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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
WarZones are completely now TDM's with objectives thrown in
(You can see those little fucks who camp, during certain objectives, either they don't help your team, or if the enemy, their team)

Been noticing more of this but I think half the problem is my case is how much Salamun Market shows up in Warzone. A bunch of people either try to be in a mech the whole time because it racks up so many kills, or just snipe camp on the doorways near Tactical Spawn areas. In the few instances where I was on another map, people actually seemed to play the objectives.

Having played some more KZ2 just before this came out I realize going back to the spawn smoke grenades wouldn't really work since that is a camping magnet as well, but this game could be improved by removing tactical spawns and just letting people spawn on a squad mate or any tactician on the team. It wouldn't be some blip on the map that enemies (or teammates doing it enemies) could camp on, and it also wouldn't be some clusterfuck that people spend half the match fighting over rather than playing the objective.

At least for me, there isn't anything too out of whack that couldn't be fixed with some patching. I do find it weird however that neither in the game nor on the website do I see any tracking whatsoever of W/L ratio. Maybe they realized too few people care to bother doing it. Overall my experience has been pretty good online other than the map rotation, but I'm still weary of it becoming like it was in the beta. It already seems like a lot of people have given up on repairing ammo crates since they probably expect a sniper to be spending half of the matching aiming at it, just waiting for somebody to come along.

The game could go either way at this point but it seems like in the wake of Modern Warfare 2, shooters are leaning towards throwing out points for shooting people to let them level up rather than encouraging objective based play. Halo Reach got ruined by this for me, hopefully this game pans out better.


"world is full, not possible to join" has anyone else got that message? Switched from EU to NA since it's night in EU and no one is playing, NA has a full world so guess it's not the same there right about now. :p


ADD New Gen Gamer
KingDizzi said:
"world is full, not possible to join" has anyone else got that message? Switched from EU to NA since it's night in EU and no one is playing, NA has a full world so guess it's not the same there right about now. :p

I played an hour ago on NA servers, no problems.
KingDizzi said:
"world is full, not possible to join" has anyone else got that message? Switched from EU to NA since it's night in EU and no one is playing, NA has a full world so guess it's not the same there right about now. :p
I got that once, tried again 20 seconds later and got in. Was weird!

Also I just had a beast round of warzone, good times. All these disguised infiltrators were pissing me off so I decided to see what all the rage was about, good lord is it fun to walk amongst them.
Just finished the single player. I'm not a fan.

The combat wasn't that fun since the enemies took a ridiculous amount of bullets, but I seemed to get killed in an instant. The cover mechanics never really worked through my play through either since I would get hit every time I tried to take cover, making the whole idea behind taking cover pretty useless. I was better off manually putting obstacles between the enemy and me instead of latching on like the game intended. This, combined with the fact the enemies only shot at me even though I had allies in plain sight made the game pretty frustrating. Don't even get me started on those annoying vehicle segments.

This would all be passable if the story was there but it just wasn't working for me. It felt very disjointed, where things/characters/locations seemed to appear and disappear randomly from level to level. For example, one scene would end with you grouping up with the squad and vaguely talking about what to do next, and then I'm suddenly in a random snow vehicle. I don't remember them getting that vehicle, or even mentioning using it. Maybe I just missed it, but those type of moments happened frequently where I was just wondering "Wait, that person is with me now?" or "Huh? I don't remember this massive tower next to the mech I fought five minutes ago".
That whole tutorial segment being different the second time around was really strange too. I know why they did it, but that doesn't make it any less confusing from a story perspective.

As for the ending
You're really going to sprinkle long cutscenes all through the game and give me a two minute "conclusion"? You spent time dwelling on the captain not trusting Rico for, like, half the game but you can't spend more then five minutes discussing the implications of committing a nuclear holocaust? Just a bit of cheering with one character suggesting they may have killed off the entire planet, and that's it?

Sorry if that became a bit of a rant. I guess I just feel let down since I really enjoyed the second game. On the plus side it was beautiful with a large variety in the environments. And I didn't want to shoot Rico in the head repeatedly this time around. So there's that.

One more thing: Make twin space Hitlers the main villains in the next game and I'll give it another go. Do it!


