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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


I'd be in the dick
How do I change SP difficulty down to easy heeeeelp

OK, I have to ask now that I finished it. What are people finding so hard about this game outside of occasionally getting lost? I died way less in this than I have in any shooter of the past few years on normal. The only part that was bad was the terribly designed start of chapter 8, all of the combat was fine.

I am really struggling in the
chapter 7 big shootout segment. I always end up dying. As soon as the dropship comes, the enemies overtake me.
any tips?
When the dropship comes you can get into the mounted gun on the ship you're taking out. Make sure you're using the Volt up until that point. It wrecks their shields and there's lots of ammo.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
OK, I have to ask now that I finished it. What are people finding so hard about this game outside of occasionally getting lost? I died way less in this than I have in any shooter of the past few years on normal. The only part that was bad was the terribly designed start of chapter 8, all of the combat was fine.

For me I'm just terrible at fps. Just wanna cruise. So how do I do it?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
OK, I have to ask now that I finished it. What are people finding so hard about this game outside of occasionally getting lost? I died way less in this than I have in any shooter of the past few years on normal. The only part that was bad was the terribly designed start of chapter 8, all of the combat was fine.

For me, it's the general visibility. In a lot of the areas I have a hard time identifying where enemies are without using the sonar.


I am really struggling in the
chapter 7 big shootout segment. I always end up dying. As soon as the dropship comes, the enemies overtake me.
any tips?

I think I remember where you are. I fought near the ground on the first wave. I went up the stairs to the top to refill my ammo and found a crazy gun in the gun rack that was like a rapid electrical burst shot (then you had to wait for recharge) but it helped a lot with the shielded guys. I had to try that a few times and just lucked into that gun.


I am really struggling in the
chapter 7 big shootout segment. I always end up dying. As soon as the dropship comes, the enemies overtake me.
any tips?

The key is to clear out as many enemies as you can before you get on the turret.

Go to the balcony where all the guns are, pick up the exploding gun with the scope, and shoot enemies behind your OWL's shield. Kill as many as possible, then get on the turret and finish the rest.

If you're already on the turret and can't clear it (I did this over 200 times), you'll have to restart from the beginning of the section to give yourself another chance at clearing more enemies.
Grimløck;90326222 said:
Yo. Chapter 8. Fuck that shit.

Didn't have a problem with the opening or the
ight later with the drone dog thing and the mobile scanner. Completed the latter in one try, just stunned the robot with my OWL and placed c4 on it, easy.


I'm really on edge as to whether or not I should buy a PS4 early and this is the game that is tempting me. The last console shooter I enjoyed online was KZ2, had a blast, and the setting/style of Shadow Fall looks amazing. I think this is a shooter I could really get into online but not sure if I can risk dropping $500 on a new console for it. I think I'll read some impressions from Australians in regards to PSN lag. Also had no idea it was 60FPS, that's really impressive! It must look fantastic.

That said, holy crap at the story from what I've read. They bomb their planet and then invite survivors to live on their planet? Are they surprised when shit goes down and they have to fight them again? Seems like a terrible excuse for a sequel.


I love exploring open areas. I spent about an hour in the forest just looking around and finding spots I wasn't sure I was supposed to go to, haha.
I'm really on edge as to whether or not I should buy a PS4 early and this is the game that is tempting me. The last console shooter I enjoyed online was KZ2, had a blast, and the setting/style of Shadow Fall looks amazing. I think this is a shooter I could really get into online but not sure if I can risk dropping $500 on a new console for it. I think I'll read some impressions from Australians in regards to PSN lag. Also had no idea it was 60FPS, that's really impressive! It must look fantastic.

That said, holy crap at the story from what I've read. They bomb their planet and then invite survivors to live on their planet? Are they surprised when shit goes down and they have to fight them again? Seems like a terrible excuse for a sequel.

Yeah....about that.


Yea I figured that would be the case, unfortunate. I can't figure out how to do it though. I guess I'll uninstall the disk and start over.


You can't go to chapter select and change the difficulty from there? You'll just have to go back one chapter at the most I think.
It still has that weighty feel to it; it definitely doesn't play like CoD to me. You have to place your shots carefully, your character feels like he has real heft and momentum behind his movements; there's no ice skating around the levels. I thoroughly enjoy it, and I like the slower pace. Those looking for bombast and set pieces every second will be disappointed.

Right. I haven't been reading the thread.

I've spoken like a true dumbass.

Keeping dat Killzone bundle preorder.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
You can't go to chapter select and change the difficulty from there? You'll just have to go back one chapter at the most I think.

If there was a way to change the difficulty I missed it. Ended up uninstalling, going into standby, then starting the console back up so the disk would recognize, all so very next gen. Or I'm stupid dunno yet.

edit: yep i could have just selected the chapter then turned down the difficulty. i'm a dummy lol


Neo Member
In chapter 8
gliding, there are multiple route you can take and it is trial and error to see which route is the best.

When you fight the drone, that is when it gets tricky. If possible, get to a higher ground so you can take down the spider drone.


