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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!

Fine. I don't have anything better to do with my life at the moment anyway :lol. What follows is random rambling about the series, I'm in the mood. Following text may have spoilers for all the games in the series so I won't be marking them or anything so just skip this trash if you haven't already played everything.

First of all I'd like to write a lil about the thing I would call Rant part 1:How to make Kingdom Hearts 3. Silly thoughs by Napalm

I have been thinking about Kingdom Hearts 3 the moment I played KH2, perhaps even earlier. There has been a lot of talk about the damn game and we all know it is coming at some point. What I am scared about is that I am not 100% confident it will be the KH3 I want anymore. The most recent reason for my fears in Dream Drop Distance. I like the game A LOT but I gotta tell you, the one thing that game set up to do it just poured gasoline all over and shot a bazooga at it. That is of course ''setting up Kingdom Hearts 3'' or that was all the talk before it released. Well guess what? It made matters worse, much worse in fact.

Well long story short DDD had TWO FUCKIN THINGS it had to do. And those are wrapping up the Aqua, Ven story into Soras story and show the return of Master Xehanort. After the ending of BBS it should have been clear the next step in the story is getting Aqua out of ROD and after that they would have access to Ven who could be saved with the help of Sora who has Vens heart. Well I don't know if they should have done both of em but I was certain they would have at least made contact with Aqua and set the ''saving those who are hurting'' storyline finally into motion. Well quess what... Aqua had jack shit to do with DDD and nothing was accomplished. Ven had few cameos but ultimately nothing was accomplished from this game when it came to those two.

And then the second one. Master Xehanorts return. They didn't settle with accomplishing nothing, they wanted to make it worse. Of course I am talking about one hundred and one new Xehanorts and time travelling to boot. After the last hour of DDD it just feels the series isn't ready for KH3 and I hate that. It was so fuckin ready after BBS and they fucked it up with the game that was supposed to set KH3 up aaaargh.

Now I do understand that they can go the cheap route with this. That is of course having all the Xehanorts do basically nothing and have the only purpose for em to merge into some ridicilous Super Xehanort that serves as the last boss of KH3. But all this shit was not needed! The only thing they had to do is have Master Xehanort back without any stupid hoops. That would in my opinion serve as much better and cleaner start for KH3 instead of the mess we have now. Either the ten thousand Xehanorts are going to get the Org XIII treatment in KH2 and just be useless filler or they are gonna get big roles. And I don't want that. At all. I kinda am interested to see more of Xigbar for example but I don't fuckin want to see Xehanorts Heartless or Xemnas ever again. THOSE CHARACTERS WERE DONE! IT WAS OOOOO VEEEEEEER! Young Xehanort at least is a ''new face'' but honestly we did not need him. I kinda like him but just no. No time travelling this late into the series thank you very much (timeless river does not count!). Either the DDD time travelling is going to feel so out of place if they brush it aside in KH3 or it is going to do something soooooo baaaaad in KH3 if it plays a big role I just know it!

And they did the next silly thing to make matters more complicated. Keyblades for everyone! Now we HAVE to put not only Sora, Riku and Mickey as the heroes for next one but now Axel and Kairi want some of the spotlight too! Sigh it makes the same problem as the Xehanorts. Now Kairi and Axel are pretty much set up for big roles. Some people perhaps have no problems with that but I do because there is one thing above all that needs to happen with KH3 for me personally and that is:

Kingdom Hearts 3 needs to be about Sora, Donald and Goofy. That's right, still remember the original trio (and don't talk to me how ''useless'' they were in KH and KH2 damnit! They were fine! If that reallly is the biggest problem with em make em better, I don't care)? With what they have set up now it will either be multiple campaings like DDD, BBS and CoM. Some may disagree but I do not want that. I liked it in those games but KH3 needs to be one big story and campaing about Sora travelling to Disney worlds with Donald and Goofy. Riku, Aqua and Ven acting as the main support characters outside that and Mickey still being in there but in the sidelines. Well now we have two new keybladers in our hands and that means they will need to have ample time in the story. Axel wasn't needed in any bigger role in KH3 than a cameo. Kairi is set up in the whole series as being in Destiny Islands doing nothing, there is no reason to make her a hero this late. We got Aqua now, fuck Kairi. She had her stupid flower keyblade nonsense in KH2. Just leave that character alone. She was rescued, reunited with Riku and Sora, now just let those two go kill Xehanort and shut up.

Oh boy. Well now to the main part. How would I make KH3. I'll try to make this shortish.

First of all as I said I want it to be one campaing. Sora as the playable character with Donald and Goofy as party members with special quests along the way. Disney characters in disney worlds and some quest appearances with Aqua and/or Riku, Ven ect. in the team.