Does anyone think it's a little disappointing that GG didn't add any new objectives to Warzone?

I was hoping for them to include a dual Assassination game mode .. where each team has a target to defend so that while defending your own target others on your team are going to go kill the enemy's target. Sort of like CTF.

It could be it's own game mode for all I care as that personally sounds like a lot of fun and something I'd play most of the time by itself. I love Assassination but in the standard Warzone it's WAY too short. Most of the time nobody bothers to even go for the target.

Here's to hoping that GG includes some matchmaking filters in a future update.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I just finished the SP mode. Really really liked the story and I found the last level while still somewhat bastard like nowhere as near as painful as 2 (which I never finished). I felt it was an improvement over 2's story.

I LOVED Malcolm McDowell as Stahl.

It was an improvement in everything but that crappy ending. A few niggles here and there such as story decisions, but it was a much more enjoyable experience compared to how mundane and boring KZ2 SP was. I just can't believe how they ended it though, was a fun ride and then that awful ending lol.

Mikey Jr.

Fuck, some parts of this game I honestly felt I was playing on a PS4. I was blown the fuck away by so many of the levels.

Not sure what kinda of voodoo magic Guerrilla is using, but fucking stick with this engine (with refinements of course). Seriously, they are pumping out graphics and style like nobodys business.


Ok I am really really trying to get into the online part of this game and I do enjoy many parts of it but I have just about had it with the ability to cloak or look like the enemy. This combined with the small maps and those running around it really is starting to suck the fun out of it.

Any tips on how to deal with this? I played very little KZ2 online so perhaps I just need time to adjust to the style of play but boy I am trying to enjoy it.


U2NUMB said:
Ok I am really really trying to get into the online part of this game and I do enjoy many parts of it but I have just about had it with the ability to cloak or look like the enemy. This combined with the small maps and those running around it really is starting to suck the fun out of it.

Any tips on how to deal with this? I played very little KZ2 online so perhaps I just need time to adjust to the style of play but boy I am trying to enjoy it.

Tactician/Spot and Mark :)

Will light your foes up like a xmas tree.
Mikey Jr. said:
Fuck, some parts of this game I honestly felt I was playing on a PS4. I was blown the fuck away by so many of the levels.

Not sure what kinda of voodoo magic Guerrilla is using, but fucking stick with this engine (with refinements of course). Seriously, they are pumping out graphics and style like nobodys business.

I feel like the game is way too grainy, the environments from afar look like I'm looking through a screen window and the characters eyelashes are really weird looking to me.


Finished it on Normal with the Dualshock and played through the first few chapters with the Move and Navi control.

I didn’t like the Single player campaign, and agree with Tkawsome.

From the start, it looked like I was going to get exactly what I knew I was buying into - a big budget console shooter with all the tropes that come with it and little new. Everything I did in Killzone 3 I had done before, but at first impression it at least did each little thing very well. Within the first 30 minutes of play, the player is treated to a good mix of small-arms combat; several turret sections including a vehicle-mounted one; a ‘out-snipe the snipers’ section; and a nice ride with the walker mech.

However, the single player campaign follows a gradual decline in enjoyment from beginning to end and I just didn't care for it at all as I was trudging through the final levels. The game does a poor job of communicating how much health I have at any one stage. In some encounters, I would appear to suck up an insane amount of damage from multiple enemies and pull through. Other times, I’d round a corner and be greated with insta-death. Sometimes I would clear out a huge room and work my way across, but my squad would be all the way back at the beginning, and couldn’t help with the last push against the last few (tougher) enemies. After getting taken out, my allies would just stand and look at me while the timer ticked down and I’d get taken back to a checkpoint. “There’s too many Higgs between us!” some would yell at me from inches away while I’m staring them in the face. The ‘3 deaths before you run out’ system ensured a woefully inconsistent experience. It could be 10 minutes of gameplay between the last death, and I would forget how many I had left in stock, so when I died, I’d have to go all the way back and re-do it again.

