Yeah DDD I think was the final straw of what I could take from silliness in the series before I lost it. Now I just roll with it and enjoy the gameplay, though it will be nice to get a conclusion and have everything introduced post-2 wrapped up.
I don't really see why DDD is thought to be some kind of breaking point for so many people. It's really not all that different from a lot of other fantasy stories where some ancient evil from the past returns/rematerializes through some BS magic or the other. That Master Xehanort can pull the "souls" of his other incarnations through time for a final showdown isn't really all that outlandish a concept. It was explained in a somewhat convoluted manner, but the idea of fighting Master Xehanort & all his incarnations makes for a pretty epic finale .
I mean, is it really any more dumb than the crazy shit Marvel has been doing with their comics this year/the last few months? If anything, this is pretty tame in comparison.
I kinda want to platinum a KH game but I'm not too much into repeating the entire game. How would you guys order the platinum difficulty of the HD game?
I also wish KH 0.2 has a very easy platinum.
If you don't want repeat playthroughs, then 1.5 is out completely. KH1 needs to be played through 3 times for a Platinum and Re:Com, what, 6 times? Neither is all that hard, but the repetition is a killer.
I think KHII might be the only viable game, since I think difficulty trophies stack in that one (?) and there's only one character to play as, while in BBS you have to play through the same partly sucky side-content 3 times for a 100% with all characters, which I think is needed for Platinum. KHIIFM has some difficult optional content, but all in all it seems like the most manageable one from a pure time-consumption & non-repetition POV.