One thing I would definately take from BBS and DDD is the cooldown system. Depending on many things it doesn't even have to have command melding and stuff but it needs to have the same magic system. Magic and other skills replacing a main menu and they activate with triangle button. It encourages better magic setupping and let's non magic users put physical attack skills in there.

Now I know there is certain appeal to multi campaing style but I would suggest this as the third thing. Have a great and fun customization system. Let us really customize Sora as we want. There is many ways how to do it. First of course is command melding or something like that. Other thing that I think would be wonderful and has proven addictive and fun in many games is a skill tree system added to the leveling up. Imagine 3 skill trees for example: classic sword, shield and staff. There are so many cool talents they could come up there. Just for a silly example there could be tier *add number here* skill that would open up another deck slot. But depending what tree you have that on you could only put attack command, magic or an item in that particular slot. Or have different finishing moves depending what tree you are using. Have skill tree exclusive commands. Also since this is a casual game it would prolly have to have a respec option and that is fine. In the end it doesn't matter how they do it but I'd love to see more customization options in Kingdom Hearts.

Onto the next thing then. Not only would I want only a single long campaing, I would also want a return to the way worlds were handled in KH1. Mainly that they only need one visit to complete the story (Colosseum being an exeption). And make the stories and cutscenes GOOD. Make the disney characters really interract with Sora and friends like they did before. Is it only me or do people remember way better what happened in the disney world story scenes in KH1 than DDD for example. Hunchback was one of the most wanted world for me but I can't for the love of god remember anything that happened there. The scenes felt soo fuckin bland and rushed. World visit doesn't even need to tell the whole Disney movies story. They didn't try that before. All that matters is the interraction. Pinocchio world in KH1 was only Monstro and it didn't even try to tell the story of the movie and that world was great when it came to the story! It set up Riku as a villain and had a purpose for the characters to be there and interract with one another. KH2 wasn't that bad when it came to disney worlds but it did feel a step down and the multiple visit style is part of the problem I think. That doesn not mean at all that I want the worlds to be completely tossed aside after the story completion, far from it. After completing the story section let there be side quests, treasure hunting, mini games, optional bosses! All that good stuff for players to waste time. Make it fun and rewarding.

Next up: Final Fantasy cameos. They need to return big time. Zack was fun and TWEWY made sense for 3DS game but it's time to get back into form. But this time look at what made a good FF cameo and what didn't work. First of all KH3 doesn't need every friggin character in the world like it felt KH2 tried to do. Well I hope we can agree that Sephiroth isn't needed anymore. He was in 1 and 2 as optional boss. Really cool but it won't work a third time. Remove the trash cameos like YRP, Setzer. Leon and the gang I would say keep there, they are good supporting characters and have been established as the main FF characters in this universe. Keep Cloud and Tifa if ya want, give em good roles. No need for emo Cloud. Auron was great friggin cameo and the best one I would say in KH2. Really good role and party member. It would be cool if they did something like that again but they don't have to if it feels tacky. I kinda liked Seifers gang and how they were implemented but Vivi was just terrible waste. How can you ruin such a loved character in such a lame cameo. And the similarities between him and heartless write the scenes itself! If I had to throw in some ideas for silly cameos one in my mind is definately Gilgamesh as optional boss. The dude would totally try to steal Soras Keyblade for his collection. I am prolly alone in this silly idea but have something crazy like Ultros as a reoccurring villain/comic relief. Have Maleficent conjure him up or something and team him up with Pete and write some goofy bumbling for those two. I dunno any character is fine, just bring FF cameos back and make em good.

Just a random though here that I just remembered I wanted. Not that big of a deal perhaps but MAKE THE SUMMONS GOOD! Make them badass and using them not feel stupid. I mean it can't be only me or were for example Chicken Little and Stich totally friggin useless in combat? Genie and Peter Pan (thanks to Tinker Bell AGAIN) were ok but who the hell would use em when they shared the meter with drive forms? Nobody I saw playing wasted that shit on them especially since unleveled summons last like 1 second and Genie can't do shit for damage before he is leveled up. Make summons have their own meter or something and make em badass like in the FF games of old!

Post game content. Make it good. Multiple optional bosses, vanilla KH2 was a huuuuuuge dissapointment in this regard.

Final Mix. Now this fuckin thing again. I love and hate Final Mixes so much. With consoles getting more and more locked who knows how easy importing will be in the future let alone patching them with friggin fansubs. But newer generation brings one blessing that might save us western peasants if lord Nomura Sama so wishes. FROM NOW ON FUCKIN RELEASE FINAL MIX CONTENT AS A DLC PACK THATS FREE FUCKIN MONEY YOU CAN RELEASE THE DAMN GAME FULL PRICED IN JAPAN I DONT CARE JUST PUT IT IN THE NETSTOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. No fuckin excuse anymore. None. And you can bet your fuckin ass they gonna do a final mix of KH3.

