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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


Finished the level from the reveal, enjoying it so far but I've heard it gets worse as it goes along. Surprised at just how Half-Life this game is, running around placing energy cores and the like. It's kind of a crappy Half-Life, but still seems a nice change of pace after giving BF4 singleplayer a shot and just hating it. Haven't had that much trouble progressing through the levels, though the train track section was a bit frustrating, trying to find which direction a guy is shooting you at and if he's below or above you.

Story has been garbage though, laughable really. Crazy how they can keep doing some potentially poignant scenes and just completely bungle them up. Also can't help but wonder why such a technologically advance civilization has such trouble with audio clipping on their audio logbooks and cameras.

Oh, and it looks pretty decent.

Right now it just gets better from where you are peaking after ch6. Those first chapters 4-6 are really great. Then it freefalls


I liked the ending, and I quite like multiplayer.

But that freefall section... UUUURRRGHHH
I was going through the chapter select, and it shows you how many times you died in each section... I died 22 times.

Foxix Von

Annnd just beat the game on hard.

Holy shit, what a game. What an ending.

First time in a long time I've actually gotten lost exploring levels in a SP shooter campaign. I actually felt like I was playing a game and not a hallway simulator.


Cross posting from the MP thread:
MP gives me a headache. I play a lot of FPS and this has never happened before. Played the campaign for hours no problem but the FXAA blur and fake motion blur make the game hard on the eyes. The constantly fluctuating framerate doesn't help either. Is the FoV smaller than SP?

I think it is a bit smaller. At least what it looks like to me. The framerate is definitely more stable in MP than SP though.

In bad fps/fov games and wabbling camera, I get some really bad motion sickness (e.g. Bioshock 1 on PS3, KZ1 on PS2, ans such. Not many). But KZ2/3 and now SF seem to be perfectly fine for some reason. I thought the fov in SF was going to make me sick but played for hours yesterday and nothing happened.

I would say take a small break after every match and not do three matches in a row. There is also an over the counter motion sickness medication that you can try. I haven't personally tried it, but friend of mine said it worked for him when he tried it.
Not a fan of this title whatsoever. I think it's often confusing where the player needs to go and outside of a true next gen visual sheen it's frankly quite boring. I also don't like how the Helghan look more like Robocop than Nazi-era German soldiers.

I think Sony missed a golden opportunity to have Guerilla launch with their western RPG that's been rumored forever. The launch was already saturated with Battlefield and Call of Duty and a western RPG is something than neither console has at launch. Should have had them make a game in the vein of Witcher/Fable.


So a LOT of people dislike the free fall segment. Whoever designed that level does indeed need to sort their shit, because it sounds like that particular level brings down the quality and impressions of the rest of the game. GG, don't deviate from the core gameplay mechanics unless you can do them really well.


The bold sums up the bad parts of this game. There is no logical rhyme or reason to much of it. It's just a bunch of guess work.

Anyway, I just got half way through chapter 8 before I just had to quit after yet another fucking sensor tower putricite (or whatever) canister plugging "puzzle" with heavy mechanized infantry terrorizing me. It's just not fun at all. Don't get me started on the intro sequence to this chapter 8... what the fuck were they thinking? I know it's already been beaten to death in this thread, but it is impossible that anyone on this planet Earth could have thought that was even remotely a good idea, much less an enjoyable thing to play. I didn't think it could get worse after that "protect Massar" sequence in space where suddenly I turned into a human rocket launcher with infinite ammo without any kind of explanation, but oh boy did it ever.

It's really kind of mind boggling how insanely bad some parts of this game are. It really bugs me, because it looks absolutely phenomenal. It's probably the best looking game I've played, and chapter 8 is high on that list, but the gameplay can just be so bad at times... *sigh* it's almost over, I suppose. What a frustrating journey.

As someone who has vocally supported the earlier games in the series, I have to wonder what the heck went on at GG during the development of this game. Here it is, a PS4 launch title. The developer's big chance to reintroduce the brand to a whole raft of new consumers at the start of the next generation. To establish Killzone once and for all as a major force in the genre; a system seller and a tent pole. And what happens? This game happens. All technology, too little fun. Pretty graphics, obnoxious gameplay.

