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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


That section is still super dumb. Your movement through the air don't even make sense, shit falls in your face constantly, there's no clear path to take... Not the best part of the game. Also if I have to interact with another Petrusite capacitor I will snap a kitten in half.

EDIT: Chapter was horrible from start to finish. Fighting anything other than human ennemies in this game is a pain in the ass. I have a high tolerence for bullshit section in games but that part almost made me want to trade in the game right now.
Oh the game has its share of problems for sure. I've bitched about them too. I was just commenting on how terrible reviewers seem to be at games.


This was my first Killzone game and I was pretty disappointed. It looks good, but there's so much post processing with bloom and weird lighting effects that it was often more distracting than awe-inspiring. It felt like a game that a game designer from 2005 would have made if he discovered a time machine and suddenly had access to today's technology. I frequently was confused on where my next objective was, the environments were VERY old school "Doom-esque" with corridors and monster closets. The story was mostly throwaway and relied on a ton of hackneyed video game cliches

Overall I'd give it a 6/10 and say that I honestly enjoyed the BF4 single player campaign much more. I listed this on eBay immediately after finishing it and playing a few rounds of multiplayer.


I'd be in the dick
This was my first Killzone game and I was pretty disappointed. It looks good, but there's so much post processing with bloom and weird lighting effects that it was often more distracting than awe-inspiring. It felt like a game that a game designer from 2005 would have made if he discovered a time machine and suddenly had access to today's technology. I frequently was confused on where my next objective was, the environments were VERY old school "Doom-esque" with corridors and monster closets. The story was mostly throwaway and relied on a ton of hackneyed video game cliches

Overall I'd give it a 6/10 and say that I honestly enjoyed the BF4 single player campaign much more. I listed this on eBay immediately after finishing it and playing a few rounds of multiplayer.

Funnily enough, this is exactly how I would describe the game but that was the reason I liked it as much as I did.


beat the infamous free fall, about 15-20 tries, had my Y-axis inverted, there' was a opening 3/4ths of the way through that i had no idea how i got through and prayed i finished the rest on that try, which i did

so basically i got 20% through it 19 times, then 100% through it on the 20th try, argh, what the hell were they thinking with that part?

no play testing would ever endorse that section


Finished the game last night.

I wanted to whip my DS4 at my screen 50x during the last few chapters.

Free fall, last battle vs all those enemies, and the final chapter kinda ruined the whole thing for me.


The most stupidest shit I've seen these game developers/Sony do. What the FUCK were they thinking? Everybody should stay quite in public games?

I'm enjoying the silence personally. I'll have to find my mute button when they patch in VOIP. I do play in a party with my friend though

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Finished Ch6 last night, and I can say it was one of the favorite FPS levels I've ever played. I really loved it, and I'm just worried that's practically game's peak and it all goes down from there. The way Ch7 begins already tells me that I won't enjoy it nearly as much.

- Confusing initial pipe section with a dead-end ladder/platform that got me stumped for way longer than I want to admit
- Freefall that was really easy except the game never tells you to press L1 to deploy that landing bubble, so I died probably five times while aiming at different parts of the landing before I just starting mashing all the buttons near the end of the fall and the bubble got deployed. Had I read the answer to this (that I remember someone asking earlier in the thread) I'd of course pass through this segment at the first try, and it was kind of fun otherwise as I like timing 'puzzles' like that.
- Kind of annoying bug spitting devices creating micro-targets combined with shielded enemies that require you to get exposed to their shooting while your shield breaking gun mode charges.
- Owl's stun mode supposed to break their shields, but so far I can't seem to make good use of it (still very early in those encounters).

But man, that Chapter 6, that battle at the end, that wall passage after it, that framerate that never falters in all the chaos you create, the music... Also, Echo's character and voice acting is far better than that of your character.


I just finished the infamous chapter 8 free fall and I have have a tip for anyone having trouble with it. Instead of trying to directly aim your character with the left thumbstick, think of it as a first person Super Mario 64 winged cap.

I was on the verge of becoming really frustrated with the section when that sort of clicked with me and I did it in one try, easy.

As for the rest of the game up until that point, I think other people in this thread hit the nail on the head when it comes to how this game was rated by the press.

