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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.
Deadly Cyclone said:
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.

Probably just didn't click with you or possibly you need to tweak the settings more or calibrate it so that you don't need to move your Move controller much. Could be a number of reasons why you haven't had success with the Move.
Tried out the demo, was surprisingly fun after the disappointment that was the beta. I still miss the recoil, but overall it was great. Presentation, dialog, graphics were better than Killzone 2, Rico is not a complete useless and stupid douchebag, controls still have some weight to them but are not lagging, and the wasp was awesome. Also tried it out with move since I got that a couple of days ago on the cheap, will post my impressions on the move thread, but to summarize, it worked really well, one of the best move games I tried.

Too bad I already made up my mind about only picking this up after a U$30 price tag and/or online co op is patched in, looks like this will be the best Killzone yet.


Awesome thread, good job OP.

Definitely on the fence with this game, I loved Killzone 2 but something about the single player demo for Killzone 3 on PSN just felt off to me. I actually miss the heavy feel to all the guns.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Deadly Cyclone said:
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.

How are you pointing it exactly?


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Deadly Cyclone said:
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.

I have it resting on my leg, not holding my arm in the air.


I just got to play this game! Currently I'm on the third chapter. Before I share my impressions, I just want to say one thing:

Fuck professional journalists. From the short time I've had with Killzone 3, I can honestly say: This is the best FPS I've played this entire generation. It reminds me so much of what Uncharted 2 is, its not even funny.

This game is a trifecta of perfection. If your a gamer you will absolutely love it. Sure there are things you can nit pick- some of the cut scenes have poor direction, the audio is mixed with almost no bass, and sometimes I kinda wish the HUD was less intrusive- but I'm going to be honest- these are all minor things to bitch about.

A word of advice - don't come into this game expecting to find some artistic meaning you can dissect. Its a game about war. The struggle of men trapped on a planet. It, alot like Uncharted, is a popcorn adventure.

Here are a couple of notes-

-The intro level starts off with a bang. Gone are the days where all you see is brown and stick to one type of game play. I don't want to spoil locales, but I promise people will be in for quite a shock.

- The graphics are absolutely in a league of their own. Any magazine article claiming they are an incremental step over the second game are kidding themselves. The amount of detail in every little nook and crannie of the game is just oozing to be revisited. This game is a massive achievement technically. It improves over its predecessor in every way and in my opinion, easily beats Uncharted 2, Rage and the Crysis 2 demo.

- It seems like every level I've played, they stick me into a new situation. It doesn't feel so much like a one trick pony kill box anymore. I feel constantly entertained. Example- you'll go from taking Higs on full force, to a sniper's level, to an on rails section. This is what makes this game so amazing. Your never bored. You are always doing something different, and you feel rewarded by the end of it.

- The three weapon system is something I hear no one talking about. You get a heavy gun, an assault rifle, and a pistol or some sort. It makes the game so much more strategic to play. It combines the best of the Weapon Wheel and the two weapon system. Also the ammo crates eliminate useless backtracking.

If you take Uncharted 2's ethos for storytelling and cut scenes, combine it with Black Hawk Down, and make it the technical showpiece of this generation- Killzone 3 is your love child.

It ranks up there with Portal as the most fun I've had. Fuck all the journos, by the time you all get it next week, you'll echo the same sentiments. The way Arkham Asylum was a 10, and journo's pick it apart to an 8 or 9, is the same thing this game is getting.


This is early GOTY stuff right here. Do not miss out on this game. Fuck whatever GT, IGN, Gamespot, or whoever is trying to down spin it. This is the defining FPS this gen, atleast from the first few levels. The graphics, the gun play, and the variety are mind blowing.

GG - I bitched and I moaned, and if you check my post history, became very cynical. Welcome to being amongst my favorite devs.


^ wow nice impressions man. Quick Question? For some one that was luke warm on the SP demo. Will the full game impress much more?


iratA said:
^ wow nice impressions man. Quick Question? For some one that was luke warm on the SP demo. Will the full game impress much more?
There's too much variety in the game to just go off of one demo. Give the full game a try, I promise, atleast some point in time, your jaw will drop.


The jungle level looks amazing. I haven't seen that much color in years. In fact the whole game looks deliciously colorful .....like candy smeared all over the TV set. Good stuff.


I'm currently replaying Killzone 2 and if KZ3 is even anywhere near as good then I'm going to be very impressed.