The cover system was clumsy. Like Tkawsome mentioned, I was better off positioning myself in a spot several meters behind a pylon or non-huggable terrain and make dashing moments to the side to pick off the Helghan. I recall the cover system working well in Killzone 2, but this time around I would get fucked from the sides in places I thought the game was directing me to take cover behind, so I’d typically pull pack a few meters from where the bulk of the cover was concentrated. For most of the tight spots of the game, I would be between several objects and shooting at a very small grey polygon I knew to be the enemy poking very subtly out of a corner before moving on the next.

It was very difficuly to gauge whether my shot at enemies behind cover were effective or not. Whilst a Helghan was bunkered down behind a concrete block, I could still pick off his head or other body parts sticking out while he was locked into the ‘reload’ animation. Most of the time I couldn’t tell whether my shots were registering or not, even though the crosshair was clearly on-target. Sometimes the shots would take them out, sometimes I would empty clip upon clip into low-level Helghan behind cover and they would not go down. Again, another example of the game doing a poor job of communicating the systems at play.

I thought the stealth level in the Helghan jungle worked well enough although each confrontation only had one or two ways in which it could be approached. Some of the vehicle sections towards the end were fun, but I had a tough time gauging how effective I was - especially in the space combat stuff towards the end.

Couldn’t give a rat’s arse about the story. The game relied alot on cutscenes, sometimes too frequently between combat sequences. There were a million ‘missed by that much’ moments of near death, and jumping away from explosions at the last moment, that is just became predictable and lacking tension. I’ve always like the artistic direction of Killzone, right back to the first one on PS2 even if it was technically weak. The spaceships and mechs have a great angular menacing look to them, and the ‘Space Nazi’ aesthetic of the Helghast works well.

So, not sure if I’ll keep the game or not. Haven’t touched multiplayer, but I’m not expecting much given that the controls, whilst still improved, are too clunky for my liking. I’m keen to go back to Killzone 2 which I felt was a much tidier complete experience than KZ3. Plus, I am still getting a hell of a lot of mileage out of Halo: Reach and can't imagine this being comparable given the tight controls of Reach and the great interface.

Surely there’s praise for the game in this thread, but I cannot recommend it when there are other games that do everything better.


I just finished the first jetpack area... anus. the jet pack works fine, impressive even, but the fine platforming they ask you to do whilst fighting off enemies you can barely see is fucked. I'm glad it's over.
The communications stage before that was great though. Some nice stealth, probably the best I've seen implemented in a FPS.


Hopefully GG get three years for their next game but don't see it happening. I'm gonna keep bitching about it until the next game or a very unlikely patch but online co-op not being in is a kick in the teeth. ND got it bang on the money first time, the online co-op for the game was amazing and at worst GG should have done something like that, preferably story co-op. It's weird when you think about it simply because all Sony first parties are releasing games with online co-op from LBP2 to Socom so KZ3 not having it just seems weird, especially when split screen co-op is in. Eh I dunno how things work between GG and Sony but KZ3 looks like it needed more time in the oven, hearing news that GG is opening another studio to make another PS3 exclusive makes it even more so, use the extra people to work on the KZ games to make them meatier!

Played a few more rounds of MP and enjoyed it besides that one map where it's tilted, hate that one so much.
Having a blast online with this game. Furthermore the more I play with the move the more I realize that I will never be using the DS3 with this game. It feels so good once you really get used to it.

My only complaints are that the Move needs the melee button patch immediately and also the retro pack sucks especially the endless loop of them. I wish they spent the time adding two more new maps instead of rehashed maps from kz2. Pretty lazy and uninspired in my opinion. Other then that, I am really loving multiplayer.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The music, particularly in the jungle sections, is giving me a definite Jet Force Gemini vibe, which is pretty awesome in my book.

Loving the Move, glad I made that purchase. I'm digging the hell out of the whole game. The campaign is great for my tastes, good amount of variety and set pieces. Only put a couple hours into multi so far, but aside from some early quibbles I like it. It's generally way more fun than when I hopped onto KZ2 about a year into that game's lifespan.


Revolutionary said:
So yeah, I completed the campaign and played 5 hours of Multi with the Sharpshooter and did pretty decent.. as I said earlier in the thread, I felt as though I was doing slightly worse than I would with the DS3 but still good enough to hold my own.

