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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Square Triangle said:
I've had nothing but good times with the MP. No connection issues, lag or irritating players. Nearly every team I play with are talking, joking and communicating together. So far, very enjoyable.
Yup. Had some good games last night with the [FTSG] crew, aside from the occasional base rape scenario which gets very boring, very fast.


Hot on the heels of our Retro Map Pack comes Steel Rain, a DLC map pack for Killzone 3 featuring two brand-new multiplayer maps inspired by locations from the single player campaign. Today we’re giving you a glimpse of both levels, including video footage of MP-09 Junkyard, which pitches exoskeletons against jetpacks.

Next week we’ll have a video for the other map included with the Steel Rain pack, MP-10 Stahl Arms. It’s a uniquely styled Warzone map featuring intense minigun-versus-sniper-rifle action in the sprawling Stahl Arms facility. Both maps are packed with strategic routes and locations, offering lots of different tactical approaches for players to discover.

The details for each map are as follows:

Game Type: Guerrilla Warfare (16 players)
The junkyards of Helghan are a wasteland to some, but a valuable resource to others. In the main junk processing facility of Helghan, ISA and Helghast Forces are clashing in an attempt to salvage vehicles and supplies for their war effort. Jetpacks are the key to taking the high ground, but the huge Exoskeletons can quickly turn the tide of the battle on the ground.

Game Type: Warzone (24 Players)
As the Helghast write a new and appalling chapter on humanoid experimentation, beleaguered ISA Forces mount a desperate attack on the notorious Stahl Arms research facility, where they hope to free ISA soldiers who have been taken captive. Stahl’s Helghast forces will stop at nothing to ensure that the ISA attack fails, even if it means exterminating the very prisoners they need for their weapons research.


Screens inside.


I'm not too sure I like the idea of mechs and jetpacks in team deathmatch. I can already imagine how annoying it will be having to face overpowered players with those on.
Thrakier said:
See, for me it's totally different. For me, Bioshock is setup as a promising adventure game but ends up as a mediocre shooter. Killzone is "just" a brilliant shooter. I hated the fights in Bioshock, 2 was even worse.

While I'll agree with you completely on KZ's mechanics and gunplay trouncing Bioshock's, some of the most satisfying moments I've had in a game have come via BS' presentment of the Big Daddies, i.e. here's a formidable foe; you practically HAVE to kill him, but we'll let you do it when you want, where you want and how you want. It made for some ridiculously gratifying set pieces that, if you were smart, you were completely in control of. I don't think any other game I've played has managed to do that.

KZ IS another CoD, BF, etc, but its gunplay/weight is infinitely more gratifying than its peers. That is the one thing that made me fall in love with KZ 2's MP. It's still there, for sure; I just think that I find the campaigns in such shooters to be incredibly boring.

For reference, I find that CoD transfers fantastically as an online shooter, but the mechanics make for some of the most MUNDANE single player experiences ever.


bish gets all the credit :)
Ship game with 8 maps
Rush the game out with loads of bugs
Announce DLC within a week of release

Sorry if said already...

but turning off the controller (holding the ps button till something comes up) got me out of a couple hard locks today.
Well, certainly an eventful pick up of my Collectors edition. I took my sister with me because she wanted to go into Monsoon (its a prom dress/going out dress shop in the UK).

The (attractive) girl serving her noticed I was looking bored/tetchy so she asked me what I had in my GAME bag. I told her it was Killzone 3 and she said she'd picked up her copy earlier. I was thinking to myself 'she's humouring me' but then she started telling me about how she thought Medal of Honor was so-so, that she grew tired of Black-ops and that Gran Turismo is taking up a lot of her time.

I must have looked dumbstruck because she then said 'Are you going to play it with Move? I'm not sure whether I'll get the sharpshooter'.

In the end I came away with her PSN ID and her number. Mental.

Thanks Guerilla. Haha.
Full Recovery said:
Probably $4.99 like the retro pack.


Never felt that appropriate..
Galvanise_ said:
Well, certainly an eventful pick up of my Collectors edition. I took my sister with me because she wanted to go into Monsoon (its a prom dress/going out dress shop in the UK).

