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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

test_account said:
If Killzone 4 doesnt make it this generation, then i hope that it will be a launch window game for PS4 at least.
I think a launch game for the next system would be best. Nothing really to compete with, and it can do it's own thing. Plus 3 Killzone games on the Ps3 just seems like a lot.


Game2Death said:
I think a launch game for the next system would be best. Nothing really to compete with, and it can do it's own thing. Plus 3 Killzone games on the Ps3 just seems like a lot.

3 games from the same IP in a generation is practically normal nowadays, but I do agree that KZ4 should be a PS4 launch title, that shit will blow our minds graphically.


Ha ha, they should take some time to add depth to story and character development for KZ4. Meanwhile, I wouldn't mind if they keep polishing and expanding KZ3.


I honestly wouldn't mind a nice big gap for the next Killzone. I love the franchise but I really think they would benefit from taking a few years off from it then going back to it with a fresh look at where they could take it.

I know the current story arc isn't really finished but I'd like them to move on to another point in time in the killzone universe. Just take it like 20 years down the road from KZ3 and have a whole new cast of characters.

I'm really interested in what their new IP is going to be though. I too would like to see them do something in 3rd person. Whatever they do I'm sure it will push the hardware again.


How come some hawkeyes can 1-shot me from afar when I'm a cloaked marskman standing still as a Bernini statue?
Happened a lot while trying marskman these days.

Shouldn't cloak be nearly invisibile when not moving at all?


It is invisible when completely still but if you hover over a cloaked marksman with your crosshair it will go red. I think you have to be a certain distance from them but it is possible to pick out marksmen this way.


Game2Death said:
I think a launch game for the next system would be best. Nothing really to compete with, and it can do it's own thing. Plus 3 Killzone games on the Ps3 just seems like a lot.
Yeah, wouldnt really mind if KZ4 was a PS4 launch title. Fits with the numbers too, KZ4/PS4 :)

Ezahn said:
How come some hawkeyes can 1-shot me from afar when I'm a cloaked marskman standing still as a Bernini statue?
Happened a lot while trying marskman these days.

Shouldn't cloak be nearly invisibile when not moving at all?
After patch 1.10 they did some changes to the marksman:

Marksman Improvements:

- Cloak rippling effect has been increased.
- Cloak now ripples with increased intensity when firing non silenced weapons.
- Transition from uncloaked to cloaked has been extended.
- A cloak fade transition between moving and not-moving has been introduced (player no longer snaps out of view).

Seems that it is easier to spot marksmen now, even if they are standing still, like a Bernini statue hehe ;)
Was watching a developer interview on youtube and the guy mentioned that there was originally gonna be a jetpack boss battle in the game. But it was removed because of development time. I'm sure will see that in the next game.
Ezahn said:
How come some hawkeyes can 1-shot me from afar when I'm a cloaked marskman standing still as a Bernini statue?
Happened a lot while trying marskman these days.

Shouldn't cloak be nearly invisibile when not moving at all?

Marksman stealth is not as good anymore, they used to be much harder to spot and it was really bullshit especially since they could walk around with an assault rifle slowly and quickly go into near complete stealth at close range.

It's much easier to spot marksmen thankfully.


BattleMonkey said:
Marksman stealth is not as good anymore, they used to be much harder to spot and it was really bullshit especially since they could walk around with an assault rifle slowly and quickly go into near complete stealth at close range.

It's much easier to spot marksmen thankfully.

I agree that they needed to be more detectable at short range, but I think they should be less detectable at long range.
Ezahn said:
I agree that they needed to be more detectable at short range, but I think they should be less detectable at long range.

Problem was that at long range, they were basically completely invisible. Snipers have a big advantage already with their long range, but to be nearly invisible and able to go back into hiding so fast was a big issue. The stealth is just a bonus and still very hard to see at long range, just not as bad ass as it was.


I'm trying to play as a marksman these days but it's really really hard. Anyone can sit and snipe but to try and fight for objectives as him is really really tough. Thing is though he is incredibly powerful with the VC39, his selection of pistols or the STa42 as well as jamming tacticians recon.

The class itself seems to me it could be a very useful asset in a team but it's a very advanced class and it's not as easy to be successful with as a tactician or medic is.


Dibbz said:
Anyone can sit and snipe but to try and fight for objectives as him is really really tough.

