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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!


People are complaining that Chi's ending was it'sfuckingnothing.gif lol

I hope we don't have to wait too much in order to Unchained to catch up and begin season 2 after 2.8.


Trust Nomura to make a browser game/mobile game(s first season) ending sad :(
It's not like we didn't know where it was headed though.

Looking forward to seeing what happens next week and what happens in Unchained season 2. It feels like a maingame where i'm left waiting for the next plot details/seeing what happens next, except i'm gonna have to wait a week.

Then season 2 (not looking forward to having to play tons of Unchained to catchup)

Then 2.8.
I hope we don't have to wait too much in order to Unchained to catch up and begin season 2 after 2.8.
Unchained was pretty close to Chi with story updates last time I checked with the Japanese version so I think it'll get there pretty soon.

The English version on the other hand.
People are complaining that Chi's ending was it'sfuckingnothing.gif lol

I hope we don't have to wait too much in order to Unchained to catch up and begin season 2 after 2.8.

I mean, literally the instant Back Cover was announced people should have known that Chi itself wasn't going to contain any exclusive story content that'd truly matter for KH3.


The English version on the other hand.
We aren't THAT much behind. We'll almost be caught up to Japan('s current situation) in about two months, which isn't too bad considering we got started on the game only a few months ago while Japan's been at it for almost a year.


Wow yeah. The English version's picked up with updates since I last paid attention to it.

It felt like it was going at a fairly slow pace compared to Japan at the start in spite of them doing updates fairly regularly.

Edit: That Chi post-ending special episode.(spoilers obviously so don't click if you don't wanna be spoiled on the post-chi ending) I've gotta wait for translations but WHAT
After your character falls in the keyblade war they awake in Enchanted Dominion in the Present time with your Chirithy and there's a crow and a bunch of rose thorns and you wander off. The crow flies over to the other side which shows Malificent walking into the castle and comments on how Sora and the others probably wont be at this world/come to it. (so she can probably hatch up another scheme while Sora and co don't notice she's in Enchanted Dominion doing it)

Then Reconnect Kingdom Hearts pops up on the screen.

So I think Chi Unchained season 2 may actually be your character exploring the current (or leading into KH3) timeperiod. Maybe in the dreamworld or something so the canon doesn't get even more rediculous and add more characters to the current time, but this is Nomura so it wouldn't suprise me.


Re: the UNCHAINED ZERO special ending:

So did Maleficent get a hold of a Book of Prophecies, as she was kind of hinting at in Re:Coded? Or was the entirety of chi some sort of Dream Drop Distance for the player, breaking out of the Book of Prophecies?
My brain hurts.


2.8 getting a playable demo and trailer at TGS. A foregone conclusion, but nevertheless it should be known. No KHIII listed, also no surprise there.

Re: the UNCHAINED ZERO special ending:

So did Maleficent get a hold of a Book of Prophecies, as she was kind of hinting at in Re:Coded? Or was the entirety of chi some sort of Dream Drop Distance for the player, breaking out of the Book of Prophecies?
My brain hurts.

Feels like what would happen if someone stuck the Hundred Acres Woods book in Chip and Dale's Re:coded simulator and just left it running.



Unchained new world/story spoilers for post-chi
So Ven in the anniversary art wasn't just a coincidence, good to know. The three worlds are probably Enchanted Dominion, Castle of Dreams and a new world, fits in with the princesses of heart fairy tale theme. I wonder what the last world is though. I'm looking forward to it when we finally get there.

Farming in Chi for Unchained medals on the avatar board was such a grind, but at least it's over and done with now and i've got a few decent medals to show for it. Now i've just gotta catchup.
So... Thoughts on 2.8 + 3 on PS4 Pro? What do you expect/want?

I expect nothing, I want 0.2/3 to be locked 30 fps. The footage has had some farme drops. Of course nice AA would be appreciated, I don't really care about 4k or HDR yet with my monitor.

Also with 3 and the more open areas could benefit from better draw distance that should be easy with the new GPU. The e3 footage you could spot some popups if you pay close attention.


So... Thoughts on 2.8 + 3 on PS4 Pro? What do you expect/want?
I'm not a deeply knowledgable tech person, so I'm not sure if the game being very small in size (as opposed to most AAA games) has any effect on a game being able to hit higher frame rates but if it does 60ps for 0.2 would be cool. Even if they could get it to 60fps for the Pro mode I'm not sure they would bother though tbh. But otherwise just nicer IQ all around, since the direct feed gameplay shown in the Premium Showcase video they released does look a bit blurry/unclean.

For KHIII just rock solid 1080p 30fps, make everything look cleaner and nicer overall. FFXV seems to be benefiting a lot in terms of image quality from PS4 Pro so I hope KHIII has a similar amount of improvement (even though they're on different engines).


To import the game and get it 2 weeks early and regret it immediately after it comes out in English, but be glad I did it for two weeks, or to not import it.

Even though I shouldn't i'm leaning towards importing it and picking up the English version later.


To import the game and get it 2 weeks early and regret it immediately after it comes out in English, but be glad I did it for two weeks, or to not import it.

Even though I shouldn't i'm leaning towards importing it and picking up the English version later.

Missed the trailer from the livestream, but here it is (I think?)

I like the new remix of Hikari. It's not exactly planitb Hikari good, but I'm into it

best mix is still godson


Did that trailer reveal how Aqua will escape the Realm of Darkness?
Looks like she's getting ready to jump into that gaping portal the Darksides are conjuring, which we know can spit people out to other places. What are the odds she ends up on DI and we see that scene with Sora and the Master's Keyblade play out like in that very first teaser for KHIII?



