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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Mikey Jr. said:
More information on this please.
This is what they plan to patch in shortly.
GG said:
  • Support for color-blind players
  • Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches
  • Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to:
  • Control over games modes and settings
  • Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
  • The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used
  • Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
  • Selecting which careers you want available to players
  • Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
  • Faction switching enabled or disabled
  • The Clan Officer role will be added to clans
  • Separate turn speeds for hip-fire and ADS
  • Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down
  • Increased the amount of kills required to win a Guerrilla Warfare match
  • Increased Accuracy ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered
  • Likewise, the Bullet Damage ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered as well
  • Matches will end if the other team forfeits (i.e. too few, or no players on the enemy team)
  • Matchmaking enhancements that will close and merge games based on player count, which will keep games more full
  • Balance factions out by moving players to the other team at the end of the match if one team is lopsided
  • The ability to turn off HUD markers for point pop-ups and objectives
  • A menu option to allow squad-only chat
  • The addition of a Mute All button
  • Scoreboard flickering will be fixed
  • Clans will no longer get matched against other clans that have many more players than they do (i.e. 4 vs. 7, 5 vs. 8)


Digital Foundry
TacticalFox88 said:
Move for me is fantastic. Absolutely Amazing experience....I just wished the game itself was amazing as it (ironically!) controlled.
Multiplayer will be amazing once the community settles down, and the patches are out. I remember Killzone 2 being a strange, sometimes ugly beast on release. Pretty soon, the only people playing will be those who care about the objectives and tactical team-play, as opposed to the COD-style run'n'gunners.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Do the ribbons work the same way as Killzone 2, where you gain an advantage upon hitting a certain number?

I also noticed the game is counting my ribbons wrong. In-game it's saying I'm earning the Bullet Damage ribbon, but in the statistics they're counting towards Faster Aim :/ Despite getting it really often, my count is still at 0.

Edit: Of course, the problem could be the reverse, that the in-match notifications are wrong and the statistics are right. Either way, there's a miscommunication going on about which ribbons I'm earning.

Edit2: Come to think of it, my Faster Reload count is at 0 too, but I've received that notification a few times.

Dan said:
Do the ribbons work the same way as Killzone 2, where you gain an advantage upon hitting a certain number?

I also noticed the game is counting my ribbons wrong. In-game it's saying I'm earning the Bullet Damage ribbon, but in the statistics they're counting towards Faster Aim :/ Despite getting it really often, my count is still at 0.

Edit: Of course, the problem could be the reverse, that the in-match notifications are wrong and the statistics are right. Either way, there's a miscommunication going on about which ribbons I'm earning.

Edit2: Come to think of it, my Faster Reload count is at 0 too, but I've received that notification a few times.


No, the ribbons are something completely else right now. When you get a ribbon in game, it lasts until the end of that game and gives you a specified bonus (e.g. The Faster Reload increases the reload speed). Aside from that, you don't gen any permanent bonuses (like the medals in KZ2 gave you).
You do get permanent medals, I just got the 50 kills by VC32 medal.

Edit: But yeah, there is no permanent bonus, whatever bonus you get with the ribbons ends with the match.


Getting 3 (though I think it's actually 5) melee kills contributing to the Increased Accuracy ribbon makes a lot of sense.

So does the 5 assists in a game giving you Increased Bullet Damage.

I don't get it ..
X-Frame said:
Getting 3 (though I think it's actually 5) melee kills contributing to the Increased Accuracy ribbon makes a lot of sense.

So does the 5 assists in a game giving you Increased Bullet Damage.

I don't get it ..

Getting an assist means you haven't delivered enough damage to the target. Thus, the bullet damage increase. Similar with melee kills.


Campaign has gone back to being good fun in the junkyard level & after. The demo level was MUCH harder than it was in the demo + the level after was just shit. Room after room of dozens of enemies, it was honestly like playing CoD on Veteran.

Though I swear I killed the
Heavy with the sniper for the trophy
and it didn't pop up. Oh well.
Mik2121 said:
There was a bit of video after the first bunch of credits.

Also, worst single player campaign you've experienced this generation?..

What other games have you played?

Thanks for telling me I had missed something, I watched what I missed on youtube and it still sucks.

As for what i'm comparing Killzone 3 to. For a start Killzone 2 as well as Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Resistance, Borderlands, F.E.A.R, Perfect Dark Zero and the most recent one of all, Bulletstorm.

I know how many more shooters are out there that I have not played, yet I can't imagine any are as bad as Killzone 3. Everything from level design and pacing to story and dialogue was fucking atrocious.
HixxSAFC said:
Though I swear I killed the
Heavy with the sniper for the trophy
and it didn't pop up. Oh well.

