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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain

I'm on Chapter 6 right now, and so far I've been really disappointed in this game. The is just my thoughts on the single player, have yet to touch multiplayer. Coming off Mercenary I had really high hopes for Shadow Fall but this game doesn't hold a candle to it's handheld counterpart.

My biggest problem is the plot is awful. Within the first paragraph of the interlude I was pissed off at how stupid it was. And it has only gotten worse as I've progressed. Normally this is something I can handle, but the game is constantly pushing it in you using every awful storytelling device it can. Long cutscenes (complete with random quick time events), slow walking, being trapped in an elevator as someone talks at you, you name it. It just won't let me play, and it's killing the experience for me.

But playing the game isn't all that special either. First off, the open levels are great in concept, but poor in execution. The level designs are mostly confusing, with multiple locations looking way too samey and with no real landmarks to help you distinguish areas. I had no real idea where I was in relation to anything on any of the maps so far outside the forest level. It doesn't help that there is no real reason to explore anywhere anyways. In addition, enemy placement feels random, and you often find yourself wandering around with no one to shoot at for a couple minutes at a time. It's a weird problem for a shooter to have really, but it's common here.

The combat itself is also a step back from what we got with Mercenary. It's hard to pin down why exactly, but the act of actually shooting enemies is nowhere near as satisfying as it was in that game. In fact, combat in Shadow Fall it's downright boring. The cover mechanic that has defined past games seems to have been mostly forgotten about, as plenty of fights take place in locations that simply don't have places to hide. No to mention the weapons are mostly dull and boring to use, and enemy death animations are lacking something to make them satisfying.

The best feature is easily the graphics, which really are great. But the rest of the game has so many problems that it's hard for me to keep going. If you guys want a good Killzone game, go play Mercenary instead.


So far, I really enjoy the SP campaign. It reminds me of the original Perfect Dark in some ways, I don't exactly know why, but that's a good thing.

Also, playing that "PS4 unveiling" level for the first time, and realizing that it actually looks better than the unveiling footage, was priceless.


I'm probably a little over halfway through the game. (I don't know how many chapters there are)

Some thoughts:
-Controls feel fantastic. I don't know whether it's the game or the controller, but they did it right this time.

-The OWL was done well and is actually useful. In most games a similar feature would probably be a gimmick at best and completely broken at worst.

-Graphics are obviously beautiful.

-Encounters are kind of anticlimactic. It might be because of the greater freedom you have as the player or the more open environments, but seeing through walls and dispatching enemies for most of the game without any surprises gets monotonous. Giving the player more agency with the OWL and multiple paths and sonar, they should have made the AI smarter than it was in KZ2.

-It doesn't capitalize on the open world design introduced in chapter 2. It seems like Guerilla took the gameplay of a corridor shooter and pasted it onto maps with nominally branching paths. Same with the infiltration mechanics; they could have given you more opportunities to make the choice to sneak around or charge in guns blazing. Instead of a token enemy back-turned to the entryway of a new area for a free knifing.

-When everything clicks, it plays great. Those occasional moments of having to surgically dispatch several enemies are quite rewarding. Unfortunately more often, it's just 3 guys standing waiting for you to come and kill them separated by about 90 seconds of walking.


Is there some sort of rage-quit hell for this game's MP?

I had to quit out of my first match because my ps4 wasnt outputting audio.
Five chapters in, campaign definitely a letdown. Been a fan of KZ for a while but it feels like it's been CODified (or more appropriately, Battlefield-trying-to-be-COD-ified).

Enjoying multiplayer so far, but I can already feel myself getting tired of the maps. Not sure why this comes to mind but they feel like laser tag places, lol. I hope the DLC maps are strong.


I'd be in the dick
Like the first three console Killzones, I played and finished Shadow Fall in three days.

Unlike the first three Killzone games, I didn't like this one at all.

Not sure where the series goes from here, but I for one think it may be time for GG to explore a new IP.
I've been meaning to ask someone who didn't like this one but liked the others, do you really prefer KZ3 to this one? I understand prefering KZ2 but this one is a huge step up from 3. No BS on rails vehicle sections, cutscenes that are actually finished, and far tighter shooting.


Five chapters in, campaign definitely a letdown. Been a fan of KZ for a while but it feels like it's been CODified (or more appropriately, Battlefield-trying-to-be-COD-ified).
I don't get this at all. If anything, it's trying to be more like Halo, especially with the enemy types that pop up later in the game. CoD SP is one shot kill cannon fodder that swarms the screen which is definitely not how some of the later enemies behave in this game.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Can anyone actually explain why they do the free fall? I mean they are in an aircraft LAND THE GOD DAMN THING.

