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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Full Recovery said:
Anyone else getting lock-ups in the menu when they disconnect from multiplayer by pressing circle? This has happened twice now.

Yep, happed to me several times today, as well as a lock up in the middle of a match. Fix this shit Guerrilla has never been more appropriate.


Dilemma: I'm finally purchasing a new 50" Panny upgrading from a 32" 720 Sony Bravia. Going to likely order in the next week or so. Guess what showed up in the mailbox today from gamefly? KZ3. Came earlier than expected.

Keanu voice: What...would...you...do? Wait or play?
I beat the game today on veteran.

I'd say this is probably the best FPS SP I've played this gen. It also has the best pure mechanics in the genre, both in fluidity and gunplay although too much autoaim.

The first half of the game is absolutely incredible but after you reach the end of the demo area, it dips in quality. The snow level in particular is fast, but really fun and exciting. Also the best graphical set piece this gen.

I don't like the indoor areas that much and the junkyard wasn't particularly pleasing. In terms of visuals, I prefer the first half of the games locations with the current engine, but I like KZ2s engine for indoor areas, and multiplayer in general (way too noisy, Lords of Shadow style)

A.I. is awesome and probably the best in the biz. I like how if you get too close with multiple helghast, you will die instantly. Most games give you a short buffer in which you have an opportunity to take them all out but not in KZ3. It makes you feel like you are just another soldier and not some one man army god.

Its a great game but it does feel rushed in certain areas and many times it feels not very killzoney. There really wasn't any city/town locations like in KZ2, which has such great architecture and designs and I miss that. Same with the high quality motion blur, god rays, and lots of little nuances like the almost poetic nature of the way light reflected off a dead helghast and the artisic looking blood seeping out. You get glimpses of it in the snow area just not to the same effectiveness.

I enjoyed all of the on rails stuff except for the snow vehicle section (very terrible/rushed) and they break up the action nicely. I also found the story interesting enough that I wanted to see what happens, strange ending aside.
Sev nuked the planet right?
. Definitely not worse than COD or the other big budget shooters.

I plan on replaying the game on the hardest difficulty which usually indicates a game is quality. This time with move, although it was pretty difficult in MP where I preferred the DS3. I also got the itch to replay KZ2.

Not a huge MP guy but I enjoyed the little I played so far, minus some of the frustrations (connecting issues, grainyness, melee).

Overall I definitely recommend the game.
Regarding the ending. Does anyone think that maybe
the weapon didn't kill the entire population of Helghan? Maybe the nuke was designed to not affect them? I'm sure the soldiers we see at the end were on the planet when the bomb went off. They seem unaffected to me.
I just finished the game.

What a mess.

They took one step forward and two steps back.

The overhauled controls are great, and it really helps with the gameplay, but the scenarios in-game were so bland and cookie-cutter shooter. The endgame is a complete mess, they made some baffling design decisions with the last bit. The story had a lot of potential but the writing is not very good, and it feels as though SO MUCH just didn't make it into the game. Their were so many times when I had no idea why I was in an area and what I was doing there.

I'll probably revisit this post further once I can think more clearly about what was good and bad with this game.

On to the multiplayer....


weekend_warrior said:
Yep, happed to me several times today, as well as a lock up in the middle of a match. Fix this shit Guerrilla has never been more appropriate.
Just I just locked up while playing on Turbine, the EMP was charging up and I was using the jetpack. LOCK, and it was freaking loud too, the EMP noise was constant until I shut it off. fucking guerrilla.
Okay, i now at the
stealth jungle
section and i do have some gripes:

- Cutscenes are too long. Making a game more cinematic does not mean you have to ad more cinematics...
- I agree with he people that say that Killzone is in a identity crisis with part 3. Some levels are too much like levels from other shooters in a better coat of paint.
- I'm playing on veteran but it feels like i play on normal.
- too much colour, not atmospheric enough.

What i love:
- great shooting and cover mechanics
- Move works like a dream
- Great graphics

Are there some memorable game segments coming?
I sure hope i'm not half way yet.

Oh, and the story thus far is fine.


I'd be in the dick
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Regarding the ending. Does anyone think that maybe
the weapon didn't kill the entire population of Helghan? Maybe the nuke was designed to not affect them? I'm sure the soldiers we see at the end were on the planet when the bomb went off. They seem unaffected to me.
They were Hazmat soldiers. Their armor protects them from that kind of radiation. If you shoot them with the arc cannon they're usually just knocked over.


alr1ghtstart said:
tell that to the teams that get base raped the whole match against us.

The problem is in the head of the players who does not play tactician or play the class real bad.

The new spawn mechanics are more retarded friendly that the old system was in my opinion.

