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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


Dibbz said:
Jesus GAF can't stop complaining. I hear people saying 24 players is too much then saying "Why not Blood Gracht Warzone??!"

I hope you guys understand how stupid a lot of the stuff you're saying makes you look.

Also you guys had the beta to test out to see if you liked it or not. So if you spent money on it day one you got no one to blame but yourselves.

To be honest there are some valid points that should be fixed. You can't take out all the negative points from the beta to have a final opinion about a game. The version says it all as well, it was a beta.

Tom Penny

Galvanise_ said:
Where did you camp? I don't want to run into you then. Haha. Frozen Dam is a campers paradise.

I can't give away secrets but I was aiming at the mid spawn point you can get. They had that spawn point so it was like picking fish in a barrel. I felt dirty :)


Tom Penny said:
I can't give away secrets but I was aiming at the mid spawn point you can get. They had that spawn point so it was like picking fish in a barrel. I felt dirty :)

And did your team win? Or just your K/D? :)


Negaiido said:
To be honest there are some valid points that should be fixed. You can't take out all the negative points from the beta to have a final opinion about a game. The version says it all as well, it was a beta.
Doesn't matter that it was a beta you could see what the final game was going bt be like.

Everything gaf is complaining about was in the beta so if they sell the game now then thats there problem.

Back on topic what does everyone think about the new warzone map coming out? The video of it didn't show much.
Just got to the most pointles rail shooter section in the game. It is a nightmare collection of random nonsense. Worst of all, the story doesn't even support it.

The snowmobile part is pathetic. It screams of executive padding. The art is balls for it and the control is laughable. Like last level of Michael Jacksons Moonwalker bad. I love the cinematic that introduces it too...Babe flies down on personel carrier...then you are on a Helgan snowmobile!


Just beat this campaign by myself on Veteran. I had more fun with this than KZ2's. Also, what the fuck are up reviewers ass these days? I knew the story wouldn't be good, but some of the major reviewer sites were talking as this were the worst story for an FPS game ever. It wasn't even THAT bad. It was on the same level as CoD game, except a little cooler to me because of the whole sci-fi aspect.

I enjoyed it a lot because of the gunplay, the variety in levels and enemies, the pacing, the great sound design, the INTENSE action, the INTENSE weapons (
the wasp is my baby. It's GG's very own R.Y.N.O. from Ratchet and Clank. Also the Arc gun and a bunch of others were fucking great and packed a punch
). I loved killing enemies wearing jet packs too as they made for awesome deaths. I mean killing in this game is just fun compared to most FPS where you mow down enemies, or the death animations are boring as shit.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Warm Machine said:
Just got to the most pointles rail shooter section in the game. It is a nightmare collection of random nonsense. Worst of all, the story doesn't even support it.

The snowmobile part is pathetic. It screams of executive padding. The art is balls for it and the control is laughable. Like last level of Michael Jacksons Moonwalker bad. I love the cinematic that introduces it too...Babe flies down on personel carrier...then you are on a Helgan snowmobile!

Absolutely agreed. Terrible fucking part of the game.


Random question here, but did anyone else run into an issue where the ISA TV trophy/achievement glitched and you couldn't get it?


DiddyBop said:
Ending was lulz worthy but not as terrible as you guys made it out to be. Overall the single player was highly enjoyable

I think it's pretty terrible for what it does to the fiction of the universe as a whole.

astroturfing said:
just got the game, and im excited to play it even with all the negative views. i liked the SP demo and the beta quite a bit.

but i do have one major complaint already, what the fuck happened to custom music?? why did they remove it? fucking sucks and makes no sense, it's the one feature that kept me playing KZ2 instead of a COD game..

Custom music is being added in at some point in the future, apparently.


The FPS problems this game has online (and a few times in single player) are straight up unacceptable. Whoever suggested playing in matches with fewer players is missing the point entirely. It should not be up to the player to manage their FPS in a console game, if Guerrilla can't keep the framerate steady with max players then they should either optimize their game better or lower the player count. It's not entirely true its only from max players anyhow as I mainly play operations which is 8v8 and the framerate still turns into garbage in heated firefights around the objective.

jax (old)

The online MP game is sort of busted. Played with some clan guys.

4vs2 which made for a dull game. THEN....

they both dropped out.

which = 4 guys in my team and 0 opposing player and the game didn't end. Holy cow it was so boring. Not raking in any points. standing around waiting for time to count down.



