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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


does the gameplay fall off a metaphoric cliff, in later levels, as has been suggested by one jeffery gerstmann?

i really enjoyed the opening 3 chapters
does the gameplay fall off a metaphoric cliff, in later levels, as has been suggested by one jeffery gerstmann?

i really enjoyed the opening 3 chapters
I am on the final chapter and the game has kept me thoroughly engrossed during the entire campaign.

I think the criticism levied on the game are the result of how varied the gameplay is. GG has chosen to break up the combat with sections that involve puzzles, exploration, and zero-g / freefall navigation. I've enjoyed all of the experiences, especially considering the slower paced sections afford the opportunity to really take in the jaw dropping visuals.

Don't get me wrong; the game is certainly at its best when you are shooting Higs, but that doesn't mean the other gameplay is "bad"... there is simply a lot of variation in this game.
With regard to the end of the the game. Chapter 8 was a lower point, but still enjoyable. At no point does the game "fall off a metaphoric cliff"... IMO


I am on the final chapter and the game has kept me thoroughly engrossed during the entire campaign.

I think the criticism levied on the game are the result of how varied the gameplay is. GG has chosen to break up the combat with sections that involve puzzles, exploration, and zero-g / freefall navigation. I've enjoyed all of the experiences, especially considering the slower paced sections afford the opportunity to really take in the jaw dropping visuals.

Don't get me wrong; the game is certainly at its best when you are shooting Higs, but that doesn't mean the other gameplay is "bad"... there is simply a lot of variation in this game.
With regard to the end of the the game. Chapter 8 was a lower point, but still enjoyable. At no point does the game "fall off a metaphoric cliff"... IMO

glad to hear, yeah chapter 1, 2, was like a better level than most of the stuff i found in Crysis 3. OWL is completly useful, and not at all a gimmick, i just spent too much time beating Knack, to really sink my teeth in yet...


I wish this game had some sort of contracts system, like Mercenary.

That's the only thing I really disliked about the Killzone console games, no incentive to replay SP campaign (I don't like trophies and I am not into MP)


Why is everyone calling Chapter 8 the low point? Is it just because of that freefall section?
I agree that the controls are ass in those sections, but the rest of Chapter 8 is fine.
Why is everyone calling Chapter 8 the low point? Is it just because of that freefall section?
I agree that the controls are ass in those sections, but the rest of Chapter 8 is fine.
I personally think the level would have been better if there was more units topside instead of just
mechs & sentry scanners
. The outdoor environment in this level is awesome, I was just ready to shoot stuff again after the free fall section and instead ended up
carting petricite capsules all over the place

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
People mentioned this with KZ2 and 3 as well but I never noticed it until Shadow Fall. Sometimes I couldn't tell if I was crouching.

Same here, I always end up trying to stand up when I'm already standing up. It's kind of annoying.


Man the destruction of the walls and windows is next-gen. I need to gif those, I'm going to open a twitter account just for all the ps4 sharing.


Why is everyone calling Chapter 8 the low point? Is it just because of that freefall section?
I agree that the controls are ass in those sections, but the rest of Chapter 8 is fine.

Once I finally 'got' the controls, after failing 15 times in a row, I actually had fun with that part. But before that I was literally saying "this is one of the worst things I've ever played".
Played the first couple of levels last night, not sure why this hasn't reviewed better. Easily the best looking console game I've ever played and gameplay is way better than anticipated.
Once I finally 'got' the controls, after failing 15 times in a row, I actually had fun with that part. But before that I was literally saying "this is one of the worst things I've ever played".
What's the trick behind the controls? Just asking so i won't have to die 15 times before finding out :p


It's a fun game from what I've played of it, which is admittedly not much. I like the shooting mechanics, how they aren't just a carbon copy of CoD/BF. Feels like it's own game.


So I beat the single-player last night and I really... REALLY enjoyed it. I don't know about others but I enjoyed the story, I didn't find it ground breaking but I liked what it did at the very least. I also liked how it didn't paint the ISA/VSA as the "good" guys. Although there was a bit too much hammering that in at times, but not enough for me to get out of the experience.
So I'm finished with this game. I just don't have time to get into the multiplayer with BF4, Madden and NBA2K.