For instance, in the Giant Bomb quick look of Shadowfall I don't believe Jeff ever changes his OWL from attack mode. It seems like a lot of reviewers tried to brute force their way through the game and got frustrated when not using the tools presented to them by the game led to them performing poorly.

In fact, a lot of the complaints levied at the game actually seem like strengths to me. Things like not having a minimap so you don't always know exactly where to go, and auto-aim not being an option keep you engaged to a greater extent than most other modern FPSs.

Great tip. I just reached this level yesterday and nearly threw my controller at the tv. So frustrating and insanely stupid the way they designed that part. It wasn't till you near the landing zone that they give you some kind of route to follow. I seriously had to roll my eyes at this section, future or not, who the hell thought a drop like this would be a good playing point and surviving it with an inflatable pad could be taken seriously.
Finished Ch6 last night, and I can say it was one of the favorite FPS levels I've ever played. I really loved it, and I'm just worried that's practically game's peak and it all goes down from there. The way Ch7 begins already tells me that I won't enjoy it nearly as much.
Just finished Chapter 6. I've been enjoying the game -- I don't think it's amazing or anything, but a very nice effort for a launch game. I guess we'll find out if I'm still feeling this positive after tackling the next few chapters...


I beat the game yesterday on Hard mode.

I think a lot of the complaints about difficulty are overblown or people are just used to easier games.

The free fall in Ch. 8 does handle like ass though. What I did to make it super easy was ride the brakes the whole time.

Hold Circle the whole time and it becomes baby mode.

The Ch. 9 last fight was a little rough, just need to find a good spot to not get surrounded and once you do, just beat feet to the other side of the area.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I beat the game yesterday on Hard mode.
I think a lot of the complaints about difficulty are overblown are people are just used to easier games.
I think the same. That doesn't excuse the legitimate ommisions in communicating critical things to a player though, like the Press L1 to deply the landing bubble at the end of the first Ch7 fall. How is anyone supposed to know that, and ironically, it's a stupidly simple fix that it's kind of shameful that they didn't include it already in a game that was patched three times.

The Nature Roy said:
Just finished Chapter 6. I've been enjoying the game -- I don't think it's amazing or anything, but a very nice effort for a launch game. I guess we'll find out if I'm still feeling this positive after tackling the next few chapters...
Yeah, for the me the game has steadily been better and better since the beginning through the end of Chapter 6. To say that I have enjoyed it more than KZ3 would be an understatement of the year. Ch7 however already sends early signals that things will turn for the worse, but maybe because for now I just really suck at fighting shielded enemies, and I want to blame the game for that. I rally don't like how you pretty much have to get exposed to their shooting for a solid 3-4 seconds while your gun charges so that you can break their shield.

Having said that, I love that default gun and I always feel like a total badass when I switch it to a charged mode, It's a freaking handheld rail gun with an awesome military science clinical look to boot. Kind of like something out of Blomkamp's movie.


I made a request to implement proxy chat (being able to hear/chat with the enemy team based on AOE) like KZ2. Can you guys sign in with you're PSN accounts and lend three votes to the cause?


Looks like clan support, better hip fire, and Team VOIP will be a sure thing. All are the top suggestions ATM. Also believe fixing the scoreboard and better sized MP icons/text is already in the works.

You can also suggest your own things. You have 7 points total to spend.
Holy Shit! I got through the first 5 chapters. I am loving this game so far. I can't stop wiping the drool of my face....the game is just ridiculous in terms of visuals. Absolutely gorgeous and I really dig the gunplay. I really don't like FPS games (except Crysis 1), but the visuals and the gunplay really got me hooked. I am amazed how anyone can say that the jump in graphic fidelity is hard to perceive. Chapter 5 especially was a feast for the eyes.


The free fall in Ch. 8 does handle like ass though. What I did to make it super easy was ride the brakes the whole time.

Hold Circle the whole time and it becomes baby mode.

YOU COULD USE BRAKES WTF. Lol, obviously missed that, I actually found the free fall to be not that hard... until I got to the bottom and didn't know what I was supposed to do. I expected a button prompt to activate hovermode or something, but nothing. And then after splatting in the misty plasma areas at the bottom a few times I tilted and spent like 15 more attempts unable to get past the spokes. Luckily the next time I made it to the bottom I saw the walkway and basically hit it by accident, at which point it was pretty laughable that I hadn't put the pieces together by myself.

