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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


mr_nothin said:
Yes you do. All tacticians do is basically play capture the points the whole time. It's like we're choreographing a musical chairs game for the other players....TSPs just rotate from 1 team to the next. As soon as you capture this point, somebody else captured the other one. You leave to go get that 1 back and they're capturing the 1 you just left. It's so stupid.

What's stupid is trying to control the entire map by yourself. Of course you're doomed to fail.

You only need 1 TSP to win in *any* map. The thinner you spread your team around the other TSP's the harder it is to actually control any of them.

10dollas said:
Also consider that during certain objectives, one team tends to willing relinquish control of hard to recapture TSPs in order to win the objective. Assassination comes to mind here. The whole team shrinks into a ball near the homespawn.

Teams don't always have an equal chance of capturing TSPs, but even when they do there are other unequal aspects such as objective order. Good luck trying to recapture forward hard-to-take TSPs to win an Search and destroy after giving them up to win an assassination defense.

That's a stupid strategy for Assassination. If you fall back to your base of course the other team is going to take over the map, what did you expect?

Cagen said:
If the TSPs were placed fairly, on balanced maps they would be fine. For example on Frozen Dam ISA have the advantage being able to get to two of the TSPs first and can get to the third equally as fast as the Helgast. The two they get right off the bat means they control S&R, S&D defence and C&H.

Totally disagree there. Higs can always capture the TSP close to S&D defense earlier than ISA, and that's the best one to have for S&R and C&H. The ISA has an advantage on S&D defense, but so does the higs (and that goes for any map).

You only need one marksman as the higs to turn the middle TPS in Frozen Dam into a death trap.


10dollas said:
Also consider that during certain objectives, one team tends to willing relinquish control of hard to recapture TSPs in order to win the objective. Assassination comes to mind here. The whole team shrinks into a ball near the homespawn.

Teams don't always have an equal chance of capturing TSPs, but even when they do there are other unequal aspects such as objective order. Good luck trying to recapture forward hard-to-take TSPs to win an Search and destroy after giving them up to win an assassination defense.
But that's missing the entire point of Warzone. The objectives change on the fly and you deal with them accordingly. If you lose a TSP because you were doing an objective then so be it, that's your call to make.

It's only this time around in KZ where spawns stay throughout the match. In KZ2 if someone threw a shitty spawn you waited until it timed out and put another one somewhere else. Now if you lose a spawn the rest of the team pays for that mistake.


GraveRobberX said:
This is what I posted: About the map design


I got either the why keep playing? or the stop whining/bitching, go to kz3forums

Look @ this: All 8 maps my tweaks and shifting ideas


JB1981 said "I read your essay. You put more thought into map design than GG."

Woah. JB said that? Now you are like a famous star! Congratz. :)


DenogginizerOS said:
For comparison, what do the critics consider to be the gold standard for MP map design (not including KZ2)?

Hm, I guess it's a lot easier when your maps are symmetrical. Like in most other shooters.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
DenogginizerOS said:
For comparison, what do the critics consider to be the gold standard for MP map design (not including KZ2)?

CS had some truly excellent map designs, but many of the best maps were the result of years of play and refinement.

COD, love it or hate it, has some pretty good maps over the last few years (taking all 3 games together), but when you throw 30 maps onto the wall, a few are bound to stick.

All I ask from a map is that, when I first load the game up, I don't immediately feel like I'm at a distinct disadvantage simply because of the design of the map.


Dibbz said:
Can someone please give me some examples as to why they think TSP's suck. I'm talking which maps, which TSP's in particular (Other than Turbine and Pyrus because they are bad). I'm failing to understand where some of you guys are coming from with all this TSP hate.

Turbine is horrible, all you need is one spawn point to totally take over the Map and Corrinth is horrible as well, get the spawn with the Wasps on the right side of the ISA spawn, and you won the match regardless... If the other team gets there first a Warzone match becomes a horror show to play...

The Boulavard is a little more balanced and spread out in the way they placed their TSPs. I'm still nto a fan at all of them, I'd love them to bring back the squad leader spawn or the granades....
DenogginizerOS said:
For comparison, what do the critics consider to be the gold standard for MP map design (not including KZ2)?

