol Absolute rape fest.
..or UAVs, helicopters, predator missiles or any of that shit.

KZ2 is an objective based game and it should remain that way, not a game where everyone is a k/d ratio whore.
-viper- said:
..or UAVs, helicopters, predator missiles or any of that shit.

KZ2 is an objective based game and it should remain that way, not a game where everyone is a k/d ratio whore.
This is the future. So I don't think we could see any of that.


ZeroRay said:
How about some user controlled ATACs?

Oh God no. Not user controlled. If they allow more powerful bots to be called in then they have to be A.I. controlled. As far as I'm concerned all that crap can go to hell. But if they do take that direction *sigh* then they must have strict requirements for it.

For example, you only unlock an ATAC after you've got 100 total Air Bot kills (yeah you heard me ADHD mofos :p), it can only be called in once by a team during a game. And instead of getting the reward via a killstreak (which would just encourage camping) you can only get it by helping your team to win the objectives. So for example, if you deliver the S&R Speaker, defuse/plant charges, kill/defend the assassination target, capture zones which causes your team to win the rounds then you get to call in an ATAC... once. Something like that, but as I said already, all that stuff can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

The Turrets and Air Drones are well balanced now, if at full health (or even if not), in a one on one fight with a Turret or Air Drone, you'll win no problem. Sure you may be left with low health which takes a few seconds to regenerate back to 75% (or whatever it is) but you'll destroy it. The turrets and air drones are there for support, they don't get kills by themselves unless someone is already injured or being shot at by other people/turrets at the same time. Or if they get a lucky headshot. I don't like all this get free kills BS! It just feels cheap. It's unsatisfying when you get a kill via something like that yet frustrating when you get killed by it. That's not a good combination.


FFObsessed said:
Oh God no. Not user controlled. If they allow more powerful bots to be called in then they have to be A.I. controlled. As far as I'm concerned all that crap can go to hell. But if they do take that direction *sigh* then they must have strict requirements for it.

For example, you only unlock an ATAC after you've got 100 total Air Bot kills (yeah you heard me ADHD mofos :p), it can only be called in once by a team during a game. And instead of getting the reward via a killstreak (which would just encourage camping) you can only get it by helping your team to win the objectives. So for example, if you deliver the S&R Speaker, defuse/plant charges, kill/defend the assassination target, capture zones which causes your team to win the rounds then you get to call in an ATAC... once. Something like that, but as I said already, all that stuff can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

The Turrets and Air Drones are well balanced now, if at full health (or even if not), in a one on one fight with a Turret or Air Drone, you'll win no problem. Sure you may be left with low health which takes a few seconds to regenerate back to 75% (or whatever it is) but you'll destroy it. The turrets and air drones are there for support, they don't get kills by themselves unless someone is already injured or being shot at by other people/turrets at the same time. Or if they get a lucky headshot. I don't like all this get free kills BS! It just feels cheap. It's unsatisfying when you get a kill via something like that yet frustrating when you get killed by it. That's not a good combination.

I was just kidding, heh. Just a little joke about MW2's chopper gunner. :D

But they could make the ATAC's something something a team can summon once a game and make it a more powerful airbot that has to have multiple rockets hit it for it to be destroyed.
watership said:
Being playing the 2nd level balcony part for about 40 mins and I'm seriously wondering if I should give up for good and go back to Demon's souls.

I went through that shit on hard and played on Elite all the way up to the Radec's palace. I just don't have the nerves to get through all that again, with even more deadly and smarter opponents.

That and the 1% trophie are probably the 2 biggest mistakes they made with the game.


Lagspike_exe said:
I went through that shit on hard and played on Elite all the way up to the Radec's palace. I just don't have the nerves to get through all that again, with even more deadly and smarter opponents.

That and the 1% trophie are probably the 2 biggest mistakes they made with the game.

As it stands now, I think that the game has been fair. With few exceptions failures were my fault. It feels like bullshit.


Didn't want to post it in the official gametrailers GOTY thread because i'd be accused of mindless sony fanboyism but kz2 multiplayer award being overlooked for fat princess and uncharted 2? for all kz2 flaws it's vastly better (and certainly more ambitious) than either of those games. FPrincess is still a broken mess, and uncharted 2 is borderline broken (perk balancing is far worse than kz2, running around like and idiot and close range from-the-hip shotgunning is WAY too effective). i haven't played much street fighter IV online MP but I hear that was pretty troubled as well... jesus, gg got robbed. still, mw2 won, which says something for GT's tastes overall...


Lagspike_exe said:
I went through that shit on hard and played on Elite all the way up to the Radec's palace. I just don't have the nerves to get through all that again, with even more deadly and smarter opponents.

That and the 1% trophie are probably the 2 biggest mistakes they made with the game.
The courtyard outside the Palace? yeah that was hell. infinitely respawning enemies + deadly accurate Helghast = death!

Radec fight was annoying as well. The first two waves of enemies are the hardest. When the rocket guys come, its all good.

I won't ever play through Elite again.

But I agree the 1% trophy is bullshit. It's prevented me from getting a platinum in this game. It is the one and only trophy I need.


watership said:
Being playing the 2nd level balcony part for about 40 mins and I'm seriously wondering if I should give up for good and go back to Demon's souls.

