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TacticalFox88 said:
So basically two companies are working on KZ3? If that's true then the game has NO excuses.

Hopefully, they can work some sort of weapon customization out (scopes, silencers, etc)

Huh? It's just some outsourcing work. They did some on KZ2 according to the same listing. So it doesn't necessarily mean anything for KZ3, just that it's in production. :p

I would also like some weapon customization. And some character customization. I know it's a uniform and there are different classes but making your character look unique within those classes would be great. Even if you only had customization of the regular solider, that'd be better than nothing.
FFObsessed said:
Huh? It's just some outsourcing work. They did some on KZ2 according to the same listing. So it doesn't necessarily mean anything for KZ3, just that it's in production. :p

I would also like some weapon customization. And some character customization. I know it's a uniform and there are different classes but making your character look unique within those classes would be great. Even if you only had customization of the regular solider, that'd be better than nothing.
I think you should be able to customize the regular non class soldiers looks to your heart's content. Classes yeah you should, but to a *limited* extent so you could *still* tell it's a Scout, Tactician, Engineer, etc.

I'm still on this fence about Secondary fire. (From KZ1.) On one hand, I have no doubt it could have it's uses in SP, but in MP it could turn into Modern Warfare 2 overuse of the damn grenade launchers. And where the hell would you map it? Directional pad over?

And GG please unless you have 3 BETA's to test it out, NO VEHICLES in MP!!!! Oh god a tank......on Salamum Market would be so *cries*
TacticalFox88 said:
And GG please unless you have 3 BETA's to test it out, NO VEHICLES in MP!!!! Oh god a tank......on Salamum Market would be so *cries*

What if each map had a small, medium and large variation, with vehicles only on the larger variants?

I think character customization would go counter to the whole Helghan ideology. However some customization for ISA would be great (clan graphics like in MGO as decals on armor). I also agree that some measure of weapon customization (or at least more weapons in each class) would be great so long as there isn't anything that really changes the balance of the game. So no GLs motion sensors or things like that, but perhaps different burst modes, or scopes or tweaks to fire rate and accuracy.


Or if they can't include character customisation, they should include additional outfits for each class. Like two or three different outfits to select, which are unlocked by progressing through the ranks (as an incentive to keep on playing).
-viper- said:
Or if they can't include character customisation, they should include additional outfits for each class. Like two or three different outfits to select, which are unlocked by progressing through the ranks (as an incentive to keep on playing).

Yeah it would be cool if there was something like the customization in R:FoM where you move towards a uniform for the elite guard or something like that.
Customization is different for each faction. So the customization options for an ISA scout for exampe would be almost totally different from a Helghast scout.

And SP campaign Ideas I could go on and on with ideas....just give me a jungle and snow level dammit!
TacticalFox88 said:
Ok to add to the Killzone 3 wishlist, I kinda disagree with you FFO on that they shouldn't look for MW2 for inspiration. . But here are my main areas where I think that KZ3 would be godly.

-Dedicated servers, this is an absolute must, as the lag in KZ2 could be atrocious at times. This should be their #1 online priority.

-Some type of character/weapon customization. Playing with the same looking characters that have no style of their own gets old after a while. I'm not talking about the avatars for the classes. You should be able to customized the regular soldier looks to the extreme, and have some appearance customization of the classes. Weapon customizations such as secondary fire, attachments, silencers,etc. Could really help the feeling of "war" in MP.

-More unique game types. This one is self explanatory. Also, want to have something other then a propaganda speaker to capture? Let the player choose, like a Flag (which can be customized outside of the game), or something that relates to the universe.

-Add a knife. Knifing a mofo who's been pissing you off is sooo satisfying, so you could map it to the melee button or have it be selected like in SP, it's up to you. And different variations of knife kills based on how far the enemy is from you, their position, if it's from behind, etc, would be nice.

-Balance the fucking classes. I don't even want to start on this. It'd be long as hell.

Things I want for SP.

-Make the player actually CARE about the story, and the characters. Throughout KZ2, players were pretty much apathetic, to why you were in the war, make them care! Make the character's real, and 3D not just screaming F-bombs at the top of their lungs.

-Environments, variation, and lots of them. I can't even imagine a jungle or snow level in KZ3. How bout some Vietnam style traps? Or defending a town in the snow from the Helghast like the Russians fought off the Germans in Stalingrad? Those could be EPIC!

