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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


Ezahn said:
Yeah tnx, maybe I'll try and focus on medic and eng, I don't have any secondary weapons atm and the silenced M82 of the medic... let's say it depens on the occasion, sometimes it seems great, other much much less great. I think a very good aim is important with that, unfortunately for me - I tend to Panic in close quarters, even if I try not to.

BTW had some lively matches with Dibbz (sorry, have not seen your invite messages after you went off!) and tried to do something useful, even if most of the times I finish the round wiping the floor of the 10-12 place.

Ha ha, I don't like the silenced Medic weapon. Still using the entry level rifle.

You'll get the hang of it eventually. I'm not a great FPS player myself. Most of the time I focus on the objectives. You'll find that if you calm down and think. Sometimes giving up the current mission to prepare for the next one may help you even the scores.

If you play Operation mode though, it'd be more about intensive combat.
patsu said:
Ha ha, I don't like the silenced Medic weapon. Still using the entry level rifle.

You'll get the hang of it eventually. I'm not a great FPS player myself. Most of the time I focus on the objectives. You'll find that if you calm down and think. Sometimes giving up the current mission to prepare for the next one may help you even the scores.

If you play Operation mode though, it'd be more about intensive combat.

Yeah, I've tried using it too but it's just not great at close range. The starter SMG is awesome, particularly when you're basically holding it IRL (Sharp Shooter :p).


I dont quite understand why people are calling Killzone 3 mulitplayer for things as "terrible" and "horrible" etc. If it is about the enjoyment value, that is highly subjective, so i cant argue with that. I also agree that Killzone 2 has more maps that are more fun to play and it is nice that you can use every weapons on every class, but that is pretty much the only things that are better in KZ2 compared to KZ3 in my opinion. Portable spawn points in KZ2 is also nice if the tacticans knew how to use them well. But to call KZ3 multiplayer for terrible? I dont see why and i dont agree with that.

I also think that Operations mode get too little credit. That is pretty much the only think i play in KZ3. Although i have started to play more Warzone now that Radec Academy is back =)

UnblessedSoul said:
Wow multiplayer is terrible in this game, worse then killzone 2, just got platinum, lots of frame drops, in co-op its much worse with bad pop in. natko wasn't in the story at all which was disappointing, was much easier then killzone 2, killzone 3 seemed a step backwards for me. And I am so tired of developers adding trophies to DLC I will never get therefore ruining my 100% score seriously they should only be activated once I've purchased anything from them
Concidering the details in the graphics, i'm actually surprised that split-screen coop is supported. Wouldnt think that this was possible without dropping the graphics a lot, but that is not the case =)

UnluckyKate said:
*spawn rape*
I know what you mean, but isnt spawn rape more about when you get killed pretty much instantly when you spawn? This is not the case in KZ3. I can die relatively quickly after a spawn, but never instantly after i spawn. I have rarely experienced that the enemy have camped very close to a spawn point at least, but that is just my experience.

But if you experience spawn rape. i recommend to spawn at the base instead. Maybe you have to run a bit more then to reach the objectives, but at least you avoid those spawn rape situations =) And i think regardless of where the spawn points are, there are always risks of getting spawn raped. That is because the spawn points are static. It is only dynamic in Guerilla Warfare. None of the spawn points (or at least very few of them) are in direct line of fire at least. They are for the most safe to some degree.

It was also exactly the same in KZ2. There the enemy could even throw a spawn point right next to your spawn point, and you were not invincible for a second after you spawned either (it was at first, but they changed it later in a patch). I liked the portable spawn points, but those could lead to much more spawn raping at least.

UnluckyKate said:
So here's the basic base rape situation: you spawn, you get snipe by a tactician, medic, sniper or infiltrator (4 of the 5 class), because they have rifles that have NO RECOIL and can you you full auto from across the map.
If you full auto any weapons from far distance, you're lucky if you get a kill. The SMG is also quite hard to hit with from a long distance, even if shooting in short bursts. I guess that you're exagerating with "across the map" though. Some weapons have good range, but it is only effective if you shoot in short burst, full auto wont work due to recoil. It wasnt really much difference in Killzone 2 after my experience.