The class itself seems to me it could be a very useful asset in a team but it's a very advanced class and it's not as easy to be successful with as a tactician or medic is.

Agree 100%.

Anyway, in my opinion the greatest errors of KZ3 multi as we speak are:

1) Too. Much. Grinding. Really, it gets ridiculous

2) not enough xps for non-lethal activities (come on, 50 xp for a tactician often single-handedly conquering a spawn point? that's 1/2 of a kill and 1/3 of an headshot...) and for helping out the team (eg a medic healing aura should give a little bit of xp, encouraging medics to keep with the pack)


I agree Tact capturing spawn should give like 300-500xp and medic should definitely get XP for just standing with team mates healing them. I remember GG saying they were going to add some form of visual property to the healing through medic so you know when you are actually healing team mates but yet to see them implement anything. Hopefully they are still planning on adding it.

I don't agree with the grinding though. I've never felt that I've had to grind to get unlocks. Maybe it's they way you spent the early unlocks you got that is cause of the problem.


Dibbz said:
I don't agree with the grinding though. I've never felt that I've had to grind to get unlocks. Maybe it's they way you spent the early unlocks you got that is cause of the problem.

Well, I'm biased, since I hate all forms of grinding in action games.
I strongly think that all the tools of the trade should be available from the start.
Fanatics and completists could still grind for vanity items (TF2 and Halo Reach style).

But I think that - if you really want to go down the grinding route - a casual player who loves the game should be able to collect all the perks in reasonable time.
That is not the case with KZ3, and instead was the case with Bad Company 2 for example.

I screwed up putting points in Marksman and Infiltrator, I agree, but I did it because I like to feel useful to the group and I think that in order to be constantly useful you should be ready to change class when needed, leaving for a while your preferred roles.
The grind in KZ3 I find better than most other games as you just get generic points that let you invest as you see fit. You are not forced to play a specific role for many hours on end to unlock for it. Basically from the get go I quickly was able to unlock what I was most interested in playing and not have to spend hours just to achieve a specific rank to unlock one specific item for use.

BC2's grind was just as long and was forced to class specific grinds.


BattleMonkey said:
BC2's grind was just as long and was forced to class specific grinds.

I remember it faster, but I could be wrong. BC2 was demented in some thing as well, like letting you playing medic without any starting medical abilities.

I mean, WTF?! :)

You see? Grinding is evil. It's there only to try and hook the addictive types.


If they increase TSP capture reward, everyone will play Tactician. They have the best guns, M82 and rocket. They are already rewarded indirectly by helping to win the mission after capturing a critical TSP.


patsu said:
If they increase TSP capture reward, everyone will play Tactician. They have the best guns, M82 and rocket. They are already rewarded indirectly by helping to win the mission after capturing a critical TSP.

Wouldn't it be better to take away one of the "best weapons" and give a higher premium for helping out the team?
A class named Tactician should excel in tactics more than in boom-boom. ;-)
So I started playing KZ3 today on the Elite difficulty to get my Platinum.... and boy people weren't kidding when they said the Elite difficulty is so much easier that KZ2..... I mean in no time I reached Chapter 3.

So... is the rest of the game that easy or it will get harder later?


The Praiseworthy said:
So I started playing KZ3 today on the Elite difficulty to get my Platinum.... and boy people weren't kidding when they said the Elite difficulty is so much easier that KZ2..... I mean in no time I reached Chapter 3.

So... is the rest of the game that easy or it will get harder later?

It is really, really easy. the most difficult parts are with Rico/Narville who will 99% of the time revive you.

Just finished it on Elite a few days ago, feels good :)


Ezahn said:
Wouldn't it be better to take away one of the "best weapons" and give a higher premium for helping out the team?
A class named Tactician should excel in tactics more than in boom-boom. ;-)

It may make TSP takeover very difficult. ^_^
Because there may be an Engineer with an LMG and a Turret, plus a few mines guarding the room. Or a Marksman. Or someone who's just spawned.

Right now, I unleash a rocket to take out the mines and launcher, then deal with whoever was or were in the room. Takes a few tries. May take the entire game ! :-(


RelentlessRolento said:
With all the hate and non hate on KZ3 I wonder how Killzone Vita will be received?

Killzone has always been a polorazing series, so no different I guess. I hope it reminds me of the great times I had with Liberation, that's an absolutely fantastic game.
Massa said:
Killzone has always been a polorazing series, so no different I guess. I hope it reminds me of the great times I had with Liberation, that's an absolutely fantastic game.

