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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


FTSG just went on a 3 game rampage, 7-0 all 3 games.

lince ended up 21 - 0 in the last clan game with his hax-wand as recon :3


Seriously Fuck you Guerrilla, your maps are shit your spawn system is broken.
Your classes unbalanced as ever.
Can't even get out of the base one spawn camping clusterfuck


fuzzyreactor said:
R2 was just a bad game, i dont recall many bugs.

The bugs were there at launch. Insomniac had to release a few patches to fix MP.

I haven't encountered any bugs in KZ3 Trooper actually. Didn't turn on subtitle, so I missed the issues there competely. It played smoothly from beginning to end in 2 sittings.


So I just read that they've already announced another map pack. The multiplayer component isn't even complete and they're focusing on multiplayer DLC.
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.


I'd be in the dick
dreamer3kx said:
Any Move bugs or tips I should know of, about to start this tomorrow with Move, thanks.
I'd recommend doing a few Botzone matches with it first to get the settings dialed in properly before starting the campaign. Other than that Move feels great, but you definitely need to find the settings that work best for you.


angelfly said:
So I just read that they've already announced another map pack. The multiplayer component isn't even complete and they're focusing on multiplayer DLC.
...the maps are part of the problem. In fact, its one of the KEY flaws in the multiplayer. I'm not paying for sometihng that will make my online experience worse.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.
I think the single player campaign has been fantastic so far. I'm extremely happy with the way the game plays. But, hey, there are some rough edges. The excessive hyperbole is an Exclusive Thread Hallmark™, so it's not to be unexpected.

And not even stuff like "da storii is dum." Just some surprising lack of polish in some places.
TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.

KZ2 had a big following in GAF, especially it's MP portion which is what got most of the big changes and has caused lot of grief it seems along with all the usual early release bugs and issues that always plague FPS MP.

Of course when KZ2 was out everyone was bitching and constantly complaining about how awful everything was too, but people like to act like that never happened and that KZ2 was the greatest thing ever. Many of those who keep complaining were the same who were complaining about 2 as well.


TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.
i'm with you dude! i absolutely love this game. it's better than i expected and IMO a better game than kz2. the online alone is better than the first game. it just needs custom matches to top it off.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
BattleMonkey said:
KZ2 had a big following in GAF, especially it's MP portion which is what got most of the big changes and has caused lot of grief it seems along with all the usual early release bugs and issues that always plague FPS MP.

Of course when KZ2 was out everyone was bitching and constantly complaining about how awful everything was too, but people like to act like that never happened and that KZ2 was the greatest thing ever. Many of those who keep complaining were the same who were complaining about 2 as well.
The Zelda curse :)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.

I loved the campaing. I'm enjoying the multiplayer more than I thought I would based on the beta (people seem to actually be playing objectives... holy shit!) but whatever is going on with the map rotation is really strange. Enough Salamun Market already!


TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.

Agree with you 100 percent, best console graphics yet, excellent gameplay, set pieces and cutscenes are thrilling .... and the little I have played of multiplayer (mostly operations) has been tons of fun.

Best ps3 shooter yet ( although I cant wait for resistence 3 ).
TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.
I'll say it again, beat the SP yesterday, fun as fuck. Played some MP today as well and I had fun as well, even though Killzone MP isn't usually my bag.


Jburton said:
Agree with you 100 percent, best console graphics yet, excellent gameplay, set pieces and cutscenes are thrilling .... and the little I have played of multiplayer (mostly operations) has been tons of fun.

Best ps3 shooter yet ( although I cant wait for resistence 3 ).

I second this!


It's nice to see a couple of positive responses. I had no doubts about this game before but I've seen enough negativity to sway me back to just sticking with DCUO for now.


TSAGoodness said:
Man there is so much shitting in this thread, I feel like I'm the only one enjoying the game. The graphics are phenomenal, the gameplay is fantastic, the multiplayer is really fun. Maybe I'm just not noticing things but I love this game so far.
Besides the technical glitches, my main complaints are A) enemies are way too fucking accurate while being bullet sponges and B) it's the most creatively bankrupt shooter I've ever played. The whole thing feels like it was designed by corporate suits rather than amazingly talented and creative designers. It basically feels like I've played this game five or six years ago.


You guys are such fucking complainers it actually makes me physically heated.
Can you not quit being such hyper-critical embellishing bitches for a second and actually have fun with the video game instead of focusing only on these microbial flaws the game has? What the hell do you guys even play video games for? The way most of you are complaining about this game says volumes on your mindsets about video games.
You know nothing is going to be perfect, right? There's never going to be a game that any of you are ever going to say "Wow, this game does everything I could ever want, and it does it right."
If you've got this much to whine about from a game that pushes it's platform to it's max and is about as best as it can be given it's release cycle I can't imagine what is said every other game's threads.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I have had 4 lock-ups tonight during MP. Loving the game, but that isasdively frustrating.

