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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Finished off this game the other night. Played with the Move the whole way through, added a lot to the game play. I have kind of hit my fill of FPS so the Move refreshed the experience.

The set pieces and action were a lot of fun and KZ is top notch when it comes to making guns feel substantial when they shoot and creating massive war zone situations. That being said I was really disappointed with the story. I really wish the whole Dude Bro's in Space aspect wasn't so overwhelming and cheezy. It overshadowed what could have been a fairly intricate story line if they would have pursued a different direction. I love shooting things in this game but the cut scenes with the marines were awful. I really enjoyed the Helgast cutscenes though, they actually had tension.

Awesome technical achievement and feel, needs new writers.
I just got a bit shitted up. In the UK we have a charity called Armed Forces Day, where they support troops with post-war care and whatnot. Anyway, they currently have a radio advert talking about how important it is to support our troops, voiced by none other than.... Ray Winstone. aka, Admiral Orlock. It's spooky hearing him on normal, earthly radio talking about the importance of the military!


Listen to the second half of the 30 second radio advert and tell me you didn't at least get a pang of confusion. Is this real life, or KZ3 multiplayer?!


Been itching to play KZ3 online but wanted to wait for PSN to come back on. Anyways I cracked and decided to play against bots tonight. Holy hell this game is amazing. AI is pretty good to. They help out and try to work together. Only real issue is they expect you do do most of the work. Say you are an Engineer then they will not repair boxes. Bit of a shame but still lots of fun.

Have to say Bilgarsk Boulevard is probably the best Killzone map created. Middle is well designed with lots of cover to help you move up slowly, lots of windows and high ground to pin down people in the middle to and the side alleys allow for some great flanking.

Some gifs for tonight.


Bullet trails in this look amazing, coupled with the cloud of smoke that blocks my view.



Just rented Killzone 3 from gamefly and it IS better than Killzone 2, which i hated ( single player only right now....obviously.....PSN....ugh). I'm early in but the pacing of the game is a lot more engaging, we'll see if it keeps my attention.


sillymonkey321 said:
Just rented Killzone 3 from gamefly and it IS better than Killzone 2, which i hated ( single player only right now....obviously.....PSN....ugh). I'm early in but the pacing of the game is a lot more engaging, we'll see if it keeps my attention.

You're in for a treat, every level gets better than the last.


Single player is nothing amazing but it is more varied than KZ2 and has some cool fights in it. The multi is where the main fun of the game is though. If you played KZ2 online you'll know all about the class based system. They've basically refined and balanced them and a lot of abilities have been streamlined from KZ2 to work a lot more fluidly in KZ3.

The new operations mode if great to but it's a shame there are only 3 maps for it at the moment.


My brother came by for the weekend again, so we went back to our co-op campaign progress. We have almost finished the game (I think..) and it has really been lots of fun. I think co-op probably made the game more fun than it really is, though.

There have been a couple bugs and weird choices for level design. Some of the vehicle sections were just awful. But, so far the story has actually been pretty cool, way better and more cohesive than KZ2 to me. FPS games never seem to have a good story, so something almost good is good enough for me if that makes sense.


Radec Academy grenade spamming in Killzone 2 has scarred me for life when it comes to online. I don't know if i'll get to try killzone 3 online, i'd like to but i don't want to keep killzone 3 rented out all the way until PSN feels like coming back up.
sillymonkey321 said:
Just rented Killzone 3 from gamefly and it IS better than Killzone 2, which i hated ( single player only right now....obviously.....PSN....ugh). I'm early in but the pacing of the game is a lot more engaging, we'll see if it keeps my attention.
Yeah it's better by a good margin in the SP, but the multiplayer which is the meat of the game for me was noticeably inferior than Killzone 2.


Seriously give it multiplayer a go when PSN comes back on, especially if you didn't like KZ2 because it's nothing like KZ2. Don't listen to people who say it's inferior because they're generally retards.