UnluckyKate said:
Games feel so imbalance on so many levels, it's like it's broken to the core. I've been raped by engineers with the Higs chaingun the entire week end, being sniped by this gun from afar, in an instant, while I couldn't put more than 2 straight shot in a dude, with the same gun, crouch, not moving. Because of the reticule going wild, disperstion made it useless. But somehow, some players were able to snipe me with this gun. This feels like a glitch or an exploit.
I acutally think that this gun is more accurate if you dont look down the iron sight. It was like this with Killzone 2 at least. Just aim from the hip at the enemy and shoot small bursts, it is the must effective with this gun :)


There are some things GG can tune to minimize the spawn rape problem. In a few maps, enemies have direct line of fire from a TSP into the base. That LoS should be blocked. Some bases should have more and wider exits. Other than that, I don't mind the current collection of maps. We have a healthy selection now. KZ2 has severe spawn rape, rocket spam, imbalances classes and team size issues too. I don't see why it's better.

MAG revised the maps a few times to take out the line of sight problem too. I think snipers getting counter-sniped may be a sign that the sniper is standing not far enough from the enemy. He's supposed to be invisible in KZ3 when attacking.

C4 doesn't always kill people immediately. It depends on how you approach it. I have Engineers and Tacticians charged through my mines and kill me. But if you're already surrounded, I don't think a weaker C4 is the solution. ^_^

I wonder about disappearing airbot though. They should not disappear when the Tact dies. Happened to me, but I am not sure if a sniper took it down.

As for points for leveling up, classes and weapons, I am not a big fan of KZ2's set up. I don't particularly hate or like KZ3's set up. I just play the classes the way they designed it. The KZ3 classes are definitely more useful since I was able to make a difference in many occasions to help the team win at the last minute.

But I can see if one doesn't like the game, and forced himself/herself to grind to get more weapons, trophies, etc.... It will not end well. ^_^


Great games we had tonight with everyone who joined. We had about 7 or 8 guys thanks mostly to rick.

Btw ezahn did you have connection problems? Almost everytime I sent you an invite you sent one back. I assumed you couldn't connect but we did manage a few games.


Yep was great to have a full squad going and everyone had headsets which was most helpful (Though most of my chat was berating myself for my shitty performance and explaining why I was shooting into thin air trying to kill imaginary snipers - damn invisibility got me too paranoid!).

Dibbz, can you shoot a clan invite to Bignose3248 when the KZ site is operational again. He was in the clan but he was either being a dumbass and deleted himself or was cleared out in the last list cleanup. Thanks.


Lol I think I witnessed your paranoia first hand when I saw you spin 180 and unload at a wall in radec :p

It was probably me who kicked bignose. I cleared a lot of people from the clan who I didn't recognise or see playing. I'll add him back tomorrow.


There should be more tampons in gaming
How anyone enjoyed KZ2's multiplayer is beyond me. I hate it so much and tried to give it numerous tries. I hate constant grenade spamming and the shooting from the hip being more accurate and the more efficent way to kill soured my whole experience with it. With KZ3 there's still hipfire but its not as prevalent and for me atleast ads is far more useful unless its a close quaters situation against a enemy that likes to move. But I found KZ2 mp to be trash. Its like the two games did a switch I love KZ2 singleplayer and hate its multiplayer but I love KZ3 multiplayer but thought 2 had the better campaign. 3 had too many onrails and inconsistent timeline. That's just me tho, feel free to hate!


bish gets all the credit :)
Allonym said:
How anyone enjoyed KZ2's multiplayer is beyond me. I hate it so much and tried to give it numerous tries. I hate constant grenade spamming and the shooting from the hip being more accurate and the more strident way to kill soured my whole experience with it. With KZ3 there's still hipfire but its not as prevalent and for me atleast ads is far more useful unless its a close quaters situation against a enemy that likes to move. But I found KZ2 mp to be trash. Its like the two games did a switch I love KZ2 singleplayer and hate its multiplayer but I love KZ3 multiplayer but thought 2 had the better campaign. 3 had too many onrails and inconsistent timeline. That's just me tho, feel free to hate!

you love KZ3 ADS because it locks onto the enemy and can just spray.


There should be more tampons in gaming
alr1ghtstart said:
you love KZ3 ADS because it locks onto the enemy and can just spray.

