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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!

My man. That would be amazing, and needs to happen.

I really don't see them pushing character DLC here. This is Nomura's treasure so it'll probably massive, epic and with the lesser amount of SE shitty shenanigans.

I think a Mirage Arena-esque thing is going to exist and is going to be the repository for the vast majority of DLC (just like how FFXIII-2 handled it).

KH1's Olympus Coliseum is still the best such thing in the series in terms of actually being rewarding (you actually get experience, experience matters much more in KH1, and the timed/solo trials come with rewards), but I'm pretty tired of that world appearing in the games, so hopefully the Titan battle in KH3 is all we'll get of that. Though James Woods as Hades never gets old.


Another day, another Kingdom Hearts game The Jungle Book didn't make the final cut into. :(

Also Chi's final update has been delayed for another week and split into three updates.
The 25th, 29th of August and September 1st. Wonder if they added something extra, needed more time, or they just decided to spread it out a littlebit.


From a purely variety POV & as far as these PS2-esque KHs go, I'm not really all that sad for no Jungle Book worlds. We had the Tarzan world in 1, Lion King world with some jungle parts in KHII and the Peter Pan world is also somewhat of a jungle in BBS, so more jungles in the form of a Jungle Book world isn't that big of a loss, especially if it meant that we got worlds like Fantasia & Tron 2 instead.

That said, maybe now that we've jumped two console generations forward, it'd be nice to see what they could do with a jungle world on PS4.
I really wish the original idea for the Fantasia world (the original movie for Sora and Fantasia 2000 for Riku) would have panned out. A boss fight based on the Firebird suite would've been the coolest thing.
I really wish the original idea for the Fantasia world (the original movie for Sora and Fantasia 2000 for Riku) would have panned out. A boss fight based on the Firebird suite would've been the coolest thing.

on the bright side, we got the Spellican boss fight instead, so there's that


I feel like the one thing they did wrong with the Fantasia world and probably could've benfitted by using 2000 aswell is using Chernabog again. That boss fight didn't compare to the music and atmosphere of the original and that absolutely can't be topped for me.

I completely forgot about the Spellican battle, but now I remember how awesome it was. Honestly for all of its bad elements i'm glad one thing DDD never lacked in was world variety.
It's more of a superfluous world rather than a bare necessity, I suppose :/
The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife ~
Couldn't help it
From a purely variety POV & as far as these PS2-esque KHs go, I'm not really all that sad for no Jungle Book worlds. We had the Tarzan world in 1, Lion King world with some jungle parts in KHII and the Peter Pan world is also somewhat of a jungle in BBS, so more jungles in the form of a Jungle Book world isn't that big of a loss, especially if it meant that we got worlds like Fantasia & Tron 2 instead.

That said, maybe now that we've jumped two console generations forward, it'd be nice to see what they could do with a jungle world on PS4.
Yeah Kingdom Hearts 1 was no big loss because of Tarzan, Pridelands felt a bit barren to me, so I would've been happy with The Jungle Book in there aswell, but yeah it does match the world theme/style. Also agreed on Peter Pan, i'm still glad we got a few areas maps done though (even if small) to see what they had in mind for it though.

But yeah it would definitely be a good time to see what they could do with one with the Generational jump and switch to a new artstyle.


Wasn't there supposed to be some announcement/surprise this month?

Everyone thought whatever it was would come at Gamescom, but as far as I'm aware there's been nothing yet.


Wasn't there supposed to be some announcement/surprise this month?

Everyone thought whatever it was would come at Gamescom, but as far as I'm aware there's been nothing yet.
No? Unless you're thinking of the KH First Breath concert in Japan (where they gave some story details about Namine communicating with Terra). The only time period that's been hinted at for KH news is just "Winter" for KHIII.


No? Unless you're thinking of the KH First Breath concert in Japan (where they gave some story details about Namine communicating with Terra). The only time period that's been hinted at for KH news is just "Winter" for KHIII.

Hmm maybe I misread something somewhere then.
Wasn't there supposed to be some announcement/surprise this month?

Everyone thought whatever it was would come at Gamescom, but as far as I'm aware there's been nothing yet.

I really wouldn't expect too much PR effort/money to be put into KH3 until FFXV is released (and probably not until most of its DLC has been released as well).


I really wouldn't expect too much PR effort/money to be put into KH3 until FFXV is released (and probably not until most of its DLC has been released as well).
I don't think they will worry about staying quiet on it for the benefit of FFXV's DLC at all, but in terms of the main game yeah definitely. I'm hoping for (and think we will get) a meaty KHIII trailer at Jump Festa (which is close to a month after FFXV launches, if it's not delayed again).


C'mon it's inevitable. They can't leave them doomed to PS3 obscurity.
It'll happen eventually, but I think it'll be later rather than sooner sadly.