Killzone 2's campaign is awesome, and the motion blur and lighting effects are simply out of this world. It looks far better than the KZ3 demo too IMO. It's disappointing that the sequel lacks all the graphical touches which made the first game look so great.

I liked the animations of KZ2, and they all seem to be removed or insanely sped up in the sequel. The only thing they should have done is: reduce enemy health/increase weapon damage by a small bit, and remove input lag. That's it. Everything else was perfect.


To be frank I was going to get it anyway, the sharpshooter as well. Its just, the demo left me feeling rather indifferent really... but I haven't seen too much media on this one so I hope it does live up to expectations. I really enjoyed KZ2, so I don't know what exactly left me feeling out of sorts with the SP demo of 3.

EDIT: ^ yeah I agree the KZ3 demo didn't impress as much "visually" as KZ2 did, maybe its the lack of motion blur or something?


-viper- said:
I'm currently replaying Killzone 2 and if KZ3 is even anywhere near as good then I'm going to be very impressed.

Killzone 2's campaign is awesome, and the motion blur and lighting effects are simply out of this world. It looks far better than the KZ3 demo too IMO. It's disappointing that the sequel lacks all the graphical touches which made the first game look so great.

I liked the animations of KZ2, and they all seem to be removed or insanely sped up in the sequel. The only thing they should have done is: reduce enemy health/increase weapon damage by a small bit, and remove input lag. That's it. Everything else was perfect.

KZ3's campaign is imo much more impressive. Basically more of the same but much more diverse, grandiose and better paced. Not to mentioned prettier and in actual gameplay, more polished. There are some things less polished, such as gameplay to cut scene transitions (sometime's they start too suddenly) and the lessened motion blur is missed, but you won't be complaining for long when playing as the post processing and lighting has been upped a big notch in everything else. Do NOT judge based off the demo level as that is the most neutral and mellow level in the game. Far as gritty war torn or in-human levels go anyway.


thuway said:
- The three weapon system is something I hear no one talking about. You get a heavy gun, an assault rifle, and a pistol or some sort. It makes the game so much more strategic to play. It combines the best of the Weapon Wheel and the two weapon system. Also the ammo crates eliminate useless backtracking.

This is the one thing I wasnt expecting when I played the demo. KZ1 allowed for three weapons which I really missed in KZ2, so having some of that variety back is welcome if they allow for choices rather than one per level (like the jetpack in the demo).
Deadly Cyclone said:
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.

Yeah, I also played some MAG with it so I had some experience. All I can say is keep trying. Oh, and how are you pointing at your screen. My move and navi are in my lap. You should only have to move your wrist in order to shoot. If you are "pointing" at everything and moving your arm around you are probably doing it wrong. Remember you judge the "size" of your screen when you calibrate so do it casually.


I didn't want to get this game Day 1 since I haven't started Dead Space 2 and I'm still loving LBP2, but the Amazon $20 credit pushed me over the edge and I think every other game is going on hold when this arrives.

I'm so psyched for it.
thuway said:
I just got to play this game! Currently I'm on the third chapter. Before I share my impressions, I just want to say one thing:

Fuck professional journalists. From the short time I've had with Killzone 3, I can honestly say: This is the best FPS I've played this entire generation. It reminds me so much of what Uncharted 2 is, its not even funny.

This game is a trifecta of perfection. If your a gamer you will absolutely love it. Sure there are things you can nit pick- some of the cut scenes have poor direction, the audio is mixed with almost no bass, and sometimes I kinda wish the HUD was less intrusive- but I'm going to be honest- these are all minor things to bitch about.

A word of advice - don't come into this game expecting to find some artistic meaning you can dissect. Its a game about war. The struggle of men trapped on a planet. It, alot like Uncharted, is a popcorn adventure.

Here are a couple of notes-

-The intro level starts off with a bang. Gone are the days where all you see is brown and stick to one type of game play. I don't want to spoil locales, but I promise people will be in for quite a shock.

- The graphics are absolutely in a league of their own. Any magazine article claiming they are an incremental step over the second game are kidding themselves. The amount of detail in every little nook and crannie of the game is just oozing to be revisited. This game is a massive achievement technically. It improves over its predecessor in every way and in my opinion, easily beats Uncharted 2, Rage and the Crysis 2 demo.

- It seems like every level I've played, they stick me into a new situation. It doesn't feel so much like a one trick pony kill box anymore. I feel constantly entertained. Example- you'll go from taking Higs on full force, to a sniper's level, to an on rails section. This is what makes this game so amazing. Your never bored. You are always doing something different, and you feel rewarded by the end of it.

