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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Lagspike_exe said:
The more I play this, the less I like it. It's such a flawed game.
Agreed. I've had some fun maxing out my Tact and Medic, but the maps really are pretty bad, it seems like I'm never online when FTSG is killing and playing in pubs is getting super frustrating. I think I'm going to take a break till they've patched this up. That DLC map rotation glitch is unacceptable.

On the flip side, I'm getting more and more pumped for Brink. Knowing the guy originally responsible for Warzone is designing on it, plus all of the awesome things they've been saying about encouraging & rewarding teamwork... it looks like it'll be bringing everything that's missing here. Which is a fucking shame, since Guerilla has some of the best art and tech in the business. :/


bish gets all the credit :)
blazinglazers said:
On the flip side, I'm getting more and more pumped for Brink. Knowing the guy originally responsible for Warzone is designing on it, plus all of the awesome things they've been saying about encouraging & rewarding teamwork... it looks like it'll be bringing everything that's missing here. Which is a fucking shame, since Guerilla has some of the best art and tech in the business. :/

The KZ2 map designer is working on Brink.

Lead KZ2 MP designer is working at Ubi Montreal. Don't know what he's working on.
alr1ghtstart said:
The KZ2 map designer is working on Brink.

Lead KZ2 MP designer is working at Ubi Montreal. Don't know what he's working on.
Ah interesting, thanks for the correction! Any word on what the Ubi project is?


BattleMonkey said:
This is the 2nd patch for the game and it's been out for only about a week now, I wouldn't get too excited yet. KZ2 had a ton of issues that took months and multiple patches to get sorted out.

yeah and meanwhile the ppl who bought this game will probably sell it out of frustration and move on...just a shame to see such great tech and art getting wasted. These issues should never have been there day 1 when they already had almost 2 betas and were identified during it.


What are everyones thoughts on the silenced M82 the Medic has and the silenced STa-52 the Infiltrator has? Like them?

I've picked them up but find them a bit slow and weak to use.


X-Frame said:
What are everyones thoughts on the silenced M82 the Medic has and the silenced STa-52 the Infiltrator has? Like them?

I've picked them up but find them a bit slow and weak to use.
I play medic most of the time. The m82 silenced is awesome I think. One burst to the head or two to the body gets the kill. I can use it long range with great accuracy, closer range works pretty good. I switch to my machine pistol if I need to unload on someone.

I think the silencer/not being detected has helped a percentage. Plus it reminds me of using the FAL in UC2 :D

Also saves on bullets knowing when the person will die.
I think I'm in favor of GG ditching the MP design for KZ4 and start straight from scratch doing something completely different. This is utterly dreadful.


bish gets all the credit :)
tiddles said:
FYI - the person you're referring to worked on the single-player part of the game, not the multiplayer.

Well what happened to the guy who designed Salamun Market, Southern Hills, Visari Hammer, Pyrhhus Rise?

He obviously didn't work on KZ3.
I need people to play with, the emphasis on winning with teamwork obviously doesn't work well playing with randoms. I swear, I just wish there was a do it all class instead of more than half of my team getting caught going into a choke point over and over again or just camping the spawn.


Full Recovery said:
map preferences, select a map other than salamun market or blood gradtch.

Unfortunately, more often then not, you get put into an infinite loops of the map you've preferenced. Understandable, but maybe guerrilla should have added to the map preferences section the following: 'only DLC', 'DLC and original Maps' and 'Only original maps'.
TacticalFox88 said:
I think I'm in favor of GG ditching the MP design for KZ4 and start straight from scratch doing something completely different. This is utterly dreadful.

That didn't work here. 4th time the charm?


I cant seem to play any other map bedies Market. Been like that for a Week or So.
I have my Map select option on "ANY". Am I missing something.


alr1ghtstart said:
Well what happened to the guy who designed Salamun Market, Southern Hills, Visari Hammer, Pyrhhus Rise?

He obviously didn't work on KZ3.

Pyrrhus Rise was a bad map.
Massa said:
Pyrrhus Rise was a bad map.

I <3 Pyrrhus Rise. Looking back on it, I think I loved every single map in KZ2 for different reasons. Despite the clusterfucks, they were all well-designed and interesting to traverse. For example, you'd spawn, realise you were being spawn-raped, die and then you'd proceed knowing that with caution, you'd be able to get out from one of the other exits. It was far less frustrating.


I love Pyrrhus Rise too. Like an art piece. I didn't realize the different sections were connected until I found the narrow wooden planks connecting them, or the backdoor path way to the upper level.

I still don't get the hate for KZ3 maps though. Then again I have not played the Jungle map. Are the problem due to the game mode or the maps ? I play Warzone exclusively. Am able to win about 60% of the time.