-Vehicles. I want to drive that jeep. I wanted to play that mech more. How about those flying machines shown in the KZ1 intro? How bout mech battles Zone of the Ender's syle except it's not in the air? Or have the mech's fight Helghan's natural animals/beasts ala JC's Avatar.

-Boss Fights,Dogs, Constant set-pieces. Boss fights were one thing KZ3 really needs to improve on. Radec was the only "true" boss in the game, KZ3 needs more of those, each one offering a fresh and complete unique experience, different from the other. Say for instance, Sev and his team (or the person you play as in KZ3), stumble upon the dog pound used for "manufacturing" the military dogs. The lights go out. Suddenly a giant dog, armored with guns, suddenly wipes out half the team. You have to kill the dog...in the dark. You don't know when it's going to pop out. No set random pattern, just the dog's AI reacting completely on the players actions.

Or how about a epic sniper firefight, with Helghan's top Sniper sent to eliminate the player, in a jungle environment? You have to avoid him AND traps he's set. This could be more epic than the fight with The End in MGS3. And always during the game is constant set pieces, a blend of both scripted AND non-scripted so the player always has a unique experience each and every time he plays the SP campaign.

-Playing as the Helghast. Whether it's separate from the normal campaign or a seperate part you unlock is up to you. I want to get an insight on their politics, how the interact socially, economically, etc. Playing as the Helghast would offer the player a new perspective and keep the story in the "grey area".

-Uncharted's Machinima mode except 10x more features, camera options and the ability to upload your face via Eyetoy to a ISA soldiers face for movie purposes.

Map the knife to melee button And different variations of knife kills based on how far the enemy is from you, their position, if it's from behind, etc, would be nice.
Wow...didn't expect it to get this long.

Ahh here its. Found it.
The changes that should be made to multiplayer IMO:

1. Remove the boost ability entirely, or limit it as a primary ability. It just breaks the game no matter which class is using it.
2. Replace assault class with a different class. I've seen some good ideas in this thread, like an assassin class that uses the knife as primary weapon. Maybe boost as a primary could work for such a class.
3. Dedicated servers
4. Have the engineer's repair device be able to disable enemy turrets.
5. Make it easier to obtain secondary abilities (no more "get 5 turret kills in 8 different matches" type of stuff. Just make it a set number you have to reach eventually.)
6. Improved Saboteur disguise.
7. More maps that are as big as Pyhruss to accommodate 32 players.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Dear GG,

Do what you want, we are gonna whine and cry like pigs anyway.

Fersis XOXO


FFObsessed said:
Huh? It's just some outsourcing work. They did some on KZ2 according to the same listing. So it doesn't necessarily mean anything for KZ3, just that it's in production. :p

I would also like some weapon customization. And some character customization. I know it's a uniform and there are different classes but making your character look unique within those classes would be great. Even if you only had customization of the regular solider, that'd be better than nothing.

I would love mine soldier to wear a brown leather jacket ffo-style. <3 (you are not ronery)


don't ask me for codes
watership said:
I'm assuming the throne room/audience hall is the final level? I want to punch this level's designer face a few dozen times.

I'll tell him that (no, it wasn't me) :p You'll have to stand in line though.
H_Prestige said:
6. Improved Saboteur disguise.

I may be misremembering, buy I am pretty sure that in the beta the Saboteur took on the look of the actual class for the person they were emulating. The lighting was still absent but Sabs could look like any class. I thought this was an awesome design choice. Of course it made the Sab extremely lethal when people were first coming across them, but after some play time you learned to spot them.

I also think that it might be cool if each map had a power weapon, but that there were no power weapons for any class. So RLs, GLs, Bolt Guns and the like would only spawn for certain maps.

And (like Uncharted 2) grenades should kill everyone in their lethal blast radius (friend or foe) with the opportunity to immediately kick anyone who team kills you twice (or more) - at which point they are banned from that particular server for some period of time (perhaps just that match or so).


Yeah, Spies need to be more deadly. You can spot that blob from across the map.
H_Prestige said:
Have the engineer's repair device be able to disable enemy turrets.
Heheh, what would be the point of this when the bot has chewed you up to near death?


watership said:
Being playing the 2nd level balcony part for about 40 mins and I'm seriously wondering if I should give up for good and go back to Demon's souls.

