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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


G Rom said:
I'll post more of what I have already recorded in a bit. Some of that overlap your request (
mainly the jungle part

I'll take time to make more screens tomorrow. :)

@Forsete : Thanks. Agreed on the lighting, your pics are perfect example of GG's work.

Awesome stuff dude! Can't wait! I'm a geek for good visuals and captures lol.


EXOs firing rockets into our spawn entrance.
Mortars killing me should I breach the Exos rockets.
Invisible snipers with one hit kill weapons awaiting me should I outrun the mortars.

I'm trying to think back to a game that was this overtly unbalanced.
Arnie said:
Invisible snipers with one hit kill weapons
Well Killzone 2 was like this also, the only thing that makes it worse in KZ3 is that unlike Killzone 2, everyone can't use the spot & mark ability to find the snipers, I really don't know why GG took out mixing class abilities.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Lagspike_exe said:
No, the ribbons are something completely else right now. When you get a ribbon in game, it lasts until the end of that game and gives you a specified bonus (e.g. The Faster Reload increases the reload speed). Aside from that, you don't gen any permanent bonuses (like the medals in KZ2 gave you).
Ah, thanks. Guess I don't need to be concerned about the massive discrepancy between what I'm earning and what the stats say.
The graphics really are superb. I only have two issues with the game graphically:
  • Their MLAA implementation is weak, so they exchanged the slightly blurry look of QAA for more jaggiez. More development time would've probably tidied that up.
  • The game has way more pop-in than KZ2. Except for the junkyard area, which is surprising given just how much crap is crammed into your FOV in that level. Yet again, more development would've probably helped with this.

Aside from that, the game stands head and shoulders above its predecessor in its visuals. The water moves when you interact with it now!

Of course, these issues speak yet again to the fact that this game needed more time in the oven. It should've been hands down the better game than Killzone 2, but there were so many features that should've been implemented that weren't, and so many rough edges throughout the game, that it's clear they needed more time.

It kinda reminds me of Resistance 2. Only this game is much better than Resistance 2. Let's hope they give the next game the time it deserves, like Insomniac are doing with Resistance 3.


I'm playing through the single player a second time and I've come to realize that it is actually amazing. Great levels, awesome ai, nice pacing. Although I would have loved more sections like
where you are walking around with Rico in the Heghast base. Maybe a section in the jungle where you get to walk around that camp and interact with people to show how rough it is there rather than just being thrown in

Also the game is by far the best looking console game ever.



upJTboogie said:
Well Killzone 2 was like this also, the only thing that makes it worse in KZ3 is that unlike Killzone 2, everyone can't use the spot & mark ability to find the snipers, I really don't know why GG took out mixing class abilities.
True, and in fact I'd say it is slightly better in KZ3 because it's much easier to kill with other weapons so the Sniper doesn't seem as effective in mid ranged combat. Still annoying as piss when you're being locked down by invisible death machines from afar.


noire said:
I played on whatever the medium difficulty was. I almost always got revived facing away from the enemy.

Perhaps you were in danger, tried to turn and run but failed. I got revived in various directions, usually with side or front facing the enemies.

Just finished playing it and can't wait to sell it to try to recoup as much $ as I can. I love eye candy as much as the next person, but this is at best an average game with great visuals.

It's your game ! Do as you please. I'm keeping mine. Will wait to see what else GG release as DLC. Hope they give us all the old maps back.
Arnie said:
True, and in fact I'd say it is slightly better in KZ3 because it's much easier to kill with other weapons so the Sniper doesn't seem as effective in mid ranged combat. Still annoying as piss when you're being locked down by invisible death machines from afar.
I find it's the worst on Tourbine, the snipers can kill you right when your coming out of your spawn, incredibly annoying.


upJTboogie said:
I find it's the worst on Tourbine, the snipers can kill you right when your coming out of your spawn, incredibly annoying.
Yea I make a beeline for the trenches. It was getting me on Corinth Highway, even if I went out the back of spawn they'd chop me down from the safety of the bridge.
Dibbz said:
Also the game is by far the best looking console game ever.

