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Even though I had a little problem at the beginning where the game would get stuck on the loading screen when entering a server I had a blast last night. Turned out my disk was just a bit dirty. *hides*

Forgot how 32 player matches on small maps were horrible. Played until 9pm EST and turned the PS3 off, now I am scared to turn it on again due to the bug.


Booo hooo, I was going to play with you guys this weekend, but nobody added me to PSN. next tiem you guys play, add me so I can jump in, I'm not on your roster.



Cornbread78 said:
Booo hooo, I was going to play with you guys this weekend, but nobody added me to PSN. next tiem you guys play, add me so I can jump in, I'm not on your roster.


I didn't even see the request...

I would add you right now but my PS3 is in another dimension, or at least it thinks it is.
You can add meppi64 if you'd like, although I have to warn you, when I play with my friends you'll hear a constant chattering in Dutch. But don't be afraid to mute us. ;)


meppi said:
I didn't even see the request...

I would add you right now but my PS3 is in another dimension, or at least it thinks it is.
You can add meppi64 if you'd like, although I have to warn you, when I play with my friends you'll hear a constant chattering in Dutch. But don't be afraid to mute us. ;)

LOL, I'm EST, how late you guys play?


Depends on the shifts at work, but normally we play on Friday nights starting around 9-10PM CET till 1AM or so.

When we have the late shift we are on during the week as well for most of the days, normally after 10PM.

I myself tend to play on Saturday and Sundays as well, at random hours.


Lince said:
then a new shooter comes and we quickly forget everything, we sing its praises for a while and then rage quit again, we'll never learn.

You need to put down the MAG and KZ2 and join me in Natural Selection on PC. One of the finest multiplayer "shooters" ever created. 8 or so years old and it's still my main online go to game.


Cornbread78 said:
Booo hooo, I was going to play with you guys this weekend, but nobody added me to PSN. next tiem you guys play, add me so I can jump in, I'm not on your roster.


Just tried, but I can't add you since your friends list is full.


Birth of War (Retribution)
Templar's Last Stand
Visari's Lament

3 of the best pieces of music in gaming. Templar's Last Stand is especially ;_; with the intro sounding like a cross between Star Wars and God of War.

It's amazing how I can see the scenes of the game so clearly while listening to it. They fit together perfectly.

When is KZ2 OST being put up on PSN?

Posted on 9 November, 2009 at 3:28 pm by Mario Lavin
Hey All,

Once again the feedback is much appreciated regarding PSN, As mentioned in a previous reply to earlier comments, We intend to bring the Soundtrack to PSN but can’t confirm anything right now.

Seriously hurry the fuck up. iTunes but not PSN? What is wrong with Sony...

"We will SMITE the invaders from our skies!"

"We will choke the streets with our dead, before we surrender!"

EPIC as fuck.


Guys I'm thinking of buying the European version since it is much cheaper than the U.S. version. I have two questions, though.

Will I be able to play online with people here in the States?
Will I be able to get trophies?


Le-mo said:
Guys I'm thinking of buying the European version since it is much cheaper than the U.S. version. I have two questions, though.

Will I be able to play online with people here in the States?
Will I be able to get trophies?

and yes, I'm not sure, but the trophies may be different than teh US trophies...


Cornbread78 said:
and yes, I'm not sure, but the trophies may be different than teh US trophies...
The Killzone2 trophies are all the same across regions.

The only issue I'd see is DLC. You would need access and money to a Euro PSN store if you want the additional maps. Even that wouldn't be much of an issue: make UK account (it's free) and get a GBP PSN money card via mail order.


Decided for whatever reason to finish my Elite run-through. Jesus...this is difficult for me. I think I must have replayed taking Visari Square about 100 times before completing it.

I'm now trying to take the AA Canon/Gun. How far through the game am I? Haven't played this in a year so I can't remember.

Do you need any of the online trophies in order to get platinum in this game?


Thanks for the fast response guys. I never buy any DLC so that's not a problem for me. I will be picking up the European version then.


CrankyJay said:
Decided for whatever reason to finish my Elite run-through. Jesus...this is difficult for me. I think I must have replayed taking Visari Square about 100 times before completing it.

I'm now trying to take the AA Canon/Gun. How far through the game am I? Haven't played this in a year so I can't remember.

Do you need any of the online trophies in order to get platinum in this game?