Finished my second playthrough of the campaign, this time using the Move.

It's the first real game I've played with the Move, and I was keen to see a game to give it a proper workout to showcase the hardware's capabilities. Verdict- it's pretty damn great. However, Sony had years to learn from the Wii about what not to do, like mapping melee attacks to a waggle gesture on the same device that aims the reticle. Stupid.

The core single player gameplay design is still fucking terrible from start to finish.

Gave multiplayer a whirl and it's worthwhile. Played as an engineer and perked up a few things. The multiplayer was when the controls really clicked, and having seen how well the core mechanics and gunplay work, it is all the more apparent how fucking shit the single player experience is.

Was prepared to trade in KZ3, something I never do with games, but multiplayer has convinced me to hold onto it.


Hey great. Something to look forward to.

Avoided melee completely in both single and multi given how clunky it was. Will be good to get back in the game.


Just finished the SP and tried a few mp matches. Game is great. Liked it a lot more so far than i did Killzone 2. I think that a big part of that is due to the move. It made the game a lot more fun and easy to use (except for the melee part). Love the aiming with it, its just so natural to kill enemies anywhere on your screen without adjusting the camera.

That the game is very pretty doesnt hurt.

The only weird part was the ending. Found it abrupt (also expected the intro song at the end since it was a great opportunity for it and was disappointed).

Anyway i am excited for some more MP. Still not invited to gaf clan though..
KZ4: Ditch the ISA dudebros in favor of playing as a Helghan civilian who was affected by Visari's blast and is part of a rebel team against the extremist majority of their people. GG, contact me for more details.


Dibbz said:
Doesn't matter that it was a beta you could see what the final game was going bt be like.

Everything gaf is complaining about was in the beta so if they sell the game now then thats there problem.

Back on topic what does everyone think about the new warzone map coming out? The video of it didn't show much.

The main point of your post is irrelevant ^^. The core game of Killzone is more or less fine. The issues that people are having with this unfinished game are issues that could of and should of been eliminated mostly during beta, but weren't...

I am a little weary in posting a negative comment in fear of the Pleasant-things-only Patrol squad doing a drive-by and forcefully suggest I leave this thread. However, it seems criticisms of the game are already well covered.

So the only reason I bought killzone 3 was for the Move support. I had been craving a hardcore game with wii like controls for a long time. I came into the game expecting the worse (how could I not, with extreme levels of bitching found in this thread), yet my expectations gladly weren't fully met. Sure this game isn't anywhere near as polished as it should be coming out of a Big sony owned studio, but the multiplayer isn't as deplorable as some would make it seem.

Maps are adequate except for a few horrible exceptions (the snowdrift map and the exo/wasp/snipers paradise map)
Framerate needs worked on ;/
Two classes seem a bit overpowered but certainly aren't game ruiners.
The biggest issue in my opinion, is the execution of those tactical points.


Yeah there are a few maps that are just unbalanced currently when it comes to the TSP. They're near perfect on Salamun, though, credit where it's due. The only issue with that map is keeping the rocket turrets locked down, which is pretty easy. I like how the presence of the EXO gives sections of the map different feels, going through the center is a far bigger commitment now, and doing so quickly and using the ample cover provided is much more important.

MoonsaultSlayer said:
KZ4: Ditch the ISA dudebros in favor of playing as a Helghan civilian who was affected by Visari's blast and is part of a rebel team against the extremist majority of their people. GG, contact me for more details.

The ISA have such awesome industrial design, I'd rather we stay with the ISA and have a better story.

To be fair your idea would force GG to write a more nuanced story... maybe.

Your idea is impossible given the ending, unless they had lots of people in bunkers of sorts


I have been very down on the game but I had a great time playing last night. We didn't even really have a big GAF crew other. It was like 4 of us and the rest were all randoms. We FINALLY got into a game with evenly balanced teams! The matchmaking actually worked for once! It seems matchmaking does not work for large parties, so if you have 4 players or less you are probably better off. One thing I enjoy about the multiplayer is I feel like I am contributing to the war effort by not actually killing players of the other team. We cap a Tac spawn, OK spawn as engineer, lay down some turrets, repair some creates. Oh, it's assassination, spawn as Medic, make sure you are covering the assassination target and be ready to revive him if he is down. Search and Retrieve? Spawn as Infiltrator and book your way past the enemy. I love the dynamic objectives and I am finally becoming a bit more accustomed to the maps. Sure the maps aren't brilliant but some of them are pretty fun. The unlock tree is also so much more friendly than KZ2, which was needlessly difficult in my opinion. I still haven't unlocked the ability to repair crates in KZ2!!!!