I still give that to Metro 2033. Only because KZ3 is really inconsistent. The first levels and the jungle are shimmering contrasty messes where every ridge and every angle terminates in black marker ambient occlusion.

The snow levels blow my away though. The rolling turbulent ocean is some of the most incredible tech I've seen and the blizzard snow particles are wicked. The attention to deatil in the atmospherics is probably the best out there that I have seen. The KZ art direction and production design is fantastic.

Recently I've had the game completely crash on me. I jumped down to the ice bergs to make my way over to the rig and FREEZEEEEEEEEEEE.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
patsu said:
Perhaps you were in danger, tried to turn and run but failed. I got revived in various directions, usually with side or front facing the enemies.
I'm almost always revived turned backwards, and there was definitely nothing I did to make that happen. Same thing happened to me in KZ2 as I recall. I'm not actually sure I've ever revived facing the same way I was originally facing.


Anyone see this? http://community.killzone.com/t5/Ki...s-GG-DEV-listening-to-your-issues/td-p/765935
Network issues / freezes (GG DEV listening to your issues)
Hello guys,

Thousands of players are happily playing online, but some people are not able to play online. This thread is for you.

What we know so far:

SESSION MASTER NOT AVAILABLE shows on screen, the game freezes and then you get banned.

Problem: This is our lag cheat detection system kicking in. If you don't receive any network traffic from the server for a while this message shows up and we disable all input to prevent cheating. If this happens a number of times during the game you will get banned from the game.

Solution: We have tweaked the system and hopefully the fix will go in with the next patch.

Work around: This seems to happen more to people who are playing using a wireless connection. If you can connect using a wire.

Network errors during login or gameplay (most seen: 10002, 8001, 8013, 1503)

10002 = The server did not respond within 30 seconds (usually on login). Can also occur when the server is down for maintenance, check the forums / twitter to see if this is the case.
8001 = General connection error
8013 = Inactivity connection error (usually related to UDP traffic not going through)
1503 = Internet connection got saturated, the game cannot send its data out quickly enough

Problem: Most of these issues indicate that for some reason your PS3 is unable to connect to the game server. There are a lot of possible reasons for this but if this consistently happens during login then the most common cause is that your router / ISP is blocking the traffic. While we strive to make the game run on every router that the PS3 supports it is impossible for us to test all routers.

Solution: There's no single solution to this problem. If you have this issue please report the brand / model of your router, how you connect to it (wired / wireless) in this thread and what NAT type you have if you run the connection test in the XMB. If you're connecting wireless then try connecting wired. If you have a second modem/router lying around try and see if that one works. If you get this issue during gameplay rather than during login, please also describe the situation you're in (map, game mode, approx how many players, what was going on). Don't forget to mention your PSN id and the time when it happened.

Game is lagging

Problem: Due to a bug around 10% of the games are created in the wrong region when the servers are under heavy load. This means that even if you selected Europe as your region your game might be hosted in the US resulting in laggy gameplay. Laggy gameplay can result in the issues mentioned above (SESSION MASTER NOT AVAILABLE / network errors).

Solution: We have found the cause of this issue and will be rolling out a fix hopefully in the next patch.

Game unable to process your scores (error -9) and problems viewing clan leaderboards (error 20000)

Problem: For some people this happens consistently every game. We know this happens if your PS3 clock is set far into the future.

Solution: We will be further investigating the cause of the issue and roll out a fix in a later patch. In the mean time make sure your PS3 clock is set to the correct date. Some people mention that setting the clock to the correct time does not fix the issue, if this happens to you please post as many detail as you can to this thread. Don't forget to mention your PSN id and the time when it happened.

World is full error (-948)

Problem: This sometimes happens when you find a match.

Solution: We have a fix for this which will hopefully be rolled out with the next patch.

Work around: The error is non fatal (i.e. you don't get logged out of the network). Just try to find a game again and you will usually be fine.

