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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


It's really funny actually, but I was such a pro CoD fanatic (let's face it, under Infinity Ward, Modern Warfare 1&2 were the best); but tomorrow in the UK, I'm trading in Black Ops and Hot Pursuit for my steel box edition of KZ3 :)

I take it the yanks have got this before us? What's your opinion on it so far, especially the voice acting? I love my Winstones and McDowells!!!!
coolcole93 said:
Anyone else think that the SMG's are pretty underpowered? I've played a couple of matches now and it seems that I can't beat an assault rifle from close range with one, which surely is its job?
Definitely underpowered, but less recoil and higher rate of fire than Assault.

Fair trade, I suppose.

Edit: to answer the message above me, McDowell is fucking amazing! Though I have not finished the game, people complained that some English voice actors were soul-less and that Russian (!) is actually a better choice if you understand it lol.
I am from Germany but i use my US account as my main, so i had sometimes problems with DLC i've got with an euro game. Can someone please confirm to me that i am not going to have problems? :/

Also: Was there a gafclan thread, where i could put my brother and myself on the list?
kaz2y5 said:
It's really funny actually, but I was such a pro CoD fanatic (let's face it, under Infinity Ward, Modern Warfare 1&2 were the best); but tomorrow in the UK, I'm trading in Black Ops and Hot Pursuit for my steel box edition of KZ3 :)

I take it the yanks have got this before us? What's your opinion on it so far, especially the voice acting? I love my Winstones and McDowells!!!!

They're good villains. Winstone's inflections are endlessly fascinating and of course McDowell hams it up like a champ. But having no characters voiced by Brian Cox and Sean Pertwee leaves a huge void.


Hey Shagg_187 (is that how many women you've slept with? Lol!)

That's great to know and actually relieved about. With great graphics comes great voice acting and glad Guerilla have treated our acting talent with respect.

Have you had a chance to use the shotgun yet? I was crazy about the Magnum (357?) from KZ2, which although looked it like it couldn't do much damage, did! And what's it like with the jetpacks? (Sorry if I'm pre-empting!)

Do you think there will be a KZ4 in 2013 and for that to be the final chapter?

BTW, I'm getting a £47 trade-in with my games, so at least my debit card lives another day :)


show some balls, man
I played a few hours of the SP campaign now, i am enjoying it but some areas of the levels (especially early on) do seem rather unpolished gfx wise.
kaz2y5 said:
Hey Shagg_187 (is that how many women you've slept with? Lol!)

That's great to know and actually relieved about. With great graphics comes great voice acting and glad Guerilla have treated our acting talent with respect.

Have you had a chance to use the shotgun yet? I was crazy about the Magnum (357?) from KZ2, which although looked it like it couldn't do much damage, did! And what's it like with the jetpacks? (Sorry if I'm pre-empting!)

Do you think there will be a KZ4 in 2013 and for that to be the final chapter?

BTW, I'm getting a £47 trade-in with my games, so at least my debit card lives another day :)
More like shagg_187 minus 183, but yeah im getting there lol :p

Shotgun is awesome, Magnum is awesomer!! Jetpack isn't really my choice of weapon, and so isn't mech (I hate "peripherals" like these in my shooters. Sorry!)

Haven't finished KZ3 so I don't know how the story ends to warrant a sequel but if Sony is smart, they will have a sequel, most likely outsourced to a new development team (or to the new team of GG) while the main team at Guerilla Games focus on a brand new IP.


Shagg_187, that's a few more than me then ;-)

Ohhhh music to my ballistic ears! So, is the Magnum upgraded to a .44 then? And how's the swearing, lol! You F***king said what?
kaz2y5 said:
Shagg_187, that's a few more than me then ;-)

Ohhhh music to my ballistic ears! So, is the Magnum upgraded to a .44 then? And how's the swearing, lol! You F***king said what?
Can't say if it's an upgrade or not but it's my choice of weapon. Will need opinion of other hardcore KZ-era like KZ/FFObsessed for that! :)

Swearing is still there and still thrown out on random situations lol. Toned down a bit though cause a lot of people complained at the randomness of it.


spiderman123 said:
ending was awesome

in the beginning the daughter pulled her hand away.....prob be it was visari double. So in the end he may be alive in the pod... hope the ISA fuckers b/c war criminals

Ok I hadn't thought of that at all. If that's what goes down in KZ4 then my mind will be fucking blown. Good catch btw dude.
kaz2y5 said:

Hahaha, I am a happy frigging bunny, man! You should look at this as it's quite a hoot to see grown men be school kids again: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/po...lights-Malcolm-McDowell-And-Ray-Winstone.html

I understand why Guerilla didn't want Coxy again (still the best Hannibal Lektor in my opinion) but no Pertwee?!? That's a bleedin' liberty mate!