I'm starting to play a little multiplayer and the more i play it, the more i like it and understand the modifications they made multiplayer side.

Killzone 2 multi remains better only when played in well organized clans, This one looks more enjoyable by semi casuals while losing only a little when played in a good planned and organized way.
This game reminds me of Halo 2. A sequel that bit off more than it could chew and ran out of time. A game that ended up being downsized in the rush to get it out the door; a re-cut and cobbled together impression of the game it should have been.

KZ3 needed 6 more months of work, minimum. The opening cinematic ends with some random off-screen line like it was cut out of a larger movie, then *boom* title screen. Wat? Levels end with me facing a wall or empty street and just lowering my gun, fade to black. Cutscenes are miserably directed, and barely transition with the gameplay. "6 months later" really? Then there's the streamlining.

I liked KZ2's campaign, I thought the cover mechanic was wonderful and the encounters were generally great. At moments it really felt like a large scale battle, with some good sandbox combat. It was a game that showed tremendous promise. Unfortunately with KZ3 Guerrilla ditched almost everything that made number 2 fun in favor of COD style set-piece gameplay. Walk forward through a tiny trench for 20 yards, fade to black. On rails shooting, fade to black. Nothing difficult, nothing connected, take cover and pop heads when the geometry lets you and you'll breeze through it on Veteran. The enemies are bullet sponges, and there's a significant delay before they transition into their death animations, so unless you headshot them you'll never know which bullet sealed the deal, killing a key part of the shooter-fun-feedback loop.

The incredible art direction & lighting of KZ2 is gone, replaced by garishly bright & busy textures. The image quality is better, but you're getting a clearer look at something with way worse art direction. KZ2 painted beautiful scenes with light and shadow, your eye was carefully directed and the incredible dynamic lighting really added atmosphere when you'd catch a trooper's shadow before seeing him, or you'd strobe his silhouette across a dimly lit interior as you gunned him down. In KZ3 we get bright technicolor linear jungles complete with
invisible grass paths and backtracking, lol.

I don't know, I'm just astonished at how much identity this series has lost. KZ3 feels like a game made by a different team. It's sci-fi Call Of Duty. I'm still enjoying it, but I'm also really disappointed.

On the flip-side, the multiplayer seems much more awesome than KZ2 and I hope to put some serious time into it.
Salazar said:
I...I...I like the grain.

Fuck? :p

Indoors looks a lot better in KZ2 IQ wise though, not a jaggie in site. In a weird way it really feels like KZ2 took 4 years to make and 3 took 2 years to make even if I like 3 better overall. KZ2 was almost always picture perfect or well though out (nothing seems out of place and the atmosphere is unrivaled), it just didn't reach the highs of 3 and the gameplay wasn't as refined.


Always-honest said:
Okay, i now at the
stealth jungle
section and i do have some gripes:

Are there some memorable game segments coming?
I sure hope i'm not half way yet.

Oh, and the story thus far is fine.
That section is by a long way the best to me, I'd say you are about half way thru. There is a couple of stand out bits upcoming, of course I won't mention them, but at least two that come to mind as very cool.
StuBurns said:
That section is by a long way the best to me, I'd say you are about half way thru. There is a couple of stand out bits upcoming, of course I won't mention them, but at least two that come to mind as very cool.
okay thanx


H_Prestige said:

This game is so ugly it literally hurts my eyes. The blizzard map in the demo is the worst since it's always throwing snow at your face.

Its the cheapness of the colors that make it look worse. Over saturated mess of inconsistent colors and hues. Wish I could tone down the colors.


I'd be in the dick
A.R.K said:
Its the cheapness of the colors that make it look worse. Over saturated mess of inconsistent colors and hues. Wish I could tone down the colors.
Where's the Kolorzone picture when I need it?
A.R.K said:
Its the cheapness of the colors that make it look worse. Over saturated mess of inconsistent colors and hues. Wish I could tone down the colors.
sorry Guerilla, but the colours are fucked indeed. It's a consession that never should have happened.


really loving all the classes. Just starting to level up engi and its a blast. I feel like that helghan LMG is a bit too accurate, its amazing

lol love the hate on colors... KZ2 = OMG ITS ALL GREY, KZ3 = OMG WHY ISNT IT ALL GREY


I don't really have a problem with the colors but I do have a problem with the random blindness that occurs when you look down a long part of a map or when looking outside from a building.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
you guys gotta be f'n kiddin me. i hope your being sarcastic about the colors...
colors are shit, like they deliberately throw the brightest colors they could find against a normal environment just to spite the people who bashed KZ2 for being dull
woolley said:
I don't really have a problem with the colors but I do have a problem with the random blindness that occurs when you look down a long part of a map or when looking outside from a building.
Pretty much. I don't know why they thought that was a good idea.
scoobs said:
lol love the hate on colors... KZ2 = OMG ITS ALL GREY, KZ3 = OMG WHY ISNT IT ALL GREY