Essential game objects lost (error code 10006)

Problem: While you were loading to join the game, the last person who was in the game left the game. The state of the game is unknown so you cannot play.

Solution: This behavior is as designed.


The game has gone through rigorous testing and hunderds of games have been played by our QA department without issues. If you have a freeze, please describe where it happened, which map you were on, game mode, approx amount of players and what was happening. Also let us know if the PS3 had to be reset by pressing the power button or if the game could still be quit through the XMB, and which PS3 model you have.

Other issues

If I missed out your issue, let me know!


Well i finished this tonight and have to say whilst playing thru was reading this thread and thought was like its gonna be shit.


Loved it start to finish. Feels a lot better than KZ2 imo. Loved the feel of the game, looks well say no more, top dollar and my heart was pumping way too high at times :D. Set pieces truly spectacular to watch. So Guerilla delievered.

If i had to give some neg, i did have sound bug (repeats) thing and the ending, my heart was soooo pumpingthen chop ok, it needed to play out more. But still nothing to detract from the game. Peeps all said about bink but have to be honest i dint notice any probs with curscenes, maybe i was just too hyped in the action :)

No its time for elite and MP!!!


Dibbz said:
I'm playing through the single player a second time and I've come to realize that it is actually amazing. Great levels, awesome ai, nice pacing. Although I would have loved more sections like
where you are walking around with Rico in the Heghast base. Maybe a section in the jungle where you get to walk around that camp and interact with people to show how rough it is there rather than just being thrown in

Also the game is by far the best looking console game ever.


That screen is one of the very few times I've stopped and just stared at a scene in a game in absolute ages. The game looks better than KZ2 imo.

bob page

I just played through the scrapyard stage on single player and wow, I could barely comprehend how incredible everything looked. Easily the best looking game I've played (even over Crysis on my rig).


I'd be in the dick
It hurts seeing the awesome screengrabs in this thread. The color/contrast on my TV got totally fucked when I sent it in for "repair" and I can never get the set back to how it looked before. This will definitely be one of the first games I pop in when I get my new plasma later this year.
bob page said:
I just played through the scrapyard stage on single player and wow, I could barely comprehend how incredible everything looked. Easily the best looking game I've played (even over Crysis on my rig).

Just wait until the next chapter. :)


The exos are way too powerful, the only way to take them out if to be in an exo yourself. Was getting mauled but soon as I was in an exo it was just kill after kill after kill. How can you take them out quicker? Funny thing is that I don't think you can just shoot out the person, something which was shown in the first MP trailer. It's not in anymore as you have glass covering the cockpit, if it's taken away it would greatly help balancing their power, simply kill the driver and you're done.
RoboPlato said:
It hurts seeing the awesome screengrabs in this thread. The color/contrast on my TV got totally fucked when I sent it in for "repair" and I can never get the set back to how it looked before. This will definitely be one of the first games I pop in when I get my new plasma later this year.
My TV is relatively new but the contrast at work in Killzone 3 is pretty extreme. Unlike any other game I own I had to seriously tune my settings to get a good overall picture. I'm talking lowering my "picture" to 60 and upping brightness to "65". Even with the tweaking some of the colors and shadows come across as very harsh. I still wonder if this is a side effect of supporting 3D.

The level of detail is pretty staggering though.


Why is it that ever since I downloaded the Retro Pack, the only map I get in rotation in Guerrilla Warfare is Blood Gracht? Every single time! Why? There for some reason isn't even the ability to vote on a new map after each game? Anyone else experiencing this?


I think the real problem with the game is that people have way too little health. You literally die within the second you see your enemy. There is no time to react, you're already dead. Reminds me of call of duty, except i feel like i have even less time to react in this game.


I'd be in the dick
NullPointer said:
My TV is relatively new but the contrast at work in Killzone 3 is pretty extreme. Unlike any other game I own I had to seriously tune my settings to get a good overall picture. I'm talking lowering my "picture" to 60 and upping brightness to "65". Even with the tweaking some of the colors and shadows come across as very harsh. I still wonder if this is a side effect of supporting 3D.

