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Killzone 3 Review Thread [Update: Reviews In OP]


mescalineeyes said:
game journos finally got what they wanted out of killzone.

creativity is dead.
In all honesty, there was work to be done on the controls period. While i've never had issues with them, people with cheapo tv's did. COD remains on the minds of millions because of how easy it is to play with all the assists it has and if a DEV wants to make money they need to pay attention. Just look at what happen to GT5, a game which i have barely sales the way it use to because of changing times. People no longer wants challenging games. They want pick up and play games where you don't have to invest too much time in because people in general are presses for time.


TacticalFox88 said:
I hope they mean viable COD alternative meaning that there is an option for having an addictive experience like COD and not that the MP has been CODfied to hell and back.
I would hope GG would have some sense in knowing what they have on their hands and try to exploit it as much as possible. My idea for KZ3 would of been gameplay that uses single player elements more tightly. For example spawns that were based off of the way the millitary inserts: ISA spawns via intruder/HGH spawns via dropships. Following that, still retain the ballistic route with their guns but add more creativity, maybe keeping alt fire. Then when that's ballanced, make all levels scalable in size while allowing the ablity to mix match two vehicle types. They have tons of vehicles to choose from in the KZ universe but it never gets used.

Im aware of what im asking for and how much time it would take to do but if they take the time to use what they got, they could really carve out a nice slice of the genre.
pixelbox said:
In all honesty, there was work to be done on the controls period. While i've never had issues with them, people with cheapo tv's did. COD remains on the minds of millions because of how easy it is to play with all the assists it has and if a DEV wants to make money they need to pay attention. Just look at what happen to GT5, a game which i have barely sales the way it use to because of changing times. People no longer wants challenging games. They want pick up and play games where you don't have to invest too much time in because people in general are presses for time.

If I like something enough, then I will make time for it.
Basically, games are being produced for people who "kinda like" gaming. Just look at the steep decline Killzone has gone through from the Beta of 2 to the actual multiplayer of 2 and then the Beta of 3.


mescalineeyes said:
If I like something enough, then I will make time for it.
Basically, games are being produced for people who "kinda like" gaming. Just look at the steep decline Killzone has gone through from the Beta of 2 to the actual multiplayer of 2 and then the Beta of 3.
And that's the problem. Who wants to take the risk doing something innovative if it'll just tank in sells? It'll be a tall order for the company that changes that paradigm so you can't blame a company for conforming a little. It has to be gradual.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
And that's the problem. Who wants to take the risk doing something innovative if it'll just tank in sells? It'll be a tall order for the company that changes that paradigm so you can't blame a company for conforming a little. It has to be gradual.
Actually, I'd argue that Sony is one of the companies that is publishing innovative games alongside their more traditional titles (ie - Killzone). They've taken plenty of risks and those risks have not all paid off, yet they continue to deliver unique titles.


I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:
Truant said:
Stupid gun game slightly more like other stupid gun game.

Creativity is dead.

RIP 2011.

I understand your pain. But TBH these things have a tendency to burn themselves out (look at the guitar games). With a little bit of luck it will happen soon.
NemesisPrime said:
I understand your pain. But TBH these things have a tendency to burn themselves out (look at the guitar games). With a little bit of luck it will happen soon.

Shooting people in first person is the one thing that will never die out. Ever.


Facism said:
I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:

Been too busy to keep up with the latest KZ3 MP reveals and the above makes me very sad.
Oh well, will still buy day 1 if only to play a few rounds with you guys, been far too long since we all got together.


Facism said:
I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:

If this is true, I'll be pissed, why would they destroy the great parts of KZ2? I don't get it.

Also, I heard nothing but bad things about all teh spawn camping in the BETA. My buddy bragged about doing it (he said it was really the only way to play the game) but, does anyone know if they addressed the Spawn Camping hell that was the beta?


