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8/8/2010 Blackace was here
FFObsessed said:
Maybe playing drunk again will help :lol

Certainly helps me!

I'll keep that in mind! :lol
currently im ran out of smirnoff i should buy a botlte or two for this weekend:lol
Wish I could have to played a little more last night. My girl wanted to play, she was j_jeffrey rippin' into you fools :) She was first on her team but you guys sweeped the match 7-0. Still can't believe my girl is into this game all of a sudden.


beast786 said:
Man, I beach Map is so freaking awesom with right amount of players.

Warzone= Best mode ever.
FFO was playing 32p Beach Head yesterday. WORST FUCKING IDEA EVER. I died as soon as I spawned.


beast786 said:
#1)Man, I beach Map is so freaking awesom with right amount of players.

#2)Warzone= Best mode ever.

1) not sure about that on #1, maybe for DLC Maps.... but with 32 players. Sal. market or evn the smaller Blood were excellant

#2) hell yeah! The fact that you can pick and choose modes and weapons makes this by far the best only feature in online gaming, nothing can compare. It totally screwed all the B/C only NOOBS and proved who could really play the game.


I think KZ3 multiplayer needs some cool music in the background at critical times ala MW2 and MAG. It's what made the SP so exciting :p

The lack of pre-set music in the MP does make MP feel really dry at times.


-viper- said:
I think KZ3 multiplayer needs some cool music in the background at critical times ala MW2 and MAG. It's what made the SP so exciting :p

The lack of pre-set music in the MP does make MP feel really dry at times.

Even Better...

Plug in a pair of headphones into a digital receiver and listen to the sounds effects that way.... you won;t want background music after listening to everything then. Also proximity chat was bomb. there is nothing better than dropping a pair on a guy after killing him and listening to him whine about it, then say "Awwe, Fu(k you" when your bouncing on his forehead!


-viper- said:
FFO was playing 32p Beach Head yesterday. WORST FUCKING IDEA EVER. I died as soon as I spawned.

Wasn't an idea I just jumped into the first DLC map server I could. Was fucking atrocious tho :lol Just got out the "pew pew" gun and started dropping fools. Barely ever used it but fuck me it's deadly.

Most DLC map servers are garbage unfortunately. Wish they'd just make them free, or release a GOTY edition with them on disc.


FFObsessed said:
Wasn't an idea I just jumped into the first DLC map server I could. Was fucking atrocious tho :lol Just got out the "pew pew" gun and started dropping fools. Barely ever used it but fuck me it's deadly.

Most DLC map servers are garbage unfortunately. Wish they'd just make them free, or release a GOTY edition with them on disc.

last time I played KZ2 it was on a DLC-only server with a 16 players cap, it was fucking awesome, specially playing Vekta Cruiser and Suljeva Cliffside with Scarano.


Dibbz said:
Just my luck. A chance to play with GAFe and my PS3 gets the YLOD.


It's a disgrace how shitty video game hardware is sometimes. My PS3 also died last summer.
FFObsessed said:
Saluman Market baby. Tho I think the best looking map is the worst, and smallest, Blood Gracht. Gorgeous.

It's not just the detail, lighting etc. when you move your character, just the way everything looks is spectacular.Hard to describe. It's like a CG movie. Still the best looking online game ever. By a long, long way.

Controls kinda clicked for me right away during the first game, I still sucked quite a bit on most of the games but it was fun :lol

You know for the first time ever I actually used that "pew pew" rifle properly and it was so deadly. The accuracy is crazy, dropping people left and right.

I've been using the STA 14 exclusively for the past several months. If you get good positioning, you can flat out destroy enemies with very little effort. It just requires a different approach than running and gunning. I think a lot of people are instantly turned off from it because it's not an automatic, so the majority of sabs are still using that awful SMG.

And yeah, BG is definitely the most stylish level. Love the lightning. Arctower Landing is also nice, and it usually plays well too.