The (attractive) girl serving her noticed I was looking bored/tetchy so she asked me what I had in my GAME bag. I told her it was Killzone 3 and she said she'd picked up her copy earlier. I was thinking to myself 'she's humouring me' but then she started telling me about how she thought Medal of Honor was so-so, that she grew tired of Black-ops and that Gran Turismo is taking up a lot of her time.

I must have looked dumbstruck because she then said 'Are you going to play it with Move? I'm not sure whether I'll get the sharpshooter'.

In the end I came away with her PSN ID and her number. Mental.

Thanks Guerilla. Haha.


alr1ghtstart said:
Ship game with 8 maps
Rush the game out with loads of bugs
Announce DLC within a week of release

LOL. This is why I'm boycotting this game. Will get it in the summer/fall for cheap.


Galvanise_ said:
Well, certainly an eventful pick up of my Collectors edition. I took my sister with me because she wanted to go into Monsoon (its a prom dress/going out dress shop in the UK).

The (attractive) girl serving her noticed I was looking bored/tetchy so she asked me what I had in my GAME bag. I told her it was Killzone 3 and she said she'd picked up her copy earlier. I was thinking to myself 'she's humouring me' but then she started telling me about how she thought Medal of Honor was so-so, that she grew tired of Black-ops and that Gran Turismo is taking up a lot of her time.

I must have looked dumbstruck because she then said 'Are you going to play it with Move? I'm not sure whether I'll get the sharpshooter'.

In the end I came away with her PSN ID and her number. Mental.

Thanks Guerilla. Haha.
Lucky bastard. I've never met a gamer chick, let alone a hot one.


Finished the game.
Loved it.

The start just didn't have the magic that Killzone2 had unfortunately, and the ending. WTF.. i think i blinked and missed it (dramatized but you get the picture), abrupt ending.
Now, thats my only minus.

Everything else i looooved :)
Graphics, Awesome.
Gameplay, Killer.
3D, Wicked.

I've tried in 3d but decided to play through my first time in 2D to get all the graphics quality glory.
Now, that i've done that.
3D only now, for total immersion.

So, pre-Move: 1.78 KDR. Using Move: 1.20 Damn, is it a struggle. I just can't bring myself to NOT use it, though, seeing as it cost me $150AUD and that it's also decent fun when it works with you, rather than against; but GOD, when I think I've got my settings down, I start sucking and back to the drawing board I go.
And is anyone else having issues with the Move trigger not registering with burst-fire weapons, most notably, the Infiltrator's STA?

I'm not even joking: I think, by comparatively sucking so much with the Move and being torn as to whether to go back to the DS3 or not, I've ruined Killzone for myself; I have drowned it in a sea of frustration and profanity.
Fuck it. DS3 and a new PSN id for a clean slate, here I come. Sorry, Move brethren. I tried, but alas, I am THAT pathetic a human being.


show some balls, man
Finished it :)

When it's good it's really good but:
-The last mission was terrible, really really bad
-The cutscene editing was awful throughout the game, if this wasn't rushed I think they hired the wrong guy
-Who in Helgan is Jammer? Seeing a woman on the battlefield feels so forced.
Jammer didn't die
-The quality is all over the place at times, some levels looked great, while others felt unfinished.
-most of the vehicle sections were bad.
-Bad Acting/script especially for Narville

I did enjoy it for the most part, but the opening and one or two sections at the end were a let down. KZ2 was at least consistent, it seems that they have tried to add a bunch of stuff into this one and not had time to finish any of it properly.

I have a question regarding the story:
there was a big fuss over the nuclear weapon in KZ2, but it seems from the ending of 3 that they are just lying around on any old spaceship, am i missing something?


Neo Member
James-Ape said:
Finished it :)

When it's good it's really good but:
-The last mission was terrible, really really bad
-The cutscene editing was awful throughout the game, if this wasn't rushed I think they hired the wrong guy
-Who in Helgan is Jammer? Seeing a woman on the battlefield feels so forced.
-Jammer didn't
-The quality is all over the place at times, some levels looked great, while others felt unfinished.
-most of the vehicle sections were bad.
-Bad Acting/script especially for Narville

I did enjoy it for the most part, but the opening and one or two sections at the end were a let down. KZ2 was at least consistent, it seems that they have tried to add a bunch of stuff into this one and not had time to finish any of it properly.