Ya, it pisses me off how nobody wanted to give KZ2 credit for anything it did right, all of a sudden KZ3 comes out and 2 is the greatest game of all time. Seriously, where were all these people when the game got torn apart on gaf repeatedly? Maybe if they made their opinion heard, more of what they loved would have been in 3. *shrugs*
Lion Heart said:
Ya, it pisses me off how nobody wanted to give KZ2 credit for anything it did right, all of a sudden KZ3 comes out and 2 is the greatest game of all time. Seriously, where were all these people when the game got torn apart on gaf repeatedly? Maybe if they made their opinion heard, more of what they loved would have been in 3. *shrugs*
Killzone 2 has had a large following on gaf
TrAcEr_x90 said:
you guys gotta be f'n kiddin me. i hope your being sarcastic about the colors...

No way. Coming from someone that normally prefers brighter color palettes in games due to the grey/brownness of this gen, the colors in KZ3 are way overdone. I understand wanting to add visual variety, but it literally looks like they just dropped a green or reddish tint on the screen and called it a day on some of the multiplayer maps.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Question about how far I am.

I just rescued Narville off the Helghast ship, and am just starting the junkyard/space elevator level.

Game is a ton of fun so far, my favorite part thus far is...
The rescue of Narville off the Helghast ship. That level just looks stunning and was fun to play.

The story doesn't bother me really. Sure, it isn't the best story but it is simple, not convoluted, and I know what is going on and what we are doing at all times. I would almost compare it to the story in Halo 3 (not a knock on either game, Halo is my favorite franchise), as with both games the story is good on a basic level, there aren't too many characters, and it is very easy to follow and know what is happening.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Question about how far I am.

I just rescued Narville off the Helghast ship, and am just starting the junkyard/space elevator level.

Game is a ton of fun so far, my favorite part thus far is...
The rescue of Narville off the Helghast ship. That level just looks stunning and was fun to play.

The story doesn't bother me really. Sure, it isn't the best story but it is simple, not convoluted, and I know what is going on and what we are doing at all times. I would almost compare it to the story in Halo 3 (not a knock on either game, Halo is my favorite franchise), as with both games the story is good on a basic level, there aren't too many characters, and it is very easy to follow and know what is happening.
About two hours left maybe.
Commodore said:
Dilemma: I'm finally purchasing a new 50" Panny upgrading from a 32" 720 Sony Bravia. Going to likely order in the next week or so. Guess what showed up in the mailbox today from gamefly? KZ3. Came earlier than expected.

Keanu voice: What...would...you...do? Wait or play?

Lion Heart said:
Ya, it pisses me off how nobody wanted to give KZ2 credit for anything it did right, all of a sudden KZ3 comes out and 2 is the greatest game of all time. Seriously, where were all these people when the game got torn apart on gaf repeatedly? Maybe if they made their opinion heard, more of what they loved would have been in 3. *shrugs*

A lot of people liked the muted colors of KZ2. In fact I think KZ2 already had a bit too much color in the final build. What they had initially was much more stylish


TrAcEr_x90 said:
you guys gotta be f'n kiddin me. i hope your being sarcastic about the colors...

They're alright in the campaign... a bit too gaudy in places but usually easy enough to look at... but each online map has its own weird and offputting tint. It's kind of baffling since Killzone 2 had awesome use of color in every way. Fuck "Greyzone" people up the ass.


Full Recovery said:
"PlayStationNetwork is currently undergoing maintenance."

I'm real glad I didn't use my double xp voucher last night.

This is happening right now? I was just about to sign on .. does anyone know for how long?


A.R.K said:
Its the cheapness of the colors that make it look worse. Over saturated mess of inconsistent colors and hues. Wish I could tone down the colors.

Nah… the colors are fine.

The screens just need a little more artistic touch up, but they are not bad at all. e.g, The smoke swirl is a little overdone in KZ3, but very subtle in KZ2.


blazinglazers said:
This game reminds me of Halo 2. A sequel that bit off more than it could chew and ran out of time. A game that ended up being downsized in the rush to get it out the door; a re-cut and cobbled together impression of the game it should have been.

KZ3 needed 6 more months of work, minimum. The opening cinematic ends with some random off-screen line like it was cut out of a larger movie, then *boom* title screen. Wat? Levels end with me facing a wall or empty street and just lowering my gun, fade to black. Cutscenes are miserably directed, and barely transition with the gameplay. "6 months later" really? Then there's the streamlining.

