I'm on Chapter 6 right now, and so far I've been really disappointed in this game. The is just my thoughts on the single player, have yet to touch multiplayer. Coming off Mercenary I had really high hopes for Shadow Fall but this game doesn't hold a candle to it's handheld counterpart.
My biggest problem is the plot is awful. Within the first paragraph of the interlude I was pissed off at how stupid it was. And it has only gotten worse as I've progressed. Normally this is something I can handle, but the game is constantly pushing it in you using every awful storytelling device it can. Long cutscenes (complete with random quick time events), slow walking, being trapped in an elevator as someone talks at you, you name it. It just won't let me play, and it's killing the experience for me.
But playing the game isn't all that special either. First off, the open levels are great in concept, but poor in execution. The level designs are mostly confusing, with multiple locations looking way too samey and with no real landmarks to help you distinguish areas. I had no real idea where I was in relation to anything on any of the maps so far outside the forest level. It doesn't help that there is no real reason to explore anywhere anyways. In addition, enemy placement feels random, and you often find yourself wandering around with no one to shoot at for a couple minutes at a time. It's a weird problem for a shooter to have really, but it's common here.
The combat itself is also a step back from what we got with Mercenary. It's hard to pin down why exactly, but the act of actually shooting enemies is nowhere near as satisfying as it was in that game. In fact, combat in Shadow Fall it's downright boring. The cover mechanic that has defined past games seems to have been mostly forgotten about, as plenty of fights take place in locations that simply don't have places to hide. No to mention the weapons are mostly dull and boring to use, and enemy death animations are lacking something to make them satisfying.
The best feature is easily the graphics, which really are great. But the rest of the game has so many problems that it's hard for me to keep going. If you guys want a good Killzone game, go play Mercenary instead.