Difficulties. Well make Critical mode interesting for one. Do not lazy it out like in BBS where you just double the enemy HP that made some boss battles ridicilously long. Heres an example what you could do: have proud mode be the hardest mode at the start. Fairly challenging but nothing too bad. Then after beating the game you unlock Critical mode that is the real deal. Heres what ya do: Do not touch enemy HP or Damage or anything like that. Just add the possibility for Exp 0 and make every heartless and boss and whatever gain new attacks and patterns that make them more challenging like in DMC for example. You can also remix the enemy spawns to be more challenging. Maybe even add Critical mode exclusive heartless. Just something interesting and cool! Well of course this is bunch of extra work and prolly asking for too much now that I think about it and silly. Bottom line: make Critical mode interesting and not suck. I don't care how. BBS Critical was lazy design.

Here I will drop just a lil comment that at this point I really don't care where you release the damn game. Just do it and do it good. I would prolly prefer PS4 at this point but PS3 is fine with multiplat 360 and Wii U versions. Hell, even Wii U exclusive would be okayish for me just start making the damn game and make it one hell of a game worthy of the crazy fans!

And now I just remembered the mess that is story. Hoo boy I don't even know how to handle it at this point, I just can't ;_;. The picture was so clear on what KH3 was gonna be before DDD ;_;. Someone hug me I can't stand it.

I will write something about this in the next part I'm having a headache and I'm a lil drunk. I'll come back to this when I have the inspiration and shall tackle the hell that is making the story make some sense and end the ''Xehanort Saga'' on high note.

I guess I'll come spew up some more verbal waste to annoy you all in the next part that would prolly be Rant part 1:How to make Kingdom Hearts 3: Part 2!. Silly thoughs by Napalm I guess?
I forgot to vent about Ven-Roxas and Xion too but that has to wait. That post is embarassing enough as it is!

To those who have as little life as me and actually read that abomination don't take it too seriously. I mean pretty much everything I say but it's not supposed to be some super analytical text how to really make the damn game. I'll prolly do that version some day too :lol.


I forgot to vent about Ven-Roxas and Xion too but that has to wait. That post is embarassing enough as it is!

To those who have as little life as me and actually read that abomination don't take it too seriously. I mean pretty much everything I say but it's not supposed to be some super analytical text how to really make the damn game. I'll prolly do that version some day too :lol.

I think post like that should be commended. We're a community here, and we need to have people posting substantial things that we can gather around and discuss. You shouldn't feel ashamed that, what I am assuming is, one of your favorite game franchises has been going down a dark path and you are upset by it.

I'll try to make a sort of mega-post soon. I am thinking of bringing up the plot holes in the story I have noticed. Maybe people will be able to explain them better if they aren't actually plot holes, or people can share their own findings.

I did agree with the top half of your mega post, and shared the exact same sentiment about what Dream Drop Distance should have been.
I think post like that should be commended. We're a community here, and we need to have people posting substantial things that we can gather around and discuss. You should feel ashamed that, what I am assuming is, one of your favorite game franchises has been going down a dark path and you are upset by it.

I'll try to make a sort of mega-post soon. I am thinking of bringing up the plot holes in the story I have noticed. Maybe people will be able to explain them better if they aren't actually plot holes, or people can share their own findings.

I did agree with the top half of your mega post, and shared the exact same sentiment about what Dream Drop Distance should have been.

Well as I said I really liked DDD and absolutely loved BBS. It's just that KH3 is something that felt like it had a clear vision what it was before DDD and after that I honestly don't know what form it will take. It feels like DDD was setting up more spin offs than KH3 to be honest.

If I feel like it part1:part 2 will be even longer. Especially if I write part 2(part 1 2466/343´+5 days) where I will ramble about the previous games.


Next up: Final Fantasy cameos. They need to return big time. Zack was fun and TWEWY made sense for 3DS game but it's time to get back into form. But this time look at what made a good FF cameo and what didn't work.

Honestly, the only way to do good Final Fantasy cameos is to mash them up a bit more to the Disney storylines. I mean, this is a god damn crossover, yet you have all the Final Fantasy characters in one world with their own story arcs, and you have all the Disney characters in their own respective story arcs. That's a very weak crossover. Sure, there are moments when they actually cross over (Squall being close to Mickey, the entire FF cast with Tron, Cloud/Sephiroth and Auron with the cast of Hercules, YRP with Maleficent), but other than that they really don't cross.

For example, YRP could have been improved if they were implemented in a world like Neverland, where there were actually treasures and fairies. We can have a Final Fantasy villain team up with Maleficent or another Disney villain in their own respective world just to complicate the arc a bit. I'm not sure how this will work, but if they want to add other non-FF character, I can see Aya Brea with the Enchanted-cast since they're both set in New York anyway.