My memory of the story gameplay is a little fuzzy but I'd say you're just over halfway through. Just wait until the last chapter if you feel it's already difficult! :lol

As for the Platinum, you need to be in the top 1% for Valor Grand Cross trophy. I think it's top 1% for the Valor Grand Cross trophy at least, again a little fuzzy. The good news with this trophy is it resets each week so you just need to give online a right good playthrough on one week and keep your fingers crossed.
CrankyJay said:
Do you need any of the online trophies in order to get platinum in this game?
In fact you need all of them. In addition to the "top 1% of a week's players" trophy mentioned above, you'll also need to perform a bunch of tasks x times per game in y different games. (You also need to win 50 games and rank up to General, but those will happen pretty automatically as you go for the Grand Valor Cross and the badges.) Some badges are very easy, some very hard. How long they'll take depends on your skill (and a little bit of chance), but if you want the platinum definitely plan to spend far more time on multiplayer than singleplayer.


Will Eat Your Children
2 million online players? Yay! Congrats, I think I'll pop in my copy again to celebrate.

Anyway, there's an artwork exhibition from K2 down at my local library, they're showing off the game in a fancy way. Pretty cool. Guerilla's really going places in it's home country.


Still Alive
KZObsessed said:
In honour of this achievement I haz been reborn as KZObsessed! :lol
:lol :lol Awesome, definitely well suited. Funny thing is I didn't really even notice the change, that's saying something! :p
Mikey Jr. said:
I'm pretty sure killionaire is just Guerilla trolling everyone.

Fuck that shit, 1.224.478 points? What a fucking joke. :lol

I believe I had around 30k or something after some 135 hours of playing, and I was very good at the game...:lol

BTW - mulitplayer now has OVER 2.000.000 unique PSN accounts!


Just booted up the game again. With GoW 3 and UC2 under my belt... I believe KZ2 might still be the best looking PS3 game. When you blend that full-screen pixel-by-pixel motion blur, realtime shadows, superb animation that never breaks (which can happen a seldom time in the other games), the large amount of (physics based) particles..etc. It blends really well.
I think the singleplayer is a bit too linear though. Funny enough though the most impressive scenery is Pyrhus rising which is a gigantic and open 32 player daylight map (desert sands and winds). Stuff looks ridiculous.


Man said:
Just booted up the game again. With GoW 3 and UC2 under my belt... I believe KZ2 might still be the best looking PS3 game. When you blend that full-screen pixel-by-pixel motion blur, realtime shadows, superb animation that never breaks (which can happen a seldom time in the other games), the large amount of (physics based) particles..etc. It blends really well.
I think the singleplayer is a bit too linear though. Funny enough though the most impressive scenery is Pyrhus rising which is a gigantic and open 32 player daylight map (desert sands and winds). Stuff looks ridiculous.

Haven't played GoW3 yet, but KZ2 is easily the most cohesive and rich visual experience I've played this gen. Even a year after release it still rapes my eyeballs. Now if they could only cram in real-time SSAO and we'd be set for good.

I also agree with you on the single player. I recently played through KZ1 but opted out of doing a lttp thread so write a short rant here. Marketing it as a Halo killer was goddamn stupid, as a shooter it couldn't possibly be further from Halo. For a ps2 title it was technically damn impressive, pushed loads of polys and was at times incredibly atmospheric. Framerate was pretty uneven, but it didn't really get in way of the otherwise slow gameplay.

KZ1 had a really interesting story structure for a shooter. You had 4 characters which you could jump between missions and that would dictate which route you would be taking. Luger could get through ventilation shafts and the
Helghan spy Hakha
could get through security doors. The missions were also really bite-sized, some might've been only a few minutes long. It's kind of a shame they didn't stick with this type of gameplay.

GG has created a damn interesting universe with the series and I'm really eager to see what they can accomplish with the tech and the story in KZ3.
Man said:
Just booted up the game again. With GoW 3 and UC2 under my belt... I believe KZ2 might still be the best looking PS3 game. When you blend that full-screen pixel-by-pixel motion blur, realtime shadows, superb animation that never breaks (which can happen a seldom time in the other games), the large amount of (physics based) particles..etc. It blends really well.
I think the singleplayer is a bit too linear though. Funny enough though the most impressive scenery is Pyrhus rising which is a gigantic and open 32 player daylight map (desert sands and winds). Stuff looks ridiculous.