I didn't have too much trouble with the gliding in chapter 8. I'd say it took me 15-20 minutes of trial and error. I had a lot more trouble in other parts of the game than that.

I'd also say the "wow" factor of that part was kind of cool if you can separate yourself from the frustration of it.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
To anyone on the fence about this game: it's good.

I was frustrated with the 2nd chapter, because the game was getting cheap deaths on me by swarming me with enemies, but the rest of the game, save for a few difficulty spikes(which GG loves doing, and it drives me nuts), is actually excellent. (note: I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm close).


This game's pretty awesome..
Also, for those who are talking about the soundtrack, it's done by Lorn of Ninjatune.
A few of his songs were featured on Sleeping Dogs' Ninja Tune radio station.

He was a perfect choice for this game's OST, because his music tends to be dark, and grungy. If you like dark electronic music, I highly recommend checking his stuff out.

Here's a link to his most recent album, which is amazing.
Still sucking really bad at this but having fun for the most part. I played most of Ch 2 on Thursday night and stopped without realizing that you can't pick up a save point mid level. Watched a friend play up to the end of that chapter and then just replayed it several times tonight as I tried to get the opening sections just right.

I took several different approaches each time. I like that. That's kind of the nice thing about replaying levels if games because you suck at them. Did I mention I'm playing on easy? lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Heh, the game's metascrore has increased slightly since the release. It used to be 73 (I think) now it's 75. I just remember it was in the yellow before, now it's in the green, as in "Generally favourable reviews". Although, GiantBomb's new review will probably just push this back down :p

Also, good to see that Amir0x and msdstc are liking the game. Those two are tough to please, so at least I know I'm not crazy that I'm enjoying this game a lot.

Also, for those who are talking about the soundtrack, it's done by Lorn of Ninjatune.
A few of his songs were featured on Sleeping Dogs' Ninja Tune radio station.

He was a perfect choice for this game's OST, because his music tends to be dark, and grungy. If you like dark electronic music, I highly recommend checking his stuff out.

Here's a link to his most recent album, which is amazing.
Oh wow, that's awesome to hear. I noticed that the music is much better than anything they had before. So moody and so creative.


Finally played the level from the original reveal. That was some fun stuff.

I'm finding the campaign to be pretty inconsistent but overall I'm digging it. I'd say Chapter 3 is my least favorite so far. It was moody and it looked great but there wasn't
much to do. Forest level has been my favorite. So challenging and expansive.


Just finished it and This game has made me lose pretty much all faith in GG. If I were to score it right now I'd give it a 7 only because the multiplayer is good (Even though its missing something as basic as voice chat)

The first couple of missions are bad. Then the game gets really amazing from like 2-6. If the game ended at chapter 6 this game would be a 9/10 probably. There could be a whole game of that.

But then i dunno what imbecile designed the game after that. Who ever it was that came up with those freefall segments should be fired. Whoever is the head of GG or Shu should walk in on monday morning and fire this clown. Good god some of the worst gameplay sequences ever. I just wanted to chuck my controller. I have never been so frustrated with a game. And then the one big freefall sequence they just change the controls lol wtf. Did they even play this shit? Even after the free fall the missions just are frustrating.

The last mission kind of redeems it and is really cool but its still frustrating. Honestly If the next Killzone game can't be a mix of the last mission and missions 2-6. Playing it yesterday ending on CH6 i was like this game is soo good because of the open areas etc. Today it was the opposite. I was almost at the point where I was like ill watch the ending on youtube, but i forced my self to finish the game. And lol that ending, good god, the story in this game is terrible. There is only decent character (Echo) and even her they couldnt bother to actually expand on. When
Lucas gets killed I was just like lol who cares. And the fake credits roll and I was about to smash my controller

You know whats even more idiotic is that the freefall sections have no REASON to exist it doesnt even make sense they are in a
spaceship and they just decide "No, WE CAN FREEFALL NOW" wtf you are in a ship you dumb bitch land it on the ground.
. Also they make no god damn sense either Lucas is apparently immune to space or is always in a space suit and wtf am I shooting in those floating segments? Suddenly my shitty rifle is a rocket launch? they couldnt even bother to explain that shit. Im running around shooting suddenly I'm floating with a rocket launcher thing Wtf?

Its so clear this game was rushed for launch. They spent a lot of time creating amazing missions at the start 2-6 probably then they were like shit we gotta finish this game so they threw together a bunch more random levels. The tranisition between cutscene and levels is so damn jarring as well.

Right now I am so frustrated I dont even want to touch the multiplayer, all i can say is GG is amazing at art design and lighting Imagine a game on the other side of the wall sneaking around with those drone patrols with the red lasers flashing all over. Too bad its not gonna happen. I have pretty much no expectations for the GG RPG now either (although if it is an open world game on Helgast side of the wall playing as Echo's Helgast class it would be sick).

Shit I wrote way too much maybe I need to play Knack and let its music put me to sleep.