And on that note it's kind of interesting to look at how late into the PS3 and PS2's lifecycles when they came out (in the West at least for Re:CoM) they were.

Re:CoM cameout December 2nd 2008 in NA, but didn't get a European release.
And 2.5 cameout in October 2014 in Japan, and December for the rest of the world.

I wouldn't relate it to happening with 1.5 or 2.5 on PS4, but I find it interesting that both of them cameout fairly late into their consoles lifecycles.
I was thinking more of an announcement for 1.5/2.5 for PS4.

Isn't there a licensing issue with Utada Hikaru's music being available on digital platforms? Isn't the reason that you can't buy any Kingdom Hearts game digitally?

I wonder if they'd remove her songs for digital releases, or try to work out some agreement.
Isn't there a licensing issue with Utada Hikaru's music being available on digital platforms? Isn't the reason that you can't buy any Kingdom Hearts game digitally?

I wonder if they'd remove her songs for digital releases, or try to work out some agreement.

One reason I'm ''excited'' for 2.8 is to see if they removed the Utada song from DDD credits (assuming it's getting a digital release...) so we can finally put this debate to rest.


Already played DDD on 3DS. Will be jumping straight into Aqua's Journey. And like I said before... I really hope Older Sora and Older Riku's models can be playable for DDD because I am so freaking tired of seeing those younger models.


DDD will be my fallback KH game on 2.8, lucky last which i'll purposely avoid playing until there's nothing else left.

With that said though it's been long enough for me to enjoy and hate it all over again, so I don't mind replaying it.
One reason I'm ''excited'' for 2.8 is to see if they removed the Utada song from DDD credits (assuming it's getting a digital release...) so we can finally put this debate to rest.
The unforunate thing is we probably wont know until not long before it releases if it's getting a digital release or not (unless they confirm it in a PR)
I wonder if they'd remove her songs for digital releases, or try to work out some agreement.
Well if they were negociating her new song for 3 that would've probably have been the best time to do it if that was really the problem.


Assuming it's not purely SQEX (considering they have no problem releasing games of their own through digital distribution), Disney (who have all kinds of digital distribution for movies, games & such) or Utada Hikaru, at this point I imagine it has maybe something to do with the original contracts between SQEX & Disney.

Maybe they'd need to renegotiate the deal if they were to add rights to digital distribution (of "traditional" retail/console games) and they can't come to an agreement (maybe Disney wants a bigger cut, or SQEX). So it perhaps isn't purely SQEX's fault and it isn't purely Disney's fault, but both of theirs if they can't come to an agreement of some kind of a deal for digital distribution, so they just keep going with whatever the old contract was and ignoring digital releases.


That's basically what I assumed it came down to if it's not the music. Wouldn't be the firsttime contracts have had issues like this pop-up when it comes to digital versions and not including them in a era where it wasn't future proofed. (and digital distrubution for consoles/ahndhe wasn't really much of a thing back when the original Kingdom Hearts released, and still wasn't until much later)

If the Sony needs a digital version on PS4/Vita rule is still mandatory now (or they're not lax on it due to rights issues/specific cases) would probably be the best time to discuss re-negotiating the deal/contract for future titles so they can release them digitally with it being bought up with 2.8.


knew Malyse would show up when Utada's song rights were mentioned

Me too <3



You can't really blame people for thinking Utada Hikaru or her record label might be to blame. There are countless of examples of songs/artists/record labels in particular preventing digital (re-)releases of older games (not only stuff like Crisis Core from SQEX themselves, but lots of games from other publishers as well) and especially since Hikari/Simple & Clean and Passion/Sanctuary are the only things that all KH games have in common, it makes it seem like an even likelier explanation. If it was some IP like Tarzan (Disney doesn't have rights to use it any way they want anymore, right?), why would it prevent games that don't have Tarzan from being released digitally?

That said and as I said earlier, at this point I expect some antiqued pre-digital distribution contracts to be the reason behind the lack of digital releases, one way or the other.


So? PS4 took a long time from initial "ok, so what about that next PlayStation" discussions to R&D to actually launching and PSVR/vr stuff in general has maybe been in some stages of R&D at Sony for even longer. It doesn't make much sense putting either in some list of things released since 2013 without considering all the work & time that has gone to actually getting both to the point of launching.

KHIII has been in development for about four years now and that includes initial planning/pre-development for KHIII, parts of the dev team remastering 5 games, creating tons of new stuff (incl. one feature length movie and a lengthy completely new playable scenario) and everything else. Not all that long for a game that is supposedly the massively epic conclusion to a story 15 years in the making, especially taking into account the huge leap Osaka Team has had to take from PS2 level games to jumping straight to PS4 level development and having to switch game engines in the middle of development.