There's a lot of really stupid stuff like that in this game, like the jetpack with the random ass rocket launcher that shows up out of nowhere. I mean there's absolutely no context for it, the game's just like "You need to kill baddies while floating? Just pull that magical rocket launcher out of your ass"


bish gets all the credit :)
This game is fucking beautiful. I'm really enjoying the campaign so far.

I played the CODG and BF4 campaigns prior to this, and KZSF shits on them. If people are getting confused where to go, I really hope they never played games prior to the previous generation.
One more chapter left, wow did this game go from somewhat open levels to linear paths quickly. After being spoiled by crysis 3 graphics on pc I'm happy to say I'm still shocked at just how beautiful this game is. So far though I'm enjoying it but see it as a forgettable experience just like c3 with great graphics. Still looking forward to the mp though


I'd be in the dick
Man, I knew this game would be divisive but the fact that it's almost a 50/50 split is kind of nuts. I've never seen it be so evenly divided.


Good game, except the last two chapters when you have to hack to close the doors and when you are getting like 40+ guys tossed at you. Ending also sucked,
so is killzone done now? They didn't really leave it open to another game.


I've been meaning to ask someone who didn't like this one but liked the others, do you really prefer KZ3 to this one? I understand prefering KZ2 but this one is a huge step up from 3. No BS on rails vehicle sections, cutscenes that are actually finished, and far tighter shooting.

Although KZ2 remains the height of the series, three was serviceable enough in that it was cut from a similar cloth. I actually enjoyed the vehicle sections, and some of the set-pieces were truly memorable. Weren't there mechs in three? Good heavens, I am a sucker for mechs. Missed them in Shadow Fall. And as window dressing, the stereoscopic 3D looked amazing.

This game just didn't do it for me. I hated the main character's voice. I hated being four feet tall. I hated the broken save system, which forced me to lose significant progress a couple of times. I hated the pointless meandering and lame collectibles. The cheap deaths, the gliding. It was simply a frustration to play. And I'm astounded to say it, but I even expected more from the graphics. I have an aging laptop that's run Crysis 2 and it has wowed me more than all of the sun flares and light glares and colored lighting combined in Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Strange... I'm halfway through Mercenaries on Vita and I'm enjoying that game--that is, it has neither exasperated nor disappointed me like Shadow Fall.


The difficulty and pacing in this game is all over the fucking place. Breeze through some sections, but die a dozen+ times at others. What gives? Just beat the game, but I think if they had been better about both of those things it would've been a much more enjoyable experience.

Some slow parts lasted forever, and sometimes it felt like the combat never stopped. One of the most offensive cases was when
all of that heavy fighting right before the boss fight with the Black Hand guy, followed by a boss fight, and then MORE combat
. Give me a fucking break, guys. By the time that whole sequence was done I had to pause the game and take a break because my hands hurt.

Some really fantastic levels and combat scenarios, but it's been long time since I played a game that was so poorly paced.


Like the first three console Killzones, I played and finished Shadow Fall in three days.

Unlike the first three Killzone games, I didn't like this one at all.

Not sure where the series goes from here, but I for one think it may be time for GG to explore a new IP.

I want them to explore this war from the Helgan side. That looked interesting.
I'm halfway through the game and I honestly just don't have the will to go through anymore. This is my first Killzone game and I'm really disappointed.

The graphics are obviously great but you really do come to appreciate the "gameplay > graphics" way of thinking when you sit through this game.

My biggest problems:

1. Random enemy spawns that keep putting you at a disadvantage. I can't even count how many times I climb up a ladder to a platform that I swear was empty only to get ambushed by guys shooting me before I even have control of my character again.

2. Levels are huge for no reason. There's literally nothing interesting nor does it give you different ways of approaching an encounter.

3. Maybe this one was just me but I always felt like I never knew where I was getting shot from - especially in open areas like the forest.

4. Useless waypoint markers and TINY text led to me constantly getting lost. There's no point of putting a waypoint marker directly underneath the ground FFS. I'm not asking for handholding but when you create generic ass areas with confusing level design, something's gotta give. The train level in chapter 4 or 5 was atrocious.

5. Really, really boring. I mean seriously. I think it's a combination of the direction of scripted scenes and the sound design but literally nothing in this game is impactful. I never thought exploding buildings could be so boring.

I hope GG tries something else now. You can tell these guys are talented in the art and graphics department but maybe FPS just isn't their thing.


I'd be in the dick
Good game, except the last two chapters when you have to hack to close the doors and when you are getting like 40+ guys tossed at you.
Ending also sucked, so is killzone done now? They didn't really leave it open to another game.
Spoiler tag that for people that haven't finished.