I loved the single player though.

What's the best method to trade in or sell this game? Any idea on gamestop trade in values on a new release like this?


I played through the campaign twice over the weekend, both times on Medium. I briefly considered bumping it up to Hard the second time, but frankly there were a few of points that just kicked the living shit out of me on medium and I'm not a masochist. The only criticism I can agree with is that there's a real dearth of enemies in some parts. I chalk it up to how this campaign is designed to be more like a cold war secret agent mission, and less like "WW2 in teh future vs. the Space Nazis." But there are still plenty of fire fights, and the gun play is polished and fun as hell. I love using the OWL.

The section in chapter 8
where you free fall through crumbling debris of a city down to the surface of Helghan...
FUCK YOU, Guerrilla. Seriously fuck whoever designed that part, and fuck whoever approved it to be in the game. Is a half-way checkpoint on shit like that really too much to ask? BURN IN HELL YOU BASTARDS I HATE YOU.

But all in all, awesome game, not disappointed, the harsher critics can eat poop.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
How the heck does the saving/checkpoint system work? I'm sure it's been asked a hundred times, but starting a chapter over because I took a little Resogun break is getting annoying.


Just got the game and I'm wondering. Does the OWL ever stop beeping? It got so bad I've decided to just not play it until I find out how to turn off the annoying humming/beeping noise it makes when it's on your back.


does the gameplay fall off a metaphoric cliff, in later levels, as has been suggested by one jeffery gerstmann?

i really enjoyed the opening 3 chapters

do yourself a favor and stop playing once you finish chapter 6. Almost everything after save for a couple of sections is some of the worst, most frustrating and horrid game play I have ever played.

I have never been more frustrated and pissed off at a game before. It took every ounce of strength in me to finish the game.


The section in chapter 8
where you free fall through crumbling debris of a city down to the surface of Helghan...
FUCK YOU, Guerrilla. Seriously fuck whoever designed that part, and fuck whoever approved it to be in the game. Is a half-way checkpoint on shit like that really too much to ask? BURN IN HELL YOU BASTARDS I HATE YOU.
But there is a halfway checkpoint during that sequence, I know because I've used it myself.

The last firefight in Chapter 9 doesn't get enough recognition here, the game suddenly throws out a ridiculous number of enemies, with miniguns, shotguns, invulnerable shields, turrets at you while you are stuck at an arena with no way to run or hide. That was intense.


Am I the only one or does it bother anyone else that the height of your character in all the killzone games is too damn short? He is like a midget usually, shorter than everyone else it seems like.

It always bothers me like the whole game its on my mind.

I am constantly clicking the crouch button when walking around thinking I am crouched. "nope, wasn't crouching, I am short. and walk slow"
Am I the only one or does it bother anyone else that the height of your character in all the killzone games is too damn short? He is like a midget usually, shorter than everyone else it seems like.

It always bothers me like the whole game its on my mind.

Grr, I hate that. The Resistance series did this.

First person toddler simulator with guns.


do yourself a favor and stop playing once you finish chapter 6. Almost everything after save for a couple of sections is some of the worst, most frustrating and horrid game play I have ever played.

I have never been more frustrated and pissed off at a game before. It took every ounce of strength in me to finish the game.

Haha, there is truth in this post.

I started Chapter 9 last night and plan to finish the game tonight. Both Chapters 7 and 8 had me screaming at my television and white-knuckling my DualShock 4, fighting every urge to wing it through a wall.

Shut the game off last night before bed after dying 20 times during 8's
freefall segment
, then turned it back on after calming down and knowing I could not leave things as they were and sleep worth a damn.

I sailed through that treacherous segment on my first try. The secret for me was to
stay as high as possible and not make too many wild swings in either direction

Hoping the last two chapters aren't hell on my blood pressure. It should help knowing I've got my trade-in value locked in and ready to go.


How do you guys let yourselves get so frustrated at video games? I don't think I've yelled out in anger, or thought about chucking my controller at any game in like ten years. If it gets to that point then just stop playing.


I'd be in the dick
What's frustrating people about chapter 7? It was one of the easiest chapters. The end gives you a lot of weapons to work with, you just need to keep them supplied and keep your OWL shields up.


don't ask me for codes
Check the options and switch to reversed controls while in flight/gliding.

