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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


Always-honest said:
game became a lot more fun From that level on..
Not totally, s/he still has to go through the hell that is Stahl Arms first. Unless of course, you're a fan of tightly packed corridors with hordes of enemies, grenade spam, rocket spam and, well, you'll see for yourself.
The level after that is much better though, I promise.
Spoilers and speculation:

I think they could have reasonably killed off Rico in the last two chapters. Unlike in KZ2 (which had a death with sod all emotional impact and came out of nowhere), Rico was made out to be the victim/downtrodden soul in this game. He could have made his comeback, rescued Narville and then died trying to escape or in the 'Zero-G' battle. At least then we'd at least feel a little pang of 'well he tried hard and has been somewhat useful this time' as he snuffed it.

Its actually rather fucking annoying that they've killed off Visari, Radec, Orlock, Templar etc and Rico the total annoying cunt has got out alive. Not only that, but he was the one that caused Stahl/Orlock to go batshit angry and try to nuke earth because he killed Visari. Surely there will have to be sanctions against him in KZ4. Warcimes or some such.
I guess I'm 2 third into the game. I fucking love the campaign. It so much much diverse and better written than KZ2. Rythm is nearly perfect and I love how the settings keeps chaning dramaticaly.


Playing online is becoming a chore. It seems people have learned how to exploit these maps because all Im experiencing is spawn camping and mortars.

And why arent there more tacticians? I always feel like Im the only one and it feels like a job more than anything else.

"Watch this spawn point guys theyre gonna need this one so theyre gonna come after it"

*pushes forward* *dies*


*goes back to get spawn point*

Shit is only fun when youre not the only person doing it. Last game I tried to say fuck it and just be an engineer and fuck around a bit but then we lost every single spawn point and I was back on the job. This is why I have such a shitty KDR.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I love the jungle level. I like stealth though, and the game gives you quite a few options. Also, it's stunningly beautiful and the sounds are cool.

You can observe some cool things. The spiders feast on dead bodies.


.GqueB. said:
Playing online is becoming a chore. It seems people have learned how to exploit these maps because all Im experiencing is spawn camping and mortars.

And why arent there more tacticians? I always feel like Im the only one and it feels like a job more than anything else.

"Watch this spawn point guys theyre gonna need this one so theyre gonna come after it"

*pushes forward* *dies*


*goes back to get spawn point*

Shit is only fun when youre not the only person doing it. Last game I tried to say fuck it and just be an engineer and fuck around a bit but then we lost every single spawn point and I was back on the job. This is why I have such a shitty KDR.

This is why I don't bother with Warzone unless I'm playing with GAF.

Warzone sucks as no one follows the objectives.

As for the stealth section in KZ3, I liked them. KZ3 campaign is superb thanks to the variety. It just never gets boring and the game is very replayable. The lack of online co-op is quite puzzling though.
One way to get people to follow objectives is just stick to them.

Find a tactician who isn't going for spawns, roll medic, and stay within 10 feet of him as much as possible. Eventually, with the increased survivability they tend to make their way to the TSAs.


-viper- said:
This is why I don't bother with Warzone unless I'm playing with GAF.

Warzone sucks as no one follows the objectives.

I mostly play Warzone with randoms, and I always play Tactician and take the TSP's and my teams have usually been the winning team. Guess I must be lucky then.


-viper- said:
This is why I don't bother with Warzone unless I'm playing with GAF.

Warzone sucks as no one follows the objectives.

As for the stealth section in KZ3, I liked them. KZ3 campaign is superb thanks to the variety. It just never gets boring and the game is very replayable. The lack of online co-op is quite puzzling though.

I play Warzone exclusively since launch. I have lost 0-7, and won 7-0, or draw 3-3, or barely scrapped through 4-3 (or 3-4). It can get frustrating sometimes, but I get intense and meaningful games too. KZ2 and MAG can be unbalanced and embarrasing in some games too.

Sticking together is the key.
Garjon said:
Not totally, s/he still has to go through the hell that is Stahl Arms first. Unless of course, you're a fan of tightly packed corridors with hordes of enemies, grenade spam, rocket spam and, well, you'll see for yourself.
The level after that is much better though, I promise.
yeah, i liked that. I liked everything from the jungle part to the end (Including the jungle part).


