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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


Posting for the new page.

Killzone 3 Patch 1.09 coming June 2nd

Some notable updates

  • Added Colour blind support – When turned ‘On’ all enemy players and objects will be underlined. This is the case for the minimap and in-game, such as player names.
  • Move - Fixed continuous rumble when the PlayStation Eye camera connected
  • Move - When interacting with a Search & Destroy objective the player will no longer also do a melee
  • Accepting a squad invite from the opposing faction will no longer quit the game.
    [*]Expanded the information about the Multiplayer status of a friend in the XMB. It will now show the game mode and the map that the player is in.
  • Updates to loading screens
  • Plus lots of collision fixes and exploits fixed


Patch 1.10 is also coming but no date on it yet. Early list looks very promising though

  • Custom Games part 2
  • Marksmen nerf
  • Medic Icon when wounded on ground
    [*]Listening to music stored on your PS3 while playing

It's great to see GG not only fixing bugs and exploits but actually improving the game by adding custom soundtracks back and XMB presence data. Again they are proving they listen the their fans (the ones that stick around) and actually implement changes they feel will improve the game.

BTW I got an invite to the GAF chat yesterday and invited Patsu to it, not sure if you joined though. If anyone else wants to get together for KZ3 action then PM me or PSN me.


Been playing with move for a few months now. It's really good but sometimes it feels like a hassle calibrating it when I turn it on. When you get good with it though you find it hard to go back to the DS3.

Will probably play during the week so keep an eye on this thread guys if you want to get together. Probably a monday or tuesday.


Pookmunki said:
Will be on this at the weekend, £35 for Helghast Edition was too good too ignore, loved the Beta

yeh the HGH editions had been heavily discounted just a month after the game came out. Made a good amount of cash reselling a bunch.


Marksman nerf... lol, 5 months too late I'm afraid.
also, public custom games? nope, we get custom music instead... great.
improved clan support and features? nope, but we get updated loading screens... yeah.

wake me up when they patch in spawns on squad leaders at the very least.
What's the point of patching in Presence Data when the critical mass of players that can be used as marketing instruments has long been lost?

Also, does MP3 support suggests XMB memory footprint reduction or engine optimization? Or maybe a little bit of both?


Lince said:
Marksman nerf... lol, 5 months too late I'm afraid.
also, public custom games? nope, we get custom music instead... great.
improved clan support and features? nope, but we get updated loading screens... yeah.

wake me up when they patch in spawns on squad leaders at the very least.

Custom game Part II is planned for 1.10. Not sure if it has public support or not.


Lagspike_exe said:
What's the point of patching in Presence Data when the critical mass of players that can be used as marketing instruments has long been lost?

My guess is that they had to rush the game out and they had a bullet point list of things they were going to implement in the game and presence data just happened to be very low on that list. Maybe they had to remove features before shipping to QA so it would pass and they could get it out on time and it isn't until now that they've been able to resubmit this stuff through a patch. And since it's possibly something they had already written, why not throw it in now. Maybe Tempy could tell us, if he still likes us. :(


patsu said:
Custom game Part II is planned for 1.10. Not sure if it has public support or not.

no public support, just you and whoever still playing in your PSN list.

btw transferred clan leadership to Dibbz, from now on ask him for invites and whatnot.
I finally got the platinum trophy in Killzone 3 the other day. I thought it would be harder to get, but I thought it was easier than Killzone 2. Now all I need to do is buy the Steel Rain map pack when the PSN store comes back so I can have full 100%.

Also, that's great news about patch 1.09 and 1.10. :)

sajj316 said:
Have you guys been playing with or without Move?
I play exclusively with the Move. I've only played a tiny bit of multiplayer with the DS3. I just prefer to play with the Move. It still kind of takes me we a while to get used to the uneven map of Phyrrus Crater, but it's not that bad now. I'm not that great at the multiplayer, I wouldn't be that great with the DS3 either. But, eh, I have fun, and that's what counts.