So today I decided to play without the Sharpshooter and just the Move and wow. So much better. I only played 2 hours MP with it and I was getting 2.0 kdr in matches, something I've never been able to accomplish with the Sharpshooter. Campaign with just the Move has been a breeze thus far as well, on Elite! I guess the fact that I've already played through it helps but I've noticed that snapping to targets is much easier without the Sharpshooter - it requires less movement.

The Sharpshooter adds some immersion to the game for sure, but if you're looking for maximum precision (and comfort), then I suggest ditching it. I most certainly will.
Well that's disappointing. I was worried about that and it's why I put the Sharpshooter back down when I was at the store earlier. I just haven't read enough impressions about it to drop $40 to find out for myself.

After using those settings with all the 0's, the demo felt AMAZING with Move+Nav. Although I've never tried it without turning off all the assist for it so maybe I should check it out with it on.


KZ3 is sooooo disappointing on almost every point (except graphics).

The gameplay is better than KZ2...but still too clumsy. But well...I guess some people love it.

My main reproach is about the online: not enough game modes, not enough costumization, not enough weapons, not enough balance between classes, too much lag, too much frame drops, too many bullets to get a kill, to much chaos, too many bots, too many drones, ... at the end of the day: where is the fun?

Seriously: GG needs to look at the others shooters and learn.

I don't even speak about the gameplay...look at the game modes! 3?! Are you kidding? Only 3 modes online? And most of them based on team play that you will experience only if you are in a clan... (just look at how nobody cares about TSP...when they are so important)

Still no hardcore mode (no respawn, 2/3 bullets)?! Seriously GG?

This game is a joke.


Just finished up the game and had a blast playing through it. Played the first half with the DS3 and the rest with Move. Move really adds a lot to the game in terms on fun and being easier to control once you find the sweet spot for the settings. As for the ending
I thought it was a bit crap and ending in the same abrupt way KZ2 did. Looking at the planet and saying you don't hear anything then *boom* credits roll. I suppose I'm more upset because I actually thought this would be the last installment. Stahl return to Helghan in the end (was that Stahl?) makes it seem like they're trying to keep it open (I'm guessing for the NGP versions). Also would have like to get a bit of back story about what Rico was up to after going to save Jammer since he leaves and when he comes back all of a sudden he has the entire crew under his command.
. I actually feel like going back and giving KZ2 another play through.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Can anyone explain why I need to manually skip two cutscenes before I get to the menu every single time?


AltogetherAndrews said:
I'd be perfectly fine with two games modes if they are good enough. More for the sake of having more is dumbtarded.

No. Sorry: more means more diversity, more gaming experiences, more strategic options, more styles of play, more options depending on what you feel like doing (that can be different form yesterday and tomorrow), etc...

Btw, did I write: "I want many many crappy modes" somewhere?

My point is not to say "more is always better". But more OPTIONS are always welcome.

And KZ is not the first FPS ever, is it? Just look at the other titles: whatever your style and likings are, you can find something that appeals to you. AND you can different experiences from a match to another.

With GG it's more like: "You don't like it ? It s because you are stupid! More is not always better moron!"

Come on man...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
kinoki said:
Can anyone explain why I need to manually skip two cutscenes before I get to the menu every single time?

They want to be sure you know who made this masterpiece.
giving up online. far to easy to kill/ get killed. seriously feels like 1-2 bullets with every gun. went back to playing KZ2 earlier and actually had a couple good battles with people. fuck this game

and to the obvious COD fantard, this isnt COD. warzone shits on every mode in the COD franchise.
I just finished the story mode, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be, given all the reviews. I usually get annoyed very quickly at cheesy banter and asinine plot points (don't get me started on FFXIII), but it all seemed to flow pretty well, if you're able to look past the ludicrousness of the overall plot. Though the end was stupid.

The game does a lot of things better than its predecessor, but it also does many things worse and/or removes features entirely, so I'd be hard pressed to say whether it's the better game or not.

Overall it was very unpolished compared to the last game, and I think an extra six months to a year would've both tightened up the experience considerably, and allowed them to implement many of those mysteriously absent features (proximity chat in multiplayer, online co-op).

