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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


To further on from RikyFree's post, despite already getting the code, I'll post a more detailed outline of his plan.

Visari's plan is simple:

-Utilize deep-cover agent ISA General Stuart Adams to neutralize the orbital defense platforms.
-Utilize deep-cover agent ISA General Dwight Stratson to gain access to intelligence and -lure the ISA troops out of the cities.
-Mount an invasion of Vekta whilst the orbital defense platforms are down, under the command of General Joseph Lente.
-Reactivate the defense platforms in time to defend Vekta against the inevitable support fleet sent by the UCA.
-Declare the system to be under Helghast control and sue for peace with the UCN whilst the -UCA is still reeling from the loss of its fleet.
-Use the resources of Helghan and Vekta, as well as technology captured from the wrecked -UCA Navy fleet, to build a Helghast fleet capable of defending the system from the UCA Navy.
-Begin charging trade tariffs for passage through Helghast space to Earth again.
-Blockade the Earth and strangle the UCN into submission.
-Capture the UCN Navy shipyards and orbital defenses. Leave Earth's population to starve to death. Build an enormous fleet and establish Helghast hegemony over all colonies.

But you guys should read the entire storyline. fascinating stuff.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Just finished the SP, on the whole thought it was great, the ending is wtf. Game obviously had a knife taken to it in a number of places...key exposition missing, etc.

The plot could be so much more by being so much simpler.

Game needed a villain that wasn't a total laughing stock. Radec and Visari are replaced by Springtime for Hitler.

The WOW moment of the game (maybe the gen) is the
fight. It makes Resistance 2 look like a SNES game.


I beat Y2Kev to completing the game because his game kept freezing at the end. Lol! The story is fucking awful. Killzone has one of the worst worldviews out of all the popular FPS franchises right now. Even Resistance is more interesting, even though I hate that series.

But that's okay, because the gameplay is pretty good, and I really like the set pieces and graphics. Great music too. I just wish they would stop pretending that they can write a story and stop making long pointless cutscenes which just make the game feel more lulz.

KZ2 had a good set of villains at least, KZ3 is like rejects from the rogues gallery. Stahl should get a job as a stand up comedian on Helgan after KZ3. I don't really want to see his retarded face again. Lol.


Y2Kev said:
The WOW moment of the game (maybe the gen) is the
fight. It makes Resistance 2 look like a SNES game.

Yea, it's crazy how much better the entire implementation of giant mech boss fight is in KZ3 compared to R2 and other games that have tried. Though I do also love Halo's get on-board approach.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh, Sev's
big speech to rally the troops was hysterical. FUK YEAH!!!

I loved how after he made his BIG POINT something exploded in the background. It was like Michael Bay was directing the scene. Just hilarious.


I'd be in the dick
So I've been saving my impressions for once I spent a whole lot more time with the game but I must say I love the campaign. Yeah, it has it's audio glitches and awkward cutscene transitions but the actual gameplay is rock solid and builds really well on what they started in KZ2. I thought the political side of the Helghast story was really interesting and was shocked that Rico was actually likable this time around. I'm probably one of the biggest haters of him from KZ2 and I genuinely thought he was a lot better, seeming like an actually friend than an annoying, surly squad leader. I didn't mind the fairly large number of on-rails sections, they were a fun change of pace and most of them were fucking gorgeous to look at.

Visually, I loved the design of the game. When there were patches of color in KZ2 I felt that they seemed out of place and gaudy, simply there to appease the people who thought it didn't have enough color. Here, there are a lot of vibrant, bold colors, even in areas that are extremely war torn, that fit a lot better because they were an intentional part of the art design.

I played the whole game with Move and I really enjoyed it that way. The animations were sometimes janky and the melee motion is a bit annoying but overall I think it definitely helped out in my enjoyment of the game. I couldn't picture playing this with a DS3 now. I'm not doing too well in MP with Move but I think I just need to get used to using that in a multiplayer setting. It felt perfect for the campaign.


As much as I'm really curious to see where in God's name they go next with this series I really hope they spend some extra time on the next game. While I really enjoyed the campaign they really did rush it towards the end. GG definitely have a lot of potential but man some of their choices in terms of the story are questionable. Hire some better writers or something.

I'm assuming next game will probably focus on
Sev and the other dudes on the run from both ISA and whatever remains of the Helghast for not only disobeying direct orders to surrender but pretty much doing global genocide on Helghan. Weren't the ISA not even supposed to be invading Helghan in the first place or something?