I liked KZ2's campaign, I thought the cover mechanic was wonderful and the encounters were generally great. At moments it really felt like a large scale battle, with some good sandbox combat. It was a game that showed tremendous promise. Unfortunately with KZ3 Guerrilla ditched almost everything that made number 2 fun in favor of COD style set-piece gameplay. Walk forward through a tiny trench for 20 yards, fade to black. On rails shooting, fade to black. Nothing difficult, nothing connected, take cover and pop heads when the geometry lets you and you'll breeze through it on Veteran. The enemies are bullet sponges, and there's a significant delay before they transition into their death animations, so unless you headshot them you'll never know which bullet sealed the deal, killing a key part of the shooter-fun-feedback loop.

The incredible art direction & lighting of KZ2 is gone, replaced by garishly bright & busy textures. The image quality is better, but you're getting a clearer look at something with way worse art direction. KZ2 painted beautiful scenes with light and shadow, your eye was carefully directed and the incredible dynamic lighting really added atmosphere when you'd catch a trooper's shadow before seeing him, or you'd strobe his silhouette across a dimly lit interior as you gunned him down. In KZ3 we get bright technicolor linear jungles complete with
invisible grass paths and backtracking, lol.

I don't know, I'm just astonished at how much identity this series has lost. KZ3 feels like a game made by a different team. It's sci-fi Call Of Duty. I'm still enjoying it, but I'm also really disappointed.

On the flip-side, the multiplayer seems much more awesome than KZ2 and I hope to put some serious time into it.
Great post that highlights stark contrast in art direction. Absolutely nailed it in every respect. Great post.
Why did Guerilla fix the jet pack Move controls in MP and didn't touch them in the SP? I had to do that ice level with the Dual Shock thanks to the broken controls :(


Lion Heart said:
Ya, it pisses me off how nobody wanted to give KZ2 credit for anything it did right, all of a sudden KZ3 comes out and 2 is the greatest game of all time. Seriously, where were all these people when the game got torn apart on gaf repeatedly? Maybe if they made their opinion heard, more of what they loved would have been in 3. *shrugs*

Plenty of GAFers here loved KZ2 and supported it. I think GG listened to the wrong group this time by going completely the other route.

H_Prestige said:
A lot of people liked the muted colors of KZ2. In fact I think KZ2 already had a bit too much color in the final build. What they had initially was much more stylish



just beautiful...just beautiful.... ;_;

revolverjgw said:
They're alright in the campaign... a bit too gaudy in places but usually easy enough to look at... but each online map has its own weird and offputting tint. It's kind of baffling since Killzone 2 had awesome use of color in every way. Fuck "Greyzone" people up the ass.

I agree, colors in campaign do not look bad but it looks more "cartoonish" compared to KZ2 which looks more like a CGI movie. But some of the MP maps are just shit with harsh weird random out of the ass color schemes thrown in for sake of making it bright and colorful. Uncharted is plenty colorful but it is done in a way that is consistent and without being overdone. Anyways, I guess no one ever will be happy with KZ one way or the other. That's the legacy of KZ and GG.


Net_Wrecker said:
:lol now I can't join because:

"The world is full. Unable to join." and random session crashing.

The world is full...Wat

Totally laughed. Played the game for the first time today, and was totally like wat when it happened
StuBurns said:
There are two space Hitlers!

Twin space Hitlers?! The universe can't handle that much evil.

The one dude I'm talking about was sitting quietly at the table minding his own business. Had a 1/3 mustache and everything.
D6AMIA6N said:
Totally laughed. Played the game for the first time today, and was totally like wat when it happened

You have no idea. I read it quickly, did a double take and sat there for like 2 minutes trying to understand what just happened.

The world...

...is full.


Tkawsome said:
Twin space Hitlers?! The universe can't handle that much evil.

The one dude I'm talking about was sitting quietly at the table minding his own business. Had a 1/3 mustache and everything.
Yep, there are two around that table, and this is how evil the bad guys are, neither of the Hitlers are either of the two main antagonists.

Some diabolical evil going on in there.


I like the colors. :)
The jungle stage, the snow, the green, the glow... Granted, I didn't played the demo or the beta, so it's all new to me. But so far, I like it.


bish gets all the credit :)
"Just when I thought you couldn't ruin a level like Turbine, you go and ruin Salamun Market... and totally redeem yourself!"

Jesus christ, so bad. Mech spam, 20fps, it's daytime now. I don't understand.


Neo Member
Smokey said:
ok how do you take cover with the move? not crouch but take cover and lean over corners?

Move button is crouch and cover. If near a wall or object you will "stick" to it.
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