- The three weapon system is something I hear no one talking about. You get a heavy gun, an assault rifle, and a pistol or some sort. It makes the game so much more strategic to play. It combines the best of the Weapon Wheel and the two weapon system. Also the ammo crates eliminate useless backtracking.

If you take Uncharted 2's ethos for storytelling and cut scenes, combine it with Black Hawk Down, and make it the technical showpiece of this generation- Killzone 3 is your love child.

It ranks up there with Portal as the most fun I've had. Fuck all the journos, by the time you all get it next week, you'll echo the same sentiments. The way Arkham Asylum was a 10, and journo's pick it apart to an 8 or 9, is the same thing this game is getting.


This is early GOTY stuff right here. Do not miss out on this game. Fuck whatever GT, IGN, Gamespot, or whoever is trying to down spin it. This is the defining FPS this gen, atleast from the first few levels. The graphics, the gun play, and the variety are mind blowing.

GG - I bitched and I moaned, and if you check my post history, became very cynical. Welcome to being amongst my favorite devs.

how is it working for gorilla?


^^^^^Glad that guy had a lot of fun with it!

Don't really see how it could be the defining FPS of this generation (at least for the first few levels, :D) but I have yet to play it. So, we'll see!


Decarb said:
Who the heck is gorilla?


Finished the game myself, impressions below:

+ Graphics are awesome, great atmosphere
+ This is one of the few few fps where i understand everything thats going on and i'm never wondering why i'm blowing this particular thing up, or need to make it to this location etc...
+ A.I. is challenging.
+ The environments feel larger than in KZ2. Plus there usually more than one way to tackle most situations

-Missed opportunities.
The beginning could've been HL2 awesome
A few times i said to myself, "I wish i could control this part." In fact i think they could've kept everything first person and not relied on cut-scenes to tell the story. It would've been better that way imo.

-On rails sections. These were well done, but i think theres too many. The last one looks amazing, but c'mon
your gonna take me into space only so i can aim and shoot

-WTF at the ending, and
anyone have an idea who that is coming back to Helghan

Overall, I felt it was much better than KZ2. Gunplay is great (sliding into cover and vaulting is awesome) You can really get into a rhythm after a while, like the first time you played gears of war and the controls click. At least thats how it was for me lol

I want GG to really just go for it next time. There are glimpses of greatness sprinkled throughout the campaign but they played it safe for the most part


Neo Member
evolution said:
Finished the game myself, impressions below:

-WTF at the ending, and
anyone have an idea who that is coming back to Helghan

I assumed it was Stahl, but not too sure


r.gun said:
I assumed it was Stahl, but not too sure
I guess you could be right and he escapes before the nuke.

Which brings up another point. The ISA were really quick to drop a nuke on the planet. They didn't even think twice about it. I wonder how many people they ended up killing I think thats definitely something thats gonna be brought up in the sequel


Just finished the game on Trooper, it was pretty good. Some slight polish issues, but only as far as presentation is concerned.(Weird camera angels in cinematics, strange jump in continuity and some audio sync issues.) No problems with the actual gameplay, and the game is (obviously) gorgeous.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
JB1981 said:
You basically already have to be locked into cover and then press x to vault

Or L3 if using the Move. :p

Bare in mind tho it's somewhat glitchy. Some geometry can't be vaulted over for some reason, despite looking totally "vaultable".

Side note, god I love the second half of this game.
After having rescued Narville.
Playing on Elite is soooo good.


AranhaHunter said:
What settings should I put the move in in order to get optimal results?
Keep experimenting with settings, and DO NOT miss TTP's latest video. I used Move during the Beta and thought controls were really good, but sometimes it felt odd and I was always fiddling with the Turn Speed and Sensitivity.
Sometimes the cursor was so jumpy I couldn't even use ADS.
I actually thought my Move controllers were borked in some way lol.

Had I not seen TTP's video I wouldn't figure out what I was doing wrong during calibration, and now it feels even better and it's consistent. So good, I'm going to buy a Navcon.

Many thanks TTP.
Having beat the single-player campaign a while ago (review copy, and yes, it is much better than most publications are claiming), I'm gagging to play multiplayer with the retail people.
evolution said:
Finished the game myself, impressions below:

+ Graphics are awesome, great atmosphere
+ This is one of the few few fps where i understand everything thats going on and i'm never wondering why i'm blowing this particular thing up, or need to make it to this location etc...
+ A.I. is challenging.
+ The environments feel larger than in KZ2. Plus there usually more than one way to tackle most situations

-Missed opportunities.
The beginning could've been HL2 awesome
A few times i said to myself, "I wish i could control this part." In fact i think they could've kept everything first person and not relied on cut-scenes to tell the story. It would've been better that way imo.