You're going to Demon's Souls to cool off from the frustration? :lol
FFObsessed said:
With the sale of the maps recently, there's now a few servers with them. I played the other day on map pack 2 and 3 when I could never find servers before.

Hopefully they'll release a GOTY Edition with the maps on disc and eventually make them free for everyone.

Don't think the maps will be free anytime soon, Warhawk maps are still 15 bucks for the bundle.

Also has Killzone won any GOTY awards? I know it has won shooter of the year, it would be kinda funny if they did a GOTY edition when the game hasn't won the award :lol

Finally I'm wondering if SCEA will try to bundle Killzone 2 soon, get more people into the series and into this game and when Killzone 3 come out more people will be expecting it/wanting it. Kinda how they did with Uncharted. If they are any smart (I know that's a paradox) they will leave the 120GB SKU as is and make the 250GB SKU with 2 games for $399. I'd put Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 as those 2 games.

As far as Killzone 3 wishlist, I have a long list of things I want, will probably type it out when they reveal it lol

Tempy said:
I'll tell him that (no, it wasn't me) :p You'll have to stand in line though.

I'm the 1st in line
OMFG most fail blog EVER!

There is no denying Killzone 2 was THE definitive marque first person shooter when it first arrived on the PlayStation 3. With Graphics to-die-for and rock-solid game play mechanics, the game ultimately lived up to the infamous E3 2005 trailer, and further solidified that the PS3, is in fact, the graphical BEAST that it initially proclaimed itself to be.

Although this game is one that I thoroughly cherish , I couldn’t help but to feel that even though Guerrilla took a giant leap from the earliest chapter, that they still did not (and please don’t hate me for this :/ ) push the game as far as they can go.

Now, its been almost a year since the release of Killzone 2, and with the recent rumors buzzing around on web about Killzone 3 being released sometime between 2010 – 2011, I felt that it is only fitting to create our own Killzone 3 Wishlist.

Vehicles in Online Multiplayer

First let me start off by saying… the Killzone 2 multiplayer is A-MAY-ZING. Everything from the Class Customizations, to the Maps are just wonderful. Even the DLC Map Packs are great. (Personally the final retro Map Pack is my favorite). But one of the things that I feel is missing that I was hoping so much for was the inclusion of vehicles… only in maps where it would be suitable to have them.

Now some of you might say, “Killzone 2 doesn’t need any vehicles, this is not Halo”, or something along the lines of that. Let me just put this into perspective. Could you imaging playing on a large full scale map, where teamwork and using vehicles becomes an integral part of winning it all of your team? Imagine having the ability to shuttle troops to a specific part of the map, using an ISA intruder while having to avoid enemy Air Drones or the ground-to-air defenses of the Helghast. How about having the ability to use tanks, turret-mounted jeeps, or exo-skeletons, as a defensive back up.? What about having the ability to blow them all up as a foot soldier (This would especially help create a plausible use for the Assault Class, making their power a good reason to use them). Warhawk has done this, So can Killzone. I firmly believe that including vehicles will add a whole new dynamic to the game, thus making the multiplayer re-playability more than it already is.

64 Person Multiplayer Maps

In Killzone 2, the storyline depicts that the fight between the Helghast & the ISA is a Violent, Bloody, and Brutal interstellar war. While you do embrace that theme automatically within the campaign, That idea kinda gets lost when playing the multiplayer in a good portion of the maps. To further elaborate, the scale of the battle seems diminished from the portrayal of a war between two worlds to just some smaller scale battle that takes place in some random location. For example, take a big map like “Pyrrhus Rise” (which happens to be one of my favorite maps). That map is SO big, yet even with 32 players playing, unless you’re in a section of the map where the battle is heavy, I can guarantee you can hit a stretch where there is hardly any battle going on. I also absolutely hate when running down that seemingly empty stretch, that I will more than likely get gunned down by a camping sniper just waiting to shoot your eye out.