Loved playing as Medic.

Don't like to play as Marksman. Too boring.

Infiltrator is ok, but I kept getting busted even with level 3 disguise. ^_^
alr1ghtstart said:
it's better than any KZ3 map though.

It is pretty sad that the worst maps in KZ2 are better than the best maps in KZ3, and one of the best maps in KZ2 is now one of poorer maps in KZ3.

Initially I was ready for GG to make a Pyrrhus with Exos, but seeing what they did with Salamun, I am glad they didn't.

Once they release the new maps I wonder how that will affect matchmaking. Will you just get booted from the server if you don't have the maps needed? There is no way that GG is getting anymore of my money for this game.


Despite this game's shortcomings I'm still really enjoying it, the only thing that is really starting to bug me is the connection issues, they weren't that frequent when I first started playing, but now they seem to happen every other game.
Alienshogun said:
Sooooo, there's no NeoGAF clan then?

Despite joining the clan I've yet to actually play with any gaffers…I've mostly been playing with my friends, and I feel like a douche inviting people I really don't know…they really need to let clan members join games that are already in progress
tiddles said:
FYI - the person you're referring to worked on the single-player part of the game, not the multiplayer.
There is no separate 'single-player' part of Brink, you either play the levels with bots offline, or with bros online. Maps, levels, it's all identical. It sounds like a pretty bold & awesome design.


blazinglazers said:
There is no separate 'single-player' part of Brink, you either play the levels with bots offline, or with bros online. Maps, levels, it's all identical. It sounds like a pretty bold & awesome design.

Sorry, I wasn't clear - I was referring to the SP part of KZ2, not Brink.


So much negativity...

What I like about MP:
1. The gunplay. I love it. Aside from lag issues, it is the best I've played on consoles and that chirp...oh that chirp.
2. The graphics. Lovely
3. The classes. They feel right. I didn't quite like the ideas on paper but they work for me and my mates.
4. The guns. They all fit and work as intended. I hated the medic's 1st gun at first and found out how to use it right. All the other guns are awesome and none of them are OP to me.

C'mon folks. More positivity and optimism.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Delete the Retro Map Pack from your game data utility

It's the only way, you can re-download once it's fixed from your download list
(< 400MB)

I have been playing all the maps, before it was the infinite loop on retro maps bug/glitch, then I switched to certain maps, then got into a loop of playing same map over and over, so delete the data, install the 1.03 update (< 30MB), enjoy


I love the multiplayer in this game, gunplay is excellent and the classes are well balanced.

I have two connections since launch, apart from that no lag to speak of .... what connections are you guys running on?

15 meg connection here, as I say no lag here to speak of and I am usually in a match pretty quickly.
What I don't like about the MP is that a lot of people are suffering from tunnel vision and can never spot an infiltrator running right past them, you get on a bad team, you'll get flanked all the time even when you have two or three guys covering a certain direction while the good team has people working in groups of two or three all the fucking time.


MalboroRed said:
What I don't like about the MP is that a lot of people are suffering from tunnel vision and can never spot an infiltrator running right past them, you get on a bad team, you'll get flanked all the time even when you have two or three guys covering a certain direction while the good team has people working in groups of two or three all the fucking time.

When I was playing the demo, I got killed by Infiltrators constantely. I didn't recognize them so they always stabbed/shot me.

However now that I know the maps a bit better and am better at spotting 'behaviour' and directions people are running to I get killed much less by them and often shoot them in the face before they fire. (I still get killed by them every now and then ofcourse :p )


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Making my way through Elite I can't really say that it's alot harder. The AI is still a bit wonky and the enemies line up to be shot. I might die a bit quicker but that's about it. Will probably blast my way through this pretty quickly. Unlike KZ2 which I found surprisingly hard.


kinoki said:
Making my way through Elite I can't really say that it's alot harder. The AI is still a bit wonky and the enemies line up to be shot. I might die a bit quicker but that's about it. Will probably blast my way through this pretty quickly. Unlike KZ2 which I found surprisingly hard.

Funny, I am having HUGE problems with the SP. Truth be told, I suck already sucked at it in KZ2 but at least I finished that on trooper. With this one I am stuck in the jungle on Recruit /shame


Gameplay is as broke in SP as in MP imo.

What's the point of beinge able to take cover if the ennemys can still shoot you? I mean: in KZ2 you could have a strategy based on cover and methodical elimination ...but in KZ3, even covered, you have to pray that ennemys can't shoot you (which seems to be pure random)...

Same with melee: in SP sometimes you kick an enemy and, for some myterious reason, he won't die... and kill you with a single melee hit. Wtf?