I'm a much more unhappy bunny. Incredible disappointed withthe multiplayer after an hour or two playtime. GW is ok, Operations is actually pretty damn good, but Warzone is atrocious. Every map is a clusterfuck with too few chokepoints. Warzone seems to so far be ISA on one side of a door and Helghast on the other side of a door with each chucking grenades, spraying wildly into it. I've got off now and I don't think I'll be playing again until I have some other people to play with - maybe it's just the public games which are like that. I'm very, VERY disappointed.

That said, I haven't tried the single player yet so maybe that will make me feel a bit better.


@Shagg_187: How many hours have you been playing it for? (Taken a break yet or what?) Without spoilers, do let me know (on an awesome rating out of 10) what you thought of the ending?

@Coolcole: I need to home my single player skills before venturing into multiplayer mode. It's a shame there are glitches but with DLC, they should iron those out. BTW, who does Sean Pertwee play in KZ2? Too lazy to imdb it, loool!!
kaz2y5 said:
@Shagg_187: How many hours have you been playing it for? (Taken a break yet or what?) Without spoilers, do let me know (on an awesome rating out of 10) what you thought of the ending?

@Coolcole: I need to home my single player skills before venturing into multiplayer mode. It's a shame there are glitches but with DLC, they should iron those out. BTW, who does Sean Pertwee play in KZ2? Too lazy to imdb it, loool!!

The thing is though, it isn't glitchy. Glitches can be patched. From what I've played so far, it's just bad. I think it's mainly in the map design and weapon balance. The maps are all chokepoint-centric and filter large numbers of players into small amounts of space. Add to that that if you don't use an Assault Rifle or LMG you won't do very well and then multiply that by the fact that the invisible guys have the best Assault Rifle. It isn't looking good :(


Having fun with the MP. 52 kills with 7750 points on one game and another 5350 on another with the WASP rocket launcher. Then my PS3 locked up. lol.


Mawlr graveyard is such a festering shithole of a map. YOU. NEED. MORE. TSPS. You need less areas that are there just for dickheads to camp in.

Corinth highway is still crap. Still only 2 TSPs, still both unbalanced in their placement and geometry.

Nobody went tactician on my team. Nobody. Nobody went tact on their's either. Warzone is just TDM with the harassment of minor objectives to complete. What a fucking waste of a great idea.

People just play to get their K:D ratios up. Seriously reduce the points per kill to 25 so these arseholes disappear into TDM and leave warzone to people who want to play a team-based objective game.



8/8/2010 Blackace was here
just passed demo part, single player feels a lot better this time thanks to improved control:) but i think kz3 doesnt look as good as i hopped :( snow levels looks amazing but first 2 section of the game didnt look good tbh lots of jaggies and shimmering and
part looked good but nothing mind blowing.
I was able to put a couple hours into the campaign last night and I'm really enjoying it. I'm a complete Killzone noob, never have played the previous entries into the series, but the SP demo really sold me on the game. It is definitely in the top-tier of best looking console games ever and I think those complaining about textures and art direction are out of your mind. The volumetric smoke effects are of the best I've ever seen outside of CGI cut-scenes.

I did see a lot of the issues others have already mentioned with the hit boxes around objects being larger than the actual object itself. I'm finding it difficult to pick off arms, legs, and heads that are visible from behind cover. You'll see the small bullet impact graphic go off like you hit an object, but the graphic is over an enemy body part that it should have obviously hit.

I also think the game could benefit greatly from some better cut-scene directing. The cinematography is fairly bad to my eyes and seems to be put together by a couple of amateurs.

Overall though, the shooting and overall feel of the game is really good, which is what it's mostly about. I passed up KZ2 because of the control issues in the demo (I noticed the issues myself before the internet blew up over it) but they really feel good in KZ3.