On a side note, the Future Press guide not only gives you three unlock points, but also the retro map, and a kickass theme with an animating Helghan and a slideshow of screenshots. I think it is called Hatch.


I'm kind of enjoying the campaign, though the pacing does seem strange. It seems their idea of variety is short gameplay bits broken up by cutscenes then another short gameplay bit that is different from the last.


DenogginizerOS said:
I have had 4 lock-ups tonight during MP. Loving the game, but that isasdively frustrating.

On a side note, the Future Press guide not only gives you three unlock points, but also the retro map, and a kickass theme with an animating Helghan and a slideshow of screenshots. I think it is called Hatch.

What's that?


//B1G said:
You guys are such fucking complainers it actually makes me physically heated.
Can you not quit being such hyper-critical embellishing bitches for a second and actually have fun with the video game instead of focusing only on these microbial flaws the game has? What the hell do you guys even play video games for? The way most of you are complaining about this game says volumes on your mindsets about video games.
You know nothing is going to be perfect, right? There's never going to be a game that any of you are ever going to say "Wow, this game does everything I could ever want, and it does it right."
If you've got this much to whine about from a game that pushes it's platform to it's max and is about as best as it can be given it's release cycle I can't imagine what is said every other game's threads.
The game, particularly the multiplayer is a big departure from it's predecessor and the changes are not only disappointing but fundamentally bad in both their design and execution. This is why people who expect certain things from the series are so raging.


Junior Butler
Don't let the complaining get to you, these are Killzone tourists who never had any intention of enjoying the game in the first place, much less actually buying/playing it.


ADD New Gen Gamer
BattleMonkey said:
KZ2 had a big following in GAF, especially it's MP portion which is what got most of the big changes and has caused lot of grief it seems along with all the usual early release bugs and issues that always plague FPS MP.

Of course when KZ2 was out everyone was bitching and constantly complaining about how awful everything was too, but people like to act like that never happened and that KZ2 was the greatest thing ever. Many of those who keep complaining were the same who were complaining about 2 as well.

I like how people thrashed KZ2 when it was out. And now, when KZ3 is out, KZ2 was the greatest thing ever, and people started thrashing KZ3.

KZ2 was a good game and I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was, but it wasn't a very popular game, for a variety of reasons, and it never was anything close to greatness. I absolutely see no reason whatsoever why GG should stick with a formula that only brought them moderate success. They are just trying to get more people to enjoy and play their game, and sticking to the same old won't do that.


JB1981 said:
The game, particularly the multiplayer is a big departure from it's predecessor and the changes are not only disappointing but fundamentally bad in both their design and execution. This is why people who expect certain things from the series are so raging.
That is me as well. Other video game forums can attest to the resentment I originally had for this game because I knew how far it was going to be from KZ2; how the gameplay was going to be dumbed down, the multiplayer tailored to players coming from 'other' games, basically the stripping of most of the characteristics that defined the series, but I bought this out of good faith and have had nothing but a good time. Multiplayer is another story, but the campaign is a pleasure to play and the people nitpicking about things that really don't limit a person's ability to have fun kind of anger me.
Just play the game as it is - accept it for that - and have fun while doing so.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
JB1981 said:
The game, particularly the multiplayer is a big departure from it's predecessor and the changes are not only disappointing but fundamentally bad in both their design and execution. This is why people who expect certain things from the series are so raging.
And people shat all over KZ2's MP, from complaints over clusterfuck map sizes, unbalanced classes, server browser, spawn grenade rapeathons, the autoshotgun glitch, etc.

I don't claim to be an authority on multiplayer ANYTHING, but I have a pretty good memory.

They'll hammer it out over time.
fuzzyreactor said:
I can't recall a AAA title like this being so unpolished. The game was obviously rushed, there are so many damn bugs.

Fable 3 takes the crown as the most unpolished AAA title ever. Including a patch that took forever to fix issues and bring more with it. In comparison, KZ3 is nothing.


X-Frame said:
And what if you hack an enemy turret - do you now have 2 turrets and 5 for your team or does your own blow up?

And yes, dumb decision. They just needed to have the turret placement timer carry over after you died so Engie's can't spam them after they die.

If you hack a turret you can build another yourself and they both have your ID. Not sure how many you can have in total but when i last hacked one it was the only one on the map, the onscreen icon said after I hacked that our team could build 4 more (as if we hadn't built any).

Building one at a time for each person is poor though (esp if your'e the only engineer), they are so fragile too, even at level 3 someone can stand in front of it and shoot and blow it up.


bobbytkc said:
I like how people thrashed KZ2 when it was out. And now, when KZ3 is out, KZ2 was the greatest thing ever, and people started thrashing KZ3.

KZ2 was a good game and I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was, but it wasn't a very popular game, for a variety of reasons, and it never was anything close to greatness. I absolutely see no reason whatsoever why GG should stick with a formula that only brought them moderate success. They are just trying to get more people to enjoy and play their game, and sticking to the same old won't do that.