I love the idea of a Disney-Square crossover. It may be ridiculous but it's good fun. It's just not executed as well as it could have been so far.
I forgot to vent about Ven-Roxas and Xion too but that has to wait. That post is embarassing enough as it is!

To those who have as little life as me and actually read that abomination don't take it too seriously. I mean pretty much everything I say but it's not supposed to be some super analytical text how to really make the damn game. I'll prolly do that version some day too :lol.

Bro, bravo. I read it all, of course I did. So good. Not to say that I'm 100% on your side with everything but I feel you man.

Basically, I like how you feel they need to really make the game have a substantial "feel". Like the Disney movies they are based on.

But confession... I like sephy :p I could have him in every game as an extra boss and I'd be giddy with joy.


Alright, I'll update the OP but before that, I need a little help.

If you want to participate in the challenge, then reply to this post with the following info:
-How many KH games you own
-The games you plan on beating this year
-If you plan to do it on Chronological order or by Release order
-Please state if you are doing the Final Mix or HD version of said games.

I was planning to dive into the series this year, anyway - count me in.

I own KH1, COM, KH2, Days and Re:Coded. I'll get BBS and 3D. I'll watch videos of additional bosses, etc. in the FMs.

Beating them in chronological order sounds interesting (something I wanted to do with LoZ as well).


long ass post

In a hurry so I didn't properly read the last two or three paragraphs but I still had to post to tell you all that his man has the best opinions.

Seriously the same exact things I've bee thinking about, and the same reasons I'm a bit afraid what KH 3 will become. So many things fucked up in the handheld games.
Bro, bravo. I read it all, of course I did. So good. Not to say that I'm 100% on your side with everything but I feel you man.

Basically, I like how you feel they need to really make the game have a substantial "feel". Like the Disney movies they are based on.

But confession... I like sephy :p I could have him in every game as an extra boss and I'd be giddy with joy.
I like sephy too but I guess I was pretty sour that he was the only post game boss in KH2 especially when we had him in KH1. I just think it would be refreshing to have someone another as optional FF boss. I would be ok with having Sephy as a cameo, even as a boss if they give others a chance too. But for example if KH3 had only 1 optional boss again and it would be sephy I would think it would be giga lame. I like him but KH is all about the crazy crossover stuff, show us new characters! Have Kefka, Gilgamesh, Ultros, Vincent, Lightning (oh you can bet she has some role in kh3) as a boss for a change. Anyone could work! And that is not to say akl the disney characters that could serve as optional bossess.
Rant part 1:How to make Kingdom Hearts 3: Part 2!. Silly thoughs by Napalm

So I shall continue some listing. Spoilers for everything yada yada. Here we go:

Enemies. Most likely heartless will be the next main enemy again and I am happy with that. I think heartless designs work the best as the main enemy design. It feels natural from the early kinda cute heartless to the late game badass looking heartless. While for example I kinda liked nobody designs they worked because they were secondary enemies. Unversed were ok but I didn't like them as much as heartless. Dreameaters I liked the least, my main problem being that the colouring just didn't work with me that well. What I would suggest is keep the most classic heartless but make 90% of them new. However if you are gonna make up a new enemy type for KH3 just make sure you don't restrict the design of them too much (like nobodys) so they can carry a whole game and make the designs easy for eyes (not like Dreameaters).

Keep the Gummi Ship. This I know some might disagree mostly because of KH1. I liked those sections when I first played, especially building my own ship but there is no denying that it has aged horribly. KH2 on the other hand improves those parts vastly. It looked super cool and the action was fast. If there is few main things I have to complain about they would be that they were too easy, there never was any threat of failure and there were no rewards for the main game. Keep improving them, make them fun and reward good piloting in the main game by treasure and stuff. Make building your own ship as easy and fun as possible. I actually think KH1 had way better builder. Other thing that is VERY important to make these sections enjoyable is the pacing. Most importantly keep KH2 model where you only need to complete a gummi route once without getting warp gummi. One point I said before about one visit to world but making them longer and more substantial helps with the pacing too making Gummi parts not too dominant. And while you make this part as good as possible make post game content here too! Optional gummi missions and even bosses. I really liked the way KH2 Gummi were shaping up but it lacked a certain tightness and purpose to keep playing them.

Music. Well I have not been dissapointed by main game soundtrack yet so no complaints or fears about this one. One thing that every fan probably can agree on needs to be addressed even tho it is non brainer. We need a new theme song. I would say we needed one for BBS but that can be excused, KH3 NEEDS it without a doubt. Getting Utada Hikaru back would be of course great but with the problems between her and Disney (?) if it is impossible just get a new artist that fits. What is important that we get a good new theme song that SE can recycle for the next ten spinoffs. Simple and Clean/Hikari and Passion/Sanctuary are such a big part about KH1 and 2. No fan will forget Simple and Clean once they played the first game and P/S just had this perfect mysterious and sad feel for the equally mysterious sequel. I remember when KH2 hype was at its best and that one japanese trailer with Passion came out and it was just perfect. I went to hype overdrive because of that song alone and I don't even listen to this kind of stuff outside KH. That alone makes me confident how big part they play in the games. So bottom line being we need a new great theme song with great opening and ending remixes and a great orchestral version for the menu trailer.