So what is my solution? Bump up the player total a’la Resistance style. (not MAG style. Let MAG be one of a kind because i’m sure 256 players is going to rock!) Now let me stress: I wouldn’t want this for every single map, because I can also appreciate when you can have an intimate battle with fewer players. But please Guerrilla, lets introduce some all out mayhem Killzone style. I want my big interstellar war damn it!!
More Open Field Maps in Multiplayer

Now again I love the multiplayer. But I feel at times, there’s a good amount of maps that can not handle 32 players within it. There are instances when it feels like everyone you are playing with are trying to squeeze into one area just to get a shot/kill in. For example, in “Radec’s Academy” (The map that feels like the original 2-Fort map from Team Fortress on steroids. (may I interject again, screw you Gabe Newell, you have the capacity to create something more than decent on the PS3… DO IT… I digress)) While it is fun a fun map it can also be frustrating at times to run into a hot area only to get blown to smithereens by a nade as soon as you step foot into the door. Obviously that is not an example of a map that is made for 32 players at once.

I would wish there would be at least one map that has an open area similar to the Blood Gulch/Coagulation maps featured in Halo 1 &2, with more of a dynamic setting and room to include vehicles and more players at once. To me that would be Just awesome.
Killstreak Bonuses

Playing Killzone 2 MP, the one thing I find hard to do, unless you are a sniper, is to achieve a consistent killstreak within the midst of battle. Its But when you finally do get one with the other classes, you receive no reward other than bragging rights at the end of the round.

How about including a power-up bonuses for achieving a killstreak pending on the class you choose. The classes that are easier to achieve a killstreak should have a more challenging time receiving a bonus, and the ones that are prone to die soon should have more immediate rewards. For instance, if you are are a medic, you should be awarded a killstreak bonus receiving loads of extra health for a temporary amount of time. Or if you are an Engineer, you could recieve and ability to be able to fully control your turrets for a short amount of time, thus making an Engineer more effective. Even better, receiving a killstreak bonus as a Scout, you can have the ability to drop bombs on a specific area with your air drone. The possibilities are endless with this one.

Well enough with the Multiplayer options, lets move on to the single player aspects
Enhance The Storyline

The Killzone universe has all the potential to have such an engaging storyline that it could join the ranks of Halo, God of War, and Uncharted to become part of video gaming pop culture. Unfortunately, this is one area where of the game which falls a little bit short .

Don’t get me wrong, the Story in Killzone 2 is good, but its surely far from great. I feel that the climatic events didn’t feature enough emotion. It was like “Oh i’m sad that Garza died, Lets keep fighting! Oh Colonel Templar got shot sacrificed himself and the New Sun… That Sucks, Lets Keep Fighting!!! The Helghast nuked 9/10’s of our forces that were on Helghan. We are the few that are left.. what should we do? Lets keep fighting!!”

Catch my Drift?

As a player, I want to feel the pain and angst that the characters are supposed to feel. I knew I should feel really bad for Jan Templar especially since he was the hero of the first installment, but unfortunately I didn’t feel much of anything.

Here’s my recipe for success with the next story line: Basically take the intensity & the camaraderie of Band of Brothers and add that with some proofreading from Naughty Dog… BOOM! That would be one awesome & Intense storyline.


Yeah, it won Overall GOTY from Gamereactor, it's won Shooter of the Year, Multiplayer GOTY, PS3 Shooter of the year, from Gamespot and IGN. Enough for a GOTY edition.

Saboteur is fine in the multiplayer. Maybe they could be given a silencer so that the dot that appears on the radar appears faded and for a shorter amount of time. Unlockable of course.

For the knife, as long as it's not one hit kill then ok. Just make it quicker than the normal melee and slightly more damage but still requires 2 hits. Get rid of boost.

TacticalFox88 said:
OMFG most fail blog EVER!

Yeah, clueless.
FFObsessed said:
Yeah, it won Overall GOTY from Gamereactor, it's won Shooter of the Year, Multiplayer GOTY, PS3 Shooter of the year, from Gamespot and IGN. Enough for a GOTY edition.

Saboteur is fine in the multiplayer. Maybe they could be given a silencer so that the dot that appears on the radar appears faded and for a shorter amount of time. Unlockable of course.

For the knife, as long as it's not one hit kill then ok. Just make it quicker than the normal melee and slightly more damage but still requires 2 hits. Get rid of boost.

Yeah, clueless.
Killzone 2 is chaos with thirty two players and this dude want's to DOUBLE it? Is he fucking insane


One thing I wish GG would do is improve the narrative/story cinematics and show us what the frig is going inside the helghast own minds....I dont like the one sided story stuff. Boring ISA chatting and throwing F bombs...yay? Fuck no! I want to see more helghast scenes dammit! Also why are females ulgy looking? Jesus only 1 model was used in KZ2 and it was butchered. Like why is Evelyn(or something) wearing a skirt in the middle of a desert? They couldnt have given her some suit or something? A uniform perhaps?