-On rails sections. These were well done, but i think theres too many. The last one looks amazing, but c'mon
your gonna take me into space only so i can aim and shoot

-WTF at the ending, and
anyone have an idea who that is coming back to Helghan

Overall, I felt it was much better than KZ2. Gunplay is great (sliding into cover and vaulting is awesome) You can really get into a rhythm after a while, like the first time you played gears of war and the controls click. At least thats how it was for me lol

I want GG to really just go for it next time. There are glimpses of greatness sprinkled throughout the campaign but they played it safe for the most part
I think the issue here was a lack of time. Yeah, Naughty Dog can make one of the greatest games of all time in only two years, but most devs can't. Insomniac failed with Resistance 2, which is why they're giving R3 a three year dev cycle, and even Bungie takes three years for each mainline Halo game. Then there's the whole concept of Valve Time.

Everything I've read about KZ3 implies it's an incredible game, but it lacks polish in some areas, like cutscenes, the lack of online co-op, or the missing features in multiplayer. An extra six months to a year in the oven would've fixed most of that.


Yeah, GG even said they didn't have time to put custom soundtracks into the MP .. I mean that was in KZ2 so we can assume they were REALLY pressed for time.

I would not have minded if they pushed KZ3 for a holiday release, but at least they can patch patch patch until then ..


I hope each and every one of you goes out and tries this game. This deserves to get as many sales as possible. I hope word of mouth is great on this.

I want anyone to name one SP FPS game that bests this experience. Not even the amazing Resistance 1 is as strong as this game.


thuway said:
I hope each and every one of you goes out and tries this game. This deserves to get as many sales as possible. I hope word of mouth is great on this.

I want anyone to name one SP FPS game that bests this experience. Not even the amazing Resistance 1 is as strong as this game.

but but the reviews!!
thuway said:
I hope each and every one of you goes out and tries this game. This deserves to get as many sales as possible. I hope word of mouth is great on this.

I want anyone to name one SP FPS game that bests this experience. Not even the amazing Resistance 1 is as strong as this game.
Don't worry. i have a feeling that i'm not going to agree with the reviews (from what i've allready seen, played and read)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I redid my preorder with Amazon for the $20 credit. Between that, the two remake maps, and a combined six unlock points it is an easy purchase even with some misgivings about the new scoring system. At the very least I loved the single player demo. If it is that consistently entertaining for six to seven hours I'll be happy. And I'm not going to be any more concerned about the story in this than I was with Reach or Black Ops. Can't believe the shit reviewers whine about these days.


So I managed to get a Nav controller to compliment my Move controller, but playing the demo again, there's still no option to switch buttons around. For anyone who has the final game, is this option in the retail game?

I want to be able to have L1 as Aim rather than L2, and I want to have to have it as Hold rather than Toggle.


Thrakier said:
Hm, the average score is quite good, isn't it?

Not as good as it deserve to be imo. And the excessive bitching on the story is simply not warranted. The most negative of the reviews still baffle me. I've kind of written off Joystiq and Games(TM) since reading them. These two particular reviews are complete and utter tripe, so much so that I honestly just can't take the outlets seriously.


Deadly Cyclone said:
I tried the beta with Move and could not do a damn thing. I am not getting how you all are saying you can dominate with it, as I had a hard time just moving around. Also it is uncomfortable holding the controller pointing at the screen for long periods of time.
You don't need to be pointing at the screen the whole time. If the cursor seems off, you might need to calibrate either through the XMB or the game's options.

Moving around, if you're using the Dual Shock it might be a little more difficult, but not impossible. Obviously the NavCon would be better, for someone planing on playing the entire game with Move-controls.


nib95 said:
Not as good as it deserve to be imo. And the excessive bitching on the story is simply not warranted. The most negative of the reviews still baffle me. I've kind of written off Joystiq and Games(TM) since reading them. These two particular reviews are complete and utter tripe, so much so that I honestly just can't take the outlets seriously.

I don't understand the criticism of the story either, it's not great, but it is in no way worse than, say MW2. The story is entertaining and easy to follow, though it is rather cheesy. This couyld however be said of most fps-stories.
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