You don't use the VC9 Sniper for that trophy; you use the Sta14, the semi-auto rifle with the scope on it (the pew-pew rifle from KZ2). There's one on the weapon rack right before the heavy encounter.

G Rom

Some direct-feed screens from one of the later level. I avoided spoiler subtitles or anything that could spoils the story.
I won't lie, the graphics kinda disappointed me in the very first levels. But boy, was I wrong ! It's exactly like Killzone 2, you get one or two good looking levels as a warm-up and then it's just jaw-dropping levels after jaw-dropping levels !
Unfortunately, like Killzone 2, almost everything else in the game isn't as good as the graphics IMO. I think it's such a waste to put out such magnificent sceneries only to tell a weak story with weak and annoying characters. One thing that bothers me and breaks immersion IMO are the voices. It screams studio recording, even when ridding a raider in the snow level, Rico and Sev sound like they're having a good time drinking beers on their sofa at home...
Oh and stop with the annoying cut scene breaking the gameplay constantly !






Tell me if it's ok to post the next one directly, I don't think it really spoils anything story wise but I didn't want to take any risk. :)





RyanardoDaVinci said:
You don't use the VC9 Sniper for that trophy; you use the Sta14, the semi-auto rifle with the scope on it (the pew-pew rifle from KZ2). There's one on the weapon rack right before the heavy encounter.

Ah. Cheers, will grab it on the second run through if I do one then.
mclaren777 said:
Is KZ3 on Veteran as difficult as KZ2 on Veteran?
To me KZ2 is much harder when compared on any difficulty. Elite is definitely easier in KZ3. Doing my elite run now and it doesn't feel much harder than veteran did.


G Rom said:
Ridiculously good captures

And that ladies and gentlemen, is what makes KZ3 one of the, if not the best looking game on consoles. Unbelievable IQ. PC master race quality.

Do you have a link to all of the one's taken by TaxiGamer? Some of the best captures yet. Detailed, low compression and good colour/contrast.


Can someone help confirm something for me real quick ..

Do you receive the Double Kill XP ribbon if you survive as a the assassination target? Because you don't get one if you kill the assassination target (which I think is a bug) .. just wondering.


I really think that some of you are being way too hard on the game, particularly the complaints about voice acting and presentation. The production values are incredible. Sure, there are pacing issues and I think it is pretty clear that entire sequences were cut (Guerilla had a much smaller team for this game) due to time and manpower constraints, but what the HELL were you expecting? The voice acting is par for the course for a game of this type. Not every game is going to be Uncharted.

I think Sev and Rico are a pretty decent pair. I also kind of like Narville. The characters aren't as memorable as say, Marcus or Baird from Gears of War, but they are entirely serviceable given the genre. One complaint I usually have about games like this is that the story is always hard to follow (example: Halo Reach) but this game is easy to follow and I have actually somewhat enjoyed the story so far. I am not done with the game, so maybe this notoriously bad ending will sway my opinion but so far I think the story is better than what we got from KZ2, which was pretty thin.
Playing some MP tonight for the first time in a couple of days and enjoying it a lot more than I was the other day. Been playing Operations exclusively mind.

G Rom

nib95 said:
And that ladies and gentlemen, is what makes KZ3 one of the, if not the best looking game on consoles. Unbelievable IQ. PC master race quality.

Do you have a link to all of the one's taken by TaxiGamer? Some of the best captures yet. Detailed, low compression and good colour/contrast.

Thanks. There you go. I could do more if you want.

@JB1981 : I was expecting less 80's action movie clichés, better cut-scene (WTF at the vehicles animations ?!), and better and more charismatic main characters. Honestly, I couldn't care less about Sev or Rico, they aren't charismatic at all especially compared to what other high production game offer (the whole Uncharted cast, Kratos, etc...).


KingDizzi said:
News to me that GG had a smaller team, got a link? It's odd considering they opened a new studio.

Not immediately but someone linked a few pages back I believe some interviews with Herman Hulst (sp?) and he talked about how they had less people and less time and people were working lots of overtime hours. He talked about how difficult the development process was for this game.


Some more.












So beautiful...still can't believe the PS3 is pushing some of these visuals. Seeing it in person is even more impressive, because of all the post processing, particle effects and so on moving around on screen constantly.


Awesome pics G Rom, too bad you don't like the campaign as much as me. :p

Could I make a small request from you? Shots from the last level would be awesome since I found that level to look really good.
Not the aircraft part, the stuff right before it, like when everything is blowing up and crates are flying in zero-gravity.

EDIT: the above screenshots are amazing; the texture improvements from KZ2 are obvious, and now the game contains some of the best textures in a current-gen game.