It'll help with one area in particular but that part will still be gorgeous but annoying trial and error.

Once I finally 'got' the controls, after failing 15 times in a row, I actually had fun with that part. But before that I was literally saying "this is one of the worst things I've ever played".

do yourself a favor and stop playing once you finish chapter 6. Almost everything after save for a couple of sections is some of the worst, most frustrating and horrid game play I have ever played.

I have never been more frustrated and pissed off at a game before. It took every ounce of strength in me to finish the game.

Haha, there is truth in this post.

I started Chapter 9 last night and plan to finish the game tonight. Both Chapters 7 and 8 had me screaming at my television and white-knuckling my DualShock 4, fighting every urge to wing it through a wall.

Shut the game off last night before bed after dying 20 times during 8's
freefall segment
, then turned it back on after calming down and knowing I could not leave things as they were and sleep worth a damn.

I sailed through that treacherous segment on my first try. The secret for me was to
stay as high as possible and not make too many wild swings in either direction

Hoping the last two chapters aren't hell on my blood pressure. It should help knowing I've got my trade-in value locked in and ready to go.

Well, it might be too late for you guys and the reviewers, but I checked in a fix today making that section easier. No idea when it'll go in a patch, but hopefully before the Europeans get to play it.


What's frustrating people about chapter 7? It was one of the easiest chapters. The end gives you a lot of weapons to work with, you just need to keep them supplied and keep your OWL shields up.

I was fine with it up until the point it tells you to get in the turret.

There are no defensive measures you can take while you are bombarded by bots, armored Higs, turrets, etc..

It's basically kill everything shooting you as fast as you can because if you miss one guy, you're dead.

On Hard mode, I got stuck there for a good 20 minutes.


Pretty impressive rug tech. I don't know if you can tell from the pic but that rug isn't just a flat texture. I aint no video game maker but I think something like tessellation is being used.



Well, it might be too late for you guys and the reviewers, but I checked in a fix today making that section easier. No idea when it'll go in a patch, but hopefully before the Europeans get to play it.
Any fixes for barely visible Waypoint markers? Like make them twice as big and outline the outer edge. I sit 8' from a 70" TV and they're almost impossible to see through the foliage and the stealth cloak effect in Chapter 10.


Well, it might be too late for you guys and the reviewers, but I checked in a fix today making that section easier. No idea when it'll go in a patch, but hopefully before the Europeans get to play it.

Thats good to know. Although there is a lot more than that section that is frustrating for me at the end of the game.

If you and GG are listening the next Killzone game PLEASE make it a game similar to the gameplay through the Helgan side in this. Would be an amazing 10/10 game. Those sections reminded me of that canceled FPS where they showed a gameplay demo of you as a bounty hunter in thise futuristic alien town. Cant remember the name of it. Maybe Prey 2?

I feel like you are doing too many different types of games in one place. Would love a Killzone RPG type game like that where you can be a helgast pick one of the 3 helgast classes. Sneak around. The art design and music in this game are so amazing too. Just wish the story was up to par, the whole game really feels rushed story wise.

Oh and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD make your font bigger on all the text. I have a 47" TV and I dont even sit that far away and I can barely read most of the text. I have to get up and go close to my TV to read some of the menus
What's frustrating people about chapter 7? It was one of the easiest chapters. The end gives you a lot of weapons to work with, you just need to keep them supplied and keep your OWL shields up.

There's also a huge turret at the top that you can use that shreds shields and everything, once I discovered that it was so easy.


I'd be in the dick
Well, it might be too late for you guys and the reviewers, but I checked in a fix today making that section easier. No idea when it'll go in a patch, but hopefully before the Europeans get to play it.
Awesome news. I have some feed back about some glitches and stuff that I ran into and for a couple improvements for future patches. Is GAF the best place to post them or somewhere else? I hate using Twitter for that sort of thing because I always sound like a dick with how short they have to be.
So reading this thread for a few days is my assumption correct:

GG makes KZ2/KZ3 linear and corridor shooter (though its not different from all other 99.99% shooters but still it gets most hate for this)

Media/gamers: what is this shit...too linear, too much hand holding, too cinematic, fix this shit GG

GG listens to feedback, makes KZSF less linear and more open missions

Media/gamers: what is this shit...I am lost, where I need to go, why this game doesn't hold my hand and take me where I need to go...I hate you GG

Am I right? GG never wins


don't ask me for codes
Awesome news. I have some feed back about some glitches and stuff that I ran into and for a couple improvements for future patches. Is GAF the best place to post them or somewhere else? I hate using Twitter for that sort of thing because I always sound like a dick with how short they have to be.