Sorry I ran off yesterday guys but it was getting late for me. If you guys come on an hour or two earlier earlier I'm sure we could get some games on. I tried to stick around when I saw Patsu was in my game but as the game ended my PS3 crashed so I called it a night.


Dibbz said:
Posting for the new page.

Killzone 3 Patch 1.09 coming June 2nd

Some notable updates

Patch 1.10 is also coming but no date on it yet. Early list looks very promising though

It's great to see GG not only fixing bugs and exploits but actually improving the game by adding custom soundtracks back and XMB presence data. Again they are proving they listen the their fans (the ones that stick around) and actually implement changes they feel will improve the game.

BTW I got an invite to the GAF chat yesterday and invited Patsu to it, not sure if you joined though. If anyone else wants to get together for KZ3 action then PM me or PSN me.

1.09 is out. Just updated.


Played the demo of this last night and it just confirmed how 'meh' I am towards games in general lately.

The graphics are absolutely immense, the animations, the game world, just incredible... the shooting felt tight and responsive and it had many set pieces thrown in to ensure it never became monotonous, but it did, and very quickly too. So quickly in fact I never even came close to completing the demo :(

Did anyone else experience something similar with this game? Impressed but just feeling complete apathy towards it with no motivation to carry on?


blizeH said:
Played the demo of this last night and it just confirmed how 'meh' I am towards games in general lately.

The graphics are absolutely immense, the animations, the game world, just incredible... the shooting felt tight and responsive and it had many set pieces thrown in to ensure it never became monotonous, but it did, and very quickly too. So quickly in fact I never even came close to completing the demo :(

Did anyone else experience something similar with this game? Impressed but just feeling complete apathy towards it with no motivation to carry on?
I bought it on release, appreciated the visuals and animations but found the rest of it entirely average and meh. I thought it was one of the dullest first person shooter experiences I'd had in a long time, and this confused me because I though Killzone 2 was decent enough. I struggled to even finish the campaign, let alone play more than five hours of the multiplayer, which was just as broken as Killzone 2.


Lagspike_exe said:
Also, does MP3 support suggests XMB memory footprint reduction or engine optimization? Or maybe a little bit of both?
Could be a delayed feature. Killzone 2 had it, so it would make sense that they would want to get it into Killzone 3, but had other priorities before this.
When patch 1.09 came out, it also brought more trophies for new DLC called something like Ashes to Ashes. Besides that, I got the Steel Rain map pack yesterday, and I really like how both maps look. I was able to get into a match with a decent amount of people in the Stahl Arms map, but there were few in The Junkyard map. I was also able to get two trophies in The Junkyard. I really like how both maps look.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Anyone know precisely how long the Steel Rain map pack is going to be covered by PSN+? Everyone seems to be taking a wait and see approach in terms of activating their free month, but I'm not sure how long the KZ3 stuff will be offered.


bish gets all the credit :)
Looks like there's even more old maps getting ported over. New DLC (From The Ashes) in the trophy list showing Radec Academy & Tharsis Depot, along with Mobile Factory and Lente Missile Base. Looks like they found out all the KZ3 maps are trash so they had to take some from the last game.


alr1ghtstart said:
Looks like there's even more old maps getting ported over. New DLC (From The Ashes) in the trophy list showing Radec Academy & Tharsis Depot, along with Mobile Factory and Lente Missile Base. Looks like they found out all the KZ3 maps are trash so they had to take some from the last game.

Which is a great idea.

I'd love to scrap all of KZ3's maps and just play KZ2's over again. Seriously, that would get me to come back to KZ3. Lol.


Sh*t I can't remember which one is Tharsis Depot anymore... the desert one ? I want Pyrhus Rise ! and Southern Hills and Beachhead.


alr1ghtstart said:
Looks like there's even more old maps getting ported over. New DLC (From The Ashes) in the trophy list showing Radec Academy & Tharsis Depot, along with Mobile Factory and Lente Missile Base. Looks like they found out all the KZ3 maps are trash so they had to take some from the last game.