There's still a lot that can happen. A high ranking officer getting assassinated in the midst of a speech isn't something that will go over well. It just delayed him starting a war at that very second. I'd also like to see Echo as a main character in the next game. She's the first cool protagonist the series has had


pip pip cheerio you slags!
I'm halfway through the game and I honestly just don't have the will to go through anymore. This is my first Killzone game and I'm really disappointed.

The graphics are obviously great but you really do come to appreciate the "gameplay > graphics" way of thinking when you sit through this game.

My biggest problems:

1. Random enemy spawns that keep putting you at a disadvantage. I can't even count how many times I climb up a ladder to a platform that I swear was empty only to get ambushed by guys shooting me before I even have control of my character again.

2. Levels are huge for no reason. There's literally nothing interesting nor does it give you different ways of approaching an encounter.

3. Maybe this one was just me but I always felt like I never knew where I was getting shot from - especially in open areas like the forest.

4. Useless waypoint markers and TINY text led to me constantly getting lost. There's no point of putting a waypoint marker directly underneath the ground FFS. I'm not asking for handholding but when you create generic ass areas with confusing level design, something's gotta give. The train level in chapter 4 or 5 was atrocious.

5. Really, really boring. I mean seriously. I think it's a combination of the direction of scripted scenes and the sound design but literally nothing in this game is impactful. I never thought exploding buildings could be so boring.

I hope GG tries something else now. You can tell these guys are talented in the art and graphics department but maybe FPS just isn't their thing.

For 2 I think you're for the most part wrong, the levels were nicely spread out so that you could tackle objectives differently. Maybe not on every level, but a majority of them.

On 4 you are totally right, the tiny text and objective markers were annoying as shit.

In terms of impactful mechanics, I think the game's visual flair and IMO fantastic sound design offer a very heavy and thudding gunplay experience, more so than most other shooters. Its great and feels distinctly "killzone".
This game is fucking beautiful. I'm really enjoying the campaign so far.

I played the CODG and BF4 campaigns prior to this, and KZSF shits on them. If people are getting confused where to go, I really hope they never played games prior to the previous generation.

It really is I've been basically slow walking the whole game just taking in the absolutley stunning visuals. Also sending your owl out in a dark room with all of its lights reflecting and refracting off everything is just amazing


Spoiler tag that for people that haven't finished.

There's still a lot that can happen. A high ranking officer getting assassinated in the midst of a speech isn't something that will go over well. It just delayed him starting a war at that very second. I'd also like to see Echo as a main character in the next game. She's the first cool protagonist the series has had

I want the UCA to come in and kick some ass
In terms of impactful mechanics, I think the game's visual flair and IMO fantastic sound design offer a very heavy and thudding gunplay experience, more so than most other shooters. Its great and feels distinctly "killzone".

I think I'm just spoiled from BF4. That's a game that has REALLY good sound design. Makes even mundane gunfights sound intense. Too bad the game's broken as shit and pretty much unplayable.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
This game is fucking beautiful. I'm really enjoying the campaign so far.

I played the CODG and BF4 campaigns prior to this, and KZSF shits on them. If people are getting confused where to go, I really hope they never played games prior to the previous generation.

Really? I'm playing BF4 right after beating KZ and, although KZ had amazing lighting and 1080p, BF4 looks just as amazing and better in some parts(dat rain, though it looks worse in some parts too).

KZ also had some graphical glitches in the last half of the game, which is probably a result of them rushing the game.


There's a lot of really stupid stuff like that in this game, like the jetpack with the random ass rocket launcher that shows up out of nowhere. I mean there's absolutely no context for it, the game's just like "You need to kill baddies while floating? Just pull that magical rocket launcher out of your ass"

Yeah the first jet pack scene where all those
drones come at you and you have to protect massar.
I kept dying because I didnt even know i could shoot all of a sudden. Eventually either the game said press r1 or maybe i just pressed it by mistake and was like wth.

Maybe I missed this, by why did the Vektans even allow the Helghast on their planet?

I think because they destroyed their whole planet and felt bad.


bish gets all the credit :)
Really? I'm playing BF4 right after beating KZ and, although KZ had amazing lighting and 1080p, BF4 looks just as amazing and better in some parts(dat rain, though it looks worse in some parts too).

KZ also had some graphical glitches in the last half of the game, which is probably a result of them rushing the game.

Was mainly talking about the actual campaign, not the graphics when comparing the two.


God this 2 week wait is the worst. I'm even replaying Killzone 3 as a warm-up. It's not as bad as I remember it, but whoever edited the cutscenes towards the end should not be allowed to do that again.