For me, it just makes logical sense that in a competitive multiplayer environment, where it's Team A vs. Team B, maps are 99% symmetrical. Unless the maps are designed with a specific mode in mind. Like in Operations, those maps work very well for the mode they were clearly made for but are shit in Warzone.

Both teams needs to have the same (dis)advantages as the other. If Team A's S&D charges need to be placed inside a small room with only 3 entryways, Team B's charges better go in a mirrored exactimation (yes, I made that word up just now) of Team A's room.

All geometry should be the exact same on both sides, otherwise one team will have the advantage. Symmetrical maps are, by default, more balanced and fair than asymmetrical maps.

So, for me, symmetrical maps in which the skill of the two opposing forces determines the outcome -- not who has the high ground/bottlenecks/lines-of-sight/etc. Those are the maps in the "Gold Standard" tier, doesn't matter from which game they originate.


Cornbread78 said:
Turbine is horrible, all you need is one spawn point to totally take over the Map

I really don't get this criticism. Each team battles ruthlessly for that spawn point, what's wrong with that? It's still a level playing field.


Dibbz said:
But that's missing the entire point of Warzone. The objectives change on the fly and you deal with them accordingly. If you lose a TSP because you were doing an objective then so be it, that's your call to make.

It's only this time around in KZ where spawns stay throughout the match. In KZ2 if someone threw a shitty spawn you waited until it timed out and put another one somewhere else. Now if you lose a spawn the rest of the team pays for that mistake.

I'd debate otherwise. The whole idea about warzone, which GG failed to execute on in regards to TSPS, is that it is a match that fluidly transitions from one objective type to the other. Except, its not so fluid because of how static TSPs are and how hard some crucial TSPs can be to take control away from the opposition. TSPs are the clog to warzones flow.

But technically its not really a call to be made unless you're playing on a coordinated team. It's something that just naturally happens when the assassination target seeking the best place to hide, retreats to the farthest inbounds point on the map. Or when Search and destroy defense is initiated. Naturally will some players fall back closer to the objective at hand, in order to better secure the objective at the expense of TSPs.


Dibbz said:
Commish valid points.

Can you honestly say though that every time you play on KZ3 maps the same thing is happening over and over? Personally it's only two maps where the same thing happens, Pyrhus and Turbine but even then both teams have an even chance to gain all of the TSP's it's recapturing on thos emaps that makes them so difficult. You simply cannot say that you can't outright win a game as ISA or HGH on any of the maps.

On every map both teams have an equal chance at gaining TSP's therefore I still fail to understand how it's a design failure.

Even the points you made on the TSP's in reply to me constantly state "if the other team". It's not a case of the other team will get certain TSP's it's if they will get them and that is solely dependent on the teams of both sides. It has nothing to do with how the map is designed.
I was gonna mention something along these lines. Just about every point that was mentioned here (by 10dollas mostly because he made so many) Ive either not encountered at all or they happen so rarely that I dont even care. Yes I get killed by marksmen here and there but theyre snipers and are just doing their jobs. Just use the geometry better. The fact that your radar jams when they are around is a good thing because I know they are around. Its like the radar jammer in COD. Its not as much of a blessing as you are lead to assume.

Complaining about the TSP points I never understand. TSP's are like children after the age of 25. You check in every once in a while to see if theyre ok but you can generally leave them alone [analogy ends here]. If you go back and see that its taken then take it back. I sometimes go it alone and Im typically fine. Ive "saved" many a game by capturing key TSP points. Then Ive lost them then Ive gained them back again. This is all part of the game. Ive only been in a game where Ive witnessed spawn camping like twice and I know which TSP's to leave alone (like on turbine) because they are useless. And if Im one a team thats spawn camping (RARE) I do everything in my power to stop them. By either outright calling them pussies or shooting them and throwing grenades at them to distract them so the other team can kill them. I get killed myself sometimes but its worth it.

Why are you even using a spawn thats camped? If the whole team is sitting at the choke point camping then wouldnt logic dictate that you dont use that spawn? Ive planted plenty of bombs and flanked many a player because I simply used another spawn point that was out of the way. It may take longer to get where Im going but the other team is so caught up in being assholes that its usually easier to accomplish my goal. And again, this happens much too rarely for it to really be an issue.

And dont get me started on the infiltrator complaints. People are generally too dumb/lazy to use that class efficiently. Oh look theres a guy on my team walking straight towards me I wonder what hes doing.