EDIT: oh and I'm sure it's all been said, but *damn* at the lighting in this game. So pretty, and sure it's almost too dark in some sections (which I can imagine makes it frustrating for some people trying to find their way around) but once I started using the OWL as the universes most expensive flashlight it was fine. And the next KZ better the hell have the OWL, the more I played in the game the more I loved it, mixing up it's abilities and changing my playstyle. Also, the quick swipe to change the OWL modes is the best use of the touchpad I've seen so far on PS4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There's nothing to piece together when there's not even a slight indication that you're supposed to press L1 to deploy that bubble. I mean yes you see something being launched towards the space underneath you, but other than trying random buttons and hoping something happens, you have no way of knowing what you should do. I was aiming towards that walkaway every single time I tried, only to just splat onto it. What's strange is that even three patches later someone there didn't think to finally put a text message to tell you to press L1 at the end of at least the first freefall sequence.


There's nothing to piece together when there's not even a slight indication that you're supposed to press L1 to deploy that bubble. I mean yes you see something being launched towards the space underneath you, but other than trying random buttons and hoping something happens, you have no way of knowing what you should do. I was aiming towards that walkaway every single time I tried, only to just splat onto it. What's strange is that even three patches later someone there didn't think to finally put a text message to tell you to press L1 at the end of at least the first freefall sequence.

I never pressed L1 to deploy the beanbag. You don't have to, it deploys automatically...


I'd be in the dick
There's nothing to piece together when there's not even a slight indication that you're supposed to press L1 to deploy that bubble. I mean yes you see something being launched towards the space underneath you, but other than trying random buttons and hoping something happens, you have no way of knowing what you should do. I was aiming towards that walkaway every single time I tried, only to just splat onto it. What's strange is that even three patches later someone there didn't think to finally put a text message to tell you to press L1 at the end of at least the first freefall sequence.
You don't have to push anything. Whenever the cushion comes out, it's automatic.


There's nothing to piece together when there's not even a slight indication that you're supposed to press L1 to deploy that bubble. I mean yes you see something being launched towards the space underneath you, but other than trying random buttons and hoping something happens, you have no way of knowing what you should do. I was aiming towards that walkaway every single time I tried, only to just splat onto it. What's strange is that even three patches later someone there didn't think to finally put a text message to tell you to press L1 at the end of at least the first freefall sequence.
I never pressed L1 to deploy the beanbag. You don't have to, it deploys automatically...
The free fall sections in this game are not difficult... I truly do not understand what people are having trouble with. Perhaps it's inverted vs non-inverted controls? I play all FPS inveted... Anyway, IMO GG should be applauded for the lack of hand holding in this game.
Is the level from the original reveal back in Feb in the final game?

Does it continue past the section where you land on the wall dividing the city or is that the end of the level? I always thought it would be cool if you had to escape and all hell broke lose as both factions started fighting in the ships around you.
Is the level from the original reveal back in Feb in the final game?

Does it continue past the section where you land on the wall dividing the city or is that the end of the level? I always thought it would be cool if you had to escape and all hell broke lose as both factions started fighting in the ships around you.

It is altered slightly.
The 'hanging on a rope out of the flying transport section' happens later in the level, and you bail out just prior to reaching the wall and free fall down to an air cushion "bean bag" you deploy during the decent.
It is altered slightly.
The 'hanging on a rope out of the flying transport section' happens later in the level, and you bail out just prior to reaching the wall and free fall down to an air cushion "bean bag" you deploy during the decent.

Ah cool. Really looking forward to playing that stage. It seemed like an introductory stage does it come towards the start of the game?
The free fall sections in this game are not difficult... I truly do not understand what people are having trouble with. Perhaps it's inverted vs non-inverted controls? I play all FPS inveted... Anyway, IMO GG should be applauded for the lack of hand holding in this game.

it's the same with flying jets on BF4 for me. down on the stick should pitch up, you know, like in real life.

There was brakes? God damnit game, why don't you tell us these things?

it does tell you, right after the banking instructions
It's chapter 4

Thanks - the music on that stage was god-tier. i remember it kicking off the PS Meeting and hearing that introductory piece and thinking 'That's Blade Runner!'.