I have a question regarding the story:
there was a big fuss over the nuclear weapon in KZ2, but it seems from the ending of 3 that they are just lying around on any old spaceship, am i missing something?

They nuked Pyhrrus.


show some balls, man
r.gun said:
They nuked Pyhrrus.

There was a whole thing in 2 about codes for nuclear bombs(or at least that is what I seem to remember). Why couldn't they just have used one of their nukes to bomb the city, seeing as they don't need codes for theirs (the last missile fired by Sev was a nuke wasn't it?)


James-Ape said:
There was a whole thing in 2 about codes for nuclear bombs(or at least that is what I seem to remember). Why couldn't they just have used one of their nukes to bomb the city, seeing as they don't need codes for theirs (the last missile fired by Sev was a nuke wasn't it?)

Happened 6 months after KZ2 so I'm guessing that Stahl developed those from the ISA nuke design.
My faith and respect for Guerilla has plummeted since about half 10 yesterday. First the game sucked (which it makes me so sad to say) and now they're shoving presumably paid DLC down our throats after the game has been out for three days. It's the fucking release date over here!!

Bobby Kotick wouldn't be so shameful.


show some balls, man
ZeroRay said:
Happened 6 months after KZ2 so I'm guessing that Stahl developed those from the ISA nuke design.

didn't they blow up those nukes pretty soon after they got them? I guess it seems like a little oversight to me, if they have enough nukes to put them on some random spaceship why do they need that green stuff etc. etc.


Game runs fine for me and I haven't had any issues. Really enjoying it so far. I don't really have a problem with DLC (maybe could have waited a few weeks) since I know the game has been finished for a while. I think a lot of people think the game was done and shipped to retail in a day or two from start to finish or something.
I haven't noticed it yet,but can you carry that WASP around instead of it being mounted in MP?


Does anyone know why GG took out the mapvote option at the end of a round that was present in the closed beta?


The mech section in the SP was a massive lesson in not how to do vehicle sections. I don't get motion sickness but that shit was terrible and just one big frustration.


Dubbedinenglish said:
Evidence points to Visari:
-The main thing is the eyes in the opening cinematic. There is a close up of Visari's green eyes but in the palace, where the medics are working on the corpse, there is a close up of the red brown/red eyes of the body.

-Also Visari's daughter pulls away from the person in the opening cinematic.

-The ominous "The ISA are here, it's time to go." line in the opening cinematic as well.

- The biggest thing though is it explains in KZ2 why Radec and the final palace guards killed themselves. It makes sense if there was a double involved and Radec and the guards knew, they would kill themselves to prevent that info from getting out.

Called it
Book making this thread for KZ4 on the PS4


I really hope those DLC maps are free and that they just didn't have time to put them on the disc when the game went Gold .. because holy hell if they charge us for them when the game hasn't even been out a week ..

And here another YouTube link for the new maps:

Steel and Rain Map Pack DLC


Facism said:
Does anyone know why GG took out the mapvote option at the end of a round that was present in the closed beta?


The mech section in the SP was a massive lesson in not how to do vehicle sections. I don't get motion sickness but that shit was terrible and just one big frustration.

If you're playing Salamun or Blood Gracht it isn't there, but other than that, press square, and huzzah!


X-Frame said:
I really hope those DLC maps are free and that they just didn't have time to put them on the disc when the game went Gold .. because holy hell if they charge us for them when the game hasn't even been out a week ..

And here another YouTube link for the new maps:

Steel and Rain Map Pack DLC

I dont think Killzone 2 had any free DLC did it?


Negaiido said:
I dont think Killzone 2 had any free DLC did it?

Nope, but the first map pack DLC for KZ2 (Steel & Titanium) didn't come out until April 30th .. so that was 2 months post-KZ2's release.


its very cool COD and BC2 players in our local forums have liked KZ3, in fact respective clans from those games have created clans in KZ3 :D general comment is that they are glad the controls are not like KZ2, i guess GG has done something right lol
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