The guy at the top of the leaderboards this week has 4069 kills (4009 headshots) 9 deaths.

Stat boosting asshole :p


How does he not get bored doing that for so many hours?


I wouldn't mind a Battlefield Bad Company 2 style Killzone 3 multi... but I'd still sort of want the good old Killzone 2 style multi too...

Although at least said blog poster realizes that the story needs more depth, I don't necessarily agree with jumping between perspectives.


So after a year of not getting a chance to play this, I finally got to play through and beat the SP campaign, and then I played a little bit of the multiplayer.

A few thoughts:

The cutscenes left a bit to be desired. The fact that you could heal Rico but he couldn't heal you was annoying. The final push and battle wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.

The camera is awfully low. I felt like a midget.

The electricity gun was awesome was fun, as well as the mech segment.

I hate Gametrailers reviews and their insistence to cut in spoiler cutscenes like Evelyn getting shot. Knowing that beforehand kind of lessened the impact of the overall scene. With Templar gone, I'm hoping that Killzone 3 will bring back other cast members from KZ1, like the stealth lady and the helghast spy.

Even though I died a lot on that one part on the train where you have to take out the tank, I really grew to appreciate their wind physics implementation with how my grenade lob would roll back.




The graphics and the attention to detail was really stunning, but it was hard to take time to appreciate them. Normally, I would have preferred to walk and stop and look around, but they were always pushing you forward, with a great sense of urgency. I've heard that its easier to appreciate the graphics as a viewer than the player.

Evelyn is kinda ugly :S What's up with the scrunched up eyebrows? The audio could have used better mixing. Cutscenes weren't very cinematic. There's not much to comment on the story itself, as its pretty clear that by the end, this was just one skirmish of more to come, and while it wasn't completely mindblowing, I'm really looking forward to the next installment.

Finally, now that I've played this, all I have to say is that I don't know what the hell was up N'Gai's ass. Versimiltude? What? Its hyper realistic, but not enough to make it unappealing or unapproachable. It felt as gamey as RE5, or MGS4.

On a side note, why are the controls more responsive in MP than SP?
I hope they make the controls more streamlined for kz3. I could not get into the mp because of how clunky the game felt and the grenade cluster fuck.
I also hope they have a decent 4 player co-op this time because great graphics and story alone aren't great enough incentives to jump back into the franchise again with only single player.
Some of you will hate me for this but I also would love to have a conquest game mode with vehicles like in battlefield for the multiplayer.
The single player already has decent vehicles controls. The small maps in kz2 are the main cause of the cluster fuck so if they made the new maps more battlefield like it would much better.


Darkpen said:

The graphics and the attention to detail was really stunning, but it was hard to take time to appreciate them. Normally, I would have preferred to walk and stop and look around, but they were always pushing you forward, with a great sense of urgency. I've heard that its easier to appreciate the graphics as a viewer than the player.

Evelyn is kinda ugly :S What's up with the scrunched up eyebrows? The audio could have used better mixing. Cutscenes weren't very cinematic. There's not much to comment on the story itself, as its pretty clear that by the end, this was just one skirmish of more to come, and while it wasn't completely mindblowing, I'm really looking forward to the next installment.

Finally, now that I've played this, all I have to say is that I don't know what the hell was up N'Gai's ass. Versimiltude? What? Its hyper realistic, but not enough to make it unappealing or unapproachable. It felt as gamey as RE5, or MGS4.

On a side note, why are the controls more responsive in MP than SP?
I had the same problem in Gears of War as well. One of the reasons I like Uncharted 2's graphics is it does give you the time admire it from time to time.


God there better not be customizable weapons in KZ3 or someone will be getting my foot up their ass!

That's one of the things I love about KZ2. The weapons are perfectly balanced and each feels unique. Don't be like CoD dammit!
I was crossing the bridge, and I sniped a dude just as he let off a rocket. He got propelled back, and the rocket started spinning around as it flew around eratically. I have never ever been more impressed by anything in a game ever. It was so awesomely perfect. Rockets flying ever, an exploding head, and a spinning rocket. This game fucking rocks.
Yeah, the games has a lot of those small details that aren't printed back on the box, but when you notice them while playing, you really feel like you're playing something special.