Everything you people are complaining about are generally combat-able and Ive done it time and time again. Do you guys even try to communicate with your teams? Whenever I feel that a TSP is hard to capture, I wait at the base for someone else to spawn and I say [insert name here] come with me. I even shoot them a few times so they look at me. This works VERY often. Is this a silly tactic? Of course but at least Im trying to change my situation instead of swimming around in it complaining.

You create your own experiences especially in a game like this. Either do so and have some fun with the game or dont and come back here complaining all day. Which one actually sounds more sensible?

DISCLAIMER: I do hate Phyrrus Crater an Turbine. I think they are awful maps and should die. Ive actually only played Crater twice because its so bad and no one would pick it (thanks god).


It's very possible to make these balanced maps. Something tells me that GG is already working on something different. If they abandon this game they will not be looked at well in my eyes. We already know they want more money for DLC. But this shit is off the hook. I am sick of the fucking non complainers talking useless diatribe. This shit sucks plain and simple. Half the maps are simply broken. We gave them feedback. They chose to do nothing with it and they will suffer for it if they don't. Only reason I bought this is because it was 37.99 with free maps. I will not buy another game that is this unbalanced.

I don't even give a shit about classes. All I care is to play some decent fucking maps and these are not it bar Salamun and a couple more. I like corinth highway. I don't get the argument there. You have just been on some shitty teams as that map goes both ways. The map that shall not be spoken of is Akmir. That guy should be fired for even suggesting that map plain and simple. If that is the only shit you can come up with after 2 years then fuck you. Fuck you twice jerk.

There needs to be two spawns in PCrater. There needs to be tweaking done to FrozenD. We need to be able to play all maps in warzone and this should have been something HIGH on their priority list. It is obvious these guys are fucking amateurs in many ways. Their technical know how is tops but that is not what we are talking about.

It is really simple to listen to your fanbase. We never suggested they take away all of our custom options, replace the UI with some shitty retro red garbage, make squads harder to use, etc. These guys have stumbled down the line like a drunk on cocaine with a needle sticking out of his arm. Shit needs to stop GG. I will walk you to detox and go through the entire program with you to show you what you have done. Bad GG.

Yes, if you are on the right team it can be a great game. I am having fun with it. But the TSP's greatly diminish the ways in which you can have fun. On all maps I find myself tracing the same paths too often. On some of them it is the same damn path over and over again. The junkyard is absolutely horrible. As said before it comes down to a couple doorways and the somewhat open center. Put some mortars in there and it just becomes a mindfuck. Horrid map. I don't even care if I win. I just plain don't like the map at all. Turbine can be alright when you are winning. It's a pretty small map. But again the TSP on top almost always dictates the winner and it can be guarded very easy.


Is it just me or is voice chat really messed up ? I've been waiting for GG to say they are going to work on voice chat but there hasn't been any word. It's really disturbing cause either voices are being dropped or are really choppy in squad or out.
cnizzle06 said:
I really don't get this criticism. Each team battles ruthlessly for that spawn point, what's wrong with that? It's still a level playing field.


Each team battles over it for 30 seconds. The team that captures it first can easily hold it (if they're not incompetent) for the rest of the match, having clear lines-of-sight into the enemies base exits and one of the other TSP's exits.

It's an absolute joke that the only way up to it is via jetpack.


RyanardoDaVinci said:

Each team battles over it for 30 seconds. The team that captures it first can easily hold it (if they're not incompetent) for the rest of the match, having clear lines-of-sight into the enemies base exits and one of the other TSP's exits.

It's an absolute joke that the only way up to it is via jetpack.


There hasn't been a match in which I haven't been able to take over that spawn after it had been captured.

(See I can be absolute too!)
DenogginizerOS said:
I wonder if GG is collecting Win\Loss data and comparing it to spawn starting points.
Until you actually get a Tactician in there. After wiping out the team, everyone decides to spawn and guess what? That spawn shield fucks you over every time. They need to do something about that particular thing IMO. The idea of a spawn shield is to protect you from being spawn camped correct? That's fine and I like it, glad they have it in a lot of cases. Especially on Frozen Damn when you've got some punk sniper on the Higg base killing you as he sees you.