Amusing reviosionist history going on in this thread regarding KZ2 and GAF...

All of the sudden EVERYONE hated KZ2 and bitched all the time about it.


Hail, my fellow Helghast Soldiers! I shall be holding another competition for a free dynamic theme! The first GAFer to tell me how old Visari was when he was assassinated gets a code!
Death to the ISA! This post needs more exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rikyfree said:
Hail, my fellow Helghast Soldiers! I shall be holding another competition for a free dynamic theme! The first GAFer to tell me how old Visari was when he was assassinated gets a code!
Death to the ISA! This post needs more exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kuroyume said:
Amusing reviosionist history going on in this thread regarding KZ2 and GAF...

All of the sudden EVERYONE hated KZ2 and bitched all the time about it.

He's right though. People complained a lot, but there are enough people on GAF who liked KZ2 as well.

Same for KZ3 !
Rikyfree said:
Hail, my fellow Helghast Soldiers! I shall be holding another competition for a free dynamic theme! The first GAFer to tell me how old Visari was when he was assassinated gets a code!
Death to the ISA! This post needs more exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

106 in Helghan years
Was finally able to play quite a bit of Guerrilla Warfare tonight. I tried a round of Warzone, but I got disconnected in like 7 minutes, so I went right back to GW. Seriously, I'm having so much darn fun with the multiplayer, and one of the reasons why is because the Move works so darn marvelously. Granted I'm sometimes not good with it, but most of the time I'm just blasting my way to the number 1 spot on my team. In the last round I had the longest killstreak ever, I don't remember what it was cause it popped up quick and went away in no time, but I know it was over 5. Yeah, I'm just loving this, and I'll love this even more once the kinks are worked out. I'll also post what I set my Move settings to as well...

Slider after calibration - 0
Deadzone height - 0
Deadzone width - 0
Crosshair sensitivity - 0
Turn Speed - 100

Yeah, lol, most of it is 0 besides the turn speed, but it works really well for me.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I haven't encountered any bugs, and I don't see how you can say the game is unpolished. There's a few people really spamming this thread with trollish like comments (fuzzyreactor). If you don't like it, why haven't you moved on? I don't get what you get out of staying in the thread and complaining.

I'm loving the game. The critics gave the game high scores for good reason. Bickering like someone really spoiled isn't going to get you anywhere. If you really want to offer something to the devs, offer constructive feedback.

This is a 9+/10 game for me easily. I love the Move support, love the campaign, love the botzone mode which has added countless of fun hours for me. It's one of the best looking games of this generation and there's so much variety in the game.

I'll stay out of this thread personally as all the dumping on the game is not really making me feel part of the community that enjoys the game.


Thunderbear said:
I haven't encountered any bugs, and I don't see how you can say the game is unpolished. There's a few people really spamming this thread with trollish like comments (fuzzyreactor). If you don't like it, why haven't you moved on? I don't get what you get out of staying in the thread and complaining.

I'm loving the game. The critics gave the game high scores for good reason. Bickering like someone really spoiled isn't going to get you anywhere. If you really want to offer something to the devs, offer constructive feedback.

This is a 9+/10 game for me easily. I love the Move support, love the campaign, love the botzone mode which has added countless of fun hours for me. It's one of the best looking games of this generation and there's so much variety in the game.

I'll stay out of this thread personally as all the dumping on the game is not really making me feel part of the community that enjoys the game.

Eh, the game is good overall, but there certainly are some issues like the cheeseball dialog, the macho man michael bay bullshit, the incredibly oddball transition issues between gameplay and cinematics (it's like someone took a hatchet to parts of the game) and other minor things.

But again, it still was fun and despite what everyone else is saying, I thought the campaign length was pretty adequate, although, there did seem to be several filler parts.


Gold Member
i don't like the blur and sometimes the game looks not so great. and i hate how it looks in 3d. but the multiplayer worked for me. and the game proves again what conduit proved two years ago: motion controls are the best for ego shooters on consoles.


Neo Member
Thunderbear said:
I haven't encountered any bugs, and I don't see how you can say the game is unpolished. There's a few people really spamming this thread with trollish like comments (fuzzyreactor). If you don't like it, why haven't you moved on? I don't get what you get out of staying in the thread and complaining.

I'm loving the game. The critics gave the game high scores for good reason. Bickering like someone really spoiled isn't going to get you anywhere. If you really want to offer something to the devs, offer constructive feedback.

This is a 9+/10 game for me easily. I love the Move support, love the campaign, love the botzone mode which has added countless of fun hours for me. It's one of the best looking games of this generation and there's so much variety in the game.

