Hoo, boy.
Everyone thought that was Sora at the time from what I remember. Which I guess it technically was but yeah.
Plus it was a concept trailer to begin with so we cant really take it at face value in the the first place... Well we can NOW because it ended up being a thing but... you know what I mean.
No, you're confusing KH2 teaser with the KH2 trailers. We knew Roxas != Sora as of the ending of Reverse Rebirth, and we had seen him wielding two keys before we saw his face.
I still love how they pretty much COMPLETELY ditched the "Keyblades chose their master" shtick. Which still makes no sense that they ditched it because Sora's keyblade is Riku's old one which DITCHED Riku because he was being a shit...
Freaking Kingdom Hearts.
Except that that was never a thing. People incorrectly assumed that the Keyblade chooses its master, when really Sora is the exception to the rule. The only qualification to have a keyblade is "a strong heart". If your heart is strong enough, you can wield it. The reason Sora is unusual is that he never got a KIC; the keyblade quite literally chose him to wield it. That's why he's referred to as "The Keyblade's Chosen One".
Well if you want to get technical the χ-blade is the only true keyblade, everything else is artificial in nature and man-made. The keyblade of heart might have a different origin but it's still a keyblade, it can still be used as a weapon and has a secondary function that's unique to it.
You're going to have to explain to me on why it would be impossible for Kairi to wield a weapon that's forged when the Princesses join together. It's not like she has to give up her heart to create it, seemingly they just have to be near each other and will it into existence.
Tetsuya Nomura: "The Keyblade constructed from the Seven Princesses' hearts that Riku obtained in [Kingdom Hearts] allowed for the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion to appear. For the plan to cause darkness to overflow from hearts, the special hearts held be the Princesses were used to
artificially make this Keyblade.
So it is different from a proper Keyblade. There are further suggestions that this Keyblade is artificial as well."
Plus extracting the hearts again to make it is unbelievably lazy writing. Why in the world would anyone from team Hero want that weapon?
The keyblades weren't there in the very beginning. There's only one original one, and it's the X-Blade. The others were created by the people who would become the first keyblade wielders, and could be passed down or taken. Sora is wielding the same keyblade through his entire journey and it changes appearance and stats with the use of keychains. I think there's something special about the two kingdom key forms though because they bear the strongest similarity to the X-blade(which is literally two kingdom keys with a sword sticking out of them).
I think BBS complicated that by having both Riku and Kairi given a Keyblade Inheritance (one by accident) and Sora's still got a hefty fragment of Ventus' heart inside of him.
As for the chi-blade and the appearance of Kingdom Keys within it, that's an interesting thing for sure. I wonder whether we'll get a sense of what (if anything) makes the Kingdom Key qualitatively different from other keyblades, or find out further reasons why it was important for Mickey to get the Kingdom Key D (beyond the fact that it was necessary in order to close the Door to Darkness).
And yeah, I don't see it as being impossible that the Keyblade of Heart might show up in KH3, especially since it briefly got mentioned again in DDD (if I recall correctly).
They may be artificial, but they're still magic. They represent a connection to Kingdom Hearts, and technically you're still being chosen when you inherit the ability: the keyblade that comes to you is your complement, the one keyblade out of thousands of potential candidates that best suits the wielder. That is, of course, if we're to believe that keyblades aren't just magically forged from thin air but already exist in some tangible state somewhere, and completely inert until their chosen wielder finally appears.
Which sounds ludicrous but what doesn't in Kingdom Hearts? The truth is we don't know where these keyblades are coming from. There's a lot about Keyblades we still don't know.
Well, he *is* the one who will open the door to light. Though KH2 fulfilling this prophecy by making the door of light be just an exit from the Dark Margin doesn't seem all that great. Sounds like it should have been something much more grand.
The keyblades were built because the only info that the original wielders had to go on for Kingdom Hearts is "Well you need a big-ass key." There are probably a finite amount of keyblades, and most of them are powerless and can't be used again, and those are the ones in the Keyblade Graveyard. The remaining ones with power have probably been handed down so that they are artificial, but a new keyblade doesn't appear every time there's a new wielder, the existing keyblades just travel to that wielder.
As for the Door to light, I assumed that there should be a "the" in there somewhere. Door to light suggests that the door leads to the realm of light, but technically the the realm of light is where most of Kingdom Hearts takes place. True Kingdom Hearts is in the realm of darkness somewhere, and the door has always served as an easier entrance to the realm of darkness since most people can't just go there whenever they want.
Alright so about keyblades. Are there a finite number of them? Nope. The forging of them is unclear, as they are mystical weapons, but we've twice seen them be forged: Riku's Soul Eater sword becoming Way to Dawn and Lea's Chakrams becoming whatever the fuck it's going to be called. I would say that considering that we've twice seen Keys that explicitly call to the wielders that they are in fact on the spot created and not drawn from other realms. That being said, there are instances of characters wielding a blade that doesn't belong to them. Aqua has Master Keeper, Roxas uses Oathkeeper and Oblivion, and Sora duel wields with Way to Dawn. However, the initial blade is one reflective of the wielder's own heart.
Is everything but the χ-blade artificial? Not really? The χblade is the original, but that doesn't make the ones forged in its image fake. However, Nomura has called the Key of Hearts artificial directly, so...