Fuck chapter 10 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck it, it makes no sense, bullshit stealth where there is no indication of when the enemy can see you and when they can't. FUCK IT
Any walkthroughs I can follow to beat that garbage shit of a level?
IDK what everyone is on but the zero grav scenes are super easy

plot and level design feels very rushed though... and the ending is pretty weak -
you go through the game soaking up hundreds of bullets and then sinclar downs you with two shots from a pistol and you die. no special weapon to the head or anything. just two casual pistol shots and you don't even get to use your adrenalin packs


Fuck chapter 10 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck it, it makes no sense, bullshit stealth where there is no indication of when the enemy can see you and when they can't. FUCK IT
Any walkthroughs I can follow to beat that garbage shit of a level?

Took me over an hour but I got through it.

Just be careful to disable the cameras with the spiders and don't run into anyone (or let them run into you). Really, the most frustrating part is the lack of checkpoints. But there were many parts in the game that irritated me because of that.


Just finished it. Overall its a solid launch game. Really liked the campaign up until Chapter 7 then everything kind of went downhill. The multiplayer is pretty amazing though. Really enjoying it so far.

Edit: Are you guys playing on hard. I did it on normal and beat it in one try
just stayed crouched the whole time and didn't get too close to anyone


Neo Member
Love the MP! SP is ok for a launch game imo, would be even better if co-op was in at launch, but alas. what can you do :) MP is satisfying enough
Finished chapter 6. Really like the game so far but you can tell it was kind of rushed. All in all a great launch title though, these reviews were way too harsh from what I played so far.


Fuck chapter 10 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck it, it makes no sense, bullshit stealth where there is no indication of when the enemy can see you and when they can't. FUCK IT
Any walkthroughs I can follow to beat that garbage shit of a level?

lol I just said fuck it after my fourth try and blitz'd the place.


On Chapter 5 right now, and really enjoying this. The graphics are friggin phenomenal. Enjoying the gameplay and the touchpad usage for OWL controls too.

Reading the above complaints with how hard and shitty the last few levels are. I take it the 'get through entire campaign without dying' trophy is going to be a bitch then? :p
Killzone won't win any points for creativity but I love how the various levels are each like the best levels from another game.

Chapter 2 - Half-Life 2
Chapter 3 - Dead Space
Chapter 4 - Rainbow Six
Chapter 5 - Deus Ex

That's as far as I've gotten but it's been really fun so far.


Like an idiot, posted this in the multiplayer thread. But...

Why is that in single player, EVERY TIME the character has to
capture someone, he fails miserably and gets his weapon knocked away from him. Jesus. This is getting ridiculous now.


Like an idiot, posted this in the multiplayer thread. But...

Why is that in single player, EVERY TIME the character has to
capture someone, he fails miserably and gets his weapon knocked away from him. Jesus. This is getting ridiculous now.

Like I said earlier, Lucas is the worst black ops agent ever. He's incompetent as fuck.


Killzone won't win any points for creativity but I love how the various levels are each like the best levels from another game.

Chapter 2 - Half-Life 2
Chapter 3 - Dead Space
Chapter 4 - Rainbow Six
Chapter 5 - Deus Ex

That's as far as I've gotten but it's been really fun so far.
Holy shit your right lol

I was thinking the same thing.

It gave me lot of vibes from those games !


Finally beat the game, including chapter 10 without getting spotted.
Should I post screenshots (Spoilers!) here or on the other thread

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
With all the shit I've talked about the game so far, I think chapter 6 was really good. Definitely kind of redeemed the game and at least made me glad I experienced that chapter if I get nothing else out of this.


I don't take it anyone knows whether or not the trophy for 'Completing the campaign without dying' actually means a full play through without dying? That's how I read it, but I just find it interesting each level and section has it's own individual death counter, wonder if they all just need to be zero... not sure if the other KZ games had that though.
One of my favorite MP maps, The Divide:


Just recorded a tour of the map and will be uploaded shortly. It's a beautiful area.

rdrr gnr

I don't take it if anyone knows whether or not the trophy for 'Completing the campaign without dying' actually means a full play through without dying? I just find it odd each level and section has it's own individual death counter, wonder if they all just need to be zero... not sure if the other KZ games had that though.
That's almost certainly it -- unless it's some absurd and antiquated system. Chapter by chapter in whichever order you'd like.

Edit: Check some guides online.


That's almost certainly it -- unless it's some absurd and antiquated system. Chapter by chapter in whichever order you'd like.

I'm gonna try it out tomorrow, I really hope that is the case because there no way I'm gonna have the patience to do a full run without dying, lol.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I already started part of 8. It's too late!! I got frustrated and shut it off for the night.

I just did that in chapter 7 after the falling sequence, then the dudes with energy shields that require you to do the stun thing in order to damage them... oh and these fucking exploding spider mines. It's like they suddenly just decided to pack a bunch of annoying shit into the game. The introduction to the chapter was awesome, though.


I just did that in chapter 7 after the falling sequence, then the dudes with energy shields that require you to do the stun thing in order to damage them... oh and these fucking exploding spider mines. It's like they suddenly just decided to pack a bunch of annoying shit into the game. The introduction to the chapter was awesome, though.
Armadillo Troopers still die with a single melee action.
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