-viper- said:
This is why I don't bother with Warzone unless I'm playing with GAF.

Warzone sucks as no one follows the objectives.

As for the stealth section in KZ3, I liked them. KZ3 campaign is superb thanks to the variety. It just never gets boring and the game is very replayable. The lack of online co-op is quite puzzling though.
I wouldnt say that. People do but its never a cohesive experience. People are just "going there" but no one is going together. Here and there youll just so happen to spawn with someone else and youll walk there together but that often happens by mistake.

Thats the thing, much of the team play that happens here occurs because it just so happens to. I'll be capturing a spawn point with another tact because we just so happened to arrive there at the same time. I'll be covering a teammate as he plants a bomb because I just so happened to get there as he did. etc etc.

I still think this is all Sony's fault. Fucking console shouldve come with a mic. Plain and simple. That cheap piece of crap that came with my 360 died after about 3 years but that cheap piece of crap was a godsend.


Progmetal said:
I mostly play Warzone with randoms, and I always play Tactician and take the TSP's and my teams have usually been the winning team. Guess I must be lucky then.

I have maxed out Medic and Infiltrator. Invested enough points in Marksman to get level 3 cloaking and the sniper rifle (to target WASP gunner and other hard-to-get Marksman). I intend to max out my Tactician next.


patsu said:
I play Warzone exclusively since launch. I have lost 0-7, and won 7-0, or draw 3-3, or barely scrapped through 4-3 (or 3-4). It can get frustrating sometimes, but I get intense and meaningful games too. KZ2 and MAG can be unbalanced and embarrasing in some games too.

Sticking together is the key.
Yep. Sticking together and working as a unit.

Wasn't the respawn timer in KZ2 10 seconds?

I think 5 seconds is too short in KZ3, at least when playing Warzone. Otherwise it's quite chaotic.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
.GqueB. said:
Playing online is becoming a chore. It seems people have learned how to exploit these maps because all Im experiencing is spawn camping and mortars.

And why arent there more tacticians? I always feel like Im the only one and it feels like a job more than anything else.

"Watch this spawn point guys theyre gonna need this one so theyre gonna come after it"

*pushes forward* *dies*


*goes back to get spawn point*

Shit is only fun when youre not the only person doing it. Last game I tried to say fuck it and just be an engineer and fuck around a bit but then we lost every single spawn point and I was back on the job. This is why I have such a shitty KDR.


Ah so my arguments were LOL back then considered whining and bitching, but after playing with it for awhile and now you start seeing what I and others were talking about

You can't always be with a clan or friends, sometime only option is pubs, and be solo, if you are prioritizing your play just so you can play with competent players (friends/clans), so you aren't frustrated by the game play mechanic overall is crazy

The thing is this a class based shooter, most think this is run n' gun (COD) with perks already chosen for you, and only thing you have to do is unlock them
A lot of them don't understand that are priorities each class has

TACT, don't get TSA, guess what?, either have fun being camped @ your starting base, or be @ a severe disadvantage. In C&H you capture them faster, due to you ability.

INFI, you are the class that is suppose to break the defense line for the other team
Objectives are catered to you:
Planting in S&D @50% reduction = crazy
Propaganda Speaker due to your unlimited speed/boost

MEDI, you are not front-line class, don't try to be Rambo with your Medi-Bot, you are support, kills will come to you, you should look out for downed team mates and revive. Keep being in the surrounding cluster/bottleneck areas that are created by healing/keeping yourself back, but helping team, get there HP back, be the core, let everyone revolve around you

MRKS, are the traffic cops. They are supposed to sway the enemy from coming in cleanly through a route. The faster the enemy realizes this, the better their team will accomplish the objectives

ENGI, fix crates, more ammo crates, = more supply from either your team pushing forward or backing the enemy
Turret in key places (strategically placed, ie near corners or off to side walls that give it an extra barrier to protect itself, can really help)
Don't just place Turret right in the middle of an area, that thing will get destroyed quick, making your ability useless

The community right now doesn't see that. They see awesome, if I have Disguise++, I'll keep brutal meleeing infinitely, racking me up points, who gives a shit it's S&D or Prop, they don't need me.....