Well yeah the bottom line is what matters, they want as many people to buy the game as possible. KZ is a weak franchise for Sony, not even in the top three with franchises like GT, UC, LBP etc being above it. That said it's one thing making a game more accessible however another thing having shitty maps, broken MP such as consistant camping and unbalanced classes, big where you're only playing one map all the time etc. I'm up to the E3 demo part of the game and love it so far however have been some framerate problems and bugs which is saying something because I never usually have problems with this stuff. When people like me are able to tell of bugs and framerate drops then something has gone very wrong. KZ2 was solid though tech wise, can't recall any bugs of note in that game so this is a big step down. MP though I've not played, really hope it's good. Speaking of which is it easy to find a MP game with full teams?

Kind of off topic but it will be interesting to see the new GG IP being made, really thought the second studio would be just for NGP but does not seem to be the case. :/


Ugh, nothing as game breaking as a team full of tacticians and snipers. If thats what all clan games are like, I'll just be a casual player in it.
Other than a VERY abrupt final scene (why the fuck do games still keep ending this way...), I thought the game was great. Much improved over KZ2. I was playing with Move, though, so that could have been part of the reason.

Kind of ironic how KZ2 was lambasted for poor controls, yet they've implemented the best Move/IR controls in a shooting game yet. Hands down.

And I'll never understand the people who praise a story like Halo Reach, but then criticize the story in KZ3. I thought it was well above-average for the genre, and most of the cutscenes were well-directed and maintained a good pace. Characters were not nearly as dudebro as other shooters have been lately.


Just started playing through the campaign and haven't seen any "rough edges" yet. And from what little I've seen from Crysis 2 so far, the visuals in KZ3 blow it out of the water!


I am giving a free KZ3 Dynamic theme away to one lucky GAF winner. In keeping with Helghan tradition, I would have one of you be the first to correctly outline our nation's Father Visari's plan to pure Helghan extrasolar domination. Correctly outline his plan to take over Vekta and eventually Earth and you win! Tip: the outline is at Killzone.com. Have at it my fellow Helghans! Please post your answers here and do not pm me, please.


The WASP on Salamun Market is fucking ridiculous. Give that baby a 30 second reload ffs. I find it to be more map breaking than the exos.


Rikyfree said:
I am giving a free KZ3 Dynamic theme away to one lucky GAF winner. In keeping with Helghan tradition, I would have one of you be the first to correctly outline our nation's Father Visari's plan to pure Helghan extrasolar domination. Correctly outline his plan to take over Vekta and eventually Earth and you win! Tip: the outline is at Killzone.com. Have at it my fellow Helghans! Please post your answers here and do not pm me, please.

His plan consisted of capturing Vekta by utilizing two spies in the ISA's ranks, turning the orbital defense system against the ISA, capturing ISA fighters, and destroying the UCN shipyards in the Solar System. Eventually this would lead to a bold invasion of Earth and a blockade to bring about starvation, revenge for the suffering which had befallen the Helghans in the First Extrasolar War.

Y2Kev said:
And people shat all over KZ2's MP, from complaints over clusterfuck map sizes, unbalanced classes, server browser, spawn grenade rapeathons, the autoshotgun glitch, etc.

I don't claim to be an authority on multiplayer ANYTHING, but I have a pretty good memory.

They'll hammer it out over time.

Yes, and every week it was important to add in with all the complaining about everything listed above, how the player count was dropping each week by posting numbers off the official killzone board.

KZ2 SP portion was also torn apart by critics online and on this forum about how short it was, linear, no story, no variety, lack of weapons, fuck Rico, lack of sci fi elements, horrible writing, too much swearing, fuck Rico, no characterizations, shitty ending, boring, too much like COD, fuck Rico, pointless cover system, bullet sponges, etc.


Neo Member
Played some SP and so far its been pretty good. That Jungle level with a 7.1 surround sound setup was absolutely amazing...I just finished the level from the demo and will be getting back into it soon.

Multiplayer- Warzone is annoying to play, That mode is pretty much a race to see which team can setup the spawn trap first (tactitions ignoring main objectives ftw).....overall it plays like shit and isn't fun. Objective's mode can be fun but i've noticed i've died 0.1 seconds after some of the cutscenes by a enemy which is total bullshit...

I want to like the game but i cant can't get much enjoyment out of this...KZ2 fan disappointed.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I'm not seeing the Double XP reward, and the Unlock points are labled as "coming soon". D:

Hmmmm.... I went to the site, now the unlock load pack is gone, and a new unlock 3 points item for 4 points has appeared

I had the rewards available to me, maybe there's a limit, or stock amount of codes daily?

I get the coming soon on the 3 point unlock, maybe I got lucky with the double points usage


just finished some multiplayer. man, there is nothing more fulfilling than hearing a muffled woosh in the distance as one of your turrets rockets and kills an enemy.
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