FFObsessed said:

It's a disgrace how shitty video game hardware is sometimes. My PS3 also died last summer.

RIP Charlene... my 2 PS3s still going strong, well kinda expected from the Slim but ye olde PAL 60 GB is a fucking champ. That said, watch it YLOD'ing on me as I start playing Heavy Rain, just before the new MAG patch and the awesome KZ2 weekend.


She will not be forgotten ;_;

And goddammit I'm addicted to KZ2 again :lol

Oh I think I also witnessed a new record in death delay... 20 seconds... I shit you not :lol


KZ2 weekend is a go for me. Managed to borrow a slim PS3 from work whilst I try and get something sorted for my old 60GB PS3.


alright, that's one more. add me if you can, Cornbread78. If I'm full shoot me a message and I'll clear a spot...

next? C'mon, we need at least 8!


Awesome, I just got my tracking number. New import Slim US/NA 120gigger should be here in a day or two. Can't wait to play some Killzone2, cold turkey :(

Wish me luck with the scheduled re-animation of my Fatty on Saturday.
ChryZ said:
Awesome, I just got my tracking number. New import Slim US/NA 120gigger should be here in a day or two. Can't wait to play some Killzone2, cold turkey :(

Wish me luck with the scheduled re-animation of my Fatty on Saturday.
Good luck. If you're planning to get rid of it, do not turn it on at all apart from backing up whatever data necessary.


If you boys are planning on DLC maps tomorrow night maybe one of you GAFe bredren could share the latest maps with me? Don't wanna be sitting outside the server whilst you have teh rocket boosting funz :(


Holy shit I played today for a bit and man I suck! WTF!

The controls/movement feel really weird to me....Fucking MW2.

Man Im not sure Ill be able to play this game again after that long period of not playing it. I couldnt aim for shit. Everything got messed up, I could hardly aim. I am not saying KZ2's controls sucks btw, its just that not playing for a long time and playing only floaty shooters has messed up my skills. Oh well. I'll get used to them once KZ3 comes out.


Jesus FF a 32p game? First time I've joined ya and I'm welcomed by that? :p

Only managed one game today and it didn't really click with me today. To much MAG I think has thrown me off.


Facism said:
If you boys are planning on DLC maps tomorrow night maybe one of you GAFe bredren could share the latest maps with me? Don't wanna be sitting outside the server whilst you have teh rocket boosting funz :(
I'd share but I got no more activations :(


Cruzader said:
Holy shit I played today for a bit and man I suck! WTF!

The controls/movement feel really weird to me....Fucking MW2.

Man Im not sure Ill be able to play this game again after that long period of not playing it. I couldnt aim for shit. Everything got messed up, I could hardly aim. I am not saying KZ2's controls sucks btw, its just that not playing for a long time and playing only floaty shooters has messed up my skills. Oh well. I'll get used to them once KZ3 comes out.

That normally happens with me but not this time. Maybe it's because I played a bot game to "warm up" but I like to think it's destiny.


Dibbz said:
Jesus FF a 32p game? First time I've joined ya and I'm welcomed by that? :p

Only managed one game today and it didn't really click with me today. To much MAG I think has thrown me off.

I always play 32 player when by myself. More people to kill. On a long Warzone game I can comfortably get 200 kills.

Next time if you want to play properly we can find a 16 player server, just msg me.

Don't blame you for not feeling that game it was garbage. I normally quit out of games when I see Tacticians and Engineers all using boost but I thought I'd practice sniping. Been ages since I've sniped and I suck at it now :p
I wish I was on these boards when KZ2 first released, I started up a clan on the Game Informer forums which was fun for awhile, but quickly fizzled since I could only get like 5 people to show up at one time. Well, I know where i'll be for KZ 3!
Turns on killzone 2 after rage quiting MW2, puts me in a team thats getting fucked in the ass, small ass map, a bunch of cluster fuck. turns off console and game, sits back and waits for Bad Company 2.