I will say that I loved the new controls, and the basic gameplay (shooting + brutal melees) is as good as you can get in a console shooter. Actually, I think for that reason alone I'd put this over its predecessor.


makingmusic476 said:
I just finished the story mode, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be, given all the reviews. I usually get annoyed very quickly at cheesy banter and asinine plot points (don't get me started on FFXIII), but it all seemed to flow pretty well, if you're able to look past the ludicrousness of the overall plot. Though the end was stupid.

The game does a lot of things better than its predecessor, but it also does many things worse and/or removes features entirely, so I'd be hard pressed to say whether it's the better game or not.

Overall it was very unpolished compared to the last game, and I think an extra six months to a year would've both tightened up the experience considerably, and allowed them to implement many of those mysteriously absent features (proximity chat in multiplayer, online co-op).

I will say that I loved the new controls, and the basic gameplay (shooting + brutal melees) is as good as you can get in a console shooter.
Nah nah, fuck this game. Fuck it!


fuzzyreactor said:
giving up online. far to easy to kill/ get killed. seriously feels like 1-2 bullets with every gun. went back to playing KZ2 earlier and actually had a couple good battles with people. fuck this game

and to the obvious COD fantard, this isnt COD. warzone shits on every mode in the COD franchise.

I can't agree on that: I need 7 to 10 bullets to get a kill. I mean: the red cross (showing that I get a hit) appears 7 to 10 times before the ennemy dies (I shoot in burst so it s easy to see when I hit or not).

I d love to test this with someone : we go online we meet somewhere and try different weapons on different body parts. I am pretty sure it takes much more than 3 bullets in the chest to get a kill.


Just played the SP-campaign - the ending is so disappointing and abrupt, it would work as an ending for an episode put not a complete game. Game developers still need to work on the whole story-telling mechanic.

Online is fun so far.
Solal said:
I can't agree on that: I need 7 to 10 bullets to get a kill. I mean: the red cross (showing that I get a hit) appears 7 to 10 times before the ennemy dies (I shoot in burst so it s easy to see when I hit or not).

I d love to test this with someone : we go online we meet somewhere and try different weapons on different body parts. I am pretty sure it takes much more than 3 bullets in the chest to get a kill.
alright lets set up a custom game....oh wait

k, join my squad and well test it with friendly fire on......oh wait


fuzzyreactor said:
alright lets set up a custom game....oh wait

k, join my squad and well test it with friendly fire on......oh wait


I thought of these "details" right after posting...

Might not be possible after all...


ADD New Gen Gamer
Solal said:

I thought of these "details" right after posting...

Might not be possible after all...

They are supposedly coming in an upcoming patch I believe. So you may need to wait before you test it out.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
The maps, all 8 of them, should be usable for all different game modes

It is amazing that there are only 3 Operations maps, and certain maps are Guerrilla Warfare and some are WarZone only, also it doesn't help the Fucking retro map pack fractures the community Day Fucking 1

I get tired with-in 1-2 map rotations, it's feels like the Same Old Shit but only a few days have passed since release, and nothing stands (burned out on it already)

Other FPS's have good rotations, or good choices in what to vote for, or give you options
(Using COD for example, but you see people play for months before getting tired/burned out, but for me personally, 3+ days in, I'm like that's it WTF!?)

Lets take a look @ what I can do

Here I'll make the maps better:

Key Features: Warzone – 24 players, Exos, WASPS, Mortar Beacons

1 Exo per team (respawn every 3-5 minutes, so if teammates are careless, you are at a disadvantage, if other team still has there Exo take it out, or getting owned with it)

WASPS should only lock onto Exos/Other WASPS Turrets/Gun Turret/Sentry Turrets|Droids|Medic Bot (only giving medic splash damage, if below a certain health, Medic dies, only the respawn ability can help him out. No Human kills with WASPS, they shouldn't register unless if they are in proximity to certain turret, and only through splash damage)

Mortars can be handy, but 1 every 10 minutes you hold the TSA, if taken by another team, and re-taken, 5 minutes, if used, 10 minutes again (1 location. the Building with Balcony TSA)

4 TSA's: 1 each in the area after spawn point, "the plaza areas" (2), the 1 that's located inside the building with turrets > should be moved underneath the bridge right in the central area (add 2-3 bridge columns from snipe camping either side), leave the one that's on the balcony on the opposite side

Key Features: Warzone – 24 Players, Guerrilla Warfare – 16 Player, Miniguns, Mortar Beacons

The tilting effect given from the map is a huge hindrance. It adds nothing of value, just makes the gameplay more frustrating. As one GAFfer said it best "It's like being on the Titanic".