Agreed. It's the most CG looking game I've ever seen. I don't get that kind of impression at all when looking at Uncharted, GOW, Gears, or whatever else is thought to have good graphics. Well, maybe not GT5.
Man said:
Just booted up the game again. With GoW 3 and UC2 under my belt... I believe KZ2 might still be the best looking PS3 game. When you blend that full-screen pixel-by-pixel motion blur, realtime shadows, superb animation that never breaks (which can happen a seldom time in the other games), the large amount of (physics based) particles..etc. It blends really well.
I think the singleplayer is a bit too linear though. Funny enough though the most impressive scenery is Pyrhus rising which is a gigantic and open 32 player daylight map (desert sands and winds). Stuff looks ridiculous.

Yep. It's still the best looking console game ever and the only thing that's even really comes close is Uncharted 2.
The Interrobanger said:
Killzone 2, I'm sorry I ever traded you in.

Playing a bunch of other FPSs recently just makes me miss you even more.

We'll meet again soon, my sweet.
:lol :lol I feel the same exact way lol...Damn you UC2 and MW2....Killzone 2 is my 1st love.. :lol
H_Prestige said:
Agreed. It's the most CG looking game I've ever seen. I don't get that kind of impression at all when looking at Uncharted, GOW, Gears, or whatever else is thought to have good graphics. Well, maybe not GT5.

I think its the lighting... since KZ pretty much puts lighting in priority within its game engine over everything else is what makes it work.

But yeah, I agree. While the other games look great, KZ seems to be just doing it 'right'


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I'm currently ranked at #1701072 but hopefully I'll climb a few thousand places this weekend when I finally sit down and play this game in multiplayer for the first time.



maybe he expects to land a job at GG as a tester or something, but I don't think spending 20 hours a day shooting noobs with your revolver in pistol-only matches on RA qualifies for QA testing anyway.
Man said:
Just booted up the game again. With GoW 3 and UC2 under my belt... I believe KZ2 might still be the best looking PS3 game. When you blend that full-screen pixel-by-pixel motion blur, realtime shadows, superb animation that never breaks (which can happen a seldom time in the other games), the large amount of (physics based) particles..etc. It blends really well.
I think the singleplayer is a bit too linear though. Funny enough though the most impressive scenery is Pyrhus rising which is a gigantic and open 32 player daylight map (desert sands and winds). Stuff looks ridiculous.
Yep, still the best looking console game this gen to me. Hands fucking down!!

Nice name change, :lol

Can't wait until actual KZ3 news.


tiddles said:
Did FFXIII not live up to your expectations? :D

tiddles !!!

Actually I quite enjoyed FFXIII, more than I expected to considering it's direction. Still, it's not as good as they used to be, and the post game grind/farming is irritating to say the least. I'm hoping FFVersusXIII will bring back teh magic.

This does mean you guys have to really deliver with KZ3 tho... I hope you can handle the added pressure. :p

Oh, and if you can, can you find out what happend to the KZ2 soundtrack going up on PSN? It's been ages now and I wish to purchase it >_<
I just got this game recently, and I have to say that the single player is so much better than any other shooter's single player. It just gets every thing goddamn perfect. I'm in Vicari's palace now and I don't want to put the controller down. I'll replay this single player without even thinking about it.


hmmm just came accross this little article. a 3D KZ2 patch this summer. not suprising i suppose and as i won't have a 3D tv for at least a year it doesn't directly effect me but nice none the less. KZ2 in 3D with some solid MOVE support... yes please. :D
Bradach said:
hmmm just came accross this little article. a 3D KZ2 patch this summer. not suprising i suppose and as i won't have a 3D tv for at least a year it doesn't directly effect me but nice none the less. KZ2 in 3D with some solid MOVE support... yes please. :D

What the hell? That would mean absolutely no Killzone 3 this year, not sure if I want that, especially since I ain't buying a 3D TV anytime soon.


Bradach said:
hmmm just came accross this little article. a 3D KZ2 patch this summer. not suprising i suppose and as i won't have a 3D tv for at least a year it doesn't directly effect me but nice none the less. KZ2 in 3D with some solid MOVE support... yes please. :D
Yeah, they mention KZ2 in the latest Quore. It's in the feature about 3D. They mention KZ2, GT5,Wipeout, LBP and Motorstorm Pacific Rift as games that will be 3D-enabled.
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