Need to get a Killzone Gaf together as I'd love to pair up with some other posters on here for some friendly team games.
There was brakes? God damnit game, why don't you tell us these things?
Ahhh, that might explain the difficulty people are having. Yea, during the first free fall section (in the space station) it displays a txt hint that 'O' (I think) acts as a brake to slow you down. The brake is a huge aid when navigating the later free fall section (through the buildings).


Thanks - the music on that stage was god-tier. i remember it kicking off the PS Meeting and hearing that introductory piece and thinking 'That's Blade Runner!'.

Need to get a Killzone Gaf together as I'd love to pair up with some other posters on here for some friendly team games.

They really stepped up the soundtrack in this game. Might just have to purchase it.
Thanks - the music on that stage was god-tier. i remember it kicking off the PS Meeting and hearing that introductory piece and thinking 'That's Blade Runner!'.
The music throughout the game is god-tier.

As for Blade Runner... wait till you play the first mission. I got hard Blade Runner vibes looking out over the rainy city at night. It's beautiful... + the soundtrack is so damn good.


I just beat it on Hard. I get the impression that they got to a point in their development cycle when they had to choose to forgo the tweaking of the last chapters of the game with the idea that so few people would make it that far anyway. There were just so many questionable choices made that seem like they'd be relatively simple to fix if the game wasn't being pushed out as a launch title.

I would say I enjoyed the campaign overall, but I don't see many people having the desire to finish it. Some of the sections are just annoying to slog through. I would never recommend this game to one of my COD-loving casual gamer friends because I know they'd never have the patience to get past its glaring faults. I'm glad GG went for something a little different this time around, but the execution just wasn't quite there.


The music throughout the game is god-tier.

As for Blade Runner... wait till you play the first mission. I got hard Blade Runner vibes looking out over the rainy city at night. It's beautiful... + the soundtrack is so damn good.

While the music is okay in small doses, some of the short looping violin sections almost made me mute my system. It's seriously annoying hearing the same 10 bars of music over and over and over and over and over.
So I said f-it and hooked up my launch day PS4 this weekend. I was going to sell it but I wasn't getting any worthwhile offers. I've had a blast with it. The overall snappiness of the OS and the freaking visuals in Killzone really show what this coming gen has in store.

The single player so far is a really mixed bag for me. There are some pretty horrible design flaws as far as communicating to the player where to go and what to do next. I finally got some multiplayer in during lunch today and it was a ton of fun, so thankfully that should make up for the campaign's problems. I guess that's par for course with this series.
They really stepped up the soundtrack in this game. Might just have to purchase it.
The music throughout the game is god-tier.

As for Blade Runner... wait till you play the first mission. I got hard Blade Runner vibes looking out over the rainy city at night. It's beautiful... + the soundtrack is so damn good.

Dammit guys! You're really not making these last few days waiting easy on me.

I cannot stress how much a good OST and art style can add to my enjoyment of a game and this has both perfectly executed.


Dammit guys! You're really not making these last few days waiting easy on me.

I cannot stress how much a good OST and art style can add to my enjoyment of a game and this has both perfectly executed.

Well, I have to go out on a limb and say that I kind of disliked the music. While some of the music is cool and fits the scene, a lot of it just belts out with no sense of place. It doesn't fit the action at all, and a few points it just repeats the same few bars over and over again. It's actually kind of annoying and at a few points my wife (who was reading) looked over at me like - why is it just playing the same music over and over?

OBVIOUSLY A SPOILER SINCE THIS IS FROM ONE OF THE LAST CHAPTERS, but here's an example of the music not really wowing me - it just keeps repeating and doesn't really fit the action at all:
so what would you guys say the main campaign in killzones framerate is on average? i'm impressed, i was expecting an almost locked 30, but it's definitely been much higher from what i can see. really makes the game look extra good playing.
Well, I have to go out on a limb and say that I kind of disliked the music. While some of the music is cool and fits the scene, a lot of it just belts out with no sense of place. It doesn't fit the action at all, and a few points it just repeats the same few bars over and over again. It's actually kind of annoying and at a few points my wife (who was reading) looked over at me like - why is it just playing the same music over and over?