Haha not at all cuz I removed aim assist but nice try. Ur welcome to try again if you think you know why I prefer something more than I actually do though


There should be more tampons in gaming
alr1ghtstart said:
since when can you remove aim assist?

I could've sworn that you can remove it in the options menu while you're playing if Im not mistaken unless its cod that im getting mixed up but no I just feel thats unrealistic that I can headshot somebody with hipfire and be more accurate vs the guy who's ads shooting at me. OZ is supposed to be about the realism of war with out journey too far into soft scifi land. With recoil and weapon reloads being realistic why shouldn't aim and accuracy be the same. How often to people who are trained to shoot hipfire vs ads? I don't think very often that's just my beef. But you may proceed to attempt to rip me apart


bish gets all the credit :)
Hey, you're welcome to like what you want. I'm just saying KZ3 being more "accurate" is due to the vastly increased ADS autoaim/lock on/lack of recoil/low health. And no, you can't turn off the autoaim. I would like to , but I can't.


I miss the days when ADS wasn't such a curse on FPS games. Glad KZ2/3 represent the perfect balance between shoulderfire and ADS, even if KZ3 adds lots of assist.


bish gets all the credit :)
well yeah, I appreciate not having to ADS when a guy is 10 feet in front of me, which happens all too often in other games.


Dibbz said:
Lol I think I witnessed your paranoia first hand when I saw you spin 180 and unload at a wall in radec :p

Heh heh, was it in an objective room or TSP ?

I usually unload a rocket near the entrance first to detonate the mines. Then charge in and do a 360 spray to paint any hidden Marksman so that my teammates behind me can see how many and where they were.

Medics are often expendable this way since they have second chance.

Saw a mine at the SnD attack objective. Teammate was shooting at it for a few seconds, hoping to blow it up. There was no time to d*ck around. I simply charge in, die and revive.


for what ever reason i have just not touched this games multiplayer mode since launch ...but this 3x weekend and the DLC got me into it.

so cool, does feel faster, but not too fast ..i love it.

topped out the medic and marskman classes so far.

def recomend medic to start with ...free points via revivals, the bot helps a lot because it alerts you to people sneeking up on you. and later on the spawn where you fell perk is really useful.

any ways to select that i only get matchmade into the DLC maps?


Dibbz said:
Btw ezahn did you have connection problems? Almost everytime I sent you an invite you sent one back. I assumed you couldn't connect but we did manage a few games.

Yeah Dibbz, I experienced some strange network behaviour. Sorry about that.
But still yeah, we did manage a few games, even the single occasion in which I managed to actually do something useful and score some points. ;-)


UnluckyKate said:
should I have to unlock perk per class so slowly at later levels ? It's just absurdly dumb. You want to by a marksman ? Fine. You want to be a Medic ? You gotta work for it. Once you maxed out 2 class, you are in a world of trouble to grind the perks or the other ones... I'll never be able to experience some of the later perks or weapons for some class because Guerilla thought it would be nice for players to choose carriers and stick with it. This is not WoW people, this is Killzone. It's a shooter, not a role playing game where you stick with your race, talent and job. I shouldn't have to grind for dozens of hours to get a class decently equiped. BF Bad Company 2 was lame as fuck to throw you as a medic without any... medic abilities but the game was giving you items and upgrades really fast. Killzone 3 feels like a Korean free 2 play RPG in comparaison...

Well, on the grinding I think UnluckyKate is right on spot. An action game should never force you to grind for anything but cosmetic items (Halo Reach, TF2 style). All classes and tools of the trade should be available at any time and from the start. Guerrilla nailed this perfectly... in Botzone! :)


sun-drop said:
for what ever reason i have just not touched this games multiplayer mode since launch ...but this 3x weekend and the DLC got me into it.

so cool, does feel faster, but not too fast ..i love it.

topped out the medic and marskman classes so far.

def recomend medic to start with ...free points via revivals, the bot helps a lot because it alerts you to people sneeking up on you. and later on the spawn where you fell perk is really useful.

any ways to select that i only get matchmade into the DLC maps?

I think you can but few people play it that way. Some of the built in maps are quite popular.