What's wrong woth Sony releasing two majors games so broken and unfinished (GT5 and KZ3) ?
Solal said:
Gameplay is as broke in SP as in MP imo.

What's the point of beinge able to take cover if the ennemys can still shoot you? I mean: in KZ2 you could have a strategy based on cover and methodical elimination ...but in KZ3, even covered, you have to pray that ennemys can't shoot you (which seems to be pure random)...

Same with melee: in SP sometimes you kick an enemy and, for some myterious reason, he won't die... and kill you with a single melee hit. Wtf?

What's wrong woth Sony releasing two majors games so broken and unfinished (GT5 and KZ3) ?

wow... That's hyperbole!

The Game is fine (besides the disastrous ending)

I enjoyed it very much, platinumed it even and am having fun with the MP. The only downside is that it is one map over and over again in GW.


This thread is like the KZ2 thread all over again. First the hype, then the whine.

I enjoyed KZ2 despite all it's flaws, becaue it still was competent. I'm enjoying KZ3 despite all it's flaws, because it's still competent.


patsu said:
Who are the GAF clan officers ?
There aren't any, another fucking incredible decision by GG. I am the leader but I'm handing it over to someone who can stomach the horrendous maps and design decisions as I am done with the Multiplayer.

I only play clan matches and the maps are a joke and can't be played competitively, TSPs do not work, they are worse than spawn grenades were, one side almost always has a map advantage, the framerate makes aiming infuriating, none of the maps are good but the fact you can't even choose or vote for one of the "not completely terrible" but still awful maps is ridiculous when they are so unbalanced. Almost all games end up 7-0 or 6-1 (the one being assassination defend) because of TSPs and the poor map layout.

They removed everything good about clan play from K2 in an attempt to make it more accessible but in reality they just ruined it and the people they wanted to get playing them are happy playing public matchmaking, leaving us to suffer.


Cagen said:
There aren't any, another fucking incredible decision by GG. I am the leader but I'm handing it over to someone who can stomach the horrendous maps and design decisions as I am done with the Multiplayer.

I only play clan matches and the maps are a joke and can't be played competitively, TSPs do not work, they are worse than spawn grenades were, one side almost always has a map advantage, the framerate makes aiming infuriating, none of the maps are good but the fact you can't even choose or vote for one of the "not completely terrible" but still awful maps is ridiculous when they are so unbalanced. Almost all games end up 7-0 or 6-1 (the one being assassination defend) because of TSPs and the poor map layout.

They removed everything good about clan play from K2 in an attempt to make it more accessible but in reality they just ruined it and the people they wanted to get playing them are happy playing public matchmaking, leaving us to suffer.

You should stop playing this came before getting a heart attack. Seriously.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
tiddles said:
Sorry, I wasn't clear - I was referring to the SP part of KZ2, not Brink.

Hey Tiddles, could you please comment of the frame rate? Is there room for improvement via patch or do we have to deal with it?


Thrakier said:
This thread is like the KZ2 thread all over again. First the hype, then the whine.

I enjoyed KZ2 despite all it's flaws, becaue it still was competent. I'm enjoying KZ3 despite all it's flaws, because it's still competent.

Don't be so insecure. It's good your enjoying it, but don't start talking down to people who aren't. Cagen hasn't patronised you for enjoying the game, so don't patronise him for having issues with it.


I noticed almost immediately from my first few hours of MP playing that the maps were lackluster. They just didn't click and flow like anything KZ2 had.

After all the hours I put in with my rental with the game, I concluded this isn't worth a buy. KZ2 was worth my $60 and the hours I burned on it. KZ3 though is a good game, but for whatever reason lacks an addictive substance for me to put the disc in when I have free time over other multiplayer games.

GG is a great developer, but they just can't ever nail it when it comes to this franchise for one reason or another. Did they confirm they are working on a new project after KZ3? I hope they do, because they are a very talented group of people. Both KZ2 and KZ3 are ambitious titles that boast a lot of features, and technically both really show cased the PS3's power.


The latter half of this thread has come across as nothing but incessant bitching and whining. Discussing the flaws of the game is one thing, but constantly filling pages of complaining isn't adding anything new to this topic as well. Don't be so quick to jump on people sir.


TTP said:
Hey Tiddles, could you please comment of the frame rate? Is there room for improvement via patch or do we have to deal with it?

+1 Framerate often makes the game unbearable.
It's almost like I'm playing a completely different game than everyone else in the last few pages. Apart from the map glitch I'm having a total blast with the multiplayer and enjoying most of the maps so far and the mechs are totally awesome. I can't understand people who can say this is a clusterfuck and then turn around and play CoD multiplayer with a straight face. The guns feel great and you feel like you have weight in the world and not just a floating camera.
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