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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!


Majestic Wings is the best song on the DDD OST. I'd argue that any complaint about the game is instantly cura'd just with that song.
What's the song in DDD that plays when something dramatic is happening during a cutscene? Like when Xehanort is (spoilers obvs)
about to turn Sora into a Xehanort but Axel steps in
That Eraqus battle is pretty hard, even with the Dark Impulse command style.

I dunno, Shotlock is overpowered enough that I tended not to start using it whatsoever until some of the more difficult Mirage Arena battles. I beat Eraqus without it; it was reasonably challenging, but I bet Shotlock would have made it a breeze.


I dunno, Shotlock is overpowered enough that I tended not to start using it whatsoever until some of the more difficult Mirage Arena battles. I beat Eraqus without it; it was reasonably challenging, but I bet Shotlock would have made it a breeze.

I tend to forget about those abilities, lol. But yeah, I think I should be able to beat him during my next session, with or without them.
Man these be boring times for KH fandom compared to earlier this year. We prolly will get some lazy trailer for 2.5 at Jump Festa next month but that's it for a while. KH3 will most definately be in hiatus at least till E3 and I am not convinced that the floodgates open for real till late 2014. The best I can hope for is much smaller gap with 2.5 localization so we can get the game before summer. That would be the best situation, I'd hate to think it would take 10 months from now to hit over here. But luckily I do think one of the strong points of SE is that they know how to keep up with the times in technology sense and I doubt they would delay a PS3 release for late 2014. They did some real work on those late PSP localizations when the platform was on it's way out in the west.

Oh well time to put the KH cap away for a while and hopefully don the Persona one for a change with the countdown shit and all that. PS4 release is cool and all but it kinda gets annoying when all the stuff is out there now but EU needs to wait 2 more weeks and even then it's not guaranteed for me and some others to get our hands on it.
Man these be boring times for KH fandom compared to earlier this year. We prolly will get some lazy trailer for 2.5 at Jump Festa next month but that's it for a while. KH3 will most definately be in hiatus at least till E3 and I am not convinced that the floodgates open for real till late 2014. The best I can hope for is much smaller gap with 2.5 localization so we can get the game before summer. That would be the best situation, I'd hate to think it would take 10 months from now to hit over here. But luckily I do think one of the strong points of SE is that they know how to keep up with the times in technology sense and I doubt they would delay a PS3 release for late 2014. They did some real work on those late PSP localizations when the platform was on it's way out in the west.

Oh well time to put the KH cap away for a while and hopefully don the Persona one for a change with the countdown shit and all that. PS4 release is cool and all but it kinda gets annoying when all the stuff is out there now but EU needs to wait 2 more weeks and even then it's not guaranteed for me and some others to get our hands on it.
Well you can always join Tumblr and follow Kingdom Hearts blogs lol

I won't be getting a PS4 anytime soon so I hope there's still support for the PS3 in 2014
I also hope that Persona 5 is for PS3


Man these be boring times for KH fandom compared to earlier this year.

Sounds like it's high time for SE to announce Dream Drop Distance Final Mix for Wii U. They can introduce an alternate play mode where Flowmotion is toned down but upgrades as you progress. Also you only have two Dream Eaters with you at all times, who learn skills and abilities by leveling up as opposed to gaining SP via minigame.

And they'll be called Dolan and Gooby. :p


KH2 is such a blast so far. I just got to Timeless River and what a nice concept that is. Overall, most things have been pretty much top notch so far. Well, the level design could be somewhat less straightforward and most of the battles are really easy (I haven't died once yet), but that's about everything I have in mind. I remember people saying earlier that KH2 was flawed in some ways, how so?

I'm also still playing through BBS, finally beat Eraqus.
Man these be boring times for KH fandom compared to earlier this year.

Well, I'm still getting mileage out of 1.5, and 2.5's JP release shouldn't be too far from now, and KHIII is at least confirmed to be a thing, however far from now that may be. As far as I'm concerned, I'm satisfied for now.


KH2 is such a blast so far. I just got to Timeless River and what a nice concept that is. Overall, most things have been pretty much top notch so far. Well, the level design could be somewhat less straightforward and most of the battles are really easy (I haven't died once yet), but that's about everything I have in mind. I remember people saying earlier that KH2 was flawed in some ways, how so?

I'm also still playing through BBS, finally beat Eraqus.

Most of Kingdom Hearts II's issues stem from characterization issues (particularly concerning Axel, Sora and Riku) and the absurdity of the retcons they pull off concerning the first game. The gameplay is still among the best in the series some 7 years later, though linearity and hack and slash complaints are there and fairly justified. The Final Mix adds some fantastic extra bosses to help mitigate the latter though.
KH2 is such a blast so far. I just got to Timeless River and what a nice concept that is. Overall, most things have been pretty much top notch so far. Well, the level design could be somewhat less straightforward and most of the battles are really easy (I haven't died once yet), but that's about everything I have in mind. I remember people saying earlier that KH2 was flawed in some ways, how so?

I'm also still playing through BBS, finally beat Eraqus.

You need to get 2.5 when it releases and play 2FM in critical mode with exp 0 equipped. So challenging but so rewarding.