If you are playing this game with a group of guys that "get" the game and know the appropriate rule to use, then it is a ton of fun.
I think IF they do another KZ on PS3 it should be on the First Helghan War, before Visari's rise to power. Or when he rises to power, you play as one of his elite soldiers sent on missions to eliminate the competition of political opponents, or military enemies on Helghan. or a combination of the two.


10dollas said:
Framerate needs worked on ;/
Two classes seem a bit overpowered but certainly aren't game ruiners.
The biggest issue in my opinion, is the execution of those tactical points.
All of which was visible from the beta. Don't use the excuse that "Oh it's a beta it should have been different in the final release" because a beta that close to launch is not a beta, it's a demo.

The actual beta's were different from what we have and if you think framerate is bad now then you should see how far GG has actually come from what they had originally.

End of the day TSP's are the only way to have this evolving battlefield that can be controlled by GG. There are no two ways about that.


Dibbz said:
All of which was visible from the beta. Don't use the excuse that "Oh it's a beta it should have been different in the final release" because a beta that close to launch is not a beta, it's a demo.

The actual beta's were different from what we have and if you think framerate is bad now then you should see how far GG has actually come from what they had originally.

End of the day TSP's are the only way to have this evolving battlefield that can be controlled by GG. There are no two ways about that.
The fact that gaf is complaining so much just tells me this game is actually great and the maps are probably amazing.

I mean someone said they liked Phyrrus Rise. That map was ass.

The main problem I have with all this complaining is the fact that we are all pretending KZ2 was this amazing game. Now I played that game for quite a long time. I even played with a few gaffers a couple of times. I dont have that many fond memories.

All I remember was shitty controls, spawn grenades being misused and clusterfucking the likes of which even Michael Bay would be envious of. The game just didnt work on many levels. The IDEAS were great but those IDEAS relied too much on players being mature. It just didnt work. Even in the games I played with gaf, people were throwing down shitty spawn points and camping. Lets stop pretending otherwise.

I dont mind the changes they made because I understand why they made them. KZ2 required too much to actually be fun. Had to turn off certain maps, turn off certain weapons, lower the max player count, turn off the assault class, turn on friendly fire and pick the tact class and throw down a decent spawn before two shitty ones got thrown down just for it to be "playable". THEN you had to hope you got put in a game with decent players for it to be "fun". It had all these pre-requisites and GG was just trying to avoid that this go around.

Is KZ3 perfect? Fuck no. But its a step in the right direction and the flaws arent nearly as glaring.

DISCLAIMER: I was trying to finish Deadspace2 (done) and finish my real estate class (not done) before I got this game (got it yesterday). So if it does actually suck I'll come back and eat crow. But judging from the "beta" Im sure I'll enjoy it fine.
.GqueB. said:
The fact that gaf is complaining so much just tells me this game is actually great and the maps are probably amazing.

I mean someone said they liked Phyrrus Rise. That map was ass.

The main problem I have with all this complaining is the fact that we are all pretending KZ2 was this amazing game. Now I played that game for quite a long time. I even played with a few gaffers a couple of times. I dont have that many fond memories.

All I remember was shitty controls, spawn grenades being misused and clusterfucking the likes of which even Michael Bay would be envious of. The game just didnt work on many levels. The IDEAS were great but those IDEAS relied too much on players being mature. It just didnt work. Even in the games I played with gaf, people were throwing down shitty spawn points and camping. Lets stop pretending otherwise.

I dont mind the changes they made because I understand why they made them. KZ2 required too much to actually be fun. Had to turn off certain maps, turn off certain weapons, lower the max player count, turn off the assault class, turn on friendly fire and pick the tact class and throw down a decent spawn before two shitty ones got thrown down just for it to be "playable". THEN you had to hope you got put in a game with decent players for it to be "fun". It had all these pre-requisites and GG was just trying to avoid that this go around.

Is KZ3 perfect? Fuck no. But its a step in the right direction and the flaws arent nearly as glaring.

DISCLAIMER: I was trying to finish Deadspace2 (done) and finish my real estate class (not done) before I got this game (got it yesterday). So if it does actually suck I'll come back and eat crow. But judging from the "beta" Im sure I'll enjoy it fine.