TACT, awesome I have my personal UAV & Scout drone, I can camp an area, and be ADS and my M82 takes fool down easily, bleh! why are all those 3 looking icons red /|\, who cares?

MRKS, I can snipe while being invisible, and if I use a silenced automatic weapon I stay invisible until I get spotted or die, what's not love and camp in a corner and get my KDR 2.5+

MEDI, oh I get an extra buddy who helps me out by hurting enemies, making me close to being a one man army, + that revive on spot doesn't hurt

ENGI, hurr durr, I'll place turret right where the enemy is throwing 500 grenades , and I'll fix an ammo box and keep hogging it by re-accumulating grenades over and over and keep lobbing them for kills, in a choke-point
(Yes I have seen this on multiple occasions)

Look @ what should be defined roles for each class and what the community is doing

In pubs yes you can fool around here and there, but if COD gets off more teamwork from that community, it's a shame KZ3 players don't even try to learn basic shit

Best case scenario: 1 class has all the abilities, even playing field, only guns wouldn't be the same, your choice: AR, LMG, Shotty, Sniper
Be invisible while wearing a disguise, running unlimited, having a personal UAV, with a personal assistant bot, and you can fix boxes and re-ammo yourself, if you die revive yourself on the spot
Best of all worlds...../BARF!
patsu said:
I play Warzone exclusively since launch. I have lost 0-7, and won 7-0, or draw 3-3, or barely scrapped through 4-3 (or 3-4). It can get frustrating sometimes, but I get intense and meaningful games too. KZ2 and MAG can be unbalanced and embarrasing in some games too.

Sticking together is the key.

Exactly. Killzone is sometimes infuriating, always exhilarating, but never boring.

And a tact walking with a medic and a sniper form an unstoppable triangle that nothing seems to be able to counter, especially if they walk in formation.


As a Medic, I could usually charge in and take out the target -- unless there are 2-3 enemies in the same room. Sometimes if I find that the target (an Assassination Objective or a talented Marksman protected by friends) is near a window, I may respawn as a Marksman to remove him. My random teammates will usually help trim down their numbers at the same time. And like I said, if an Exo is available, it's the fastest way to disperse a multi-disciplinary group, especially in the Salamun Market upper levels.

Sticking together has the highest odds of success. Even so, I usually charge ahead because I have Triage bot, extra armor, auto heal, and self-revival to survive a head-on confrontation while my teammates distract them.

Meijimasha said:
Exactly. Killzone is sometimes infuriating, always exhilarating, but never boring.

Well... you have to be not afraid of dying in KZ3, same for MAG. MAG's mayhem and map unbalance is on an even larger scale, but it's satisfying when you win. They started to rotate the maps between factions now though. ^_^
GraveRobberX said:
ENGI, fix crates, more ammo crates, = more supply from either your team pushing forward or backing the enemy
Turret in key places (strategically placed, ie near corners or off to side walls that give it an extra barrier to protect itself, can really help)
Don't just place Turret right in the middle of an area, that thing will get destroyed quick, making your ability useless

The greatest gift an engineer can give is a turret in a contestable spawn. Oh my GOD they are lifesavers for tacts like me. Suddenly, as a tact, I can actually leave the spawn without worrying about it. My airbot and a turret placed are more than enough to deter an enemy tactician long enough for me to head back to the spawn and make sure it doesn't get captured.

I've noticed this, a TSA without a tact will last an average of 30 seconds.

A TSA without a tact but with a level 3 turret will last over 90 seconds. Teams NEED more than one engineer. One for defending the TSA and making sure his team won't get sniper running out, and another placing their turrets at objectives. Engineers can only have 1 turret out at a time, but the team needs more than one turret to be effective.

Yesterday I was playing on Bilgarsk with some friends as the HGH and we managed to take the rear TSA from the ISA which gave us a massive advantage. For most of the match I spent it in that spawn, fixing my turret and the nearby ammo boxes and shooting the steady stream of tacticians coming in trying to take it back. I did this until my team was 4-0 and then I switched to medic and 2 of my friends dropped out because they said the game was "boring when its this easy."