So I've been playing online (mostly teamed with my sister) for the past few weeks or so. I'm no where near her (or anyone elses, for the matter) skill level having a higher death rate almost every game, but I'm really enjoying the games. Guerrilla Warfare is my favorite mode, because I like the quick simple game, but I've been getting into Warzone lately.

So yeah, as I said, I don't win much on my own, as I'm pretty bad at FPS's. Might be my aiming, or I'm not trigger happy enough, I don't know. Maybe it's the guns I choose, but I almost always get KO'ed before my enemy. When the enemies get close I misjudge the distance between us and try to melee. I also have a problem with reloading, like, my mind completely ignores the tiny "O RELOAD" flashing on the screen, and come time to shoot I'm left open and defenseless trying to place a fresh round of bullets in my rifle. I'm still working on my game, but it's been a while, and while I've improved I still have a long way to go. Usually I don't come away from a match with more than 1500 points, which is pretty damn sad when my sister can come away with 10,000 (on her good days, haha. Should have heard her ranting tonight).

That said, I've had my good moments too. A well placed proxy, or a well tossed grenade taking out multiple enemies. I've had kill streaks, and triple kills and the sort; where enemies literally line up and fall one by one in a single round of shots (before reloading). My favorite kills are revenge kills. When I'm playing as medic (my main and favorite class so far), an enemy will strike me down and neglect to finish me off and will just sit there waiting for the next victim. I stand up, brutal melee, and walk away. It's a great feeling, though I learned the hard way it's better to just stay down sometimes. lol

Anyway, tonight alone I've met of some players who I'll never forget, for good or for worse. One-hit killers, great teammates, stalkers (not really, just kills me a lot), snipers, and friendly rivals. The KZ3 world must be small, because I've come across those names many times.

So, those are my thoughts on my experience so far... I want to get better and start scoring higher, but I honestly don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Something is acting as a barrier between me and mastering the game, be it the controls (I was never good at dual analog) or what have you. It's frustrating at times and I think the only reason I'm still playing is because I want to reach my sister's mastery.


I agree with the unlock points complaint. I would have loved to try out more classes to see if they'd improve my game, but bots are not an accurate representation of what you'll be facing online. Bots don't camp up in windows on Boulevard and snipe at you the whole game. :*( So now I'm basically stuck with Medic, Engineer, and Marksman for the rest of my life.


D-Pad said:
I agree with the unlock points complaint. I would have loved to try out more classes to see if they'd improve my game, but bots are not an accurate representation of what you'll be facing online. Bots don't camp up in windows on Boulevard and snipe at you the whole game. :*( So now I'm basically stuck with Medic, Engineer, and Marksman for the rest of my life.

Yeah, Guerrilla should definitely evaluate the possibility to unlock everything after a months from the launch are passed. Or maybe lifting the time limit on this whole "triple xp" thing for good, creating a more bearable growing pattern for people that cannot live in front of their KZ3ing tvs 24/7.
test_account said:
I know what you mean, but isnt spawn rape more about when you get killed pretty much instantly when you spawn? This is not the case in KZ3. I can die relatively quickly after a spawn, but never instantly after i spawn. I have rarely experienced that the enemy have camped very close to a spawn point at least, but that is just my experience.

But if you experience spawn rape. i recommend to spawn at the base instead. Maybe you have to run a bit more then to reach the objectives, but at least you avoid those spawn rape situations =) And i think regardless of where the spawn points are, there are always risks of getting spawn raped. That is because the spawn points are static. It is only dynamic in Guerilla Warfare. None of the spawn points (or at least very few of them) are in direct line of fire at least. They are for the most safe to some degree.

It was also exactly the same in KZ2. There the enemy could even throw a spawn point right next to your spawn point, and you were not invincible for a second after you spawned either (it was at first, but they changed it later in a patch). I liked the portable spawn points, but those could lead to much more spawn raping at least.