Both Turbine and snowdrift are unbalanced garbage. I usually dont have issues with maps but if you take the top middle spawnpoint in turbine the entire match completely falls apart. You can snipe into the other spawnpoint and base rape either team. This coupled with the fact that the only way you can take it is with a jet pack= whoever gets that spawnpoint first usually wins.

Second, snowdrift for ISA snipers is a dream. Sit at your spawn and kill the helghast leaving their base. Once again you have a birds eye view from a single spawnpoint (this time it is actually the base of the ISA) to every spawnpoint in the game. If you get 3 established marksmen in that game for the ISA its pretty much a frustrating mess for the helghast. IMO warzone shouldnt even exist on that map.


I just picked up killzone 3. The graphics look damn good although there is a lot ofblack crush. Also there is no motion blur like killzone 2. The game is very colourful. The high saturation almost makes the game look cartooney. I prefer the look of killzone 2 (with the post processing). If this had the same depth of field effects and notion blur as kz2 then I would provably cream myself haha. It already looks like the best console game though.

As for the gameplay. Well it certainly feels different to killzone 2. Very large areas. Few close quarter combat scenarios that made killzone 2 my favourite shooter. All the weight and recoil is gone. Note: I hate the input lag of killzone 2 but overall movement and gunplay was unmatched. I love the variety though. It's excellent.

BTW I'm on the part where Sev looks like his KZ2 self then grows a beard. This game I'd constantly hopping back and forwards with '6 months' later. Heh
Finished sp last night, I enjoyed the game, what I didnt like is the game supposed to be this huge battle but I dont know for some reason it didn't, it felt more like it was 20 vs 20, it didn't feel like a epic battle, I did enjoy though.


I hare the blood jelly that fills your screen when you get shot. They should make it more subtle. Reduce the opacity or something. Nothing is more annoyin than huge solid red splotches on the screen.


Dibbz said:
All of which was visible from the beta. Don't use the excuse that "Oh it's a beta it should have been different in the final release" because a beta that close to launch is not a beta, it's a demo.

The actual beta's were different from what we have and if you think framerate is bad now then you should see how far GG has actually come from what they had originally.

End of the day TSP's are the only way to have this evolving battlefield that can be controlled by GG. There are no two ways about that.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time taking people seriously who funnel choices into two categories: positively wrong and absolutely right, or possible and not possible

You are so sure and so absolute about everything, yet you didn't spend time in GG studios and you haven't given much thought into alternative ways to implement a spawning system. ALso, I assume you haven't had experience with putting together a massive project with many different options to tackle a particular issue. So until you realize everything isn't black and white please don't parade around your opinion as meaningful.


10dollas said:
I'm sorry but I have a hard time taking people seriously who funnel choices into two categories: positively wrong and absolutely right, or possible and not possible

You are so sure and so absolute about everything, yet you didn't spend time in GG studios and you haven't given much thought into alternative ways to implement a spawning system. ALso, I assume you haven't had experience with putting together a massive project with many different options to tackle a particular issue. So until you realize everything isn't black and white please don't parade around your opinion as meaningful.
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?


Had a squad of gaffers going last night and I got so many kills. The other team was just horrible and most of them stayed for a few matches. The last match I played was on Frozen Damn and I got up on top of the helghan spawn and I went 72-9 ? if I remember correctly. Absolutely ridiculous, I called it a night because I just felt plain bad for beating them so badly.


Dibbz said:
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?

Height of delusion.
Dibbz said:
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?

Yes, they work. Often way way too well.
Full Recovery said:
Had a squad of gaffers going last night and I got so many kills. The other team was just horrible and most of them stayed for a few matches. The last match I played was on Frozen Damn and I got up on top of the helghan spawn and I went 72-9 ? if I remember correctly. Absolutely ridiculous, I called it a night because I just felt plain bad for beating them so badly.

Yeah, it was insane. It felt sssssssssoooooooooo good though, although I do feel a little dirty this morning. I didnt mind getting 12-13 thousand points a game though :)
Zen said:
Yeah there are a few maps that are just unbalanced currently when it comes to the TSP. They're near perfect on Salamun, though, credit where it's due. The only issue with that map is keeping the rocket turrets locked down, which is pretty easy. I like how the presence of the EXO gives sections of the map different feels, going through the center is a far bigger commitment now, and doing so quickly and using the ample cover provided is much more important.

The ISA have such awesome industrial design, I'd rather we stay with the ISA and have a better story.

To be fair your idea would force GG to write a more nuanced story... maybe.