I'll stay out of this thread personally as all the dumping on the game is not really making me feel part of the community that enjoys the game.

I'm right there with you. Honestly, reading some of these posts where gaffers are literally saying fuck you to a game developer via message board is about as sad as it is pathetic. If you don't like the game, that's totally fine and your voice is welcome in this thread, but jesus christ keep it constructive. Either that or fuck off and don't bother wasting your time in a thread about a game you don't like.

Anyway, does anyone feel like the damage has been a little more balanced in the final game than it did in the beta? I was using the SAW look alike, and it didn't feel like it was doing the crazy damage it was a few weeks ago. Either way, the game plays just as great as I hoped it would. Loving it.


History of ISA in the third game is an attempt to rehabilitate Rico that killed Vissari making senseless death all the people involved in the capture Vissard in the second game.Question Why rehabilitate Rico?


Thunderbear said:
If you don't like it, why haven't you moved on? I don't get what you get out of staying in the thread and complaining.

This a million times over. I never understood why people stick around when they don't like a game. Why waste your time over and over again?


It's amazing that some people actually think that people should only stick around in threads if they have positive things to say...


duckroll said:
It's amazing that some people actually think that people should only stick around in threads if they have positive things to say...

I, by no means, am saying, "if you don't like the game, don't post!" What I'm saying is, "post your criticism and move on." If you really don't like the game, why keep playing it? Why waste time doing that and then posting on and on about it? Play another game. That's all.


duckroll said:
It's amazing that some people actually think that people should only stick around in threads if they have positive things to say...
Oh please, the same people have been shitting on the game for months. Its getting old
I love and hate the game so, so, so hard. It's a tough relationship.

When the game (MP) works right and flows the way it should, it's one of my favorite games ever; but when the shit hits the fan -- i want to punch Guerrilla employees in the face! lol

Some maps just don't work in standard competitive play, like, any of the asymmetrical maps: one team will always have an advantage.

Whatever the map is with the garbage crusher; it's absolutely fantastic in Operations (because it was obviously designed for that mode), but falls apart in Warzone because the ISA is always fighting an uphill fight. Once the Higs get the 2 top TSP's, they can control them with relative ease for the rest of the match.

I will still play (gritting my teeth in rage, sometimes), but I will eagerly await Guerrilla to fix the shit. :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Y2Kev said:
Oh, Sev's
big speech to rally the troops was hysterical. FUK YEAH!!!

I loved how after he made his BIG POINT something exploded in the background. It was like Michael Bay was directing the scene. Just hilarious.

I chuckled at that part as well.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
lastinline said:
Was finally able to play quite a bit of Guerrilla Warfare tonight. I tried a round of Warzone, but I got disconnected in like 7 minutes, so I went right back to GW. Seriously, I'm having so much darn fun with the multiplayer, and one of the reasons why is because the Move works so darn marvelously. Granted I'm sometimes not good with it, but most of the time I'm just blasting my way to the number 1 spot on my team. In the last round I had the longest killstreak ever, I don't remember what it was cause it popped up quick and went away in no time, but I know it was over 5. Yeah, I'm just loving this, and I'll love this even more once the kinks are worked out. I'll also post what I set my Move settings to as well...

Slider after calibration - 0
Deadzone height - 0
Deadzone width - 0
Crosshair sensitivity - 0
Turn Speed - 100

Yeah, lol, most of it is 0 besides the turn speed, but it works really well for me.

Just to clarify, the "slider after calibration" and the "crosshair sensitivity" option are the very same thing. Set the former to max and the latter will read "100%" etc.


RyanardoDaVinci said:
For my first post ever on GAF, I have but one thing to say:


The fuck is this shit? Ryan has finally been accepted? You know what this means, right? You're out of all of the GAF clans. Yup, since we picked you up as a non-member, becoming a member immediately excludes you from all future group playtime.

We had some terrible clan matches earlier. Guerrilla, you need to work on making some balanced maps.

Also, Ryan, what in the world are you doing awake at this time? You always abandon us super early and here I find you posting on GAF at 4:31 real time.
I ran into a few glitches that really thwarted my progress in a couple spots (ended up restarting a few sections) but I just finished the SP and I really loved it. Story took itself way too seriously in some spots, and not enough in others, but I thought the conspiracy between the two dictators was entertaining, while not at all as threatening as Visari in the first two.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just wish I hadn't run into a few big glitches.


