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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

commish said:
At least some other games give bonus points for actions taken near an objective. Why they don't do that in KZ3 is beyond me. They incentivized the wrong shit. Capturing a TSP should be 300 points and actions taken around a tsp should be worth double so ppl actually defend them and care about them.

Well at least they were kind enough to give us a bonus at the end of a match for capturing the most spawn points and stuff like that, but the reward for doing so is so tiny it's almost not worth it from a "gimme points!" perspective. They really should add some kinda point multiplier based on how long you hold and defend a particular TSP.
Outside of some issues that I think should be fixed with some patches (KZ2 had lot of problems that eventually got fixed in patches... took months though), the game seems pretty solid in MP. The new maps though are pretty shitty though, almost all of them are just choke point clusterfucks. The retro pack maps are sadly the best maps.


BattleMonkey said:
The new maps though are pretty shitty though, almost all of them are just choke point clusterfucks. The retro pack maps are sadly the best maps.

I'm noticing this, too--I hope the DLC maps are more akin to the layouts of the KZ2 maps.
Brannon said:
Considering how many times I've gotten myself back up after my bot took care of my attacker and went roughshod all over the backside of the enemy team, I, too, will have to call #2's point fucking retarded.


Yep. Shooting the twitcher is equivalent of teabagging. Also, better safe than sorry. If you're saving ammo then shoot him with a pistol. It literally takes a second to do so and can bite you in the ass.


Salum market with Exos....worst pos level. Can't believe they though that was gonna be great idea.

Haven't played too much MP since ive been super busy but some of these maps are horrible. Also laughable there are barely any maps. And I hate operations has only 3 maps to play on? Did I see that wrong? WTF is that?

Only reason I'll play is due to gaf. Damn it gotta play with some of you soon.


Finally tracked down a copy of the game through the rubble (Christchurch earthquake). I'm pretty early into the game but already can't believe how good the game looks. The lighting is amazing.

Progress so far:












Finished the game tonight.

Visuals are incredible, really, it's unbelievable at times.

I didn't like the ending at all, and there are too many on-rail sequences.

The game is great though; playing with the sharpshooter feels great, I want it for every singleplayer console fps now xD

EDIT: holy sh-


Stillmatic said:
Finally tracked down a copy of the game through the rubble (Christchurch earthquake). I'm pretty early into the game but already can't believe how good the game looks. The lighting is amazing.

Progress so far:
Amazing shots!

Really is just the most stunning game. Like unbelievable, in art direction too. One bit of advice though dude, you really should save them as high quality jpeg's instead. Still be a much lower file size than a PNG. These files were mahoosive!


nib95 said:
Really is just the most stunning game. Like unbelievable, in art direction too. One bit of advice though dude, you really should save them as high quality jpeg's instead. Still be a much lower file size than a PNG. These files were mahoosive!
Sweet, will do. PNG is default so i've always just stuck with that. :p
After loving the SP of K3 and thinking it was a big step up from KZ2...

The MP is a mess. A sad, sad mess.

Playing this game with randoms is impossible. In trying to make this game have more of the accessibility of CoD, they actually did the complete opposite. NO ONE GOES FOR SPAWN POINTS and this breaks the entire game. I was the only one on my team all night going for them, and that made it impossible. We were then holed up in our building as the other team just camped us with mechs and rockets...over and over and over again.

And I'm pretty sure these maps are the worst I've ever played in a shooter. I'd love to hear what the guy who left for Brink thinks of them, but I'm sure he won't say. Every stage looks like garbage (literally) and the pathways are confusing and non-nonsensical.

Again...a travesty.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Lesson learned with playing GAF as FTSG clan, whenever you start a game, everyone = Tact, even if you have 0 shit unlocked for it, TACT, 4 rush right, 4 rush left (grab TSA's), then kill/die, be whatever class you want to be

If you grab 2 of 3 or all of them, game is a lock for a win, really tough for the other team to break out

I need that patch which fixes some of the shit right now, so stupid, that I as a INFI will get clipped into bodies that are carrying the Propaganda speaker
I'll get stuck, cant move due to body pile, get killed cause of it

I think this thread will be SP OMG Teh Graphixz!, the real part, the MP is getting swallowed up the the barrage of pictures, now ridiculous sizes to boot


Rikyfree said:
kz3 platinum get
so close to getting this and just completed it on elite (seriously fuck that last section)

damn you co-op trophies and friends that don't have ps3s


kurisub306 said:
Yeah, I can tell this might be happening quite a bit, as I'll yell over and over for ANY engineer on the team to please spawn at the TS to fix the ammo dump while I'm holding the spawn as a tactician and running out of ammo fast…yet none ever come.