I wonder in how many ways they are going to break those popular maps with the TSPs placement... as long as they don't add spawn on SL (at the very least) the game will always remain broken to me, interesting that 5 months later they're nerfing the Marksman class and porting KZ2 maps over, desperate moves indeed to try and sell some DLC with MW3 and BC3 around the corner. I can already see two EXOs in the middle of the Radec Academy plaza.

Also I guess Radec will be a Guerrilla Warfare (AKA boring mode) map only...


Is there no way to browse games to play in and only quick match/matchmaking? I tried playing some games yesterday for the first time but I got dumped into a game with only 2 other people or just me in an empty game.


Edgeward said:
Is there no way to browse games to play in and only quick match/matchmaking? I tried playing some games yesterday for the first time but I got dumped into a game with only 2 other people or just me in an empty game.

no, enjoy the beautiful matchmaking, you can create (private) custom games and invite your PSN friends though... if they actually play KZ3...


bish gets all the credit :)
Lince said:
I wonder in how many ways they are going to break those popular maps with the TSPs placement... as long as they don't add spawn on SL (at the very least) the game will always remain broken to me, interesting that 5 months later they're nerfing the Marksman class and porting KZ2 maps over, desperate moves indeed to try and sell some DLC with MW3 and BC3 around the corner. I can already see two EXOs in the middle of the Radec Academy plaza.

Also I guess Radec will be a Guerrilla Warfare (AKA boring mode) map only...
I'm over it. I'll download the free maps (steel rain) with my free PS+ and play them once, then probably put it away again. Radec will probably get warzone, as it's the bigger of the two.


Edgeward said:
Is there no way to browse games to play in and only quick match/matchmaking? I tried playing some games yesterday for the first time but I got dumped into a game with only 2 other people or just me in an empty game.

Only ways are Find Matches and Join Friend I think.

Custom Games are closed matches at the moment.


patsu said:
Custom Games are (and will always be) closed matches.

fixed since they said long ago they can't implement a public server list without replacing most of the code, so... no.


Indeed !


Custom games

Custom games are returning, although not exactly as they were in KZ2. Two separate updates will be arriving to allow custom games. The first will provide the base functionality, such as

- Custom game modes and settings.
- Secure games allowing you to invite the players you want to play with.
- Faction switching.

The second update will give more much more functionality, some examples include
- More control over games modes and settings.
- Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
- Selecting which careers you want available to players.
- Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off.
As well as a few other features. More details to follow.

Although we don't really need a public server list right ? Just specify the custom game search criteria...


I play KZ3 every weekday... online population is not a problem at all. ^_^
I get friend invites from other KZ3 players too.
Lince said:
well good luck filling your PSN friend list with enough people to play a KZ3 Warzone game

Do all you do is complain? Think we got the idea that you hate what they did with KZ3, don't need to hear it in every single post. It's done it's over. Even if they give you what you want, you still complain.


awesome, glad you're enjoying it. I also had some really good times playing KZ3 with Pwonager until really late in the night / early morning for 230+ hours, then I noticed I'd had enough and that KZ3 was never going to feel as good as 7v7 banned assault/boost/rockets KZ2.

Do all you do is complain? Think we got the idea that you hate what they did with KZ3, don't need to hear it in every single post. It's done it's over. Even if they give you what you want, you still complain.

huh? complains? that was months ago and we were very vocal about it, but we have already moved on. That post you're quoting is just me wishing Patsu luck to find enough people and have fun with KZ3, what was wrong with that? ah well.


Yes, I heard. I see Pwonager in the same chatroom almost every day too. He's playing U2 with Kittonwy. Dibbz, Pwonager and I played an Operationns game last week before we had to split.


Put a couple of hours into the multiplayer so far and it's pretty good apart from one or two things that seem a little off.

Seeing as I never played Killzone 2 online I'm Wondering what was all the complaining and claims of being broken in Killzone 3?