Play it and make up your own mind when you get a chance but don't be put off because of KZ2.


Neo Member
I think KZ3 MP with its fleshed out classes system and minimal-lag controls is far better than KZ2's. However, the maps of KZ3 are terribly worse than KZ2 which has some very very well designed maps in any fps mp game. Also, KZ3 mp framerate sucks donkey's ass. Namely, in Warzone with full or close-to-full rooms.
Dibbz said:
Seriously give it multiplayer a go when PSN comes back on, especially if you didn't like KZ2 because it's nothing like KZ2. Don't listen to people who say it's inferior because they're generally retards.

Play it and make up your own mind when you get a chance but don't be put off because of KZ2.
It all depends on which areas of the game you value the most. In some respects, like the clan system, Killzone 3 IS the inferior game. That is a fact.

On the whole, I think Killzone 3 has a much better singleplayer campaign, but both games are competitive on the multiplayer front, with Killzone 3 having better controls, a better class system, and more modes, and Killzone 2 having a superior clan system, far superior stat tracking, and a better squad system.

For the more competitive player, I can see why they'd consider Killzone 2 to be the better game.

Killzone 2 was also more polished than Killzone 3, in my opinion.


Bilgarsk Boulevard > Every KZ2 map

Yes KZ3 lacks in the clan side of things but playing with public is a lot easier, friendly and competitive.
H_Prestige said:
KZ2 maps, gameplay, online, features, story, art design, guns, community features > KZ3 maps, gameplay, online, features, story, art design, guns, community features

Hard to argue against this.




Ok, so my brosefina and I just beat the campaign in co-op. I can understand why people felt the ending was abrupt, and I can see why people may be upset.

That said, I really, really enjoyed it. I couldn't tell you a single thing about KZ1 or KZ2's stories. In fact, my brother had to explain the entire story to me so that the third one made sense lol. I'm surprised by the depth. I typically blast through FPS games (pun intended) without giving a shit about trying to make sense of the ridiculous stories. But I must say, I love the Stahl character and if there is another Killzone game then I will actually be very into the story.
Well I bought KZ3 yesterday and beat it this morning. I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it from all of the backlash. But I LOVED it. Couldn't put it down. It seemed a MUCH better game than the previous 2 and a lot better paced. Plus the story was good on top of that. Very satisfying. And right when I finished PSN came back up, and the multiplayer seems awesome. Great game!


man, i know i'm not much of online guy, but i think killzone 3 is way better than 2. i can just play botzone ( and have been recently ) and have fun. i love the variety and pacing of the killzone 3 singleplayer.


pickle you should give online a go, especially operations mode.

Just want to say Akmir Snowdrift is so good looking. Map ain't too bad either although if you lose both TSP's you in a world of hurt.



Dibbz said:
pickle you should give online a go, especially operations mode.

Just want to say Akmir Snowdrift is so good looking. Map ain't too bad either although if you lose both TSP's you in a world of hurt.

Happened in a game on A.S. last night. We lost both TSP and were throwing ourselves against the bullet wall trying to get them back. It was nasty! It was a points-fest! It was glorious! But fuck we did lose!

Class Unlocks: I have put 12 - 14 points in Tactician, Medic, and Infiltrator. I haven't maxed them out, rather I find a sweet spot with a nice mix of abilities and weapons. Then I move on to the next. I figure I would get some medals with the weapons easily available before burning points on a nifty new weapons.

I sunk 6 points into Engineer (max turrets) but can feel the class needs a little more 'oomph' before I really like it. I left Recon for last because it looks like you need 12 points just to step out with that class. I dunno.

What is your people's strategy for unlocks? How naked do you send your classes out?


Dibbz said:
Bilgarsk Boulevard > Every KZ2 map

Yes KZ3 lacks in the clan side of things but playing with public is a lot easier, friendly and competitive.

