This seems to be an utter non-problem for about 95% of the people living on this planet. I read through most of the comments under the Eurogamer (UK)
"Review of the GAME" and there is quite the consense that all of this is utter misinterpretation and SJW (gosh I hate that word) behaviour nobody really needs.
All of these outlets are jumping the bandwaggon on a non-issue outcry while most people seem to believe it doesn't matter anyways.
Some comments of PoCs even tell exactly that (under the Eurogamer "Review") and Czech people saying they live somewhere near the area and haven't seen a PoC in person in their entire life. This is a witchhunt nobody needs and nobody asked for.
Don't mean to derail the thread but this whole mess just annoys me because its forced upon a team of Devs that don't deserve it in the least.