Really looking forward to this. I loved K2 and I enjoyed the K3 beta, though it certainly needed some polish, but it's a beta.

Still not sure if I want to get the limited edition. I don't think I need another helmet on my shelf.


NemesisPrime said:
I understand your pain. But TBH these things have a tendency to burn themselves out (look at the guitar games). With a little bit of luck it will happen soon.
people have been saying this while the genre was still called "doom clone"


Facism said:
I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:

WTF!!! Fix this shit GG!!!!!


Fersis said:

Dood get a mic.

¿?¿? you know I have one we've had a lot of conversations in multiple games!... but the sound in BF:BC2 is soooooo good I really feel obliged to use my 5.1 headphones and leave the mic aside.


...but one thing is for sure: there's now a very viable COD alternative.

fuck you Guerrilla

Facism said:
I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:

same here, sometimes I think of GG mp devs as headless chickens running around in the office.

dazed808 said:
Been too busy to keep up with the latest KZ3 MP reveals and the above makes me very sad.
Oh well, will still buy day 1 if only to play a few rounds with you guys, been far too long since we all got together.

hope that the game is good enough to warrant more than a few rounds together Rick <3

edit: oh we get a new beta soon... this is what will make or break it.


Lince said:
8 maps yeah... quite poor, and those maps from the "alpha code" didn't impress me at all, so I hope out of the remaining 5 there's one I can truly enjoy and make my money worth. I've been playing a lot of BF Bad Company 2 Vietnam lately and I'm not that hyped for KZ3 anymore, I mean, that Vietnam expansion is truly fantastic and trumps KZ3 alpha in every way, it tops even the average KZ2 clusterfuck game (not the custom small games with no Assault class of course). Guess Fersis transformed me or something.
Agree with this post. After playing BFBC2, then the KZ3 beta, then BFBC2 Vietnam, my hype for this game is at zero. I'll get to it when I get to it.

Yoboman said:
Its strange this game doesn't seem any more content filled than KZ2. You'd think without having to do the engine R&D they'd have more time for content, kinda like how ND did with UC2
Guerilla Games. GG stands for Graphics(over)Gameplay. I can expect awesome gfx, a decent single player campaign that does a crap job at story telling, and multiplayer plagued with issues and only 8 maps... all for just $59.99 plus tax! Thank you Guerilla!


Facism said:
I'm still bitter that they took Warzone and just shit all over it in the beta. The MP seems to be built around a quick-fix of TDM instead of Warzone, and even the bloody jungle map lacks the warzone gametype :/

So, so bitter D:
Who cares if the jungle map lacks warzone. If anything that means they actually fucking learned that maps have to be designed for specific modes rather than mindlessly letting people play any shit on maps that weren't designed for it.

Jesus at you idiots complaining that 8 maps is not enough. You don't even know what the current 8 are like so shut the fuck up.
Lince said:
fuck you Guerrilla

same here, sometimes I think of GG mp devs as headless chickens running around in the office.

hope that the game is good enough to warrant more than a few rounds together Rick <3

edit: oh we get a new beta soon... this is what will make or break it.

You guys are so funny. The longer I am on gaf I realize that the more a developer goes in contrast to what the gaf populace wants(and I include myself in this) the more it typically sells.
Rikyfree said:
Except the jungle map. As listed by GG themselves.
"Special Features" It means that that it's very suited for Operations. That does NOT mean that Warzone was taken out of the map. I don't believe for a second GG would be that stupid. They've fucked a lot of things up in the past, but seriously releasing the game with only 7 maps that have Warzone? I don't fucking buy it.


Any word on features like photo mode, movie recording and uploading? I bet they didn't implement this as they were busy doing MOVE and 3D. But it is a shame there was no photo mode in KZ2 and even more so if not in KZ3. This game deserves one.
pixelbox said:
Maybe im just a fangirl for the series but how come COD gets a free pass for not advancing the genre while KZ gets shited on? What else could they do in the genre without sacrificing sells? I will admit i wanted more out of GG but realistically they need better sales for that to happen. innovation along with polish should have been enough but there's no proof of that working for them just yet...