KZ2 Salamun Market map > whole KZ3 mp


now seriously, a game with invisible super soldiers carrying laser-accurate ARs as well as one-shot anywhere kill sniper rifles is everything but competitive. Friendly? hell yes, that was the point with KZ3 mp, competitive... no.


Lince said:
KZ2 Salamun Market map > whole KZ3 mp


now seriously, a game with invisible super soldiers carrying laser-accurate ARs as well as one-shot anywhere kill sniper rifles is everything but competitive. Friendly? hell yes, that was the point with KZ3 mp, competitive... no.
Hence why BB is a great map. Marksmen can only do damage in the middle. If they camp alleyways you have mortar strikes at your TSP that you can send his way. Even grenades will do the job because it is so tight on the sides of the map.

Salamun is really open but the location of TSP's in KZ3 really ruin it. There should be 3 TSP's max. Two in either teams alley is enough imo but you could put another on the middle bridge if needed. Search and retrieve positions would need to be altered to where Search and Destroy targets are now and S&D moved back to KZ2 spec.

Dino said:
What is your people's strategy for unlocks? How naked do you send your classes out?
I maxed Tactician out first and have been spreading my points along Engineer and Medic. I spent some on Infiltrator and Marksmen but I hardly use those classes.

You're right about marksman, it is pointless to spend points on it until you get at least Cloak++.

KZ3 Double XP this weekend to so time to get your classes maxed out.

To celebrate the return of the PlayStation Network and welcome you back to Killzone 3’s online battlefield, we’ve got a Double XP Weekend lined up! Starting this Friday, May 20 at 17:00 PM UK time, and lasting until Monday, May 23 at 10:00 AM UK time, all XP you earn in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches will be doubled.

Source: http://www.killzone.com/kz3/en_GB/blog/news/2011-05-19_double-xp.html
I'll be playing for some double XP -- but is it possible to now (while the store is down) obtain the new free* map pack if I didn't get a chance to snag it before PSN went down?


RedRedSuit said:
I'll be playing for some double XP -- but is it possible to now (while the store is down) obtain the new free* map pack if I didn't get a chance to snag it before PSN went down?

No, you'll have to wait until the Store comes back up. Probably next tuesday.


add me on PSN anyone I'm: mdmola. I'm playing KZ3 multiplayer online for the first time and I'm actually having fun despite all the criticism this game has been getting.

i'm playing operations


i've never really played online other than team slayer in halo, but i would like to try the team online side of this game. anybody feel free to add me as i haven't been gaming on ps3 very long. tag: smango67, pretty lame tag but i swear, everything is taken on psn.

to the more experienced players, i'm pretty good at halo and have played for a long time so i know my way around an fps game. i tend to like ranged combat and marksman type combat, but the mele shotgun thing in this game is pretty fun. any class a new player might be best to start in?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Warzone is still glorious when people play the objectives. Map rotation being fixed is great as well. I am Fahrenhype on PSN if anyone wants to play Warzone. Being playing this like crazy since PSN came back on and now the double XP weekend.


pickle said:
to the more experienced players, i'm pretty good at halo and have played for a long time so i know my way around an fps game. i tend to like ranged combat and marksman type combat, but the mele shotgun thing in this game is pretty fun. any class a new player might be best to start in?
Hmm that's a tough one.

Maybe medic since you your main job is keeping people alive rather than going for actual objectives. This way you will learn by following team mates where to go and what to do. Medic starts with an SMG though so you may not like it since it's very close range. You can unlock an LMG and Assault Rifle though.

You could also go with Engineer. They start with an LMG which has pretty decent range and you can repair ammos boxes, mounted weapons and plant turrets to help you defend locations. It's a good class, I use it often since the turret is basically like having an extra guy on your team it can really help support your team with defensive duties especially when you get the rockets upgrade for them.

If you want to lead your team go for Tactician since capturing spawn points (TSP's) is the most important objective in the game. This class can win games on it's own, it is that powerful.