As for the 3D mode, if your television has a lot of ghosting/crosstalk issues, this game probably isn't for you. One of the reasons the SP demo impressed me was because the snow level looked pretty fantastic with minimal ghosting, but the color palette used there isn't reflected towards the rest of the game, so ghosting is pretty horrid. Hell, in the early scenes in the board room, I'm seeing 3 of everything, it's not even close. I tried turning down the 3D effect to minimize my eyes crossing, but anything below 75-80% depth lost the effect altogether for my eyes.

I'll be trying the Move tonight after picking up a nav controller yesterday.


Played a couple of hours, I imagine it's all old news by now but it's been a mixed bag for me, the 'stealth' mission that goes before the demo section is utterly incredible though, I can play that stuff for days. I tend to think GG have struggled a little for a sense of identity, and although there are other games that offer similar flexibility as that section of the game, notably Crysis and presumably Crysis 2, I think with their competition for the most part fixating on arena encounters or heavily scripted shooting galleries there is plenty of room for a slower more considered shooter on the consoles.

The Bink video is a little lame, I didn't really understand the issues people had with it conceptually in that thread the other day, but it's unfortunate. I've had some irritating audio bugs, and some audio cues I didn't really understand but my biggest gripe is really the way the demo ends completely spoils the beginning of the game, and it's not even how the end of that demo section actually ends, I can't fathom why that decision was made.

I'm not far in so I hope I get more hunting gameplay before the end, but so far it's a clear significant step up from KZ2 and could go either way depending on the focus of the rest of the campaign for me.


The level after the demo level was amazing! That weapon you get is fucking yummy, and the encounters were really well-staged and simply fun.


Facism said:
Mawlr graveyard is such a festering shithole of a map. YOU. NEED. MORE. TSPS. You need less areas that are there just for dickheads to camp in.

Corinth highway is still crap. Still only 2 TSPs, still both unbalanced in their placement and geometry.

Nobody went tactician on my team. Nobody. Nobody went tact on their's either. Warzone is just TDM with the harassment of minor objectives to complete. What a fucking waste of a great idea.

People just play to get their K:D ratios up. Seriously reduce the points per kill to 25 so these arseholes disappear into TDM and leave warzone to people who want to play a team-based objective game.


I joined KZ GAF last night, was put on the other team. The map was Mawlr graveyard I think. Is that the one with the big environmental hazard in the middle of the map that squishes you? Anyway, yea, that was the one. I joined mid-game and Lunlunq and I spent the next 30 minutes getting spawn camped by KZ GAF. I was literally stuck in the same room the entire game with no way of escaping. There are three avenues of escape, the front door out the main room .. that was covere .. there is then a subterranean escape route - that was being camped .. and then there was exit around back of this room but KZ GAF had sentry turrets, airbots and dudes with M82s picking us off. It was - BY FAR - the worst example of shit map design and awful spawn camping that I have EVER SEEN in a MP game. One could say it was because of the brilliant tactics of KZ GAF (which I'm sure played a part lol) but I prefer to think it's just an example of FAILED MAP DESIGN. Seriously, I cannot believe how awful some of these maps are. Pathetic.

The maps in KZ2 were amazing. What in the world happened here.


Random MP Thoughts after another rather enjoyable session:

- Marksman is the most fun to play, but Tactician makes me feel most useful to my team.

- Marksman with the Infiltrator's 3rd weapon (silenced assault rifle) + cloak is a beast.

- People need to learn to shoot the Medic's corpse to kill his bot. Relatedly, it is incredibly frustrating that a corpse doesn't become vulnerable until it actually hits the ground.

- If I don't want to play on the retro maps do I not just hit "Find Match"?


JB1981 said:
I joined KZ GAF last night, was put on the other team. The map was Mawlr graveyard I think. Is that the one with the big environmental hazard in the middle of the map that squishes you? Anyway, yea, that was the one. I joined mid-game and Lunlunq and I spent the next 30 minutes getting spawn camped by KZ GAF. I was literally stuck in the same room the entire game with no way of escaping. There are three avenues of escape, the front door out the main room .. that was covere .. there is then a subterranean escape route - that was being camped .. and then there was exit around back of this room but KZ GAF had sentry turrets, airbots and dudes with M82s picking us off. It was - BY FAR - the worst example of shit map design and awful spawn camping that I have EVER SEEN in a MP game. One could say it was because of the brilliant tactics of KZ GAF (which I'm sure played a part lol) but I prefer to think it's just an example of FAILED MAP DESIGN. Seriously, I cannot believe how awful some of these maps are. Pathetic.