I enjoyed liberation but some parts dragged on for me. Marksman will be easier if Vita has touch screen headshots (no way that'll happen)
Just started playing! I had Killzone 2 for a while so I found alot of the multiplayer to be common ground and a bit disappointing for that :( But then I found Operations! Really brings some life to the game! Really enjoying it!

Single player seems a bit unsettled tho... I'm about half way through and there hasn't been anything too memorable. Some environments are spectacular tho, so I'll grind through it to see everything!


Game2Death said:
I think a launch game for the next system would be best. Nothing really to compete with, and it can do it's own thing. Plus 3 Killzone games on the Ps3 just seems like a lot.

A killzone game for PS4 at launch and it's not a port of some kind? That kinda thinking is a pipe dream.
I hope the Sony tech teams are working on DX11 tech right now, I was surprised when I read the Square Enix DX11 Luminous engine was underway.

The sooner the better! Killzone 4 running at 60 FPS @ 1080p *drools*
Not a fan of the online now that i've played it.

I'll get the bits I like out the way: It looks as gorgeous online as it does offline (even if the framerate suffers at times, which is a big no no in a competitive environment). I like the more responsive controls. The unlock system seems a bit more streamlined than the ribbon system in KZ2. Temporary bonuses if you do well like faster reloading etc. are also an interesting take on rewarding the player during the match without being game breaking.

But that's basically where my compliments end. The most annoying thing of all is how little health you get. You die in pretty much three shots, like in a COD game. There needs to be a little bit more so that not every face off is decided by fastest finger (*connection) first. All the guns kill people pretty much just as effectively as each other, so their variety feels kind of redundant as a result. KZ has always been a bit slower imo, so this newfound killing speed is unwelcome.

Lot of annoying shit still remains from KZ2 too - one hit kill rocket launchers, while much rarer, are still annoying. As are the proximity mines which are just far too difficult to spot. I also really dislike the amount of shit effects that are applied to the screen when you get low on health (a common problem this gen). Iron sights are still useless. The maps are also too complex to look at and are disorientating at times (i'd probably learn them eventually like KZ2's though).

The main impression I get with KZ3 is that it feels a lot more spartan than KZ2 did - it doesn't feel as deep, doesn't feel as stat/leaderboard (ie. community) focused, there is no server browser to find exactly the sort of games you want to play, and no more 32-player clusterfucks when you want to unwind with some carnage. KZ2 felt a lot like a PC game on consoles in some ways, with its almost nerdy depth, janky menus with tons of options, and utterly dedicated fans. Some of KZ3 is welcome streamlining; but it mostly feels like a gimped sequel that just wants to blend in with the COD market more.

I think i'll play a few more games then retire it.


Iron sights are still useless. The maps are also too complex to look at and are disorientating at times (i'd probably learn them eventually like KZ2's though).
From my experience, iron sight is definitely improved over KZ2. In KZ2 i used maybe iron sight 10-20% of all the shooting i did since it was so much easier to just shoot from the hip. In Killzone 3 is it the opposite for me. Here i use iron sight maybe 80-90% of the time. If you're new to the game maybe it feels a bit useless to begin with, i had it like that, but after playing more i found out that iron sight is much improved over KZ2. I'm not sure exactly how it is improved, but maybe it is simply just because of the more responsive controls.

Yeah, the maps can feel confusing when first playing them indeed (although that goes for most (if not all) games in my opinion), but you'll probably learn them fast. The maps doesnt really feel THAT big/complex once you get used to them, in my opinion :)

EDIT: As for health, if you chose the armor ability (dont remember if it needs unlocking), this will give you a bit extra health. The weapons are also different, but maybe not that much on closer combats. SMGs arent that stable at long range while other rifles are, and the heavy machine guns lose much stability if you dont fire in small bursts (pretty much the standard stuff we see in FPS regarding weapon stability). I havnt compared how many bullets that are needed to do a kill though, maybe this is what you're refering to?

EDIT 2: As for the leaderboards, i agree with this. I wonder why they didnt put full leaderboard support in the game itself (it is just available at Killzone.com). Does anyone know why? Not a big problem for me personally though, but i would like to easily compare my stats and rank in-game rather than having to go to Killzone.com.