The easiest way to beat this is to knife everyone who comes onto the balcony and then pick everyone else off. There are 3 waves of guys who come onto the balcony(at least before the checkpoint). The first wave is already on the balcony, just quickly knife all of them to death when you get up there and make sure that you blow up the torches up there or you might die from them exploding in your face. There will be like 2 or 3 guys on the ground who you must take out. The next wave will have alot more guys so just run around back and fourth on the balcony with your knife out and wait for the 2 or 3 guys who come up. After that pick everyone off with your favorite weapon. Then the 3rd wave will appear, here there will be alot more guys coming up so just knife them all up as strategically as you can, wait for them behind the pillars on the balcony and knife them when they get to you. Then try to run directly to the far left stairwell with a sniper rifle and take out the rocket guys. There is alot of cover there that you can be safe in and there should be no one come up the balcony to get you. After you take out enough of the rocket guys then you will reach a checkpoint and it is all easier from there on.


Good game team kitton!

Never forget teh legend of loser998, may he R.I.P.

Sry Live, Dave, maybe we can find a decent server next time. Goddamn KZ2 is like a lottery.


fallagin said:
The easiest way to beat this is to knife everyone who comes onto the balcony and then pick everyone else off. There are 3 waves of guys who come onto the balcony(at least before the checkpoint). The first wave is already on the balcony, just quickly knife all of them to death when you get up there and make sure that you blow up the torches up there or you might die from them exploding in your face. There will be like 2 or 3 guys on the ground who you must take out. The next wave will have alot more guys so just run around back and fourth on the balcony with your knife out and wait for the 2 or 3 guys who come up. After that pick everyone off with your favorite weapon. Then the 3rd wave will appear, here there will be alot more guys coming up so just knife them all up as strategically as you can, wait for them behind the pillars on the balcony and knife them when they get to you. Then try to run directly to the far left stairwell with a sniper rifle and take out the rocket guys. There is alot of cover there that you can be safe in and there should be no one come up the balcony to get you. After you take out enough of the rocket guys then you will reach a checkpoint and it is all easier from there on.

Thanks! I notice there was far more cover in that section, yet the RPG teams still nailed me there. I'll give it another go.


This thread convinced me to start playing again.

It is said every single time someone plays this game after a break.

Man, I can't believe how good this game looks. Anyways, I had a blast. I just hate when the assassination target on your team is a retard and runs straight into their spawn :\


These article are pretty old but I missed them somehow, so I'll post them in case anyone else did. They were posted in the PS4 tech speculation thread.

November 9th:

A few weeks ago, we ran a rumor that said Killzone 3 was in development for a 2010 release. Now the rumor has gained more ground with a Guerrilla's animation director allegedly confirming the game and stating that it could indeed be ready by next year.

Jan-Bart Van Beek is quoted as saying that Killzone 3 is in the works right now and they're currently looking at a 2011 release date, with a 2010 launch entirely possible. Beek says that Sony is not pressuring the team for a 2010 release, so it's a case of the game being ready when it's ready, I guess.

I asked game director Sebastian Downie about the latest rumor and it has been denied, officially. According to Downie, something was "lost a little in translation" and the TV show producers made assumptions about what was Van Beek actually said. Guerrilla's official stance is that Killzone 3 has not been announced, so we are to assume it's not happening.

Until that stance changes, we have no choice but to say all talk of the game is speculation and rumor. Of course, only an idiot could not believe that Killzone 3 is in development. We all know it's happening, but the real question is this: 2010 or 2011?


December 3rd:

There have been more rumors surrounding Killzone 3 than dead ISA lining the roads of Helghan. Guerilla Games has been staffing up for a mysterious new title, various Dutch sources have allegedly heard rumors of the project, and PlayStation Magazine even listed it as a possible title to hit in 2010.

Well, he's some more fuel for the Killzone 3 fire - perhaps, even, the straw the breaks the camel's back. Outsourcing studio Supermassive Games is working on Killzone 3, according to the LinkedIn profile of one of their employees. The UK-based studio does a lot of contract work for various publishers, and even worked on Killzone 2. According to the studio homepage, Supermassive Games is currently working on "innovative, publisher-funded, Playstation3 exclusive titles."

Killzone 2 was released earlier this year, exclusively on the PS3.

[Update: Since this news was posted, the listing in question was updated to remove references of Killzone 3. The original profile follows:]



If the report of the interview isn't completely false, seems like KZ3 could technically be released in 2010, but will more than likely be 2011 as Sony aren't pressuring them. Which I hope is the case. Take all the time necessary. Early 2011 is fine.


2010 or 2011 one thing is sure, they will announce it sometime next year.

I can't wait to see where they are at now technology wise. KZ2 got better and better as DLC came out.

Lets hope they take a few pages from Naughty Dog's book in how to make a cinematic SP without too much scripting.
So basically two companies are working on KZ3? If that's true then the game has NO excuses.

Hopefully, they can work some sort of weapon customization out (scopes, silencers, etc)
Fiscal Year 2010 is March for Sony, right? So 2 years after release using upgraded tech sounds pretty doable (READ: Uncharted 2). Hopefully Sony can see some value in dedicated servers this time around.


Dibbz said:
2010 or 2011 one thing is sure, they will announce it sometime next year.

I can't wait to see where they are at now technology wise. KZ2 got better and better as DLC came out.

Lets hope they take a few pages from Naughty Dog's book in how to make a cinematic SP without too much scripting.

I wouldn't be so sure. If it's late 2011 Sony has no reason to announce it before Resistance 3 hits next holiday season.


Welp, I guess this will be one of the big announcements at E3 this year. If it's 'entirely possible' of KZ3 coming out in 2010, maybe Insomniac can finally take 2 years to make Resistance 3? I'm positive GG can make KZ2 and it be good if it does come out next November, but I'm not confident IG can make R3 and it be good next November. Give R3 Q1 2011 plz.
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