Your idea is impossible given the ending, unless they had lots of people in bunkers of sorts

I was actually thinking that these "rebels" would work with the ISA to help tip the odds in their favor. Nothing like ending a war with an uprising
instead of resorting to nukes and genocide.
Dibbz said:
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?

I prefer TSP's as well to spawn grenades, but I think it needs some tweaking to the system to make it more fair.


The Turbine TSPs are the worst, whoever had the idea to make 2/3 TSPs accessable only via jetpack should be kicked in the balls. Add in some geometry so you can walk up both TSPs right out of the basecamps and allow any class to neutralize a spawn point and then maybe, just maybe that map could be salvaged.


CozMick said:
Bernbaum, GG is patching in a melee button for Move (Circle).

The stabbing gesture is just wrong.


Great news...

I would really like them to devise what may be an impossible feat though... I keep having to recalibriate, when I lose my position... I want it to sort of recognise my preferred central position, so that a click of a button, will rejig to fit where I am... Kind of like lifting up a mouse when its close to the edge and recentrering it...


Full Recovery said:
The Turbine TSPs are the worst, whoever had the idea to make 2/3 TSPs accessable only via jetpack should be kicked in the balls. Add in some geometry so you can walk up both TSPs right out of the basecamps and allow any class to neutralize a spawn point and then maybe, just maybe that map could be salvaged.

I fully agree. Not to mention that playing with randoms on that map is down right terrible. You have morons who stand in the doorways so you can't pass, grab a jetpack, and try to snipe across the map and they constantly die. Really, if you grab a jetpack, use the damn thing. Get out of the doorways because you're making it a damn meat grinder. You can't snipe, give it up already. Blah.

Although playing with GAF on maps is perfectly fine; when we don't get lagged all to hell or get freezes/kicked offline that is. I've never had much fun in MP games going lonewolf, but any Gaf clan makes it 1000x better.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ashes1396 said:
I would really like them to devise what may be an impossible feat though... I keep having to recalibriate, when I lose my position... I want it to sort of recognise my preferred central position, so that a click of a button, will rejig to fit where I am... Kind of like lifting up a mouse when its close to the edge and recentrering it...
I've had this problem, both here and in Dead Space: Extraction. For some reason it's usually the same, where my 'center' drifts right. I haven't figured out any pattern, like with room lighting or anything. It's annoying.


TheExecutive said:
Yes, they work. Often way way too well.

There's an element of preemptive tactics in Killzone 3, just like how you wanted to have some presence at key demolition points before that game mode came up in Killzone 2. As a tactician in Killzone 3, and as any class basically, you always want to be aware of what objectives are left, and how to best prepare for them in advance. If you KNOW that the enemies attention will be off certain spawns during certain modes, take advantage of that.

Sure if you start the search and destroy mode and the other team has been given ample opportunity to dig in with all the TSP' nearby captured, chances are your team won't win, but you shouldn't things get to that point in the first place.


Dibbz said:
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?

So when a team is being spawncamped its our own fault? Keep dreaming
your nightmare.
Also the beta is a demo according to you is a illusion, if it was a demo I bet a lot of people wouldn't have bought it.


Dibbz said:
It's not my opinion, it's fact. Spawn grenades were shite. TSP's work you just need a competent Tactician to take car of them.

You cry babies seem to think that because you lose that the game is flawed. It's you lot who have the black and white attitude. It's either the game lets you spawn where ever you want or bust.

If you don't like it why are you still playing?

Even though you are a wee bit delusional (hi Live Feed :D), your not totally hopeless and you do have a handful of points I agree on :). So instead of posting some trollish response comment, I'll try and be civilized.

Spawn grenades in their kz2 implementation were indeed crap (our shared opinion). That doesn't mean the idea of spawn grenades are crap, period. Perhaps the idea was salvageable, perhaps not. I've read some decent ideas that would have solved some of the issues with spawn grenades. Unfortunately, without a lot of forethought these solutions definitely would have introduced new problems--the same is true with the new forward spawning system. It solved some of the issues with spawn grenades but introduced many new issues. I won't go into the specifics, because what do you think this 90 page long thread is filled with :D.

Now why would you call a cry baby, a cry baby--> it only hurts their feelings and is only going to make them holla and whine more. Jesus man, be sensitive to us cry babies who can't handle getting things their way.

BTW, i take back my comment about being a wee bit delusional. Your full on schizophrenic delusional
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