LTTP? So I'm playing through the SP right now, and it's awful. It's just scripted bland bullshit. Enemies are bullet sponges and you can't even turn off aim-assist? I'm not even bothering with cutscenes anymore and I'm gonna play on for a bit and if it doesn't get any better (probably not) I won't even finish it. This coming from someone who loved KZ2 though.

The biggest redeeming quality is the fact that it looks amazing, it's really one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

Am I alone in disliking the game?

Mikey Jr.

&Divius said:
LTTP? So I'm playing through the SP right now, and it's awful. It's just scripted bland bullshit. Enemies are bullet sponges and you can't even turn off aim-assist? I'm not even bothering with cutscenes anymore and I'm gonna play on for a bit and if it doesn't get any better (probably not) I won't even finish it. This coming from someone who loved KZ2 though.

The biggest redeeming quality is the fact that it looks amazing, it's really one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

Am I alone in disliking the game?


I think you are in the minority when it comes to thinking it's worse than KZ2. I thought KZ3 single-player was a vast improvement over 2.

MP on the other hand.......


&Divius said:
LTTP? So I'm playing through the SP right now, and it's awful. It's just scripted bland bullshit. Enemies are bullet sponges and you can't even turn off aim-assist? I'm not even bothering with cutscenes anymore and I'm gonna play on for a bit and if it doesn't get any better (probably not) I won't even finish it. This coming from someone who loved KZ2 though.

The biggest redeeming quality is the fact that it looks amazing, it's really one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

Am I alone in disliking the game?

Yeah, it was bland shit compared to KZ2. They completely ruined the world they had created with KZ1 and 2. It was a grim and bleak world but at least it had some personality before they turned it into a candy colored mess of a Hollywood blockbuster wannabe. Definitely had its moments visually but wasn't as consistent as KZ2.


Got the platty because my friend was horrified that I did KZ2, but not KZ3. I had no excuse really -- ridiculously easy.


spats said:
Yeah, it was bland shit compared to KZ2. They completely ruined the world they had created with KZ1 and 2. It was a grim and bleak world but at least it had some personality before they turned it into a candy colored mess of a Hollywood blockbuster wannabe. Definitely had its moments visually but wasn't as consistent as KZ2.
Which levels have candy colors? The jungle level has some red and yellow in there, but that is pretty much all i can think of regarding candy colors. Personally i feel that the colors fit all the levels. There are still much war torned and industrial areas in the game. KZ2 did however have more usage of the color gray though, and maybe the lighting overall was a bit "dimmer", that is true. In Killzone 4 i hope that we will get to see more of the inner cities, how people on Helghan live etc. :)


test_account said:
Which levels have candy colors? The jungle level has some red and yellow in there, but that is pretty much all i can think of regarding candy colors. Personally i feel that the colors fit all the levels. There are still much war torned and industrial areas in the game. In Killzone 4 i hope that we will get to see more of the inner cities, how people on Helghan live etc. :)

I guess what I was trying to say is that the color palette doesn't match the tone of the series in my opinion. They jump from white to orange to green to blue to brown during the entire campaign. I know their intention was to show more than one side of Helghan and I appreciate that but I think they could've tried to keep the tonal range a bit more narrow. It's all personal preference but the whole game felt too contrasty and oversaturated and constantly jumping between strong color tints felt jarring. Killzone 2 looked outstanding with pretty consistent use of color but they accented the environments with dabs of colored lighting so those really jumped out of the screen and made for a more pleasing whole.


spats said:
I guess what I was trying to say is that the color palette doesn't match the tone of the series in my opinion. They jump from white to orange to green to blue to brown during the entire campaign. I know their intention was to show more than one side of Helghan and I appreciate that but I think they could've tried to keep the tonal range a bit more narrow. It's all personal preference but the whole game felt too contrasty and oversaturated and constantly jumping between strong color tints felt jarring. Killzone 2 looked outstanding with pretty consistent use of color but they accented the environments with dabs of colored lighting so those really jumped out of the screen and made for a more pleasing whole.
Ok, i understand what you mean. I just edited my post a bit before i saw you post by the way, saying that it is true that KZ2 did perhaps use more of the color gray, and the overall lighting in the game might be a bit "dimmer" (or what i shall say), that is true :) I like both KZ2 and KZ3 art direction and i'm curious what they will do with KZ4. But as you say, it is all personal preference, so it isnt anything right or wrong, either you like it or not indeed :)


The main impression I get with KZ3 is that it feels a lot more spartan than KZ2 did - it doesn't feel as deep, doesn't feel as stat/leaderboard (ie. community) focused, there is no server browser to find exactly the sort of games you want to play, and no more 32-player clusterfucks when you want to unwind with some carnage. KZ2 felt a lot like a PC game on consoles in some ways, with its almost nerdy depth, janky menus with tons of options, and utterly dedicated fans. Some of KZ3 is welcome streamlining; but it mostly feels like a gimped sequel that just wants to blend in with the COD market more.