I would propose that when a Tactician begins capturing a spawn, anyone that starts spawning no longer has a spawn shield. You can't get spawn camped because within a few seconds you can't spawn there anymore. That one thing would make TSP's bearable for me.


You only need the EMP TSP to win in Turbine. The people who just want to sit on the top platforms sniping people also become pretty easy targets.

If you lose that TSP and the other two you might as well quit the match, the other team won. I've only seen that happen once since launch.

ilikemonkeys said:
Until you actually get a Tactician in there. After wiping out the team, everyone decides to spawn and guess what? That spawn shield fucks you over every time. They need to do something about that particular thing IMO. The idea of a spawn shield is to protect you from being spawn camped correct? That's fine and I like it, glad they have it in a lot of cases. Especially on Frozen Damn when you've got some punk sniper on the Higg base killing you as he sees you.

I would propose that when a Tactician begins capturing a spawn, anyone that starts spawning no longer has a spawn shield. You can't get spawn camped because within a few seconds you can't spawn there anymore. That one thing would make TSP's bearable for me.

That's a great suggestion.

Still, once the Tactician is fully upgraded it's so fast to neutralize a TSP.
Massa said:
You only need the EMP TSP to win in Turbine. The people who just want to sit on the top platforms sniping people also become pretty easy targets.
Yeah, you could win with just the EMP spawn. But you can't do it consistently. The elevator/open spawn you can (more then likely) consistently win each match.

One thing I wish GG hadn't fixed on that map was being able to jet pack up onto those tubes coming out the sides of the elevator spawn. Those were great because it made it so that it wasn't completely impossible to capture it. You could avoid most of the C4 and catch them by surprise.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
The thing that makes WarZone mode broken is the objectives aren't set, they are randomly chosen and it can kill the flow of the game, and everyone in the begining is all over the place (setting up, dropping turrets/fixing crates etc.)

Let's say if the map is Frozen Dam, your ISA and the first game objective introduced is Defend Assassination, HGH crew will lose automaticallyf

The ISA grab the 2 closest TSA's towards them, both are 50 feet away from their spawn location

Now Helgast have to troop it from their base, first try to grab either TSA (remember now, timer has started to kill target), or get lucky and break through the 1st line of defense

If the HGH even grab the 3rd TSA inside the dam by their defend S&D, it's the same fucking distance from the original spawn, just now it's on the opposite side of the map, there's no advantage

If HGH capture middle spawn miraculously...guess what, 100 feet away is the other ISA TSA (by their defend S&D), and 75% of the time, mortar is thrown directly into that door pit
They also have to deal with 2-4 players on the catwalks who have direct aim looking down to middle spawn point

The assassination target is safe either on the 2nd floor above their S&D or near those orange crate box area (where Operations start for Frozen Dam)

If it's defend Assassination HGH, ISA most of the time has all 3 TSA's, due to the whole HGH team is close together protecting, so they try to start out with a win, but in the long run lose out, cause they have been cock-blocked

Every WarZone should start off with Body Count, then shuffle in the rest of the shit, why would you create disadvantages from the get go?

Now all I see in KZ3 pubs are Marksman going 22-4 or 30-8 w/o helping team try to defend, or Infiltrators just running around brutal meleeing with disguise++, I mean if it's overpowered, people will flock to it use and abuse it
cnizzle06 said:

There hasn't been a match in which I haven't been able to take over that spawn after it had been captured.

(See I can be absolute too!)

Then I'd say you're playing against shitty players. lol

And only a Sith deals in absolutes! Have at you! :p


GraveRobberX said:
The thing that makes WarZone mode broken is the objectives aren't set, they are randomly chosen and it can kill the flow of the game, and everyone in the begining is all over the place (setting up, dropping turrets/fixing crates etc.)

You make good points in your post, but stop for a minute and think about what would happen if objective rotation would be fixed and known to anybody. I'm not that sure that this would be a better scenario.

I personally tend to like a lot the moments before the next objective is about to come out as today.


So, about the ending:

I liked it. It's just a bit short and abrupt, but storywise I like it. It's quite radical. And obviously, Visari had a Doppelganger all along. That's no surprise. Can't wait for KZ4.