In comparison, Deus Ex Mankind Divided took 6 years, Mafia III has taken a similar 6 years and the new Zelda will have taken ~5,5 years by the time it's released. Ambitious games that take full advantage of the hardware and offer a lengthy adventure take time to develop. Who knew?
parts of the dev team remastering 5 games, creating tons of new stuff (incl. one feature length movie and a lengthy completely new playable scenario) and everything else

Buh buh they promised me it wouldn't affect KH3 development in any way!

In comparison, Deus Ex Mankind Divided took 6 years, Mafia III has taken a similar 6 years and the new Zelda will have taken ~5,5 years by the time it's released. Ambitious games that take full advantage of the hardware and offer a lengthy adventure take time to develop. Who knew?

Deus EX MD announced April 2015, released August 2016, Mafia III announced August 2015, released October 2016.

Zelda and KH3 are both garbage announcements doe :3 <3


Buh buh they promised me it wouldn't affect KH3 development in any way!
I'm sure they've tried to keep the hindrance to KHIII's development minimal and it probably was for at least 1.5's development, maybe 2.5's too since they possibly weren't at a stage of development (of KHIII) where they'd be all hands on deck and in full development, crunching out content at a fast pace with the whole team, but were still in early-ish stages of development (figuring out new gameplay systems, what worlds would be in the game etc.) and thus parts of the team were free to work on the remasters. I think 2.8 has probably had a bigger effect on its development, though hopefully nothing too horrible.

Just pointing out that they've actually released a couple of things in the meantime, so it's not really fair to claim KHIII is the only thing Osaka Team has pushed out, let alone all of SQEX.

Deus EX MD announced April 2015, released August 2016, Mafia III announced August 2015, released October 2016.

Zelda and KH3 are both garbage announcements doe :3 <3
I was talking about development times. Deus Ex might've been announced only last year but it has been in development for a long, loooong time and we've know for years that it's in development (or at least been able to make well educated guesses that Deus Ex is their next project), even if they didn't announce it until a year ago.

I'm not really bothered with early announcements other than in extreme cases like Versus XIII that wasn't in & eventually wouldn't even enter full development until over a half a decade later. We knew KHIII is the next project for Osaka Team since 2012. It doesn't make much of a difference to have it officially announced. If anything, it's nicer to have it in the open since fans know for certain the game they've been waiting for almost a decade is in active development and Nomura can actually talk about it from time to time and we've actually seen exciting looking gameplay from the game, instead of just getting not-subtle-at-all hints about the existence of the game while acting coy about actually announcing it.

I don't really subscribe to this ideology of absolute secrecy until the last possible minute lots of people have going on. Some people seem a bit too attached to the hype of newest thing. Maybe don't reveal uncertain projects and some experimental early prototypes that might not ever turn into full games, but in cases like KHIII where there's zero possibility of the game being cancelled or turning into something unrecognizable from initial showings, what's so bad about announcing it? We know Rockstar is developing another GTA, it would make very little difference if they already announced it. Marvel has, like, the 15 next MCU movies announced. Doesn't really make all that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things that several of them are barely in the production pipeline.


Kingdom Hearts 3 was just announced too early, even Nomura felt the announcement might have been a bit premature. Development time wise it seems fine to me. Osaka team doing 1.5, 2.5 and 2.8 aswell while 3's in development while it might have slowed things down a bit also helps the wait.

And Chi Unchained's getting Jungle Book medals, with these and the Zootopia ones I wonder if it'll amount to them being included in 3, or if it's just a neat bonus use of extra Disney propertys in Unchained.
I hope we start learning more about KH3's general movement/combat systems fairly quickly once they *do* start a PR push for it again. Attraction Flow, as an apparent merger of reaction commands/flowmotion/reality shift, strikes me as literally being a hybrid of some of the worst mechanics to hit the series (whereas KH2FM and BBSFM are *mostly* really really tight as far as that stuff is concerned). It's a little worrisome. And I hope that the Keyblade transformation stuff doesn't end up feeling gimmicky or merely like an improved spellcasting animation.
I could see Square pushing back to 2017 if they don't want to cannibalize FFXV. It's already in a tough spot with Pokemon and COD and Ubisoft's open world releasing in that period


SQEX really isn't afraid of releasing games within a short time span of each other. So end of November for FFXV and something like December 13th for KH2.8 is something that could happen.

As for the date announcement, TGS is somewhat likely but it could happen a bit later too.


So... when to expect a release date for 2.8? Now that FF XV got delayed, whats the fate of 2.8?
I think the release date + a new trailer + Nomura boxart will be revealed at Sony's TGS conference.

I don't think it will be delayed, I think it comes out on December 13 at least in the US, other days in that week for the rest of the world.
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