Shogun PaiN said:
Put a couple of hours into the multiplayer so far and it's pretty good apart from one or two things that seem a little off.

Seeing as I never played Killzone 2 online I'm Wondering what was all the complaining and claims of being broken in Killzone 3?

to be honest it's just the vastly different approach from KZ2 to KZ3, the spawns, the controls, the squad system, the custom games, the clan features, the gunplay mostly... not saying they're broken in KZ3 (those features that actually are in both KZ2 & KZ3) but just too far apart from what made KZ2 so great. I've had some really good fun playing KZ3, that's it, just a fun game for casual play.


Lince said:
to be honest it's just the vastly different approach from KZ2 to KZ3, the spawns, the controls, the squad system, the custom games, the clan features, the gunplay mostly... not saying they're broken in KZ3 (those features that actually are in both KZ2 & KZ3) but just too far apart from what made KZ2 so great. I've had some really good fun playing KZ3, that's it, just a fun game for casual play.

Thanks for the info. I thought people would be complaining about stuff like getting brutal melee'd from 6ft away or how the marksman class fully upgraded seems a little over powered. Only played Warfare so far as I want to get the basics of the game down before jumping into the objective based play list. Have no real interest in FPS campaigns anymore.


Oh and anyone know if the DLC is region locked? I downloaded and installed the Steel Rain pack from the USA marketplace (im in the uk) and the maps don't appear on my playlist.
Shogun PaiN said:
Thanks for the info. I thought people would be complaining about stuff like getting brutal melee'd from 6ft away or how the marksman class fully upgraded seems a little over powered. Only played Warfare so far as I want to get the basics of the game down before jumping into the objective based play list. Have no real interest in FPS campaigns anymore.

They both had issues, but the MP of both KZ2 and KZ3 seem to feel very different from each other.

And yea Marksman are ridiculous. Why they gave a class that can go invisible and meant for sniping an assault rifle is beyond me.


Shogun PaiN said:
Oh and anyone know if the DLC is region locked? I downloaded and installed the Steel Rain pack from the USA marketplace (im in the uk) and the maps don't appear on my playlist.

unfortunately the DLC is region locked, so you'll need the UK version of the DLC for your copy :(

BattleMonkey said:
They both had issues, but the MP of both KZ2 and KZ3 seem to feel very different from each other.

And yea Marksman are ridiculous. Why they gave a class that can go invisible and meant for sniping an assault rifle is beyond me.

They have promised a nerf for the Marksman class for next patch... but they didn't say how (removing the Sta-52 from their loadout? implementing a time limit for the cloak ability? maybe it will just something related to the radar jamming, nobody knows...), anyway I really think it's already too late for this, they got plenty of feedback about the overpowered Marksman class during the different betas, Guerrilla Games' guys are sometimes a bit too much stubborn.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
You can talk about patches all day, but I honestly do not know what GG could do to fix what is becoming one of the worst online player bases I have ever encountered. And that is saying something having spent so much time with the morons that play Halo and Call of Duty.

People will go into Warzone matches and willingly ignore objectives for 20+ minutes, lose 6-1, or 7-0, and not care as long as they get to camp on TSP and ammo caches incessantly. Engineers seem to never even bother fixing the ammo caches, and to honest, I really cannot blame them. So many non-tacticians sitting around TSP instead of actually trying to attack or defend objectives.

Obviously some of this is GG's fault (TSP's were bad in the beta, they are even more of camper magnet clusterfuck now), but at this point they would have to introduce stuff that didn't even exist in KZ2 (like having Engineers just dole out ammo boxes a la Wolfenstein Enemy Territory) to counter some of the stupid shit people are doing. It's crazy how nearly every outdoor ammo cache has a super direct line of sight for somebody to snipe from inside overhead cover.