Characters. One thing I really like about KH is how they handled Rikus character. I am genuenly surpriset the current Riku didn't turn into another emo Cloud that just crys all the time about darkness darkness darkness while being super cool mysterious dark brooding gritty sasuke_95. No, Riku is great. He is great in all the games and I am really happy how his character is handled (even tho I think the ending of DDD with him becoming a master and Sora didn't was a lil too much putting it in my throat). The problem I do have is Sora. He isn't a bad or even annoying character but can somebody explain what the hell happened to him? Just think about him for a sec. The whole trope about him is the friends with everyone happy kid Merry and Pippin kind of guy, you know what I mean. But they added an element to him that does not belong: they made him Goofy 2. And he wasn't that before at all. Think how Sora was in KH1, he was at his best in there. He is way younger in there and still manages to be the most badass. He isn't stupid as a boot and he is just a likeable character. Now in KH2 they didn't go overboard and I still liked Sora but there is something about KH2 era Sora that made him not as likeable as KH1 era. Then in DDD it felt he was just a super silly doofus. I think what they are trying to do is diffrentiate him from Riku but I don't like the direction they are kinda going. KH3 Sora doesn't need to be stupid. He doesn't have to make those over the top Soraesque faces and sounds anymore. Make him a smart and likeable kid with a good heart, that is all that is needed to make him stay in character and go back to the right track. You are doing good with Riku, don't ruin Sora. You have Goofy as the sillyer character, use him (and the kind of tried to make him the smart one in KH2, I dunno what that was all about.)

Keeping on with characters, there is one thing I am at little loss with. That is Maleficent and Pete. Maleficent was a great villain in KH1, I liked her appearances in KH2 but it feels like they are making her a little too non factor. What I want is either make her a real threat again or phase her out completely. I don't think she can work as a long term supportive villain in the sidelines. Pete works in that regard, he is pretty fun comic relief villain and I see no problem in keeping him doing stuff if they know how to fit him in. I liked him in KH2. But please do NOT use them like in DDD ever again. Everyone knows the only reason they were stuffed in a very brief cameo in that game was to give some stupid ''sense'' making reason to update the journal with Re:Coded story. That part was absolutely terrible.

Donald and Goofy I talked about before. They need to be party members, they do not work as supporting characters the way they were in BBS and DDD. They have been established as the party members of main console games, keep em that way.

At this point I'll drop a small comment about the KH3 story. I did say in my megapost I'd try to tackle this but honestly I dunno what to say. I really don't know right now how to make a good, simple, well paced story with all the characters and objectives and stuff. I'll just write a lil on this again. What story of KH3 in a nutshell needed to be is Sora, Aqua, Ven, Riku and Mickey (with Donald and Goofy tagging along with Sora) setting off to get rid of returned Master Xehanort once and for all and to rescue Terra. Make up some new plot point (that doesn't feel stupid) why Sora needs to travel to disney worlds. In the end they battle MX in some over the top new ending world and thats the end of the Xehanort saga. Of course that is very simplistic version but lets look at what KH3 most likely needs to address now. There is training Kairi to be a keyblade wielder. There is still everything that needs to be done to get Aqua out of ROD. They still need to travel to Land of Departure to wake up Ven. They then have to make some insane plotpoints how to get (what is presumed to be) Terra so they can fight the ''13 darknessess (ugh ._.)''. They have to stuff Axel in there now. They have to do stuff with 13 Xehanorts, everyone has an identity as said by Nomura. There is timetravelling that needs to be addressed. I dunno if I'm just trying to make this sound as hard as possible but to me it feels there is just sooooo many characters and sooooo many things to accomplish what should be pretty simple journey to stop ONE bad guy. I'll just skip how to make a good narrative of this in one game, I hope lord Nomura has some grand master plan.

Sorry about the flow of the text but one more thing about characters. I will probably be hanged by Botty and some other fans for saying this but Xion needs to be ended once and for all. She did good for what her role was in Days but they are kind of suggesting she will keep making cameos. I don't really care what you do with her but just end her story. Her story ended perfectly in days and they are trying something to ruin it, I just know it. Another thing that I will get hanged is this suggestion: Roxas needs to end also. Roxas and Ven shouldn't exist as characters at the same time so heres what you do (and what I actually hope they might do). Ven gets his heart back and gets Roxas memories and all that stuff as well. Now you have merged the characters and the only thing you need to change about Ven as a character is make him friends with Axel. He kinda was in BBS already but you know what I mean. Roxas X Axel is now Ven X Lea. Done.

