January 2, 2017?
January 2, 2017?
I have a theory that Nomura accidentally split the development team in half while experimenting with new systems for KH III. One team was led by Tetsuya, Seeker of Darkness, and sought to establish a direct line to Kingdom Hearts III using Chi to expand the story and fill in the missing pieces, while the other team, lead by Rumanox, sought to make their own connections by sprinkling bits and pieces of possible Kingdom Hearts III connections in HD Remixes, and if we buy both Chi and 2.8, They'll reform into the KH III development team.
But it was never really Nomura. It was this guy taking Nomura's name after stealing a random dude's body.
The real Nomura condemned any new systems in KH III that didn't involve Lightning and they overthrew him. So he secretly worked with Disney to put KH stuff in Disney Infinity 3.0 to eventually put Lightning into the Disney canon, making her part of one of the most iconic brands of all time and completing her popularity quest.
So I guess they're just doing Aquas part of BBSv2 and going up to KH1 in terms of timeline. (minus working in KH3 and/or blankpoints) If they go for the other stuff like Kairi at the mansion it's going to be interesting how they work that in plotwise. I guess flashback to the present time and what's happening there as Mickey tells more of Aquas story.KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage –
The most interesting thing is a very brief mention of BBS 0.2's story. It says it happens sometime along Aqua's loitering around in the Realm of Darkness, but it is specifically hiding where in the 10 year gap between BBS and KH1 this occurs.
While wandering around the Realm of Darkness, Aqua pursues the events that unfold before her. Within this lies never before seen experiences and encounters.
Fear not Youngall i ever wanted was the english version of unchained
Does Australia speak English?
Does Australia speak English?
It's relatively widespread as a second language, but there's still a considerable section of the population who can only speak Australian, especially the older generations. Most media just uses English audio and Australian subtitles, so an English translation could be inferred from that.
It's relatively widespread as a second language, but there's still a considerable section of the population who can only speak Australian, especially the older generations. Most media just uses English audio and Australian subtitles, so an English translation could be inferred from that.
Type-0 online tho
so Falk...when can we know if DDD is getting a remastered soundtrack?
or does it not need one?
Oh come now, you know I can't answer that. If I knew and the answer was 'yes', I can't say 'yes', and if I knew and the answer was 'no', I can't say 'no'.
I have to conclude you're only asking to make me feel bad.
Falk was on the verge of saying some confidential this morning. Probably for the best.
If you're reading this, I'm sorry for all the questioning
KH 0.2? What in the fuck is that? A prologue to KH3, something like GZ to TPP?
Fuck your weird ass naming conventions, SE
KH 0.2? What in the fuck is that? A prologue to KH3, something like GZ to TPP?
Fuck your weird ass naming conventions, SE
I want you guys to weigh in on this.
I'm gonna take it back to Chain of Memories.
This was back when I didn't mind game titles not named Kingdom Hearts and then "one number" after it, because Chain of Memories is very important, we all know this.
What is your guys opinions on the constant non "sequel but very important prelude, prequel" whatever you wanna call it games, whether BBS, or 358/2 Days, or re:coded, Dream Drop, secret endings, Final Mixes, all of that shit. I'm not talking about the quality of the games, I'm talking about the constant "avoiding the Kindgom Hearts 3" in the room thing for almost 10 years thing.
Don't care? Liked it? Doesn't matter because the games were good?
Opinion, KH GAF?
it was kinda funny seeing what they could come up with before finally going, "okay, i guess we finally need to do this"
i wonder what KH3 would be without all of that, and if i instead cycled right into 3? Would KH DDD been considered 3? and what we see as 3 would be 4.
and where would BbS fit into that? KH0: The Prequel? or would it be a story told by mickey or someone else the same way 0.2 apparently might be
Thought provoking, were the inbetween games necessary for the potential greatness of Kingdom Hearts 3?it was kinda funny seeing what they could come up with before finally going, "okay, i guess we finally need to do this"
i wonder what KH3 would be without all of that, and if i instead cycled right into 3? Would KH DDD been considered 3? and what we see as 3 would be 4.
and where would BbS fit into that? KH0: The Prequel? or would it be a story told by mickey or someone else the same way 0.2 apparently might be
i guess we all knew BbS was coming then. lets assume it was always going to be a prequel too.BBS is a game that would have happened anyway but I think it's possible DDD might not have if the situation allowed for them to make a KH3 earlier. I do think back in 2007 or whatever that KH3 was planned to happen right after BBS considering Nomura couldn't shut up about it.
Also BBS, Coded and Days were all announced at the same time so all of those were happening.
i would say they are all important at this point to shed light on different things. BbS/Days/(ReThought provoking, were the inbetween games necessary for the potential greatness of Kingdom Hearts 3?
Did the previous games pave the way for the new battle system and whatnot that KH3 has going on?
I would imagine that if BBS or Dream Drop was never created, KH3 would have played more like KH2 with a little less newness and pizzazz than the KH3 that we know of now, according to the trailers and clips.
im tired of waiting for this fuckin game im going to fight nomura at square enix hqI wont post the scans (for obvious reasons), but KHInsider has a translation of the BBS 0.2 tidbit in there and
So I guess they're just doing Aquas part of BBSv2 and going up to KH1 in terms of timeline. (minus working in KH3 and/or blankpoints) If they go for the other stuff like Kairi at the mansion it's going to be interesting how they work that in plotwise. I guess flashback to the present time and what's happening there as Mickey tells more of Aquas story.