Darkpen said:
On a side note, why are the controls more responsive in MP than SP?

For the same reason why there isn't a cover system in multiplayer - to make it faster.


I've mentioned it before, but in KZ3, differentiate the Squad leaders with a slightly different outfit. White band round their arms or some sort of non-regular helmet. Would allow opposing team to pick out the moving spawn point ;0


I got a weird craving to get back to the mp again and it's still so much fun. It's great that there's still a lot of people playing it. Just got my general of the army rank so I'm kinda getting dubious whether I'll ever get commander in chief... :p

I really hope Guerilla stands ground with the multiplayer in KZ3 and doesn't go the mw2 route. Here's to hoping.


Good games Rick. That last one my PS3 froze and wouldn't reset, so I had to unplug it. When I came back you'd scarpered. :lol Sorry bout that.

I hit the big Five double ooooooh hours in the retail finally. 125 in the Beta plus 50 hours in Single player... 675 hours total. :O

700 is just in reach! :p


I dominated today I thought you should know. Last game just then I went 215-60. Twice the kills as the next guy in my team.

I PM'd Raist (as Live forgot to txt him) to put me as leader temporarily so I can delete everyone who's never played and invite the people who want to join. So maybe we could join some lagfest tournaments and get pissed off and leave again :p But he hasn't responded to the second PM.

fuck off back to Belgium Raist


GOD, I'm having a blast with the multiplayer! Seriously, it's 3:30 AM here and I just can't stop playing.
May Killzone 3 be released in 2010 or early 2011, I wouldn't mind :p


Haven't played for a long while... Commander in Chief? wtf

Got all the multiplayer packs. I tried to play beachhead, but I guess no one is around on new years.
FFObsessed said:
I dominated today I thought you should know. Last game just then I went 215-60. Twice the kills as the next guy in my team.

I PM'd Raist (as Live forgot to txt him) to put me as leader temporarily so I can delete everyone who's never played and invite the people who want to join. So maybe we could join some lagfest tournaments and get pissed off and leave again :p But he hasn't responded to the second PM.

fuck off back to Belgium Raist
I just had a look at the stats for the week. You're cruising along pretty nicely there. :lol

Oh also, I'm coming back to KZ2 next week. For realz this time.
Right after I finish Uncharted 2...


FFObsessed said:
I dominated today I thought you should know. Last game just then I went 215-60. Twice the kills as the next guy in my team.

I PM'd Raist (as Live forgot to txt him) to put me as leader temporarily so I can delete everyone who's never played and invite the people who want to join. So maybe we could join some lagfest tournaments and get pissed off and leave again :p But he hasn't responded to the second PM.

fuck off back to Belgium Raist
Raist is alive? consider me shocked.


Tunin said:
GOD, I'm having a blast with the multiplayer! Seriously, it's 3:30 AM here and I just can't stop playing.
May Killzone 3 be released in 2010 or early 2011, I wouldn't mind :p

hehe, me too.

Just got the game last week (again).
I bought it a month or two ago and hated it.
Sold it to a friend and then heard about the cool stuff only being unlocked when you level up enough, so I decided to give it another go and bought another copy.
After getting used to the controls and the flow of the game I'm loving it and I'm not all that into FPS games usually.

Been playing it every evening this past week and ended up playing till 2AM last night. :)
Still have a lot to learn, but I think I'm doing pretty well for just getting started. Averaging 50 points per game for the most part. PSN name is meppi64.

Had a kick-ass moment two days ago where the game switched to Assassination on Helghan Industries, after playing Search and Destroy.
While everyone went scattering towards the enemies base, I hid away in the middle of the level on top of the metallic bridge, behind the stairs.
The counter ticks down to zero and the target appears.
To my surprise I'm standing basically on top of it.

So I jump down and land right in front of the target why was totally caught by surprise and is panicking so much that he doesn't even try to shoot, but starts moving spastically. I blast him with the shotgun and finish him off while he's on the ground while the one guy that was actually protecting him notices me and moves my way, so I blast him in the face as well.
The round lasted a total of 3 seconds. :lol


FFObsessed said:
I dominated today I thought you should know. Last game just then I went 215-60. Twice the kills as the next guy in my team.