I know it took me a few deaths in my first game in the beta to realize you could switch spawn points…(probably cuz nobody had captured any yet) but considering there's a big menu item that says "spawn point" in the load-out screen before you re-spawn, you'd think they would get the hint.

No one listens to anything i say either. I yell at everyone to not instantly bleed out when i'm near them, because i will revive them with higher health. What do they do? Wait til i get to them, then bleed out. Fuckers.
moonspeak said:
so close to getting this and just completed it on elite (seriously fuck that last section)

damn you co-op trophies and friends that don't have ps3s

Get another controller. The Co-op trophies are easily doable by yourself.
So. I'm about 5 minutes into the Kaznan Jungle stage of the campaign and I've got to say... SO FAR - and that's a big "SO FAR" - the campaign is QUITE shit. Let me break it down in bullet points for you:

> The audio mixing for the dialogue is horrendous. It makes the actors' mediocre delivery sound even worse.

> The cutscenes in general are far too frequent and beyond sloppy/rife with poor direction.

> If you gain any sort of gratification from playing the on-rails sections, I feel deeply sorry for you.

> The stealth implementation in Kaznan jungle is deplorable. There's nothing worse than a "stealth" section that doesn't feel stealthy in the slightest - kneeling in knee-high grass while "shrouded" in "darkness"? It's laughable. The scripting is also far too overt. It's like a retarded poor man's 'Ghillies in the Mist'.

> Continuing on with Kaznan Jungle, I know that a lot of you are commenting on how nice it looks, but does no one else agree with me in thinking that GG have squandered a RIDICULOUS opportunity to render some of the lushest greenery/foliage with that beautiful engine of theirs? It's akin to giving DaVinci all the supplies/money/manpower in the world for him to build only a paper plane.

> EXOs simply are not satisfying to commandeer.

> Now this here is both a positive and a negative: the visuals, although undoubtedly fantastic, are less appealing and harsher on the eye than KZ2. It's practically pixel-rape on your retinas half the time. That being said, it's a superb looking game and it always will be. The gun models are probably as good as it gets.

Look, I don't like to whinge; I'm not even disappointed, as I have very little faith in any modern FPS campaign, but I honestly don't see how you can't agree with me, even if only for the most part. It hurts how painfully cookie-cutter this game can be sometimes. I really don't want to progress through the campaign anymore. I'll stick to MP.


I completed it on Friday, and loved it. I played the demo once with DS3, and then a bunch of times when I got a move in order to try and improve, but by the time I got the final game I still wasn't sure if it was for me; I was probably doing *as* well with it as the DS3, but I didn't know if that's because I'd improved or because I just knew the Demo level so well that I knew exactly where they'd pop out from.

When I got the full game though, I stuck with Move and I'm so glad I did. Even at the start, I didn't feel held back at all, and at about half way through the game (the part at the end of the Jungle sequence was when I really noticed it first) I was sure I was a lot, lot more effective with it. I loved it, it felt great.

Playing MP, I feel the same as a lot of people it seems - it'll be fantastic when gaming with a clan, terrible with pubs. You just get sniped to all hell, and with no one else helping to cap TSP's (or even the objective, most of the time), it's incredibly tough to counter the snipers. You end up hardly being able to get out of your spawn. I think playing with a clan is a must. How can I get involved in FTSG? I added my name to the google doc, but do I have to add a bunch of people up first? I'm in the UK btw.

Also, one thing I always wonder in games like this - when did air superiority become about slow, lumbering air-battleships? I know everyone has pointed out how crappy the design (practically speaking) the raider vehicles are, but seriously, there are many points in that game when an F22 would have won the battle, really. All the air ships seem so ridiculously slow - just get a fighter jet, it could fly in at 800mph, bomb stuff, then get out again.


mickcenary said:
I honestly don't see how you can't agree with me, even if only for the most part. It hurts how painfully cookie-cutter this game can be sometimes. I really don't want to progress through the campaign anymore. I'll stick to MP.
The tides shift. Where it used to be cool to hate KZ2 for all the big hype, it's now cool to love KZ3 for all the backlash.