Man, love those pics. The game needs a "take picture from XMB option" ala MAG!
Noticed that when you press the XMB, whatever you have on the screen is paused, with no menu or "pause" over it, so just put a "take screen shot" option and there!!


user friendly said:
To me KZ2 is much harder when compared on any difficulty. Elite is definitely easier in KZ3. Doing my elite run now and it doesn't feel much harder than veteran did.
Interesting. I feel that I'm quite good at FPS games on consoles but I got my butt kicked by KZ2 on Veteran (19.4 deaths/level) and I've been debating about how to tackle KZ3 when I eventually rent it.


JB1981 said:
I really think that some of you are being way too hard on the game, particularly the complaints about voice acting and presentation. The production values are incredible. Sure, there are pacing issues and I think it is pretty clear that entire sequences were cut (Guerilla had a much smaller team for this game) due to time and manpower constraints, but what the HELL were you expecting? The voice acting is par for the course for a game of this type. Not every game is going to be Uncharted.
My problem is that the gameplay is interrupted every 15 minutes or so. The story wouldn't of grated on my nerves so much if it wasn't forced upon me so often. So yeah, I agree that the story is par for the course for a shooter, but the awful pacing and the annoying number of cutscenes exacerbates the problem.


This game was a complete mess for me. Despite it's extreme beauty I feel like this is as bad of a mistake as Resistance 2 in many ways. Not to say that I still didn't enjoy it during many of the sequences.

The pros are that the game is stunning and at times quite fun.

The cons severely outweigh the pros for me though.

The FOV is still way way too narrow and though I haven't compared directly to KZ2 you still feel pretty damn short. Most of the time I felt shoulder height and except for movement speed there is not a big difference between ducking and standing. Sometimes I would toggle them or jump just to make sure it didn't glitch me into ducking height.

The on rails vehicle sequences are almost universally terrible and left me with such a bad taste in my mouth they almost ruined the game for me. These sequences should be fun, feel good, and be easy. They should not have annoying narrow as hell FOV, weapons that have very little feeling of impact, and kill you constantly for not just firing blindly at all times (not all of them were like this, but I'm sure you can guess which ones were).

The cutscenes were an absolute joke. They were bad in KZ2 and worse here. Very choppy in their direction and cuts, poor dialogue, etc. The characters were not properly fleshed out, too many many boring runs from explosions, too many forced 3D effects, too much frequency during missions, etc. They broke up the action and were so poorly executed that I didn't feel like they should have been there.

The sound in the game is still atrociously mixed as the second game. I had to raise the cutscenes 3-5 decibals to match the volume of the actual game. Explosions feel like they have very little and sometimes no impact/presence. The most impact or bass this game has is in some of it's great music tracks. Voices kept getting cut off before the sentence was done, and lip-synching was off in parts.

Is it just me or is cover completely broken in KZ3? I would hide behind things that would hide the Helghast entirely, and from right in front of me they could just shoot and kill me. It happened constantly throughout the game to the point that I just didn't bother with cover unlike in KZ2 where it was very important. I did it ME1 style, just pop in and out from behind a wall instead of using the useless mechanic.

Did they really lower player health to balance out the revives? I'd prefer raising the player health back up and getting rid of those revives. Having to sit and wait for the worst character ever Rico to revive me if I died and then after 20-30 seconds have him fail was a complete chore. At least teleport him to you and do an instant revive if he's going to bother at all.

2 years should have been enough time to release a polished well done game of this length. The fact is that pretty much none of the technical issues from the second game were fixed and more were added. Maybe this team is bad enough to need more time than most other top quality devs, but considering how long KZ2 took to make maybe they just need a swift kick in the pants to get there act together.

Oh, and kill Rico. I know I tried every time he was on screen with me.

G Rom

BeeDog said:
Awesome pics G Rom, too bad you don't like the campaign as much as me. :p

Could I make a small request from you? Shots from the last level would be awesome since I found that level to look really good.
Not the aircraft part, the stuff right before it, like when everything is blowing up and crates are flying in zero-gravity.

EDIT: the above screenshots are amazing; the texture improvements from KZ2 are obvious, and now the game contains some of the best textures in a current-gen game.

Thanks for the comments about the pics. :)
Well, I'm really enjoying the campaign for the graphics and the gameplay (which is pretty good and has a lot of variety IMO) but clearly not for the story and ISA characters !