The other thing I find incredibly unfair, is the 1 second god mod for spawning players. I'm oftenly caught, capturing a spawn point, but enemies are spawning. I have the edge because I'm in their back, I could shoot/melee them in a blink of an eye, but they are invulnerable. So I have to wait a couple of seconds before shooting. In this time: they can either turn and shoot me (while I can shoot back...) or makes a couple of steps, noticing there's someone capturing the point, and turning back: I loose avantage of my situation and it's a 1:1 battle (or 2:1 sometimes and I don't stand a chance if they are not close)

But the most anoying is that a spawning player is able to shoot and kill (me) before the spawning animation is done (body appearing). I go killed a couple of times, while running toward a spanwing point to capture. The moment I saw a red halo effect morphing a head. I was dead. The guy is able to see me, shoot and kille me the moment he spawns while I can't.


Neo Member
Ezahn said:
Yeah, Guerrilla should definitely evaluate the possibility to unlock everything after a months from the launch are passed. Or maybe lifting the time limit on this whole "triple xp" thing for good, creating a more bearable growing pattern for people that cannot live in front of their KZ3ing tvs 24/7.

I like the way MAG does it. 100% xp boost for the first hour every new day you play.


littleornothin said:
I like the way MAG does it. 100% xp boost for the first hour every new day you play.

Well, every boost will be welcome! :)
That could be a good thing for encouraging people that play often but cannot stay for long.
I was playing a lot lately and i was always playing deathmatch only. it came to the point when ive been #1 almost in every single game with about 2500-3000 kill points. I got a little bored and went in to the warfare mode and Damn! There are all the good players. Got my ass kicked for quite some games and it was alot of fun. Besides I could play the newer maps which i didnt actually buy my self which was very refreshing as well.

KZ2 was my most played online shooter and i think KZ3 will replace it. Both are just great online games.


No45 said:
Twitter mentioned a short period of maintenance this morning.


ok What bad timing, went right when I had the highest score of the night and about to level up.


alr1ghtstart said:
you love KZ3 ADS because it locks onto the enemy and can just spray.
Does this apply to certain weapons? Because the weapons i have mostly used lately (SMGs) doesnt lock on to the enemies :) If it does, it is very little at least. Happens several of times that i keep missing even if im ADS.

UnluckyKate said:
The other thing I find incredibly unfair, is the 1 second god mod for spawning players. I'm oftenly caught, capturing a spawn point, but enemies are spawning. I have the edge because I'm in their back, I could shoot/melee them in a blink of an eye, but they are invulnerable. So I have to wait a couple of seconds before shooting. In this time: they can either turn and shoot me (while I can shoot back...) or makes a couple of steps, noticing there's someone capturing the point, and turning back: I loose avantage of my situation and it's a 1:1 battle (or 2:1 sometimes and I don't stand a chance if they are not close)

But the most anoying is that a spawning player is able to shoot and kill (me) before the spawning animation is done (body appearing). I go killed a couple of times, while running toward a spanwing point to capture. The moment I saw a red halo effect morphing a head. I was dead. The guy is able to see me, shoot and kille me the moment he spawns while I can't.
That is true, but this is to avoid even more spawn raping. If you could die right after you spawn, it would be enough for the other team to just throw many grenades or C4 into the spawnpoint and you would die instantly. It would also be possible to camp right next to the spawn becon (unless you're a tactician, since then you will capture the spawn point) and just shoot people who spawn. It also takes about a second from when you spawn until you can shoot, so you would stand almost no chance.

When using static spawn points, i think that it is extremely hard to make it 1:1 fair all the time since it could be exploited on both sides from time to time.

You might remember the longer discussions back in the KZ2 days about what would be the best solution for the spawn points. First people complained that people were invincible for about a second after they spawned because people just threw the spawn points very close to the objective and get some advantage. Guerilla Games listened to this and later on removed the invicibility in an update patch. What happend then was that people would occasionally throw C4 right at the spawn point, standing right next to it hitting the melee button or camp close to the spawnpoint and shoot, which made the spawn points pretty much useless. There was a camera view of the spawn point though, so sometimes you could see if someone camped close to the spawn point, but not always. Sometimes one solution worked better than the other, but it was hard to make it fair 1:1 all the time, unfortunately.