Anyway, yes, you're absolutely right. The SP campaign is total shit (for the reasons you name and for many others you don't). It's worse than mediocre. It just happens to be pretty and polished, so most people don't notice or care how badly designed it is. And those that do notice or care have long since moved on to MP.


Loving the MP (only really play Deatchmatch mind) but the game keeps bloody crashing every 15-30 mins. It's driving me mad. Honestly how does Guerilla fuck up netcode SO bad when they have both a private and public BETA? Killzone.com is down as well.


mickcenary said:
So. I'm about 5 minutes into the Kaznan Jungle stage of the campaign and I've got to say... SO FAR - and that's a big "SO FAR" - the campaign is QUITE shit. Let me break it down in bullet points for you:

> The audio mixing for the dialogue is horrendous. It makes the actors' mediocre delivery sound even worse.

> The cutscenes in general are far too frequent and beyond sloppy/rife with poor direction.

> If you gain any sort of gratification from playing the on-rails sections, I feel deeply sorry for you.

> The stealth implementation in Kaznan jungle is deplorable. There's nothing worse than a "stealth" section that doesn't feel stealthy in the slightest - kneeling in knee-high grass while "shrouded" in "darkness"? It's laughable. The scripting is also far too overt. It's like a retarded poor man's 'Ghillies in the Mist'.

> Continuing on with Kaznan Jungle, I know that a lot of you are commenting on how nice it looks, but does no one else agree with me in thinking that GG have squandered a RIDICULOUS opportunity to render some of the lushest greenery/foliage with that beautiful engine of theirs? It's akin to giving DaVinci all the supplies/money/manpower in the world for him to build only a paper plane.

> EXOs simply are not satisfying to commandeer.

> Now this here is both a positive and a negative: the visuals, although undoubtedly fantastic, are less appealing and harsher on the eye than KZ2. It's practically pixel-rape on your retinas half the time. That being said, it's a superb looking game and it always will be. The gun models are probably as good as it gets.

Look, I don't like to whinge; I'm not even disappointed, as I have very little faith in any modern FPS campaign, but I honestly don't see how you can't agree with me, even if only for the most part. It hurts how painfully cookie-cutter this game can be sometimes. I really don't want to progress through the campaign anymore. I'll stick to MP.



I disagree with you on so many points but I just can't be bothered to detail them. Ultimately, lets just say different strokes for different folks. What the hell is pixel-rape anyway? Are you going to tell us the visuals are too good or too sharp or something?


nib95 said:
I disagree with you on so many points but I just can't be bothered to detail them. Ultimately, lets just say different strokes for different folks. What the hell is pixel-rape anyway? Are you going to tell us the visuals are too good or too sharp or something?
I'm with you Nib. I love the campaign even more than KZ2. The story is better, the acting is better, the visuals are better, the gunplay is better, except for the aim assist and recoil. I LOVE the cover system now and want it in just about every military fps from now on. I don't get why the new smg in MP wasn't in the SP. Like a drop off of last second supplies as the rest of the guys left. The IQ of the game is RETARDED. Like seriously good. I thought GoW3 had good IQ, whew. They fix the main issues in MP and add a couple more playlists, namely a mercenary one for each gametype, and fix the medic (done by the next patch) and some of the weapon and spawn placement, I'll be in heaven. Also, from now on, Every game with different types of multiplayer modes (capture the flag, search and destroy, VIP, Capture and hold, etc) needs a gametype like Warzone. I will be all over it like white on rice. I really hope Naughty Dog reads this. Put a Warzone type mode in Uncharted 3 please! I'll make ya feel good!
nib95 said:
I disagree with you on so many points but I just can't be bothered to detail them. Ultimately, lets just say different strokes for different folks. What the hell is pixel-rape anyway? Are you going to tell us the visuals are too good or too sharp or something?

I'm more than happy to agree to disagree, dude, so you've got no quarrel with me there.

And it's not that they're TOO good - that's just silly. It's as others have said before me: yes, it is a BIT too sharp; yes, GG have tried to pack in a BIT too much detail into certain areas; yes, jaggies are far more noticeable; and yes, the colour seems a BIT too forced in areas. It simply assaults my eyes on a lot of occasions, but hey, maybe I'm sitting too close, maybe my settings are fucked... Like you said, different strokes.

I'm sure KZ3 is more of a technicale beast, but I would definitely say that KZ2 trounces it aesthetically. The art design is fantastic across both games, though.