I haven't finished the game yet so I won't be able to fulfill your request yet ! :)


One thing that KZ3 (and to a lesser degree, 2) doesn't get enough credit for is the geometry complexity. Most levels are chock full of various destroyed/angled buildings, debris, whatever, and it isn't a barren game at all. This seriously is an impressive engine... well, when it doesn't succumb completely during multiplayer clusterfucks. :p
G Rom said:
Some direct-feed screens from one of the later level. I avoided spoiler subtitles or anything that could spoils the story.
I won't lie, the graphics kinda disappointed me in the very first levels. But boy, was I wrong ! It's exactly like Killzone 2, you get one or two good looking levels as a warm-up and then it's just jaw-dropping levels after jaw-dropping levels !
Unfortunately, like Killzone 2, almost everything else in the game isn't as good as the graphics IMO. I think it's such a waste to put out such magnificent sceneries only to tell a weak story with weak and annoying characters. One thing that bothers me and breaks immersion IMO are the voices. It screams studio recording, even when ridding a raider in the snow level, Rico and Sev sound like they're having a good time drinking beers on their sofa at home...
Oh and stop with the annoying cut scene breaking the gameplay constantly !

This is so true. The first couple levels I was actually thinking man this is really not all that great looking. As you go on though it quickly rises to the top of the graphical crowd. That being said the game definitely needed another couple months of cook time. Rico saying the same thing twice in a row all kinds of VA issues and tons of animation stuttering. Just disappointing that it could have really been so much better with a little more time.


G Rom, would definitely appreciate more. Of different parts throughout the game.
The end segment the BeeDog was talking about, the ice running vehicle segment, spinning grinders section of the mobile factory, perhaps some of the mech parts, the jungle, and just whatever parts you feel look awesome!


Possible story clue/spoiler in multiplayer?

In Corinth Highway there is a mural over one of the TSAs you can capture, if you spawn ISA it will be the one on the right side of the map. It appears to be a mural of Visari, Stahl?, Radec, another guard, and possibly Visari's double?

Not sure if old, would be cool if someone could take a screenshot.


About Rico and his extremely inappropriate order giving attitude

Just got done with the junkyard level. What the fuck. He is a massive fuckup and GG makes him a key instrument in the attempts to escape the planet? Why not give Sev that role instead? He has done more than enough of his fair share and he is actually level headed. He displays time and again that he can make good decisions. I want to take control of a person that can hold his own because I can facilitate those actions. Fuck Rico. GG's attempt at making him more likable should have made him into more of a follower instead of a fucking leader. This Rico is actually managing to piss me off even more. Fix this shit GG.

The part that is making me really irritable is after the mobile factory scene in which he decides say Narville is an idiot. He goes and almost says that Narville is responsible for so many ISA deaths...w.t.f. You fucking killed Visari you fucking dumbass! It's what led to this whole mess to begin with!

His only saving grace is that he has revived me multiple times. Those people saying that he doesn't are full of shit. The only times he doesn't do that is when I'm unreachable or when there are too many enemies.
Full Recovery said:
Possible story clue/spoiler in multiplayer?

In Corinth Highway there is a mural over one of the TSAs you can capture, if you spawn ISA it will be the one on the right side of the map. It appears to be a mural of Visari, Stahl?, Radec, another guard, and possibly Visari's double?

Not sure if old, would be cool if someone could take a screenshot.

It is also in the singleplayer. In the Museum, right after you use the minigun for the first time, it's on the 2nd floor.


The STA-14 is such a piece of shit now. I swear half the time I'm dead on, crouched, still, and it still doesn't connect. Fix this shit guerrilla.


Y2Kev said:
I think KZ3 is harder than KZ2 lol

I think it's about the same. At least this one does not have a train level to piss me off. And if you intend to counter with the jungle level, I actually liked it. ;)

MP level ups slow down significantly after you have maxed out your first class. I am now done with the medic and about halfway done with the engineer. I am just having a blast with this online, but I still think I'll give SOCOM 4 a shot out of curiosity.

The only thing that still really bothers me that coop is not online. With the short length of the campaign this would have added so much more replay value for me there. Split-screen is not really something I can play often and then I don't really enjoy playing games like this anymore.

G Rom

BeeDog said:
One thing that KZ3 (and to a lesser degree, 2) doesn't get enough credit for is the geometry complexity. Most levels are chock full of various destroyed/angled buildings, debris, whatever, and it isn't a barren game at all. This seriously is an impressive engine... well, when it doesn't succumb completely during multiplayer clusterfucks. :p

Yep, the modeling really is incredible, especially when coupled with the amazing texture work that we get too.

nib95 said:
G Rom, would definitely appreciate more. Of different parts throughout the game.
The end segment the BeeDog was talking about, the ice running vehicle segment, spinning grinders section of the mobile factory, perhaps some of the mech parts, the jungle, and just whatever parts you feel look awesome!

I'll post more of what I have already recorded in a bit. Some of that overlap your request (
mainly the jungle part

I'll take time to make more screens tomorrow. :)

@Forsete : Thanks. Agreed on the lighting, your pics are perfect example of GG's work.
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