I think that the only solution is to completely remove all spawn points except the spawnpoints in the base. This way spawn rape is not really possible. But then we would have to deal with running longer distances to get to the objectives. Or maybe to have some dynamic spawn "field" that were automatically activated closer to an objective when certain objectives started. Or is there any other solution that could work? :)

EDIT: Regarding how long it takes from when you spawn until you can shoot, has anyone experimented with how long your invincible? Are you invincible even when you can shoot, or is it only the first second before you're able to shoot?


ok radics academy ...one of my most hated kz2 maps ...just is flat out awesome in kz3 .... dunno if it's the better controls, the better lighting .... dunno. just feels waaaay more intense.

loving it

medic, marksman ...gonna level up infiltrator now
test_account said:
Does this apply to certain weapons? Because the weapons i have mostly used lately (SMGs) doesnt lock on to the enemies :) If it does, it is very little at least. Happens several of times that i keep missing even if im ADS.

The auto aim/locking on with the ADS in KZ3 is highly overblown by lot of the KZ2 vets (as is most things when they compare the two), it really is very minor especially compared to most other console shooters. The Auto aim is really high in the single player campaign though, but it's heavily toned down in the MP.


BattleMonkey said:
The auto aim/locking on with the ADS in KZ3 is highly overblown by lot of the KZ2 vets (as is most things when they compare the two), it really is very minor especially compared to most other console shooters. The Auto aim is really high in the single player campaign though, but it's heavily toned down in the MP.
I see. I think that it was harder to hit when ADS in Killzone 2, so i can see if that is what they are referring to, but i'm not sure that it had much to do with autoaim. I think that it was more due to the guns being more jumpy/bigger recoil when ADS in KZ2. But in KZ2 it was actually easier for the most part (at least for me) to shoot from the hip, even at long distances. I remember doing a lot more firing from the hip in KZ2 at least (played it for about 390 hours online).
test_account said:
I see. I think that it was harder to hit when ADS in Killzone 2, but i'm not sure that it had much to do with autoaim. Maybe the weapons had more recoil while doing ADS in KZ2. But in KZ2 it was actually easier for the most part (at least for me) to shoot from the hip, even at long distances. I remember doing a lot more firing from the hip in KZ2 at least (played it for about 390 hours online).

KZ2 had slower aim, more recoil, and players took more bullets to kill so it all made things harder/slower to bring down. Also KZ2 had shittier netcode which didn't help with the speed. It's true that aiming from the hip in KZ2 was incredibly effective, one could head shot people with the ISA assault rifle easily at medium range with hip fire.

KZ3 is just faster all around and much better net code, so it has a very different feel, but it still is not COD levels of fast. Iron sight aim was made more accurate compared to hip firing in KZ3. Speed of the game is more inline with BC2 to me.


BattleMonkey said:
KZ2 had slower aim, more recoil, and players took more bullets to kill so it all made things harder/slower to bring down. Also KZ2 had shittier netcode which didn't help with the speed. It's true that aiming from the hip in KZ2 was incredibly effective, one could head shot people with the ISA assault rifle easily at medium range with hip fire.

KZ3 is just faster all around and much better net code, so it has a very different feel, but it still is not COD levels of fast. Iron sight aim was made more accurate compared to hip firing in KZ3. Speed of the game is more inline with BC2 to me.
Yeah, the M82 ISA rifle in KZ2 was pretty much the only weapon i used :) Could people in KZ2 take more bullets by the way? I cant recall that it was noticeably harder to kill someone in KZ2 compared to in KZ3. It has been quite a while since i have played KZ2 though.

That is true, KZ3 feels a bit different than KZ2 due to being a bit fast as you mention.

I love KZ2 (hence why i played it for nearly 400 hours) and i also reached the highest rank (100k XP). So i'm not really complaining about KZ2 in my previous posts here just to underline that. I'm just pointing out that some of the KZ3 complaints could also be translated to stuff that was in KZ2, in my opinion. Especially the spawnpoint issues. But i guess that it comes down to personal opinions about which solution that is best prefered though :)

KZ2 was also a bit of a "love it" or "hate it" game, so i guess that is why Guerilla Games tried to change much stuff in KZ3. By doing so, it is almost certain that there will be mixed opinions again. Personally i like both KZ2 and KZ3. But i do favor KZ2 due to cooler maps, but KZ3 kinda weighs it up again with the Operation mode :)


The medic's M82SE and tactician's M82 differ only for the silencer?
Is the tactician version "single shot" only as the medic's?