All I can say is thank god you no longer have to actually rely on medics to get a full health recharge and there is no friendly fire. The whole thing would be a mess with everyone constantly shooting at teammates that they think are infiltrators (which more or less neutralizes the infiltrator role outside of being useful to your team and sprinting to objectives and planting D-charges faster... which none of them do anyway).

But yeah even with squad spawning and fixing the ammo cache problem, it seems like half the people playing would still find new and innovative ways to completely ignore the objectives. I'm really looking forward to Battlefield 3 but part of me gets nauseous imagining how stupidly a lot of people will play it. The Call of Duty KD/R obsession cancer seems to be consuming everything.

As it is, the game is obviously not perfect. But it is good enough to deserve a better audience.
BattleMonkey said:
They both had issues, but the MP of both KZ2 and KZ3 seem to feel very different from each other.

And yea Marksman are ridiculous. Why they gave a class that can go invisible and meant for sniping an assault rifle is beyond me.

I use the Sniper/M66 anyway. It's not like you can't pick up an assault rifle if you really need one. Although if we're losing that gun, then I'd like a submachine gun, preferably silenced.

Played a few matches last night, still enjoy it in spurts. C4 <3.


Mooreberg said:
You can talk about patches all day, but I honestly do not know what GG could do to fix what is becoming one of the worst online player bases I have ever encountered. And that is saying something having spent so much time with the morons that play Halo and Call of Duty.

People will go into Warzone matches and willingly ignore objectives for 20+ minutes, lose 6-1, or 7-0, and not care as long as they get to camp on TSP and ammo caches incessantly. Engineers seem to never even bother fixing the ammo caches, and to honest, I really cannot blame them. So many non-tacticians sitting around TSP instead of actually trying to attack or defend objectives.

Obviously some of this is GG's fault (TSP's were bad in the beta, they are even more of camper magnet clusterfuck now), but at this point they would have to introduce stuff that didn't even exist in KZ2 (like having Engineers just dole out ammo boxes a la Wolfenstein Enemy Territory) to counter some of the stupid shit people are doing. It's crazy how nearly every outdoor ammo cache has a super direct line of sight for somebody to snipe from inside overhead cover.

All I can say is thank god you no longer have to actually rely on medics to get a full health recharge and there is no friendly fire. The whole thing would be a mess with everyone constantly shooting at teammates that they think are infiltrators (which more or less neutralizes the infiltrator role outside of being useful to your team and sprinting to objectives and planting D-charges faster... which none of them do anyway).

But yeah even with squad spawning and fixing the ammo cache problem, it seems like half the people playing would still find new and innovative ways to completely ignore the objectives. I'm really looking forward to Battlefield 3 but part of me gets nauseous imagining how stupidly a lot of people will play it. The Call of Duty KD/R obsession cancer seems to be consuming everything.

As it is, the game is obviously not perfect. But it is good enough to deserve a better audience.

The answer is very simple. Why didn't you spawn as Engineer to fix the ammo crate yourself ? Repair a few and respawn as someone else. Going after the objective is not the only strategy. Sometimes, I would give up the current objective and anticipate the next ones.

For people camping on TSP, it usually means that the opposing team has many Tacticians trying to take over yours. I would spawn as Tactician to grab theirs or as Infiltrator to disrupt their spawns.

It's really up to you. If your team is outnumbered heavily, just quit and join another game. There are plenty out there.


Dibbz if for some reason you've been permabanned and happen to be reading this remember you asked me to transfer you the clan leadership since I wasn't playing KZ3 anymore... please transfer it back to someone else like patsu or user friendly so they can actually invite new members and stuff, whatever I don't care really, nvm, sry for the stupid post don't think he's reading.


Love the name for some of the new trophies:

"Radec's Revenge" - kill 5 ISA players while in Radec Academy.

"Turn Back Time" - kill a player with the missile launcher in Radec Academy.


I've been playing a ton of PC games lately and loving the high framerate and resolutions. However, I popped KZ3 in last night to play with Move a little bit, and DAMN does this fucking game look good or what?

I am still so surprised by the graphics.
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