It's worse than a missed opportunity. With Shadow Fall, I think GG may have not only permanently tarnished the Killzone brand, but done lasting damage to the studio's reputation as well.

Also, screw games journalism. I read reviews; someone could have spared me this pain. It's their job to spare me this pain, and they didn't.

Well, that ending was complete shit.

Oh, the
forced stealth mission that ends with an abrupt cutscene?
Yeah, I forced myself to finish the game, and by the time I got to the end, I kind of figured I got what I deserved. Thanks for the atomic wedgie, Guerilla!




Good graphics are good. That jpeg compression though. :/


I liked the freefall. Lol. Only took me three tries. Haha :bitesnails

I believe they're patching the difficulty of it. So us Euro lads and lasses won't ever be able to feel your frustrations lol. Any particular trick to it? Seems like not everyone found it difficult. Maybe the use of air brake from the get go?
I haven't played the game yet, and i'm sure i will enjoy most of it, but Guerilla, please.. A game doesn't have to do EVERYTHING. Focus on what makes Guerilla truely great. There is no need for tacked on platforming. No need for hollywood rollercoaster bullshit.
You have this awesome universe and background, some of the best artists and artdirectors in the world. A great european history and legacy.
You guys are way too talented to waste it on generic american buddymovie bullshit.
That's why people loved Killzone 2 so much. Not because it was just gritty and not because it was perfect, but because it was grounded more in your own true roots. I thought Shadowfall had all of that, reading the previews (the Berlin wall reference for instance) but now i keep reading these weird things in hands on reports. I understand that you're not JUST a Dutch company, but why not focus on european actors? Rudger Hauer, Carice van Houten, Halina Reijn, Famke Janssen, Tygo, Thom Hoffman, Bruno Ganz, Stellan Skarsgård, etc. And these are just well known ones but there are many more. And if you are going for cinematic, then why not more european cinema? Spanish movies, swedish, german, danish, etc. This will all make a game stand out much more than following the route you are taking in the last two games (i think).

Anyway, big fan, but also confused about certain decisions.

And ofcourse i'm speaking before i have even played the game. So i might not even agree with what i said here when i'm done playing :p.


As someone who has vocally supported the earlier games in the series, I have to wonder what the heck went on at GG during the development of this game. Here it is, a PS4 launch title. The developer's big chance to reintroduce the brand to a whole raft of new consumers at the start of the next generation. To establish Killzone once and for all as a major force in the genre; a system seller and a tent pole. And what happens? This game happens. All technology, too little fun. Pretty graphics, obnoxious gameplay.

It's worse than a missed opportunity. With Shadow Fall, I think GG may have not only permanently tarnished the Killzone brand, but done lasting damage to the studio's reputation as well.

Also, screw games journalism. I read reviews; someone could have spared me this pain. It's their job to spare me this pain, and they didn't.

Oh, the
forced stealth mission that ends with an abrupt cutscene?
Yeah, I forced myself to finish the game, and by the time I got to the end, I kind of figured I got what I deserved. Thanks for the atomic wedgie, Guerilla!

As a fan of the series i had to drop my expectations to the floor for the game. A couple things I've noticed like i believe that even if they made a complete knock out of a game, i don't think it would even matter. People would still buy COd over it. It would be a total money sank just like KZ2. FPS are in a stage now where fatigue and complacency are at its peak. No onw wants sci fi because its not cool but they are getting tired of modern warfare. Kz sf is an important game and served its purpose as being a showcase for next gen. Still, everyone can see it was rush to hell and GG just didn't have enough time to do what they wanted. It is also a sequel without a number so I see it as an experiment of sorts.
The lighting in chapter 3

Game is so pretty but man does it do a horrible job of telegraphing where you're supposed to go. It's not like I'm not focusing on what I'm supposed to be doing either. The objectives in the pre mission cutscene seem fair enough but once the mission actually begins I'm at a complete loss.
This campaign really went to shit in the 2nd half. Most if not all the characters are just wasted opportunity after wasted opportunity, and the open-ended gameplay comes to a screeching halt pretty quick.