Just finished the SP as well, the action is really great all the way till the end. Then it ends on a whimper, the end sequence doesn't feel as exciting as GG was probably intending. Ending was real abrupt and wtf too. And man, does it jump around and rush it cutscene/storywise in the last leg of the campaign. Like all of sudden you're commandeering a vehicle and riding it but no real scene to explain how and where you got it. And how quickly they had to resolve the problems between Narville and Rico, so forced. And where do they keep getting more ISA vehicles and troops?

Whatever it's not that big of a deal because the action was real fun and challenging, I do wish fore more health. I just get killed too fast most times, especially when behind cover. wtf.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Edgeward said:
Whatever it's not that big of a deal because the action was real fun and challenging, I do wish fore more health. I just get killed too fast most times, especially when behind cover. wtf.

Yeah, I've noticed that as well. Low cover is just uneffective most of the time unless you are on a higher ground. Guess it makes sense, but still...
Edgeward said:
Just finished the SP as well, the action is really great all the way till the end. Then it ends on a whimper, the end sequence doesn't feel as exciting as GG was probably intending. Ending was real abrupt and wtf too. And man, does it jump around and rush it cutscene/storywise in the last leg of the campaign. Like all of sudden you're commandeering a vehicle and riding it but no real scene to explain how and where you got it. And how quickly they had to resolve the problems between Narville and Rico, so forced. And where do they keep getting more ISA vehicles and troops?

Whatever it's not that big of a deal because the action was real fun and challenging, I do wish fore more health. I just get killed too fast most times, especially when behind cover. wtf.

Just finished, the vehicle sections can go away.

Overall, really fun, but the ending was wtf. Between your actions and the very end, that was just confusing.
Some good games were had last night, but seriously - Pyrrhus Crater (Warzone) is one of the worst maps I've ever played on any FPS. The shittiness of that map defies belief. It must have been designed by a mentally deficient person.

Seriously, one TSP for the entire map? One?

And to think this is the same dev studio that brought us Salamun Market, Tharsis Depot, Pyrrhus Rise and Southern Hills.


Internet Celebrity said:
Some good games were had last night, but seriously - Pyrrhus Crater (Warzone) is one of the worst maps I've ever played on any FPS. The shittiness of that map defies belief. It must have been designed by a mentally deficient person.

Seriously, one TSP for the entire map? One?

And to think this is the same dev studio that brought us Salamun Market, Tharsis Depot, Pyrrhus Rise and Southern Hills.
Well to be fair, the lead leevel designer left for BRINK after KZ2


Just finished the SP on Veteran, short mini-review coming up:


+ The graphics and art direction are insanely good. In my humble opinion, this game is the best-looking console game released thus far, and is a major improvement over KZ2 in every way except for the toned down motion blur. The textures are infinitely better, the levels are bigger, the framerate is more consistent and the variety in locations is excellent. I don't have much to complain about at all in this regard.
+ The campaign is incredibly fun; I dare say it's one of the most fun FPS campaigns I've played in quite a while. Quite a bit of variation, and the various sceneries helps spicing it up. Also, the game doesn't overstay its welcome and doesn't feel too short either.
+ The enemies are as fun as ever to fight against, and the gunplay is probably the best one in a FPS.
+ The sound (aside from the voice acting and some of the fucked up surround mixing) is really good. The weapons pack a punch, the environmental/ambient sounds and especially the soundtrack is great and generally much better than KZ2.
+ I honestly didn't mind the story and the new villains much at all; in fact, I was surprised that I wasn't that bothered by the VA and the cutscene even more. I'm not saying KZ3 is great in this regard, but I personally feel it wasn't horrible, not by a long shot.
+ Best credit sequence ever, utterly beautiful and the track that's played is Ah-mazing.


- The overall lack of polish is what's hurting the game the most. Some of the cutscenes are poorly directed and janky as fuck (especially the audio synching) and as some have said, it feels like parts of the exposition are missing. The most obvious example is the total lack of explanation on how they get into the ice vehicle, and the early stage of the junkyard level was horrible with its ingame cinematics (every time a cut was shown, it looked janky). It seems Guerrilla Games doesn't understand that an additional final layer of polishing helps a lot in improving the game. Thankfully, I found the actual gameplay during the campaign quite polished; no real bugs, glitches or clipping issues were noticeable, aside from a couple of instances where level geometry would "disappear" if you took cover behind a specific object or looked at a certain direction.
- A continuation of the above: WORST. SUBTITLES. EVER. Seriously, GG should fire whoever was responsible for the English subtitles; oftentimes there were a ton of grammatical errors, and sometimes the subtitles didn't even match the VA. Even the intro slides have grammatical errors in them!
- The difficulty level at parts (at least on Veteran) was unbalanced. You would get bombarded from every damn direction and you'd die in seconds. The companion reviving did alleviate some frustration (and the checkpoints were generally good), but still, the game was a bit unfair at times, especially during the final setpiece (GODDAMNIT). I dread playing this game on Elite.
- I hoped for more Heavy Troopers, but it's not a major issue.
- The ending was too abrupt and pissed me off completely. I mean, the events right up until the end did have enough substance to provide meat for a fleshed-out ending, but BAM! The Sopranos.