And KH2 is flawed. Vanilla release is a bit too easy, post game content is very minimal, level design a step down from 1 with less collectibles, music quality can be ass for whatever reason at times, story pacing is a step down from 1, the intro sequence is ass on repeated playthroughs with the boring ass jobs and whatnot...

Final Mix does improve difficulty, adds post game content and sidequests/collectibles and ton of other stuff so it improves on stuff but KH2 is a step down on some areas compared to 1 tho no doubt it is also a big step up on some others.


Oh yes, I do plan to get both .5 editions, just don't know when yet. I'm pretty happy with vanilla KH2 so far, especially since I was able to find it sealed for an extremely low price.

I dunno about collectibles, by the way — KH1 had plenty of them, but more often than not it was another gummy block I wasn't even interested in. I also like the enhanced moogle synthesis, although it is still weird, because I wasn't able to manufacture even a single item until fairly late into the game.

But my next foray into KH2 will have to wait for two weeks or so. I've done some fair progress — stopped at the point where Hollow Bastion is engulfed by darkness and you have to go back and see (been Port Royal, Agrabah, Halloween Town and Atlantica prior to that, still have Pride Lands to go).

In the meantime, I've finished Terra's story in BBS. Couldn't make much of that ending, but I suppose it's going to be explained in the Aqua story or something? Anyway, that was pretty fun. That "Continue" button was a major annoyance though, who in the world thought of that? Basically, if you press "Retry" after a boss kills you, you instantly fight that boss again. But if you press "Continue", you return to the point where you were right before the encounter. Which, in case of BBS's final battle, means that you have to fight Xehanort + Vanitas all over again! I accidentally pressed "Continue" a couple of times, wasn't cool (it's also the default option when you die). Just why?
Sounds like it's high time for SE to announce Dream Drop Distance Final Mix for Wii U. They can introduce an alternate play mode where Flowmotion is toned down but upgrades as you progress. Also you only have two Dream Eaters with you at all times, who learn skills and abilities by leveling up as opposed to gaining SP via minigame.

And they'll be called Dolan and Gooby. :p

I'll be pretty surprised if we ever see a Kingdom Hearts game for the Wii U.


^ well, I mean... if there was to be a console version they'd need a second screen, right? Though I suppose if they're going to be making alternate modes or whatever, redoing the Reality Shift aspects so it can done on the main display would probably go hand-in-hand. Like what was done with The World Ends With You mobile port.

On another yet similar note: should we expect a more competent HD port for 2.5? I think we can all agree that there were some inconsistencies with 1.5's, KH1FM, however minor: resolution issues with the game's text and subtitles, certain instances where the new HD models derived from DDD weren't used, frame-drops in the camp menu, the occasional freezing bug. Meanwhile, Re:CoM... while basically being ignored and given just a simple upscale and barely any upgraded music... seemed much more stable. Text was uniform and I've yet to hear about any glitches affecting gameplay.

It was revealed that KH1FM's source code was lost, which made the HD port tricky to pull off and probably contributed to the port's issues. Hopefully KH2 and beyond haven't suffered similarly. Considering how well Re:CoM runs (it's running on borrowed KH2 code, isn't it?), the actual KH2FM should be fine. Here's hoping Square-Enix goes all out and dubs all those lines that had no english voice acting for the scenes exclusive to Final Mix... it was forgiveable in KH1FM but not here. Same with BBSFM.

And hell, as long as I'm wishing for shit: BBS Vol.2 as a unlockable chapter after 100%ing KH2FM and BBSFM. Because we'll probably never get it as a full game, so maybe a 3-5 hour sidequest that fills in on what happened in the Realm of Darkness? Yes please.


I didn't have many problems with this but apparently there was a big issue with sound drops in 1.5. I only had sound drop once and that was after the game had been on (idle) for an entire day. I had to restart to resolve that. Apparently others had issues more frequently.

Also the subtitle text didn't need to be so humongous. Re:CoM's subtitles were better, though.
As AMVish is it may be, someone actually did a pretty well put together compilation/montage of all of the Org. XIII boss fights in KHIIFM. It really reminds me of just how great the new KHIIFM boss battles were. Pumps me up for 2.5 even more.

Helps that boss battles were the only things Org. XIII was good for.

So, what's everyone's favorite KH world? I'm partial to both iterations of Halloween town, myself.

I don't think I could pick just one.

As far as worlds go, my shortlist of favorite worlds would probably look like:

Hollow Bastion (KH)
- Fantastic art design & atmosphere, best level design in the series (though that isn't saying much for everything post KH1) and pretty much the high point of the game (I'd argue the series too, actually) happens here.

Timeless River (KHII) - KHII's worlds are pretty barren point A to point B affairs with not much thrown in between, but just the idea and execution of this world is so charming that I can't even fault it in this case. This world alone was pretty much the reason I was excited for the game.

Radiant Garden (BBS)
- Far and away the best world in BBS. It's the one that made the most use out of the three character story setup, and it's just a really, really pleasant world to run around in. Helps that the new arrangement of Scherzo di Notte is pretty godlike.