Ezahn said:
The medic's M82SE and tactician's M82 differ only for the silencer?
Is the tactician version "single shot" only as the medic's?
The M82SE only fires in short bursts (3 shots i think?), whole the M82 fires either single shot or full auto :)


test_account said:
The M82SE only fires in short bursts (3 shots i think?), whole the M82 fires either single shot or full auto :)

Oh shoot! now I'll have to unlock that as well. ;-)

After having wasted (for my inability to use them properly) points on Marksman and Infiltrator I have little left...


Ezahn said:
Oh shoot! now I'll have to unlock that as well. ;-)

After having wasted (for my inability to use them properly) points on Marksman and Infiltrator I have little left...

Speaking of the M82, this is actually one thing that questioned regarding design. The M82 was really popular in KZ2, so why only restrict it to one class in KZ3? It doesnt really bother me that much personally, but i still wonder about it. Maybe they went more of the Battlefield route, the same thing applies in those game i belive, that only certain weapons are available in certain classes. I have a feeling that Guerilla Games will go back to a more customizing design regarding weapons etc. in KZ4.


played some online warzone and warfare games this weekend, don't know what they've done with the latest patches but the framerate when playing online is much worse compared to what I remember (pre-PSN outage), or maybe is just the mix of players around the globe making lag a much worse issue as the playerbase is so small, whatever, if they improved anything I couldn't see it, same Marksman abuse, laughable lag, horribly placed TSPs, people camping without going for the objectives... and they still didn't sort jetpacks & botzone, so much for a 'tech'-oriented dev.

Random anecdote: I met some Italian friends from KZ2 and sent them a message to play a 6v6 custom game, they simply replied they've never seen more than 3 friends playing the game at the same time and that they were playing only for unlocking the new trophies... I left in disgust, oh well, at least graphics are nice...

I don't forget the good times playing with Pwonager 'till early in the morning / late night. Good times my friend, good times, clan of two.
Played all weekend a ton since I was ill, and really don't see where this "marksman rape" comes from. Lot less players playing marksmen and they did nerf the camo to not be as effective.


This weekend all the awful players were playing. It took awhile of quiting games to finally get matched with a good team that actually played as a team and did all the objectives. My game kept freezing at random times too. It did not happen too much but more than I would have liked.

They need to create an option in Warzone to be Marksman free or just limit it to one per team.


BattleMonkey said:
Played all weekend a ton since I was ill, and really don't see where this "marksman rape" comes from. Lot less players playing marksmen and they did nerf the camo to not be as effective.

johntown said:
This weekend all the awful players were playing. It took awhile of quiting games to finally get matched with a good team that actually played as a team and did all the objectives. My game kept freezing at random times too. It did not happen too much but more than I would have liked.

They need to create an option in Warzone to be Marksman free or just limit it to one per team.

lol, conflicted reports overload

I guess I was on the same boat as johntown, I only played 4-5 matches though, didn't unlock a single trophy, not even the 'kill a player with a rocket launcher' one, didn't bother to read the trophy requirements in the first place anyway... but that one is silly and easy as fuck lol, so creative Guerrilla.


BattleMonkey said:
Played all weekend a ton since I was ill, and really don't see where this "marksman rape" comes from. Lot less players playing marksmen and they did nerf the camo to not be as effective.
Same here, i never experienced any marksman raping. But it might be very random though, since i guess it depends on exactly who you're playing against. I also play almost only Operations, so maybe it is worse in Warzone.


test_account said:
Same here, i never experienced any marksman raping. But it might be very random though, since i guess it depends on exactly who you're playing against. I also play almost only Operations, so maybe it is worse in Warzone.

it is, Operations is where coordinated teams play using different classes best suited to each situation, Warzone is mostly full of camping bitches trying to enlarge their K/D ratio (while ignoring objectives).
test_account said:
Same here, i never experienced any marksman raping. But it might be very random though, since i guess it depends on exactly who you're playing against. I also play almost only Operations, so maybe it is worse in Warzone.

I don't see too many marksmen in warzone, the class is popular in regular deathmatch though obviously for those caring merely about their K/D ratios. In Warzone it's similar to recon players in BC2 in that they often don't really contribute much of anything while everyone else is actually playing the objectives.
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