And while I am going with this we know KH is supposedly unsurprisingly going to continue after KH3 and Xehanort. Please please please Nomura I don't care about what über crazy plots you have cooking in your brain but we need to put a stop to the clone characters. Like totally. They were a cool idea in KH2 with Roxas but once we had Ven, Xion, Vanitas and all the Xehanorts its time to stop. You don't have to be so afraid of introducing new characters that DONT HAVE SOME CONNECTIONS with Sora OR Xehanort OR Kairi or anyone. At this point it makes much more interesting character when they are just a totally new character with their own agenda. It was cool in KH2 and stuff but you can't keep this going like this. And I like Roxas, I like Xion, I like Vanitas but I'd much rather start seeing just interesting new characters after all this madness with KH3 is done. I know there will be more ''clones'' thanks to unrevealed _darknessess_ who might be anything from Terranort to lab coat Xehanort, whatever. But just try to make things so games after KH3 can start from a cleanish slate with characters (now I am talking about how to make KH4. God damnit :lol).

Well I just remembered another thing that I hope but I know already is doomed. It makes writing this a lil useless but I might just tell how I feel anyway. Nomura, you reveal way too much about the games before release. I know why you do it but more you can keep as a surprise the more fans will love you I think. I mean I'm prolly going to watch every single trailer of KH3 but I don't want to because I know they will reveal everything. They will reveal every disney world (understandable) and FF cameo (understandable) so what would I leave as a secret then? First in my mind is some Disney cameos. Even if they are small ones it is a joy to see them as a surprise. I dunno, make Darkwing Duck sit in some corner without any role and it would be hilarious cameo if I didn't see it coming. Also most importantly don't show too much of the story scenes, you are going overboard with the trailers tho I have only myself to blame for watching em even tho I did resist with the DDD gigalong last trailers that showed everything. I liked for example how they didn't reveal DDD optional boss anywhere, that was a great surprise! Less is more in things like this tho this request is doomed already :).

Better to end this second rant now even if it is dissapointingly short :lol. I shall see if I can come up with something else that I wanna comment about KH3 or if I move on talkin aboot the past games.

botty said:
I am thinking of bringing up the plot holes in the story I have noticed.
As a KH nerd there is one plot hole that irritates me while it prolly shouldn't :lol. It's not story related even but it annoys me so much. Why is Storm Rider boss in KH2 emblem heartless when it is implied that it is supposed to be a dragon turned into heartless by Xigbar. And that would make it pureblood heartless, not emblem >_<.


As a KH nerd there is one plot hole that irritates me while it prolly shouldn't :lol. It's not story related even but it annoys me so much. Why is Storm Rider boss in KH2 emblem heartless when it is implied that it is supposed to be a dragon turned into heartless by Xigbar. And that would make it pureblood heartless, not emblem >_<.

A pureblood heartless can become an emblem heartless if it is able to steal a heart. We first see this in Kingdom Hearts, when a man's heart is presumably stolen by a pureblood heartless, than becomes a emblem heartless. So, I would assume that it is possible the StormRider was able to steal a heart, and become an emblem heartless. This is all in theory, though.
A pureblood heartless can become an emblem heartless if it is able to steal a heart. We first see this in Kingdom Hearts, when a man's heart is presumably stolen by a pureblood heartless, than becomes a emblem heartless. So, I would assume that it is possible the StormRider was able to steal a heart, and become an emblem heartless. This is all in theory, though.

I would think that is just the soldier heartless stealing the heart and showing himself after that.

I mean the only thing the emblem means is that particular heartless was created by Ansems/Xehanorts machine.


I own:
Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts CoM (not playing this)
Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance

Planning to play all except for KH1 (don't want to replay this until the HD version). I don't own the HD versions or FM.

This is my intended order (chronological?): Re:CoM (currently playing), BBS (currently playing, when I commute), KH2, KH Re:Coded, DDD.

If I have spare cash I'll by Days but right now, I don't know if I can afford to drop the money on it.


I would think that is just the soldier heartless stealing the heart and showing himself after that.

I mean the only thing the emblem means is that particular heartless was created by Ansems/Xehanorts machine.

True. This little conversation just made me realize that Master Xehanort should have a Nobody running around somewhere...
I was planning to dive into the series this year, anyway - count me in.

I own KH1, COM, KH2, Days and Re:Coded. I'll get BBS and 3D. I'll watch videos of additional bosses, etc. in the FMs.

Beating them in chronological order sounds interesting (something I wanted to do with LoZ as well).

I own:
Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts CoM (not playing this)
Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance

Planning to play all except for KH1 (don't want to replay this until the HD version). I don't own the HD versions or FM.