And at precisely that moment shit. Got. REAL. The next 3 rounds (which we lost) were some of the most intense warzone moments I've ever played. TSAs coming and going, revives everywhere, turrets blowing shit up, airbots flying up ahead llike a sky highway. It was glorious controlled chaos. This game has potential.


GraveRobberX said:
Im not even sure what youre talking about here but yes I do admit that much of this game is very exploitable and I have been experiencing it a bit these last two days but at the same time its more about the people playing it rather than the actual game. My post was hyperbole as its not ALL Im facing. But when I do its damn annoying.

I think every game is exploitable. I saw a vid of someone in COD taking advantage of all the bottlenecks on terminal and the fact that he could change his loadouts. Fucker went like 51 and 1. At the same time, I never experienced this and not many people tried it because some people just dont want to.

Same with KZ3. Yea anyone can camp a spawn point. I played a game where only one guy was camping our spawn so I just kept waiting for him to come back and kept killing him. I must have killed this guy about 12 times. His name was D_MARES or something like that. I NEVER remember peoples names but I encountered him so much that I did. HE was an asshole but the rest of his team was fine.

Assholes are assholes. I encounter assholes and I just leave and I get into a better game. I considered a lot of what you were/are doing bitching and moaning because you spoke as if these thing happen ALL THE TIME and they just dont.

The only aspect of my post that I experience VERY often would be no one playing as tact. This shit is just annoying and ruins games for me. But again, it doesnt happen often enough where I feel the need to come back here and complain on every page. I enjoy this game more often than not and if I wasnt I wouldnt be playing it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Meijimasha said:
I did this until my team was 4-0 and then I switched to medic and 2 of my friends dropped out because they said the game was "boring when its this easy."

That right there is the fucking problem with this game, unbalanced means both sides get bored and quit

You are up 4-0 dominating, your own teammates get bored and leave due to no challenges, thrills, excitement or even struggles
While on the other side, no 1 wants to be dominated, and it's a lost cause cause, even though they can win 3 back, they still lose in the end, who ever gets to 4 first, you see other side bail the fuck out

Contested games are rare and only a few, that is the core problem, why would you eat deaths, be camped upon, get frustrated only to get a .25 bonus
While the other side will get bored to camping, then retreating, try to let other team come out, but by then either they are turtled in or quit


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
.GqueB. said:
Your Stuff

Thing is until people realize that WarZone is objective based, and classes have defined roles and teamwork is involved, you will have the run n' gun mentality running rampant

I bought KZ3 for the class based objectives

I'm an objective based player. In Resistance I was always on Meltdowns/Assaults/Light CTF
In COD, I was always Domination or Demolition, Hardcore TDM for the location marker aspect
Resistance 2, the co-op alone, I put in countless hours, got Medic in to the top 5 overall on the leader boards by constantly helping and playing my role
KillZone 2, Medic was my class, healing. running around reviving is all I did

I'm not asking pubs to be like clan war games, all be struggles, but put some fucking effort into it, others not doing their job, really hurts not only them but the whole fucking team


GraveRobberX said:
Thing is until people realize that WarZone is objective based, and classes have defined roles and teamwork is involved, you will have the run n' gun mentality running rampant

I bought KZ3 for the class based objectives

I'm an objective based player. In Resistance I was always on Meltdowns/Assaults/Light CTF
In COD, I was always Domination or Demolition, Hardcore TDM for the location marker aspect
Resistance 2, the co-op alone, I put in countless hours, got Medic in to the top 5 overall on the leader boards by constantly helping and playing my role
KillZone 2, Medic was my class, healing. running around reviving is all I did

I'm not asking pubs to be like clan war games, all be struggles, but put some fucking effort into it, others not doing their job, really hurts not only them but the whole fucking team
When has this game been an objective based experience outside of clan games? It wasnt in KZ2 so what made you think it would be here. And whats more, if youre looking for a class based experience why not play games that lend themselves to that naturally?