I'd be in the dick
I want the UCA to come in and kick some ass

That's always kind of been my hope for the eventual end of the series and Echo would actually be a great character to do that with. Unite the Helghast and VSA against the UCN and then take over leading a unified Vekta.
I'm halfway through the game and I honestly just don't have the will to go through anymore. This is my first Killzone game and I'm really disappointed.

The graphics are obviously great but you really do come to appreciate the "gameplay > graphics" way of thinking when you sit through this game.

My biggest problems:

1. Random enemy spawns that keep putting you at a disadvantage. I can't even count how many times I climb up a ladder to a platform that I swear was empty only to get ambushed by guys shooting me before I even have control of my character again.

what random enemy spawns? you mean revivals? The enemy spawns in their base every time.

2. Levels are huge for no reason. There's literally nothing interesting nor does it give you different ways of approaching an encounter.
There are tons of ways to approach every encounter. Crawl shafts, multiple levels (floors), and 3 or 4 entrances to every location where you're usually fighting on most maps. There is no way to spawn camp in this game unless people don't know their options.

I've also not found the maps big at all. In fact, I'd say most of them are smallish.

3. Maybe this one was just me but I always felt like I never knew where I was getting shot from - especially in open areas like the forest.
There's the damage indicator that always points to which direction you're getting hit from. Then there's the red arrows on your map.

4. Useless waypoint markers and TINY text led to me constantly getting lost. There's no point of putting a waypoint marker directly underneath the ground FFS. I'm not asking for handholding but when you create generic ass areas with confusing level design, something's gotta give. The train level in chapter 4 or 5 was atrocious.
We still talking about multiplayer? Play it for more than a couple of hours. Once you understand the layouts of the maps (you don't yet), understanding the waypoint marker locations (for stuff like capture the beacon mode) is very clear. For the SP, idunno...never had a problem finding my way. I just pressed up when I wasn't sure I was going the right way.

I think most of your issues go away when you spend more than a couple of hours in the MP. It takes time to learn the in's and out's of each map and how to best approach situations with the various classes and guns at your disposal.
what random enemy spawns? you mean revivals? The enemy spawns in their base every time.

There are tons of ways to approach every encounter. Crawl shafts, multiple levels (floors), and 3 or 4 entrances to every location where you're usually fighting on most maps. There is no way to spawn camp in this game unless people don't know their options.

I've also not found the maps big at all. In fact, I'd say most of them are smallish.

There's the damage indicator that always points to which direction you're getting hit from. Then there's the red arrows on your map.

We still talking about multiplayer? Play it for more than a couple of hours. Once you understand the layouts of the maps (you don't yet), understanding the waypoint marker locations (for stuff like capture the beacon mode) is very clear. For the SP, idunno...never had a problem finding my way. I just pressed up when I wasn't sure I was going the right way.

I think most of your issues go away when you spend more than a couple of hours in the MP. It takes time to learn the in's and out's of each map and how to best approach situations with the various classes and guns at your disposal.

Sorry, I was solely talking about single player in my post. I haven't played MP much yet.
I know it's already been discussed, but it can't be said enough. The freefall section in
fallen city with the crumbling buildings
is easily one of the worst experiences I've had in a shooter. It comes right after a sequence that is pretty shitty already where I'm starving for normal controls again. THEN when I finally beat it, I couldn't take enough so I quit the game. Forgetting that it doesn't save at checkpoints I booted it up today and had to redo the entire sequence.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is the most angry I've ever been at a game. Congrats Guerilla.


I really can't believe how much I like this game. I'm only halfway through the campaign and as I've said before, I'm thoroughly enjoying it (rough edges and all). But what has really surprised me is the multiplayer.

Close quarters competitive shooters are something I've been bored with for years since burning out on the first CoD: Modern Warfare. I tend to enjoy the more open shooters like Tribes and Battlefield. Anyway, I'm having an absolute blast with the mp in this. The abilities are all really fun to use and the combat just feels so good.

Also, I honestly think the controller has a part in making this (and every PS4 game) a little more fun too. It's the best game controller ever as far as I'm concerned.


I don't get this at all. If anything, it's trying to be more like Halo, especially with the enemy types that pop up later in the game. CoD SP is one shot kill cannon fodder that swarms the screen which is definitely not how some of the later enemies behave in this game.

Same here. I love it so much because it is very different than CoD. A coworker found out I had a PS4 and immediately told me how great it was to have a beautiful shooter that is so different than the CoD approach.


Good game, except the last two chapters when you have to hack to close the doors and when you are getting like 40+ guys tossed at you.

That segment was straight up awful game design. The Q&A testers should have easily caught that utter nonsense.
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