This is my intended order (chronological?): Re:CoM (currently playing), BBS (currently playing, when I commute), KH2, KH Re:Coded, DDD.

If I have spare cash I'll by Days but right now, I don't know if I can afford to drop the money on it.
Alright, added you guys to the OP.
Guys, I decided to return to my Level 1 run of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and finish up some of the optional stuff! I've beaten a few of the silhouettes (Marluxia was one), but I want to get through the Cavern of Remembrance. That first Heartless swarm you have to fight to progress is absolutely horrendous. Does anyone have any tips at all?
Okay, it's done.
Man I need to start tonight, not sure how I feel about playing KH 1 again xD
I didn't recognize you for a second there!

I like the change :)


Yeah thought as much.

Gonna start my KH playthroughs this week if I don't get the PS3 I ordered today or tomorrow.


The best one of the series for me personally :).

More on that another megapost someday.

I'll skip the challenge this time sadly. I'll wait for 1.5 before any KH goodness :/.

I'm not sure if there's anything I disagree on with you.

The only thing I miss in KHI is the reaction commands, because they made practically everything slicker and easier. Aside from that, it's still my favorite in the series. Best almost everything.
I'm not sure if there's anything I disagree on with you.

The only thing I miss in KHI is the reaction commands, because they made practically everything slicker and easier. Aside from that, it's still my favorite in the series. Best almost everything.

Yläfemma :D

One of the reasons I'm looking foreward to 1.5. KH2FM added way more stuff so it does reign as the superior FM but then again... KH1 with bonus stuff. That right there is enough for me to get excited again. With KH2FM I had the pleasure to play it cause we got fansubs for it but never for the KH1FM and I never imported that because I knew that one day no matter how long I'd have to wait I would play it in english and it would be perfect! Playing it in japanese would just have been wrong :(.

People say that KH1FM doesn't add much and compared to KH2FM it certainly is true but there is so much great stuff to look foreward to.

KH1 with new higher difficulty setting? GIMME!
KH1 with new keyblades (and other weapons/accessories) including high level magic boosting one? GIMME!
KH1 with a new post game boss? GIMME!
KH1 with new abilities? GIMME!
KH1 with new scenes? GIMME!
KH1 with scene skip? GIMME! (tho I would never use this except if I got stuck ;3 )
KH1 with bunch of new heartless? GIMME!
KH1 with extra gummi stuff? Ehhhhhh... oh what the heck GIMME!

And then there is all the smaller tweaks and stuff. Recoloured heartless will keep the encounters fresh for the new playtrough. It added surprisingly much joy for me in BBS FM and KH2 FM even tho some enemies might look worse, some will look better. Bottom line is everything looks new! :D

And then there is the stuff that they add in the HD version. Better camera, reaction commands for the fourth menu slot? Even more new abilities including EXP 0? G I M M E !

AND then there is my guilty pleasure: the trophies :D.


To anyone who hasn't played Dream Drop Distance or The Secret Message read at your own discretion.

Now that we know that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is coming, does DDD's secret message still have the same meaning to you?

the past will be reawakened
as a new number
in never-before-seen detail

prepare yourself for the awakening
of the next number

Now, initially I assumed that this was a reference to Kingdom Hearts 3. Nomura did say this game set up to KH3, and there was also that image of Riku and Sora with light that appeared to be showing a "III"(3).

However, it can now be interpreted as a hint towards Kingdom Hearts 1.5:

"the past will be reawakened" = past games getting new life
"as a new number" = KH1, Days, CoM becomes "1.5"
"in never-before-seen detail" = HD

This is a bit disappointing, because it kind of means that we still have no kind of insight or hints towards Kingdom Hearts 3. Unless of course those last two lines are suggesting that Kingodm Hearts 3 will be hinted at in 1.5... despite Nomura's claims that there will be no secret movie.


To anyone who hasn't played Dream Drop Distance or The Secret Message read at your own discretion.

Now that we know that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is coming, does DDD's secret message still have the same meaning to you?

Now, initially I assumed that this was a reference to Kingdom Hearts 3. Nomura did say this game set up to KH3, and there was also that image of Riku and Sora with light that appeared to be showing a "III"(3).

However, it can now be interpreted as a hint towards Kingdom Hearts 1.5:

"the past will be reawakened" = past games getting new life
"as a new number" = KH1, Days, CoM becomes "1.5"
"in never-before-seen detail" = HD

This is a bit disappointing, because it kind of means that we still have no kind of insight or hints towards Kingdom Hearts 3. Unless of course those last two lines are suggesting that Kingodm Hearts 3 will be hinted at in 1.5... despite Nomura's claims that there will be no secret movie.

It's clearly the HD remaster. It's a dead giveaway really, barely a riddle.