We don't need cluster fucks for carnage. In my experience, KZ3 Operations alone is far more intense and purposeful than KZ2 style battlefield chaos. If you don't want to think and shoot, it's really the perfect mode for pure combat.

IMHO, KZ3 typically has deeper game than KZ2 because of the more useful advanced classes. Once I got used to them, I can sometimes turn the tide by capturing the TSPs at the right moments, or revive and heal bunch of teammates, or mine and defend a strategic area, or hide and reveal yourself at the very last minute.

Carnage can easily stack up on both sides when teammates worry less about dying and focus on the objectives.

However, KZ3 is indeed weaker in clan war and custom game setup.


Mikey Jr. said:

I think you are in the minority when it comes to thinking it's worse than KZ2. I thought KZ3 single-player was a vast improvement over 2.

MP on the other hand.......
Really? There are people thinking KZ3's campaign is better than KZ2's? Whoa.

Just... Whoa.

At least KZ2's campaign felt polished. KZ3's campaign feels like a rush job. Cut scenes simply ending. Levels starting ridiculously without any explanation whatsoever. (What the fuck am I doing in some speedy tank?!) And don't get me started on the ending.

KZ2 came off as rather unique and original. KZ3 on the other hand, came off as some unofficial expansion pack.


Some of them love the campign because of Move. I played with both DS3 and Move. I suspect the pacing is tuned for Move even though I prefer DS3 myself. For some reason, the campaign clicked better with Move.

I prefer KZ2 look and AI setup because I shot and melee'd the Helghast soldiers up close. In KZ3, it's harder to do so when you are outnumbered. I am not sure if Move is good for melee.


We've been through this a million times.

If Killzone 3 had the time KZ2 was given it the SP would have smashed KZ2 out of the water. In the end the SP was only just better.

KZ2 = Polished because it was in development for a fuck load longer than KZ3 and Sony didn't want to rush it out.

KZ3 rushed out to support Move and 3D. It's no coincidence the line up for Sony 1st Party in Q1 was:

KZ3 - 3D + PS Move
Motorstorm - 3D
Socom 4 - 3D + Move


I wouldn't even say that the the campaign of Killzone 3 was better than Killzone 2. The encounter design was pretty bad and call of duty ish, and they never really had confidence in anything new that they were doing, like jetpacks et all. You're left with 'oh no a bunch more enemies spawned directly in front of me, time to shoot shit up!'.

The story was fairly bad, on top of it all off, and that's a huge deal to me. Even though Killzone 2 dragged somewhat as a single player campaign, the mood of it all was very successful, almost too much, considering the hate that Rico got. Killzone 2 also had far better set pieces and visuals even if the graphics engine is more dated than what was used in Killzone 3's campaign. Finally. as much as Killzone 2 only sparingly made use of 'happy accidents (things like the gas chambers flying about), these things were completely abandoned in Killzone 3, which made the whole thing feel a lot less realistic and visceral and more like a video game.

As much as this is just a ramble of complaints, not only did Killzone 3 dumb down the story and characters and damage the hinted at complexity of the universe (no, name dropping accords here and there and giving us a comically simple 'closer' look at helghan society doesn't count), the ending also fucked up the entire universe. The sheer amount of contrivances that they're going to have to jump through to even make a Killzone 4 is going to be something, and if they're keeping their new writer... man.


Dibbz said:
KZ2 = Polished because it was in development for a fuck load longer than KZ3 and Sony didn't want to rush it out.
Or because they made an entirely new engine on an entirely new system (which is commonly known as the most frustrating system to program on).
Because they made entirely new assets.
And, although uncertain, because they also developed Killzone Liberation simultaneously.

Looking at Killzone 2, it's quite amazing what they managed to achieve in the span of time.