You can post it anywhere you want and send a link to the game director on twitter - https://twitter.com/StevenTerHeide1

It's ultimately his decision (and the lead producer) to patch some things or not :)

(You can try the official KZ forums, but that's a scary place)


I'd be in the dick
So reading this thread for a few days is my assumption correct:

GG makes KZ2/KZ3 linear and corridor shooter (though its not different from all other 99.99% shooters but still it gets most hate for this)

Media/gamers: what is this shit...too linear, too much hand holding, too cinematic, fix this shit GG

GG listens to feedback, makes KZSF less linear and more open missions

Media/gamers: what is this shit...I am lost, where I need to go, why this game doesn't hold my hand and take me where I need to go...I hate you GG

Am I right? GG never wins
This whole series has been cursed with a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" stigma for every change they've made to it. It's saddening.


So, I literally just finished the game on normal difficulty about 20 minutes ago and here are my quick thoughts:

Guerrilla Games sure did make some baffling design decisions throughout the campaign. I'm still confused as to why, in certain segments, they veered away from their rock-solid shooting mechanics in favor of some rather cumbersome jumping sequences and electric-rod "puzzles" that were simply poorly designed. There's also the aforementioned gliding segment, which should have been cut entirely just for the controls alone. I get that they were aiming for variety, but everything that strayed away from just shooting adversaries in the face seemed to fail miserably.

I really wanted to like the single-player, but in the end, I personally didn't care much for it at all.


I'd be in the dick
You can post it anywhere you want and send a link to the game director on twitter - https://twitter.com/StevenTerHeide1

It's ultimately his decision (and the lead producer) to patch some things or not :)

(You can try the official KZ forums, but that's a scary place)
Cool. I liked what you guys did with the game so I just wanted to forward my feedback since it won't be filled with death threats and vitriol like most Twitter comments.


So reading this thread for a few days is my assumption correct:

GG makes KZ2/KZ3 linear and corridor shooter (though its not different from all other 99.99% shooters but still it gets most hate for this)

Media/gamers: what is this shit...too linear, too much hand holding, too cinematic, fix this shit GG

GG listens to feedback, makes KZSF less linear and more open missions

Media/gamers: what is this shit...I am lost, where I need to go, why this game doesn't hold my hand and take me where I need to go...I hate you GG

Am I right? GG never wins

im gonna say it's much simpler and can be summed up by the following; "They fucked up the last 3 chapters."

of course im not there yet, but i am extremely curious to see now, 20 deaths in one spot, sounds maddening.

so this patch will go live "soon" like this week? or you have no way to know?


I've been listening to Rebel FM for a couple of years. A few minutes ago, I started listening to last Friday's episode about PS4 stuff. Here is what I hear when turning on the podcast. I have not listened past this point yet. Maybe they have something positive to say later on, but I think I'd rather listen to something else.

AG: "So I just finished Killzone..."*laughs out loud with MC & MD"
MD: ha, "That is a....video game."
AG: *laughing "That is a video game yes it is."
MC: "I just finished watching you finish Killzone."
MD: "Yeah, I played the first six missions, then came in and watched the end..."
AG: "Which is a lot, like there's like 9 and a half missions basically."
MC: "How much did I actually see Arthur? I don't know when I came in."
AG: "Uh, two and a half?"
MC: "Two & a half chapters, so right at the end of the game."
AG: "Yeah..."
MC: "When ostensibly a shooter should be at it's best right?"
skipping ahead to 1:20

MD: "So, Killzone's problem is that it pushes all of it's good stuff outside of Killzone, where there's just there's NO good stuff in this game."