Need to add 2 more TSA's, either the area right near the S&D locations for each team, the middle TSA stays where it is, but just having 1 is atrocious

(I know this sounds stupid but what the hell)
If they want that tilt effect, use it as an event trigger (like the EMP from Turbine), that an aftershock (mini-quake), shakes your perception like that, for 1-2 minutes, but it goes back to normal after that

The pipes should be interlinked, it could be a map with-in a map, creating either for a more tactical approach, or 1 that GG really loves creating Bottlenecks, but at least you can't have 5+ bottlenecks going on at the same time, an area would be clear to traverse (hopefully)

Same thing with Mortars again

Key Feature: Warzone – 24 Players, Guerrilla Warfare – 16 Players, Miniguns, Mortar Beacons

This map feels like someone took a Golf Course Hole from Tiger Woods Golf (hello dogwood & out of bounds/water hazards), then added destruction/buildings to make it feel interesting

This map is pure Alleyways, and going by the map name I understand it, but the buildings aren't recognizable, there is no "connectedness". If someone says come help me I'm in the building, I'll be going which fucking one? that brown destructed one or that other brown destructed one. No visual cues, like oh the "library", or oh the "lofts".
(Nothing stands out)

This map reminds me of COD4's Bloc, each side grabs a TSA and camps the buildings, and just does it things, the middle being no man's land

Add more connectivity through the buildings, passage ways that lead into or out of them. Basements that lead to the subterranean level for more a dark/glowy feel, and lead you out into the devastated Boulevard

Key Features: Warzone – 24 Players, Jetpacks, Miniguns

There's only 2 ways to reach the other side, through the middle or through the tunnel that's to the left of the map (the map shows it as south)
There should be a tunnel directly built from the ISA and HGH spawn area and should cross in the middle underneath the EMP leading to that TSA, it gives better options to the players

The TSA's are fine, 3 of them work perfectly, either grab them or be dominated

The EMP event is a cool twist, and really adds something nice into all that chaos

The spawn camping in this is to easy, to many ways to get camped from mid range to far way, if you lock down the 2-3 areas that lead out, you have closed in the the enemy
(No hidden paths or ways to leave, all areas leading out can be camped)

Key Features: Warzone – 24 Players, Guerrilla Warfare – 16 Players, Operations – 16 Players, Mortar Beacons

Ugh this MAP is super unbalanced, it favors the ISA outright

The Spawn locations for the ISA are to close, and the one for HGH is to far from the others, they need to move the second from the gate into the snow area by broken dam tunnel area near the rocks

1/3rd of the Map is useless and barren, they need to move some of the objective towards it

C&H favors the team with middle TSA (mostly ISA, due to there spawn area being so close by, while HGH are far away from it)
Same goes for Propaganda speaker, the ISA get a huge advantage of placing the speaker almost 2 buildings away from HGH spawn, yet HGH speaker location isn't even 100 feet from ISA spawn location
(These need to be either moved or rebalanced and given a moving target, explain more at the fix overall feature)

Key Features: Warzone – 24 Players, Guerrilla Warfare – 16 Players, Operations – 16 Players, Snowstorm

Once again ISA have a huge advantage, they have so many ways to maneuver and reach the rig, while HGH from the get go are blocked by taking narrow alleyways and steps down and are sitting ducks for the awaiting ISA, no blocking to give ISA any hindrance.