Thank god for the graphics because Killzone 2's campaign still holds the crown. Those freefall sections didn't give me too much trouble but in terms of bad game design they are up there with the spike pillars in God of War's Hades section.

It's always fun to shoot Helghasts but I wish we got Resistance 4 instead.

It is also a sequel without a number so I see it as an experiment of sorts.

This really got me. When the game was announced we were all like "a new direction for Killzone!" and expected new, amazing things. Unfortunately the lack of a 4 in the title meant that GG just didn't know what direction to go in.


I just saw this screen on ps4 thread


and it's a bit weird because looking at it seems that Shadowfall doesn't have a real bokeh filter. Seems a normal dof for the background and precalculated textures for every particle. Look a this (low res texture with same orientation for every particle and mask artifact)


It does not prevent Shadowfall be a visual wonder, it's just an observation.

I agree.


I was just saying last night that I thought the game was really undeserving of the "all over the map" scores that it was getting, because so far I'm loving it quite a lot. I just finished chapter 5 I think... the one after the stage from the reveal.... and so far it's been really impressive both visually and from a gameplay perspective. I'm hoping it doesn't go as much "to shit" as some people say it does. Guess I'll find out soon!

So far, though, it's really done enough different on a level by level basis to impress me. I've only played 3-4 rounds of multiplayer, but it was with a bunch of pubbies on my team that all completely ignored the objectives... we lost every match 0-5. With a good group of players that actually communicate, I could see it being a lot of fun. I'm trying to get my friends to come play as they all own the game, but are too hell bent on playing Battlefield despite the constnat crashing and save corruption. KZ would be a good way to pass the week or so we need to let DiCE patch BF4.



I like pretty things. Like reflections. Pretty reflections.

The lighting in chapter 3

Game is so pretty but man does it do a horrible job of telegraphing where you're supposed to go. It's not like I'm not focusing on what I'm supposed to be doing either. The objectives in the pre mission cutscene seem fair enough but once the mission actually begins I'm at a complete loss.

space station?
? I had some trouble finding what the fuck I was supposed to do. Running around carrying those reactor things was a bit dumb. Should have been explained too, at least I missed it?
As a fan of the series this is honestly...a not good Killzone game. The freefalling section, the
Massar in a cargo carrier
section, the incomprehensible story, the unmemorable lead. Echo just being there. Just, ugh. Almost finished with the game and it feels like a chore at this point and from what I'm reading the end is shite? GG could have done better than this. The story is miserable and the non-shooting sections are rough. When it's fun, it's really fun, but there isn't enough fun to make it good. I'm only talking SP right now. I have only played a couple matches in MP.


This campaign really went to shit in the 2nd half. Most if not all the characters are just wasted opportunity after wasted opportunity, and the open-ended gameplay comes to a screeching halt pretty quick.

I'd heard comparisons made to the original Crysis, but this sounds eerily similar.
I just saw this screen on ps4 thread


and it's a bit weird because looking at it seems that Shadowfall doesn't have a real bokeh filter. Seems a normal dof for the background and precalculated textures for every particle. Look a this (low res texture with same orientation for every particle and mask artifact)


It does not prevent Shadowfall be a visual wonder, it's just an observation.
It is also quater res. Hence the hard resolution edges and some of the strangeness of the kernel when not full out of focus (you can see the sample pattern when not fully out of focus n the form of dots which would normally make up the bokeh shape).


Wow MP looks clear and Moves so sharp

SP is a blurred bloomed ass full of over done

Lighting effects, so sluggish to, story is boring.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I believe they're patching the difficulty of it. So us Euro lads and lasses won't ever be able to feel your frustrations lol. Any particular trick to it? Seems like not everyone found it difficult. Maybe the use of air brake from the get go?

Just hold the air brake(circle) through the whole sequence. It slows your speed down, giving you more time to react.
How come
when you are floating in space like the Massar container section or landing on the Helghast ship at the end, you turn into a super overpowered rocket launcher person? Is he shooting rockets out of his eyes?


It is also quater res. Hence the hard resolution edges and some of the strangeness of the kernel when not full out of focus (you can see the sample pattern when not fully out of focus n the form of dots which would normally make up the bokeh shape).