Even if it's just a couple of hours I think i'll enjoy it, the Secret Episode ended up taking me about a hour and had a suprising amount of area to explore, so going by that it might end up having a decent amount of padding. That and i'm just so excited to get a taste of the KH3 engine, and in the darkrealm of all locations. That and this is the first taste of a new (non iOS/browser) Kingdom Hearts since funnily enough the Secret Episode in BBS Final Mix
Fear not YoungbladeBlood Diamonds your time shall come. It got rated by the Aus Classification Board so it can't be too far off
--Can you tell us about the meaning of [0.2]'s title, Fragmentary Passage?
Nomura: As far as content goes, we can't include a full volume of content to play with like the second chapter of [KHBbS], so it's just a fragment, and we left that part of the subtitle. [0.5] is one of the letters and numbers that appeared in the secret episode of [KHBbS FM], and that meant full volume, so we decided on [0.2] this time, to indicate that there will be more content to come. However, the remaining passage will be told in [KHIII], so we wanted to show that this production is closely related to [KHIII].
Full Dengeki interview, thought this was interesting:
I want you guys to weigh in on this.
I'm gonna take it back to Chain of Memories.
This was back when I didn't mind game titles not named Kingdom Hearts and then "one number" after it, because Chain of Memories is very important, we all know this.
What is your guys opinions on the constant non "sequel but very important prelude, prequel" whatever you wanna call it games, whether BBS, or 358/2 Days, or re:coded, Dream Drop, secret endings, Final Mixes, all of that shit. I'm not talking about the quality of the games, I'm talking about the constant "avoiding the Kindgom Hearts 3" in the room thing for almost 10 years thing.
Don't care? Liked it? Doesn't matter because the games were good?
Opinion, KH GAF?
Full Dengeki interview, thought this was interesting:
Which means...So essentially they broke what would have been 0.5 into 0.2 and "0.3" part will be somewhat integrated into KH3?
I hope so. They've so far only shown Sora, but I've tried to remain cautiously hopeful about them not ignoring the rest of the have-been-playable-and-should-be-in-III-as-well characters (Aqua, Ven, Riku) and the new would-be-cool-if-playable characters (Kairi, Lea) in the game. I really hope Sora isn't the only playable character, even if the rest were just shorter story-mandated instances instead of the whole game being playable with 7 characters or something (think: Siri in Witcher 3, less having to replay everything like DDD & BBS), though of course an option to pick your character (maybe closer to the end of the game) would be awesome.Which means...
Playable Aqua!?!?!
I think everything up until & including DDD wasn't too bad. KH1, 2 & ReCom all ended up being available for PS2 and prior to Dream Drop Distance, BBS was the only major KH that you absolutely needed to have something other than PS2 to get the major mainline-ish releases. ReCoded and Days have very little story relevancy and I doubt anyone would be all that confused if they skip those. Even Chi wasn't all that horrible before when it was only a browser game, considering how little meaningful story it has had so far (it basically just expands the whole World Separation/Keyblade origin myth to include characters called the Foretellers & a book of prophecy).My opinion on the matter has changed a bit over the years; I didn't mind it back during the Coded/Days/BBS days, because the team that Nomura wanted to have work on KH3 were busy working on Versus XIII/helping work on XIII. Moreover, I think it was clear from the Secret Endings in KH2 that BBS was always intended to be the next "main game" in the series.
After Dream Drop Distance came out though, I realized that Nomura was going too far with it. He has this problem that's apparent in every single entry in the KH series, at least since KH2: every game has to have some sort of massive plot twist or new piece of information, as if the game didn't deserve to exist if it merely maintained the status quo of the KH-verse.
At this point, it really is going to be difficult for him to bring the general audience up to speed and not overwhelm them. It worked fine in KH2, because there was only one game in-between it and the original. Chain of Memories had a twist, sure, but it wasn't a huge game changer that forced fans to change the way they saw the story of the series. It just set the stage for KH2 and gave hints at Organization XIII.
Five years ago, after BBS was released, I thought KH3 could have pulled off a similar summary because the only really vital game that had been released after KH2 was BBS. The details in Days and Coded were important, but it all still felt manageable. DDD messed that up big time and I think Nomura's decision to incorporate stuff from Chi into the canon and storyline for KH3 probably won't help matters.
That said, I still love Kingdom Hearts. I'm excited to see where Nomura goes with KH3, even if I'm skeptical for how well he'll pull it off.
I must be the only one who hopes Sora is the only playable character for the main story with mayyybe some short bursts with the others like Mickey, Roxas and Riku for KH2. Focus on one character usually makes gameplay progression feel better for RPGs at least for me. Anyway if there is another playable character the safest bet is obviously Aqua at this point since they will put in gameplay work for her in 0.2.
And I bet you right now: Lea/Aqua/Riku or whoever will be a DLC episode. I just feel SE wants to do something to monetize KH3 outside of the main sales (well they kinda already do with 0.2) and Final Mix is probably a thing of the past. I think they will do a whole new episode rather than an ''expansion/director's cut'' approach. And I just don't see Nomura/Yasue wanting Microtransactions for it.
They could even make it standalone like InFamous First Light/Festival of Blood