The maps in KZ2 were amazing. What in the world happened here.

in KZ2 we would have been inside your camp and picking you out .


JB1981 said:
I joined KZ GAF last night, was put on the other team. The map was Mawlr graveyard I think. Is that the one with the big environmental hazard in the middle of the map that squishes you? Anyway, yea, that was the one. I joined mid-game and Lunlunq and I spent the next 30 minutes getting spawn camped by KZ GAF. I was literally stuck in the same room the entire game with no way of escaping. There are three avenues of escape, the front door out the main room .. that was covere .. there is then a subterranean escape route - that was being camped .. and then there was exit around back of this room but KZ GAF had sentry turrets, airbots and dudes with M82s picking us off. It was - BY FAR - the worst example of shit map design and awful spawn camping that I have EVER SEEN in a MP game. One could say it was because of the brilliant tactics of KZ GAF (which I'm sure played a part lol) but I prefer to think it's just an example of FAILED MAP DESIGN. Seriously, I cannot believe how awful some of these maps are. Pathetic.

The maps in KZ2 were amazing. What in the world happened here.

yeh that's Mawlr Gimmickyard.

Lead MP designer and level designer jumped ship after KZ2 for Brink, apparently. Plus GG got in the talented mp designer from Merceneries 2 to replace the lost talent.

The spawn camping is terrible. You can still spawn camp a team halfway across the map on Corinth Highway. I can imagine turbine is still the king of spawn camping, though.

Terrible assymetric maps that have been made to look pretty or facilitate a gimmick before any gameplay considerations.
Ugh. Don't remind me of Cornith Highway. I'll pretend it doesn't exists after getting spawn camped by Mechs. Hell, I was spawn-camped so badly in Beta that they came into our base and took the fucking mechs!


beast786 said:
in KZ2 we would have been inside your camp and picking you out .
No you wouldn't have at least I could have thrown a spawn grenade up your asses and could have created a clusterfuck somewhere else on the map rather than be confined to that shitty room!!!!
Played about 30 minutes last night, pretty awesome game. I loved Killzone 2 and played the multiplayer for a while, can't wait to dive into the MP here.

The only issue I've seen, and it kind of breaks the immersion, is sound glitches with the characters voices. I'll be in a firefight and will be getting orders from Narville or someone else and it just repeats certain things, sometimes 3 or 4 times. So it'll be like "Sev! Take out those RPGs, those RPGs, those RPGs!" It's kind of weird.


@Blurredvision: Like me, you should play KZ2, it's something else and scores points where CoD hasn't. the AI is superb and every time you respawn, the AI brings out new tactics.

As for the 3D element, wait until Sony announce their 3D HDTV that doesn't require the use of those douchebag $150 glasses. I know a buddy of mine who's been privvy to gameware developers who are working on the PS4 (doubt if that's its official name) and from what he's heard, it's all geared towards 3D gaming as well (maybe this will coincide with that TV).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, I just came back to this game after spending a lot of time with Bulletstorm on the PC. Should probably have waited a bit before switching as the jump from 60 fps to 30 fps was more jarring than usual. :\ This definitely looks nicer overall, though.

TSAGoodness said:
Played about 30 minutes last night, pretty awesome game. I loved Killzone 2 and played the multiplayer for a while, can't wait to dive into the MP here.

The only issue I've seen, and it kind of breaks the immersion, is sound glitches with the characters voices. I'll be in a firefight and will be getting orders from Narville or someone else and it just repeats certain things, sometimes 3 or 4 times. So it'll be like "Sev! Take out those RPGs, those RPGs, those RPGs!" It's kind of weird.
This just happened to me in a cutscene. It's very strange indeed.


Is it just me or is it helluva laggy at the moment? Just spent about 15 mins on operations and it is almost unplayable : (


LOL @ Japan launch party






kaz2y5 said:
@Blurredvision: Like me, you should play KZ2, it's something else and scores points where CoD hasn't. the AI is superb and every time you respawn, the AI brings out new tactics.