It's funny how the same game can deliver such polar opposite experiences for some. For example, MP has run pretty flawlessly for me; no slowdown, no frame rate issues, 1 or 2 disconnects in total, etc. It's very interesting to see some of you claim that the game is often rendered unplayable due to frame rate issues and whatnot.

Every game with different types of multiplayer modes (capture the flag, search and destroy, VIP, Capture and hold, etc) needs a gametype like Warzone. I will be all over it like white on rice.

Agreed. Warzone is one of the best MP game types I've ever played. Its dynamic simplicity/fun blew me away in KZ2 and it still does in KZ3.


TTP said:
I just published an Move-focused interview with Guerrilla Games on iWaggle3D.

Nothing big is revealed (answers are PR-ish rather than as technical as I hoped, sadly) besides the fact that they are gonna allow melee via button press in a future patch.

Great interview, TTP. Were you able to pry any other info out of him?! Cmon, spill the beans. Tell your buddy Riky all about it. :D

Edit- @TTP- Party pooper! lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Rikyfree said:
Great interview, TTP. Were you able to pry any other info out of him?! Cmon, spill the beans. Tell your buddy Riky all about it. :D

All I've got is in the published interview.


moonspeak said:
so close to getting this and just completed it on elite (seriously fuck that last section)

damn you co-op trophies and friends that don't have ps3s
You want to know something funny? I beat the Radec fight in 3 tries on KZ2 on elite. This one? Way more! But I suck at on rails stuff.
TTP said:
I just published an Move-focused interview with Guerrilla Games on iWaggle3D.

Nothing big is revealed (answers are PR-ish rather than as technical as I hoped, sadly) besides the fact that they are gonna allow melee via button press in a future patch.


That is excellent news. I don't melee very much in MP because its just too damn awkward and annoying at present.


mickcenary said:
I'm more than happy to agree to disagree, dude, so you've got no quarrel with me there.

And it's not that they're TOO good - that's just silly. It's as others have said before me: yes, it is a BIT too sharp; yes, GG have tried to pack in a BIT too much detail into certain areas; yes, jaggies are far more noticeable; and yes, the colour seems a BIT too forced in areas. It simply assaults my eyes on a lot of occasions, but hey, maybe I'm sitting too close, maybe my settings are fucked... Like you said, different strokes.

I'm sure KZ3 is more of a technicale beast, but I would definitely say that KZ2 trounces it aesthetically. The art design is fantastic across both games, though.

It's funny how the same game can deliver such polar opposite experiences for some. For example, MP has run pretty flawlessly for me; no slowdown, no frame rate issues, 1 or 2 disconnects in total, etc. It's very interesting to see some of you claim that the game is often rendered unplayable due to frame rate issues and whatnot.

Agreed. Warzone is one of the best MP game types I've ever played. Its dynamic simplicity/fun blew me away in KZ2 and it still does in KZ3.

It's not too sharp, it's as sharp as other games should be. The reason it probably looks too sharp is because of artificial sharpening on your screen. Turn sharpness all the way down or completely off (as should always be the case). Yes, some edge sharpening may be good on most console games, because of the blur, lower resolutions or less detailed textures, but Killzone 3 is not one of those games. It actually does things right. I wish all games were like this so I could leave my sharpness at -15 on my Kuro like I do with Blu-rays and a few of the other true 720p tac sharp games.
Thrakier said:
This game has problems, for sure, but the negativity from some gaffers is really just hyperbole.

Seriously, get some perspective. Some people suggesting this series be handed off to some uber-developer is ridiculous. Yeah, a critically acclaimed series that sells well is really suffering under its clueless devs. It has its flaws, like just about every game that isn't Super Mario Galaxy.


Omg I just did something awesome I've never done. Lob a proximity mine on to one of your allies and let him run in to battle with it stuck on to him! Got a few kills with it LOL.


bish gets all the credit :)
CartridgeBlower said:
Playing this game with randoms is impossible. In trying to make this game have more of the accessibility of CoD, they actually did the complete opposite. NO ONE GOES FOR SPAWN POINTS and this breaks the entire game. I was the only one on my team all night going for them, and that made it impossible. We were then holed up in our building as the other team just camped us with mechs and rockets...over and over and over again.

Agreed completely. This was noticed in the beta as well, but they didn't address it. When no one is on, I don't even attempt to play Warzone. The lack of stamina is non-sensical and just exemplifies this problem.
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