Team fortress 2 does this. COD does this because they force you to go after the objectives. And I heard (havent played) that battlefield does as well. Why play this game when it has proven time and time again to not be what you want? Especially after playing the beta (which Im sure you were involved in). This just goes back to my point from pages earlier where I pointed out how insane it is for people like you to pump hours and hours into a game that they fundamentally dont like.
Killzone 2 focused in on objectives with spawn points. Hard to avoid an objective if all the spawns for your team are geared towards it.
.GqueB. said:
When has this game been an objective based experience outside of clan games? It wasnt in KZ2 so what made you think it would be here. And whats more, if youre looking for a class based experience why not play games that lend themselves to that naturally?

Team fortress 2 does this. COD does this because they force you to go after the objectives. And I heard (havent played) that battlefield does as well. Why play this game when it has proven time and time again to not be what you want? Especially after playing the beta (which Im sure you were involved in). This just goes back to my point from pages earlier where I pointed out how insane it is for people like you to pump hours and hours into a game that they fundamentally dont like.


I play nothing but public games and it seems everyone is working towards the objectives. The multiplayer was clearly designed with that in mind.

The players who just want to kill will join a bodycount only room.


bish gets all the credit :)
.GqueB. said:
When has this game been an objective based experience outside of clan games? It wasnt in KZ2 so what made you think it would be here. And whats more, if youre looking for a class based experience why not play games that lend themselves to that naturally?

The entire game of KZ2 was built around objective gameplay (Warzone mode).


From my experience people play for the objectives more than they ever did in KZ2 and thanks to the party system I've heard more people on mics communicating because they are with clan mates.

Right now my PS3 is packed up but I'm dying to play it some more :(


alr1ghtstart said:
The entire game of KZ2 was built around objective gameplay (Warzone mode).
Perhaps I didnt stick with it long enough but I remember people being out for themselves in KZ2 as much as they are in KZ3. I remember being spawn camped at Radec, Tharsis and the Hig side of Corinth. My experience was soured in that game and back then I played with a lot more Gaffers. The only time I had any fun was in Salmun Market. THAT map was designed beautifully.

But as I said, maybe I didnt stick with it long enough. I only played for a few months but I recall the general feel being exactly the same.


I played the co-op campaign with my cousin this weekend and it was hilarious because he kept stopping and saying aloud "How does everything look so awesome?!"


Gaf is awesome.

So much useless bitching and hypocrisy in this thread its rather quite funny. Not to mention people who barely got the game and hadnt put time into MP talking about why KZ would need certain modes lol.

Game is fun, you guys need to learn to enjoy it instead of cry nonstop. You see 1 crowd hate that GG makes changes to certain crows then you want GG to make changes that you want and vice versa. It's non stop here.

.GqueB. said:
Perhaps I didnt stick with it long enough but I remember people being out for themselves in KZ2 as much as they are in KZ3. I remember being spawn camped at Radec, Tharsis and the Hig side of Corinth. My experience was soured in that game and back then I played with a lot more Gaffers. The only time I had any fun was in Salmun Market. THAT map was designed beautifully.

But as I said, maybe I didnt stick with it long enough. I only played for a few months but I recall the general feel being exactly the same.
Maybe its just me, but it seems your even spending less time with KZ3 yet coming to your conclusion.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
.GqueB. said:
Perhaps I didnt stick with it long enough but I remember people being out for themselves in KZ2 as much as they are in KZ3. I remember being spawn camped at Radec, Tharsis and the Hig side of Corinth. My experience was soured in that game and back then I played with a lot more Gaffers. The only time I had any fun was in Salmun Market. THAT map was designed beautifully.

But as I said, maybe I didnt stick with it long enough. I only played for a few months but I recall the general feel being exactly the same.

Thing was people could create rooms back then. Things were locked out, different situations created

Most game rooms created had different set-ups:

Had Radec Academy 1000 kill BloodBaths
You had no Assault allowed to stop the incessant rocket launcher/boost spam
Then you had varying time for Objectives, Want a 1+ hour WarZone, crank up the times. S&D to be accomplished in 10-15 minutes rather than 5 minutes completely changes the out look of a game, players would wait, get team mates to rush in with
In 5 minute you had people rushing cause you are against the clock, hectic yes, but game play wise frustrating

There's a reason why GAFe (KZ2) clan won the tournament against the rest of the clans. You played what were tournament rules, refined your roles & skills to be set up for it.