As for the 3D element, wait until Sony announce their 3D HDTV that doesn't require the use of those douchebag $150 glasses. I know a buddy of mine who's been privvy to gameware developers who are working on the PS4 (doubt if that's its official name) and from what he's heard, it's all geared towards 3D gaming as well (maybe this will coincide with that TV).

The first consumer televisions that won't require active or passive shutter glasses might see market later this year, but they'll be in limited quantity and absurdly expensive. Plus the viewing angle on these initial sets are going to be ridiculously small. I have no doubt that the next Playstation console will put an even bigger focus on 3D than the current PS3 already is, but if you don't like the glasses (which aren't anywhere near as big of a deal as many people make them out to be) then you'll be waiting for at least 3-4 years, if not more, for an affordable and reliable auto-stereoscopic television.

At the current moment, the best bet for 3D is plasma or maybe DLP. LCD just under-performs in every way.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Facism said:
yeh that's Mawlr Gimmickyard.

Lead MP designer and level designer jumped ship after KZ2 for Brink, apparently. Plus GG got in the talented mp designer from Merceneries 2 to replace the lost talent.

The spawn camping is terrible. You can still spawn camp a team halfway across the map on Corinth Highway. I can imagine turbine is still the king of spawn camping, though.

Terrible assymetric maps that have been made to look pretty or facilitate a gimmick before any gameplay considerations.

On many maps I was spawn camped pretty effectively, or my team was spawn camping the other team pretty effectively. Since the game doesn't have spawn grenades or even smoke grenades and the map design can be pretty poor, I can see it happening ALL THE TIME when an organized team faces pubs. There are only a few maps that I'll even play any more, but I do love the game on those select maps.

By the way, those mounted rocket guns are pretty ridiculous. On one map, I went 44-0 before feeling bad that I was murdering everyone who dared to leave cover and come into my area. Unfortunately, the mounted guns on market are not quite even - the ISA's rockets are in a much better position. I'm all for asymetical map design and all, but at least make it even. On some maps one side has a distinct advantage.
Game looks great (yeah, i noticed some shimmering jaggies and hopefully jaggies wil be gone on the nextgen consoles). AMAZING how this game looks. People really need to play ps2 games again to see how big the leap really is. Then again, some people are blind..

Shooting is great. Especially with Move.
I would like Guerilla to stay away from the hollywoodesque/ Spielberg scenes
where a car tumbles off a cliff and then they yell "ooooh shiiitt"..
jesus christ Guerilla, show some european balls. I was waiting for the John Williams music to start.

But, so far so good. Move works like a charm. Bye bye dual analog piece of shit for shooters.


Lion Heart said:
Two random observations in SP:

- Grenades do nothing
- The music in this game is fucking fantastic.

I find the grenades to be highly effective. Ironically, one of the first grenades I threw netted me that "3 kills at once" trophy.


Finished the campaign on veteran yesterday using Move. Visuals were breathtaking and the campaign had some very cool parts like the one where
Helghast soldiers attack the ISA base in the Kaznan jungle. It was awesome when the mist started setting in.

I got my enjoyment out of it but I wish they would've gone a bit deeper with the story and the characters which all felt pretty flat.


JB1981 said:
No you wouldn't have at least I could have thrown a spawn grenade up your asses and could have created a clusterfuck somewhere else on the map rather than be confined to that shitty room!!!!

actually Killing you as soon as you spawn via spawn grenade would have been even more easier.

Spawn grenade camping was worse.

Not saying that the current system is working like a charm. But spawn grenade is def not the answer.

My suggestion would be :
to increase the number of Home Base spawn area that are a little separated

A tactician would always have to be at the Spawn area for it to be capture, it will force team to be more spread out.


BeeDog said:
I find the grenades to be highly effective. Ironically, one of the first grenades I threw netted me that "3 kills at once" trophy.

Samesies. Got that trophy on the first level with some random over-cooked grenade.


spats said:
Finished the campaign on veteran yesterday using Move. Visuals were breathtaking and the campaign had some very cool parts like the one where
Helghast soldiers attack the ISA base in the Kaznan jungle. It was awesome when the mist started setting in.
I thought my game messed up when that happened. Everything just turned white and I didn't know what the hell was going on.
DMeisterJ said:
Samesies. Got that trophy on the first level with some random over-cooked grenade.

Same here, though I found enemy grenades to be much more effective against me than mine were. Later in the game they just keep chucking them around your cover.
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