Looks to be higher quality in the SP, but perhaps still using a similar technique.










Impressions are all over the place with this game. I have little desire to pick up a PS4. Kind of glad. Don't need the stress of finding a console.
Wow MP looks clear and Moves so sharp

SP is a blurred bloomed ass full of over done

Lighting effects, so sluggish to, story is boring.

Kind of agree. MP is offering a better experience for me personally.

Impressions are all over the place with this game. I have little desire to pick up a PS4. Kind of glad. Don't need the stress of finding a console.

MP is where it's at!
I believe they're patching the difficulty of it. So us Euro lads and lasses won't ever be able to feel your frustrations lol. Any particular trick to it? Seems like not everyone found it difficult. Maybe the use of air brake from the get go?

This is Chapter 8 right? Maybe I should hold off the rest of my playthrough until then? I just started Chapter 7, and yes 4-6 were great chapters for sure. I didn't like 2 and 3 was kinda meh.
Impressions are all over the place with this game. I have little desire to pick up a PS4. Kind of glad. Don't need the stress of finding a console.

Previously I found Killzone campaigns to be head and shoulders above the throwaway garbage they put into Battlefield and such. Shadowfall's campaign is on par or under average at best.

That said, the mutliplayer is a fucking blast and once I put more time into it I can see myself enjoying it a lot more than KZ2. The few maps I've played so far have been really enjoyable.
I'm near the end of chapter 5, and so far definitely enjoying this. Hard mode gets a bit tedious at times (it's definitely challenging), but thus far it's been a lot of fun. Are there any more super-open areas like that in chapter 2 later in the game?


This is Chapter 8 right? Maybe I should hold off the rest of my playthrough until then? I just started Chapter 7, and yes 4-6 were great chapters for sure. I didn't like 2 and 3 was kinda meh.

Apparently if you just use air brake (circle) it's much easier. You can invert controls as well if you want to make it easier still.


I'd be in the dick
Apparently if you just use air brake (circle) it's much easier. You can invert controls as well if you want to make it easier still.

The air brake doesn't help all that much. You still need to maintain high speed and make it through some narrow passages.

As a fan of the series this is honestly...a not good Killzone game. The freefalling section, the
Massar in a cargo carrier
section, the incomprehensible story, the unmemorable lead. Echo just being there. Just, ugh. Almost finished with the game and it feels like a chore at this point and from what I'm reading the end is shite? GG could have done better than this. The story is miserable and the non-shooting sections are rough. When it's fun, it's really fun, but there isn't enough fun to make it good. I'm only talking SP right now. I have only played a couple matches in MP.

What are people having such a problem with the story compared to the others? KZ2 was just a straight forward invasion and KZ3 was practically unfollowable due to the atrocious cutscene direction. This has the best story of all of the KZ games, not that that's saying much, and it at least attempts to bring in the history and moral grey of both sides more than the other games.

Also, are people really having an issue with the escort in chapter 7? It's braindead easy. The
space suit and rockets out of fucking nowhere
doesn't make any sense but the section simple.
I completely this last night and my initial impressions completely went backwards. I was highly enjoying it, but then as chapters 7,8, and 9 came. I just about lost all patience with the bare bones story, extremely bad free fall segments (granted they looked pretty), and endless wave of enemy fodder they throw at you towards the end portions. I feel the first half 2/3 of the game was good. Then it just tanks hard. Which is such a bummer for me. I haven't had a game change my initial thoughts this much in a long time.


I'd be in the dick
I completely this last night and my initial impressions completely went backwards. I was highly enjoying it, but then as chapters 7,8, and 9 came. I just about lost all patience with the bare bones story, extremely bad free fall segments (granted they looked pretty), and endless wave of enemy fodder they throw at you towards the end portions. I feel the first half 2/3 of the game was good. Then it just tanks hard. Which is such a bummer for me. I haven't had a game change my initial thoughts this much in a long time.

While I agree the end isn't near the quality of the early game and is clearly rushed, why do so many people let endings ruin the whole thing for them? With pretty much all of the previous games in the series I've played it through fully once then just replayed my favorite missions. Plan on doing that with this one as well.