About the story in general: I thought it was quite competent in principel. However they didn't deliver on the presentation. Too many audio and video glitches destroying the immersion. Storywise it was on the better site, I liked the struggle of the two potential new dictators. It's a pity, with a little more polish this thing could've been one hell of a package.

Graphics wise it's hit and miss. The last section is way too colorful, almost like a comic. Other things look breathtaking. The on rails section were a bit too much for my liking and too similar. Also they were lacking in the gameplay department. Some things were totally random like the
snow mobile
. I don't know why they even were in there, it made like no sense at all.

I think KZ2 was a better overall package and way more polished. KZ3 however was more varied and had the potential to be much better than KZ2.


.GqueB. said:
I was gonna mention something along these lines. Just about every point that was mentioned here (by 10dollas mostly because he made so many) Ive either not encountered at all or they happen so rarely that I dont even care. Yes I get killed by marksmen here and there but theyre snipers and are just doing their jobs. Just use the geometry better. The fact that your radar jams when they are around is a good thing because I know they are around. Its like the radar jammer in COD. Its not as much of a blessing as you are lead to assume.

And dont get me started on the infiltrator complaints. People are generally too dumb/lazy to use that class efficiently. Oh look theres a guy on my team walking straight towards me I wonder what hes doing.

Everything you people are complaining about are generally combat-able and Ive done it time and time again. Do you guys even try to communicate with your teams? Whenever I feel that a TSP is hard to capture, I wait at the base for someone else to spawn and I say [insert name here] come with me. I even shoot them a few times so they look at me. This works VERY often. Is this a silly tactic? Of course but at least Im trying to change my situation instead of swimming around in it complaining.

You create your own experiences especially in a game like this. Either do so and have some fun with the game or dont and come back here complaining all day. Which one actually sounds more sensible?

DISCLAIMER: I do hate Phyrrus Crater an Turbine. I think they are awful maps and should die. Ive actually only played Crater twice because its so bad and no one would pick it (thanks god).

I Kind of feel you on the marksmen and the Infiltrator. These two classes aren't as much of an overpowering menace as the mass outrage on the main forums would have one believe. I've played a lot as Spy in TF2 and my two favorite classes in KZ2 were the saboteur and the Scout. I'm used to dealing with other spies and having competent players see through my own disguise. Its not that hard people. People acting strangely get shot and thats the absolute easiest measure among the numerous ways to identify impostors. Shoot and ask questions later has no downside here. Infiltrators simply aren't a problem. The only complaint I have with infilitrators is on how often they succeed on going for the easy charge and knife over someone trying to gun them down, around corners. But that's a minor issue, especially affecting me with my move controls.

I think the marksman is more overpowered when used properly then any of the other classes. Sure its not spectacular for achieving objectives, but as a kill whore, its quite a nuisance. I agree that jamming in COD was quite deceiving. That is why I was hesitant in upgrading the killzone version it to level 3 initially. Its role in KZ3 is however more useful, because it has a wider AOE. Because you can't pinpoint the marksman's position by the strength of the signal distortion(unlike COD)--the distortion is constant except at the very edge of field of effect in Kz3. And also due to the fact the jamming is combined with a cloak ability which lasts indefinitely with silenced weapons... If you are behind enemy lines and attempting to revenge kill a problematic sniper, it can be quite difficult to succeed. If you do succeed, well the sniper is back fully loaded seconds later. The marksmans on the frontline with lots of troop movement isn't nearly as overpowering though, in my opinion.

But wholly, its not that these classes are too strong thats my main concern, its that GG, seemingly without thought made 3 classes quite strong and the other 2 mediocre/weak in comparison. Also that the marksman has no feasible counter to its cloak, jam, and camp gameplay other then to send a sacrificial teammate in first to reveal its position. The medic is ok, but the medic's healing/reviving function is still as useless as before.

You do have a funny way to whipping your team into shape. I may try that in future pub games :D


GraveRobberX said:
The thing that makes WarZone mode broken is the objectives aren't set, they are randomly chosen and it can kill the flow of the game, and everyone in the begining is all over the place (setting up, dropping turrets/fixing crates etc.)