With Killzone 3, they already had the engine, they already had like 50% of the models and textures. They already had a bunch of sound effects and (enemy) voices. Not to mention Guerrilla Games has expanded quite well after Killzone 2's release.

There is absolutely no reason for Killzone 3's horrible, horrible state. Jesus Christ, the intro movie alone just shoved 'rushjob' right into your face. From the goddamn start of the game it tells you it's going to be a cut corner ride.

The only explanation I can think of is that Guerrilla Games put half its staff on a different project. But did they? The credits felt like twice the entirety of KZ2's.

If Killzone 3 had the time KZ2 was given it the SP would have smashed KZ2 out of the water. In the end the SP was only just better.
I see no evidence of this being a possible in an alternate timeline. The only thing I liked about KZ3's story is how it showed more about the higher-ups of Helghast. Besides that, the only way KZ3's SP could've blown its predecessor's out of the water is if they wrote an entirely different story.


KZ2 has great art and incredible atmosphere. Some levels have partially destructible covers too. The final Visari Palace push is engaging and memorable. Gameplay wise, KZ3 has better controls and playable set piece. I think the MAWLR encounter is more epic than all the set pieces in KZ2. The mecha fight is also more elaborate. I think the junkyard sniper level is superbly done too. Wouldn't call it bad or horrible, but there are some rough edges. It's a great game IMHO.

Art wise, KZ3 is bigger, sharper, more colorful but loses some charm in the process.
&Divius said:
LTTP? So I'm playing through the SP right now, and it's awful. It's just scripted bland bullshit. Enemies are bullet sponges and you can't even turn off aim-assist? I'm not even bothering with cutscenes anymore and I'm gonna play on for a bit and if it doesn't get any better (probably not) I won't even finish it. This coming from someone who loved KZ2 though.

The biggest redeeming quality is the fact that it looks amazing, it's really one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

Am I alone in disliking the game?

Have to agree with this. Also loved KZ2 and thought KZ3's campaign was terrible. They tried to go for the blockbuster moments like CoD and the game lost its own identity in the process. It was just a disjointed B grade mess. Didn't like the changes they made to the characters either, Sev and Narville seem like completely different people and the contrived antagonism between Rico and Narville fell flat. McDowell's hammy acting really annoyed me too. The ending was plain stupid.

I can not understand how a team of talented people can make such a forgettable turd and it turned me off the series. The director is supposed to be a philosophy major or something but the game was as deep as a kiddy pool. The travesty is that this game had the potential to be great as the universe and gunplay are worth it. Won't be going near the next one unless they hire a decent writer and jettison the the cringeworthy bits ("nuclear petrusite", lol).


I really lucked out today. I was looking to buy a PS3 Move set (got it) but was looking for a used version of Killzone 3. Saw it for $54 used in GameStop but figured I'd check Target and Best Buy to see if the price might be lower or if there was some sale going on. In Best Buy they had no copies but the sales guy suggested the Helghast Edition. I didn't even notice it was there but I tend to ignore collections like that as a general practice (Starcraft 2 being the exception). I guess it's been there a while because it was actually marked down to $49.99. So got that cheaper then a brand new single copy of the game and cheaper then the GameStop "used" version of the game. It was more value then anything I could have gotten from Amazon as well. :)

Might be able to finish this one now. Couldn't fully beat KZ2 due to the controls. Go to the end but couldn't respond fast enough in the final battle. Just gave up and took it back the rental when the time was up. Since I'm pretty good with the Wii remote things should be different this time around. I ended up trading my copy of Black Ops PS3 on Goozex

Though I might just skip the SP for right now and jump right into the multiplayer. Hopefully it's still active with no problems getting matches. PSN id = NeoStar9X
Metal-Geo said:
I see no evidence of this being a possible in an alternate timeline. The only thing I liked about KZ3's story is how it showed more about the higher-ups of Helghast. Besides that, the only way KZ3's SP could've blown its predecessor's out of the water is if they wrote an entirely different story.

You have a really high opinion of KZ2, perhaps you just forgot how awful the SP was in it. Outside the awesome cg intro, the game was a huge dud. To most KZ2's biggest stand out was it's unique multiplayer. KZ3 has flaws, but it's nowhere as bad as you make it. To most KZ3's biggest problem was that it changed so much of the MP component they loved in the 2nd game.
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