The level of detail is pretty staggering though.
It's definitely more my TV than anything else. My TV got totally fucked when I sent it in. Red is a dirty orange, flesh tones are very yellow, and brightness/contrast are totally messed up. I had tweaked it using the DVE Essentials disk and it looked fantastic before. This game looks better than others but seeing Helghast with dirty orange eyes instead of red kind of hurts their look.
KingDizzi said:
The exos are way too powerful, the only way to take them out if to be in an exo yourself. Was getting mauled but soon as I was in an exo it was just kill after kill after kill. How can you take them out quicker? Funny thing is that I don't think you can just shoot out the person, something which was shown in the first MP trailer. It's not in anymore as you have glass covering the cockpit, if it's taken away it would greatly help balancing their power, simply kill the driver and you're done.

Right around the halfway point, the video on Killzone.com for the new Steel Rain map pack shows someone sniping a guy in the EXO, so it looks like you can take a guy out from inside one (maybe you just need a head-shot.)

I usually don't have too much trouble with EXOs, if they've taken some damage already, one rocket launcher seems to be enough to take them out. Although actually landing the hit is easier said than done sometimes.


KingDizzi said:
The exos are way too powerful, the only way to take them out if to be in an exo yourself. Was getting mauled but soon as I was in an exo it was just kill after kill after kill. How can you take them out quicker? Funny thing is that I don't think you can just shoot out the person, something which was shown in the first MP trailer. It's not in anymore as you have glass covering the cockpit, if it's taken away it would greatly help balancing their power, simply kill the driver and you're done.
I've destroyed almost 60 exos already, most of them while on foot. I have sniped out a few with headshots, it usually takes 2 good shots because I think the first shot breaks the glass. I have also shot them out with the M82. But my favorite tactic is to come up behind them with an M82 and a rocket launcher. I get close enough to them to put a rocket right in its belly and then I switch to the M82 and if you connect with the majority of the magazine he will blow up. When I do this I try to stay as close to his feet as I can so even if he does try to rocket me there is a good chance of him damaging himself by shooting the ground near his feet. Feels good man.


WTF is wrong with the MP? :( I keep getting a "Session Master not available" error before I'm entirely disconnected with an error code 8013. All my fucking progress has been lost three times, and one of them was a ~6000 point run I was supremely proud of. :(
alr1ghtstart said:
It is daylight everywhere.

This makes me sad. You know, it would be nice to have day/night variants of every map. That would save GG having to make double the maps but it would still give a nice atmosphere change.


BeeDog said:
WTF is wrong with the MP? :( I keep getting a "Session Master not available" error before I'm entirely disconnected with an error code 8013. All my fucking progress has been lost three times, and one of them was a ~6000 point run I was supremely proud of. :(
Check my post above:

8013 = Inactivity connection error (usually related to UDP traffic not going through)

Try running your router on DMZ or opening PSN ports. It's also likely that "session master not available" happens when the host quit and the game is assigning a new host but it failed, similar to a "host migration" disconnect in COD.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Is it possible to unlock everything for all the classes in multiplayer? Trying to get an idea of how important my unlock decisions are.


Galvanise_ said:
This makes me sad. You know, it would be nice to have day/night variants of every map. That would save GG having to make double the maps but it would still give a nice atmosphere change.
Am I crazy or does Salamun Market look different sometimes? I swear sometimes there is more daylight. Maybe it just depends on which side you're on?
BeeDog said:
WTF is wrong with the MP? :( I keep getting a "Session Master not available" error before I'm entirely disconnected with an error code 8013. All my fucking progress has been lost three times, and one of them was a ~6000 point run I was supremely proud of. :(
Yeah, I've been having this issue since Thursday. I see that they have finally talked about this issue in Full Recovery's post.