It's clearly the HD remaster. It's a dead giveaway really, barely a riddle.

Well, in hind sight, yes. However, I think the air around Dream Drop Distance was as a prelude to Kingdom Hearts 3 (which it is said to be), and I remember a few people interpreting that message as another hint towards KH3. We can't forget about that elusion to Kingdom Hearts 3 right before the message is delivered in form of that image of Sora and riku.


Well, in hind sight, yes. However, I think the air around Dream Drop Distance was as a prelude to Kingdom Hearts 3 (which it is said to be), and I remember a few people interpreting that message as another hint towards KH3. We can't forget about that elusion to Kingdom Hearts 3 right before the message is delivered in form of that image of Sora and riku.

You're forgetting the second part of the message.

prepare yourself for the awakening
of the next number

It's referring to both 1.5 (Possibly 2.5) and 3. How would you prepare yourself? By playing the HD versions of the previous ones.


You're forgetting the second part of the message.

It's referring to both 1.5 (Possibly 2.5) and 3. How would you prepare yourself? By playing the HD versions of the previous ones.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking about in my previous post. It does seem to blanket over both games.
Began my KH Challenge today, and surprisingly KH 1 is not as clunky as I remember. I guess it was a really bad mistake to play it straight after KH 2.
Also, does anyone know what the choices you do in the beginning of KH 1 do? The ones with Tidus, Waka, and Selphie?


Began my KH Challenge today, and surprisingly KH 1 is not as clunky as I remember. I guess it was a really bad mistake to play it straight after KH 2.
Also, does anyone know what the choices you do in the beginning of KH 1 do? The ones with Tidus, Waka, and Selphie?

The rate you level up at, I think.


It used to be thought that it was the rate you level up, fast, medium, or slow. This is not the case. I forget which is which, but theres 3 outcomes of the questions Tidus/Wakke/Selphie ask you. One of the you'll find yourself leveling up faster at lower levels but slowed down at high levels, one is the opposite of that, and the last is an even rate throughout.

EDIT: Found it on GameFAQS

If it says you leave at dawn, you level up faster at early levels and slower at later levels.
If it says you live at midday you level up at normal speed
If it says you leave at dusk you level up slower at early levels and faster at later levels.


I always got the leave at dusk option. It felt so ominous then (especially since I didn't use Gamefaqs back then). I hope KH3 brings back the quiz in some form.
It used to be thought that it was the rate you level up, fast, medium, or slow. This is not the case. I forget which is which, but theres 3 outcomes of the questions Tidus/Wakke/Selphie ask you. One of the you'll find yourself leveling up faster at lower levels but slowed down at high levels, one is the opposite of that, and the last is an even rate throughout.

EDIT: Found it on GameFAQS

If it says you leave at dawn, you level up faster at early levels and slower at later levels.
If it says you live at midday you level up at normal speed
If it says you leave at dusk you level up slower at early levels and faster at later levels.
Ah, thanks.
And shit, I think I got dawn :S


Jeeze, Terra-Xehanort's kicking my ass as the Lingering Will.

Can't even imagine playing this on Proud or Critical.


Neo Member
Hi All, I played 358/2 days, Birth by Sleep and Chain of Memories. I had a good time playing BBS. While I played 358/2day just to finish it then didnt finish Chain of Memories because I didnt feel like paying it anymore. Hopefully I get the chance to play the numbered titles in the collection to be released in PS3 as well as try playing again Chain of Memories so that I can finish it and know the story.

Any news about the next game from this franchise? I hope they release a similar BBS game in the Vita :D really enjoyed playing that and looking at Aqua.lol


To anyone who hasn't played Dream Drop Distance or The Secret Message read at your own discretion.

Now that we know that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is coming, does DDD's secret message still have the same meaning to you?

Sorry, but it's really super obvious. As Seda said, there's practically no riddle.

Ah, thanks.
And shit, I think I got dawn :S

Tbh I think it's the best one since you really don't have to be max level for most stuff.

Maybe not that good if you're going to tackle all the optional superbosses though.

Hi All, I played 358/2 days, Birth by Sleep and Chain of Memories. I had a good time playing BBS. While I played 358/2day just to finish it then didnt finish Chain of Memories because I didnt feel like paying it anymore. Hopefully I get the chance to play the numbered titles in the collection to be released in PS3 as well as try playing again Chain of Memories so that I can finish it and know the story.

Any news about the next game from this franchise? I hope they release a similar BBS game in the Vita :D really enjoyed playing that and looking at Aqua.lol

I hope so too, the numbered titles really are the best. Most agree that BbS has the best combat, but otherwise the handheld titles bow before the main games.

Yläfemma :D

mitä kummaa, paljastinko itteni josssain vaiheessa vai mistä tiesit et oon suomalainen? xd
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