Let's say if the map is Frozen Dam, your ISA and the first game objective introduced is Defend Assassination, HGH crew will lose automaticallyf

The ISA grab the 2 closest TSA's towards them, both are 50 feet away from their spawn location

Now Helgast have to troop it from their base, first try to grab either TSA (remember now, timer has started to kill target), or get lucky and break through the 1st line of defense

If the HGH even grab the 3rd TSA inside the dam by their defend S&D, it's the same fucking distance from the original spawn, just now it's on the opposite side of the map, there's no advantage

If HGH capture middle spawn miraculously...guess what, 100 feet away is the other ISA TSA (by their defend S&D), and 75% of the time, mortar is thrown directly into that door pit
They also have to deal with 2-4 players on the catwalks who have direct aim looking down to middle spawn point

The assassination target is safe either on the 2nd floor above their S&D or near those orange crate box area (where Operations start for Frozen Dam)

If it's defend Assassination HGH, ISA most of the time has all 3 TSA's, due to the whole HGH team is close together protecting, so they try to start out with a win, but in the long run lose out, cause they have been cock-blocked

Every WarZone should start off with Body Count, then shuffle in the rest of the shit, why would you create disadvantages from the get go?

Now all I see in KZ3 pubs are Marksman going 22-4 or 30-8 w/o helping team try to defend, or Infiltrators just running around brutal meleeing with disguise++, I mean if it's overpowered, people will flock to it use and abuse it

I agree. Marksman with scramble is a pain in the ass. Inflitrators not so much since Tacts can spot them.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
-Amon- said:
You make good points in your post, but stop for a minute and think about what would happen if objective rotation would be fixed and known to anybody. I'm not that sure that this would be a better scenario.

I personally tend to like a lot the moments before the next objective is about to come out as today.

No make the 1st objective game be body count, after that shuffle up the other 6

Not saying it should always be a predetermined set of bc > defend S&D > attack assassination > etc.

Should be bc > the next 6 are random, w/e goes at least in the beginning there can be some parity

I should have stated it more clearly in my other post, sorry for the confusion, I was saying set in reference to the first OBJ


bish gets all the credit :)
The main problem with spawn grenades was the utterly stupid community members that used them. I place some of that blame on GG, due to its implementation and lack of directions, though. They worked fantastic in clan matches and with competent teammates. A good tactician could direct the entire flow of the game. After they removed the spawn invincibility, they were completely balanced. No longer could you just toss the grenade into the middle of an objective; you would be killed instantly from people watching the spawn grenade. That's why a competent Tactician would put the spawn close to the objective and protect it with other teammates. It even somewhat forced the "lone wolves" into competing for the objective.

All of this is gone with the TSPs. No longer is the game dynamic. Alot of this is due to GG's implementation and poor map design. I even suggested way back when people were moaning about SGs that they should just use the C&H points for spawns. They did this somewhat in KZ3, but left out two key things; anyone could capture them and squad spawning. It utterly breaks the ebb and flow of the Warzone mode that worked so well in KZ2.

People have suggested to just replace the spawn grenades with a "spawn turret." The tactician would place the turret down like an Engineer would a regular turret, everyone would spawn the direction the turret was facing. The key thing would be that the turret would be destroyable by the other team. Now this doesn't fix the "dumbass player" component, but is the developer's job to inform the players how things work.

Basically, GG made the game easier to play with randoms and in turn completely ruined playing with competent teammates.

Phoenix's Rage

Neo Member
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.
Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.

Skip this game.


Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.

You might enjoy it, you also might grow frustrated with the game. It's definitely not as team oriented as BF2, though it tries to be.
Buy at your own risk


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
As I stated many times in my posts, letting all classes have the ability to neutralize can really help out a team

If the enemy has the TSA, an Inifltrator can quietly mosey in, and make the bar go back to the middle, now either the enemy tells their TACT's to go back claim, or you tell your TACT to come and take

All classes should have on the map/screen the icon of the TSA, red = enemy, green = theirs

Also when picking a class, the slider that asks you where would you like to spawn needs to go

Have all 1, 3-4 TSA represented in a list:

TSA 1 <= colored red if enemy, green if friendly, + Icon of the faction (visual)
TSA 2 same thing
TSA 3 same thing
TSA 4 same thing


Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.

It's really really good, better but has its plusses and minuses when compared to Killzone 2.