Full Recovery said:
Try running your router on DMZ or opening PSN ports. It's also likely that "session master not available" happens when the host quit and the game is assigning a new host but it failed, similar to a "host migration" disconnect in COD.
So, Full Recovery, how the heck do you open PSN ports? This is the first game I've had this issue with, so I'm hesitant to mess with my router settings. I mean, I played the beta and never had this issue before. I've played other multiplayer games as well, and they all run fine. It best not be my ISP just recently starting to block traffic.

G Rom

Some more pics, guest starring Captain Obvious aka Rico...










Again, I left out a lot of screens because I don't really know what's considered spoiler. You can find those here.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dan said:
Is it possible to unlock everything for all the classes in multiplayer? Trying to get an idea of how important my unlock decisions are.

Everything is unlocked in Botzone.

I have gotta say, despite all the crap, I'm ultimately enjoying the MP. But I have the impression this is mainly because I'm using the Move.

Heck, I even enjoyed MAG with it. :p

These are my current stats btw (I mainly use the Tactician)
Mangs. I've been MPing for a good 4 days now and the bonuses from my CE code REFUSE to cease working. I'm still getting my 'promotion bonus' after each match and every weapon/ability remains unlocked. Has this happened to anyone else?

It's a catch-22, really. On one hand, I'm uber competitive and have a lot of versatility at my disposal from the get go, but on the other hand, there's no incentive to persevere and unlock weapons/abilities.


lastinline said:
So, Full Recovery, how the heck do you open PSN ports? This is the first game I've had this issue with, so I'm hesitant to mess with my router settings. I mean, I played the beta and never had this issue before. I've played other multiplayer games as well, and they all run fine. It best not be my ISP just recently starting to block traffic.
Wired or wireless? Go wired if you can.

Create a static IP on your router and set it to DMZ if you have the option (some routers don't) if you have no DMZ setting you'll have to input PSN ports, I don't have them on hand but I'm sure a google search will bring them up. Then enter the static IP on your ps3, run a connection test and make sure it comes up as NAT 2 "open".


Full Recovery said:
Check my post above:

Try running your router on DMZ or opening PSN ports. It's also likely that "session master not available" happens when the host quit and the game is assigning a new host but it failed, similar to a "host migration" disconnect in COD.

My PS3 has been set to DMZ for several months now, and this is the first time a PS3 MP game is acting up in a very long time (at least that I can think of). :/ Matches earlier today were perfectly fine, but the last 3-4 have booted me, causing me to lose tons of progress.


god dammit, had to leave for colege without finishing the game, I am at the part where
Stahl just killed the Admiral
, I assume that's basicly a few more rooms to clear and over, oh well will have more time playing it this weekend, will also play more MP then, only got some 3 matches this weekend

oh and my jaw droped at the begining of that scrapeyard scene where you see those green circle thingys
TTP said:
Everything is unlocked in Botzone.

I have gotta say, despite all the crap, I'm ultimately enjoying the MP. But I have the impression this is mainly because I'm using the Move.

Ditto on this. I've gone through such a love/hate relationship with the Move and MP, but finally, it has settled on one of love. It's just way more interesting/satisfying/FUN. There was a time when I was ready to box it back up, but I gave it one last shot and luckily, it clicked. Camera spaz-outs are a thing of the past!

My testing/calibration phase did absolutely ruin my KD, though. Oh, well.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dan said:
Well, obviously it's the online stuff I'm asking about if unlocks are irrelevant in Botzone.

Didn't you say you want to check what the unlocks do? The only way to do so without actually unlocking them is in Botzone, where everything is unlocked.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
TTP said:
Didn't you say you want to check what the unlocks do? The only way to do so without actually unlocking them is in Botzone, where everything is unlocked.
No, no, not check them out. I'm just straight up wondering if by the time you reach level 45 or whatever you'll have enough unlock points to get everything, or do you really have to figure out which classes you care about and commit. There's obviously some I'm more inclined to upgrade than others, but I'd like to know if ultimately I can have them all completely unlocked.
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