The Snowstorm feature should again be used an event (EMP), where there's light flurries, but the winds kick up and bring the storm for 5 minutes but then dissipate for 10-15 minutes and reappears again

The TSA favor the ISA, the HGH have to leave the rig to grab 2 of the 3 TSA's, while the ISA comfortably get to grab both and just push up

Key Features: Warzone – 24 Players, Operations – 16 Players, Mortar Beacons, Crusher

Once again the Crusher should be an event that's triggered by itself in a timely manner, it should be a risk/reward scenario, not go press a button and hope someone is there (which if you guessed is not a whole lot, people just run in the side tunnels, so the thing is never used, no point to when there are better options available, than running straight down the area and be a sitting duck)

Mortars here can really be a nuisance, due to huge open areas, and chucking them in open spaces nets you kills, no blockage, strike is close to direct hits possible

Key Features: Guerrilla Warfare – 16 Players

Ugh.... just endless loops of tunnels, the trying to get the feeling of a "Labyrinth Jungle" is not a map. Multiple times invisible walls have stopped me, which could be great jump to points (shortcuts), and it just 1 endless circular map

You can literally get lost in there, and the spawn location don't help, multiple times I have spawned and with-in 2 seconds of spawning being Brutal Melee'd from the back by the enemy

Overall Features:

Capture & Hold on maps should be placed 1 closest to each base and one right in the middle of the map
(Turbine = good job, but ISA one has no cover, yet HGH get advantage with there's being blocked by walls and debris in the way)
(Frozen Dam = bad job, the locations aren't to far apart, and the openess given to the ISA from their viewpoint is easier than it is for the HGH)

Propaganda speaker should start out @ the location of the middle C&H point
When the team scores, the speaker will be placed 200-300 feet from 1st location towards the team who hasn't scored, then if said team scores again the placement will be only 50 feet from the location placement

For example: ISA get speaker and score, now the speaker location is more closer to the HGH spawn area, and have better chance to grab and score, while the ISA have to fight to get it back, if ISA scores, the spawn location is now close to the HGH & Propaganda location, if ISA are good enough they can take it, but HGH will have spawn area location advantage to deal with
(If both teams start scoring the speaker keeps getting pushed back, making it tougher to get point #2, and point #3 look easier (but can get trapped in it)

Time for all objectives should be extended by 1+ minute from assassinations taking longer to complete, or more kills for Bodycount

Add MORE FUCKING STUFF!, by that I mean, more modes maybe 1 or 2, something more
More weapons, 3 primary and 3 secondary is not enough and almost 1-2 are directly shareable with other classes, so it's still the same thing
Where is the nail gun, flamethrower, electric gun, fuck, you have this whole fucking universe and each side has only <5 weapons available to themselves

Sorry for the ranting, trying to make it better essay

Thanks for reading though (^_^)b


guys, is it me or is the sound on some of the cutscene sounds... dull ??.. uninspiring sounds, lack of "effect", lack of "boom" ? ,

im using a 5.1 surround sound, and the sound effect during gameplay are amazingg, but when it come to cutscene,,,, its very dull, all you can hear is people talking with each other, even in the middle of a firefight with things blowing up behind..
What the hell?

I played MP and I chose the EU region to play in... now I want to change it to NA but I can't find the option anywhere.... don't tell me the Region I chose in the first time I get stuck in it :\


The Praiseworthy said:
What the hell?

I played MP and I chose the EU region to play in... now I want to change it to NA but I can't find the option anywhere.... don't tell me the Region I chose in the first time I get stuck in it :\

Just go to the Options while on the Multiplayer screen and change the region.


ADD New Gen Gamer
The Praiseworthy said:
What the hell?

I played MP and I chose the EU region to play in... now I want to change it to NA but I can't find the option anywhere.... don't tell me the Region I chose in the first time I get stuck in it :\

It is under the options menu.

edit: beaten


Patrick Bateman said:

That bad?
Personally, yes.

Story was a mess, the ending was even worse. Gunplay is still there from KZ2 but some how it felt even more linear than it's predecessor, which I have no idea how they pulled that off. And don't even get me started on the MP.


I have to agree with Mush.

It's not great, but I don't want to poop up this thread when there are people who clearly enjoy it.

Will finish my Move playthough, but I've already got a feel for how the game plays with it, and playing it with different controls will do nothing to improve on the many other glaring short-fallings.

The big robot thing you fight looks cool I guess.
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