If I have to score the game, it would be a weak 9/10. I really loved the campaign, but for the next game, GG need to (1) get a guy that's actually proficient in the English language and (2) polish their cutscenes much, much more.


Kuroyume said:
Amusing reviosionist history going on in this thread regarding KZ2 and GAF...

All of the sudden EVERYONE hated KZ2 and bitched all the time about it.

seriously. then you get the insecure guys disparaging the views of people who don't like the mp design like it affects their personal enjoyment of the game.

we;'re allowed to complain about shit design, discuss terrible ideas and have some banter. if it affects your enjoyment of the game so much use the bloody ignore feature.
I think the
are seriously one of the coolest enemies I've ever encountered in a Sci-fi game. The way they take on mechs, carry enemies about and drop them off around the map during gameplay and have the ability to scale vertically as well as horizontily, amazes me.

The Assassin type Helgast look really cool but are actually pretty lame gameplay wise. Maybe because i'm playing on normal or something, but they just seem to run towards you, gives you ample time to shoot them down before they can touch you. Even when they do get up to you, the game gives time to perform a double melee and take them out. I even got a trophy for that shit. These guys should have been really badass - the trailer made them look so cool.
just finished it, beating it on veteran with Move, that got to be the best fps of cinematic set pieces sub genre I've ever played. I was never bored, the spectacles is jaw dropping. there are nitpicky issues like rushed cutscenes and weird audio mix also in cutscenes. but those are minor and didn't really hurt the overall package.

the abrupt ending is such a shame though. I'm actually fine with the little teaser after the credits. I just wish the final cutscene with Sev give some info on what they're planning to do next.
can they go back to Earth? or are they stuck in Helghan and have to land there or something. hell even added little dialog like 'let's go home' or something will cheer me up a little.
I don't think my opinion of a game/peripheral has ever fluctuated so much before now.

Opinion 1: Move is rad. Game is rad. I can make this work.
Opinion 2: Move is rad, but not for me. Game is a clusterfuck.
Opinion 3: DS3 just isn't doing it for me as it used to; back to the Move.
Opinion 4: Due to a slew of matches in which I dominate, Move is rad again; game can be both immensely fun and immensely shit. If you don't have a decent team, you will have a horrible and infuriating time.

Anyway, this shows just how immature I can be, so I'm-a shut up.


duckroll said:
It's amazing that some people actually think that people should only stick around in threads if they have positive things to say...

So they can just talk the game into the ground with all the negative opinions? I agree with other people, if you don't like it don't play and complain about it.
In some other topic about another game it could be called trolling but this thread is practically a troll-free(and ban free) zone. Whatever you say about Killzone 3 you won't get banned.


It's as if there should be two threads for every game so people can actually criticize them, till a year later when no one gives a fuck. If they are down on a triple A release at launch you're typically labeled a troll or a fanboy of the opposite console if it's an exclusive or whatever, as if that poster hasn't also just spent $60 on the product.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Terrible netcode (lots of teleporting) and engine performance (can barely stick to 30fps - it's 20 most of the time) are *really* killing it.

I can stand one or two matches. Then I have to quit because of the overwhelming crap I'm forcing myself into.

Stop bitching about balancing issues and map design. MP runs on broken legs anyway. Bitch about those instead.


I've played some bot matches and it's not 20fps at all, so maybe the netcode is causing some sort of secondary performance issue and if addressed it could run better. Not sure if that's at all possible.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
StuBurns said:
I've played some bot matches and it's not 20fps at all, so maybe the netcode is causing some sort of secondary performance issue and if addressed it could run better. Not sure if that's at all possible.

It's a combination of both for sure. But this ain't 30fps (as promised both for KZ2 and for KZ3). Not even close. I get shitty frame rate in bot matches as well. Again, I'm talking frame rate when you are actually involved in the clusterfucks.
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