FFObsessed said:
I always play 32 player when by myself. More people to kill. On a long Warzone game I can comfortably get 200 kills.

Next time if you want to play properly we can find a 16 player server, just msg me.

Don't blame you for not feeling that game it was garbage. I normally quit out of games when I see Tacticians and Engineers all using boost but I thought I'd practice sniping. Been ages since I've sniped and I suck at it now :p

You were never good


Rapping Granny said:
Turns on killzone 2 after rage quiting MW2, puts me in a team thats getting fucked in the ass, small ass map, a bunch of cluster fuck. turns off console and game, sits back and waits for Bad Company 2.

So just quit and join another server. Tho in fairness there are a lot of Boosting, Rocket whoring servers these days. I guess a lot of the decent players left :(

So looooonely being a KZ2 faaaaaaaaaan.


meppi said:
Wonder when the double/tripple XP thing kicks in.
Just played a game and still nothing... :-/

I assumed it would be midnight (dutch time!) as technically it's a double XP weekend right?

TheFatOne said:
You were never good

So I supposed that time I sniped you 20 times in one game and you left crying, that never happened... riiiiight Lyulf, suuure.



FFObsessed said:
I assumed it would be midnight (dutch time!) as technically it's a double XP weekend right?
Me too at first, but since they said Friday-Sunday I thought it might start a bit earlier. Guess not.


Ah thanks! That means 18.30 over here. :)

Just in time for when my buddy gets home from work a couple hour later, since we've got a 3-4 hour game session planned tonight. :D


Rapping Granny said:
Turns on killzone 2 after rage quiting MW2, puts me in a team thats getting fucked in the ass, small ass map, a bunch of cluster fuck. turns off console and game, sits back and waits for Bad Company 2.

Seriously? Dude, they purposely made the game that way, like a coke bottle, they wanted to encourage battles on different parts of the map, that one of this games greatest assests. You must play MW2 alot and you must be a serious camper to think otherwise.... This game forces you to fight face to face and it forces you to choose a course of battle outside of sitting on a roof top waiting for people to run by you the whole match. Sure, 32 players on Tharsis can be a cluster fuck, but to me, that was more guys to throw a granade at, launch a rocket at for a quadruple kill or shoot in the face with my shotty...
calm down junior. before you start telling me how I should play the game and calling me a camper of all people :lol let me show you something.



Rapping Granny said:
calm down junior. before you start telling me how I should play the game and calling me a camper of all people :lol let me show you something.

LOL, I just love this game.... Seeign as I spent so much time married to it:D
I must admit the k/d is pretty impressive. I never spent time boosting that too much. Too many hard fought S&D matches where I died planting, etc. I play the "dirt dog" role and was not afraid to pull up my sleeves and die a few hundred times to help out my teamates.

you can check the numbers here:http://www.killzone.com/kz/mykillzone.psml?kz_user_id=Cornbread78

but it's definately not the same k/d as yours. I had better accuracy, 30K more points and a better winning pecentage, but I'm mostly shocked I've only dropped a couple thousand int he ranking seeing as I haven't played in 3 months.

U playing tonight?

PS- your KPH is good, LOL


Man, playing KZ2 with FFO is like beeing a pimp who's beating a very old and very ugly whore all day so that she gives him 3,99$ from the 4$ she earned in a month...


^ LOL?

Anyway jus had a 1000 point game and missed the first two rounds.

Some good games tonight, shame that spanish/mexican clan of bitches quit after we whooped them. GAFe ftw.

The next milestone I want to reach is 10,000 headshots.


Because you play 50 minutes of KZ2 against ONE fucking enemy just so that you don't loose your points (which are fucking NOT important!). And I'm at your side talking about shit all the time so that I don't fall asleep.


Sorry guys i couldn't make it in the end last night. Going out for a little bit later tonight and hopefully will be playing around 11pm real time.
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