AG: "Wow."
MC: "All the good stuff was in the Killzone box, but then they emptied the box and there was nothing left."

MD: "Right. We can front-load this. But what if it just didn't have any?
MC: *laughing
AG: "So I feel like the only thing it really takes from Killzone are the guns..."
MD: "Well & even then most of them are new."
AG: Not so much the types & names of the guns, but like the way that the guns behave and the sort of like general sensibilities of...the gunplay.

MD: "So poorly you mean."

*someone starts to laugh

AG: "It's particular..."

*everyone laughing


Well, it might be too late for you guys and the reviewers, but I checked in a fix today making that section easier. No idea when it'll go in a patch, but hopefully before the Europeans get to play it.

Hey Tempy, if I'm in a party chat playing multiplayer with a party and I back out of multiplayer right after the endgame kick in the nuts (or whichever attack) I'll get an error and KZ will crash and need to be restarted. Just the game, PS4 does not crash.

Happened several times last night, and it does not seem to happen if I'm playing solo. (no party chat)
So reading this thread for a few days is my assumption correct:

GG makes KZ2/KZ3 linear and corridor shooter (though its not different from all other 99.99% shooters but still it gets most hate for this)

Media/gamers: what is this shit...too linear, too much hand holding, too cinematic, fix this shit GG

GG listens to feedback, makes KZSF less linear and more open missions

Media/gamers: what is this shit...I am lost, where I need to go, why this game doesn't hold my hand and take me where I need to go...I hate you GG

Am I right? GG never wins

It still felt 90% linear. The 10% of more open-ended missions were a lot of fun, but also hampered by random eagle-eyesight that tears away stealth. A guy saw me as he was patrolling out of the corner of his eye through an inch thick gap in a pipe. fifteen minutes stealing thrown down the drain. Another guy saw me as he was walking up stairs when I was directly below him. mmk.

Then there's the garbage voice acting and nonsensical story.
The random bits where apparently the guy has on a space suit? Where he can freefall and shoot a five-foot pillow down and land without getting hurt after falling for three minutes. The puzzle padding that aren't even puzzles.

The open sections where you can actually stealth around and attack from different places are really cool, but also hamstrung by incredibly odd AI quirks. Glitches completely cut out scripted events. The main AI girls voice went silent for an entire chapter on me once.

I enjoyed my time with the game, but primarily because it was beautiful rather than a good singleplayer experience. As someone who probably isn't going to play multiplayer it certainly isn't worth the 60$ they're offering.


I'd be in the dick
I've been listening to Rebel FM for a couple of years. A few minutes ago, I started listening to last Friday's episode about PS4 stuff. Here is what I hear when turning on the podcast. I have not listened past this point yet. Maybe they have something positive to say later on, but I think I'd rather listen to something else.
What the fuck? Only chapter 8 was bad. 9 was OK but 10 was one of my favorites. I can understand not liking stuff like chapter 3 but some of the shootouts at the end were really good.
Am I the only one or does it bother anyone else that the height of your character in all the killzone games is too damn short? He is like a midget usually, shorter than everyone else it seems like.

It always bothers me like the whole game its on my mind.

I absolutely hate it. I don't understand why they do it. I figured maybe the character in KZ2 was smaller but since the height is still weird it just makes me think they like having everyone tower over you. Sadly it really bothers me for some reason. I feel disoriented half of the time.


Absolutely loved the chapter 5 sniper fights in the slums before the end of the mission. When the hard music kicks in and you see every sniper teleporting and playing hide and seek the complexity of the metallic jungle environment is astonishing in that level. God I love this game so much.


So reading this thread for a few days is my assumption correct:

GG makes KZ2/KZ3 linear and corridor shooter (though its not different from all other 99.99% shooters but still it gets most hate for this)

Media/gamers: what is this shit...too linear, too much hand holding, too cinematic, fix this shit GG

GG listens to feedback, makes KZSF less linear and more open missions

Media/gamers: what is this shit...I am lost, where I need to go, why this game doesn't hold my hand and take me where I need to go...I hate you GG

Am I right? GG never wins

Not really everyone is praising the first 6 chapter which were the open world gameplay you described. They just made some terrible gameplay design decisions in the final half of the game. It all fells rushed.
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