Looking forward to this. It's probably the only FPS series I'm interested in any more. Despite KZ2's flaws I enjoyed it's sense of realism, and a genuine sense of excitement. It was a great ride played HUDless on Easy. Probably a better experience than a game though.


mescalineeyes said:
game journos finally got what they wanted out of killzone.

creativity is dead.

Hopefully this won't be another Resistance 2, that adds to the list of games the game journalists have helped to ruin.


Dibbz said:
Who cares if the jungle map lacks warzone. If anything that means they actually fucking learned that maps have to be designed for specific modes rather than mindlessly letting people play any shit on maps that weren't designed for it.

Jesus at you idiots complaining that 8 maps is not enough. You don't even know what the current 8 are like so shut the fuck up.

No need to swear at me and attack me over my dissapointment, mate. I certainly won't tell you to "shut the fuck up" over an internet forum or get mad rage over someone else's opinion on a videogame.


SCE 1st party games always skimp on the maps. Guys, you can have 16 default maps and still sell a shitload of map packs. Just look at COD.


This really shits me man " doesn't push the genre forward" I don't get that statement.

its a fps for fuck sake, I think we have reached a point where first person shooters have become a cinematic virtual movie. you have a gun, you shoot people, how on earth can you improve that concept??


TEH-CJ said:
This really shits me man " doesn't push the genre forward" I don't get that statement.

its a fps for fuck sake, I think we have reached a point where first person shooters have become a cinematic virtual movie. you have a gun, you shoot people, how on earth can you improve that concept??

I remember people saying similar things a few years back. Then Half-Life came out.
Only thing I can think of is climbing, but COD always get off the hook and sometimes even praised for doing the same thing over and over and over. It's a lame reason to put down a game.

GAF poster review of games as much more weight then these so called journalist.


Black Ops didn't get off the hook, it has a lower metascore than previous entries. Also there's pretty much no reason for CoD to have a massive change, sales are still massive. Minor tweaks and enhancements is the thing to do until sales start dropping.

The only thing I felt Killzone 2 needed to do was make the controls tighter. Feeling like I was in mud the whole game was not fun for me at all.


Truant said:
I remember people saying similar things a few years back. Then Half-Life came out.


People have always said that. And the genre has always moved forward. Half-life did it's thing regardless.


sam27368 said:
Still not sure if Day One, too many games!

Agree, and wtf at so many good games nowdays LOL. It seems like every week a really good game is out on one system or another. Its a love hate thing :p


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I unlocked an achievement in Killzone 2 for pressing the reload button manually instead of letting the game reload for me. I dare say that Killzone 3 following in the footsteps of Call of Duty is not the most staggering of departures.

Regardless, input lag is a bad thing. Bad. It's not "weighty," it's a defect in the interface between player and game.


EviLore said:
I unlocked an achievement in Killzone 2 for pressing the reload button manually instead of letting the game reload for me. I dare say that Killzone 3 following in the footsteps of Call of Duty is not the most staggering of departures.

Regardless, input lag is a bad thing. Bad. It's not "weighty," it's a defect in the interface between player and game.

You could notice KZ2's weighty controls by watching a video of the game being played. It has nothing to do with input lag and more to do with acceleration and speed of aiming coupled with the heavy use of motion blur.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
EviLore said:
I unlocked an achievement in Killzone 2 for pressing the reload button manually instead of letting the game reload for me. I dare say that Killzone 3 following in the footsteps of Call of Duty is not the most staggering of departures.

Regardless, input lag is a bad thing. Bad. It's not "weighty," it's a defect in the interface between player and game.
The game producer said it was a bug.
They became used to during development. :0

I liked KZ2 after all, couldnt play too much online due lag and rocket spamming.
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