Symphony of Sorcery (KH3D)
- After seeing how disappointing the Hunchback world was, I was really worried about this one, especially since Fantasia is pretty much my favorite thing to ever come out of Disney. They did a fantastic job, though. Muting battle cries and replacing them with musical sound effects outside of cutscenes was a brilliant decision, and the gleeful dissonance of wrecking stuff to the sound of The Nutcracker suite never fails to illicit a smile from me. My only disappointment is that they didn't go through with their original plan of incorporating Fantasia 2000 into the world. The Firebird suite could have been amazing.


Do you guys think KH 2.5 will be the same price as 1.5? It seems like this game will have more value... unless Coded's movie detracts from it greatly.


Junior Member
Do you guys think KH 2.5 will be the same price as 1.5? It seems like this game will have more value... unless Coded's movie detracts from it greatly.

Yes. FF X HD basically got a graphical overhaul but it's still $40. 2.5 Remix shouldn't be any different.


Ummmm, i bought 1.5 from SE's store on friday, and they didnt even send me a confirmation e-mail after the page that said "thank you for your order, we are processing it now."

All they sent me was an e-mail that there had been suspicious activity on my account, which was me. -____-

I hadn't used my SE account in so long, and then i made a purchase on it.

So they send me that e-mail but not a confirmation e-mail, an i doubt that they dont send confirmation e-mails, because what company doesnt? Smh, does anyone know how i can contact them in which i'll get a reply? Annoyed with this.

edit: WOW, phone support will resume December 2nd according to their website. Thats so...stupid

Now i have no way to knownif my order was put through or not.


Ummmm, i bought 1.5 from SE's store on friday, and they didnt even send me a confirmation e-mail after the page that said "thank you for your order, we are processing it now."

All they sent me was an e-mail that there had been suspicious activity on my account, which was me. -____-

I hadn't used my SE account in so long, and then i made a purchase on it.

So they send me that e-mail but not a confirmation e-mail, an i doubt that they dont send confirmation e-mails, because what company doesnt? Smh, does anyone know how i can contact them in which i'll get a reply? Annoyed with this.

edit: WOW, phone support will resume December 2nd according to their website. Thats so...stupid

Now i have no way to knownif my order was put through or not.

Why didn't you just buy 1.5 during the black friday sale on Amazon?


I'm more excited for BBS:FM ( I have both Final Mixes already, and HD 1.5 which I got a few days ago.)

Because I'll finally play the entire game and fight the superbosses IN HD. WITH REMASTERED MUSIC.

Well, that and I scratched my BBSFM UMD, which starts skipping on the cutscene after I beat the Mysterious Figure with Aqua.


I'm more excited for BBS:FM ( I have both Final Mixes already, and HD 1.5 which I got a few days ago.)

Because I'll finally play the entire game and fight the superbosses IN HD. WITH REMASTERED MUSIC.

Well, that and I scratched my BBSFM UMD, which starts skipping on the cutscene after I beat the Mysterious Figure with Aqua.

How badly does a UMD need to be scratched in order for that to happen, are they that delicate?

Or does it need to be a deep scratch?


How badly does a UMD need to be scratched in order for that to happen, are they that delicate?

Or does it need to be a deep scratch?

I don't have a firm idea on the durability. I honestly don't even remember any mishaps with it. There's just a scratch 1/5th of the length of a pinkie nail on the disc, and it looks pretty shallow too. Thank Sora they switched to flash carts for the Vita.


I don't have a firm idea on the durability. I honestly don't even remember any mishaps with it. There's just a scratch 1/5th of the length of a pinkie nail on the disc, and it looks pretty shallow too. It's a hell of a place to get it scratched up on though.

Was it scratched on the data layer?
It was brought to my attention that this is the player hub in KH: Chi
Looking at the art for it, I think it would be really cool if it had an appearance in KH3, albeit distanced from Chi, and hopefully with a new name.
Oh sorry, thanks for the info! There's a trophy for each difficulty level?

Yes and they don't stack unfortunately so if you want dat platinum you need 3 playtroughs. Luckily cutscenes can be skipped and you can do one playtrough easily in under 8 hours without even trying too much.

If you want that platinum you should do it like this:

1 playtrough you just 100% everything and don't worry bout a thing. (I recommend proud)
1 playtrough in under 15 hours (likely you will do 2 like this anyway since it is extremely forgiving timelimit) and without changing equipment (I recommend beginner)
1 playtrough without using a continue (I recommend standard) it is possible you get this one on your beginner mode run too.
Yes and they don't stack unfortunately so if you want dat platinum you need 3 playtroughs. Luckily cutscenes can be skipped and you can do one playtrough easily in under 8 hours without even trying too much.

If you want that platinum you should do it like this:

1 playtrough you just 100% everything and don't worry bout a thing. (I recommend proud)
1 playtrough in under 15 hours (likely you will do 2 like this anyway since it is extremely forgiving timelimit) and without changing equipment (I recommend beginner)
1 playtrough without using a continue (I recommend standard) it is possible you get this one on your beginner mode run too.

Oh God, these are the conditions for each trophy? That's really bad. Beat the game in less than 15 hours means no farming at all.
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