Operations is good
Killzone 3 Warzone =/= Killzone 2 Warzone
KZ3 deathmatch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Killzone 2 Deathmatch


GraveRobberX said:
As I stated many times in my posts, letting all classes have the ability to neutralize can really help out a team

If the enemy has the TSA, an Inifltrator can quietly mosey in, and make the bar go back to the middle, now either the enemy tells their TACT's to go back claim, or you tell your TACT to come and take

All classes should have on the map/screen the icon of the TSA, red = enemy, green = theirs

Also when picking a class, the slider that asks you where would you like to spawn needs to go

Have all 1, 3-4 TSA represented in a list:

TSA 1 <= colored red if enemy, green if friendly, + Icon of the faction (visual)
TSA 2 same thing
TSA 3 same thing
TSA 4 same thing
Youre saying lots of stuff so I wont quote everything.

But I do agree that Warzone should start of with Body count. Ive always felt this way personally because it allows a tone to be set. I always use body count as a way to capture spawn points because people generally dont pay much attention to them. They only care about killing.

In a sense, it would make things more "tactful" because you have to think ahead and decide which spawn points are generally more important. Too many times Ive been playing tact where I bust my ass trying to get a point only to realize theres only about a minute left on the timer. "oops...".

But I disagree that the missions should remain constant. Aside from the other problems that would arise from that, the idea is fundamentally boring. I would hate knowing whats coming next and where to go. It would make every game play out exactly the same. Especially as a tact. "Ah geeze, have to go capture this point now. Oh assassination's over? Gotta go get this one." Even as another class it would be boring. Theres also that delay between each mission so that would give the other team a chance to, for example, set up turrets near their point in search and destroy because they know exactly whats coming next. Or give them the opportunity to spam proximity mines. Or during search and retrieve, sit near the areas where they spawn and just wait ACK!@! Im getting mad just thinking about it.

Edit: Nevermind I saw your following response. So I guess we agree on this one.

And I also disagree that anyone should be able to neutralize a spawn point. People are already complaining about babysitting spawns so now youre telling me that anyone from the other team can just walk up and neutralize my spawn point? That would make my job as a Tact annoying and I would probably never use that class. Id constantly be worrying about some cowardly marksman sitting next to my point defiling it with their bs.

All in all, many of your ideas would make me hate the Tact class (which I currently love to death).


Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.

I'd highly recommended it. I play this and BC2 nowadays, mostly just KZ3 now as I don't see PS3 GAF playing BC2 as often.

Most people who don't like KZ3 are die hard KZ2 fans who don't accept the changes made to the core game. It's a fantastic shooter nonetheless.


bish gets all the credit :)
Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.

BC2 is much better as a team based objective game. KZ3 is good if you want to play TDM.
Massa said:
I'd highly recommended it. I play this and BC2 nowadays, mostly just KZ3 now as I don't see PS3 GAF playing BC2 as often.

Most people who don't like KZ3 are die hard KZ2 fans who don't accept the changes made to the core game. It's a fantastic shooter nonetheless.
Yup, it's got it's issues for sure (big ones at that)... but when you compare it to the other current shooters (ie. Blawps), it's head and shoulders greater.
Phoenix's Rage said:
GAF. Apologies in advance. Haven't really been following this mammoth of a thread. Need your opinion on the multi-player. How does it compare to Bad Company 2? I'm a fan of cooperative/class-based type of matches.
Then you'll want to stick to one mode called Operations, its a stripped out and fast-forwarded version of Warzone which used to be team oriented. Operations is blast to play even with strangers, I just wish there were more than 3 maps running that mode.


alr1ghtstart said:
The main problem with spawn grenades was the utterly stupid community members that used them. I place some of that blame on GG, due to its implementation and lack of directions, though. They worked fantastic in clan matches and with competent teammates. A good tactician could direct the entire flow of the game. After they removed the spawn invincibility, they were completely balanced. No longer could you just toss the grenade into the middle of an objective; you would be killed instantly from people watching the spawn grenade. That's why a competent Tactician would put the spawn close to the objective and protect it with other teammates. It even somewhat forced the "lone wolves" into competing for the objective.

All of this is gone with the TSPs. No longer is the game dynamic. Alot of this is due to GG's implementation and poor map design. I even suggested way back when people were moaning about SGs that they should just use the C&H points for spawns. They did this somewhat in KZ3, but left out two key things; anyone could capture them and squad spawning. It utterly breaks the ebb and flow of the Warzone mode that worked so well in KZ2.