OBVIOUSLY A SPOILER SINCE THIS IS FROM ONE OF THE LAST CHAPTERS, but here's an example of the music not really wowing me - it just keeps repeating and doesn't really fit the action at all:

Well I'll be avoiding that link for now, but what i've heard from the soundtrack has been pretty special. I'll have to see for myself over the weekend I guess.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You don't have to push anything. Whenever the cushion comes out, it's automatic.
The hell... I splattered onto that platform probably 5 times, and then landed successfully twice in a row once I pressed L1 and the beanbag deployed.... (I repeated the fall one more time to confirm that L1 actually activated it, and it really seemed like it did...)

Maybe it's just the exact place where you need to land, but I really thought I was always landing at the same spot pretty much.
so what would you guys say the main campaign in killzones framerate is on average? i'm impressed, i was expecting an almost locked 30, but it's definitely been much higher from what i can see. really makes the game look extra good playing.
The Digital Foundry analysis of the first 1.5 levels shows frame rate hovering between 30 & 40 with only occasional dips below 30. The game is smooth as butter.
*note, The entire first chapter and half of the second chapter is spoiled in that video.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The framerate is definitely around 40 most of the time, at times more than that, and it seems to go to low 30s pretty seldom actually. Even during the end of Chapter 6 battle which is basically complete chaos, it all felt very smooth and responsive, like the hardware's not even sweating. I think it was a great choice to unlock the framerate like this because the controls just feel smoother this way, even if it introduces some judder when you pan the view around. But it's the "good" kind of judder, not the 20-30FPS judder.


so what would you guys say the main campaign in killzones framerate is on average? i'm impressed, i was expecting an almost locked 30, but it's definitely been much higher from what i can see. really makes the game look extra good playing.

Definitely 35-40. The only time i saw any occasional drop was during the checkpoints.


I'd be in the dick
The framerate is definitely around 40 most of the time, at times more than that, and it seems to go to low 30s pretty seldom actually. Even during the end of Chapter 6 battle which is basically complete chaos, it all felt very smooth and responsive, like the hardware's not even sweating. I think it was a great choice to unlock the framerate like this because the controls just feel smoother this way, even if it introduces some judder when you pan the view around. But it's the "good" kind of judder, not the 20-30FPS judder.
I agree. It's kind of all over the place in MP but campaign is pretty smooth.


I just finished the campaign yesterday and must say despite the criticism I had a blast with it. The guns felt good and though the levels were mostly linear, I thought they were fun.

Only one sequence made me wanna pull my hair out (you know the one if you played it)

The story had some awful "twists" though, but I was having enough fun not to care. 8.5 rating for the campaign to me. Maybe 7.5/8 if next gen shinyness is blinding me.
Speaking of the soundtrack, how can I get my hands on it? My digital hands it on preferably.

Wasn't it a perk with some pre-orders? I got my KZ in a PS4 launch bundle.
Out of the three shooter campaigns this fall, BF4, Ghosts, and this, I enjoyed KZ the best of all, though they all were flawed. KZ could have been amazing and blown them all away if there weren't so many awkward design situations and sloppy story pacing/telling. BF4 was probably the worst of all the campaigns though, and Ghosts was just so been there done that, repetitive and stale feeling. KZ felt fresh in so many parts, too bad they stumbled on so many design decisions.


What the hell at this save system again...I am on chapter 9,cleared the unit,the cargo area and everything,I leave the game open and I leave the PS4 on standby and now I come back and I am at the start of the whole Destroyer chapter again,jesus...why is it so hard to at least let the checkpoint stick,I really dont understand...
Out of the three shooter campaigns this fall, BF4, Ghosts, and this, I enjoyed KZ the best of all, though they all were flawed. KZ could have been amazing and blown them all away if there weren't so many awkward design situations and sloppy story pacing/telling. BF4 was probably the worst of all the campaigns though, and Ghosts was just so been there done that, repetitive and stale feeling. KZ felt fresh in so many parts, too bad they stumbled on so many design decisions.

Of the three, Killzone is definitely not just another shooter like some people say. In fact, the art style, level design, and gameplay mechanics such as the owl, make this pretty much the anti-killzone. The same can't be said for BF and especially Ghosts which is the most generic by the numbers Cod yet.


Of the three, Killzone is definitely not just another shooter like some people say. In fact, the art style, level design, and gameplay mechanics such as the owl, make this pretty much the anti-killzone. The same can't be said for BF and especially Ghosts which is the most generic by the numbers Cod yet.

Well said.

Ths set pieces are what make Shadow Fall stand out.
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