KZ3 feels like you're put into a sandbox, asked to make 7 sand castles, but the tools are either dented, broken, or have holes. The water the thing that binds everything (balance) isn't clean, very murky with stuff in it, so as a bonding/holding solution it is not an applicable.
I'm just not going to play with randoms until all the patches are sorted out and I can do it unranked on a server list.

Until then I'm playing almost exclusively in large squads and having a blast. The more I play it, the more I enjoy it.


oneHeero said:
Gaf is awesome.

So much useless bitching and hypocrisy in this thread its rather quite funny. Not to mention people who barely got the game and hadnt put time into MP talking about why KZ would need certain modes lol.

Game is fun, you guys need to learn to enjoy it instead of cry nonstop. You see 1 crowd hate that GG makes changes to certain crows then you want GG to make changes that you want and vice versa. It's non stop here.

Maybe its just me, but it seems your even spending less time with KZ3 yet coming to your conclusion.
Obviously. But I like and enjoy KZ3 far more than I did KZ2 because I didnt really find KZ2 all that "fun". Just very frustrating.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
i always stuck to MEDIC, but the past 2 days forced me to play TACT, cuz currently 99.9% of TACTs online are.....not, tacticians.

I got tired of losing Warzones cuz me and my whole team have to go on a road trip every time we die.

c'mon classes:


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i always stuck to MEDIC, but the past 2 days forced me to play TACT, cuz currently 99.9% of TACTs online are.....not, tacticians.

I got tired of losing Warzones cuz me and my whole team have to go on a road trip every time we die.

c'mon classes:
Ah so my arguments were LOL back then considered whining and bitching, but after playing with it for awhile and now you start seeing what I and others were talking about

You can't always be with a clan or friends, sometime only option is pubs, and be solo, if you are prioritizing your play just so you can play with competent players (friends/clans), so you aren't frustrated by the game play mechanic overall is crazy

The thing is this a class based shooter, most think this is run n' gun (COD) with perks already chosen for you, and only thing you have to do is unlock them
A lot of them don't understand that are priorities each class has

TACT, don't get TSA, guess what?, either have fun being camped @ your starting base, or be @ a severe disadvantage. In C&H you capture them faster, due to you ability.

INFI, you are the class that is suppose to break the defense line for the other team
Objectives are catered to you:
Planting in S&D @50% reduction = crazy
Propaganda Speaker due to your unlimited speed/boost

MEDI, you are not front-line class, don't try to be Rambo with your Medi-Bot, you are support, kills will come to you, you should look out for downed team mates and revive. Keep being in the surrounding cluster/bottleneck areas that are created by healing/keeping yourself back, but helping team, get there HP back, be the core, let everyone revolve around you

MRKS, are the traffic cops. They are supposed to sway the enemy from coming in cleanly through a route. The faster the enemy realizes this, the better their team will accomplish the objectives

ENGI, fix crates, more ammo crates, = more supply from either your team pushing forward or backing the enemy
Turret in key places (strategically placed, ie near corners or off to side walls that give it an extra barrier to protect itself, can really help)
Don't just place Turret right in the middle of an area, that thing will get destroyed quick, making your ability useless

The community right now doesn't see that. They see awesome, if I have Disguise++, I'll keep brutal meleeing infinitely, racking me up points, who gives a shit it's S&D or Prop, they don't need me.....

TACT, awesome I have my personal UAV & Scout drone, I can camp an area, and be ADS and my M82 takes fool down easily, bleh! why are all those 3 looking icons red /|\, who cares?

MRKS, I can snipe while being invisible, and if I use a silenced automatic weapon I stay invisible until I get spotted or die, what's not love and camp in a corner and get my KDR 2.5+

MEDI, oh I get an extra buddy who helps me out by hurting enemies, making me close to being a one man army, + that revive on spot doesn't hurt

ENGI, hurr durr, I'll place turret right where the enemy is throwing 500 grenades , and I'll fix an ammo box and keep hogging it by re-accumulating grenades over and over and keep lobbing them for kills, in a choke-point
(Yes I have seen this on multiple occasions)

Look @ what should be defined roles for each class and what the community is doing

In pubs yes you can fool around here and there, but if COD gets off more teamwork from that community, it's a shame KZ3 players don't even try to learn basic shit

Best case scenario: 1 class has all the abilities, even playing field, only guns wouldn't be the same, your choice: AR, LMG, Shotty, Sniper
Be invisible while wearing a disguise, running unlimited, having a personal UAV, with a personal assistant bot, and you can fix boxes and re-ammo yourself, if you die revive yourself on the spot
Best of all worlds...../BARF!