I PM'd Raist (as Live forgot to txt him) to put me as leader temporarily so I can delete everyone who's never played and invite the people who want to join. So maybe we could join some lagfest tournaments and get pissed off and leave again :p But he hasn't responded to the second PM.

fuck off back to Belgium Raist

Done, kiddo

PS: UK sucks


One of my goals in 2009 was to get 100,000 points in Killzone 2. Yesterday, at the last day of 2009, at around 8 PM (GMT +1 time zone), i reached 100,000 points :) I could have reached 100,000 points faster if it wasnt for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2. Those 2 games took some of my playtime away from Killzone 2.

I might have reached 100,000 points in Killzone 2 a bit earlier than around 8PM, because when i checked the leaderboards today, then i had over 100,000 points, while yesterday when i got the rank up, i had exactly 100,000 points (i tried to get 100,000 points on purpose). I guess that all of my points wasnt updated/synced to the leaderboards, but it doesnt matter that much to me, since now i have over 100,000 points anyway :)

Even after nearly 400 hours of online play in Killzone 2, i still find the game fun to play. I am really looking forward to Killzone 3.

Here is a picture proof of me reaching 100,000 points :)



My god! I'm terrible at KZ2 now.

I think I should replay singleplayer just to get adjusted to the aiming. After playing the MW2, which disregards any concerns of a console shooter, I really screwed up my groove.
test_account said:
One of my goals in 2009 was to get 100,000 points in Killzone 2. Yesterday, at the last day of 2009, at around 8 PM (GMT +1 time zone), i reached 100,000 points :) I could have reached 100,000 points faster if it wasnt for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2. Those 2 games took some of my playtime away from Killzone 2.

I might have reached 100,000 points in Killzone 2 a bit earlier than around 8PM, because when i checked the leaderboards today, then i had over 100,000 points, while yesterday when i got the rank up, i had exactly 100,000 points (i tried to get 100,000 points on purpose). I guess that all of my points wasnt updated/synced to the leaderboards, but it doesnt matter that much to me, since now i have over 100,000 points anyway :)

Even after nearly 400 hours of online play in Killzone 2, i still find the game fun to play. I am really looking forward to Killzone 3.

Here is a picture proof of me reaching 100,000 points :)


I have about 30K to go.
test_account said:
Thanks! :)

Cool :) 70K isnt that far from 100K (relatively speaking), so maybe you'll reach 100K sometime in the nearer future :)

You can bet your ass I will. I say in at least 3 months. Just need to finish Dead Space and I can go back to Killzone 2.


Congratz test_account! You may now dine at the legends table with Lince & I. :p

Your task for 2010 will be to get 50,000 total kills. How far away are you? ;D

Micromegas said:
FFO what class do you play?

I play pretty much exclusively as a Tactician. I used to play as Engineer when playing clan games with GAFe, as Cagen and Raist used to handle those duties perfectly, but Cagen left ages ago, so I switched then. Plus I'm pretty much forced to use that class in random games when I play by myself, as you just just can't rely on others to place spawns properly, so that's just become my default class now. I always play as Tactician. I love it tho. Plus I get to use the ISA Rifle, which if you have a good game, you can just dominate with it.

Raist said:
Done, kiddo

PS: UK sucks

hehe ha ha mwhahahaa HAAA HAAA HAAAAA!




Clan has now been reduced to 40 members (including Dibbz whom I just sent an invite to). Those who were removed, nothing personal, I just removed those I didn't recognise, or those I did recognise but have never played with us or no longer play the game regularly. Some people I know don't play anymore but remain in the clan, I just didn't see the need in freeing up anymore space. I of course will if there is a need later.

If I have removed someone who still wants to be in the clan, then no worries! Just let me know and I'll add you back straight away. Anyone who wants to join the GAF clan, who plays the game on a regular basis, then let me know and I'll send you an invite. (test_account?)

Chryz & Userfriendly have been promoted to officers, simply because I see you guys playing a lot. You don't actually have to do anything tho, unless you want to organise some clan games of course.

For those who have left, thank you for your service. *salutes*


Internet Celebrity said:
I just had a look at the stats for the week. You're cruising along pretty nicely there. :lol

Oh also, I'm coming back to KZ2 next week. For realz this time.
Right after I finish Uncharted 2...

I've only actually played 3 days this week I think, didn't play today. I'll check now to see if I'm still on track for the 1%, might play a little this weekend to try and make sure. :p I gotta start revising for exams tho, so I should stop playing...
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