I would save Infiltrator and Marksman till last since they have little impact on the out come of matches unless you are really really good with them.

Hope it helps.


Yeah... I'd start with Medic or Tactician. Medic is actually fun for saving and _killing_ people. Tactician's M82 is amazing ! Weighty/punchy like a shotgun but ranged like an assault rifle. It's not as powerful as a shotgun at close range of course, but I <3 the gun feel. Best gun I have played so far.
Really hope the community is still gonna be there when I return home from deployment in July =(

Was gonna buy the Helghast Edition. Anyone recommend it?


patsu said:
Yeah... I'd start with Medic or Tactician. Medic is actually fun for saving and _killing_ people. Tactician's M82 is amazing ! Weighty/punchy like a shotgun but ranged like an assault rifle. It's not as powerful as a shotgun at close range of course, but I <3 the gun feel. Best gun I have played so far.

I agree, started off with medic in bad company 2. Doing it here and there's plenty of work to be done with constant healing/killing and general support. I don't think it's worth it do use the bot those because I'm not sure it actually hits anyone lol.


reKon said:
I agree, started off with medic in bad company 2. Doing it here and there's plenty of work to be done with constant healing/killing and general support. I don't think it's worth it do use the bot those because I'm not sure it actually hits anyone lol.

It increases your firepower in one-on-one (or even 3-to-1) gun fight.

The medic bot is also great for killing downed medics to prevent them from reviving. ^_^
Sometimes, you may be too busy to take care of them (e.g., refilling, reloading, hiding or fighting another dude).

It's invaluable for pinpointing enemies and auto-fire at exposed Infiltrators too.

I highly recommend it.


reKon said:
I agree, started off with medic in bad company 2. Doing it here and there's plenty of work to be done with constant healing/killing and general support. I don't think it's worth it do use the bot those because I'm not sure it actually hits anyone lol.

Bot is super useful for finding enemies if you look at the direction it fires. Also, if you damage a guy but he gets you down first, a bot will finish him off.


Hey guys. So I've been watching my sister play random online matches on this, and I just wanted to pop in here and tell you that you are already dead. :p

I wish I had another PS3 so I could play along. Damn, it looks like fun.


alr1ghtstart said:
Eric Boltjes returns to GG.

doesn't mean anything to me, let's not forget the original vision for KZ2 was a total clusterfuck of 32 players boosting around and rocketing each other, those were the rules for the official Guerrilla Games KZ2 tournament and GAF Europe still won it. Anyway, thanks to custom (public) games the community transformed that nonsensical mess into an epic multiplayer legend, also the maps and the squad/respawn system helped.

KZ3 is dead btw, I haven't played for two months and only 50 guys have overtaken me in the leaderboards... lol (PSN outage included of course).


Lince said:
doesn't mean anything to me, let's not forget the original vision for KZ2 was a total clusterfuck of 32 players boosting around and rocketing each other, those were the rules for the official Guerrilla Games KZ2 tournament and GAF Europe still won it. Anyway, thanks to custom (public) games the community transformed that nonsensical mess into an epic multiplayer legend, also the maps and the squad/respawn system helped.

KZ3 is dead btw, I haven't played for two months and only 50 guys have overtaken me in the leaderboards... lol (PSN outage included of course).

Should have given out the Salamun Market map for free for the great PSN downtime.

I suspect people may like it more after some time. One of the KZ3 haters on my friends list play it regularly now.


patsu said:
Should have given out the Salamun Market map for free for the great PSN downtime.
Well we should be getting the Steel Rain map pack for free when the store is back up since Sony is giving everyone PS+ for 30 days and that map pack was free for PS+ subscribers. Fingers crossed anyway :D


Can you imagine if KZ3 went in the direction that Brink did with classes, teamwork, and all the abilities?

That's the only thing I think of when I play Brink is, "Wow, GG really could've combined both of these games together."
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