Custom created servers stank.

People really do have short memories,

There were 2 classes in KZ2, Assault and Marksman,

There was one map in KZ2 without the need for a glitch, Radec Academy.

There was one rule in KZ2, clan stack one side of the server and name it noobs only!

And how can you forget trying to party up with friends, "quick, join now, someone quit out" - "I can't says room is full" w00t!

Infact there are 2 rules in KZ2, the one I mentioned above and the games motto, Spawn rape or be spawn raped!

Good times.


CozMick said:
Custom created servers stank.

People really do have short memories,

There were 2 classes in KZ2, Assault and Marksman,

There was one map in KZ2 without the need for a glitch, Radec Academy.

There was one rule in KZ2, clan stack one side of the server and name it noobs only!

And how can you forget trying to party up with friends, "quick, join now, someone quit out" - "I can't says room is full" w00t!

Infact there are 2 rules in KZ2, the one I mentioned above and the games motto, Spawn rape or be spawn raped!

Good times.

All of this is true and I still had good fun with it. Same is true for KZ3.

Actually, there is no game I can think of that didn't get the "gaf treatment". This doesn't mean that some of the complaints aren't valid. But things often go into hyperbole mode very fast, positive and negative. And the negative guys are much more vocal than the positive comments most of the time.


RedRedSuit said:
Trying to find a Warzone match. It just sits there in "Joining game" screen....

cnizzle06 said:
Same here. Im guessing the servers are down at the moment.

I think it's the MTU bug. A fix was found but Sony testers need to test the entire game to prevent regression. I think this problem may have also caused some team imbalance because people scheduled for the team can't join up.

You have to cancel that session and retry until you find a good room.

EDIT: I just finished my KZ3 sessions for today. ^_^

First set was 2-5 (We lost).

Second was 3-3 (Draw, could have won ! We led in SnR 2-0 but got careless… T_T)


patsu said:
I think it's the MTU bug. A fix was found but Sony testers need to test the entire game to prevent regression. I think this problem may have also caused some team imbalance because people scheduled for the team can't join up.

You have to cancel that session and retry until you find a good room.

EDIT: I just finished my KZ3 sessions for today. ^_^

First set was 2-5 (We lost).

Second was 3-3 (Draw, could have won ! We led in SnR 2-0 but got careless… T_T)
Ugh, this game really shouldn't have been released in it's current state. Being unable to play online is pretty game-breaking.


GraveRobberX said:
Thing is until people realize that WarZone is objective based, and classes have defined roles and teamwork is involved, you will have the run n' gun mentality running rampant

I bought KZ3 for the class based objectives

I'm an objective based player. In Resistance I was always on Meltdowns/Assaults/Light CTF
In COD, I was always Domination or Demolition, Hardcore TDM for the location marker aspect
Resistance 2, the co-op alone, I put in countless hours, got Medic in to the top 5 overall on the leader boards by constantly helping and playing my role
KillZone 2, Medic was my class, healing. running around reviving is all I did

I'm not asking pubs to be like clan war games, all be struggles, but put some fucking effort into it, others not doing their job, really hurts not only them but the whole fucking team

I agree on the objectives, love playing objective based team matches in any game.

Hope that KZ3 GAF clan invite still stands and people havent completely stopped playing...i'm on break now and ready to jump in.


cnizzle06 said:
Ugh, this game really shouldn't have been released in it's current state. Being unable to play online is pretty game-breaking.

It's a subtle low-level bug. Too bad they didn't catch it during the beta. When enough people play, the game will encounter some with low MTU size. These people may prevent others from joining. GG sent out an alert 2-3 weeks ago.

This MTU bug and (more) map design are probably the 2 key things I want them to fix and improve.