Did that trailer reveal how Aqua will escape the Realm of Darkness?
Looks like she's getting ready to jump into that gaping portal the Darksides are conjuring, which we know can spit people out to other places. What are the odds she ends up on DI and we see that scene with Sora and the Master's Keyblade play out like in that very first teaser for KHIII?



I like that idea.


Did that trailer reveal how Aqua will escape the Realm of Darkness?
Looks like she's getting ready to jump into that gaping portal the Darksides are conjuring, which we know can spit people out to other places. What are the odds she ends up on DI and we see that scene with Sora and the Master's Keyblade play out like in that very first teaser for KHIII?

When you say it like that, all I can picture is Sora
looting the keyblade from her waterlogged corpse after she washes up on the shore.


I didn't word that too well. I'm pondering on whether I should import a Japanese copy of 2.8 to get it early despite it coming out 2 weeks later in English.
Did that trailer reveal how Aqua will escape the Realm of Darkness?
Looks like she's getting ready to jump into that gaping portal the Darksides are conjuring, which we know can spit people out to other places. What are the odds she ends up on DI and we see that scene with Sora and the Master's Keyblade play out like in that very first teaser for KHIII?

That would be pretty neat. I'm expecting something more tragic though
Maybe Aqua saving Mickey and explaining how they get separated and that she has to stay behind. Still though, this was originally meant to be a part of KH3s intro/prologue, so they might show her escaping.


So is this proof that the Drop mechanic has been nixed from Dream Drop Distance HD?

For comparison:

What exactly will that entail? Will you be able to switch between Sora and Riku freely or at save points? Will the game force it on you at certain points (bosses, world clear)?

And will the Dream Eater system receive similar alterations?

Also, how about that box art:


Re: CoM feels so much harder than the GBA one. Maybe it's because it runs at the same pace as a normal KH game so micromanaging cards is harder. I'm stuck on Marluxia.


Re: CoM feels so much harder than the GBA one. Maybe it's because it runs at the same pace as a normal KH game so micromanaging cards is harder. I'm stuck on Marluxia.

The key to winning boss fights with Sora: stack your deck so you can fire off consecutive Sonic Blade sleights and cheese the shit out of anything that isn't the final boss. Some people swear by Lethal Flame, but the lead up from activation to strike leaves you open to getting card broken.


The key to winning boss fights with Sora: stack your deck so you can fire off consecutive Sonic Blade sleights and cheese the shit out of anything that isn't the final boss. Some people swear by Lethal Flame, but the lead up from activation to strike leaves you open to getting card broken.

I did that but the problem is I'm stuck on the final boss. Sonic Blade and Lethal Frame can't actually hit his first form and he moves around too quickly to blitz, so i have to take my chances with front-loading my deck with my highest numbers and throwing down Maleficent to get my damage in, or throwing down Jafar and hammering x as quickly as I can.

Best way to Lethal Frame is to use Jafar beforehand because it'll prevent them from breaking it. Couldn't beat Axel until I figured that out.

The GBA version is more difficult IMO. Someday I wish they will give it an HD upspruce

For me the slower gameplay and limited space that the GBA version has is actually an advantage because it affords you more time to think about your moves. The Re version feels like I'm trying to play a game of war/poker while playing Kingdom Hearts 1 simultaneously.
Re: CoM feels so much harder than the GBA one. Maybe it's because it runs at the same pace as a normal KH game so micromanaging cards is harder. I'm stuck on Marluxia.

I think dodging is much better/more accurate than in the GBA one, and just about every enemy move can be dodged if you're not able to cancel it. I dunno, the PS2 version totally felt easier to me because I felt like I had more control over what happened to Sora.

Way way way more important than in the GBA one to just go all Sleights all the way, though. As soon as you start just firing off sleights and only ever really using individual cards to neutralize enemy moves, you've got the basic strategy down (and then it's just about unlocking as many Sleights for yourself as possible, as quickly as possible).

The main bummer in both versions of Chain of Memories is the way that different Keyblade cards work, IMO. When Sleights are kinda what matter most, it's hard to feel like slightly more powerful swings of the keyblade are in any way better than being able to fit more cards in your deck, ever. I wish CoM and Re:CoM had just turned different Keyblades into actual equipment for Sora and kept the actual Attack card totally generic. *shrug*


Now that i've gotten off of Chi i'm addicted to Unchained. After all that complaining about how it's not as good as Chi I endup playing it for hours on end everytime I boot it up.:lol (helps that the Japanese version is more generous than the NA version with stuff, has more content at the moment, and is on the first anniversary month so they're doing so many events) I caughtup just in time too, Castle of Dreams is just one story update away!

It's gonna be interesting to see how it diverges from Chi now that we're finally getting towards that point.
Chi ending spoilers
I'm very curious to see what happens with the fortellers and unions and how it all playsout now that it seems that the keyblade war isn't gonna start until much later. It's gonna be so nice to finally have new story content that isn't filler or a redux of Chi.
I hope it gets uploaded
Ditto. One day I hope we get to see it now that we know it's out there.


I finally beat Marluxia by abandoning sleights entirely and replacing all non healing magic with a boss card. Went in with Vexen, Jafar, Maleficent, and Neo shadow.


I said this in the FF thread about KH3 and it hit me that I prolly should've said it here..... anybody else curious to see how Nomura uses Noctis in KH3? Hahaha Nomura is prolly crying tears of joy. Noctis and Sora fighting together!
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