The game is much more dynamic now. In KZ2 both teams would place their spawns near the objective, there was no flow at all. The game played more like Operations does in KZ3, where each objective concentrates both teams in a very small area of the map and you spawn and die a lot more often.

In KZ3 you have to work within the entire map. In Assassination, a tactician would boost and place a spawn nade near the other team's base, and through sheer brute force you would take him down. In Search & Destroy both teams would spawn near the objective. In KZ3 no team spawns on top of the objective, and to plant the charges you actually need to gain control that area. To assassinate a VIP you have to push the other team back. It's a lot more satisfying.


I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the exos are a bit overpowered, its hard to take them down on some maps too because if they're in an open area then you can't get close and the rockets are too damn slow to be useful against them at long range....except for the occasional idiots that stay in the same spot. They should need to speed up the rockets.

I don't really get all the TSP talk in here. I'm not seeing anything like that. Is that mainly clan matches? I've seen the entire enemy team rush TSP, and even though the team spawns in the room there's only so much they can defend when they're having grenades bombarded into the area. It's not impossible to win them back. When it comes down to it the team has a choice of either defending the TSP or doing the objectives which thins the numbers a bit.
Dizzy said:
I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the exos are a bit overpowered, its hard to take them down on some maps too because if they're in an open area then you can't get close and the rockets are too damn slow to be useful against them at long range....except for the occasional idiots that stay in the same spot. They should need to speed up the rockets.

I don't really get all the TSP talk in here. I'm not seeing anything like that. Is that mainly clan matches? I've seen the entire enemy team rush TSP, and even though the team spawns in the room there's only so much they can defend when they're having grenades bombarded into the area. It's not impossible to win them back. When it comes down to it the team has a choice of either defending the TSP or doing the objectives which thins the numbers a bit.

Lot of the TSP talk is over blown really, though the system could use some tweaking to make it work smoother, like allowing non tacticians to be able to neutralize them and only requireing them to capture.


alr1ghtstart said:
BC2 is much better as a team based objective game. KZ3 is good if you want to play TDM.

This just isn't true at all, teamwork is just as important as it ever was in Killzone 2. arguably more so because now 1 player can't just sneak away and plant a spawn grenade to alter the flow as quickly. You have to be much more aware of the overall eeb of the battles, what objectives are coming up, and making sure you're were you need to be so your team doesn't get locked down which can get you out of the game for a round or two.

I prefer the TSP system to the spawn grenades and having to fight with other (bad) tacticians for who gets to place those two spawn points and then having to wait for those spawns to eventually expire.
Most players do no team work in BC2, the game simply just flows better as a team game. KZ3 just tosses players in and expects them to know what's up and how to play. In many cases BC2 really requires less team work and is less class dependant while KZ3 problem is that it really requires people to be playing their roles and you need specific classes like the Tact or shits not going to work.

KZ3 simply is more punishing of a game for random players.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Dizzy said:
I'm really enjoying it so far. I think the exos are a bit overpowered, its hard to take them down on some maps too because if they're in an open area then you can't get close and the rockets are too damn slow to be useful against them at long range....except for the occasional idiots that stay in the same spot. They should need to speed up the rockets.

I don't really get all the TSP talk in here. I'm not seeing anything like that. Is that mainly clan matches? I've seen the entire enemy team rush TSP, and even though the team spawns in the room there's only so much they can defend when they're having grenades bombarded into the area. It's not impossible to win them back. When it comes down to it the team has a choice of either defending the TSP or doing the objectives which thins the numbers a bit.

Right, in clan matches against organized competition. When an entire team knows how important a TSP is and how to properly defend it, it's a HUGE difference compared to public games when it's hard enough to get a random pubbie to plant a bomb, let alone employ tactics to get and keep TSPs for an entire match.


commish said:
Right, in clan matches against organized competition. When an entire team knows how important a TSP is and how to properly defend it, it's a HUGE difference compared to public games when it's hard enough to get a random pubbie to plant a bomb, let alone employ tactics to get and keep TSPs for an entire match.

So you're saying one team knows how to properly defend their TSP, take your own and do the objectives all at the same time? Sounds like the other team is just better than your team.

I've played against a lot of clans in pub matches. They're usually no better than regular teams.
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