EDIT: I find that in KZ3, even if you need to fight as a group, it's also more likely for an individual to win for the team -- because of the advanced capability. So you have to be on your toes until the mission ends. When the right conditions are met (e.g., all the key players died), it's very possible for the remaining Infiltrator to track all the way to the objective room and win within 4 seconds, or for a Medic to revive himself to disarmed one charge just in-time.

The two games today. I'm sure they had one Infiltrator (saved by Marksman, Tacticians, etc. whom we killed) who overcame our 2-0 advantage. I was also able to force a draw in the second game by arming both charges after getting killed once in the objective room. They couldn't take 'em back in time. I revived and was still en-route to the objectives).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Meijimasha said:
The greatest gift an engineer can give is a turret in a contestable spawn. Oh my GOD they are lifesavers for tacts like me. Suddenly, as a tact, I can actually leave the spawn without worrying about it. My airbot and a turret placed are more than enough to deter an enemy tactician long enough for me to head back to the spawn and make sure it doesn't get captured.

Turrets can be destroyed in about 3 seconds. Tbh I think engineers are probably the least useful class, except they get that beast of a machine gun.


CozMick said:
Custom created servers stank.

People really do have short memories,

There were 2 classes in KZ2, Assault and Marksman,

There was one map in KZ2 without the need for a glitch, Radec Academy.

There was one rule in KZ2, clan stack one side of the server and name it noobs only!

And how can you forget trying to party up with friends, "quick, join now, someone quit out" - "I can't says room is full" w00t!

Infact there are 2 rules in KZ2, the one I mentioned above and the games motto, Spawn rape or be spawn raped!

Good times.
Thrakier said:
All of this is true and I still had good fun with it. Same is true for KZ3.

Actually, there is no game I can think of that didn't get the "gaf treatment". This doesn't mean that some of the complaints aren't valid. But things often go into hyperbole mode very fast, positive and negative. And the negative guys are much more vocal than the positive comments most of the time.
What games did you guys play?
I didnt come across THAT many assault class ppl in KZ2 (but when I did, I hated taking rockets in the face and up the ass...that's until I learned to deal with them...then I just laughed while I shot em in the face). Assault class was still a problem in KZ2 though.

One map? There were tons of servers without the body count/radac combo (up until the DLC community split bs). After then there were so many body count/radac only servers but you could still find a good amount of warzone servers. How do I know that? Because that's all I played.

The clan stack thing is funny though. I used to go in those servers specifically to own the clan members that tried to rape the new randoms. Good fun and somewhat a challenge.

Never played in parties so I havent dealt with that.

As a tactician, I made it my job for us not to be base camped/raped and if we did end up like that (mostly because another tactician would throw down spawn grenades INSIDE the base or right outside where they the enemies are waiting to SG rape you)....then I'd get us out of it some kind of way. EVEN on Radac...instead of going out the bathroom/lockers to the kitchen and facing sudden death either from grenades/rockets/or 7 ppl waiting to shoot you to hell OR going up the stairs to the hallway where you would surely get sniped from across the map or grenaded to hell.... you know what I would do? Go through the sewers and fight my way through and throw a spawn grenade in that middle stair section. As long as I got that SG down, I could spawn and flank them.

That brings up a point...one of the main (not only!) reasons why it seems people went for objectives more in KZ2 was because of the spawn grenades. A lot of ppl that played KZ2 already had the same mentality that ppl in KZ3 do (the whole, run to an area and die and run back there to die again and repeat forever). What made ppl get out of that was the fact that they could spawn on squad leaders and spawn grenades and if tacticians were good then they basically guided the team to what they needed to be doing. They took that aspect completely out. There are other factors that contribute to that mentality though, like map design/etc.


commish said:
Turrets can be destroyed in about 3 seconds. Tbh I think engineers are probably the least useful class, except they get that beast of a machine gun.

I like the rocket turrets. They are pretty good for defense because they can distract the enemies. You only need to uncloak a Marksman or hurt an Infiltrator, and the turret will deliver the last blow. They also prevent Medics from healing and revive. I think high level engineers can set one up fast even if it's destroyed. If it forces a Tact or Infiltrator to use up a rocket launcher, even better !
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