While I agree the end isn't near the quality of the early game and is clearly rushed, why do so many people let endings ruin the whole thing for them? With pretty much all of the previous games in the series I've played it through fully once then just replayed my favorite missions. Plan on doing that with this one as well.

This is not specific to just gaming though. A bad ending leaves a sour taste in one's mouth, same goes for books, movies, TV shows et all. GG really should have spent more time on the ending levels. If anything, the only part of a game you can be forgiven for letting slouch, is the middle. But the beginning and end need to be gripping.


I'd be in the dick
This is not specific to just gaming though. A bad ending leaves a sour taste in one's mouth, same goes for books, movies, TV shows et all. GG really should have spent more time on the ending levels. If anything, the only part of a game you can be forgiven for letting slouch, is the middle. But the beginning and end need to be gripping.

I guess I've just rarely had this problem with games since you can just ignore the parts that aren't good most of the time as opposed to a TV series or a movie. I actually really like the ending itself in this game, just some of the chapters leading up to it were clearly rushed to make launch.

As it stands, half of this game is one of my favorite FPS of the past few years. I had the same issue with KZ3. Liked half the game, didn't care for the other half but the game grew on me in terms of my overall opinion after I spent more time replaying the good parts.


I'd be in the dick
I wonder if the next game would be helmed by GG Cambridge. Lots of people seem to dig Mercenary. Cambridge doing SP and the main studio doing MP could be a good formula for the future.

I love Echo. Probably the best model in the game and she is a much more interesting character than the rest of the cast.

She's the first cool protagonist the series has had. Even though she isn't too fleshed out, she's actually likable which is more than I can say for most of the player/squad characters. Her design is awesome too.
I love Echo. Probably the best model in the game and she is a much more interesting character than the rest of the cast.

If they ever make another KZ they probably need to ditch the ISA and just put the player on the side of the Helghans. Maybe she could be a future protaganist? At this stage, I hope they put KZ to rest though. You can use the same formula for ever. Guerilla clearly have talent as a studio, so they should be able to make something else.
The air brake doesn't help all that much. You still need to maintain high speed and make it through some narrow passages.

What are people having such a problem with the story compared to the others? KZ2 was just a straight forward invasion and KZ3 was practically unfollowable due to the atrocious cutscene direction. This has the best story of all of the KZ games, not that that's saying much, and it at least attempts to bring in the history and moral grey of both sides more than the other games.

Also, are people really having an issue with the escort in chapter 7? It's braindead easy. The
space suit and rockets out of fucking nowhere
doesn't make any sense but the section simple.

I enjoyed the straight up invasion storyline in 2 and thought the story in 3 was pretty bad as well. I like the gray area, it was all the other stuff that kinda sucked. Like...the premise is awesome, but the execution was poor. If that makes sense.

Those fucking rockets out of nowhere pissed me off, the space suit pissed me off, it felt disjointed and thrown in there to kill time and me multiple times.
Up to chapter 5 in the SP so far and really enjoying it. Can't stand the unlocked framerate though tbh. It bugs me too much, even more so when a fight breaks down and the framerate dips.

I can't even tell if its dipping below 30 (thought it does in some close combat situations) but it tends to ruin otherwise great shooting.
While I agree the end isn't near the quality of the early game and is clearly rushed, why do so many people let endings ruin the whole thing for them? With pretty much all of the previous games in the series I've played it through fully once then just replayed my favorite missions. Plan on doing that with this one as well.

The ending itself doesn't ruin the game. The sheer ammount of frustration that comes out in gameplay design does. Starting with theose annoying spider boxes at chpater 7, and then the huge rocket machines in the next level with the crab walkers, and then the free fall, and then the final,final bit... Just all screamed frustration to the max.
I just started playing yesterday. I stopped just before taking out the AA guns in Chapter 2 (I hit the checkpoint in that area), but when I played today, it started me a decent ways back (before I had picked up my primary weapon).

Do you have to finish a chapter before it saves in the case of closing the application or did I encounter a save glitch? I've seen mention of using cloud saves too -- how is that done?

Thanks in advance...
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